diff options
56 files changed, 2855 insertions, 406 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index ec78896f44..1e6fc0a518 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ env:
# x86_64 Linux (uses qt5 dev package instead of depends Qt to speed up build and avoid timeout)
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools protobuf-compiler libdbus-1-dev libharfbuzz-dev libprotobuf-dev" DEP_OPTS="NO_QT=1 NO_UPNP=1 DEBUG=1 ALLOW_HOST_PACKAGES=1" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --enable-debug"
# x86_64 Linux (Qt5 & system libs)
- - HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev" NO_DEPENDS=1 RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER"
+ - HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev" NO_DEPENDS=1 RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER"
# x86_64 Linux, No wallet
- HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu PACKAGES="python3" DEP_OPTS="NO_WALLET=1" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports"
# Cross-Mac
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ install:
- travis_retry DOCKER_EXEC apt-get update
- travis_retry DOCKER_EXEC apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -qq $PACKAGES $DOCKER_PACKAGES
+ - DOCKER_EXEC echo \> \$HOME/.bitcoin # Make sure default datadir does not exist and is never read by creating a dummy file
- mkdir -p depends/SDKs depends/sdk-sources
- if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a ! -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then curl --location --fail $SDK_URL/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz -o depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz; fi
- if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then tar -C depends/SDKs -xf depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz; fi
@@ -80,15 +81,13 @@ after_script:
- stage: lint
+ env:
sudo: false
cache: false
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - python3-pip
- - shellcheck
+ language: python
+ python: '3.6'
- - travis_retry pip3 install flake8 --user
+ - travis_retry pip install flake8
- git fetch --unshallow
diff --git a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_program_options.m4 b/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_program_options.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bdb593716..0000000000
--- a/build-aux/m4/ax_boost_program_options.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# ============================================================================
-# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_boost_program_options.html
-# ============================================================================
-# Test for program options library from the Boost C++ libraries. The macro
-# requires a preceding call to AX_BOOST_BASE. Further documentation is
-# available at <http://randspringer.de/boost/index.html>.
-# This macro calls:
-# And sets:
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Porschberg <thomas@randspringer.de>
-# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
-# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
-# warranty.
-#serial 24
- AC_ARG_WITH([boost-program-options],
- AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-program-options@<:@=special-lib@:>@],
- [use the program options library from boost - it is possible to specify a certain library for the linker
- e.g. --with-boost-program-options=boost_program_options-gcc-mt-1_33_1 ]),
- [
- if test "$withval" = "no"; then
- want_boost="no"
- elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
- want_boost="yes"
- ax_boost_user_program_options_lib=""
- else
- want_boost="yes"
- ax_boost_user_program_options_lib="$withval"
- fi
- ],
- [want_boost="yes"]
- )
- if test "x$want_boost" = "xyes"; then
- export want_boost
- export CPPFLAGS
- export LDFLAGS
- AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the Boost::Program_Options library is available],
- ax_cv_boost_program_options,
- AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[@%:@include <boost/program_options/errors.hpp>
- ]],
- [[boost::program_options::error err("Error message");
- return 0;]])],
- ax_cv_boost_program_options=yes, ax_cv_boost_program_options=no)
- AC_LANG_POP([C++])
- ])
- if test "$ax_cv_boost_program_options" = yes; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS,,[define if the Boost::PROGRAM_OPTIONS library is available])
- BOOSTLIBDIR=`echo $BOOST_LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/@<:@^\/@:>@*//'`
- if test "x$ax_boost_user_program_options_lib" = "x"; then
- for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_program_options*.so* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_program_options.*\)\.so.*$;\1;'` `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_program_options*.dylib* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_program_options.*\)\.dylib.*$;\1;'` `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/libboost_program_options*.a* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^lib\(boost_program_options.*\)\.a.*$;\1;'` ; do
- ax_lib=${libextension}
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIB) link_program_options="yes"; break],
- [link_program_options="no"])
- done
- if test "x$link_program_options" != "xyes"; then
- for libextension in `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_program_options*.dll* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^\(boost_program_options.*\)\.dll.*$;\1;'` `ls $BOOSTLIBDIR/boost_program_options*.a* 2>/dev/null | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed -e 's;^\(boost_program_options.*\)\.a.*$;\1;'` ; do
- ax_lib=${libextension}
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, exit,
- [BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIB) link_program_options="yes"; break],
- [link_program_options="no"])
- done
- fi
- else
- for ax_lib in $ax_boost_user_program_options_lib boost_program_options-$ax_boost_user_program_options_lib; do
- AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, main,
- [BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIB="-l$ax_lib"; AC_SUBST(BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIB) link_program_options="yes"; break],
- [link_program_options="no"])
- done
- fi
- if test "x$ax_lib" = "x"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find a version of the boost_program_options library!)
- fi
- if test "x$link_program_options" != "xyes"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not link against [$ax_lib] !])
- fi
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 2b4bc43194..5851413cf4 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -893,7 +893,6 @@ if test x$want_boost = xno; then
@@ -962,7 +961,7 @@ fi
if test x$use_boost = xyes; then
dnl If boost (prior to 1.57) was built without c++11, it emulated scoped enums
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-build.py b/contrib/gitian-build.py
index f6ecb52d8a..1da9e43896 100644..100755
--- a/contrib/gitian-build.py
+++ b/contrib/gitian-build.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import sys
def setup():
global args, workdir
- programs = ['ruby', 'git', 'apt-cacher-ng']
+ programs = ['ruby', 'git', 'apt-cacher-ng', 'make', 'wget']
if args.kvm:
programs += ['python-vm-builder', 'qemu-kvm', 'qemu-utils']
elif args.docker:
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ def setup():
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs.git'])
if not os.path.isdir('gitian-builder'):
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git'])
+ if not os.path.isdir('bitcoin'):
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git'])
make_image_prog = ['bin/make-base-vm', '--suite', 'bionic', '--arch', 'amd64']
if args.docker:
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ def build():
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-linux/'+args.signer])
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-win-unsigned/'+args.signer])
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-osx-unsigned/'+args.signer])
- subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Add '+args.version+' unsigned sigs for '+args.signer])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Add '+args.version+' unsigned sigs for '+args.signer])
def sign():
diff --git a/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py b/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py
index 60768dc59a..fa9e669308 100644
--- a/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py
+++ b/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import signal
import struct
import sys
-if not (sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 5):
+if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) < (3, 5):
print("This example only works with Python 3.5 and greater")
diff --git a/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub3.4.py b/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub3.4.py
index 0df843c9a3..d05ecc2623 100644
--- a/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub3.4.py
+++ b/contrib/zmq/zmq_sub3.4.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import signal
import struct
import sys
-if not (sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 4):
+if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) < (3, 4):
print("This example only works with Python 3.4 and greater")
diff --git a/depends/packages/boost.mk b/depends/packages/boost.mk
index bf773ccd14..61806c7509 100644
--- a/depends/packages/boost.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/boost.mk
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $(package)_toolset_$(host_os)=gcc
$(package)_cxxflags=-std=c++11 -fvisibility=hidden
diff --git a/depends/packages/zeromq.mk b/depends/packages/zeromq.mk
index 9412c181e6..d5fd1f39ab 100644
--- a/depends/packages/zeromq.mk
+++ b/depends/packages/zeromq.mk
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ $(package)_sha256_hash=8f1e2b2aade4dbfde98d82366d61baef2f62e812530160d2e6d0a5bb2
$(package)_patches=0001-fix-build-with-older-mingw64.patch 0002-disable-pthread_set_name_np.patch
define $(package)_set_vars
- $(package)_config_opts=--without-docs --disable-shared --without-libsodium --disable-curve --disable-curve-keygen --disable-perf
+ $(package)_config_opts=--without-docs --disable-shared --without-libsodium --disable-curve --disable-curve-keygen --disable-perf --disable-Werror
diff --git a/doc/build-unix.md b/doc/build-unix.md
index e884c0ab67..d9208fed54 100644
--- a/doc/build-unix.md
+++ b/doc/build-unix.md
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ tuned to conserve memory with additional CXXFLAGS:
Build requirements:
- sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
+ sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
BerkeleyDB is required for the wallet.
diff --git a/doc/release-notes.md b/doc/release-notes.md
index 57f93abe03..b7eaa6eaf4 100644
--- a/doc/release-notes.md
+++ b/doc/release-notes.md
@@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ Low-level RPC changes
- The log timestamp format is now ISO 8601 (e.g. "2018-02-28T12:34:56Z").
+- When running bitcoind with `-debug` but without `-daemon`, logging to stdout
+ is now the default behavior. Setting `-printtoconsole=1` no longer implicitly
+ disables logging to debug.log. Instead, logging to file can be explicitly disabled
+ by setting `-debuglogfile=0`.
Miner block size removed
diff --git a/doc/release-process.md b/doc/release-process.md
index 912b620794..f3fc4bdfdc 100644
--- a/doc/release-process.md
+++ b/doc/release-process.md
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Commit your signature to gitian.sigs:
git add ${VERSION}-linux/"${SIGNER}"
git add ${VERSION}-win-unsigned/"${SIGNER}"
git add ${VERSION}-osx-unsigned/"${SIGNER}"
- git commit -a
+ git commit -m "Add ${VERSION} unsigned sigs for ${SIGNER}"
git push # Assuming you can push to the gitian.sigs tree
diff --git a/src/Makefile.test.include b/src/Makefile.test.include
index 0c1516f4d5..02f2063504 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.test.include
+++ b/src/Makefile.test.include
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS =\
wallet/test/accounting_tests.cpp \
+ wallet/test/psbt_wallet_tests.cpp \
wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp \
wallet/test/wallet_crypto_tests.cpp \
diff --git a/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp b/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp
index b332b5e581..a77e3d49b8 100644
--- a/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp
+++ b/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ static void SetupCliArgs()
const auto testnetBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(CBaseChainParams::TESTNET);
gArgs.AddArg("-?", "This help message", false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
+ gArgs.AddArg("-version", "Print version and exit", false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-conf=<file>", strprintf("Specify configuration file. Relative paths will be prefixed by datadir location. (default: %s)", BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-datadir=<dir>", "Specify data directory", false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-getinfo", "Get general information from the remote server. Note that unlike server-side RPC calls, the results of -getinfo is the result of multiple non-atomic requests. Some entries in the result may represent results from different states (e.g. wallet balance may be as of a different block from the chain state reported)", false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
diff --git a/src/core_io.h b/src/core_io.h
index 1d87d21d40..ebddcc2a04 100644
--- a/src/core_io.h
+++ b/src/core_io.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class CBlock;
class CScript;
class CTransaction;
struct CMutableTransaction;
+struct PartiallySignedTransaction;
class uint256;
class UniValue;
@@ -24,12 +25,16 @@ bool DecodeHexTx(CMutableTransaction& tx, const std::string& hex_tx, bool try_no
bool DecodeHexBlk(CBlock&, const std::string& strHexBlk);
uint256 ParseHashStr(const std::string&, const std::string& strName);
std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexUV(const UniValue& v, const std::string& strName);
+bool DecodePSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction& psbt, const std::string& base64_tx, std::string& error);
+int ParseSighashString(const UniValue& sighash);
// core_write.cpp
UniValue ValueFromAmount(const CAmount& amount);
std::string FormatScript(const CScript& script);
std::string EncodeHexTx(const CTransaction& tx, const int serializeFlags = 0);
+std::string SighashToStr(unsigned char sighash_type);
void ScriptPubKeyToUniv(const CScript& scriptPubKey, UniValue& out, bool fIncludeHex);
+void ScriptToUniv(const CScript& script, UniValue& out, bool include_address);
void TxToUniv(const CTransaction& tx, const uint256& hashBlock, UniValue& entry, bool include_hex = true, int serialize_flags = 0);
diff --git a/src/core_read.cpp b/src/core_read.cpp
index 4d851610ef..067e1b91bd 100644
--- a/src/core_read.cpp
+++ b/src/core_read.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <primitives/block.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
#include <script/script.h>
+#include <script/sign.h>
#include <serialize.h>
#include <streams.h>
#include <univalue.h>
@@ -160,6 +161,23 @@ bool DecodeHexBlk(CBlock& block, const std::string& strHexBlk)
return true;
+bool DecodePSBT(PartiallySignedTransaction& psbt, const std::string& base64_tx, std::string& error)
+ std::vector<unsigned char> tx_data = DecodeBase64(base64_tx.c_str());
+ CDataStream ss_data(tx_data, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ try {
+ ss_data >> psbt;
+ if (!ss_data.empty()) {
+ error = "extra data after PSBT";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ error = e.what();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
uint256 ParseHashStr(const std::string& strHex, const std::string& strName)
if (!IsHex(strHex)) // Note: IsHex("") is false
@@ -179,3 +197,26 @@ std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexUV(const UniValue& v, const std::string& strN
throw std::runtime_error(strName + " must be hexadecimal string (not '" + strHex + "')");
return ParseHex(strHex);
+int ParseSighashString(const UniValue& sighash)
+ int hash_type = SIGHASH_ALL;
+ if (!sighash.isNull()) {
+ static std::map<std::string, int> map_sighash_values = {
+ {std::string("ALL"), int(SIGHASH_ALL)},
+ {std::string("NONE"), int(SIGHASH_NONE)},
+ {std::string("SINGLE"), int(SIGHASH_SINGLE)},
+ };
+ std::string strHashType = sighash.get_str();
+ const auto& it = map_sighash_values.find(strHashType);
+ if (it != map_sighash_values.end()) {
+ hash_type = it->second;
+ } else {
+ throw std::runtime_error(strHashType + " is not a valid sighash parameter.");
+ }
+ }
+ return hash_type;
diff --git a/src/core_write.cpp b/src/core_write.cpp
index ee6737201b..1272266235 100644
--- a/src/core_write.cpp
+++ b/src/core_write.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ const std::map<unsigned char, std::string> mapSigHashTypes = {
{static_cast<unsigned char>(SIGHASH_SINGLE|SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY), std::string("SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY")},
+std::string SighashToStr(unsigned char sighash_type)
+ const auto& it = mapSigHashTypes.find(sighash_type);
+ if (it == mapSigHashTypes.end()) return "";
+ return it->second;
* Create the assembly string representation of a CScript object.
* @param[in] script CScript object to convert into the asm string representation.
@@ -128,6 +135,22 @@ std::string EncodeHexTx(const CTransaction& tx, const int serializeFlags)
return HexStr(ssTx.begin(), ssTx.end());
+void ScriptToUniv(const CScript& script, UniValue& out, bool include_address)
+ out.pushKV("asm", ScriptToAsmStr(script));
+ out.pushKV("hex", HexStr(script.begin(), script.end()));
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> solns;
+ txnouttype type;
+ Solver(script, type, solns);
+ out.pushKV("type", GetTxnOutputType(type));
+ CTxDestination address;
+ if (include_address && ExtractDestination(script, address)) {
+ out.pushKV("address", EncodeDestination(address));
+ }
void ScriptPubKeyToUniv(const CScript& scriptPubKey,
UniValue& out, bool fIncludeHex)
diff --git a/src/interfaces/wallet.cpp b/src/interfaces/wallet.cpp
index b42c9b63df..28081c7c2c 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/wallet.cpp
+++ b/src/interfaces/wallet.cpp
@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ public:
unsigned int getConfirmTarget() override { return m_wallet.m_confirm_target; }
bool hdEnabled() override { return m_wallet.IsHDEnabled(); }
+ bool IsWalletFlagSet(uint64_t flag) override { return m_wallet.IsWalletFlagSet(flag); }
OutputType getDefaultAddressType() override { return m_wallet.m_default_address_type; }
OutputType getDefaultChangeType() override { return m_wallet.m_default_change_type; }
std::unique_ptr<Handler> handleUnload(UnloadFn fn) override
diff --git a/src/interfaces/wallet.h b/src/interfaces/wallet.h
index 96e742eaca..ae54d42442 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/wallet.h
+++ b/src/interfaces/wallet.h
@@ -236,6 +236,9 @@ public:
// Return whether HD enabled.
virtual bool hdEnabled() = 0;
+ // check if a certain wallet flag is set.
+ virtual bool IsWalletFlagSet(uint64_t flag) = 0;
// Get default address type.
virtual OutputType getDefaultAddressType() = 0;
diff --git a/src/net.cpp b/src/net.cpp
index e44aa1fdb4..34dc4aec5c 100644
--- a/src/net.cpp
+++ b/src/net.cpp
@@ -2254,7 +2254,8 @@ bool CConnman::InitBinds(const std::vector<CService>& binds, const std::vector<C
if (binds.empty() && whiteBinds.empty()) {
struct in_addr inaddr_any;
inaddr_any.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- fBound |= Bind(CService((in6_addr)IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT, GetListenPort()), BF_NONE);
+ struct in6_addr inaddr6_any = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT;
+ fBound |= Bind(CService(inaddr6_any, GetListenPort()), BF_NONE);
fBound |= Bind(CService(inaddr_any, GetListenPort()), !fBound ? BF_REPORT_ERROR : BF_NONE);
return fBound;
diff --git a/src/net_processing.cpp b/src/net_processing.cpp
index a0136675f3..5267f96f70 100644
--- a/src/net_processing.cpp
+++ b/src/net_processing.cpp
@@ -1665,17 +1665,6 @@ bool static ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, const std::string& strCommand, CDataStr
return false;
- if (nServices & ((1 << 7) | (1 << 5))) {
- if (GetTime() < 1533096000) {
- // Immediately disconnect peers that use service bits 6 or 8 until August 1st, 2018
- // These bits have been used as a flag to indicate that a node is running incompatible
- // consensus rules instead of changing the network magic, so we're stuck disconnecting
- // based on these service bits, at least for a while.
- pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
- return false;
- }
- }
// disconnect from peers older than this proto version
diff --git a/src/pubkey.cpp b/src/pubkey.cpp
index 6e601a6f13..1eb126434b 100644
--- a/src/pubkey.cpp
+++ b/src/pubkey.cpp
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ bool CPubKey::Verify(const uint256 &hash, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchS
return false;
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature sig;
- if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, &(*this)[0], size())) {
+ if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, vch, size())) {
return false;
if (!ecdsa_signature_parse_der_lax(secp256k1_context_verify, &sig, vchSig.data(), vchSig.size())) {
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ bool CPubKey::IsFullyValid() const {
if (!IsValid())
return false;
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
- return secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, &(*this)[0], size());
+ return secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, vch, size());
bool CPubKey::Decompress() {
if (!IsValid())
return false;
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
- if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, &(*this)[0], size())) {
+ if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, vch, size())) {
return false;
unsigned char pub[PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ bool CPubKey::Derive(CPubKey& pubkeyChild, ChainCode &ccChild, unsigned int nChi
BIP32Hash(cc, nChild, *begin(), begin()+1, out);
memcpy(ccChild.begin(), out+32, 32);
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
- if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, &(*this)[0], size())) {
+ if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, vch, size())) {
return false;
if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_add(secp256k1_context_verify, &pubkey, out)) {
diff --git a/src/pubkey.h b/src/pubkey.h
index bb254547c8..0985273f34 100644
--- a/src/pubkey.h
+++ b/src/pubkey.h
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ public:
//! Simple read-only vector-like interface to the pubkey data.
unsigned int size() const { return GetLen(vch[0]); }
+ const unsigned char* data() const { return vch; }
const unsigned char* begin() const { return vch; }
const unsigned char* end() const { return vch + size(); }
const unsigned char& operator[](unsigned int pos) const { return vch[pos]; }
diff --git a/src/qt/receivecoinsdialog.cpp b/src/qt/receivecoinsdialog.cpp
index e458a52856..8c430e0af1 100644
--- a/src/qt/receivecoinsdialog.cpp
+++ b/src/qt/receivecoinsdialog.cpp
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ void ReceiveCoinsDialog::setModel(WalletModel *_model)
} else {
+ // eventually disable the main receive button if private key operations are disabled
+ ui->receiveButton->setEnabled(!model->privateKeysDisabled());
diff --git a/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp b/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp
index 389acf0a95..cd55b40b71 100644
--- a/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/qt/walletmodel.cpp
@@ -558,6 +558,11 @@ bool WalletModel::isWalletEnabled()
return !gArgs.GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET);
+bool WalletModel::privateKeysDisabled() const
+ return m_wallet->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS);
QString WalletModel::getWalletName() const
return QString::fromStdString(m_wallet->getWalletName());
diff --git a/src/qt/walletmodel.h b/src/qt/walletmodel.h
index 35ededb121..d8935c2fa8 100644
--- a/src/qt/walletmodel.h
+++ b/src/qt/walletmodel.h
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ public:
bool bumpFee(uint256 hash);
static bool isWalletEnabled();
+ bool privateKeysDisabled() const;
interfaces::Node& node() const { return m_node; }
interfaces::Wallet& wallet() const { return *m_wallet; }
diff --git a/src/rpc/client.cpp b/src/rpc/client.cpp
index ce608631ff..eb6b164075 100644
--- a/src/rpc/client.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/client.cpp
@@ -110,6 +110,22 @@ static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] =
{ "combinerawtransaction", 0, "txs" },
{ "fundrawtransaction", 1, "options" },
{ "fundrawtransaction", 2, "iswitness" },
+ { "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 0, "inputs" },
+ { "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 1, "outputs" },
+ { "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 2, "locktime" },
+ { "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 3, "replaceable" },
+ { "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 4, "options" },
+ { "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 5, "bip32derivs" },
+ { "walletprocesspsbt", 1, "sign" },
+ { "walletprocesspsbt", 3, "bip32derivs" },
+ { "createpsbt", 0, "inputs" },
+ { "createpsbt", 1, "outputs" },
+ { "createpsbt", 2, "locktime" },
+ { "createpsbt", 3, "replaceable" },
+ { "combinepsbt", 0, "txs"},
+ { "finalizepsbt", 1, "extract"},
+ { "converttopsbt", 1, "permitsigdata"},
+ { "converttopsbt", 2, "iswitness"},
{ "gettxout", 1, "n" },
{ "gettxout", 2, "include_mempool" },
{ "gettxoutproof", 0, "txids" },
@@ -156,6 +172,7 @@ static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] =
{ "echojson", 9, "arg9" },
{ "rescanblockchain", 0, "start_height"},
{ "rescanblockchain", 1, "stop_height"},
+ { "createwallet", 1, "disable_private_keys"},
class CRPCConvertTable
diff --git a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
index 499b0c5e16..bb94e11fea 100644
--- a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <chain.h>
#include <coins.h>
+#include <compat/byteswap.h>
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <core_io.h>
#include <index/txindex.h>
@@ -337,80 +338,25 @@ static UniValue verifytxoutproof(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
return res;
-static UniValue createrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+CMutableTransaction ConstructTransaction(const UniValue& inputs_in, const UniValue& outputs_in, const UniValue& locktime, const UniValue& rbf)
- if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 4) {
- throw std::runtime_error(
- // clang-format off
- "createrawtransaction [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n},...] [{\"address\":amount},{\"data\":\"hex\"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )\n"
- "\nCreate a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs.\n"
- "Outputs can be addresses or data.\n"
- "Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.\n"
- "Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and\n"
- "it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.\n"
- "\nArguments:\n"
- "1. \"inputs\" (array, required) A json array of json objects\n"
- " [\n"
- " {\n"
- " \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
- " \"vout\":n, (numeric, required) The output number\n"
- " \"sequence\":n (numeric, optional) The sequence number\n"
- " } \n"
- " ,...\n"
- " ]\n"
- "2. \"outputs\" (array, required) a json array with outputs (key-value pairs)\n"
- " [\n"
- " {\n"
- " \"address\": x.xxx, (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key (string) is the bitcoin address, the value (float or string) is the amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
- " },\n"
- " {\n"
- " \"data\": \"hex\" (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key must be \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
- " }\n"
- " ,... More key-value pairs of the above form. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also\n"
- " accepted as second parameter.\n"
- " ]\n"
- "3. locktime (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs\n"
- "4. replaceable (boolean, optional, default=false) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
- " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.\n"
- "\nResult:\n"
- "\"transaction\" (string) hex string of the transaction\n"
- "\nExamples:\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"address\\\":0.01}]\"")
- + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"")
- + HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"[{\\\"address\\\":0.01}]\"")
- + HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"")
- // clang-format on
- );
- }
- RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
- UniValue::VARR,
- UniValueType(), // ARR or OBJ, checked later
- UniValue::VNUM,
- UniValue::VBOOL
- }, true
- );
- if (request.params[0].isNull() || request.params[1].isNull())
+ if (inputs_in.isNull() || outputs_in.isNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, arguments 1 and 2 must be non-null");
- UniValue inputs = request.params[0].get_array();
- const bool outputs_is_obj = request.params[1].isObject();
- UniValue outputs = outputs_is_obj ?
- request.params[1].get_obj() :
- request.params[1].get_array();
+ UniValue inputs = inputs_in.get_array();
+ const bool outputs_is_obj = outputs_in.isObject();
+ UniValue outputs = outputs_is_obj ? outputs_in.get_obj() : outputs_in.get_array();
CMutableTransaction rawTx;
- if (!request.params[2].isNull()) {
- int64_t nLockTime = request.params[2].get_int64();
+ if (!locktime.isNull()) {
+ int64_t nLockTime = locktime.get_int64();
if (nLockTime < 0 || nLockTime > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, locktime out of range");
rawTx.nLockTime = nLockTime;
- bool rbfOptIn = request.params[3].isTrue();
+ bool rbfOptIn = rbf.isTrue();
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < inputs.size(); idx++) {
const UniValue& input = inputs[idx];
@@ -490,10 +436,71 @@ static UniValue createrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
- if (!request.params[3].isNull() && rbfOptIn != SignalsOptInRBF(rawTx)) {
+ if (!rbf.isNull() && rbfOptIn != SignalsOptInRBF(rawTx)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter combination: Sequence number(s) contradict replaceable option");
+ return rawTx;
+static UniValue createrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 4) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ // clang-format off
+ "createrawtransaction [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n},...] [{\"address\":amount},{\"data\":\"hex\"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )\n"
+ "\nCreate a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs.\n"
+ "Outputs can be addresses or data.\n"
+ "Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.\n"
+ "Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and\n"
+ "it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"inputs\" (array, required) A json array of json objects\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
+ " \"vout\":n, (numeric, required) The output number\n"
+ " \"sequence\":n (numeric, optional) The sequence number\n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "2. \"outputs\" (array, required) a json array with outputs (key-value pairs)\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"address\": x.xxx, (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key (string) is the bitcoin address, the value (float or string) is the amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"data\": \"hex\" (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key must be \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,... More key-value pairs of the above form. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also\n"
+ " accepted as second parameter.\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "3. locktime (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs\n"
+ "4. replaceable (boolean, optional, default=false) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
+ " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ "\"transaction\" (string) hex string of the transaction\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"address\\\":0.01}]\"")
+ + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"")
+ + HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"[{\\\"address\\\":0.01}]\"")
+ + HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"")
+ // clang-format on
+ );
+ }
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
+ UniValue::VARR,
+ UniValueType(), // ARR or OBJ, checked later
+ UniValue::VNUM,
+ UniValue::VBOOL
+ }, true
+ );
+ CMutableTransaction rawTx = ConstructTransaction(request.params[0], request.params[1], request.params[2], request.params[3]);
return EncodeHexTx(rawTx);
@@ -838,23 +845,7 @@ UniValue SignTransaction(CMutableTransaction& mtx, const UniValue& prevTxsUnival
- int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL;
- if (!hashType.isNull()) {
- static std::map<std::string, int> mapSigHashValues = {
- {std::string("ALL"), int(SIGHASH_ALL)},
- {std::string("NONE"), int(SIGHASH_NONE)},
- {std::string("SINGLE"), int(SIGHASH_SINGLE)},
- };
- std::string strHashType = hashType.get_str();
- if (mapSigHashValues.count(strHashType)) {
- nHashType = mapSigHashValues[strHashType];
- } else {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid sighash param");
- }
- }
+ int nHashType = ParseSighashString(hashType);
bool fHashSingle = ((nHashType & ~SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) == SIGHASH_SINGLE);
@@ -1263,6 +1254,553 @@ static UniValue testmempoolaccept(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
return result;
+static std::string WriteHDKeypath(std::vector<uint32_t>& keypath)
+ std::string keypath_str = "m";
+ for (uint32_t num : keypath) {
+ keypath_str += "/";
+ bool hardened = false;
+ if (num & 0x80000000) {
+ hardened = true;
+ num &= ~0x80000000;
+ }
+ keypath_str += std::to_string(num);
+ if (hardened) {
+ keypath_str += "'";
+ }
+ }
+ return keypath_str;
+UniValue decodepsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "decodepsbt \"psbt\"\n"
+ "\nReturn a JSON object representing the serialized, base64-encoded partially signed Bitcoin transaction.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"psbt\" (string, required) The PSBT base64 string\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"tx\" : { (json object) The decoded network-serialized unsigned transaction.\n"
+ " ... The layout is the same as the output of decoderawtransaction.\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"unknown\" : { (json object) The unknown global fields\n"
+ " \"key\" : \"value\" (key-value pair) An unknown key-value pair\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"inputs\" : [ (array of json objects)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"non_witness_utxo\" : { (json object, optional) Decoded network transaction for non-witness UTXOs\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"witness_utxo\" : { (json object, optional) Transaction output for witness UTXOs\n"
+ " \"amount\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The value in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " \"scriptPubKey\" : { (json object)\n"
+ " \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) The asm\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex\n"
+ " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
+ " \"address\" : \"address\" (string) Bitcoin address if there is one\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " \"partial_signatures\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"pubkey\" : \"signature\", (string) The public key and signature that corresponds to it.\n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"sighash\" : \"type\", (string, optional) The sighash type to be used\n"
+ " \"redeem_script\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) The asm\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex\n"
+ " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"witness_script\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) The asm\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex\n"
+ " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"bip32_derivs\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"pubkey\" : { (json object, optional) The public key with the derivation path as the value.\n"
+ " \"master_fingerprint\" : \"fingerprint\" (string) The fingerprint of the master key\n"
+ " \"path\" : \"path\", (string) The path\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"final_scriptsig\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) The asm\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"final_scriptwitness\": [\"hex\", ...] (array of string) hex-encoded witness data (if any)\n"
+ " \"unknown\" : { (json object) The unknown global fields\n"
+ " \"key\" : \"value\" (key-value pair) An unknown key-value pair\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " \"outputs\" : [ (array of json objects)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"redeem_script\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) The asm\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex\n"
+ " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"witness_script\" : { (json object, optional)\n"
+ " \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) The asm\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex\n"
+ " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " \"bip32_derivs\" : [ (array of json objects, optional)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"pubkey\" : \"pubkey\", (string) The public key this path corresponds to\n"
+ " \"master_fingerprint\" : \"fingerprint\" (string) The fingerprint of the master key\n"
+ " \"path\" : \"path\", (string) The path\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " \"unknown\" : { (json object) The unknown global fields\n"
+ " \"key\" : \"value\" (key-value pair) An unknown key-value pair\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " \"fee\" : fee (numeric, optional) The transaction fee paid if all UTXOs slots in the PSBT have been filled.\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("decodepsbt", "\"psbt\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR});
+ // Unserialize the transactions
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ std::string error;
+ if (!DecodePSBT(psbtx, request.params[0].get_str(), error)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, strprintf("TX decode failed %s", error));
+ }
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ // Add the decoded tx
+ UniValue tx_univ(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ TxToUniv(CTransaction(*psbtx.tx), uint256(), tx_univ, false);
+ result.pushKV("tx", tx_univ);
+ // Unknown data
+ UniValue unknowns(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ for (auto entry : psbtx.unknown) {
+ unknowns.pushKV(HexStr(entry.first), HexStr(entry.second));
+ }
+ result.pushKV("unknown", unknowns);
+ // inputs
+ CAmount total_in = 0;
+ bool have_all_utxos = true;
+ UniValue inputs(UniValue::VARR);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < psbtx.inputs.size(); ++i) {
+ const PSBTInput& input = psbtx.inputs[i];
+ UniValue in(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ // UTXOs
+ if (!input.witness_utxo.IsNull()) {
+ const CTxOut& txout = input.witness_utxo;
+ UniValue out(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ out.pushKV("amount", ValueFromAmount(txout.nValue));
+ total_in += txout.nValue;
+ UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ScriptToUniv(txout.scriptPubKey, o, true);
+ out.pushKV("scriptPubKey", o);
+ in.pushKV("witness_utxo", out);
+ } else if (input.non_witness_utxo) {
+ UniValue non_wit(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ TxToUniv(*input.non_witness_utxo, uint256(), non_wit, false);
+ in.pushKV("non_witness_utxo", non_wit);
+ total_in += input.non_witness_utxo->vout[psbtx.tx->vin[i].prevout.n].nValue;
+ } else {
+ have_all_utxos = false;
+ }
+ // Partial sigs
+ if (!input.partial_sigs.empty()) {
+ UniValue partial_sigs(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ for (const auto& sig : input.partial_sigs) {
+ partial_sigs.pushKV(HexStr(sig.second.first), HexStr(sig.second.second));
+ }
+ in.pushKV("partial_signatures", partial_sigs);
+ }
+ // Sighash
+ if (input.sighash_type > 0) {
+ in.pushKV("sighash", SighashToStr((unsigned char)input.sighash_type));
+ }
+ // Redeem script and witness script
+ if (!input.redeem_script.empty()) {
+ UniValue r(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ScriptToUniv(input.redeem_script, r, false);
+ in.pushKV("redeem_script", r);
+ }
+ if (!input.witness_script.empty()) {
+ UniValue r(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ScriptToUniv(input.witness_script, r, false);
+ in.pushKV("witness_script", r);
+ }
+ // keypaths
+ if (!input.hd_keypaths.empty()) {
+ UniValue keypaths(UniValue::VARR);
+ for (auto entry : input.hd_keypaths) {
+ UniValue keypath(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ keypath.pushKV("pubkey", HexStr(entry.first));
+ uint32_t fingerprint = entry.second.at(0);
+ keypath.pushKV("master_fingerprint", strprintf("%08x", bswap_32(fingerprint)));
+ entry.second.erase(entry.second.begin());
+ keypath.pushKV("path", WriteHDKeypath(entry.second));
+ keypaths.push_back(keypath);
+ }
+ in.pushKV("bip32_derivs", keypaths);
+ }
+ // Final scriptSig and scriptwitness
+ if (!input.final_script_sig.empty()) {
+ UniValue scriptsig(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ scriptsig.pushKV("asm", ScriptToAsmStr(input.final_script_sig, true));
+ scriptsig.pushKV("hex", HexStr(input.final_script_sig));
+ in.pushKV("final_scriptSig", scriptsig);
+ }
+ if (!input.final_script_witness.IsNull()) {
+ UniValue txinwitness(UniValue::VARR);
+ for (const auto& item : input.final_script_witness.stack) {
+ txinwitness.push_back(HexStr(item.begin(), item.end()));
+ }
+ in.pushKV("final_scriptwitness", txinwitness);
+ }
+ // Unknown data
+ if (input.unknown.size() > 0) {
+ UniValue unknowns(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ for (auto entry : input.unknown) {
+ unknowns.pushKV(HexStr(entry.first), HexStr(entry.second));
+ }
+ in.pushKV("unknown", unknowns);
+ }
+ inputs.push_back(in);
+ }
+ result.pushKV("inputs", inputs);
+ // outputs
+ CAmount output_value = 0;
+ UniValue outputs(UniValue::VARR);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < psbtx.outputs.size(); ++i) {
+ const PSBTOutput& output = psbtx.outputs[i];
+ UniValue out(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ // Redeem script and witness script
+ if (!output.redeem_script.empty()) {
+ UniValue r(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ScriptToUniv(output.redeem_script, r, false);
+ out.pushKV("redeem_script", r);
+ }
+ if (!output.witness_script.empty()) {
+ UniValue r(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ScriptToUniv(output.witness_script, r, false);
+ out.pushKV("witness_script", r);
+ }
+ // keypaths
+ if (!output.hd_keypaths.empty()) {
+ UniValue keypaths(UniValue::VARR);
+ for (auto entry : output.hd_keypaths) {
+ UniValue keypath(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ keypath.pushKV("pubkey", HexStr(entry.first));
+ uint32_t fingerprint = entry.second.at(0);
+ keypath.pushKV("master_fingerprint", strprintf("%08x", bswap_32(fingerprint)));
+ entry.second.erase(entry.second.begin());
+ keypath.pushKV("path", WriteHDKeypath(entry.second));
+ keypaths.push_back(keypath);
+ }
+ out.pushKV("bip32_derivs", keypaths);
+ }
+ // Unknown data
+ if (output.unknown.size() > 0) {
