diff options
8 files changed, 169 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/src/init.cpp b/src/init.cpp
index 84b4a81e28..2fdc2717c9 100644
--- a/src/init.cpp
+++ b/src/init.cpp
@@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ void SetupServerArgs(ArgsManager& argsman)
argsman.AddArg("-onlynet=<net>", "Make automatic outbound connections only to network <net> (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + "). Inbound and manual connections are not affected by this option. It can be specified multiple times to allow multiple networks.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-peerbloomfilters", strprintf("Support filtering of blocks and transaction with bloom filters (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PEERBLOOMFILTERS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-peerblockfilters", strprintf("Serve compact block filters to peers per BIP 157 (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PEERBLOCKFILTERS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
+ argsman.AddArg("-txreconciliation", strprintf("Enable transaction reconciliations per BIP 330 (default: %d)", DEFAULT_TXRECONCILIATION_ENABLE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
// TODO: remove the sentence "Nodes not using ... incoming connections." once the changes from
// https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/23542 have become widespread.
argsman.AddArg("-port=<port>", strprintf("Listen for connections on <port>. Nodes not using the default ports (default: %u, testnet: %u, signet: %u, regtest: %u) are unlikely to get incoming connections. Not relevant for I2P (see doc/i2p.md).", defaultChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), testnetChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), signetChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), regtestChainParams->GetDefaultPort()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
@@ -485,7 +486,6 @@ void SetupServerArgs(ArgsManager& argsman)
argsman.AddArg("-seednode=<ip>", "Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect. This option can be specified multiple times to connect to multiple nodes.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-networkactive", "Enable all P2P network activity (default: 1). Can be changed by the setnetworkactive RPC command", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-timeout=<n>", strprintf("Specify socket connection timeout in milliseconds. If an initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful after this amount of time, drop it (minimum: 1, default: %d)", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
- argsman.AddArg("-txreconciliation", strprintf("Enable transaction reconciliations per BIP 330 (default: %d)", DEFAULT_TXRECONCILIATION_ENABLE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-peertimeout=<n>", strprintf("Specify a p2p connection timeout delay in seconds. After connecting to a peer, wait this amount of time before considering disconnection based on inactivity (minimum: 1, default: %d)", DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-torcontrol=<ip>:<port>", strprintf("Tor control port to use if onion listening enabled (default: %s)", DEFAULT_TOR_CONTROL), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
argsman.AddArg("-torpassword=<pass>", "Tor control port password (default: empty)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::SENSITIVE, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
diff --git a/src/net_processing.cpp b/src/net_processing.cpp
index 346600efd0..d961ac90b8 100644
--- a/src/net_processing.cpp
+++ b/src/net_processing.cpp
@@ -3273,17 +3273,14 @@ void PeerManagerImpl::ProcessMessage(CNode& pfrom, const std::string& msg_type,
if (greatest_common_version >= WTXID_RELAY_VERSION && m_txreconciliation) {
// Per BIP-330, we announce txreconciliation support if:
- // - protocol version per the VERSION message supports WTXID_RELAY;
- // - we intended to exchange transactions over this connection while establishing it
- // and the peer indicated support for transaction relay in the VERSION message;
+ // - protocol version per the peer's VERSION message supports WTXID_RELAY;
+ // - transaction relay is supported per the peer's VERSION message (see m_relays_txs);
+ // - this is not a block-relay-only connection and not a feeler (see m_relays_txs);
+ // - this is not an addr fetch connection;
// - we are not in -blocksonly mode.
