diff options
12 files changed, 791 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/doc/build-openbsd.md b/doc/build-openbsd.md
index 584ee43d48..2b051c078c 100644
--- a/doc/build-openbsd.md
+++ b/doc/build-openbsd.md
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ OpenBSD build guide
(updated for OpenBSD 6.7)
-This guide describes how to build bitcoind and command-line utilities on OpenBSD.
-OpenBSD is most commonly used as a server OS, so this guide does not contain instructions for building the GUI.
+This guide describes how to build bitcoind, bitcoin-qt, and command-line utilities on OpenBSD.
@@ -13,6 +11,7 @@ Run the following as root to install the base dependencies for building:
pkg_add git gmake libevent libtool boost
+pkg_add qt5 # (optional for enabling the GUI)
pkg_add autoconf # (select highest version, e.g. 2.69)
pkg_add automake # (select highest version, e.g. 1.16)
pkg_add python # (select highest version, e.g. 3.8)
@@ -80,6 +79,14 @@ To configure without wallet:
./configure --disable-wallet --with-gui=no CC=cc CC_FOR_BUILD=cc CXX=c++ MAKE=gmake
+To configure with GUI:
+./configure --with-gui=yes CC=cc CXX=c++ \
+ BDB_LIBS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib -ldb_cxx-4.8" \
+ BDB_CFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include" \
+ MAKE=gmake
Build and run the tests:
gmake # use -jX here for parallelism
diff --git a/doc/release-notes-16378.md b/doc/release-notes-16378.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b006ea1a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/release-notes-16378.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- A new `send` RPC with similar syntax to `walletcreatefundedpsbt`, including
+ support for coin selection and a custom fee rate. Using the new `send` method
+ is encouraged: `sendmany` and `sendtoaddress` may be deprecated in a future release.
diff --git a/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp b/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp
index 437251a02e..198cd5eb52 100644
--- a/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp
+++ b/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ static const char DEFAULT_RPCCONNECT[] = "";
static const int DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=900;
static const bool DEFAULT_NAMED=false;
static const int CONTINUE_EXECUTION=-1;
+static const std::string ONION{".onion"};
+static const size_t ONION_LEN{ONION.size()};
/** Default number of blocks to generate for RPC generatetoaddress. */
static const std::string DEFAULT_NBLOCKS = "1";
@@ -56,6 +58,8 @@ static void SetupCliArgs(ArgsManager& argsman)
argsman.AddArg("-datadir=<dir>", "Specify data directory", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
argsman.AddArg("-generate", strprintf("Generate blocks immediately, equivalent to RPC generatenewaddress followed by RPC generatetoaddress. Optional positional integer arguments are number of blocks to generate (default: %s) and maximum iterations to try (default: %s), equivalent to RPC generatetoaddress nblocks and maxtries arguments. Example: bitcoin-cli -generate 4 1000", DEFAULT_NBLOCKS, DEFAULT_MAX_TRIES), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
argsman.AddArg("-getinfo", "Get general information from the remote server. Note that unlike server-side RPC calls, the results of -getinfo is the result of multiple non-atomic requests. Some entries in the result may represent results from different states (e.g. wallet balance may be as of a different block from the chain state reported)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
+ argsman.AddArg("-netinfo", "Get network peer connection information from the remote server. An optional integer argument from 0 to 4 can be passed for different peers listings (default: 0).", ArgsManager::ALLOW_INT, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
argsman.AddArg("-named", strprintf("Pass named instead of positional arguments (default: %s)", DEFAULT_NAMED), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
argsman.AddArg("-rpcclienttimeout=<n>", strprintf("Timeout in seconds during HTTP requests, or 0 for no timeout. (default: %d)", DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
@@ -297,6 +301,211 @@ public:
+/** Process netinfo requests */
+class NetinfoRequestHandler : public BaseRequestHandler
+ bool IsAddrIPv6(const std::string& addr) const
+ {
+ return !addr.empty() && addr.front() == '[';
+ }
+ bool IsInboundOnion(const std::string& addr_local, int mapped_as) const
+ {
+ return mapped_as == 0 && addr_local.find(ONION) != std::string::npos;
+ }
+ bool IsOutboundOnion(const std::string& addr, int mapped_as) const
+ {
+ const size_t addr_len{addr.size()};
+ const size_t onion_pos{addr.rfind(ONION)};
+ return mapped_as == 0 && onion_pos != std::string::npos && addr_len > ONION_LEN &&
+ (onion_pos == addr_len - ONION_LEN || onion_pos == addr.find_last_of(":") - ONION_LEN);
+ }
+ uint8_t m_details_level{0}; //!< Optional user-supplied arg to set dashboard details level
+ bool DetailsRequested() const { return m_details_level > 0 && m_details_level < 5; }
+ bool IsAddressSelected() const { return m_details_level == 2 || m_details_level == 4; }
+ bool IsVersionSelected() const { return m_details_level == 3 || m_details_level == 4; }
+ enum struct NetType {
+ ipv4,
+ ipv6,
+ onion,
+ };
+ struct Peer {
+ int id;
+ int mapped_as;
+ int version;
+ int64_t conn_time;
+ int64_t last_blck;
+ int64_t last_recv;
+ int64_t last_send;
+ int64_t last_trxn;
+ double min_ping;
+ double ping;
+ std::string addr;
+ std::string sub_version;
+ NetType net_type;
+ bool is_block_relay;
+ bool is_outbound;
+ bool operator<(const Peer& rhs) const { return std::tie(is_outbound, min_ping) < std::tie(rhs.is_outbound, rhs.min_ping); }
+ };
+ std::string NetTypeEnumToString(NetType t)
+ {
+ switch (t) {
+ case NetType::ipv4: return "ipv4";
+ case NetType::ipv6: return "ipv6";
+ case NetType::onion: return "onion";
+ } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ std::string ChainToString() const
+ {
+ if (gArgs.GetChainName() == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET) return " testnet";
+ if (gArgs.GetChainName() == CBaseChainParams::REGTEST) return " regtest";
+ return "";
+ }
+ const int ID_PEERINFO = 0;
+ const int ID_NETWORKINFO = 1;
+ UniValue PrepareRequest(const std::string& method, const std::vector<std::string>& args) override
+ {
+ if (!args.empty()) {
+ uint8_t n{0};
+ if (ParseUInt8(args.at(0), &n)) {
+ m_details_level = n;
+ }
+ }
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VARR);
+ result.push_back(JSONRPCRequestObj("getpeerinfo", NullUniValue, ID_PEERINFO));
+ result.push_back(JSONRPCRequestObj("getnetworkinfo", NullUniValue, ID_NETWORKINFO));
+ return result;
+ }
+ UniValue ProcessReply(const UniValue& batch_in) override
+ {
+ const std::vector<UniValue> batch{JSONRPCProcessBatchReply(batch_in)};
+ if (!batch[ID_PEERINFO]["error"].isNull()) return batch[ID_PEERINFO];
+ if (!batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["error"].isNull()) return batch[ID_NETWORKINFO];
+ const UniValue& networkinfo{batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]};
+ if (networkinfo["version"].get_int() < 209900) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("-netinfo requires bitcoind server to be running v0.21.0 and up");
+ }
+ // Count peer connection totals, and if DetailsRequested(), store peer data in a vector of structs.