+ UniValue unknowns(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ for (auto entry : output.unknown) {
+ unknowns.pushKV(HexStr(entry.first), HexStr(entry.second));
+ }
+ out.pushKV("unknown", unknowns);
+ }
+ outputs.push_back(out);
+ // Fee calculation
+ output_value += psbtx.tx->vout[i].nValue;
+ }
+ result.pushKV("outputs", outputs);
+ if (have_all_utxos) {
+ result.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(total_in - output_value));
+ }
+ return result;
+UniValue combinepsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "combinepsbt [\"psbt\",...]\n"
+ "\nCombine multiple partially signed Bitcoin transactions into one transaction.\n"
+ "Implements the Combiner role.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"txs\" (string) A json array of base64 strings of partially signed transactions\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " \"psbt\" (string) A base64 string of a PSBT\n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ " \"psbt\" (string) The base64-encoded partially signed transaction\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("combinepsbt", "[\"mybase64_1\", \"mybase64_2\", \"mybase64_3\"]")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VARR}, true);
+ // Unserialize the transactions
+ std::vector<PartiallySignedTransaction> psbtxs;
+ UniValue txs = request.params[0].get_array();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < txs.size(); ++i) {
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ std::string error;
+ if (!DecodePSBT(psbtx, txs[i].get_str(), error)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, strprintf("TX decode failed %s", error));
+ }
+ psbtxs.push_back(psbtx);
+ }
+ PartiallySignedTransaction merged_psbt(psbtxs[0]); // Copy the first one
+ // Merge
+ for (auto it = std::next(psbtxs.begin()); it != psbtxs.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it != merged_psbt) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "PSBTs do not refer to the same transactions.");
+ }
+ merged_psbt.Merge(*it);
+ }
+ if (!merged_psbt.IsSane()) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Merged PSBT is inconsistent");
+ }
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ssTx << merged_psbt;
+ return EncodeBase64((unsigned char*)ssTx.data(), ssTx.size());
+UniValue finalizepsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "finalizepsbt \"psbt\" ( extract )\n"
+ "Finalize the inputs of a PSBT. If the transaction is fully signed, it will produce a\n"
+ "network serialized transaction which can be broadcast with sendrawtransaction. Otherwise a PSBT will be\n"
+ "created which has the final_scriptSig and final_scriptWitness fields filled for inputs that are complete.\n"
+ "Implements the Finalizer and Extractor roles.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"psbt\" (string) A base64 string of a PSBT\n"
+ "2. \"extract\" (boolean, optional, default=true) If true and the transaction is complete, \n"
+ " extract and return the complete transaction in normal network serialization instead of the PSBT.\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"psbt\" : \"value\", (string) The base64-encoded partially signed transaction if not extracted\n"
+ " \"hex\" : \"value\", (string) The hex-encoded network transaction if extracted\n"
+ " \"complete\" : true|false, (boolean) If the transaction has a complete set of signatures\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("finalizepsbt", "\"psbt\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValue::VBOOL}, true);
+ // Unserialize the transactions
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ std::string error;
+ if (!DecodePSBT(psbtx, request.params[0].get_str(), error)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, strprintf("TX decode failed %s", error));
+ }
+ // Get all of the previous transactions
+ bool complete = true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < psbtx.tx->vin.size(); ++i) {
+ PSBTInput& input = psbtx.inputs.at(i);
+ SignatureData sigdata;
+ complete &= SignPSBTInput(DUMMY_SIGNING_PROVIDER, *psbtx.tx, input, sigdata, i, 1);
+ }
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ bool extract = request.params[1].isNull() || (!request.params[1].isNull() && request.params[1].get_bool());
+ if (complete && extract) {
+ CMutableTransaction mtx(*psbtx.tx);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mtx.vin.size(); ++i) {
+ mtx.vin[i].scriptSig = psbtx.inputs[i].final_script_sig;
+ mtx.vin[i].scriptWitness = psbtx.inputs[i].final_script_witness;
+ }
+ ssTx << mtx;
+ result.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(ssTx.begin(), ssTx.end())));
+ } else {
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ result.push_back(Pair("psbt", EncodeBase64((unsigned char*)ssTx.data(), ssTx.size())));
+ }
+ result.push_back(Pair("complete", complete));
+ return result;
+UniValue createpsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 4)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "createpsbt [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n},...] [{\"address\":amount},{\"data\":\"hex\"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )\n"
+ "\nCreates a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format.\n"
+ "Implements the Creator role.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"inputs\" (array, required) A json array of json objects\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
+ " \"vout\":n, (numeric, required) The output number\n"
+ " \"sequence\":n (numeric, optional) The sequence number\n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "2. \"outputs\" (array, required) a json array with outputs (key-value pairs)\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"address\": x.xxx, (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key (string) is the bitcoin address, the value (float or string) is the amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"data\": \"hex\" (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key must be \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,... More key-value pairs of the above form. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also\n"
+ " accepted as second parameter.\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "3. locktime (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs\n"
+ "4. replaceable (boolean, optional, default=false) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
+ " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ " \"psbt\" (string) The resulting raw transaction (base64-encoded string)\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("createpsbt", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
+ UniValue::VARR,
+ UniValueType(), // ARR or OBJ, checked later
+ UniValue::VNUM,
+ UniValue::VBOOL,
+ }, true
+ );
+ CMutableTransaction rawTx = ConstructTransaction(request.params[0], request.params[1], request.params[2], request.params[3]);
+ // Make a blank psbt
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ psbtx.tx = rawTx;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rawTx.vin.size(); ++i) {
+ psbtx.inputs.push_back(PSBTInput());
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rawTx.vout.size(); ++i) {
+ psbtx.outputs.push_back(PSBTOutput());
+ }
+ // Serialize the PSBT
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ return EncodeBase64((unsigned char*)ssTx.data(), ssTx.size());
+UniValue converttopsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 3)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "converttopsbt \"hexstring\" ( permitsigdata iswitness )\n"
+ "\nConverts a network serialized transaction to a PSBT. This should be used only with createrawtransaction and fundrawtransaction\n"
+ "createpsbt and walletcreatefundedpsbt should be used for new applications.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"hexstring\" (string, required) The hex string of a raw transaction\n"
+ "2. permitsigdata (boolean, optional, default=false) If true, any signatures in the input will be discarded and conversion.\n"
+ " will continue. If false, RPC will fail if any signatures are present.\n"
+ "3. iswitness (boolean, optional) Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction.\n"
+ " If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding. If true, only witness deserializaion\n"
+ " will be tried. If false, only non-witness deserialization wil be tried. Only has an effect if\n"
+ " permitsigdata is true.\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ " \"psbt\" (string) The resulting raw transaction (base64-encoded string)\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ "\nCreate a transaction\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"") +
+ "\nConvert the transaction to a PSBT\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("converttopsbt", "\"rawtransaction\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValue::VBOOL, UniValue::VBOOL}, true);
+ // parse hex string from parameter
+ CMutableTransaction tx;
+ bool permitsigdata = request.params[1].isNull() ? false : request.params[1].get_bool();
+ bool witness_specified = !request.params[2].isNull();
+ bool iswitness = witness_specified ? request.params[2].get_bool() : false;
+ bool try_witness = permitsigdata ? (witness_specified ? iswitness : true) : false;
+ bool try_no_witness = permitsigdata ? (witness_specified ? !iswitness : true) : true;
+ if (!DecodeHexTx(tx, request.params[0].get_str(), try_no_witness, try_witness)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");
+ }
+ // Remove all scriptSigs and scriptWitnesses from inputs
+ for (CTxIn& input : tx.vin) {
+ if ((!input.scriptSig.empty() || !input.scriptWitness.IsNull()) && (request.params[1].isNull() || (!request.params[1].isNull() && request.params[1].get_bool()))) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Inputs must not have scriptSigs and scriptWitnesses");
+ }
+ input.scriptSig.clear();
+ input.scriptWitness.SetNull();
+ }
+ // Make a blank psbt
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ psbtx.tx = tx;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); ++i) {
+ psbtx.inputs.push_back(PSBTInput());
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) {
+ psbtx.outputs.push_back(PSBTOutput());
+ }
+ // Serialize the PSBT
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ return EncodeBase64((unsigned char*)ssTx.data(), ssTx.size());
static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) argNames
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
@@ -1275,6 +1813,11 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ "rawtransactions", "signrawtransaction", &signrawtransaction, {"hexstring","prevtxs","privkeys","sighashtype"} }, /* uses wallet if enabled */
{ "rawtransactions", "signrawtransactionwithkey", &signrawtransactionwithkey, {"hexstring","privkeys","prevtxs","sighashtype"} },
{ "rawtransactions", "testmempoolaccept", &testmempoolaccept, {"rawtxs","allowhighfees"} },
+ { "rawtransactions", "decodepsbt", &decodepsbt, {"psbt"} },
+ { "rawtransactions", "combinepsbt", &combinepsbt, {"txs"} },
+ { "rawtransactions", "finalizepsbt", &finalizepsbt, {"psbt", "extract"} },
+ { "rawtransactions", "createpsbt", &createpsbt, {"inputs","outputs","locktime","replaceable"} },
+ { "rawtransactions", "converttopsbt", &converttopsbt, {"hexstring","permitsigdata","iswitness"} },
{ "blockchain", "gettxoutproof", &gettxoutproof, {"txids", "blockhash"} },
{ "blockchain", "verifytxoutproof", &verifytxoutproof, {"proof"} },
diff --git a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.h b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.h
index ec9d1f2cf0..52dccc90e8 100644
--- a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.h
+++ b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.h
@@ -12,4 +12,7 @@ class UniValue;
/** Sign a transaction with the given keystore and previous transactions */
UniValue SignTransaction(CMutableTransaction& mtx, const UniValue& prevTxs, CBasicKeyStore *keystore, bool tempKeystore, const UniValue& hashType);
+/** Create a transaction from univalue parameters */
+CMutableTransaction ConstructTransaction(const UniValue& inputs_in, const UniValue& outputs_in, const UniValue& locktime, const UniValue& rbf);
diff --git a/src/script/bitcoinconsensus.cpp b/src/script/bitcoinconsensus.cpp
index 8cc44b675f..e2370c5e50 100644
--- a/src/script/bitcoinconsensus.cpp
+++ b/src/script/bitcoinconsensus.cpp
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static int verify_script(const unsigned char *scriptPubKey, unsigned int scriptP
unsigned int nIn, unsigned int flags, bitcoinconsensus_error* err)
if (!verify_flags(flags)) {
- return bitcoinconsensus_ERR_INVALID_FLAGS;
+ return set_error(err, bitcoinconsensus_ERR_INVALID_FLAGS);
try {
TxInputStream stream(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION, txTo, txToLen);
diff --git a/src/script/sign.cpp b/src/script/sign.cpp
index 60a8a2655d..f1ac1f411a 100644
--- a/src/script/sign.cpp
+++ b/src/script/sign.cpp
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@ static bool GetCScript(const SigningProvider& provider, const SignatureData& sig
return false;
-static bool GetPubKey(const SigningProvider& provider, const SignatureData& sigdata, const CKeyID& address, CPubKey& pubkey)
+static bool GetPubKey(const SigningProvider& provider, SignatureData& sigdata, const CKeyID& address, CPubKey& pubkey)
if (provider.GetPubKey(address, pubkey)) {
+ sigdata.misc_pubkeys.emplace(pubkey.GetID(), pubkey);
return true;
// Look for pubkey in all partial sigs
@@ -60,6 +61,12 @@ static bool GetPubKey(const SigningProvider& provider, const SignatureData& sigd
pubkey = it->second.first;
return true;
+ // Look for pubkey in pubkey list
+ const auto& pk_it = sigdata.misc_pubkeys.find(address);
+ if (pk_it != sigdata.misc_pubkeys.end()) {
+ pubkey = pk_it->second;
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
@@ -70,9 +77,9 @@ static bool CreateSig(const BaseSignatureCreator& creator, SignatureData& sigdat
sig_out = it->second.second;
return true;
+ CPubKey pubkey;
+ GetPubKey(provider, sigdata, keyid, pubkey);
if (creator.CreateSig(provider, sig_out, keyid, scriptcode, sigversion)) {
- CPubKey pubkey;
- GetPubKey(provider, sigdata, keyid, pubkey);
auto i = sigdata.signatures.emplace(keyid, SigPair(pubkey, sig_out));
return true;
@@ -200,6 +207,7 @@ bool ProduceSignature(const SigningProvider& provider, const BaseSignatureCreato
txnouttype subType;
solved = solved && SignStep(provider, creator, witnessscript, result, subType, SigVersion::WITNESS_V0, sigdata);
sigdata.scriptWitness.stack = result;
+ sigdata.witness = true;
else if (solved && whichType == TX_WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH)
@@ -210,7 +218,10 @@ bool ProduceSignature(const SigningProvider& provider, const BaseSignatureCreato
solved = solved && SignStep(provider, creator, witnessscript, result, subType, SigVersion::WITNESS_V0, sigdata) && subType != TX_SCRIPTHASH && subType != TX_WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH && subType != TX_WITNESS_V0_KEYHASH;
result.push_back(std::vector<unsigned char>(witnessscript.begin(), witnessscript.end()));
sigdata.scriptWitness.stack = result;
+ sigdata.witness = true;
+ } else if (solved && whichType == TX_WITNESS_UNKNOWN) {
+ sigdata.witness = true;
if (P2SH) {
@@ -223,6 +234,32 @@ bool ProduceSignature(const SigningProvider& provider, const BaseSignatureCreato
return sigdata.complete;
+bool SignPSBTInput(const SigningProvider& provider, const CMutableTransaction& tx, PSBTInput& input, SignatureData& sigdata, int index, int sighash)
+ // if this input has a final scriptsig or scriptwitness, don't do anything with it
+ if (!input.final_script_sig.empty() || !input.final_script_witness.IsNull()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Fill SignatureData with input info
+ input.FillSignatureData(sigdata);
+ // Get UTXO
+ CTxOut utxo;
+ if (input.non_witness_utxo) {
+ utxo = input.non_witness_utxo->vout[tx.vin[index].prevout.n];
+ } else if (!input.witness_utxo.IsNull()) {
+ utxo = input.witness_utxo;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ MutableTransactionSignatureCreator creator(&tx, index, utxo.nValue, sighash);
+ bool sig_complete = ProduceSignature(provider, creator, utxo.scriptPubKey, sigdata);
+ input.FromSignatureData(sigdata);
+ return sig_complete;
class SignatureExtractorChecker final : public BaseSignatureChecker
@@ -429,3 +466,161 @@ bool IsSolvable(const SigningProvider& provider, const CScript& script)
return false;
+bool PartiallySignedTransaction::IsNull() const
+ return !tx && inputs.empty() && outputs.empty() && unknown.empty();
+void PartiallySignedTransaction::Merge(const PartiallySignedTransaction& psbt)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
+ inputs[i].Merge(psbt.inputs[i]);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
+ outputs[i].Merge(psbt.outputs[i]);
+ }
+bool PartiallySignedTransaction::IsSane() const
+ for (PSBTInput input : inputs) {
+ if (!input.IsSane()) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PSBTInput::IsNull() const
+ return !non_witness_utxo && witness_utxo.IsNull() && partial_sigs.empty() && unknown.empty() && hd_keypaths.empty() && redeem_script.empty() && witness_script.empty();
+void PSBTInput::FillSignatureData(SignatureData& sigdata) const
+ if (!final_script_sig.empty()) {
+ sigdata.scriptSig = final_script_sig;
+ sigdata.complete = true;
+ }
+ if (!final_script_witness.IsNull()) {
+ sigdata.scriptWitness = final_script_witness;
+ sigdata.complete = true;
+ }
+ if (sigdata.complete) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sigdata.signatures.insert(partial_sigs.begin(), partial_sigs.end());
+ if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
+ sigdata.redeem_script = redeem_script;
+ }
+ if (!witness_script.empty()) {
+ sigdata.witness_script = witness_script;
+ }
+ for (const auto& key_pair : hd_keypaths) {
+ sigdata.misc_pubkeys.emplace(key_pair.first.GetID(), key_pair.first);
+ }
+void PSBTInput::FromSignatureData(const SignatureData& sigdata)
+ if (sigdata.complete) {
+ partial_sigs.clear();
+ hd_keypaths.clear();
+ redeem_script.clear();
+ witness_script.clear();
+ if (!sigdata.scriptSig.empty()) {
+ final_script_sig = sigdata.scriptSig;
+ }
+ if (!sigdata.scriptWitness.IsNull()) {
+ final_script_witness = sigdata.scriptWitness;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ partial_sigs.insert(sigdata.signatures.begin(), sigdata.signatures.end());
+ if (redeem_script.empty() && !sigdata.redeem_script.empty()) {
+ redeem_script = sigdata.redeem_script;
+ }
+ if (witness_script.empty() && !sigdata.witness_script.empty()) {
+ witness_script = sigdata.witness_script;
+ }
+void PSBTInput::Merge(const PSBTInput& input)
+ if (!non_witness_utxo && input.non_witness_utxo) non_witness_utxo = input.non_witness_utxo;
+ if (witness_utxo.IsNull() && !input.witness_utxo.IsNull()) {
+ witness_utxo = input.witness_utxo;
+ non_witness_utxo = nullptr; // Clear out any non-witness utxo when we set a witness one.
+ }
+ partial_sigs.insert(input.partial_sigs.begin(), input.partial_sigs.end());
+ hd_keypaths.insert(input.hd_keypaths.begin(), input.hd_keypaths.end());
+ unknown.insert(input.unknown.begin(), input.unknown.end());
+ if (redeem_script.empty() && !input.redeem_script.empty()) redeem_script = input.redeem_script;
+ if (witness_script.empty() && !input.witness_script.empty()) witness_script = input.witness_script;
+ if (final_script_sig.empty() && !input.final_script_sig.empty()) final_script_sig = input.final_script_sig;
+ if (final_script_witness.IsNull() && !input.final_script_witness.IsNull()) final_script_witness = input.final_script_witness;
+bool PSBTInput::IsSane() const
+ // Cannot have both witness and non-witness utxos
+ if (!witness_utxo.IsNull() && non_witness_utxo) return false;
+ // If we have a witness_script or a scriptWitness, we must also have a witness utxo
+ if (!witness_script.empty() && witness_utxo.IsNull()) return false;
+ if (!final_script_witness.IsNull() && witness_utxo.IsNull()) return false;
+ return true;
+void PSBTOutput::FillSignatureData(SignatureData& sigdata) const
+ if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
+ sigdata.redeem_script = redeem_script;
+ }
+ if (!witness_script.empty()) {
+ sigdata.witness_script = witness_script;
+ }
+ for (const auto& key_pair : hd_keypaths) {
+ sigdata.misc_pubkeys.emplace(key_pair.first.GetID(), key_pair.first);
+ }
+void PSBTOutput::FromSignatureData(const SignatureData& sigdata)
+ if (redeem_script.empty() && !sigdata.redeem_script.empty()) {
+ redeem_script = sigdata.redeem_script;
+ }
+ if (witness_script.empty() && !sigdata.witness_script.empty()) {
+ witness_script = sigdata.witness_script;
+ }
+bool PSBTOutput::IsNull() const
+ return redeem_script.empty() && witness_script.empty() && hd_keypaths.empty() && unknown.empty();
+void PSBTOutput::Merge(const PSBTOutput& output)
+ hd_keypaths.insert(output.hd_keypaths.begin(), output.hd_keypaths.end());
+ unknown.insert(output.unknown.begin(), output.unknown.end());
+ if (redeem_script.empty() && !output.redeem_script.empty()) redeem_script = output.redeem_script;
+ if (witness_script.empty() && !output.witness_script.empty()) witness_script = output.witness_script;
+bool PublicOnlySigningProvider::GetCScript(const CScriptID &scriptid, CScript& script) const
+ return m_provider->GetCScript(scriptid, script);
+bool PublicOnlySigningProvider::GetPubKey(const CKeyID &address, CPubKey& pubkey) const
+ return m_provider->GetPubKey(address, pubkey);
diff --git a/src/script/sign.h b/src/script/sign.h
index 3666859641..e3a6196b28 100644
--- a/src/script/sign.h
+++ b/src/script/sign.h
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
+#include <hash.h>
+#include <pubkey.h>
#include <script/interpreter.h>
+#include <streams.h>
class CKey;
class CKeyID;
@@ -28,6 +32,17 @@ public:
extern const SigningProvider& DUMMY_SIGNING_PROVIDER;
+class PublicOnlySigningProvider : public SigningProvider
+ const SigningProvider* m_provider;
+ PublicOnlySigningProvider(const SigningProvider* provider) : m_provider(provider) {}
+ bool GetCScript(const CScriptID &scriptid, CScript& script) const;
+ bool GetPubKey(const CKeyID &address, CPubKey& pubkey) const;
/** Interface for signature creators. */
class BaseSignatureCreator {
@@ -62,17 +77,567 @@ typedef std::pair<CPubKey, std::vector<unsigned char>> SigPair;
// in order to construct final scriptSigs and scriptWitnesses.
struct SignatureData {
bool complete = false; ///< Stores whether the scriptSig and scriptWitness are complete
+ bool witness = false; ///< Stores whether the input this SigData corresponds to is a witness input
CScript scriptSig; ///< The scriptSig of an input. Contains complete signatures or the traditional partial signatures format
CScript redeem_script; ///< The redeemScript (if any) for the input
CScript witness_script; ///< The witnessScript (if any) for the input. witnessScripts are used in P2WSH outputs.
CScriptWitness scriptWitness; ///< The scriptWitness of an input. Contains complete signatures or the traditional partial signatures format. scriptWitness is part of a transaction input per BIP 144.
std::map<CKeyID, SigPair> signatures; ///< BIP 174 style partial signatures for the input. May contain all signatures necessary for producing a final scriptSig or scriptWitness.