- if (pfrom.m_relays_txs && !m_ignore_incoming_txs) {
+ if (pfrom.m_relays_txs && !pfrom.IsAddrFetchConn() && !m_ignore_incoming_txs) {
const uint64_t recon_salt = m_txreconciliation->PreRegisterPeer(pfrom.GetId());
- // We suggest our txreconciliation role (initiator/responder) based on
- // the connection direction.
m_connman.PushMessage(&pfrom, msg_maker.Make(NetMsgType::SENDTXRCNCL,
- !pfrom.IsInboundConn(),
- pfrom.IsInboundConn(),
@@ -3500,41 +3497,44 @@ void PeerManagerImpl::ProcessMessage(CNode& pfrom, const std::string& msg_type,
if (pfrom.fSuccessfullyConnected) {
- // Disconnect peers that send a SENDTXRCNCL message after VERACK.
LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "sendtxrcncl received after verack from peer=%d; disconnecting\n", pfrom.GetId());
pfrom.fDisconnect = true;
- if (!peer->GetTxRelay()) {
- // Disconnect peers that send a SENDTXRCNCL message even though we indicated we don't
- // support transaction relay.
+ // Peer must not offer us reconciliations if we specified no tx relay support in VERSION.
+ if (RejectIncomingTxs(pfrom)) {
LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "sendtxrcncl received from peer=%d to which we indicated no tx relay; disconnecting\n", pfrom.GetId());
pfrom.fDisconnect = true;
- bool is_peer_initiator, is_peer_responder;
+ // Peer must not offer us reconciliations if they specified no tx relay support in VERSION.
+ // This flag might also be false in other cases, but the RejectIncomingTxs check above
+ // eliminates them, so that this flag fully represents what we are looking for.
+ if (!pfrom.m_relays_txs) {
+ LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "sendtxrcncl received from peer=%d which indicated no tx relay to us; disconnecting\n", pfrom.GetId());
+ pfrom.fDisconnect = true;
+ return;
+ }
uint32_t peer_txreconcl_version;
uint64_t remote_salt;
- vRecv >> is_peer_initiator >> is_peer_responder >> peer_txreconcl_version >> remote_salt;
+ vRecv >> peer_txreconcl_version >> remote_salt;
- if (m_txreconciliation->IsPeerRegistered(pfrom.GetId())) {
- // A peer is already registered, meaning we already received SENDTXRCNCL from them.
+ const ReconciliationRegisterResult result = m_txreconciliation->RegisterPeer(pfrom.GetId(), pfrom.IsInboundConn(),
+ peer_txreconcl_version, remote_salt);
+ switch (result) {
+ case ReconciliationRegisterResult::NOT_FOUND:
+ LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "Ignore unexpected txreconciliation signal from peer=%d\n", pfrom.GetId());
+ break;
+ case ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS:
+ break;
+ case ReconciliationRegisterResult::ALREADY_REGISTERED:
LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "txreconciliation protocol violation from peer=%d (sendtxrcncl received from already registered peer); disconnecting\n", pfrom.GetId());
pfrom.fDisconnect = true;
- }
- const ReconciliationRegisterResult result = m_txreconciliation->RegisterPeer(pfrom.GetId(), pfrom.IsInboundConn(),
- is_peer_initiator, is_peer_responder,
- peer_txreconcl_version,
- remote_salt);
- // If it's a protocol violation, disconnect.
- // If the peer was not found (but something unexpected happened) or it was registered,
- // nothing to be done.
- if (result == ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION) {
+ case ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION:
LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "txreconciliation protocol violation from peer=%d; disconnecting\n", pfrom.GetId());
pfrom.fDisconnect = true;
diff --git a/src/node/txreconciliation.cpp b/src/node/txreconciliation.cpp
index 974358fcda..ed04a78cec 100644
--- a/src/node/txreconciliation.cpp
+++ b/src/node/txreconciliation.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ public:
* the following commits.
* Reconciliation protocol assumes using one role consistently: either a reconciliation
- * initiator (requesting sketches), or responder (sending sketches). This defines our role.
+ * initiator (requesting sketches), or responder (sending sketches). This defines our role,
+ * based on the direction of the p2p connection.
bool m_we_initiate;
@@ -81,31 +82,30 @@ public:
- // We do not support txreconciliation salt/version updates.
