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12 files changed, 696 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..bd61282fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+# Test BIP68 implementation (mempool only)
+from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
+from test_framework.util import *
+from test_framework.script import *
+from test_framework.mininode import *
+from test_framework.blocktools import *
+COIN = 100000000
+SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG = (1<<22) # this means use time (0 means height)
+SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY = 9 # this is a bit-shift
+# RPC error for non-BIP68 final transactions
+NOT_FINAL_ERROR = "64: non-BIP68-final"
+class BIP68Test(BitcoinTestFramework):
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-blockprioritysize=0"]))
+ self.is_network_split = False
+ self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"]
+ def run_test(self):
+ # Generate some coins
+ self.nodes[0].generate(110)
+ print "Running test disable flag"
+ self.test_disable_flag()
+ print "Running test sequence-lock-confirmed-inputs"
+ self.test_sequence_lock_confirmed_inputs()
+ print "Running test sequence-lock-unconfirmed-inputs"
+ self.test_sequence_lock_unconfirmed_inputs()
+ # This test needs to change when BIP68 becomes consensus
+ print "Running test BIP68 not consensus"
+ self.test_bip68_not_consensus()
+ print "Passed\n"
+ # Test that BIP68 is not in effect if tx version is 1, or if
+ # the first sequence bit is set.
+ def test_disable_flag(self):
+ # Create some unconfirmed inputs
+ new_addr = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(new_addr, 2) # send 2 BTC
+ utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent(0, 0)
+ assert(len(utxos) > 0)
+ utxo = utxos[0]
+ tx1 = CTransaction()
+ value = satoshi_round(utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee)*COIN
+ # Check that the disable flag disables relative locktime.
+ # If sequence locks were used, this would require 1 block for the
+ # input to mature.
+ tx1.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxo["txid"], 16), utxo["vout"]), nSequence=sequence_value)]
+ tx1.vout = [CTxOut(value, CScript([b'a']))]
+ tx1_signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx1))["hex"]
+ tx1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx1_signed)
+ tx1_id = int(tx1_id, 16)
+ # This transaction will enable sequence-locks, so this transaction should
+ # fail
+ tx2 = CTransaction()
+ tx2.nVersion = 2
+ sequence_value = sequence_value & 0x7fffffff
+ tx2.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx1_id, 0), nSequence=sequence_value)]
+ tx2.vout = [CTxOut(int(value-self.relayfee*COIN), CScript([b'a']))]
+ tx2.rehash()
+ try:
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2))
+ except JSONRPCException as exp:
+ assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR)
+ else:
+ assert(False)
+ # Setting the version back down to 1 should disable the sequence lock,
+ # so this should be accepted.
+ tx2.nVersion = 1
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2))
+ # Calculate the median time past of a prior block ("confirmations" before
+ # the current tip).
+ def get_median_time_past(self, confirmations):
+ block_hash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(self.nodes[0].getblockcount()-confirmations)
+ return self.nodes[0].getblockheader(block_hash)["mediantime"]
+ # Test that sequence locks are respected for transactions spending confirmed inputs.
+ def test_sequence_lock_confirmed_inputs(self):
+ # Create lots of confirmed utxos, and use them to generate lots of random
+ # transactions.
+ max_outputs = 50
+ addresses = []
+ while len(addresses) < max_outputs:
+ addresses.append(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress())
+ while len(self.nodes[0].listunspent()) < 200:
+ import random
+ random.shuffle(addresses)
+ num_outputs = random.randint(1, max_outputs)
+ outputs = {}
+ for i in xrange(num_outputs):
+ outputs[addresses[i]] = random.randint(1, 20)*0.01
+ self.nodes[0].sendmany("", outputs)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent()
+ # Try creating a lot of random transactions.
+ # Each time, choose a random number of inputs, and randomly set
+ # some of those inputs to be sequence locked (and randomly choose
+ # between height/time locking). Small random chance of making the locks
+ # all pass.