+ const int64_t time_now{GetSystemTimeInSeconds()};
+ int ipv4_i{0}, ipv6_i{0}, onion_i{0}, block_relay_i{0}, total_i{0}; // inbound conn counters
+ int ipv4_o{0}, ipv6_o{0}, onion_o{0}, block_relay_o{0}, total_o{0}; // outbound conn counters
+ size_t max_peer_id_length{2}, max_addr_length{0};
+ bool is_asmap_on{false};
+ std::vector<Peer> peers;
+ const UniValue& getpeerinfo{batch[ID_PEERINFO]["result"]};
+ for (const UniValue& peer : getpeerinfo.getValues()) {
+ const std::string addr{peer["addr"].get_str()};
+ const std::string addr_local{peer["addrlocal"].isNull() ? "" : peer["addrlocal"].get_str()};
+ const int mapped_as{peer["mapped_as"].isNull() ? 0 : peer["mapped_as"].get_int()};
+ const bool is_block_relay{!peer["relaytxes"].get_bool()};
+ const bool is_inbound{peer["inbound"].get_bool()};
+ NetType net_type{NetType::ipv4};
+ if (is_inbound) {
+ if (IsAddrIPv6(addr)) {
+ net_type = NetType::ipv6;
+ ++ipv6_i;
+ } else if (IsInboundOnion(addr_local, mapped_as)) {
+ net_type = NetType::onion;
+ ++onion_i;
+ } else {
+ ++ipv4_i;
+ }
+ if (is_block_relay) ++block_relay_i;
+ } else {
+ if (IsAddrIPv6(addr)) {
+ net_type = NetType::ipv6;
+ ++ipv6_o;
+ } else if (IsOutboundOnion(addr, mapped_as)) {
+ net_type = NetType::onion;
+ ++onion_o;
+ } else {
+ ++ipv4_o;
+ }
+ if (is_block_relay) ++block_relay_o;
+ }
+ if (DetailsRequested()) {
+ // Push data for this peer to the peers vector.
+ const int peer_id{peer["id"].get_int()};
+ const int version{peer["version"].get_int()};
+ const std::string sub_version{peer["subver"].get_str()};
+ const int64_t conn_time{peer["conntime"].get_int64()};
+ const int64_t last_blck{peer["last_block"].get_int64()};
+ const int64_t last_recv{peer["lastrecv"].get_int64()};
+ const int64_t last_send{peer["lastsend"].get_int64()};
+ const int64_t last_trxn{peer["last_transaction"].get_int64()};
+ const double min_ping{peer["minping"].isNull() ? -1 : peer["minping"].get_real()};
+ const double ping{peer["pingtime"].isNull() ? -1 : peer["pingtime"].get_real()};
+ peers.push_back({peer_id, mapped_as, version, conn_time, last_blck, last_recv, last_send, last_trxn, min_ping, ping, addr, sub_version, net_type, is_block_relay, !is_inbound});
+ max_peer_id_length = std::max(ToString(peer_id).length(), max_peer_id_length);
+ max_addr_length = std::max(addr.length() + 1, max_addr_length);
+ is_asmap_on |= (mapped_as != 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate report header.
+ std::string result{strprintf("%s %s%s - %i%s\n\n", PACKAGE_NAME, FormatFullVersion(), ChainToString(), networkinfo["protocolversion"].get_int(), networkinfo["subversion"].get_str())};
+ // Report detailed peer connections list sorted by direction and minimum ping time.