- assert(m_states.find(peer_id) == m_states.end());
LogPrintLevel(BCLog::TXRECONCILIATION, BCLog::Level::Debug, "Pre-register peer=%d\n", peer_id);
const uint64_t local_salt{GetRand(UINT64_MAX)};
// We do this exactly once per peer (which are unique by NodeId, see GetNewNodeId) so it's
// safe to assume we don't have this record yet.
- Assert(m_states.emplace(peer_id, local_salt).second);
+ Assume(m_states.emplace(peer_id, local_salt).second);
return local_salt;
- ReconciliationRegisterResult RegisterPeer(NodeId peer_id, bool is_peer_inbound, bool is_peer_recon_initiator,
- bool is_peer_recon_responder, uint32_t peer_recon_version,
- uint64_t remote_salt) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_txreconciliation_mutex)
+ ReconciliationRegisterResult RegisterPeer(NodeId peer_id, bool is_peer_inbound, uint32_t peer_recon_version,
+ uint64_t remote_salt) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_txreconciliation_mutex)
auto recon_state = m_states.find(peer_id);
- // A peer should be in the pre-registered state to proceed here.
- if (recon_state == m_states.end()) return NOT_FOUND;
- uint64_t* local_salt = std::get_if<uint64_t>(&recon_state->second);
- // A peer is already registered. This should be checked by the caller.
- Assume(local_salt);
+ if (recon_state == m_states.end()) return ReconciliationRegisterResult::NOT_FOUND;
+ if (std::holds_alternative<TxReconciliationState>(recon_state->second)) {
+ return ReconciliationRegisterResult::ALREADY_REGISTERED;
+ }
+ uint64_t local_salt = *std::get_if<uint64_t>(&recon_state->second);
// If the peer supports the version which is lower than ours, we downgrade to the version
// it supports. For now, this only guarantees that nodes with future reconciliation
@@ -114,27 +114,14 @@ public:
// satisfactory (e.g. too low).
const uint32_t recon_version{std::min(peer_recon_version, m_recon_version)};
// v1 is the lowest version, so suggesting something below must be a protocol violation.
- if (recon_version < 1) return PROTOCOL_VIOLATION;
- // Must match SENDTXRCNCL logic.
- const bool they_initiate = is_peer_recon_initiator && is_peer_inbound;
- const bool we_initiate = !is_peer_inbound && is_peer_recon_responder;
- // If we ever announce support for both requesting and responding, this will need
- // tie-breaking. For now, this is mutually exclusive because both are based on the
- // inbound flag.
- assert(!(they_initiate && we_initiate));
- // The peer set both flags to false, we treat it as a protocol violation.
- if (!(they_initiate || we_initiate)) return PROTOCOL_VIOLATION;
+ if (recon_version < 1) return ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION;
- LogPrintLevel(BCLog::TXRECONCILIATION, BCLog::Level::Debug, "Register peer=%d with the following params: " /* Continued */
- "we_initiate=%i, they_initiate=%i.\n",
- peer_id, we_initiate, they_initiate);
+ LogPrintLevel(BCLog::TXRECONCILIATION, BCLog::Level::Debug, "Register peer=%d (inbound=%i)\n",
+ peer_id, is_peer_inbound);
- const uint256 full_salt{ComputeSalt(*local_salt, remote_salt)};
- recon_state->second = TxReconciliationState(we_initiate, full_salt.GetUint64(0), full_salt.GetUint64(1));
- return SUCCESS;
+ const uint256 full_salt{ComputeSalt(local_salt, remote_salt)};
+ recon_state->second = TxReconciliationState(!is_peer_inbound, full_salt.GetUint64(0), full_salt.GetUint64(1));
+ return ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS;
void ForgetPeer(NodeId peer_id) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_txreconciliation_mutex)
@@ -166,11 +153,9 @@ uint64_t TxReconciliationTracker::PreRegisterPeer(NodeId peer_id)