+ for i in xrange(400):
+ # Randomly choose up to 10 inputs
+ num_inputs = random.randint(1, 10)
+ random.shuffle(utxos)
+ # Track whether any sequence locks used should fail
+ should_pass = True
+ # Track whether this transaction was built with sequence locks
+ using_sequence_locks = False
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ tx.nVersion = 2
+ value = 0
+ for j in xrange(num_inputs):
+ sequence_value = 0xfffffffe # this disables sequence locks
+ # 50% chance we enable sequence locks
+ if random.randint(0,1):
+ using_sequence_locks = True
+ # 10% of the time, make the input sequence value pass
+ input_will_pass = (random.randint(1,10) == 1)
+ sequence_value = utxos[j]["confirmations"]
+ if not input_will_pass:
+ sequence_value += 1
+ should_pass = False
+ # Figure out what the median-time-past was for the confirmed input
+ # Note that if an input has N confirmations, we're going back N blocks
+ # from the tip so that we're looking up MTP of the block
+ # PRIOR to the one the input appears in, as per the BIP68 spec.
+ orig_time = self.get_median_time_past(utxos[j]["confirmations"])
+ cur_time = self.get_median_time_past(0) # MTP of the tip
+ # can only timelock this input if it's not too old -- otherwise use height
+ can_time_lock = True
+ can_time_lock = False
+ # if time-lockable, then 50% chance we make this a time lock
+ if random.randint(0,1) and can_time_lock:
+ # Find first time-lock value that fails, or latest one that succeeds
+ time_delta = sequence_value << SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY
+ if input_will_pass and time_delta > cur_time - orig_time:
+ sequence_value = ((cur_time - orig_time) >> SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY)
+ elif (not input_will_pass and time_delta <= cur_time - orig_time):
+ sequence_value = ((cur_time - orig_time) >> SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY)+1
+ tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxos[j]["txid"], 16), utxos[j]["vout"]), nSequence=sequence_value))
+ value += utxos[j]["amount"]*COIN
+ # Overestimate the size of the tx - signatures should be less than 120 bytes, and leave 50 for the output
+ tx_size = len(ToHex(tx))/2 + 120*num_inputs + 50
+ tx.vout.append(CTxOut(value-self.relayfee*tx_size*COIN/1000, CScript([b'a'])))
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx))["hex"]
+ try:
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(rawtx)
+ except JSONRPCException as exp:
+ assert(not should_pass and using_sequence_locks)
+ assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR)
+ else:
+ assert(should_pass or not using_sequence_locks)
+ # Recalculate utxos if we successfully sent the transaction
+ utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent()
+ # Test that sequence locks on unconfirmed inputs must have nSequence
+ # height or time of 0 to be accepted.
+ # Then test that BIP68-invalid transactions are removed from the mempool
+ # after a reorg.
+ def test_sequence_lock_unconfirmed_inputs(self):
+ # Store height so we can easily reset the chain at the end of the test
+ cur_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
+ # Create a mempool tx.
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 2)
+ tx1 = FromHex(CTransaction(), self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txid))
+ tx1.rehash()
+ # Anyone-can-spend mempool tx.
+ # Sequence lock of 0 should pass.
+ tx2 = CTransaction()
+ tx2.nVersion = 2
+ tx2.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx1.sha256, 0), nSequence=0)]
+ tx2.vout = [CTxOut(int(tx1.vout[0].nValue - self.relayfee*COIN), CScript([b'a']))]
+ tx2_raw = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2))["hex"]
+ tx2 = FromHex(tx2, tx2_raw)
+ tx2.rehash()
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_raw)
+ # Create a spend of the 0th output of orig_tx with a sequence lock
+ # of 1, and test what happens when submitting.