+ if (DetailsRequested() && !peers.empty()) {
+ std::sort(peers.begin(), peers.end());
+ result += "Peer connections sorted by direction and min ping\n<-> relay net mping ping send recv txn blk uptime ";
+ if (is_asmap_on) result += " asmap ";
+ result += strprintf("%*s %-*s%s\n", max_peer_id_length, "id", IsAddressSelected() ? max_addr_length : 0, IsAddressSelected() ? "address" : "", IsVersionSelected() ? "version" : "");
+ for (const Peer& peer : peers) {
+ std::string version{ToString(peer.version) + peer.sub_version};
+ result += strprintf(
+ "%3s %5s %5s%6s%7s%5s%5s%5s%5s%7s%*i %*s %-*s%s\n",
+ peer.is_outbound ? "out" : "in",
+ peer.is_block_relay ? "block" : "full",
+ NetTypeEnumToString(peer.net_type),
+ peer.min_ping == -1 ? "" : ToString(round(1000 * peer.min_ping)),
+ peer.ping == -1 ? "" : ToString(round(1000 * peer.ping)),
+ peer.last_send == 0 ? "" : ToString(time_now - peer.last_send),
+ peer.last_recv == 0 ? "" : ToString(time_now - peer.last_recv),
+ peer.last_trxn == 0 ? "" : ToString((time_now - peer.last_trxn) / 60),
+ peer.last_blck == 0 ? "" : ToString((time_now - peer.last_blck) / 60),
+ peer.conn_time == 0 ? "" : ToString((time_now - peer.conn_time) / 60),
+ is_asmap_on ? 7 : 0, // variable spacing
+ is_asmap_on && peer.mapped_as != 0 ? ToString(peer.mapped_as) : "",
+ max_peer_id_length, // variable spacing
+ peer.id,
+ IsAddressSelected() ? max_addr_length : 0, // variable spacing
+ IsAddressSelected() ? peer.addr : "",
+ IsVersionSelected() && version != "0" ? version : "");
+ }
+ result += " ms ms sec sec min min min\n\n";
+ }
+ // Report peer connection totals by type.
+ total_i = ipv4_i + ipv6_i + onion_i;
+ total_o = ipv4_o + ipv6_o + onion_o;
+ result += " ipv4 ipv6 onion total block-relay\n";
+ result += strprintf("in %5i %5i %5i %5i %5i\n", ipv4_i, ipv6_i, onion_i, total_i, block_relay_i);
+ result += strprintf("out %5i %5i %5i %5i %5i\n", ipv4_o, ipv6_o, onion_o, total_o, block_relay_o);
+ result += strprintf("total %5i %5i %5i %5i %5i\n", ipv4_i + ipv4_o, ipv6_i + ipv6_o, onion_i + onion_o, total_i + total_o, block_relay_i + block_relay_o);
+ // Report local addresses, ports, and scores.
+ result += "\nLocal addresses";
+ const UniValue& local_addrs{networkinfo["localaddresses"]};
+ if (local_addrs.empty()) {
+ result += ": n/a\n";
+ } else {
+ for (const UniValue& addr : local_addrs.getValues()) {
+ result += strprintf("\n%-40i port %5i score %6i", addr["address"].get_str(), addr["port"].get_int(), addr["score"].get_int());
+ }
+ }
+ return JSONRPCReplyObj(UniValue{result}, NullUniValue, 1);
+ }
/** Process RPC generatetoaddress request. */
class GenerateToAddressRequestHandler : public BaseRequestHandler
@@ -624,6 +833,8 @@ static int CommandLineRPC(int argc, char *argv[])
std::string method;
if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-getinfo")) {
rh.reset(new GetinfoRequestHandler());
+ } else if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-netinfo", false)) {
+ rh.reset(new NetinfoRequestHandler());
} else if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-generate", false)) {
const UniValue getnewaddress{GetNewAddress()};
const UniValue& error{find_value(getnewaddress, "error")};
diff --git a/src/crypto/siphash.cpp b/src/crypto/siphash.cpp
index e81957111a..2e0106b165 100644
--- a/src/crypto/siphash.cpp
+++ b/src/crypto/siphash.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ CSipHasher& CSipHasher::Write(const unsigned char* data, size_t size)
uint64_t v0 = v[0], v1 = v[1], v2 = v[2], v3 = v[3];
uint64_t t = tmp;
- int c = count;
+ uint8_t c = count;
while (size--) {
t |= ((uint64_t)(*(data++))) << (8 * (c % 8));
diff --git a/src/crypto/siphash.h b/src/crypto/siphash.h
index b312f913f9..6b38950f8e 100644
--- a/src/crypto/siphash.h
+++ b/src/crypto/siphash.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class CSipHasher
uint64_t v[4];
uint64_t tmp;
- int count;
+ uint8_t count; // Only the low 8 bits of the input size matter.
/** Construct a SipHash calculator initialized with 128-bit key (k0, k1) */
diff --git a/src/rpc/client.cpp b/src/rpc/client.cpp
index 4d08671bd2..6ef3294132 100644
--- a/src/rpc/client.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/client.cpp
@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] =
{ "gettxoutproof", 0, "txids" },
{ "lockunspent", 0, "unlock" },
{ "lockunspent", 1, "transactions" },
+ { "send", 0, "outputs" },
+ { "send", 1, "conf_target" },
+ { "send", 3, "options" },
{ "importprivkey", 2, "rescan" },
{ "importaddress", 2, "rescan" },
{ "importaddress", 3, "p2sh" },
diff --git a/src/rpc/rawtransaction_util.cpp b/src/rpc/rawtransaction_util.cpp
index 1031716b4a..cfe4575090 100644
--- a/src/rpc/rawtransaction_util.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/rawtransaction_util.cpp
@@ -21,10 +21,15 @@
CMutableTransaction ConstructTransaction(const UniValue& inputs_in, const UniValue& outputs_in, const UniValue& locktime, bool rbf)
- if (inputs_in.isNull() || outputs_in.isNull())
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, arguments 1 and 2 must be non-null");
+ if (outputs_in.isNull())
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, output argument must be non-null");
+ UniValue inputs;
+ if (inputs_in.isNull())
+ inputs = UniValue::VARR;
+ else
+ inputs = inputs_in.get_array();
- UniValue inputs = inputs_in.get_array();
const bool outputs_is_obj = outputs_in.isObject();
UniValue outputs = outputs_is_obj ? outputs_in.get_obj() : outputs_in.get_array();
diff --git a/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp b/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
index 891d650ad3..62a3206802 100644
--- a/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <outputtype.h>
#include <policy/feerate.h>
#include <policy/fees.h>
+#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <policy/rbf.h>
#include <rpc/rawtransaction_util.h>
#include <rpc/server.h>
@@ -2955,13 +2956,22 @@ void FundTransaction(CWallet* const pwallet, CMutableTransaction& tx, CAmount& f
{"add_inputs", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
+ {"add_to_wallet", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