ReconciliationRegisterResult TxReconciliationTracker::RegisterPeer(NodeId peer_id, bool is_peer_inbound,
- bool is_peer_recon_initiator, bool is_peer_recon_responder,
uint32_t peer_recon_version, uint64_t remote_salt)
- return m_impl->RegisterPeer(peer_id, is_peer_inbound, is_peer_recon_initiator, is_peer_recon_responder,
- peer_recon_version, remote_salt);
+ return m_impl->RegisterPeer(peer_id, is_peer_inbound, peer_recon_version, remote_salt);
void TxReconciliationTracker::ForgetPeer(NodeId peer_id)
diff --git a/src/node/txreconciliation.h b/src/node/txreconciliation.h
index a4f0870914..4591dd5df7 100644
--- a/src/node/txreconciliation.h
+++ b/src/node/txreconciliation.h
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ static constexpr bool DEFAULT_TXRECONCILIATION_ENABLE{false};
/** Supported transaction reconciliation protocol version */
static constexpr uint32_t TXRECONCILIATION_VERSION{1};
-enum ReconciliationRegisterResult {
- NOT_FOUND = 0,
- SUCCESS = 1,
+enum class ReconciliationRegisterResult {
@@ -72,8 +73,8 @@ public:
* Step 0. Once the peer agreed to reconcile txs with us, generate the state required to track
* ongoing reconciliations. Must be called only after pre-registering the peer and only once.
- ReconciliationRegisterResult RegisterPeer(NodeId peer_id, bool is_peer_inbound, bool is_peer_recon_initiator,
- bool is_peer_recon_responder, uint32_t peer_recon_version, uint64_t remote_salt);
+ ReconciliationRegisterResult RegisterPeer(NodeId peer_id, bool is_peer_inbound,
+ uint32_t peer_recon_version, uint64_t remote_salt);
* Attempts to forget txreconciliation-related state of the peer (if we previously stored any).
diff --git a/src/protocol.h b/src/protocol.h
index 17a363b1d3..51fabf8da0 100644
--- a/src/protocol.h
+++ b/src/protocol.h
@@ -259,9 +259,7 @@ extern const char* CFCHECKPT;
extern const char* WTXIDRELAY;
- * Contains 2 1-byte bools, a 4-byte version number and an 8-byte salt.
- * The 2 booleans indicate that a node is willing to participate in transaction
- * reconciliation, respectively as an initiator or as a receiver.
+ * Contains a 4-byte version number and an 8-byte salt.
* The salt is used to compute short txids needed for efficient
* txreconciliation, as described by BIP 330.
diff --git a/src/test/txreconciliation_tests.cpp b/src/test/txreconciliation_tests.cpp
index bd74998002..b018629e76 100644
--- a/src/test/txreconciliation_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/txreconciliation_tests.cpp
@@ -12,56 +12,54 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(txreconciliation_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
- TxReconciliationTracker tracker(1);
+ TxReconciliationTracker tracker(TXRECONCILIATION_VERSION);
const uint64_t salt = 0;
// Prepare a peer for reconciliation.
- // Both roles are false, don't register.
- BOOST_CHECK(tracker.RegisterPeer(/*peer_id=*/0, /*is_peer_inbound=*/true,
- /*is_peer_recon_initiator=*/false,
- /*is_peer_recon_responder=*/false,
- /*peer_recon_version=*/1, salt) ==
- ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
- // Invalid roles for the given connection direction.
- BOOST_CHECK(tracker.RegisterPeer(0, true, false, true, 1, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
- BOOST_CHECK(tracker.RegisterPeer(0, false, true, false, 1, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
// Invalid version.
- BOOST_CHECK(tracker.RegisterPeer(0, true, true, false, 0, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tracker.RegisterPeer(/*peer_id=*/0, /*is_peer_inbound=*/true,
+ /*peer_recon_version=*/0, salt),
+ ReconciliationRegisterResult::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
- // Valid registration.