+ std::map<CKeyID, CPubKey> misc_pubkeys;
SignatureData() {}
explicit SignatureData(const CScript& script) : scriptSig(script) {}
void MergeSignatureData(SignatureData sigdata);
+// Magic bytes
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_MAGIC_BYTES[5] = {'p', 's', 'b', 't', 0xff};
+// Global types
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX = 0x00;
+// Input types
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO = 0x00;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO = 0x01;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG = 0x02;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_SIGHASH = 0x03;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_REDEEMSCRIPT = 0x04;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_WITNESSSCRIPT = 0x05;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION = 0x06;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_SCRIPTSIG = 0x07;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_IN_SCRIPTWITNESS = 0x08;
+// Output types
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_OUT_REDEEMSCRIPT = 0x00;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_OUT_WITNESSSCRIPT = 0x01;
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_OUT_BIP32_DERIVATION = 0x02;
+// The separator is 0x00. Reading this in means that the unserializer can interpret it
+// as a 0 length key which indicates that this is the separator. The separator has no value.
+static constexpr uint8_t PSBT_SEPARATOR = 0x00;
+// Takes a stream and multiple arguments and serializes them into a vector and then into the stream
+// The resulting output into the stream has the total serialized length of all of the objects followed by all objects concatenated with each other.
+template<typename Stream, typename... X>
+void SerializeToVector(Stream& s, const X&... args)
+ std::vector<unsigned char> ret;
+ CVectorWriter ss(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION, ret, 0);
+ SerializeMany(ss, args...);
+ s << ret;
+// Takes a stream and multiple arguments and unserializes them first as a vector then each object individually in the order provided in the arguments
+template<typename Stream, typename... X>
+void UnserializeFromVector(Stream& s, X&... args)
+ std::vector<unsigned char> data;
+ s >> data;
+ UnserializeMany(ss, args...);
+ if (!ss.eof()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Size of value was not the stated size");
+ }
+// Deserialize HD keypaths into a map
+template<typename Stream>
+void DeserializeHDKeypaths(Stream& s, const std::vector<unsigned char>& key, std::map<CPubKey, std::vector<uint32_t>>& hd_keypaths)
+ // Make sure that the key is the size of pubkey + 1
+ if (key.size() != CPubKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + 1 && key.size() != CPubKey::COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + 1) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Size of key was not the expected size for the type BIP32 keypath");
+ }
+ // Read in the pubkey from key
+ CPubKey pubkey(key.begin() + 1, key.end());
+ if (!pubkey.IsFullyValid()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Invalid pubkey");
+ }
+ if (hd_keypaths.count(pubkey) > 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, pubkey derivation path already provided");
+ }
+ // Read in key path
+ uint64_t value_len = ReadCompactSize(s);
+ std::vector<uint32_t> keypath;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value_len; i += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ uint32_t index;
+ s >> index;
+ keypath.push_back(index);
+ }
+ // Add to map
+ hd_keypaths.emplace(pubkey, keypath);
+// Serialize HD keypaths to a stream from a map
+template<typename Stream>
+void SerializeHDKeypaths(Stream& s, const std::map<CPubKey, std::vector<uint32_t>>& hd_keypaths, uint8_t type)
+ for (auto keypath_pair : hd_keypaths) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, type, MakeSpan(keypath_pair.first));
+ WriteCompactSize(s, keypath_pair.second.size() * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ for (auto& path : keypath_pair.second) {
+ s << path;
+ }
+ }
+/** A structure for PSBTs which contain per-input information */
+struct PSBTInput
+ CTransactionRef non_witness_utxo;
+ CTxOut witness_utxo;
+ CScript redeem_script;
+ CScript witness_script;
+ CScript final_script_sig;
+ CScriptWitness final_script_witness;
+ std::map<CPubKey, std::vector<uint32_t>> hd_keypaths;
+ std::map<CKeyID, SigPair> partial_sigs;
+ std::map<std::vector<unsigned char>, std::vector<unsigned char>> unknown;
+ int sighash_type = 0;
+ bool IsNull() const;
+ void FillSignatureData(SignatureData& sigdata) const;
+ void FromSignatureData(const SignatureData& sigdata);
+ void Merge(const PSBTInput& input);
+ bool IsSane() const;
+ PSBTInput() {}
+ template <typename Stream>
+ inline void Serialize(Stream& s) const {
+ // Write the utxo
+ // If there is a non-witness utxo, then don't add the witness one.
+ if (non_witness_utxo) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO);
+ SerializeToVector(s, non_witness_utxo);
+ } else if (!witness_utxo.IsNull()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO);
+ SerializeToVector(s, witness_utxo);
+ }
+ if (final_script_sig.empty() && final_script_witness.IsNull()) {
+ // Write any partial signatures
+ for (auto sig_pair : partial_sigs) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG, MakeSpan(sig_pair.second.first));
+ s << sig_pair.second.second;
+ }
+ // Write the sighash type
+ if (sighash_type > 0) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_SIGHASH);
+ SerializeToVector(s, sighash_type);
+ }
+ // Write the redeem script
+ if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_REDEEMSCRIPT);
+ s << redeem_script;
+ }
+ // Write the witness script
+ if (!witness_script.empty()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_WITNESSSCRIPT);
+ s << witness_script;
+ }
+ // Write any hd keypaths
+ SerializeHDKeypaths(s, hd_keypaths, PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION);
+ }
+ // Write script sig
+ if (!final_script_sig.empty()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_SCRIPTSIG);
+ s << final_script_sig;
+ }
+ // write script witness
+ if (!final_script_witness.IsNull()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_IN_SCRIPTWITNESS);
+ SerializeToVector(s, final_script_witness.stack);
+ }
+ // Write unknown things
+ for (auto& entry : unknown) {
+ s << entry.first;
+ s << entry.second;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ inline void Unserialize(Stream& s) {
+ // Read loop
+ while(!s.empty()) {
+ // Read
+ std::vector<unsigned char> key;
+ s >> key;
+ // the key is empty if that was actually a separator byte
+ // This is a special case for key lengths 0 as those are not allowed (except for separator)
+ if (key.empty()) return;
+ // First byte of key is the type
+ unsigned char type = key[0];
+ // Do stuff based on type
+ switch(type) {
+ if (non_witness_utxo) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input non-witness utxo already provided");
+ }
+ UnserializeFromVector(s, non_witness_utxo);
+ break;
+ if (!witness_utxo.IsNull()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input witness utxo already provided");
+ }
+ UnserializeFromVector(s, witness_utxo);
+ break;
+ {
+ // Make sure that the key is the size of pubkey + 1
+ if (key.size() != CPubKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + 1 && key.size() != CPubKey::COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + 1) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Size of key was not the expected size for the type partial signature pubkey");
+ }
+ // Read in the pubkey from key
+ CPubKey pubkey(key.begin() + 1, key.end());
+ if (!pubkey.IsFullyValid()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Invalid pubkey");
+ }
+ if (partial_sigs.count(pubkey.GetID()) > 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input partial signature for pubkey already provided");
+ }
+ // Read in the signature from value
+ std::vector<unsigned char> sig;
+ s >> sig;
+ // Add to list
+ partial_sigs.emplace(pubkey.GetID(), SigPair(pubkey, std::move(sig)));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sighash_type > 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input sighash type already provided");
+ }
+ UnserializeFromVector(s, sighash_type);
+ break;
+ {
+ if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input redeemScript already provided");
+ }
+ s >> redeem_script;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (!witness_script.empty()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input witnessScript already provided");
+ }
+ s >> witness_script;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ DeserializeHDKeypaths(s, key, hd_keypaths);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (!final_script_sig.empty()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input final scriptSig already provided");
+ }
+ s >> final_script_sig;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (!final_script_witness.IsNull()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, input final scriptWitness already provided");
+ }
+ UnserializeFromVector(s, final_script_witness.stack);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Unknown stuff
+ default:
+ if (unknown.count(key) > 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, key for unknown value already provided");
+ }
+ // Read in the value
+ std::vector<unsigned char> val_bytes;
+ s >> val_bytes;
+ unknown.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(val_bytes));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ PSBTInput(deserialize_type, Stream& s) {
+ Unserialize(s);
+ }
+/** A structure for PSBTs which contains per output information */
+struct PSBTOutput
+ CScript redeem_script;
+ CScript witness_script;
+ std::map<CPubKey, std::vector<uint32_t>> hd_keypaths;
+ std::map<std::vector<unsigned char>, std::vector<unsigned char>> unknown;
+ bool IsNull() const;
+ void FillSignatureData(SignatureData& sigdata) const;
+ void FromSignatureData(const SignatureData& sigdata);
+ void Merge(const PSBTOutput& output);
+ bool IsSane() const;
+ PSBTOutput() {}
+ template <typename Stream>
+ inline void Serialize(Stream& s) const {
+ // Write the redeem script
+ if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_OUT_REDEEMSCRIPT);
+ s << redeem_script;
+ }
+ // Write the witness script
+ if (!witness_script.empty()) {
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_OUT_WITNESSSCRIPT);
+ s << witness_script;
+ }
+ // Write any hd keypaths
+ SerializeHDKeypaths(s, hd_keypaths, PSBT_OUT_BIP32_DERIVATION);
+ // Write unknown things
+ for (auto& entry : unknown) {
+ s << entry.first;
+ s << entry.second;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ inline void Unserialize(Stream& s) {
+ // Read loop
+ while(!s.empty()) {
+ // Read
+ std::vector<unsigned char> key;
+ s >> key;
+ // the key is empty if that was actually a separator byte
+ // This is a special case for key lengths 0 as those are not allowed (except for separator)
+ if (key.empty()) return;
+ // First byte of key is the type
+ unsigned char type = key[0];
+ // Do stuff based on type
+ switch(type) {
+ {
+ if (!redeem_script.empty()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, output redeemScript already provided");
+ }
+ s >> redeem_script;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (!witness_script.empty()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, output witnessScript already provided");
+ }
+ s >> witness_script;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ DeserializeHDKeypaths(s, key, hd_keypaths);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Unknown stuff
+ default: {
+ if (unknown.count(key) > 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, key for unknown value already provided");
+ }
+ // Read in the value
+ std::vector<unsigned char> val_bytes;
+ s >> val_bytes;
+ unknown.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(val_bytes));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ PSBTOutput(deserialize_type, Stream& s) {
+ Unserialize(s);
+ }
+/** A version of CTransaction with the PSBT format*/
+struct PartiallySignedTransaction
+ boost::optional<CMutableTransaction> tx;
+ std::vector<PSBTInput> inputs;
+ std::vector<PSBTOutput> outputs;
+ std::map<std::vector<unsigned char>, std::vector<unsigned char>> unknown;
+ bool IsNull() const;
+ void Merge(const PartiallySignedTransaction& psbt);
+ bool IsSane() const;
+ PartiallySignedTransaction() {}
+ PartiallySignedTransaction(const PartiallySignedTransaction& psbt_in) : tx(psbt_in.tx), inputs(psbt_in.inputs), outputs(psbt_in.outputs), unknown(psbt_in.unknown) {}
+ // Only checks if they refer to the same transaction
+ friend bool operator==(const PartiallySignedTransaction& a, const PartiallySignedTransaction &b)
+ {
+ return a.tx->GetHash() == b.tx->GetHash();
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const PartiallySignedTransaction& a, const PartiallySignedTransaction &b)
+ {
+ return !(a == b);
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ inline void Serialize(Stream& s) const {
+ // magic bytes
+ // unsigned tx flag
+ SerializeToVector(s, PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX);
+ // Write serialized tx to a stream
+ SerializeToVector(s, *tx);
+ // Write the unknown things
+ for (auto& entry : unknown) {
+ s << entry.first;
+ s << entry.second;
+ }
+ // Separator
+ // Write inputs
+ for (const PSBTInput& input : inputs) {
+ s << input;
+ }
+ // Write outputs
+ for (const PSBTOutput& output : outputs) {
+ s << output;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ inline void Unserialize(Stream& s) {
+ // Read the magic bytes
+ uint8_t magic[5];
+ s >> magic;
+ if (!std::equal(magic, magic + 5, PSBT_MAGIC_BYTES)) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Invalid PSBT magic bytes");
+ }
+ // Read global data
+ while(!s.empty()) {
+ // Read
+ std::vector<unsigned char> key;
+ s >> key;
+ // the key is empty if that was actually a separator byte
+ // This is a special case for key lengths 0 as those are not allowed (except for separator)
+ if (key.empty()) break;
+ // First byte of key is the type
+ unsigned char type = key[0];
+ // Do stuff based on type
+ switch(type) {
+ {
+ if (tx) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, unsigned tx already provided");
+ }
+ CMutableTransaction mtx;
+ UnserializeFromVector(s, mtx);
+ tx = std::move(mtx);
+ // Make sure that all scriptSigs and scriptWitnesses are empty
+ for (const CTxIn& txin : tx->vin) {
+ if (!txin.scriptSig.empty() || !txin.scriptWitness.IsNull()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Unsigned tx does not have empty scriptSigs and scriptWitnesses.");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Unknown stuff
+ default: {
+ if (unknown.count(key) > 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Duplicate Key, key for unknown value already provided");
+ }
+ // Read in the value
+ std::vector<unsigned char> val_bytes;
+ s >> val_bytes;
+ unknown.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(val_bytes));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure that we got an unsigned tx
+ if (!tx) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("No unsigned transcation was provided");
+ }
+ // Read input data
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ while (!s.empty() && i < tx->vin.size()) {
+ PSBTInput input;
+ s >> input;
+ inputs.push_back(input);
+ // Make sure the non-witness utxo matches the outpoint
+ if (input.non_witness_utxo && input.non_witness_utxo->GetHash() != tx->vin[i].prevout.hash) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Non-witness UTXO does not match outpoint hash");
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Make sure that the number of inputs matches the number of inputs in the transaction
+ if (inputs.size() != tx->vin.size()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Inputs provided does not match the number of inputs in transaction.");
+ }
+ // Read output data
+ i = 0;
+ while (!s.empty() && i < tx->vout.size()) {
+ PSBTOutput output;
+ s >> output;
+ outputs.push_back(output);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Make sure that the number of outputs matches the number of outputs in the transaction
+ if (outputs.size() != tx->vout.size()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Outputs provided does not match the number of outputs in transaction.");
+ }
+ // Sanity check
+ if (!IsSane()) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("PSBT is not sane.");
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Stream>
+ PartiallySignedTransaction(deserialize_type, Stream& s) {
+ Unserialize(s);
+ }
/** Produce a script signature using a generic signature creator. */
bool ProduceSignature(const SigningProvider& provider, const BaseSignatureCreator& creator, const CScript& scriptPubKey, SignatureData& sigdata);
@@ -80,6 +645,9 @@ bool ProduceSignature(const SigningProvider& provider, const BaseSignatureCreato
bool SignSignature(const SigningProvider &provider, const CScript& fromPubKey, CMutableTransaction& txTo, unsigned int nIn, const CAmount& amount, int nHashType);
bool SignSignature(const SigningProvider &provider, const CTransaction& txFrom, CMutableTransaction& txTo, unsigned int nIn, int nHashType);
+/** Signs a PSBTInput */
+bool SignPSBTInput(const SigningProvider& provider, const CMutableTransaction& tx, PSBTInput& input, SignatureData& sigdata, int index, int sighash = 1);
/** Extract signature data from a transaction input, and insert it. */
SignatureData DataFromTransaction(const CMutableTransaction& tx, unsigned int nIn, const CTxOut& txout);
void UpdateInput(CTxIn& input, const SignatureData& data);
diff --git a/src/test/script_tests.cpp b/src/test/script_tests.cpp
index c7cdd7ca82..543b21e8a6 100644
--- a/src/test/script_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/script_tests.cpp
@@ -1495,4 +1495,146 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(script_can_append_self)
BOOST_CHECK(s == d);
+#if defined(HAVE_CONSENSUS_LIB)
+/* Test simple (successful) usage of bitcoinconsensus_verify_script */
+ unsigned int libconsensus_flags = 0;
+ int nIn = 0;
+ CScript scriptPubKey;
+ CScript scriptSig;
+ CScriptWitness wit;
+ scriptPubKey << OP_1;
+ CTransaction creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey, 1);
+ CTransaction spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, wit, creditTx);
+ stream << spendTx;
+ bitcoinconsensus_error err;
+ int result = bitcoinconsensus_verify_script(scriptPubKey.data(), scriptPubKey.size(), (const unsigned char*)&stream[0], stream.size(), nIn, libconsensus_flags, &err);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(err, bitcoinconsensus_ERR_OK);
+/* Test bitcoinconsensus_verify_script returns invalid tx index err*/
+ unsigned int libconsensus_flags = 0;
+ int nIn = 3;
+ CScript scriptPubKey;
+ CScript scriptSig;
+ CScriptWitness wit;
+ scriptPubKey << OP_EQUAL;
+ CTransaction creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey, 1);
+ CTransaction spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, wit, creditTx);
+ stream << spendTx;
+ bitcoinconsensus_error err;
+ int result = bitcoinconsensus_verify_script(scriptPubKey.data(), scriptPubKey.size(), (const unsigned char*)&stream[0], stream.size(), nIn, libconsensus_flags, &err);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(err, bitcoinconsensus_ERR_TX_INDEX);
+/* Test bitcoinconsensus_verify_script returns tx size mismatch err*/
+ unsigned int libconsensus_flags = 0;
+ int nIn = 0;
+ CScript scriptPubKey;
+ CScript scriptSig;
+ CScriptWitness wit;
+ scriptPubKey << OP_EQUAL;
+ CTransaction creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey, 1);
+ CTransaction spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, wit, creditTx);
+ stream << spendTx;
+ bitcoinconsensus_error err;
+ int result = bitcoinconsensus_verify_script(scriptPubKey.data(), scriptPubKey.size(), (const unsigned char*)&stream[0], stream.size() * 2, nIn, libconsensus_flags, &err);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(err, bitcoinconsensus_ERR_TX_SIZE_MISMATCH);
+/* Test bitcoinconsensus_verify_script returns invalid tx serialization error */
+ unsigned int libconsensus_flags = 0;
+ int nIn = 0;
+ CScript scriptPubKey;
+ CScript scriptSig;
+ CScriptWitness wit;
+ scriptPubKey << OP_EQUAL;
+ CTransaction creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey, 1);
+ CTransaction spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, wit, creditTx);
+ stream << 0xffffffff;
+ bitcoinconsensus_error err;
+ int result = bitcoinconsensus_verify_script(scriptPubKey.data(), scriptPubKey.size(), (const unsigned char*)&stream[0], stream.size(), nIn, libconsensus_flags, &err);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(err, bitcoinconsensus_ERR_TX_DESERIALIZE);
+/* Test bitcoinconsensus_verify_script returns amount required error */
+ unsigned int libconsensus_flags = bitcoinconsensus_SCRIPT_FLAGS_VERIFY_WITNESS;
+ int nIn = 0;
+ CScript scriptPubKey;
+ CScript scriptSig;
+ CScriptWitness wit;
+ scriptPubKey << OP_EQUAL;
+ CTransaction creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey, 1);
+ CTransaction spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, wit, creditTx);
+ stream << spendTx;
+ bitcoinconsensus_error err;
+ int result = bitcoinconsensus_verify_script(scriptPubKey.data(), scriptPubKey.size(), (const unsigned char*)&stream[0], stream.size(), nIn, libconsensus_flags, &err);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, 0);
+/* Test bitcoinconsensus_verify_script returns invalid flags err */
+ unsigned int libconsensus_flags = 1 << 3;
+ int nIn = 0;
+ CScript scriptPubKey;
+ CScript scriptSig;
+ CScriptWitness wit;
+ scriptPubKey << OP_EQUAL;
+ CTransaction creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey, 1);
+ CTransaction spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, wit, creditTx);
+ stream << spendTx;
+ bitcoinconsensus_error err;
+ int result = bitcoinconsensus_verify_script(scriptPubKey.data(), scriptPubKey.size(), (const unsigned char*)&stream[0], stream.size(), nIn, libconsensus_flags, &err);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result, 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(err, bitcoinconsensus_ERR_INVALID_FLAGS);
diff --git a/src/util.cpp b/src/util.cpp
index ab262b4063..97b5205abf 100644
--- a/src/util.cpp
+++ b/src/util.cpp
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/file_lock.hpp>
-#include <boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