+ # orig_tx.vout[0] must be an anyone-can-spend output
+ def test_nonzero_locks(orig_tx, node, relayfee, use_height_lock):
+ sequence_value = 1
+ if not use_height_lock:
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ tx.nVersion = 2
+ tx.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(orig_tx.sha256, 0), nSequence=sequence_value)]
+ tx.vout = [CTxOut(int(orig_tx.vout[0].nValue - relayfee*COIN), CScript([b'a']))]
+ tx.rehash()
+ try:
+ node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx))
+ except JSONRPCException as exp:
+ assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR)
+ assert(orig_tx.hash in node.getrawmempool())
+ else:
+ # orig_tx must not be in mempool
+ assert(orig_tx.hash not in node.getrawmempool())
+ return tx
+ test_nonzero_locks(tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True)
+ test_nonzero_locks(tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=False)
+ # Now mine some blocks, but make sure tx2 doesn't get mined.
+ # Use prioritisetransaction to lower the effective feerate to 0
+ self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(tx2.hash, -1e15, int(-self.relayfee*COIN))
+ cur_time = int(time.time())
+ for i in xrange(10):
+ self.nodes[0].setmocktime(cur_time + 600)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ cur_time += 600
+ assert(tx2.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ test_nonzero_locks(tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True)
+ test_nonzero_locks(tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=False)
+ # Mine tx2, and then try again
+ self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(tx2.hash, 1e15, int(self.relayfee*COIN))
+ # Advance the time on the node so that we can test timelocks
+ self.nodes[0].setmocktime(cur_time+600)
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ assert(tx2.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ # Now that tx2 is not in the mempool, a sequence locked spend should
+ # succeed
+ tx3 = test_nonzero_locks(tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=False)
+ assert(tx3.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ self.nodes[0].generate(1)
+ assert(tx3.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ # One more test, this time using height locks
+ tx4 = test_nonzero_locks(tx3, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True)
+ assert(tx4.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ # Now try combining confirmed and unconfirmed inputs
+ tx5 = test_nonzero_locks(tx4, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True)
+ assert(tx5.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent()
+ tx5.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxos[0]["txid"], 16), utxos[0]["vout"]), nSequence=1))
+ tx5.vout[0].nValue += int(utxos[0]["amount"]*COIN)
+ raw_tx5 = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx5))["hex"]
+ try:
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(raw_tx5)
+ except JSONRPCException as exp:
+ assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR)
+ else:
+ assert(False)
+ # Test mempool-BIP68 consistency after reorg
+ #
+ # State of the transactions in the last blocks:
+ # ... -> [ tx2 ] -> [ tx3 ]
+ # tip-1 tip
+ # And currently tx4 is in the mempool.
+ #
+ # If we invalidate the tip, tx3 should get added to the mempool, causing
+ # tx4 to be removed (fails sequence-lock).
+ self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())
+ assert(tx4.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ assert(tx3.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool())
+ # Now mine 2 empty blocks to reorg out the current tip (labeled tip-1 in
+ # diagram above).
+ # This would cause tx2 to be added back to the mempool, which in turn causes
+ # tx3 to be removed.
+ tip = int(self.nodes[0].getblockhash(self.nodes[0].getblockcount()-1), 16)
+ height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
+ for i in xrange(2):
+ block = create_block(tip, create_coinbase(height), cur_time)
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ tip = block.sha256
+ height += 1
+ self.nodes[0].submitblock(ToHex(block))
+ cur_time += 1
+ mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()
+ assert(tx3.hash not in mempool)
+ assert(tx2.hash in mempool)
+ # Reset the chain and get rid of the mocktimed-blocks
+ self.nodes[0].setmocktime(0)
+ self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getblockhash(cur_height+1))
+ self.nodes[0].generate(10)
+ # Make sure that BIP68 isn't being used to validate blocks.