{"changeAddress", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
+ {"change_address", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
{"changePosition", UniValueType(UniValue::VNUM)},
+ {"change_position", UniValueType(UniValue::VNUM)},
{"change_type", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
{"includeWatching", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
+ {"include_watching", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
+ {"inputs", UniValueType(UniValue::VARR)},
{"lockUnspents", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
- {"feeRate", UniValueType()}, // will be checked below
+ {"lock_unspents", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
+ {"locktime", UniValueType(UniValue::VNUM)},
+ {"feeRate", UniValueType()}, // will be checked below,
+ {"psbt", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
{"subtractFeeFromOutputs", UniValueType(UniValue::VARR)},
+ {"subtract_fee_from_outputs", UniValueType(UniValue::VARR)},
{"replaceable", UniValueType(UniValue::VBOOL)},
{"conf_target", UniValueType(UniValue::VNUM)},
{"estimate_mode", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
@@ -2972,22 +2982,24 @@ void FundTransaction(CWallet* const pwallet, CMutableTransaction& tx, CAmount& f
coinControl.m_add_inputs = options["add_inputs"].get_bool();
- if (options.exists("changeAddress")) {
- CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(options["changeAddress"].get_str());
+ if (options.exists("changeAddress") || options.exists("change_address")) {
+ const std::string change_address_str = (options.exists("change_address") ? options["change_address"] : options["changeAddress"]).get_str();
+ CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(change_address_str);
if (!IsValidDestination(dest)) {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "changeAddress must be a valid bitcoin address");
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Change address must be a valid bitcoin address");
coinControl.destChange = dest;
- if (options.exists("changePosition"))
- change_position = options["changePosition"].get_int();
+ if (options.exists("changePosition") || options.exists("change_position")) {
+ change_position = (options.exists("change_position") ? options["change_position"] : options["changePosition"]).get_int();
+ }
if (options.exists("change_type")) {
- if (options.exists("changeAddress")) {
- throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot specify both changeAddress and address_type options");
+ if (options.exists("changeAddress") || options.exists("change_address")) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot specify both change address and address type options");
OutputType out_type;
if (!ParseOutputType(options["change_type"].get_str(), out_type)) {
@@ -2996,10 +3008,12 @@ void FundTransaction(CWallet* const pwallet, CMutableTransaction& tx, CAmount& f
- coinControl.fAllowWatchOnly = ParseIncludeWatchonly(options["includeWatching"], *pwallet);
+ const UniValue include_watching_option = options.exists("include_watching") ? options["include_watching"] : options["includeWatching"];
+ coinControl.fAllowWatchOnly = ParseIncludeWatchonly(include_watching_option, *pwallet);
- if (options.exists("lockUnspents"))
- lockUnspents = options["lockUnspents"].get_bool();
+ if (options.exists("lockUnspents") || options.exists("lock_unspents")) {
+ lockUnspents = (options.exists("lock_unspents") ? options["lock_unspents"] : options["lockUnspents"]).get_bool();
+ }
if (options.exists("feeRate"))
@@ -3013,8 +3027,8 @@ void FundTransaction(CWallet* const pwallet, CMutableTransaction& tx, CAmount& f
coinControl.fOverrideFeeRate = true;
- if (options.exists("subtractFeeFromOutputs"))
- subtractFeeFromOutputs = options["subtractFeeFromOutputs"].get_array();
+ if (options.exists("subtractFeeFromOutputs") || options.exists("subtract_fee_from_outputs") )
+ subtractFeeFromOutputs = (options.exists("subtract_fee_from_outputs") ? options["subtract_fee_from_outputs"] : options["subtractFeeFromOutputs"]).get_array();
if (options.exists("replaceable")) {
coinControl.m_signal_bip125_rbf = options["replaceable"].get_bool();
@@ -3857,6 +3871,185 @@ static UniValue listlabels(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
return ret;
+static RPCHelpMan send()
+ return RPCHelpMan{"send",
+ "\nSend a transaction.\n",
+ {
+ {"outputs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated.\n"
+ "That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object.\n"
+ "For convenience, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted.",
+ {
+ {"", RPCArg::Type::OBJ, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED, "",
+ {
+ {"address", RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "A key-value pair. The key (string) is the bitcoin address, the value (float or string) is the amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ""},
+ },
+ },
+ {"", RPCArg::Type::OBJ, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED, "",
+ {
+ {"data", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "A key-value pair. The key must be \"data\", the value is hex-encoded data"},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {"conf_target", RPCArg::Type::NUM, /* default */ "wallet default", "Confirmation target (in blocks), or fee rate (for " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB or " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/B estimate modes)"},
+ {"estimate_mode", RPCArg::Type::STR, /* default */ "unset", std::string() + "The fee estimate mode, must be one of (case insensitive):\n"
+ " \"" + FeeModes("\"\n\"") + "\""},
+ {"options", RPCArg::Type::OBJ, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED_NAMED_ARG, "",
+ {
+ {"add_inputs", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "false", "If inputs are specified, automatically include more if they are not enough."},
+ {"add_to_wallet", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "true", "When false, returns a serialized transaction which will not be added to the wallet or broadcast"},
