diff options
4 files changed, 20 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/install_db4.sh b/contrib/install_db4.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c7d39f5b99..0000000000
--- a/contrib/install_db4.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-# Install libdb4.8 (Berkeley DB).
-export LC_ALL=C
-set -e
-if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 <base-dir> [<extra-bdb-configure-flag> ...]"
- echo
- echo "Must specify a single argument: the directory in which db4 will be built."
- echo "This is probably \`pwd\` if you're at the root of the bitcoin repository."
- exit 1
-expand_path() {
- cd "${1}" && pwd -P
-BDB_PREFIX="$(expand_path "${1}")/db4"; shift;
-check_exists() {
- command -v "$1" >/dev/null
-sha256_check() {
- # Args: <sha256_hash> <filename>
- #
- if [ "$(uname)" = "FreeBSD" ]; then
- # sha256sum exists on FreeBSD, but takes different arguments than the GNU version
- sha256 -c "${1}" "${2}"
- elif check_exists sha256sum; then
- echo "${1} ${2}" | sha256sum -c
- elif check_exists sha256; then
- echo "${1} ${2}" | sha256 -c
- else
- echo "${1} ${2}" | shasum -a 256 -c
- fi
-http_get() {
- # Args: <url> <filename> <sha256_hash>
- #
- # It's acceptable that we don't require SSL here because we manually verify
- # content hashes below.
- #
- if [ -f "${2}" ]; then
- echo "File ${2} already exists; not downloading again"
- elif check_exists curl; then
- curl --insecure --retry 5 "${1}" -o "${2}"
- elif check_exists wget; then
- wget --no-check-certificate "${1}" -O "${2}"
- else
- echo "Simple transfer utilities 'curl' and 'wget' not found. Please install one of them and try again."
- exit 1
- fi
- sha256_check "${3}" "${2}"
-# Ensure the commands we use exist on the system
-if ! check_exists patch; then
- echo "Command-line tool 'patch' not found. Install patch and try again."
- exit 1
-mkdir -p "${BDB_PREFIX}"
-http_get "${BDB_URL}" "${BDB_VERSION}.tar.gz" "${BDB_HASH}"
-tar -xzvf ${BDB_VERSION}.tar.gz -C "$BDB_PREFIX"
-# Apply a patch necessary when building with clang and c++11 (see https://community.oracle.com/thread/3952592)
-patch --ignore-whitespace -p1 << 'EOF'
-commit 3311d68f11d1697565401eee6efc85c34f022ea7
-Author: fanquake <fanquake@gmail.com>
-Date: Mon Aug 17 20:03:56 2020 +0800
- Fix C++11 compatibility
-diff --git a/dbinc/atomic.h b/dbinc/atomic.h
-index 0034dcc..7c11d4a 100644
---- a/dbinc/atomic.h
-+++ b/dbinc/atomic.h
-@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ typedef struct {
- * These have no memory barriers; the caller must include them when necessary.
- */
- #define atomic_read(p) ((p)->value)
--#define atomic_init(p, val) ((p)->value = (val))
-+#define atomic_init_db(p, val) ((p)->value = (val))
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ typedef LONG volatile *interlocked_val;
- #define atomic_inc(env, p) __atomic_inc(p)
- #define atomic_dec(env, p) __atomic_dec(p)
- #define atomic_compare_exchange(env, p, o, n) \
-- __atomic_compare_exchange((p), (o), (n))
-+ __atomic_compare_exchange_db((p), (o), (n))
- static inline int __atomic_inc(db_atomic_t *p)
- {
- int temp;
-@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ static inline int __atomic_dec(db_atomic_t *p)
- * http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.0/gcc/Atomic-Builtins.html
- * which configure could be changed to use.