+ def test_bip68_not_consensus(self):
+ txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 2)
+ tx1 = FromHex(CTransaction(), self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txid))
+ tx1.rehash()
+ # Make an anyone-can-spend transaction
+ tx2 = CTransaction()
+ tx2.nVersion = 1
+ tx2.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx1.sha256, 0), nSequence=0)]
+ tx2.vout = [CTxOut(int(tx1.vout[0].nValue - self.relayfee*COIN), CScript([b'a']))]
+ # sign tx2
+ tx2_raw = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2))["hex"]
+ tx2 = FromHex(tx2, tx2_raw)
+ tx2.rehash()
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2))
+ # Now make an invalid spend of tx2 according to BIP68
+ sequence_value = 100 # 100 block relative locktime
+ tx3 = CTransaction()
+ tx3.nVersion = 2
+ tx3.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx2.sha256, 0), nSequence=sequence_value)]
+ tx3.vout = [CTxOut(int(tx2.vout[0].nValue - self.relayfee*COIN), CScript([b'a']))]
+ tx3.rehash()
+ try:
+ self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx3))
+ except JSONRPCException as exp:
+ assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR)
+ else:
+ assert(False)
+ # make a block that violates bip68; ensure that the tip updates
+ tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)
+ block = create_block(tip, create_coinbase(self.nodes[0].getblockcount()+1))
+ block.nVersion = 3
+ block.vtx.extend([tx1, tx2, tx3])
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.nodes[0].submitblock(ToHex(block))
+ assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), block.hash)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ BIP68Test().main()
diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py
index 2135570b8c..81bb439cea 100755
--- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py
@@ -231,6 +231,14 @@ def ser_int_vector(l):
r += struct.pack("<i", i)
return r
+# Deserialize from a hex string representation (eg from RPC)
+def FromHex(obj, hex_string):
+ obj.deserialize(cStringIO.StringIO(binascii.unhexlify(hex_string)))
+ return obj
+# Convert a binary-serializable object to hex (eg for submission via RPC)
+def ToHex(obj):
+ return binascii.hexlify(obj.serialize()).decode('utf-8')
# Objects that map to bitcoind objects, which can be serialized/deserialized
diff --git a/src/consensus/consensus.h b/src/consensus/consensus.h
index 5a099cf53c..ad9cc26175 100644
--- a/src/consensus/consensus.h
+++ b/src/consensus/consensus.h
@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/50;
/** Coinbase transaction outputs can only be spent after this number of new blocks (network rule) */
static const int COINBASE_MATURITY = 100;
-/** Flags for LockTime() */
+/** Flags for nSequence and nLockTime locks */
enum {
+ /* Interpret sequence numbers as relative lock-time constraints. */
/* Use GetMedianTimePast() instead of nTime for end point timestamp. */
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 3ad2979b6b..6398fdad9a 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -672,9 +672,10 @@ bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime)
return true;
if ((int64_t)tx.nLockTime < ((int64_t)tx.nLockTime < LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD ? (int64_t)nBlockHeight : nBlockTime))
return true;
- BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, tx.vin)
- if (!txin.IsFinal())
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, tx.vin) {
+ if (!(txin.nSequence == CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL))
return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -710,6 +711,128 @@ bool CheckFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int flags)
return IsFinalTx(tx, nBlockHeight, nBlockTime);
+ * Calculates the block height and previous block's median time past at
+ * which the transaction will be considered final in the context of BIP 68.
+ * Also removes from the vector of input heights any entries which did not
+ * correspond to sequence locked inputs as they do not affect the calculation.
+ */
+static std::pair<int, int64_t> CalculateSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector<int>* prevHeights, const CBlockIndex& block)
+ assert(prevHeights->size() == tx.vin.size());
+ // Will be set to the equivalent height- and time-based nLockTime
+ // values that would be necessary to satisfy all relative lock-
+ // time constraints given our view of block chain history.
+ // The semantics of nLockTime are the last invalid height/time, so
+ // use -1 to have the effect of any height or time being valid.
+ int nMinHeight = -1;
+ int64_t nMinTime = -1;
+ // tx.nVersion is signed integer so requires cast to unsigned otherwise
+ // we would be doing a signed comparison and half the range of nVersion
+ // wouldn't support BIP 68.