+ {"change_address", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, /* default */ "pool address", "The bitcoin address to receive the change"},
+ {"change_position", RPCArg::Type::NUM, /* default */ "random", "The index of the change output"},
+ {"change_type", RPCArg::Type::STR, /* default */ "set by -changetype", "The output type to use. Only valid if change_address is not specified. Options are \"legacy\", \"p2sh-segwit\", and \"bech32\"."},
+ {"conf_target", RPCArg::Type::NUM, /* default */ "wallet default", "Confirmation target (in blocks), or fee rate (for " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB or " + CURRENCY_ATOM + "/B estimate modes)"},
+ {"estimate_mode", RPCArg::Type::STR, /* default */ "unset", std::string() + "The fee estimate mode, must be one of (case insensitive):\n"
+ " \"" + FeeModes("\"\n\"") + "\""},
+ {"include_watching", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "true for watch-only wallets, otherwise false", "Also select inputs which are watch only.\n"
+ "Only solvable inputs can be used. Watch-only destinations are solvable if the public key and/or output script was imported,\n"
+ "e.g. with 'importpubkey' or 'importmulti' with the 'pubkeys' or 'desc' field."},
+ {"inputs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, /* default */ "empty array", "Specify inputs instead of adding them automatically. A json array of json objects",
+ {
+ {"txid", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The transaction id"},
+ {"vout", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The output number"},
+ {"sequence", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The sequence number"},
+ },
+ },
+ {"locktime", RPCArg::Type::NUM, /* default */ "0", "Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs"},
+ {"lock_unspents", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "false", "Lock selected unspent outputs"},
+ {"psbt", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "automatic", "Always return a PSBT, implies add_to_wallet=false."},
+ {"subtract_fee_from_outputs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, /* default */ "empty array", "A json array of integers.\n"
+ "The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output.\n"
+ "Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field.\n"
+ "If no outputs are specified here, the sender pays the fee.",
+ {
+ {"vout_index", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED, "The zero-based output index, before a change output is added."},
+ },
+ },
+ {"replaceable", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, /* default */ "wallet default", "Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable.\n"
+ " Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees"},
+ },
+ "options"},
+ },
+ RPCResult{
+ RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
+ {
+ {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "complete", "If the transaction has a complete set of signatures"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "txid", "The transaction id for the send. Only 1 transaction is created regardless of the number of addresses."},
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "hex", "If add_to_wallet is false, the hex-encoded raw transaction with signature(s)"},
+ {RPCResult::Type::STR, "psbt", "If more signatures are needed, or if add_to_wallet is false, the base64-encoded (partially) signed transaction"}
+ }
+ },
+ RPCExamples{""
+ "\nSend with a fee rate of 1 satoshi per byte\n"
+ + HelpExampleCli("send", "'{\"" + EXAMPLE_ADDRESS[0] + "\": 0.1}' 1 sat/b\n" +
+ "\nCreate a transaction that should confirm the next block, with a specific input, and return result without adding to wallet or broadcasting to the network\n")
+ + HelpExampleCli("send", "'{\"" + EXAMPLE_ADDRESS[0] + "\": 0.1}' 1 economical '{\"add_to_wallet\": false, \"inputs\": [{\"txid\":\"a08e6907dbbd3d809776dbfc5d82e371b764ed838b5655e72f463568df1aadf0\", \"vout\":1}]}'")
+ },
+ [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
+ {
+ RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {
+ UniValueType(), // ARR or OBJ, checked later
+ UniValue::VNUM,
+ UniValue::VSTR,
+ UniValue::VOBJ
+ }, true
+ );
+ std::shared_ptr<CWallet> const wallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);
+ if (!wallet) return NullUniValue;
+ CWallet* const pwallet = wallet.get();
+ UniValue options = request.params[3];
+ if (options.exists("feeRate") || options.exists("fee_rate") || options.exists("estimate_mode") || options.exists("conf_target")) {
+ if (!request.params[1].isNull() || !request.params[2].isNull()) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Use either conf_target and estimate_mode or the options dictionary to control fee rate");
+ }
+ } else {
+ options.pushKV("conf_target", request.params[1]);
+ options.pushKV("estimate_mode", request.params[2]);
+ }
+ if (!options["conf_target"].isNull() && (options["estimate_mode"].isNull() || (options["estimate_mode"].get_str() == "unset"))) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Specify estimate_mode");
+ }
+ if (options.exists("changeAddress")) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Use change_address");
+ }
+ if (options.exists("changePosition")) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Use change_position");
+ }
+ if (options.exists("includeWatching")) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Use include_watching");
+ }
+ if (options.exists("lockUnspents")) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Use lock_unspents");
+ }
+ if (options.exists("subtractFeeFromOutputs")) {
+ throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Use subtract_fee_from_outputs");
+ }
+ const bool psbt_opt_in = options.exists("psbt") && options["psbt"].get_bool();
+ CAmount fee;
+ int change_position;
+ bool rbf = pwallet->m_signal_rbf;
+ if (options.exists("replaceable")) {
+ rbf = options["add_to_wallet"].get_bool();
+ }
+ CMutableTransaction rawTx = ConstructTransaction(options["inputs"], request.params[0], options["locktime"], rbf);
+ CCoinControl coin_control;
+ // Automatically select coins, unless at least one is manually selected. Can
+ // be overriden by options.add_inputs.