- */
--static inline int __atomic_compare_exchange(
-+static inline int __atomic_compare_exchange_db(
- db_atomic_t *p, atomic_value_t oldval, atomic_value_t newval)
- {
- atomic_value_t was;
-@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static inline int __atomic_compare_exchange(
- #define atomic_dec(env, p) (--(p)->value)
- #define atomic_compare_exchange(env, p, oldval, newval) \
- (DB_ASSERT(env, atomic_read(p) == (oldval)), \
-- atomic_init(p, (newval)), 1)
-+ atomic_init_db(p, (newval)), 1)
- #else
- #define atomic_inc(env, p) __atomic_inc(env, p)
- #define atomic_dec(env, p) __atomic_dec(env, p)
-diff --git a/mp/mp_fget.c b/mp/mp_fget.c
-index 5fdee5a..0b75f57 100644
---- a/mp/mp_fget.c
-+++ b/mp/mp_fget.c
-@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ alloc: /* Allocate a new buffer header and data space. */
- /* Initialize enough so we can call __memp_bhfree. */
- alloc_bhp->flags = 0;
-- atomic_init(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
-+ atomic_init_db(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
- if ((uintptr_t)alloc_bhp->buf & (sizeof(size_t) - 1)) {
- __db_errx(env,
-@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ alloc: /* Allocate a new buffer header and data space. */
- MVCC_MPROTECT(bhp->buf, mfp->stat.st_pagesize,
-- atomic_init(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
-+ atomic_init_db(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
- MUTEX_LOCK(env, alloc_bhp->mtx_buf);
- alloc_bhp->priority = bhp->priority;
- alloc_bhp->pgno = bhp->pgno;
-diff --git a/mp/mp_mvcc.c b/mp/mp_mvcc.c
-index 34467d2..f05aa0c 100644
---- a/mp/mp_mvcc.c
-+++ b/mp/mp_mvcc.c
-@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ __memp_bh_freeze(dbmp, infop, hp, bhp, need_frozenp)
- #else
- memcpy(frozen_bhp, bhp, SSZA(BH, buf));
- #endif
-- atomic_init(&frozen_bhp->ref, 0);
-+ atomic_init_db(&frozen_bhp->ref, 0);
- if (mutex != MUTEX_INVALID)
- frozen_bhp->mtx_buf = mutex;
- else if ((ret = __mutex_alloc(env, MTX_MPOOL_BH,
-@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ __memp_bh_thaw(dbmp, infop, hp, frozen_bhp, alloc_bhp)
- #endif
- alloc_bhp->mtx_buf = mutex;
- MUTEX_LOCK(env, alloc_bhp->mtx_buf);
-- atomic_init(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
-+ atomic_init_db(&alloc_bhp->ref, 1);
- F_CLR(alloc_bhp, BH_FROZEN);
- }
-diff --git a/mp/mp_region.c b/mp/mp_region.c
-index e6cece9..ddbe906 100644
---- a/mp/mp_region.c
-+++ b/mp/mp_region.c
-@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ __memp_init(env, dbmp, reginfo_off, htab_buckets, max_nreg)
- MTX_MPOOL_FILE_BUCKET, 0, &htab[i].mtx_hash)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- SH_TAILQ_INIT(&htab[i].hash_bucket);
-- atomic_init(&htab[i].hash_page_dirty, 0);
-+ atomic_init_db(&htab[i].hash_page_dirty, 0);
- }
- /*
-@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ __memp_init(env, dbmp, reginfo_off, htab_buckets, max_nreg)
- hp->mtx_hash = (mtx_base == MUTEX_INVALID) ? MUTEX_INVALID :
- mtx_base + i;
- SH_TAILQ_INIT(&hp->hash_bucket);
-- atomic_init(&hp->hash_page_dirty, 0);
-+ atomic_init_db(&hp->hash_page_dirty, 0);
- hp->hash_io_wait = 0;
- hp->hash_frozen = hp->hash_thawed = hp->hash_frozen_freed = 0;
-diff --git a/mutex/mut_method.c b/mutex/mut_method.c
-index 2588763..5c6d516 100644
---- a/mutex/mut_method.c
-+++ b/mutex/mut_method.c
-@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ atomic_compare_exchange(env, v, oldval, newval)
- MUTEX_LOCK(env, mtx);
- ret = atomic_read(v) == oldval;
- if (ret)
-- atomic_init(v, newval);
-+ atomic_init_db(v, newval);
- MUTEX_UNLOCK(env, mtx);
- return (ret);
-diff --git a/mutex/mut_tas.c b/mutex/mut_tas.c
-index f3922e0..e40fcdf 100644
---- a/mutex/mut_tas.c
-+++ b/mutex/mut_tas.c
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ __db_tas_mutex_init(env, mutex, flags)
- if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SHARED))
-- atomic_init(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
-+ atomic_init_db(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
- else
- #endif
- if (MUTEX_INIT(&mutexp->tas)) {
-@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ __db_tas_mutex_unlock(env, mutex)
- /* Flush flag update before zeroing count */
-- atomic_init(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
-+ atomic_init_db(&mutexp->sharecount, 0);
- } else {
- DB_ASSERT(env, sharecount > 0);
-# The packaged config.guess and config.sub are ancient (2009) and can cause build issues.