@@ -811,17 +810,47 @@ fs::path GetConfigFile(const std::string& confPath)
return AbsPathForConfigVal(fs::path(confPath), false);
+static std::string TrimString(const std::string& str, const std::string& pattern)
+ std::string::size_type front = str.find_first_not_of(pattern);
+ if (front == std::string::npos) {
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of(pattern);
+ return str.substr(front, end - front + 1);
+static std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> GetConfigOptions(std::istream& stream)
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> options;
+ std::string str, prefix;
+ std::string::size_type pos;
+ while (std::getline(stream, str)) {
+ if ((pos = str.find('#')) != std::string::npos) {
+ str = str.substr(0, pos);
+ }
+ const static std::string pattern = " \t\r\n";
+ str = TrimString(str, pattern);
+ if (!str.empty()) {
+ if (*str.begin() == '[' && *str.rbegin() == ']') {
+ prefix = str.substr(1, str.size() - 2) + '.';
+ } else if ((pos = str.find('=')) != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string name = prefix + TrimString(str.substr(0, pos), pattern);
+ std::string value = TrimString(str.substr(pos + 1), pattern);
+ options.emplace_back(name, value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return options;
bool ArgsManager::ReadConfigStream(std::istream& stream, std::string& error, bool ignore_invalid_keys)
- std::set<std::string> setOptions;
- setOptions.insert("*");
- for (boost::program_options::detail::config_file_iterator it(stream, setOptions), end; it != end; ++it)
- {
- std::string strKey = std::string("-") + it->string_key;
- std::string strValue = it->value[0];
+ for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& option : GetConfigOptions(stream)) {
+ std::string strKey = std::string("-") + option.first;
+ std::string strValue = option.second;
if (InterpretNegatedOption(strKey, strValue)) {
@@ -831,7 +860,7 @@ bool ArgsManager::ReadConfigStream(std::istream& stream, std::string& error, boo
// Check that the arg is known
if (!IsArgKnown(strKey, error) && !ignore_invalid_keys) {
- error = strprintf("Invalid configuration value %s", it->string_key.c_str());
+ error = strprintf("Invalid configuration value %s", option.first.c_str());
return false;
diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp
index a30f1fd0ce..f1b63b5b44 100644
--- a/src/validation.cpp
+++ b/src/validation.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#if defined(NDEBUG)
@@ -2242,6 +2241,13 @@ static void DoWarning(const std::string& strWarning)
+/** Private helper function that concatenates warning messages. */
+static void AppendWarning(std::string& res, const std::string& warn)
+ if (!res.empty()) res += ", ";
+ res += warn;
/** Check warning conditions and do some notifications on new chain tip set. */
void static UpdateTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams& chainParams) {
// New best block
@@ -2253,7 +2259,7 @@ void static UpdateTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams& chainPar
- std::vector<std::string> warningMessages;
+ std::string warningMessages;
if (!IsInitialBlockDownload())
int nUpgraded = 0;
@@ -2266,7 +2272,7 @@ void static UpdateTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams& chainPar
if (state == ThresholdState::ACTIVE) {
} else {
- warningMessages.push_back(strWarning);
+ AppendWarning(warningMessages, strWarning);
@@ -2279,7 +2285,7 @@ void static UpdateTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams& chainPar
pindex = pindex->pprev;
if (nUpgraded > 0)
- warningMessages.push_back(strprintf(_("%d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version"), nUpgraded));
+ AppendWarning(warningMessages, strprintf(_("%d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version"), nUpgraded));
if (nUpgraded > 100/2)
std::string strWarning = _("Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect");
@@ -2293,7 +2299,7 @@ void static UpdateTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams& chainPar
GuessVerificationProgress(chainParams.TxData(), pindexNew), pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage() * (1.0 / (1<<20)), pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize());
if (!warningMessages.empty())
- LogPrintf(" warning='%s'", boost::algorithm::join(warningMessages, ", ")); /* Continued */
+ LogPrintf(" warning='%s'", warningMessages); /* Continued */
diff --git a/src/wallet/rpcdump.cpp b/src/wallet/rpcdump.cpp
index 882ddbbe4e..71fd973581 100644
--- a/src/wallet/rpcdump.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/rpcdump.cpp
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ UniValue importaddress(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 4)
throw std::runtime_error(
"importaddress \"address\" ( \"label\" rescan p2sh )\n"
- "\nAdds a script (in hex) or address that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend. Requires a new wallet backup.\n"
+ "\nAdds an address or script (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend. Requires a new wallet backup.\n"
- "1. \"script\" (string, required) The hex-encoded script (or address)\n"
+ "1. \"address\" (string, required) The Bitcoin address (or hex-encoded script)\n"
"2. \"label\" (string, optional, default=\"\") An optional label\n"
"3. rescan (boolean, optional, default=true) Rescan the wallet for transactions\n"
"4. p2sh (boolean, optional, default=false) Add the P2SH version of the script as well\n"
@@ -269,12 +269,12 @@ UniValue importaddress(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
"\nNote: If you import a non-standard raw script in hex form, outputs sending to it will be treated\n"
"as change, and not show up in many RPCs.\n"
- "\nImport a script with rescan\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("importaddress", "\"myscript\"") +
+ "\nImport an address with rescan\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("importaddress", "\"myaddress\"") +
"\nImport using a label without rescan\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("importaddress", "\"myscript\" \"testing\" false") +
+ + HelpExampleCli("importaddress", "\"myaddress\" \"testing\" false") +
"\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n"
- + HelpExampleRpc("importaddress", "\"myscript\", \"testing\", false")
+ + HelpExampleRpc("importaddress", "\"myaddress\", \"testing\", false")
diff --git a/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp b/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
index 893310cf2f..73dfebf114 100644
--- a/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
@@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ static UniValue getnewaddress(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ HelpExampleRpc("getnewaddress", "")
+ if (pwallet->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error: Private keys are disabled for this wallet");
+ }
LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet->cs_wallet);
// Parse the label first so we don't generate a key if there's an error
@@ -268,6 +272,10 @@ static UniValue getrawchangeaddress(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ HelpExampleRpc("getrawchangeaddress", "")
+ if (pwallet->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error: Private keys are disabled for this wallet");
+ }
LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet->cs_wallet);
if (!pwallet->IsLocked()) {
@@ -2506,6 +2514,10 @@ static UniValue keypoolrefill(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ HelpExampleRpc("keypoolrefill", "")
+ if (pwallet->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error: Private keys are disabled for this wallet");
+ }
LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet->cs_wallet);
// 0 is interpreted by TopUpKeyPool() as the default keypool size given by -keypool
@@ -2990,19 +3002,20 @@ static UniValue getwalletinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
"Returns an object containing various wallet state info.\n"
- " \"walletname\": xxxxx, (string) the wallet name\n"
- " \"walletversion\": xxxxx, (numeric) the wallet version\n"
- " \"balance\": xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total confirmed balance of the wallet in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
- " \"unconfirmed_balance\": xxx, (numeric) the total unconfirmed balance of the wallet in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
- " \"immature_balance\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the total immature balance of the wallet in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
- " \"txcount\": xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total number of transactions in the wallet\n"
- " \"keypoololdest\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch) of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool\n"
- " \"keypoolsize\": xxxx, (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated (only counts external keys)\n"
- " \"keypoolsize_hd_internal\": xxxx, (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated for internal use (used for change outputs, only appears if the wallet is using this feature, otherwise external keys are used)\n"
- " \"unlocked_until\": ttt, (numeric) the timestamp in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT) that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked\n"
- " \"paytxfee\": x.xxxx, (numeric) the transaction fee configuration, set in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
- " \"hdseedid\": \"<hash160>\" (string, optional) the Hash160 of the HD seed (only present when HD is enabled)\n"
- " \"hdmasterkeyid\": \"<hash160>\" (string, optional) alias for hdseedid retained for backwards-compatibility. Will be removed in V0.18.\n"
+ " \"walletname\": xxxxx, (string) the wallet name\n"
+ " \"walletversion\": xxxxx, (numeric) the wallet version\n"
+ " \"balance\": xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total confirmed balance of the wallet in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " \"unconfirmed_balance\": xxx, (numeric) the total unconfirmed balance of the wallet in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " \"immature_balance\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the total immature balance of the wallet in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " \"txcount\": xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total number of transactions in the wallet\n"
+ " \"keypoololdest\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch) of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool\n"
+ " \"keypoolsize\": xxxx, (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated (only counts external keys)\n"
+ " \"keypoolsize_hd_internal\": xxxx, (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated for internal use (used for change outputs, only appears if the wallet is using this feature, otherwise external keys are used)\n"
+ " \"unlocked_until\": ttt, (numeric) the timestamp in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT) that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked\n"
+ " \"paytxfee\": x.xxxx, (numeric) the transaction fee configuration, set in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
+ " \"hdseedid\": \"<hash160>\" (string, optional) the Hash160 of the HD seed (only present when HD is enabled)\n"
+ " \"hdmasterkeyid\": \"<hash160>\" (string, optional) alias for hdseedid retained for backwards-compatibility. Will be removed in V0.18.\n"
+ " \"private_keys_enabled\": true|false (boolean) false if privatekeys are disabled for this wallet (enforced watch-only wallet)\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getwalletinfo", "")
@@ -3038,6 +3051,7 @@ static UniValue getwalletinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
obj.pushKV("hdseedid", seed_id.GetHex());
obj.pushKV("hdmasterkeyid", seed_id.GetHex());
+ obj.pushKV("private_keys_enabled", !pwallet->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS));
return obj;
@@ -3128,12 +3142,13 @@ static UniValue loadwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
static UniValue createwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
- if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) {
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) {
throw std::runtime_error(
- "createwallet \"wallet_name\"\n"
+ "createwallet \"wallet_name\" ( disable_private_keys )\n"
"\nCreates and loads a new wallet.\n"
- "1. \"wallet_name\" (string, required) The name for the new wallet. If this is a path, the wallet will be created at the path location.\n"
+ "1. \"wallet_name\" (string, required) The name for the new wallet. If this is a path, the wallet will be created at the path location.\n"
+ "2. disable_private_keys (boolean, optional, default: false) Disable the possibility of private keys (only watchonlys are possible in this mode).\n"
" \"name\" : <wallet_name>, (string) The wallet name if created successfully. If the wallet was created using a full path, the wallet_name will be the full path.\n"
@@ -3148,6 +3163,11 @@ static UniValue createwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
std::string error;
std::string warning;
+ bool disable_privatekeys = false;
+ if (!request.params[1].isNull()) {
+ disable_privatekeys = request.params[1].get_bool();
+ }
fs::path wallet_path = fs::absolute(wallet_name, GetWalletDir());
if (fs::symlink_status(wallet_path).type() != fs::file_not_found) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Wallet " + wallet_name + " already exists.");
@@ -3158,7 +3178,7 @@ static UniValue createwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Wallet file verification failed: " + error);
- std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile(wallet_name, fs::absolute(wallet_name, GetWalletDir()));
+ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile(wallet_name, fs::absolute(wallet_name, GetWalletDir()), (disable_privatekeys ? (uint64_t)WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS : 0));
if (!wallet) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Wallet creation failed.");
@@ -3432,95 +3452,25 @@ static UniValue listunspent(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
return results;
-static UniValue fundrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+void FundTransaction(CWallet* const pwallet, CMutableTransaction& tx, CAmount& fee_out, int& change_position, UniValue options)
- std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);
- CWallet* const pwallet = wallet.get();
- if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(pwallet, request.fHelp)) {
- return NullUniValue;
- }
- if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 3)
- throw std::runtime_error(
- "fundrawtransaction \"hexstring\" ( options iswitness )\n"
- "\nAdd inputs to a transaction until it has enough in value to meet its out value.\n"
- "This will not modify existing inputs, and will add at most one change output to the outputs.\n"
- "No existing outputs will be modified unless \"subtractFeeFromOutputs\" is specified.\n"
- "Note that inputs which were signed may need to be resigned after completion since in/outputs have been added.\n"
- "The inputs added will not be signed, use signrawtransaction for that.\n"
- "Note that all existing inputs must have their previous output transaction be in the wallet.\n"
- "Note that all inputs selected must be of standard form and P2SH scripts must be\n"
- "in the wallet using importaddress or addmultisigaddress (to calculate fees).\n"
- "You can see whether this is the case by checking the \"solvable\" field in the listunspent output.\n"
- "Only pay-to-pubkey, multisig, and P2SH versions thereof are currently supported for watch-only\n"
- "\nArguments:\n"
- "1. \"hexstring\" (string, required) The hex string of the raw transaction\n"
- "2. options (object, optional)\n"
- " {\n"
- " \"changeAddress\" (string, optional, default pool address) The bitcoin address to receive the change\n"
- " \"changePosition\" (numeric, optional, default random) The index of the change output\n"
- " \"change_type\" (string, optional) The output type to use. Only valid if changeAddress is not specified. Options are \"legacy\", \"p2sh-segwit\", and \"bech32\". Default is set by -changetype.\n"
- " \"includeWatching\" (boolean, optional, default false) Also select inputs which are watch only\n"
- " \"lockUnspents\" (boolean, optional, default false) Lock selected unspent outputs\n"
- " \"feeRate\" (numeric, optional, default not set: makes wallet determine the fee) Set a specific fee rate in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
- " \"subtractFeeFromOutputs\" (array, optional) A json array of integers.\n"
- " The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output.\n"
- " The outputs are specified by their zero-based index, before any change output is added.\n"
- " Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field.\n"
- " If no outputs are specified here, the sender pays the fee.\n"
- " [vout_index,...]\n"
- " \"replaceable\" (boolean, optional) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
- " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees\n"
- " \"conf_target\" (numeric, optional) Confirmation target (in blocks)\n"
- " \"estimate_mode\" (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of:\n"
- " \"UNSET\"\n"
- " \"ECONOMICAL\"\n"
- " }\n"
- " for backward compatibility: passing in a true instead of an object will result in {\"includeWatching\":true}\n"
- "3. iswitness (boolean, optional) Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction \n"
- " If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding\n"
- "\nResult:\n"
- "{\n"
- " \"hex\": \"value\", (string) The resulting raw transaction (hex-encoded string)\n"
- " \"fee\": n, (numeric) Fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " the resulting transaction pays\n"
- " \"changepos\": n (numeric) The position of the added change output, or -1\n"
- "}\n"
- "\nExamples:\n"
- "\nCreate a transaction with no inputs\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
- "\nAdd sufficient unsigned inputs to meet the output value\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("fundrawtransaction", "\"rawtransactionhex\"") +
- "\nSign the transaction\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransaction", "\"fundedtransactionhex\"") +
- "\nSend the transaction\n"
- + HelpExampleCli("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedtransactionhex\"")
- );
- RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR});
// Make sure the results are valid at least up to the most recent block
// the user could have gotten from another RPC command prior to now
CCoinControl coinControl;
- int changePosition = -1;
+ change_position = -1;
bool lockUnspents = false;
UniValue subtractFeeFromOutputs;
std::set<int> setSubtractFeeFromOutputs;
- if (!request.params[1].isNull()) {
- if (request.params[1].type() == UniValue::VBOOL) {
+ if (!options.isNull()) {
+ if (options.type() == UniValue::VBOOL) {
// backward compatibility bool only fallback
- coinControl.fAllowWatchOnly = request.params[1].get_bool();
+ coinControl.fAllowWatchOnly = options.get_bool();
else {
- RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValue::VOBJ, UniValue::VBOOL});
- UniValue options = request.params[1];
+ RPCTypeCheckArgument(options, UniValue::VOBJ);
{"changeAddress", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
@@ -3547,7 +3497,7 @@ static UniValue fundrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (options.exists("changePosition"))
- changePosition = options["changePosition"].get_int();
+ change_position = options["changePosition"].get_int();
if (options.exists("change_type")) {
if (options.exists("changeAddress")) {
@@ -3594,18 +3544,10 @@ static UniValue fundrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
- // parse hex string from parameter
- CMutableTransaction tx;
- bool try_witness = request.params[2].isNull() ? true : request.params[2].get_bool();
- bool try_no_witness = request.params[2].isNull() ? true : !request.params[2].get_bool();
- if (!DecodeHexTx(tx, request.params[0].get_str(), try_no_witness, try_witness)) {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");
- }
if (tx.vout.size() == 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "TX must have at least one output");
- if (changePosition != -1 && (changePosition < 0 || (unsigned int)changePosition > tx.vout.size()))
+ if (change_position != -1 && (change_position < 0 || (unsigned int)change_position > tx.vout.size()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "changePosition out of bounds");
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < subtractFeeFromOutputs.size(); idx++) {
@@ -3619,17 +3561,98 @@ static UniValue fundrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
- CAmount nFeeOut;
std::string strFailReason;
- if (!pwallet->FundTransaction(tx, nFeeOut, changePosition, strFailReason, lockUnspents, setSubtractFeeFromOutputs, coinControl)) {
+ if (!pwallet->FundTransaction(tx, fee_out, change_position, strFailReason, lockUnspents, setSubtractFeeFromOutputs, coinControl)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strFailReason);
+static UniValue fundrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);
+ CWallet* const pwallet = wallet.get();
+ if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(pwallet, request.fHelp)) {
+ return NullUniValue;
+ }
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 3)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "fundrawtransaction \"hexstring\" ( options iswitness )\n"
+ "\nAdd inputs to a transaction until it has enough in value to meet its out value.\n"
+ "This will not modify existing inputs, and will add at most one change output to the outputs.\n"
+ "No existing outputs will be modified unless \"subtractFeeFromOutputs\" is specified.\n"
+ "Note that inputs which were signed may need to be resigned after completion since in/outputs have been added.\n"
+ "The inputs added will not be signed, use signrawtransaction for that.\n"
+ "Note that all existing inputs must have their previous output transaction be in the wallet.\n"
+ "Note that all inputs selected must be of standard form and P2SH scripts must be\n"
+ "in the wallet using importaddress or addmultisigaddress (to calculate fees).\n"
+ "You can see whether this is the case by checking the \"solvable\" field in the listunspent output.\n"
+ "Only pay-to-pubkey, multisig, and P2SH versions thereof are currently supported for watch-only\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"hexstring\" (string, required) The hex string of the raw transaction\n"