+ coin_control.m_add_inputs = rawTx.vin.size() == 0;
+ FundTransaction(pwallet, rawTx, fee, change_position, options, coin_control);
+ bool add_to_wallet = true;
+ if (options.exists("add_to_wallet")) {
+ add_to_wallet = options["add_to_wallet"].get_bool();
+ }
+ // Make a blank psbt
+ PartiallySignedTransaction psbtx(rawTx);
+ // Fill transaction with out data and sign
+ bool complete = true;
+ const TransactionError err = pwallet->FillPSBT(psbtx, complete, SIGHASH_ALL, true, false);
+ if (err != TransactionError::OK) {
+ throw JSONRPCTransactionError(err);
+ }
+ CMutableTransaction mtx;
+ complete = FinalizeAndExtractPSBT(psbtx, mtx);
+ UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
+ // Serialize the PSBT
+ ssTx << psbtx;
+ const std::string result_str = EncodeBase64(ssTx.str());
+ if (psbt_opt_in || !complete || !add_to_wallet) {
+ result.pushKV("psbt", result_str);
+ }
+ if (complete) {
+ std::string err_string;
+ std::string hex = EncodeHexTx(CTransaction(mtx));
+ CTransactionRef tx(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx)));
+ result.pushKV("txid", tx->GetHash().GetHex());
+ if (add_to_wallet && !psbt_opt_in) {
+ pwallet->CommitTransaction(tx, {}, {} /* orderForm */);
+ } else {
+ result.pushKV("hex", hex);
+ }
+ }
+ result.pushKV("complete", complete);
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
UniValue sethdseed(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
@@ -3997,7 +4190,7 @@ UniValue walletcreatefundedpsbt(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
"\nCreates and funds a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format.\n"
"Implements the Creator and Updater roles.\n",
- {"inputs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The inputs. Leave empty to add inputs automatically. See add_inputs option.",
+ {"inputs", RPCArg::Type::ARR, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED_NAMED_ARG, "Leave empty to add inputs automatically. See add_inputs option.",
{"", RPCArg::Type::OBJ, RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED, "",
@@ -4214,6 +4407,7 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ "wallet", "lockunspent", &lockunspent, {"unlock","transactions"} },
{ "wallet", "removeprunedfunds", &removeprunedfunds, {"txid"} },
{ "wallet", "rescanblockchain", &rescanblockchain, {"start_height", "stop_height"} },
+ { "wallet", "send", &send, {"outputs","conf_target","estimate_mode","options"} },
{ "wallet", "sendmany", &sendmany, {"dummy","amounts","minconf","comment","subtractfeefrom","replaceable","conf_target","estimate_mode"} },
{ "wallet", "sendtoaddress", &sendtoaddress, {"address","amount","comment","comment_to","subtractfeefromamount","replaceable","conf_target","estimate_mode","avoid_reuse"} },
{ "wallet", "sethdseed", &sethdseed, {"newkeypool","seed"} },
diff --git a/test/functional/rpc_fundrawtransaction.py b/test/functional/rpc_fundrawtransaction.py
index 2a0971b808..6dcbec2714 100755
--- a/test/functional/rpc_fundrawtransaction.py
+++ b/test/functional/rpc_fundrawtransaction.py
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class RawTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx)
assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid'])
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "changeAddress must be a valid bitcoin address", self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction, rawtx, {'changeAddress':'foobar'})
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, "Change address must be a valid bitcoin address", self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction, rawtx, {'changeAddress':'foobar'})
def test_valid_change_address(self):
self.log.info("Test fundrawtxn with a provided change address")
diff --git a/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py b/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py
index 1c7dc98d16..781a49dfac 100755
--- a/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py
+++ b/test/functional/rpc_psbt.py
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ class PSBTTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
psbtx1 = self.nodes[0].walletcreatefundedpsbt([{"txid": utxo1['txid'], "vout": utxo1['vout']}], {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress():90}, 0, {"add_inputs": True})['psbt']
assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(psbtx1)['tx']['vin']), 2)
+ # Inputs argument can be null
+ self.nodes[0].walletcreatefundedpsbt(None, {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress():10})
# Node 1 should not be able to add anything to it but still return the psbtx same as before
psbtx = self.nodes[1].walletprocesspsbt(psbtx1)['psbt']
assert_equal(psbtx1, psbtx)
diff --git a/test/functional/test_runner.py b/test/functional/test_runner.py
index 578afe5f30..a3e160f12e 100755
--- a/test/functional/test_runner.py
+++ b/test/functional/test_runner.py
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ BASE_SCRIPTS = [
+ 'wallet_send.py',
diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_send.py b/test/functional/wallet_send.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b64d2030a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/wallet_send.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+"""Test the send RPC command."""
+from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
+from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException
+from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.util import (
+ assert_equal,
+ assert_fee_amount,
+ assert_greater_than,
+ assert_raises_rpc_error
+class WalletSendTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def set_test_params(self):
+ self.num_nodes = 2
+ # whitelist all peers to speed up tx relay / mempool sync
+ self.extra_args = [
+ ["-whitelist=","-walletrbf=1"],
+ ["-whitelist=","-walletrbf=1"],
+ ]
+ getcontext().prec = 8 # Satoshi precision for Decimal
+ def skip_test_if_missing_module(self):
+ self.skip_if_no_wallet()
+ def test_send(self, from_wallet, to_wallet=None, amount=None, data=None,
+ arg_conf_target=None, arg_estimate_mode=None,