+ // Valid registration (inbound and outbound peers).
- BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(0, true, true, false, 1, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tracker.RegisterPeer(0, true, 1, salt), ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
- // Reconciliation version is higher than ours, should be able to register.
- BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(1, true, true, false, 2, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(1, false, 1, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
+ // Reconciliation version is higher than ours, should be able to register.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!tracker.IsPeerRegistered(2));
+ tracker.PreRegisterPeer(2);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(2, true, 2, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
+ BOOST_CHECK(tracker.IsPeerRegistered(2));
+ // Try registering for the second time.
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(1, false, 1, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::ALREADY_REGISTERED);
// Do not register if there were no pre-registration for the peer.
- BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(100, true, true, false, 1, salt) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::NOT_FOUND);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tracker.RegisterPeer(100, true, 1, salt), ReconciliationRegisterResult::NOT_FOUND);
- TxReconciliationTracker tracker(1);
+ TxReconciliationTracker tracker(TXRECONCILIATION_VERSION);
NodeId peer_id0 = 0;
// Removing peer after pre-registring works and does not let to register the peer.
- BOOST_CHECK(tracker.RegisterPeer(peer_id0, true, true, false, 1, 1) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::NOT_FOUND);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tracker.RegisterPeer(peer_id0, true, 1, 1), ReconciliationRegisterResult::NOT_FOUND);
// Removing peer after it is registered works.
- BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(peer_id0, true, true, false, 1, 1) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tracker.RegisterPeer(peer_id0, true, 1, 1), ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
@@ -69,14 +67,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ForgetPeerTest)
- TxReconciliationTracker tracker(1);
+ TxReconciliationTracker tracker(TXRECONCILIATION_VERSION);
NodeId peer_id0 = 0;
- BOOST_REQUIRE(tracker.RegisterPeer(peer_id0, true, true, false, 1, 1) == ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(tracker.RegisterPeer(peer_id0, true, 1, 1), ReconciliationRegisterResult::SUCCESS);
diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_sendtxrcncl.py b/test/functional/p2p_sendtxrcncl.py
index fed9832a7d..0e349ef70c 100755
--- a/test/functional/p2p_sendtxrcncl.py
+++ b/test/functional/p2p_sendtxrcncl.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from test_framework.messages import (
from test_framework.p2p import (
@@ -54,10 +55,8 @@ class PeerTrackMsgOrder(P2PInterface):
-def create_sendtxrcncl_msg(initiator=True):
+def create_sendtxrcncl_msg():
sendtxrcncl_msg = msg_sendtxrcncl()
- sendtxrcncl_msg.initiator = initiator
- sendtxrcncl_msg.responder = not initiator
sendtxrcncl_msg.version = 1
sendtxrcncl_msg.salt = 2
return sendtxrcncl_msg
@@ -68,11 +67,11 @@ class SendTxRcnclTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
self.extra_args = [['-txreconciliation']]
def run_test(self):
+ # Check everything concerning *sending* SENDTXRCNCL
+ # First, *sending* to *inbound*.
self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL sent to an inbound')
peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(SendTxrcnclReceiver(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=True)
assert peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
- assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.initiator
- assert peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.responder
assert_equal(peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.version, 1)
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ class SendTxRcnclTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
verack_index = [i for i, msg in enumerate(peer.messages) if msg.msgtype == b'verack'][0]
sendtxrcncl_index = [i for i, msg in enumerate(peer.messages) if msg.msgtype == b'sendtxrcncl'][0]
- assert(sendtxrcncl_index < verack_index)
+ assert sendtxrcncl_index < verack_index
self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL on pre-WTXID version should not be sent')
@@ -108,30 +107,77 @@ class SendTxRcnclTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL for fRelay=false should not be sent (with NODE_BLOOM offered)')
+ self.restart_node(0, ["-peerbloomfilters", "-txreconciliation"])
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(SendTxrcnclReceiver(), send_version=False, wait_for_verack=False)
+ no_txrelay_version_msg = msg_version()
+ no_txrelay_version_msg.nVersion = P2P_VERSION
+ no_txrelay_version_msg.strSubVer = P2P_SUBVERSION
+ no_txrelay_version_msg.nServices = P2P_SERVICES
+ no_txrelay_version_msg.relay = 0
+ peer.send_message(no_txrelay_version_msg)
+ peer.wait_for_verack()
+ assert peer.nServices & NODE_BLOOM != 0
+ assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ # Now, *sending* to *outbound*.