+ "2. options (object, optional)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"changeAddress\" (string, optional, default pool address) The bitcoin address to receive the change\n"
+ " \"changePosition\" (numeric, optional, default random) The index of the change output\n"
+ " \"change_type\" (string, optional) The output type to use. Only valid if changeAddress is not specified. Options are \"legacy\", \"p2sh-segwit\", and \"bech32\". Default is set by -changetype.\n"
+ " \"includeWatching\" (boolean, optional, default false) Also select inputs which are watch only\n"
+ " \"lockUnspents\" (boolean, optional, default false) Lock selected unspent outputs\n"
+ " \"feeRate\" (numeric, optional, default not set: makes wallet determine the fee) Set a specific fee rate in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
+ " \"subtractFeeFromOutputs\" (array, optional) A json array of integers.\n"
+ " The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output.\n"
+ " The outputs are specified by their zero-based index, before any change output is added.\n"
+ " Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field.\n"
+ " If no outputs are specified here, the sender pays the fee.\n"
+ " [vout_index,...]\n"
+ " \"replaceable\" (boolean, optional) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
+ " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees\n"
+ " \"conf_target\" (numeric, optional) Confirmation target (in blocks)\n"
+ " \"estimate_mode\" (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of:\n"
+ " \"UNSET\"\n"
+ " \"ECONOMICAL\"\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " for backward compatibility: passing in a true instead of an object will result in {\"includeWatching\":true}\n"
+ "3. iswitness (boolean, optional) Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction \n"
+ " If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"hex\": \"value\", (string) The resulting raw transaction (hex-encoded string)\n"
+ " \"fee\": n, (numeric) Fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " the resulting transaction pays\n"
+ " \"changepos\": n (numeric) The position of the added change output, or -1\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ "\nCreate a transaction with no inputs\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
+ "\nAdd sufficient unsigned inputs to meet the output value\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("fundrawtransaction", "\"rawtransactionhex\"") +
+ "\nSign the transaction\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransaction", "\"fundedtransactionhex\"") +
+ "\nSend the transaction\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedtransactionhex\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValueType(), UniValue::VBOOL});
+ // parse hex string from parameter
+ CMutableTransaction tx;
+ bool try_witness = request.params[2].isNull() ? true : request.params[2].get_bool();
+ bool try_no_witness = request.params[2].isNull() ? true : !request.params[2].get_bool();
+ if (!DecodeHexTx(tx, request.params[0].get_str(), try_no_witness, try_witness)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");
+ }
+ CAmount fee;
+ int change_position;
+ FundTransaction(pwallet, tx, fee, change_position, request.params[1]);
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.pushKV("hex", EncodeHexTx(tx));
- result.pushKV("changepos", changePosition);
- result.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(nFeeOut));
+ result.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(fee));
+ result.pushKV("changepos", change_position);
return result;
@@ -4400,6 +4423,334 @@ UniValue sethdseed(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
return NullUniValue;
+bool ParseHDKeypath(std::string keypath_str, std::vector<uint32_t>& keypath)
+ std::stringstream ss(keypath_str);
+ std::string item;
+ bool first = true;
+ while (std::getline(ss, item, '/')) {
+ if (item.compare("m") == 0) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Finds whether it is hardened
+ uint32_t path = 0;
+ size_t pos = item.find("'");
+ if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+ // The hardened tick can only be in the last index of the string
+ if (pos != item.size() - 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ path |= 0x80000000;
+ item = item.substr(0, item.size() - 1); // Drop the last character which is the hardened tick
+ }
+ // Ensure this is only numbers
+ if (item.find_first_not_of( "0123456789" ) != std::string::npos) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t number;
+ if (!ParseUInt32(item, &number)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ path |= number;
+ keypath.push_back(path);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void AddKeypathToMap(const CWallet* pwallet, const CKeyID& keyID, std::map<CPubKey, std::vector<uint32_t>>& hd_keypaths)
+ CPubKey vchPubKey;
+ if (!pwallet->GetPubKey(keyID, vchPubKey)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CKeyMetadata meta;
+ auto it = pwallet->mapKeyMetadata.find(keyID);
+ if (it != pwallet->mapKeyMetadata.end()) {
+ meta = it->second;
+ }
+ std::vector<uint32_t> keypath;
+ if (!meta.hdKeypath.empty()) {
+ if (!ParseHDKeypath(meta.hdKeypath, keypath)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal keypath is broken");
+ }
+ // Get the proper master key id
+ CKey key;
+ pwallet->GetKey(meta.hd_seed_id, key);
+ CExtKey masterKey;
+ masterKey.SetSeed(key.begin(), key.size());
+ // Add to map
+ keypath.insert(keypath.begin(), ReadLE32(masterKey.key.GetPubKey().GetID().begin()));
+ } else { // Single pubkeys get the master fingerprint of themselves
+ keypath.insert(keypath.begin(), ReadLE32(vchPubKey.GetID().begin()));
+ }
+ hd_keypaths.emplace(vchPubKey, keypath);
+bool FillPSBT(const CWallet* pwallet, PartiallySignedTransaction& psbtx, const CTransaction* txConst, int sighash_type, bool sign, bool bip32derivs)
+ LOCK(pwallet->cs_wallet);
+ // Get all of the previous transactions
+ bool complete = true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < txConst->vin.size(); ++i) {
+ const CTxIn& txin = txConst->vin[i];
+ PSBTInput& input = psbtx.inputs.at(i);
+ // If we don't know about this input, skip it and let someone else deal with it
+ const uint256& txhash = txin.prevout.hash;
+ const auto& it = pwallet->mapWallet.find(txhash);
+ if (it != pwallet->mapWallet.end()) {
+ const CWalletTx& wtx = it->second;
+ CTxOut utxo = wtx.tx->vout[txin.prevout.n];
+ input.non_witness_utxo = wtx.tx;
+ input.witness_utxo = utxo;
+ }
+ // Get the Sighash type
+ if (sign && input.sighash_type > 0 && input.sighash_type != sighash_type) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Specified Sighash and sighash in PSBT do not match.");
+ }
+ SignatureData sigdata;
+ if (sign) {
+ complete &= SignPSBTInput(*pwallet, *psbtx.tx, input, sigdata, i, sighash_type);
+ } else {
+ complete &= SignPSBTInput(PublicOnlySigningProvider(pwallet), *psbtx.tx, input, sigdata, i, sighash_type);
+ }
+ // Drop the unnecessary UTXO
+ if (sigdata.witness) {
+ input.non_witness_utxo = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ input.witness_utxo.SetNull();
+ }
+ // Get public key paths
+ if (bip32derivs) {
+ for (const auto& pubkey_it : sigdata.misc_pubkeys) {
+ AddKeypathToMap(pwallet, pubkey_it.first, input.hd_keypaths);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fill in the bip32 keypaths and redeemscripts for the outputs so that hardware wallets can identify change
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < txConst->vout.size(); ++i) {
+ const CTxOut& out = txConst->vout.at(i);
+ PSBTOutput& psbt_out = psbtx.outputs.at(i);
+ // Dummy tx so we can use ProduceSignature to get stuff out
+ CMutableTransaction dummy_tx;
+ dummy_tx.vin.push_back(CTxIn());
+ dummy_tx.vout.push_back(CTxOut());
+ // Fill a SignatureData with output info
+ SignatureData sigdata;
+ psbt_out.FillSignatureData(sigdata);
+ MutableTransactionSignatureCreator creator(psbtx.tx.get_ptr(), 0, out.nValue, 1);
+ ProduceSignature(*pwallet, creator, out.scriptPubKey, sigdata);
+ psbt_out.FromSignatureData(sigdata);
+ // Get public key paths
+ if (bip32derivs) {
+ for (const auto& pubkey_it : sigdata.misc_pubkeys) {
+ AddKeypathToMap(pwallet, pubkey_it.first, psbt_out.hd_keypaths);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return complete;
+UniValue walletprocesspsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);
+ CWallet* const pwallet = wallet.get();
+ if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(pwallet, request.fHelp)) {
+ return NullUniValue;
+ }
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 4)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "walletprocesspsbt \"psbt\" ( sign \"sighashtype\" bip32derivs )\n"
+ "\nUpdate a PSBT with input information from our wallet and then sign inputs\n"
+ "that we can sign for.\n"
+ + HelpRequiringPassphrase(pwallet) + "\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"psbt\" (string, required) The transaction base64 string\n"
+ "2. sign (boolean, optional, default=true) Also sign the transaction when updating\n"
+ "3. \"sighashtype\" (string, optional, default=ALL) The signature hash type to sign with if not specified by the PSBT. Must be one of\n"
+ " \"ALL\"\n"
+ " \"NONE\"\n"
+ " \"SINGLE\"\n"
+ "4. bip32derivs (boolean, optiona, default=false) If true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"psbt\" : \"value\", (string) The base64-encoded partially signed transaction\n"
+ " \"complete\" : true|false, (boolean) If the transaction has a complete set of signatures\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("walletprocesspsbt", "\"psbt\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValue::VBOOL, UniValue::VSTR});
+ // Unserialize the transaction
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ std::string error;
+ if (!DecodePSBT(psbtx, request.params[0].get_str(), error)) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, strprintf("TX decode failed %s", error));
+ }
+ // Get the sighash type
+ int nHashType = ParseSighashString(request.params[2]);
+ // Use CTransaction for the constant parts of the
+ // transaction to avoid rehashing.
+ const CTransaction txConst(*psbtx.tx);
+ // Fill transaction with our data and also sign
+ bool sign = request.params[1].isNull() ? true : request.params[1].get_bool();
+ bool bip32derivs = request.params[3].isNull() ? false : request.params[3].get_bool();
+ bool complete = FillPSBT(pwallet, psbtx, &txConst, nHashType, sign, bip32derivs);
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ result.push_back(Pair("psbt", EncodeBase64((unsigned char*)ssTx.data(), ssTx.size())));
+ result.push_back(Pair("complete", complete));
+ return result;
+UniValue walletcreatefundedpsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
+ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);
+ CWallet* const pwallet = wallet.get();
+ if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(pwallet, request.fHelp)) {
+ return NullUniValue;
+ }
+ if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 6)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "walletcreatefundedpsbt [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n},...] [{\"address\":amount},{\"data\":\"hex\"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable ) ( options bip32derivs )\n"
+ "\nCreates and funds a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format. Inputs will be added if supplied inputs are not enough\n"
+ "Implements the Creator and Updater roles.\n"
+ "\nArguments:\n"
+ "1. \"inputs\" (array, required) A json array of json objects\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
+ " \"vout\":n, (numeric, required) The output number\n"
+ " \"sequence\":n (numeric, optional) The sequence number\n"
+ " } \n"
+ " ,...\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "2. \"outputs\" (array, required) a json array with outputs (key-value pairs)\n"
+ " [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"address\": x.xxx, (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key (string) is the bitcoin address, the value (float or string) is the amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"data\": \"hex\" (obj, optional) A key-value pair. The key must be \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ,... More key-value pairs of the above form. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also\n"
+ " accepted as second parameter.\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "3. locktime (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs\n"
+ "4. replaceable (boolean, optional, default=false) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
+ " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.\n"
+ "5. options (object, optional)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"changeAddress\" (string, optional, default pool address) The bitcoin address to receive the change\n"
+ " \"changePosition\" (numeric, optional, default random) The index of the change output\n"
+ " \"change_type\" (string, optional) The output type to use. Only valid if changeAddress is not specified. Options are \"legacy\", \"p2sh-segwit\", and \"bech32\". Default is set by -changetype.\n"
+ " \"includeWatching\" (boolean, optional, default false) Also select inputs which are watch only\n"
+ " \"lockUnspents\" (boolean, optional, default false) Lock selected unspent outputs\n"
+ " \"feeRate\" (numeric, optional, default not set: makes wallet determine the fee) Set a specific fee rate in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
+ " \"subtractFeeFromOutputs\" (array, optional) A json array of integers.\n"
+ " The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output.\n"
+ " The outputs are specified by their zero-based index, before any change output is added.\n"
+ " Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field.\n"
+ " If no outputs are specified here, the sender pays the fee.\n"
+ " [vout_index,...]\n"
+ " \"replaceable\" (boolean, optional) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
+ " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees\n"
+ " \"conf_target\" (numeric, optional) Confirmation target (in blocks)\n"
+ " \"estimate_mode\" (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of:\n"
+ " \"UNSET\"\n"
+ " \"ECONOMICAL\"\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "6. bip32derivs (boolean, optiona, default=false) If true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them\n"
+ "\nResult:\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"psbt\": \"value\", (string) The resulting raw transaction (base64-encoded string)\n"
+ " \"fee\": n, (numeric) Fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " the resulting transaction pays\n"
+ " \"changepos\": n (numeric) The position of the added change output, or -1\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\nExamples:\n"
+ "\nCreate a transaction with no inputs\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("walletcreatefundedpsbt", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"[{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}]\"")
+ );
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
+ UniValue::VARR,
+ UniValueType(), // ARR or OBJ, checked later
+ UniValue::VNUM,
+ UniValue::VBOOL,
+ UniValue::VOBJ
+ }, true
+ );
+ CAmount fee;
+ int change_position;
+ CMutableTransaction rawTx = ConstructTransaction(request.params[0], request.params[1], request.params[2], request.params[3]);
+ FundTransaction(pwallet, rawTx, fee, change_position, request.params[4]);
+ // Make a blank psbt
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ psbtx.tx = rawTx;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rawTx.vin.size(); ++i) {
+ psbtx.inputs.push_back(PSBTInput());
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rawTx.vout.size(); ++i) {
+ psbtx.outputs.push_back(PSBTOutput());
+ }
+ // Use CTransaction for the constant parts of the
+ // transaction to avoid rehashing.
+ const CTransaction txConst(*psbtx.tx);
+ // Fill transaction with out data but don't sign
+ bool bip32derivs = request.params[5].isNull() ? false : request.params[5].get_bool();
+ FillPSBT(pwallet, psbtx, &txConst, 1, false, bip32derivs);
+ // Serialize the PSBT
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ result.pushKV("psbt", EncodeBase64((unsigned char*)ssTx.data(), ssTx.size()));
+ result.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(fee));
+ result.pushKV("changepos", change_position);
+ return result;
extern UniValue abortrescan(const JSONRPCRequest& request); // in rpcdump.cpp
extern UniValue dumpprivkey(const JSONRPCRequest& request); // in rpcdump.cpp
extern UniValue importprivkey(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
@@ -4416,6 +4767,8 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) argNames
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
{ "rawtransactions", "fundrawtransaction", &fundrawtransaction, {"hexstring","options","iswitness"} },
+ { "wallet", "walletprocesspsbt", &walletprocesspsbt, {"psbt","sign","sighashtype","bip32derivs"} },
+ { "wallet", "walletcreatefundedpsbt", &walletcreatefundedpsbt, {"inputs","outputs","locktime","replaceable","options","bip32derivs"} },
{ "hidden", "resendwallettransactions", &resendwallettransactions, {} },
{ "wallet", "abandontransaction", &abandontransaction, {"txid"} },
{ "wallet", "abortrescan", &abortrescan, {} },
@@ -4423,7 +4776,7 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ "hidden", "addwitnessaddress", &addwitnessaddress, {"address","p2sh"} },
{ "wallet", "backupwallet", &backupwallet, {"destination"} },
{ "wallet", "bumpfee", &bumpfee, {"txid", "options"} },
- { "wallet", "createwallet", &createwallet, {"wallet_name"} },
+ { "wallet", "createwallet", &createwallet, {"wallet_name", "disable_private_keys"} },
{ "wallet", "dumpprivkey", &dumpprivkey, {"address"} },
{ "wallet", "dumpwallet", &dumpwallet, {"filename"} },
{ "wallet", "encryptwallet", &encryptwallet, {"passphrase"} },
diff --git a/src/wallet/rpcwallet.h b/src/wallet/rpcwallet.h
index b841f3e424..64556b5824 100644
--- a/src/wallet/rpcwallet.h
+++ b/src/wallet/rpcwallet.h
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class CRPCTable;
class CWallet;
class JSONRPCRequest;
class UniValue;
+struct PartiallySignedTransaction;
+class CTransaction;
void RegisterWalletRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t);
@@ -28,4 +30,5 @@ bool EnsureWalletIsAvailable(CWallet *, bool avoidException);
UniValue getaddressinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
UniValue signrawtransactionwithwallet(const JSONRPCRequest& request);
+bool FillPSBT(const CWallet* pwallet, PartiallySignedTransaction& psbtx, const CTransaction* txConst, int sighash_type = 1, bool sign = true, bool bip32derivs = false);
diff --git a/src/wallet/test/psbt_wallet_tests.cpp b/src/wallet/test/psbt_wallet_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cc995bf04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wallet/test/psbt_wallet_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <key_io.h>
+#include <script/sign.h>
+#include <utilstrencodings.h>
+#include <wallet/rpcwallet.h>
+#include <wallet/wallet.h>
+#include <univalue.h>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <test/test_bitcoin.h>
+#include <wallet/test/wallet_test_fixture.h>
+extern bool ParseHDKeypath(std::string keypath_str, std::vector<uint32_t>& keypath);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(psbt_wallet_tests, WalletTestingSetup)
+ // Create prevtxs and add to wallet
+ CDataStream s_prev_tx1(ParseHex("0200000000010158e87a21b56daf0c23be8e7070456c336f7cbaa5c8757924f545887bb2abdd7501000000171600145f275f436b09a8cc9a2eb2a2f528485c68a56323feffffff02d8231f1b0100000017a914aed962d6654f9a2b36608eb9d64d2b260db4f1118700c2eb0b0000000017a914b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e88702483045022100a22edcc6e5bc511af4cc4ae0de0fcd75c7e04d8c1c3a8aa9d820ed4b967384ec02200642963597b9b1bc22c75e9f3e117284a962188bf5e8a74c895089046a20ad770121035509a48eb623e10aace8bfd0212fdb8a8e5af3c94b0b133b95e114cab89e4f7965000000"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ CTransactionRef prev_tx1;
+ s_prev_tx1 >> prev_tx1;
+ CWalletTx prev_wtx1(&m_wallet, prev_tx1);
+ m_wallet.mapWallet.emplace(prev_wtx1.GetHash(), std::move(prev_wtx1));
+ CDataStream s_prev_tx2(ParseHex("0200000001aad73931018bd25f84ae400b68848be09db706eac2ac18298babee71ab656f8b0000000048473044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01feffffff0280f0fa020000000017a9140fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde493487d0f20a270100000017a91429ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f618765000000"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ CTransactionRef prev_tx2;
+ s_prev_tx2 >> prev_tx2;
+ CWalletTx prev_wtx2(&m_wallet, prev_tx2);
+ m_wallet.mapWallet.emplace(prev_wtx2.GetHash(), std::move(prev_wtx2));
+ // Add scripts
+ CScript rs1;
+ CDataStream s_rs1(ParseHex("475221029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f2102dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d752ae"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ s_rs1 >> rs1;
+ m_wallet.AddCScript(rs1);
+ CScript rs2;
+ CDataStream s_rs2(ParseHex("2200208c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ s_rs2 >> rs2;
+ m_wallet.AddCScript(rs2);
+ CScript ws1;
+ CDataStream s_ws1(ParseHex("47522103089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc21023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e7352ae"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ s_ws1 >> ws1;
+ m_wallet.AddCScript(ws1);
+ // Add hd seed
+ CKey key = DecodeSecret("5KSSJQ7UNfFGwVgpCZDSHm5rVNhMFcFtvWM3zQ8mW4qNDEN7LFd"); // Mainnet and uncompressed form of cUkG8i1RFfWGWy5ziR11zJ5V4U4W3viSFCfyJmZnvQaUsd1xuF3T
+ CPubKey master_pub_key = m_wallet.DeriveNewSeed(key);
+ m_wallet.SetHDSeed(master_pub_key);
+ m_wallet.NewKeyPool();
+ // Call FillPSBT
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx;
+ CDataStream ssData(ParseHex("70736274ff01009a020000000258e87a21b56daf0c23be8e7070456c336f7cbaa5c8757924f545887bb2abdd750000000000ffffffff838d0427d0ec650a68aa46bb0b098aea4422c071b2ca78352a077959d07cea1d0100000000ffffffff0270aaf00800000000160014d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d00e1f5050000000016001400aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f000000000000000000"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ ssData >> psbtx;
+ // Use CTransaction for the constant parts of the
+ // transaction to avoid rehashing.