+ conf_target=None, estimate_mode=None, add_to_wallet=None,psbt=None,
+ inputs=None,add_inputs=None,change_address=None,change_position=None,change_type=None,
+ include_watching=None,locktime=None,lock_unspents=None,replaceable=None,subtract_fee_from_outputs=None,
+ expect_error=None):
+ assert (amount is None) != (data is None)
+ from_balance_before = from_wallet.getbalance()
+ if to_wallet is None:
+ assert amount is None
+ else:
+ to_untrusted_pending_before = to_wallet.getbalances()["mine"]["untrusted_pending"]
+ if amount:
+ dest = to_wallet.getnewaddress()
+ outputs = {dest: amount}
+ else:
+ outputs = {"data": data}
+ # Construct options dictionary
+ options = {}
+ if add_to_wallet is not None:
+ options["add_to_wallet"] = add_to_wallet
+ else:
+ if psbt:
+ add_to_wallet = False
+ else:
+ add_to_wallet = from_wallet.getwalletinfo()["private_keys_enabled"] # Default value
+ if psbt is not None:
+ options["psbt"] = psbt
+ if conf_target is not None:
+ options["conf_target"] = conf_target
+ if estimate_mode is not None:
+ options["estimate_mode"] = estimate_mode
+ if inputs is not None:
+ options["inputs"] = inputs
+ if add_inputs is not None:
+ options["add_inputs"] = add_inputs
+ if change_address is not None:
+ options["change_address"] = change_address
+ if change_position is not None:
+ options["change_position"] = change_position
+ if change_type is not None:
+ options["change_type"] = change_type
+ if include_watching is not None:
+ options["include_watching"] = include_watching
+ if locktime is not None:
+ options["locktime"] = locktime
+ if lock_unspents is not None:
+ options["lock_unspents"] = lock_unspents
+ if replaceable is None:
+ replaceable = True # default
+ else:
+ options["replaceable"] = replaceable
+ if subtract_fee_from_outputs is not None:
+ options["subtract_fee_from_outputs"] = subtract_fee_from_outputs
+ if len(options.keys()) == 0:
+ options = None
+ if expect_error is None:
+ res = from_wallet.send(outputs=outputs, conf_target=arg_conf_target, estimate_mode=arg_estimate_mode, options=options)
+ else:
+ try:
+ assert_raises_rpc_error(expect_error[0],expect_error[1],from_wallet.send,
+ outputs=outputs,conf_target=arg_conf_target,estimate_mode=arg_estimate_mode,options=options)
+ except AssertionError:
+ # Provide debug info if the test fails
+ self.log.error("Unexpected successful result:")
+ self.log.error(options)
+ res = from_wallet.send(outputs=outputs,conf_target=arg_conf_target,estimate_mode=arg_estimate_mode,options=options)
+ self.log.error(res)
+ if "txid" in res and add_to_wallet:
+ self.log.error("Transaction details:")
+ try:
+ tx = from_wallet.gettransaction(res["txid"])
+ self.log.error(tx)
+ self.log.error("testmempoolaccept (transaction may already be in mempool):")
+ self.log.error(from_wallet.testmempoolaccept([tx["hex"]]))
+ except JSONRPCException as exc:
+ self.log.error(exc)
+ raise
+ return
+ if locktime:
+ return res
+ if from_wallet.getwalletinfo()["private_keys_enabled"] and not include_watching:
+ assert_equal(res["complete"], True)
+ assert "txid" in res
+ else:
+ assert_equal(res["complete"], False)
+ assert not "txid" in res
+ assert "psbt" in res
+ if add_to_wallet and not include_watching:
+ # Ensure transaction exists in the wallet:
+ tx = from_wallet.gettransaction(res["txid"])
+ assert tx
+ assert_equal(tx["bip125-replaceable"], "yes" if replaceable else "no")
+ # Ensure transaction exists in the mempool:
+ tx = from_wallet.getrawtransaction(res["txid"],True)
+ assert tx
+ if amount:
+ if subtract_fee_from_outputs:
+ assert_equal(from_balance_before - from_wallet.getbalance(), amount)
+ else:
+ assert_greater_than(from_balance_before - from_wallet.getbalance(), amount)
+ else:
+ assert next((out for out in tx["vout"] if out["scriptPubKey"]["asm"] == "OP_RETURN 35"), None)
+ else:
+ assert_equal(from_balance_before, from_wallet.getbalance())
+ if to_wallet:
+ self.sync_mempools()
+ if add_to_wallet:
+ if not subtract_fee_from_outputs:
+ assert_equal(to_wallet.getbalances()["mine"]["untrusted_pending"], to_untrusted_pending_before + Decimal(amount if amount else 0))
+ else:
+ assert_equal(to_wallet.getbalances()["mine"]["untrusted_pending"], to_untrusted_pending_before)
+ return res
+ def run_test(self):
+ self.log.info("Setup wallets...")
+ # w0 is a wallet with coinbase rewards
+ w0 = self.nodes[0].get_wallet_rpc("")
+ # w1 is a regular wallet
+ self.nodes[1].createwallet(wallet_name="w1")
+ w1 = self.nodes[1].get_wallet_rpc("w1")
+ # w2 contains the private keys for w3
+ self.nodes[1].createwallet(wallet_name="w2")
+ w2 = self.nodes[1].get_wallet_rpc("w2")
+ # w3 is a watch-only wallet, based on w2
+ self.nodes[1].createwallet(wallet_name="w3",disable_private_keys=True)
+ w3 = self.nodes[1].get_wallet_rpc("w3")
+ for _ in range(3):
+ a2_receive = w2.getnewaddress()
+ a2_change = w2.getrawchangeaddress() # doesn't actually use change derivation
+ res = w3.importmulti([{
+ "desc": w2.getaddressinfo(a2_receive)["desc"],
+ "timestamp": "now",
+ "keypool": True,
+ "watchonly": True
+ },{
+ "desc": w2.getaddressinfo(a2_change)["desc"],
+ "timestamp": "now",
+ "keypool": True,
+ "internal": True,
+ "watchonly": True
+ }])
+ assert_equal(res, [{"success": True}, {"success": True}])
+ w0.sendtoaddress(a2_receive, 10) # fund w3
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_blocks()
+ # w4 has private keys enabled, but only contains watch-only keys (from w2)
+ self.nodes[1].createwallet(wallet_name="w4",disable_private_keys=False)
+ w4 = self.nodes[1].get_wallet_rpc("w4")
+ for _ in range(3):
+ a2_receive = w2.getnewaddress()
+ res = w4.importmulti([{
+ "desc": w2.getaddressinfo(a2_receive)["desc"],
+ "timestamp": "now",
+ "keypool": False,
+ "watchonly": True
+ }])
+ assert_equal(res, [{"success": True}])
+ w0.sendtoaddress(a2_receive, 10) # fund w4
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ self.sync_blocks()
+ self.log.info("Send to address...")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1)
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=True)
+ self.log.info("Don't broadcast...")