-# Replace them with modern versions.
-# See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/16064
-rm -f "dist/config.guess"
-rm -f "dist/config.sub"
-http_get "${CONFIG_GUESS_URL}" dist/config.guess "${CONFIG_GUESS_HASH}"
-http_get "${CONFIG_SUB_URL}" dist/config.sub "${CONFIG_SUB_HASH}"
-cd build_unix/
-"${BDB_PREFIX}/${BDB_VERSION}/dist/configure" \
- --enable-cxx --disable-shared --disable-replication --with-pic --prefix="${BDB_PREFIX}" \
- "${@}"
-make install
-echo "db4 build complete."
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
-echo 'When compiling bitcoind, run `./configure` in the following way:'
-echo " export BDB_PREFIX='${BDB_PREFIX}'"
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
-echo ' ./configure BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" ...'
diff --git a/depends/README.md b/depends/README.md
index a8831eb0fc..11abbbd90d 100644
--- a/depends/README.md
+++ b/depends/README.md
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ The following can be set when running make: `make FOO=bar`
- `FALLBACK_DOWNLOAD_PATH`: If a source file can't be fetched, try here before giving up
- `C_STANDARD`: Set the C standard version used. Defaults to `c11`.
- `CXX_STANDARD`: Set the C++ standard version used. Defaults to `c++17`.
+- `NO_BOOST`: Don't download/build/cache Boost
+- `NO_LIBEVENT`: Don't download/build/cache Libevent
- `NO_QT`: Don't download/build/cache Qt and its dependencies
- `NO_QR`: Don't download/build/cache packages needed for enabling qrencode
- `NO_ZMQ`: Don't download/build/cache packages needed for enabling ZeroMQ
diff --git a/doc/build-openbsd.md b/doc/build-openbsd.md
index afbb5c8e75..255995a517 100644
--- a/doc/build-openbsd.md
+++ b/doc/build-openbsd.md
@@ -41,16 +41,18 @@ pkg_add sqlite3
BerkeleyDB is only required to support legacy wallets.
It is recommended to use Berkeley DB 4.8. You cannot use the BerkeleyDB library
-from ports. However you can build it yourself, [using the installation script included in contrib/](/contrib/install_db4.sh), like so, from the root of the repository.
+from ports. However you can build it yourself, [using depends](/depends).
-./contrib/install_db4.sh `pwd`
+to: /path/to/bitcoin/depends/x86_64-unknown-openbsd
Then set `BDB_PREFIX`:
-export BDB_PREFIX="$PWD/db4"
+export BDB_PREFIX="/path/to/bitcoin/depends/x86_64-unknown-openbsd"
#### GUI Dependencies
diff --git a/doc/build-unix.md b/doc/build-unix.md
index 874015707a..077e278afc 100644
--- a/doc/build-unix.md
+++ b/doc/build-unix.md
@@ -197,17 +197,21 @@ Berkeley DB
The legacy wallet uses Berkeley DB. To ensure backwards compatibility it is
-recommended to use Berkeley DB 4.8. If you have to build it yourself, you can
-use [the installation script included in contrib/](/contrib/install_db4.sh)
-like so:
-./contrib/install_db4.sh `pwd`
+recommended to use Berkeley DB 4.8. If you have to build it yourself, and don't
+want to use any other libraries built in depends, you can do:
+to: /path/to/bitcoin/depends/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
+and configure using the following:
+export BDB_PREFIX="/path/to/bitcoin/depends/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
-from the root of the repository.
-Otherwise, you can build Bitcoin Core from self-compiled [depends](/depends/README.md).
+./configure \
+ BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" \
+ BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include"
**Note**: You only need Berkeley DB if the legacy wallet is enabled (see [*Disable-wallet mode*](#disable-wallet-mode)).