+ const CTransaction txConst(*psbtx.tx);
+ // Fill transaction with our data
+ FillPSBT(&m_wallet, psbtx, &txConst, 1, false, true);
+ // Get the final tx
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ std::string final_hex = HexStr(ssTx.begin(), ssTx.end());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(final_hex, "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");
+ std::vector<uint32_t> keypath;
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("///////////////////////////", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1'/1", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("//////////////////////////'/", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("1///////////////////////////", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1'/", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("1/'//////////////////////////", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath(" ", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("O", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("0000'/0000'/0000'", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("0000,/0000,/0000,", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("01234", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("0x1234", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("1", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath(" 1", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("42", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m42", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("4294967295", keypath)); // 4294967295 == 0xFFFFFFFF (uint32_t max)
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("4294967296", keypath)); // 4294967296 == 0xFFFFFFFF (uint32_t max) + 1
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("n", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("n/", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("n/0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0'", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/0''", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0'/0'", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/'0/0'", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0/0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("n/0/0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0/0/00", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/0/0/f00", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0/0/000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/1/1/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0/00/0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/0'/00/'0", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/1/", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/1//", keypath));
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/0/4294967295", keypath)); // 4294967295 == 0xFFFFFFFF (uint32_t max)
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/0/4294967296", keypath)); // 4294967296 == 0xFFFFFFFF (uint32_t max) + 1
+ BOOST_CHECK(ParseHDKeypath("m/4294967295", keypath)); // 4294967295 == 0xFFFFFFFF (uint32_t max)
+ BOOST_CHECK(!ParseHDKeypath("m/4294967296", keypath)); // 4294967296 == 0xFFFFFFFF (uint32_t max) + 1
diff --git a/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp b/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp
index a946b565f1..c89b8f252f 100644
--- a/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/test/wallet_tests.cpp
@@ -365,4 +365,13 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ListCoins, ListCoinsTestingSetup)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.begin()->second.size(), 2U);
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(wallet_disableprivkeys, TestChain100Setup)
+ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> wallet = std::make_shared<CWallet>("dummy", WalletDatabase::CreateDummy());
+ BOOST_CHECK(!wallet->TopUpKeyPool(1000));
+ CPubKey pubkey;
+ BOOST_CHECK(!wallet->GetKeyFromPool(pubkey, false));
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet.cpp
index 067015c006..d38f943558 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet.cpp
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ const CWalletTx* CWallet::GetWalletTx(const uint256& hash) const
CPubKey CWallet::GenerateNewKey(WalletBatch &batch, bool internal)
AssertLockHeld(cs_wallet); // mapKeyMetadata
bool fCompressed = CanSupportFeature(FEATURE_COMPRPUBKEY); // default to compressed public keys if we want 0.6.0 wallets
@@ -1444,6 +1445,7 @@ CAmount CWallet::GetChange(const CTransaction& tx) const
CPubKey CWallet::GenerateNewSeed()
CKey key;
return DeriveNewSeed(key);
@@ -1505,6 +1507,34 @@ bool CWallet::IsHDEnabled() const
return !hdChain.seed_id.IsNull();
+void CWallet::SetWalletFlag(uint64_t flags)
+ LOCK(cs_wallet);
+ m_wallet_flags |= flags;
+ if (!WalletBatch(*database).WriteWalletFlags(m_wallet_flags))
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": writing wallet flags failed");
+bool CWallet::IsWalletFlagSet(uint64_t flag)
+ return (m_wallet_flags & flag);
+bool CWallet::SetWalletFlags(uint64_t overwriteFlags, bool memonly)
+ LOCK(cs_wallet);
+ m_wallet_flags = overwriteFlags;
+ if (((overwriteFlags & g_known_wallet_flags) >> 32) ^ (overwriteFlags >> 32)) {
+ // contains unknown non-tolerable wallet flags
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!memonly && !WalletBatch(*database).WriteWalletFlags(m_wallet_flags)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": writing wallet flags failed");
+ }
+ return true;
int64_t CWalletTx::GetTxTime() const
int64_t n = nTimeSmart;
@@ -1947,6 +1977,7 @@ CAmount CWalletTx::GetAvailableCredit(bool fUseCache, const isminefilter& filter
if (cache) {
*cache = nCredit;
+ assert(cache_used);
*cache_used = true;
return nCredit;
@@ -2720,6 +2751,10 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransaction(const std::vector<CRecipient>& vecSend, CTransac
// post-backup change.
// Reserve a new key pair from key pool
+ strFailReason = _("Can't generate a change-address key. Private keys are disabled for this wallet.");
+ return false;
+ }
CPubKey vchPubKey;
bool ret;
ret = reservekey.GetReservedKey(vchPubKey, true);
@@ -3120,7 +3155,7 @@ DBErrors CWallet::LoadWallet(bool& fFirstRunRet)
// This wallet is in its first run if all of these are empty
- fFirstRunRet = mapKeys.empty() && mapCryptedKeys.empty() && mapWatchKeys.empty() && setWatchOnly.empty() && mapScripts.empty();
+ fFirstRunRet = mapKeys.empty() && mapCryptedKeys.empty() && mapWatchKeys.empty() && setWatchOnly.empty() && mapScripts.empty() && !IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS);
if (nLoadWalletRet != DBErrors::LOAD_OK)
@@ -3244,6 +3279,9 @@ const std::string& CWallet::GetLabelName(const CScript& scriptPubKey) const
bool CWallet::NewKeyPool()
+ return false;
+ }
WalletBatch batch(*database);
@@ -3302,6 +3340,9 @@ void CWallet::LoadKeyPool(int64_t nIndex, const CKeyPool &keypool)
bool CWallet::TopUpKeyPool(unsigned int kpSize)
+ return false;
+ }
@@ -3426,6 +3467,10 @@ void CWallet::ReturnKey(int64_t nIndex, bool fInternal, const CPubKey& pubkey)
bool CWallet::GetKeyFromPool(CPubKey& result, bool internal)
+ return false;
+ }
CKeyPool keypool;
@@ -3965,7 +4010,7 @@ bool CWallet::Verify(std::string wallet_file, bool salvage_wallet, std::string&
return WalletBatch::VerifyDatabaseFile(wallet_path, warning_string, error_string);
-std::shared_ptr<CWallet> CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string& name, const fs::path& path)
+std::shared_ptr<CWallet> CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string& name, const fs::path& path, uint64_t wallet_creation_flags)
const std::string& walletFile = name;
@@ -4025,7 +4070,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string& name,
if (nMaxVersion == 0) // the -upgradewallet without argument case
LogPrintf("Performing wallet upgrade to %i\n", FEATURE_LATEST);
- nMaxVersion = CLIENT_VERSION;
+ nMaxVersion = FEATURE_LATEST;
walletInstance->SetMinVersion(FEATURE_LATEST); // permanently upgrade the wallet immediately
@@ -4090,18 +4135,33 @@ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string& name,
- // generate a new seed
- CPubKey seed = walletInstance->GenerateNewSeed();
- if (!walletInstance->SetHDSeed(seed))
- throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": Storing HD seed failed");
+ if ((wallet_creation_flags & WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS)) {
+ //selective allow to set flags
+ walletInstance->SetWalletFlag(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS);
+ } else {
+ // generate a new seed
+ CPubKey seed = walletInstance->GenerateNewSeed();
+ if (!walletInstance->SetHDSeed(seed)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__func__) + ": Storing HD seed failed");
+ }
+ }
// Top up the keypool
- if (!walletInstance->TopUpKeyPool()) {
+ if (!walletInstance->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS) && !walletInstance->TopUpKeyPool()) {
InitError(_("Unable to generate initial keys") += "\n");
return nullptr;
+ } else if (wallet_creation_flags & WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS) {
+ // Make it impossible to disable private keys after creation
+ InitError(strprintf(_("Error loading %s: Private keys can only be disabled during creation"), walletFile));
+ return NULL;
+ } else if (walletInstance->IsWalletFlagSet(WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS)) {
+ LOCK(walletInstance->cs_KeyStore);
+ if (!walletInstance->mapKeys.empty() || !walletInstance->mapCryptedKeys.empty()) {
+ InitWarning(strprintf(_("Warning: Private keys detected in wallet {%s} with disabled private keys"), walletFile));
+ }
} else if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-usehd")) {
bool useHD = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-usehd", true);
if (walletInstance->IsHDEnabled() && !useHD) {
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet.h b/src/wallet/wallet.h
index 2e53ca0c55..85d7209a1d 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet.h
@@ -100,6 +100,16 @@ constexpr OutputType DEFAULT_ADDRESS_TYPE{OutputType::P2SH_SEGWIT};
//! Default for -changetype
constexpr OutputType DEFAULT_CHANGE_TYPE{OutputType::CHANGE_AUTO};
+enum WalletFlags : uint64_t {
+ // wallet flags in the upper section (> 1 << 31) will lead to not opening the wallet if flag is unknown
+ // unkown wallet flags in the lower section <= (1 << 31) will be tolerated
+ // will enforce the rule that the wallet can't contain any private keys (only watch-only/pubkeys)
+static constexpr uint64_t g_known_wallet_flags = WALLET_FLAG_DISABLE_PRIVATE_KEYS;
/** A key pool entry */
class CKeyPool
@@ -726,6 +736,7 @@ private:
std::set<int64_t> set_pre_split_keypool;
int64_t m_max_keypool_index = 0;
std::map<CKeyID, int64_t> m_pool_key_to_index;
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> m_wallet_flags{0};
int64_t nTimeFirstKey = 0;
@@ -1132,7 +1143,7 @@ public:
static bool Verify(std::string wallet_file, bool salvage_wallet, std::string& error_string, std::string& warning_string);
/* Initializes the wallet, returns a new CWallet instance or a null pointer in case of an error */
- static std::shared_ptr<CWallet> CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string& name, const fs::path& path);
+ static std::shared_ptr<CWallet> CreateWalletFromFile(const std::string& name, const fs::path& path, uint64_t wallet_creation_flags = 0);
* Wallet post-init setup
@@ -1185,6 +1196,16 @@ public:
/** Whether a given output is spendable by this wallet */
bool OutputEligibleForSpending(const COutput& output, const CoinEligibilityFilter& eligibility_filter) const;
+ /** set a single wallet flag */
+ void SetWalletFlag(uint64_t flags);
+ /** check if a certain wallet flag is set */
+ bool IsWalletFlagSet(uint64_t flag);
+ /** overwrite all flags by the given uint64_t
+ returns false if unknown, non-tolerable flags are present */
+ bool SetWalletFlags(uint64_t overwriteFlags, bool memOnly);
/** A key allocated from the key pool. */
diff --git a/src/wallet/walletdb.cpp b/src/wallet/walletdb.cpp
index 4b4460a794..67fcaa725b 100644
--- a/src/wallet/walletdb.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/walletdb.cpp
@@ -510,7 +510,14 @@ ReadKeyValue(CWallet* pwallet, CDataStream& ssKey, CDataStream& ssValue,
strErr = "Error reading wallet database: SetHDChain failed";
return false;
- } else if (strType != "bestblock" && strType != "bestblock_nomerkle"){
+ } else if (strType == "flags") {
+ uint64_t flags;
+ ssValue >> flags;
+ if (!pwallet->SetWalletFlags(flags, true)) {
+ strErr = "Error reading wallet database: Unknown non-tolerable wallet flags found";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (strType != "bestblock" && strType != "bestblock_nomerkle") {
} catch (...)
@@ -537,7 +544,7 @@ DBErrors WalletBatch::LoadWallet(CWallet* pwallet)
int nMinVersion = 0;
if (m_batch.Read((std::string)"minversion", nMinVersion))
- if (nMinVersion > CLIENT_VERSION)
+ if (nMinVersion > FEATURE_LATEST)
return DBErrors::TOO_NEW;
@@ -570,10 +577,12 @@ DBErrors WalletBatch::LoadWallet(CWallet* pwallet)
// losing keys is considered a catastrophic error, anything else
// we assume the user can live with:
- if (IsKeyType(strType) || strType == "defaultkey")
+ if (IsKeyType(strType) || strType == "defaultkey") {
result = DBErrors::CORRUPT;
- else
- {
+ } else if(strType == "flags") {
+ // reading the wallet flags can only fail if unknown flags are present
+ result = DBErrors::TOO_NEW;
+ } else {
// Leave other errors alone, if we try to fix them we might make things worse.
fNoncriticalErrors = true; // ... but do warn the user there is something wrong.
if (strType == "tx")
@@ -640,7 +649,7 @@ DBErrors WalletBatch::FindWalletTx(std::vector<uint256>& vTxHash, std::vector<CW
int nMinVersion = 0;
if (m_batch.Read((std::string)"minversion", nMinVersion))
- if (nMinVersion > CLIENT_VERSION)
+ if (nMinVersion > FEATURE_LATEST)
return DBErrors::TOO_NEW;
@@ -840,6 +849,11 @@ bool WalletBatch::WriteHDChain(const CHDChain& chain)
return WriteIC(std::string("hdchain"), chain);
+bool WalletBatch::WriteWalletFlags(const uint64_t flags)
+ return WriteIC(std::string("flags"), flags);
bool WalletBatch::TxnBegin()
return m_batch.TxnBegin();
diff --git a/src/wallet/walletdb.h b/src/wallet/walletdb.h
index 3237376f63..674d1c2201 100644
--- a/src/wallet/walletdb.h
+++ b/src/wallet/walletdb.h
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ public:
//! write the hdchain model (external chain child index counter)
bool WriteHDChain(const CHDChain& chain);
+ bool WriteWalletFlags(const uint64_t flags);
//! Begin a new transaction
bool TxnBegin();
//! Commit current transaction
diff --git a/test/functional/README.md b/test/functional/README.md
index e6365222ff..6929ab5991 100644
--- a/test/functional/README.md
+++ b/test/functional/README.md
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ don't have test cases for.
- When subclassing the BitcoinTestFramwork, place overrides for the
`set_test_params()`, `add_options()` and `setup_xxxx()` methods at the top of
the subclass, then locally-defined helper methods, then the `run_test()` method.
+- Use `'{}'.format(x)` for string formatting, not `'%s' % x`.
#### Naming guidelines
diff --git a/test/functional/data/rpc_psbt.json b/test/functional/data/rpc_psbt.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b85bc31c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/data/rpc_psbt.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "invalid" : [
+ "AgAAAAEmgXE3Ht/yhek3re6ks3t4AAwFZsuzrWRkFxPKQhcb9gAAAABqRzBEAiBwsiRRI+a/R01gxbUMBD1MaRpdJDXwmjSnZiqdwlF5CgIgATKcqdrPKAvfMHQOwDkEIkIsgctFg5RXrrdvwS7dlbMBIQJlfRGNM1e44PTCzUbbezn22cONmnCry5st5dyNv+TOMf7///8C09/1BQAAAAAZdqkU0MWZA8W6woaHYOkP1SGkZlqnZSCIrADh9QUAAAAAF6kUNUXm4zuDLEcFDyTT7rk8nAOUi8eHsy4TAA==",
+ "cHNidP8BAP0KAQIAAAACqwlJoIxa98SbghL0F+LxWrP1wz3PFTghqBOfh3pbe+QAAAAAakcwRAIgR1lmF5fAGwNrJZKJSGhiGDR9iYZLcZ4ff89X0eURZYcCIFMJ6r9Wqk2Ikf/REf3xM286KdqGbX+EhtdVRs7tr5MZASEDXNxh/HupccC1AaZGoqg7ECy0OIEhfKaC3Ibi1z+ogpL+////qwlJoIxa98SbghL0F+LxWrP1wz3PFTghqBOfh3pbe+QBAAAAAP7///8CYDvqCwAAAAAZdqkUdopAu9dAy+gdmI5x3ipNXHE5ax2IrI4kAAAAAAAAGXapFG9GILVT+glechue4O/p+gOcykWXiKwAAAAAAAABASAA4fUFAAAAABepFDVF5uM7gyxHBQ8k0+65PJwDlIvHhwEEFgAUhdE1N/LiZUBaNNuvqePdoB+4IwgAAAA=",
+ "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",
+ "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"
+ ],
+ "valid" : [
+ "cHNidP8BAKACAAAAAqsJSaCMWvfEm4IS9Bfi8Vqz9cM9zxU4IagTn4d6W3vkAAAAAAD+////qwlJoIxa98SbghL0F+LxWrP1wz3PFTghqBOfh3pbe+QBAAAAAP7///8CYDvqCwAAAAAZdqkUdopAu9dAy+gdmI5x3ipNXHE5ax2IrI4kAAAAAAAAGXapFG9GILVT+glechue4O/p+gOcykWXiKwAAAAAAAEHakcwRAIgR1lmF5fAGwNrJZKJSGhiGDR9iYZLcZ4ff89X0eURZYcCIFMJ6r9Wqk2Ikf/REf3xM286KdqGbX+EhtdVRs7tr5MZASEDXNxh/HupccC1AaZGoqg7ECy0OIEhfKaC3Ibi1z+ogpIAAQEgAOH1BQAAAAAXqRQ1RebjO4MsRwUPJNPuuTycA5SLx4cBBBYAFIXRNTfy4mVAWjTbr6nj3aAfuCMIAAAA",
+ "cHNidP8BAFUCAAAAASeaIyOl37UfxF8iD6WLD8E+HjNCeSqF1+Ns1jM7XLw5AAAAAAD/////AaBa6gsAAAAAGXapFP/pwAYQl8w7Y28ssEYPpPxCfStFiKwAAAAAAAEBIJVe6gsAAAAAF6kUY0UgD2jRieGtwN8cTRbqjxTA2+uHIgIDsTQcy6doO2r08SOM1ul+cWfVafrEfx5I1HVBhENVvUZGMEMCIAQktY7/qqaU4VWepck7v9SokGQiQFXN8HC2dxRpRC0HAh9cjrD+plFtYLisszrWTt5g6Hhb+zqpS5m9+GFR25qaAQEEIgAgdx/RitRZZm3Unz1WTj28QvTIR3TjYK2haBao7UiNVoEBBUdSIQOxNBzLp2g7avTxI4zW6X5xZ9Vp+sR/HkjUdUGEQ1W9RiED3lXR4drIBeP4pYwfv5uUwC89uq/hJ/78pJlfJvggg71SriIGA7E0HMunaDtq9PEjjNbpfnFn1Wn6xH8eSNR1QYRDVb1GELSmumcAAACAAAAAgAQAAIAiBgPeVdHh2sgF4/iljB+/m5TALz26r+En/vykmV8m+CCDvRC0prpnAAAAgAAAAIAFAACAAAA="
+ ],
+ "creator" : [
+ {
+ "inputs" : [
+ {
+ "txid":"75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858",
+ "vout":0
+ },
+ {
+ "txid":"1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83",
+ "vout":1
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs" : [
+ {
+ "bcrt1qmpwzkuwsqc9snjvgdt4czhjsnywa5yjdqpxskv":1.49990000
+ },
+ {
+ "bcrt1qqzh2ngh97ru8dfvgma25d6r595wcwqy0cee4cc": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ ],
+ "signer" : [
+ {
+ "privkeys" : [
+ "cP53pDbR5WtAD8dYAW9hhTjuvvTVaEiQBdrz9XPrgLBeRFiyCbQr",
+ "cR6SXDoyfQrcp4piaiHE97Rsgta9mNhGTen9XeonVgwsh4iSgw6d"
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
+ "privkeys" : [
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ {
+ "combine" : [
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+ "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"
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+ ],
+ "finalizer" : [
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+ ],
+ "extractor" : [
+ {
+ "extract" : "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",
+ "result" : "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"
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/functional/feature_config_args.py b/test/functional/feature_config_args.py
index e9924451d1..3abc1f4c68 100755
--- a/test/functional/feature_config_args.py
+++ b/test/functional/feature_config_args.py
@@ -36,13 +36,15 @@ class ConfArgsTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
f.write("datadir=" + new_data_dir + "\n")
- self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error(['-conf=' + conf_file], 'Error reading configuration file: specified data directory "' + new_data_dir + '" does not exist.')