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL sent to an outbound')
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
+ SendTxrcnclReceiver(), wait_for_verack=True, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="outbound-full-relay")
+ assert peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ assert_equal(peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.version, 1)
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL should not be sent if block-relay-only')
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
+ SendTxrcnclReceiver(), wait_for_verack=True, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="block-relay-only")
+ assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ self.log.info("SENDTXRCNCL should not be sent if feeler")
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(P2PFeelerReceiver(), p2p_idx=0, connection_type="feeler")
+ assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ self.log.info("SENDTXRCNCL should not be sent if addrfetch")
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
+ SendTxrcnclReceiver(), wait_for_verack=True, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="addr-fetch")
+ assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL not sent if -txreconciliation flag is not set')
+ self.restart_node(0, [])
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(SendTxrcnclReceiver(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=True)
+ assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL not sent if blocksonly is set')
+ self.restart_node(0, ["-txreconciliation", "-blocksonly"])
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(SendTxrcnclReceiver(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=True)
+ assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ # Check everything concerning *receiving* SENDTXRCNCL
+ # First, receiving from *inbound*.
+ self.restart_node(0, ["-txreconciliation"])
self.log.info('valid SENDTXRCNCL received')
peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(PeerNoVerack(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=False)
- peer.send_message(create_sendtxrcncl_msg())
- self.wait_until(lambda : "sendtxrcncl" in self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()[-1]["bytesrecv_per_msg"])
+ with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["received: sendtxrcncl"]):
+ peer.send_message(create_sendtxrcncl_msg())
self.log.info('second SENDTXRCNCL triggers a disconnect')
with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["(sendtxrcncl received from already registered peer); disconnecting"]):
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL with initiator=responder=0 triggers a disconnect')
- sendtxrcncl_no_role = create_sendtxrcncl_msg()
- sendtxrcncl_no_role.initiator = False
- sendtxrcncl_no_role.responder = False
+ self.restart_node(0, [])
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL if no txreconciliation supported is ignored')
peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(PeerNoVerack(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=False)
- with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["txreconciliation protocol violation"]):
- peer.send_message(sendtxrcncl_no_role)
- peer.wait_for_disconnect()
+ with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(['ignored, as our node does not have txreconciliation enabled']):
+ peer.send_message(create_sendtxrcncl_msg())
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL with initiator=0 and responder=1 from inbound triggers a disconnect')
- sendtxrcncl_wrong_role = create_sendtxrcncl_msg(initiator=False)
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(PeerNoVerack(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=False)
- with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["txreconciliation protocol violation"]):
- peer.send_message(sendtxrcncl_wrong_role)
- peer.wait_for_disconnect()
+ self.restart_node(0, ["-txreconciliation"])
self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL with version=0 triggers a disconnect')
sendtxrcncl_low_version = create_sendtxrcncl_msg()
@@ -141,6 +187,26 @@ class SendTxRcnclTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL with version=2 is valid')
+ sendtxrcncl_higher_version = create_sendtxrcncl_msg()
+ sendtxrcncl_higher_version.version = 2
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(PeerNoVerack(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=False)
+ with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(['Register peer=1']):
+ peer.send_message(sendtxrcncl_higher_version)
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ self.log.info('unexpected SENDTXRCNCL is ignored')
+ peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(PeerNoVerack(), send_version=False, wait_for_verack=False)
+ old_version_msg = msg_version()
+ old_version_msg.nVersion = 70015