+ bool fEnforceBIP68 = static_cast<uint32_t>(tx.nVersion) >= 2
+ // Do not enforce sequence numbers as a relative lock time
+ // unless we have been instructed to
+ if (!fEnforceBIP68) {
+ return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime);
+ }
+ for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex < tx.vin.size(); txinIndex++) {
+ const CTxIn& txin = tx.vin[txinIndex];
+ // Sequence numbers with the most significant bit set are not
+ // treated as relative lock-times, nor are they given any
+ // consensus-enforced meaning at this point.
+ if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG) {
+ // The height of this input is not relevant for sequence locks
+ (*prevHeights)[txinIndex] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int nCoinHeight = (*prevHeights)[txinIndex];
+ if (txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG) {
+ int64_t nCoinTime = block.GetAncestor(std::max(nCoinHeight-1, 0))->GetMedianTimePast();
+ // NOTE: Subtract 1 to maintain nLockTime semantics
+ // BIP 68 relative lock times have the semantics of calculating
+ // the first block or time at which the transaction would be
+ // valid. When calculating the effective block time or height
+ // for the entire transaction, we switch to using the
+ // semantics of nLockTime which is the last invalid block
+ // time or height. Thus we subtract 1 from the calculated
+ // time or height.
+ // Time-based relative lock-times are measured from the
+ // smallest allowed timestamp of the block containing the
+ // txout being spent, which is the median time past of the
+ // block prior.
+ nMinTime = std::max(nMinTime, nCoinTime + (int64_t)((txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) << CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) - 1);
+ } else {
+ nMinHeight = std::max(nMinHeight, nCoinHeight + (int)(txin.nSequence & CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(nMinHeight, nMinTime);
+static bool EvaluateSequenceLocks(const CBlockIndex& block, std::pair<int, int64_t> lockPair)
+ assert(block.pprev);
+ int64_t nBlockTime = block.pprev->GetMedianTimePast();
+ if (lockPair.first >= block.nHeight || lockPair.second >= nBlockTime)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector<int>* prevHeights, const CBlockIndex& block)
+ return EvaluateSequenceLocks(block, CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, prevHeights, block));
+bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags)
+ AssertLockHeld(cs_main);
+ AssertLockHeld(mempool.cs);
+ CBlockIndex* tip = chainActive.Tip();
+ CBlockIndex index;
+ index.pprev = tip;
+ // CheckSequenceLocks() uses chainActive.Height()+1 to evaluate
+ // height based locks because when SequenceLocks() is called within
+ // ConnectBlock(), the height of the block *being*
+ // evaluated is what is used.
+ // Thus if we want to know if a transaction can be part of the
+ // *next* block, we need to use one more than chainActive.Height()
+ index.nHeight = tip->nHeight + 1;
+ // pcoinsTip contains the UTXO set for chainActive.Tip()
+ CCoinsViewMemPool viewMemPool(pcoinsTip, mempool);
+ std::vector<int> prevheights;
+ prevheights.resize(tx.vin.size());
+ for (size_t txinIndex = 0; txinIndex < tx.vin.size(); txinIndex++) {
+ const CTxIn& txin = tx.vin[txinIndex];
+ CCoins coins;
+ if (!viewMemPool.GetCoins(txin.prevout.hash, coins)) {
+ return error("%s: Missing input", __func__);
+ }
+ if (coins.nHeight == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) {
+ // Assume all mempool transaction confirm in the next block
+ prevheights[txinIndex] = tip->nHeight + 1;
+ } else {
+ prevheights[txinIndex] = coins.nHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ std::pair<int, int64_t> lockPair = CalculateSequenceLocks(tx, flags, &prevheights, index);
+ return EvaluateSequenceLocks(index, lockPair);
unsigned int GetLegacySigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx)
unsigned int nSigOps = 0;
@@ -931,6 +1054,14 @@ bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState& state, const C
// we have all inputs cached now, so switch back to dummy, so we don't need to keep lock on mempool
+ // Only accept BIP68 sequence locked transactions that can be mined in the next
+ // block; we don't want our mempool filled up with transactions that can't
+ // be mined yet.