+ # Temporarily disabled, because this test would access the user's home dir (~/.bitcoin)
+ #self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error(['-conf=' + conf_file], 'Error reading configuration file: specified data directory "' + new_data_dir + '" does not exist.')
# Create the directory and ensure the config file now works
- self.start_node(0, ['-conf='+conf_file, '-wallet=w1'])
- self.stop_node(0)
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(new_data_dir, 'regtest', 'wallets', 'w1'))
+ # Temporarily disabled, because this test would access the user's home dir (~/.bitcoin)
+ #self.start_node(0, ['-conf='+conf_file, '-wallet=w1'])
+ #self.stop_node(0)
+ #assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(new_data_dir, 'regtest', 'wallets', 'w1'))
# Ensure command line argument overrides datadir in conf
diff --git a/test/functional/interface_bitcoin_cli.py b/test/functional/interface_bitcoin_cli.py
index e29fdc84e7..b097c64b13 100755
--- a/test/functional/interface_bitcoin_cli.py
+++ b/test/functional/interface_bitcoin_cli.py
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ class TestBitcoinCli(BitcoinTestFramework):
def run_test(self):
"""Main test logic"""
+ cli_response = self.nodes[0].cli("-version").send_cli()
+ assert("Bitcoin Core RPC client version" in cli_response)
self.log.info("Compare responses from gewalletinfo RPC and `bitcoin-cli getwalletinfo`")
cli_response = self.nodes[0].cli.getwalletinfo()
rpc_response = self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo()
diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_leak.py b/test/functional/p2p_leak.py
index ecb9a56fe1..186c35e0e1 100755
--- a/test/functional/p2p_leak.py
+++ b/test/functional/p2p_leak.py
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ A node should never send anything other than VERSION/VERACK/REJECT until it's
received a VERACK.
This test connects to a node and sends it a few messages, trying to entice it
-into sending us something it shouldn't.
-Also test that nodes that send unsupported service bits to bitcoind are disconnected
-and don't receive a VERACK. Unsupported service bits are currently 1 << 5 and
-1 << 7 (until August 1st 2018)."""
+into sending us something it shouldn't."""
from test_framework.mininode import *
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
@@ -95,19 +91,13 @@ class P2PLeakTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
self.extra_args = [['-banscore='+str(banscore)]]
def run_test(self):
- self.nodes[0].setmocktime(1501545600) # August 1st 2017
no_version_bannode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(CNodeNoVersionBan(), send_version=False)
no_version_idlenode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(CNodeNoVersionIdle(), send_version=False)
no_verack_idlenode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(CNodeNoVerackIdle())
- unsupported_service_bit5_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(CLazyNode(), services=NODE_NETWORK|NODE_UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE_BIT_5)
- unsupported_service_bit7_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(CLazyNode(), services=NODE_NETWORK|NODE_UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE_BIT_7)
wait_until(lambda: no_version_bannode.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock)
wait_until(lambda: no_version_idlenode.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock)
wait_until(lambda: no_verack_idlenode.version_received, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock)
- wait_until(lambda: unsupported_service_bit5_node.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock)
- wait_until(lambda: unsupported_service_bit7_node.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock)
# Mine a block and make sure that it's not sent to the connected nodes
@@ -118,10 +108,6 @@ class P2PLeakTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
#This node should have been banned
assert not no_version_bannode.is_connected
- # These nodes should have been disconnected
- assert not unsupported_service_bit5_node.is_connected
- assert not unsupported_service_bit7_node.is_connected
# Wait until all connections are closed
@@ -131,17 +117,6 @@ class P2PLeakTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
assert(no_version_bannode.unexpected_msg == False)
assert(no_version_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False)
assert(no_verack_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False)
- assert not unsupported_service_bit5_node.unexpected_msg
- assert not unsupported_service_bit7_node.unexpected_msg
- self.log.info("Service bits 5 and 7 are allowed after August 1st 2018")
- self.nodes[0].setmocktime(1533168000) # August 2nd 2018
- allowed_service_bit5_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface(), services=NODE_NETWORK|NODE_UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE_BIT_5)
- allowed_service_bit7_node = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface(), services=NODE_NETWORK|NODE_UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE_BIT_7)
- wait_until(lambda: allowed_service_bit5_node.message_count["verack"], lock=mininode_lock)
- wait_until(lambda: allowed_service_bit7_node.message_count["verack"], lock=mininode_lock)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py b/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a68327496f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+"""Test the Partially Signed Transaction RPCs.
+from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.util import *
+# Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction:
+class PSBTTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def set_test_params(self):
+ self.setup_clean_chain = False
+ self.num_nodes = 3
+ def run_test(self):
+ # Create and fund a raw tx for sending 10 BTC
+ psbtx1 = self.nodes[0].walletcreatefundedpsbt([], {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress():10})['psbt']
+ # Node 1 should not be able to add anything to it but still return the psbtx same as before
+ psbtx = self.nodes[1].walletprocesspsbt(psbtx1)['psbt']
+ assert_equal(psbtx1, psbtx)
+ # Sign the transaction and send
+ signed_tx = self.nodes[0].walletprocesspsbt(psbtx)['psbt']
+ final_tx = self.nodes[0].finalizepsbt(signed_tx)['hex']
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(final_tx)
+ # Create p2sh, p2wpkh, and p2wsh addresses
+ pubkey0 = self.nodes[0].getaddressinfo(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress())['pubkey']
+ pubkey1 = self.nodes[1].getaddressinfo(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress())['pubkey']
+ pubkey2 = self.nodes[2].getaddressinfo(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress())['pubkey']
+ p2sh = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress(2, [pubkey0, pubkey1, pubkey2], "", "legacy")['address']
+ p2wsh = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress(2, [pubkey0, pubkey1, pubkey2], "", "bech32")['address']
+ p2sh_p2wsh = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress(2, [pubkey0, pubkey1, pubkey2], "", "p2sh-segwit")['address']
+ p2wpkh = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress("", "bech32")
+ p2pkh = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress("", "legacy")
+ p2sh_p2wpkh = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress("", "p2sh-segwit")
+ # fund those addresses
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([], {p2sh:10, p2wsh:10, p2wpkh:10, p2sh_p2wsh:10, p2sh_p2wpkh:10, p2pkh:10})
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawtx, {"changePosition":3})
+ signed_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx['hex'])['hex']
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed_tx)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(6)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # Find the output pos
+ p2sh_pos = -1
+ p2wsh_pos = -1
+ p2wpkh_pos = -1
+ p2pkh_pos = -1
+ p2sh_p2wsh_pos = -1
+ p2sh_p2wpkh_pos = -1
+ decoded = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(signed_tx)
+ for out in decoded['vout']:
+ if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] == p2sh:
+ p2sh_pos = out['n']
+ elif out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] == p2wsh:
+ p2wsh_pos = out['n']
+ elif out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] == p2wpkh:
+ p2wpkh_pos = out['n']
+ elif out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] == p2sh_p2wsh:
+ p2sh_p2wsh_pos = out['n']
+ elif out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] == p2sh_p2wpkh:
+ p2sh_p2wpkh_pos = out['n']
+ elif out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] == p2pkh:
+ p2pkh_pos = out['n']
+ # spend single key from node 1
+ rawtx = self.nodes[1].walletcreatefundedpsbt([{"txid":txid,"vout":p2wpkh_pos},{"txid":txid,"vout":p2sh_p2wpkh_pos},{"txid":txid,"vout":p2pkh_pos}], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():29.99})['psbt']
+ walletprocesspsbt_out = self.nodes[1].walletprocesspsbt(rawtx)
+ assert_equal(walletprocesspsbt_out['complete'], True)
+ self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(self.nodes[1].finalizepsbt(walletprocesspsbt_out['psbt'])['hex'])
+ # partially sign multisig things with node 1
+ psbtx = self.nodes[1].walletcreatefundedpsbt([{"txid":txid,"vout":p2wsh_pos},{"txid":txid,"vout":p2sh_pos},{"txid":txid,"vout":p2sh_p2wsh_pos}], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():29.99})['psbt']
+ walletprocesspsbt_out = self.nodes[1].walletprocesspsbt(psbtx)
+ psbtx = walletprocesspsbt_out['psbt']
+ assert_equal(walletprocesspsbt_out['complete'], False)
+ # partially sign with node 2. This should be complete and sendable
+ walletprocesspsbt_out = self.nodes[2].walletprocesspsbt(psbtx)
+ assert_equal(walletprocesspsbt_out['complete'], True)
+ self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(self.nodes[2].finalizepsbt(walletprocesspsbt_out['psbt'])['hex'])
+ # check that walletprocesspsbt fails to decode a non-psbt
+ rawtx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction([{"txid":txid,"vout":p2wpkh_pos}], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():9.99})
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "TX decode failed", self.nodes[1].walletprocesspsbt, rawtx)
+ # Convert a non-psbt to psbt and make sure we can decode it
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():10})
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ new_psbt = self.nodes[0].converttopsbt(rawtx['hex'])
+ self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(new_psbt)
+ # Make sure that a psbt with signatures cannot be converted
+ signedtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx['hex'])
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "TX decode failed", self.nodes[0].converttopsbt, signedtx['hex'])
+ # Explicilty allow converting non-empty txs
+ new_psbt = self.nodes[0].converttopsbt(rawtx['hex'])
+ self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(new_psbt)
+ # Create outputs to nodes 1 and 2
+ node1_addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
+ node2_addr = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
+ txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(node1_addr, 13)
+ txid2 =self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(node2_addr, 13)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(6)
+ self.sync_all()
+ vout1 = find_output(self.nodes[1], txid1, 13)
+ vout2 = find_output(self.nodes[2], txid2, 13)
+ # Create a psbt spending outputs from nodes 1 and 2
+ psbt_orig = self.nodes[0].createpsbt([{"txid":txid1, "vout":vout1}, {"txid":txid2, "vout":vout2}], {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress():25.999})
+ # Update psbts, should only have data for one input and not the other
+ psbt1 = self.nodes[1].walletprocesspsbt(psbt_orig)['psbt']
+ psbt1_decoded = self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(psbt1)
+ assert psbt1_decoded['inputs'][0] and not psbt1_decoded['inputs'][1]
+ psbt2 = self.nodes[2].walletprocesspsbt(psbt_orig)['psbt']
+ psbt2_decoded = self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(psbt2)
+ assert not psbt2_decoded['inputs'][0] and psbt2_decoded['inputs'][1]
+ # Combine, finalize, and send the psbts
+ combined = self.nodes[0].combinepsbt([psbt1, psbt2])
+ finalized = self.nodes[0].finalizepsbt(combined)['hex']
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(finalized)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(6)
+ self.sync_all()
+ # BIP 174 Test Vectors
+ # Check that unknown values are just passed through
+ unknown_psbt = "cHNidP8BAD8CAAAAAf//////////////////////////////////////////AAAAAAD/////AQAAAAAAAAAAA2oBAAAAAAAACg8BAgMEBQYHCAkPAQIDBAUGBwgJCgsMDQ4PAAA="
+ unknown_out = self.nodes[0].walletprocesspsbt(unknown_psbt)['psbt']
+ assert_equal(unknown_psbt, unknown_out)
+ # Open the data file
+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data/rpc_psbt.json'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ d = json.load(f)
+ invalids = d['invalid']
+ valids = d['valid']
+ creators = d['creator']
+ signers = d['signer']
+ combiners = d['combiner']
+ finalizers = d['finalizer']
+ extractors = d['extractor']
+ # Invalid PSBTs
+ for invalid in invalids:
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-22, "TX decode failed", self.nodes[0].decodepsbt, invalid)
+ # Valid PSBTs
+ for valid in valids:
+ self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(valid)
+ # Creator Tests
+ for creator in creators:
+ created_tx = self.nodes[0].createpsbt(creator['inputs'], creator['outputs'])
+ assert_equal(created_tx, creator['result'])
+ # Signer tests
+ for i, signer in enumerate(signers):
+ for key in signer['privkeys']:
+ self.nodes[i].importprivkey(key)
+ signed_tx = self.nodes[i].walletprocesspsbt(signer['psbt'])['psbt']
+ assert_equal(signed_tx, signer['result'])
+ # Combiner test
+ for combiner in combiners:
+ combined = self.nodes[2].combinepsbt(combiner['combine'])
+ assert_equal(combined, combiner['result'])
+ # Finalizer test
+ for finalizer in finalizers:
+ finalized = self.nodes[2].finalizepsbt(finalizer['finalize'], False)['psbt']
+ assert_equal(finalized, finalizer['result'])
+ # Extractor test
+ for extractor in extractors:
+ extracted = self.nodes[2].finalizepsbt(extractor['extract'], True)['hex']
+ assert_equal(extracted, extractor['result'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ PSBTTest().main()
diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py b/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py
index df8d424d01..af57e61f2f 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ NODE_NETWORK = (1 << 0)
# NODE_GETUTXO = (1 << 1)
NODE_BLOOM = (1 << 2)
NODE_WITNESS = (1 << 3)
MSG_TX = 1
diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/mininode.py b/test/functional/test_framework/mininode.py
index 29bf33fa5b..d5b1a90687 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_framework/mininode.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_framework/mininode.py
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class P2PConnection(asyncio.Protocol):
raise IOError('Not connected')
self._log_message("send", message)
tmsg = self._build_message(message)
- NetworkThread.network_event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(lambda: self._transport and self._transport.write(tmsg))
+ NetworkThread.network_event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(lambda: self._transport and not self._transport.is_closing() and self._transport.write(tmsg))
# Class utility methods
diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py b/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py
index 287dc0e53e..50942aec40 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_framework/test_node.py
@@ -351,8 +351,7 @@ class TestNodeCLI():
def send_cli(self, command=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run bitcoin-cli command. Deserializes returned string as python object."""
- pos_args = [str(arg) for arg in args]
+ pos_args = [str(arg).lower() if type(arg) is bool else str(arg) for arg in args]
named_args = [str(key) + "=" + str(value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()]
assert not (pos_args and named_args), "Cannot use positional arguments and named arguments in the same bitcoin-cli call"
p_args = [self.binary, "-datadir=" + self.datadir] + self.options
diff --git a/test/functional/test_runner.py b/test/functional/test_runner.py
index 5d039d7bc4..4c5acf69a9 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_runner.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_runner.py
@@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ BASE_SCRIPTS = [
'wallet_multiwallet.py --usecli',
+ 'wallet_disableprivatekeys.py',
+ 'wallet_disableprivatekeys.py --usecli',
+ 'rpc_psbt.py',
diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_disableprivatekeys.py b/test/functional/wallet_disableprivatekeys.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0ba2cfe9be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/wallet_disableprivatekeys.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+"""Test disable-privatekeys mode.
+from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.util import (
+ assert_raises_rpc_error,
+class DisablePrivateKeysTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def set_test_params(self):
+ self.setup_clean_chain = False
+ self.num_nodes = 1
+ self.supports_cli = True
+ def run_test(self):
+ node = self.nodes[0]
+ self.log.info("Test disableprivatekeys creation.")
+ self.nodes[0].createwallet('w1', True)
+ self.nodes[0].createwallet('w2')
+ w1 = node.get_wallet_rpc('w1')
+ w2 = node.get_wallet_rpc('w2')
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-4,"Error: Private keys are disabled for this wallet", w1.getnewaddress)
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-4,"Error: Private keys are disabled for this wallet", w1.getrawchangeaddress)
+ w1.importpubkey(w2.getaddressinfo(w2.getnewaddress())['pubkey'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ DisablePrivateKeysTest().main()
diff --git a/test/lint/lint-circular-dependencies.sh b/test/lint/lint-circular-dependencies.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b8d105b49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lint/lint-circular-dependencies.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Check for circular dependencies
+export LC_ALL=C
+ "chainparamsbase -> util -> chainparamsbase"
+ "checkpoints -> validation -> checkpoints"
+ "index/txindex -> validation -> index/txindex"
+ "policy/fees -> txmempool -> policy/fees"
+ "policy/policy -> validation -> policy/policy"
+ "qt/addresstablemodel -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/addresstablemodel"
+ "qt/bantablemodel -> qt/clientmodel -> qt/bantablemodel"
+ "qt/bitcoingui -> qt/utilitydialog -> qt/bitcoingui"
+ "qt/bitcoingui -> qt/walletframe -> qt/bitcoingui"
+ "qt/bitcoingui -> qt/walletview -> qt/bitcoingui"
+ "qt/clientmodel -> qt/peertablemodel -> qt/clientmodel"
+ "qt/paymentserver -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/paymentserver"
+ "qt/recentrequeststablemodel -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/recentrequeststablemodel"
+ "qt/sendcoinsdialog -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/sendcoinsdialog"
+ "qt/transactiontablemodel -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/transactiontablemodel"
+ "qt/walletmodel -> qt/walletmodeltransaction -> qt/walletmodel"
+ "rpc/rawtransaction -> wallet/rpcwallet -> rpc/rawtransaction"
+ "txmempool -> validation -> txmempool"
+ "validation -> validationinterface -> validation"
+ "wallet/coincontrol -> wallet/wallet -> wallet/coincontrol"
+ "wallet/fees -> wallet/wallet -> wallet/fees"
+ "wallet/rpcwallet -> wallet/wallet -> wallet/rpcwallet"
+ "wallet/wallet -> wallet/walletdb -> wallet/wallet"
+ "policy/fees -> policy/policy -> validation -> policy/fees"
+ "policy/rbf -> txmempool -> validation -> policy/rbf"
+ "qt/addressbookpage -> qt/bitcoingui -> qt/walletview -> qt/addressbookpage"
+ "qt/guiutil -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/optionsmodel -> qt/guiutil"
+ "txmempool -> validation -> validationinterface -> txmempool"
+ "qt/addressbookpage -> qt/bitcoingui -> qt/walletview -> qt/receivecoinsdialog -> qt/addressbookpage"
+ "qt/addressbookpage -> qt/bitcoingui -> qt/walletview -> qt/signverifymessagedialog -> qt/addressbookpage"
+ "qt/guiutil -> qt/walletmodel -> qt/optionsmodel -> qt/intro -> qt/guiutil"
+ "qt/addressbookpage -> qt/bitcoingui -> qt/walletview -> qt/sendcoinsdialog -> qt/sendcoinsentry -> qt/addressbookpage"
+for CIRC in $(cd src && ../contrib/devtools/circular-dependencies.py {*,*/*,*/*/*}.{h,cpp} | sed -e 's/^Circular dependency: //'); do
+ if [[ "${CIRC}" == "${EXPECTED_CIRC}" ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ${IS_EXPECTED_CIRC} == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "A new circular dependency in the form of \"${CIRC}\" appears to have been introduced."
+ echo
+ fi
+ if [[ "${CIRC}" == "${EXPECTED_CIRC}" ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ${IS_PRESENT_EXPECTED_CIRC} == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Good job! The circular dependency \"${EXPECTED_CIRC}\" is no longer present."
+ echo "Please remove it from EXPECTED_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCIES in $0"
+ echo "to make sure this circular dependency is not accidentally reintroduced."
+ echo
+ fi
+exit ${EXIT_CODE}
diff --git a/test/lint/lint-includes.sh b/test/lint/lint-includes.sh
index 40d28ed3e0..2faaef8954 100755
--- a/test/lint/lint-includes.sh
+++ b/test/lint/lint-includes.sh
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ EXPECTED_BOOST_INCLUDES=(
- boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ EXPECTED_BOOST_INCLUDES=(
- boost/program_options/detail/config_file.hpp