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False)
+ assert(res["hex"])
+ self.log.info("Return PSBT...")
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, psbt=True)
+ assert(res["psbt"])
+ self.log.info("Create transaction that spends to address, but don't broadcast...")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False)
+ # conf_target & estimate_mode can be set as argument or option
+ res1 = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=1, arg_estimate_mode="economical", add_to_wallet=False)
+ res2 = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=1, estimate_mode="economical", add_to_wallet=False)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res1["psbt"])["fee"],
+ self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res2["psbt"])["fee"])
+ # but not at the same time
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, arg_conf_target=1, arg_estimate_mode="economical",
+ conf_target=1, estimate_mode="economical", add_to_wallet=False, expect_error=(-8,"Use either conf_target and estimate_mode or the options dictionary to control fee rate"))
+ self.log.info("Create PSBT from watch-only wallet w3, sign with w2...")
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w3, to_wallet=w1, amount=1)
+ res = w2.walletprocesspsbt(res["psbt"])
+ assert res["complete"]
+ self.log.info("Create PSBT from wallet w4 with watch-only keys, sign with w2...")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w4, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, expect_error=(-4, "Insufficient funds"))
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w4, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, include_watching=True, add_to_wallet=False)
+ res = w2.walletprocesspsbt(res["psbt"])
+ assert res["complete"]
+ self.log.info("Create OP_RETURN...")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1)
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, data="Hello World", expect_error=(-8, "Data must be hexadecimal string (not 'Hello World')"))
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, data="23")
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w3, data="23")
+ res = w2.walletprocesspsbt(res["psbt"])
+ assert res["complete"]
+ self.log.info("Set fee rate...")
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=2, estimate_mode="sat/b", add_to_wallet=False)
+ fee = self.nodes[1].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["fee"]
+ assert_fee_amount(fee, Decimal(len(res["hex"]) / 2), Decimal("0.00002"))
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=-1, estimate_mode="sat/b",
+ expect_error=(-3, "Amount out of range"))
+ # Fee rate of 0.1 satoshi per byte should throw an error
+ # TODO: error should say 1.000 sat/b
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.1, estimate_mode="sat/b",
+ expect_error=(-4, "Fee rate (0.00000100 BTC/kB) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (0.00001000 BTC/kB)"))
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.000001, estimate_mode="BTC/KB",
+ expect_error=(-4, "Fee rate (0.00000100 BTC/kB) is lower than the minimum fee rate setting (0.00001000 BTC/kB)"))
+ # TODO: Return hex if fee rate is below -maxmempool
+ # res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, conf_target=0.1, estimate_mode="sat/b", add_to_wallet=False)
+ # assert res["hex"]
+ # hex = res["hex"]
+ # res = self.nodes[0].testmempoolaccept([hex])
+ # assert not res[0]["allowed"]
+ # assert_equal(res[0]["reject-reason"], "...") # low fee
+ # assert_fee_amount(fee, Decimal(len(res["hex"]) / 2), Decimal("0.000001"))
+ self.log.info("If inputs are specified, do not automatically add more...")
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=51, inputs=[], add_to_wallet=False)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ utxo1 = w0.listunspent()[0]
+ assert_equal(utxo1["amount"], 50)
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=51, inputs=[utxo1],
+ expect_error=(-4, "Insufficient funds"))
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=51, inputs=[utxo1], add_inputs=False,
+ expect_error=(-4, "Insufficient funds"))
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=51, inputs=[utxo1], add_inputs=True, add_to_wallet=False)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ self.log.info("Manual change address and position...")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, change_address="not an address",
+ expect_error=(-5, "Change address must be a valid bitcoin address"))
+ change_address = w0.getnewaddress()
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False, change_address=change_address)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False, change_address=change_address, change_position=0)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["tx"]["vout"][0]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"], [change_address])
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False, change_type="legacy", change_position=0)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ change_address = self.nodes[0].decodepsbt(res["psbt"])["tx"]["vout"][0]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][0]
+ assert change_address[0] == "m" or change_address[0] == "n"
+ self.log.info("Set lock time...")
+ height = self.nodes[0].getblockchaininfo()["blocks"]
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, locktime=height + 1)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ assert res["txid"]
+ txid = res["txid"]
+ # Although the wallet finishes the transaction, it can't be added to the mempool yet:
+ hex = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(res["txid"])["hex"]
+ res = self.nodes[0].testmempoolaccept([hex])
+ assert not res[0]["allowed"]
+ assert_equal(res[0]["reject-reason"], "non-final")
+ # It shouldn't be confirmed in the next block
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)["confirmations"], 0)
+ # The mempool should allow it now:
+ res = self.nodes[0].testmempoolaccept([hex])
+ assert res[0]["allowed"]
+ # Don't wait for wallet to add it to the mempool:
+ res = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(hex)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid)["confirmations"], 1)
+ self.log.info("Lock unspents...")
+ utxo1 = w0.listunspent()[0]
+ assert_greater_than(utxo1["amount"], 1)
+ res = self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, inputs=[utxo1], add_to_wallet=False, lock_unspents=True)
+ assert res["complete"]
+ locked_coins = w0.listlockunspent()
+ assert_equal(len(locked_coins), 1)
+ # Locked coins are automatically unlocked when manually selected
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, inputs=[utxo1],add_to_wallet=False)
+ self.log.info("Replaceable...")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False, replaceable=True)
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, add_to_wallet=False, replaceable=False)
+ self.log.info("Subtract fee from output")
+ self.test_send(from_wallet=w0, to_wallet=w1, amount=1, subtract_fee_from_outputs=[0])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ WalletSendTest().main()