+ old_version_msg.strSubVer = P2P_SUBVERSION
+ old_version_msg.nServices = P2P_SERVICES
+ old_version_msg.relay = 1
+ peer.send_message(old_version_msg)
+ with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(['Ignore unexpected txreconciliation signal']):
+ peer.send_message(create_sendtxrcncl_msg())
+ self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
self.log.info('sending SENDTXRCNCL after sending VERACK triggers a disconnect')
peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PInterface())
with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["sendtxrcncl received after verack"]):
@@ -154,53 +220,14 @@ class SendTxRcnclTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL sent to an outbound')
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
- SendTxrcnclReceiver(), wait_for_verack=True, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="outbound-full-relay")
- assert peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
- assert peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.initiator
- assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.responder
- assert_equal(peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received.version, 1)
- self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL should not be sent if block-relay-only')
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
- SendTxrcnclReceiver(), wait_for_verack=True, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="block-relay-only")
- assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
- self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
- self.log.info("SENDTXRCNCL should not be sent if feeler")
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(P2PFeelerReceiver(), p2p_idx=0, connection_type="feeler")
- assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
- self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
+ # Now, *receiving* from *outbound*.
self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL if block-relay-only triggers a disconnect')
peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
PeerNoVerack(), wait_for_verack=False, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="block-relay-only")
with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["we indicated no tx relay; disconnecting"]):
- peer.send_message(create_sendtxrcncl_msg(initiator=False))
- peer.wait_for_disconnect()
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL with initiator=1 and responder=0 from outbound triggers a disconnect')
- sendtxrcncl_wrong_role = create_sendtxrcncl_msg(initiator=True)
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_outbound_p2p_connection(
- PeerNoVerack(), wait_for_verack=False, p2p_idx=0, connection_type="outbound-full-relay")
- with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(["txreconciliation protocol violation"]):
- peer.send_message(sendtxrcncl_wrong_role)
+ peer.send_message(create_sendtxrcncl_msg())
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL not sent if -txreconciliation flag is not set')
- self.restart_node(0, [])
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(SendTxrcnclReceiver(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=True)
- assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
- self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
- self.log.info('SENDTXRCNCL not sent if blocksonly is set')
- self.restart_node(0, ["-txreconciliation", "-blocksonly"])
- peer = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(SendTxrcnclReceiver(), send_version=True, wait_for_verack=True)
- assert not peer.sendtxrcncl_msg_received
- self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps()
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py b/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py
index 252b49cc6d..7389b1624e 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_framework/messages.py
@@ -1840,29 +1840,23 @@ class msg_cfcheckpt:
self.filter_type, self.stop_hash)
class msg_sendtxrcncl:
- __slots__ = ("initiator", "responder", "version", "salt")
+ __slots__ = ("version", "salt")
msgtype = b"sendtxrcncl"
def __init__(self):
- self.initiator = False
- self.responder = False
self.version = 0
self.salt = 0
def deserialize(self, f):
- self.initiator = struct.unpack("<?", f.read(1))[0]
- self.responder = struct.unpack("<?", f.read(1))[0]
self.version = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
self.salt = struct.unpack("<Q", f.read(8))[0]
def serialize(self):
r = b""
- r += struct.pack("<?", self.initiator)
- r += struct.pack("<?", self.responder)
r += struct.pack("<I", self.version)
r += struct.pack("<Q", self.salt)
return r
def __repr__(self):
- return "msg_sendtxrcncl(initiator=%i, responder=%i, version=%lu, salt=%lu)" %\
- (self.initiator, self.responder, self.version, self.salt)
+ return "msg_sendtxrcncl(version=%lu, salt=%lu)" %\
+ (self.version, self.salt)