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diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_send.py b/test/functional/wallet_send.py
index 876eb7f29e..5840a24404 100755
--- a/test/functional/wallet_send.py
+++ b/test/functional/wallet_send.py
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ class WalletSendTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
except AssertionError:
# Provide debug info if the test fails
self.log.error("Unexpected successful result:")
+ self.log.error(arg_conf_target)
+ self.log.error(arg_estimate_mode)
res = from_wallet.send(outputs=outputs, conf_target=arg_conf_target, estimate_mode=arg_estimate_mode, options=options)
@@ -224,8 +226,10 @@ class WalletSendTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# but not at the same time
- self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=1, arg_estimate_mode="economical",
- conf_target=1, estimate_mode="economical", add_to_wallet=False, expect_error=(-8,"Use either conf_target and estimate_mode or the options dictionary to control fee rate"))
+ for mode in ["unset", "economical", "conservative", "btc/kb", "sat/b"]:
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=1, arg_estimate_mode="economical",
+ conf_target=1, estimate_mode=mode, add_to_wallet=False,
+ expect_error=(-8, "Use either conf_target and estimate_mode or the options dictionary to control fee rate"))
self.log.info("Create PSBT from watch-only wallet w3, sign with w2...")
res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w3, to_wallet=w1, amount=1)
@@ -246,19 +250,61 @@ class WalletSendTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
res = w2.walletprocesspsbt(res["psbt"])
assert res["complete"]
- self.log.info("Set fee rate...")
+ self.log.info("Test setting explicit fee rate")
+ res1 = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=1, arg_estimate_mode="economical", add_to_wallet=False)
+ res2 = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=1, estimate_mode="economical", add_to_wallet=False)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res1["psbt"])["fee"], self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res2["psbt"])["fee"])
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.00007, estimate_mode="btc/kb", add_to_wallet=False)
+ fee = self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["fee"]
+ assert_fee_amount(fee, Decimal(len(res["hex"]) / 2), Decimal("0.00007"))
res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=2, estimate_mode="sat/b", add_to_wallet=False)
fee = self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["fee"]
assert_fee_amount(fee, Decimal(len(res["hex"]) / 2), Decimal("0.00002"))
- self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=-1, estimate_mode="sat/b",
- expect_error=(-3, "Amount out of range"))
- # Fee rate of 0.1 satoshi per byte should throw an error
- # TODO: error should use sat/b
- self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.1, estimate_mode="sat/b",
- expect_error=(-4, "Fee rate (0.00000100 BTC/kB) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (0.00001000 BTC/kB)"))
- self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.000001, estimate_mode="BTC/KB",
- expect_error=(-4, "Fee rate (0.00000100 BTC/kB) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (0.00001000 BTC/kB)"))
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=0.00004531, arg_estimate_mode="btc/kb", add_to_wallet=False)
+ fee = self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["fee"]
+ assert_fee_amount(fee, Decimal(len(res["hex"]) / 2), Decimal("0.00004531"))
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=3, arg_estimate_mode="sat/b", add_to_wallet=False)
+ fee = self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["fee"]
+ assert_fee_amount(fee, Decimal(len(res["hex"]) / 2), Decimal("0.00003"))
+ # TODO: This test should pass with all modes, e.g. with the next line uncommented, for consistency with the other explicit feerate RPCs.
+ # for mode in ["unset", "economical", "conservative", "btc/kb", "sat/b"]:
+ for mode in ["btc/kb", "sat/b"]:
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=-1, estimate_mode=mode,
+ expect_error=(-3, "Amount out of range"))
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0, estimate_mode=mode,
+ expect_error=(-4, "Fee rate (0.00000000 BTC/kB) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (0.00001000 BTC/kB)"))
+ for mode in ["foo", Decimal("3.141592")]:
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.1, estimate_mode=mode,
+ expect_error=(-8, "Invalid estimate_mode parameter"))
+ # TODO: these 2 equivalent sends with an invalid estimate_mode arg should both fail, but they do not...why?
+ # self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=0.1, arg_estimate_mode=mode,
+ # expect_error=(-8, "Invalid estimate_mode parameter"))
+ # assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Invalid estimate_mode parameter", lambda: w0.send({w1.getnewaddress(): 1}, 0.1, mode))
+ # TODO: These tests should pass for consistency with the other explicit feerate RPCs, but they do not.
+ # for mode in ["unset", "economical", "conservative", "btc/kb", "sat/b"]:
+ # self.log.debug("{}".format(mode))
+ # for k, v in {"string": "", "object": {"foo": "bar"}}.items():
+ # self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=v, estimate_mode=mode,
+ # expect_error=(-3, "Expected type number for conf_target, got {}".format(k)))
+ # TODO: error should use sat/B instead of BTC/kB if sat/B is selected.
+ # Test setting explicit fee rate just below the minimum.
+ for unit, fee_rate in {"sat/B": 0.99999999, "BTC/kB": 0.00000999}.items():
+ self.log.info("Explicit fee rate raises RPC error 'fee rate too low' if conf_target {} and estimate_mode {} are passed".format(fee_rate, unit))
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=fee_rate, estimate_mode=unit,
+ expect_error=(-4, "Fee rate (0.00000999 BTC/kB) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (0.00001000 BTC/kB)"))
+ self.log.info("Explicit fee rate raises RPC error if estimate_mode is passed without a conf_target")
+ for unit, fee_rate in {"sat/B": 100, "BTC/kB": 0.001}.items():
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, estimate_mode=unit,
+ expect_error=(-8, "Selected estimate_mode {} requires a fee rate to be specified in conf_target".format(unit)))
# TODO: Return hex if fee rate is below -maxmempool
# res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.1, estimate_mode="sat/b", add_to_wallet=False)