+ // Must keep pool.cs for this unless we change CheckSequenceLocks to take a
+ // CoinsViewCache instead of create its own
+ if (!CheckSequenceLocks(tx, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS))
+ return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "non-BIP68-final");
// Check for non-standard pay-to-script-hash in inputs
@@ -2052,6 +2183,8 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
CCheckQueueControl<CScriptCheck> control(fScriptChecks && nScriptCheckThreads ? &scriptcheckqueue : NULL);
+ std::vector<int> prevheights;
+ int nLockTimeFlags = 0;
CAmount nFees = 0;
int nInputs = 0;
unsigned int nSigOps = 0;
@@ -2075,6 +2208,19 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): inputs missing/spent"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-inputs-missingorspent");
+ // Check that transaction is BIP68 final
+ // BIP68 lock checks (as opposed to nLockTime checks) must
+ // be in ConnectBlock because they require the UTXO set
+ prevheights.resize(tx.vin.size());
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < tx.vin.size(); j++) {
+ prevheights[j] = view.AccessCoins(tx.vin[j].prevout.hash)->nHeight;
+ }
+ if (!SequenceLocks(tx, nLockTimeFlags, &prevheights, *pindex)) {
+ return state.DoS(100, error("%s: contains a non-BIP68-final transaction", __func__),
+ REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal");
+ }
if (fStrictPayToScriptHash)
// Add in sigops done by pay-to-script-hash inputs;
diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h
index 4061daba3b..b6f61ca991 100644
--- a/src/main.h
+++ b/src/main.h
@@ -365,7 +365,22 @@ bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime);
bool CheckFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int flags = -1);
+ * Check if transaction is final per BIP 68 sequence numbers and can be included in a block.
+ * Consensus critical. Takes as input a list of heights at which tx's inputs (in order) confirmed.
+ */
+bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector<int>* prevHeights, const CBlockIndex& block);
+ * Check if transaction will be BIP 68 final in the next block to be created.
+ *
+ * Simulates calling SequenceLocks() with data from the tip of the current active chain.
+ *
+ * See consensus/consensus.h for flag definitions.
+ */
+bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags);
* Closure representing one script verification
* Note that this stores references to the spending transaction
diff --git a/src/policy/policy.h b/src/policy/policy.h
index 726864f190..aabeebb25d 100644
--- a/src/policy/policy.h
+++ b/src/policy/policy.h
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ static const unsigned int STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS = MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY
/** For convenience, standard but not mandatory verify flags. */
-/** Used as the flags parameter to CheckFinalTx() in non-consensus code */
+/** Used as the flags parameter to sequence and nLocktime checks in non-consensus code. */
bool IsStandard(const CScript& scriptPubKey, txnouttype& whichType);
diff --git a/src/primitives/transaction.cpp b/src/primitives/transaction.cpp
index aea96d8a12..947f2e6a73 100644
--- a/src/primitives/transaction.cpp
+++ b/src/primitives/transaction.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ std::string CTxIn::ToString() const
str += strprintf(", coinbase %s", HexStr(scriptSig));
str += strprintf(", scriptSig=%s", HexStr(scriptSig).substr(0, 24));
- if (nSequence != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
+ if (nSequence != SEQUENCE_FINAL)
str += strprintf(", nSequence=%u", nSequence);
str += ")";
return str;
diff --git a/src/primitives/transaction.h b/src/primitives/transaction.h
index 8bd6d00e2e..07ae39e0b4 100644
--- a/src/primitives/transaction.h
+++ b/src/primitives/transaction.h
@@ -61,13 +61,40 @@ public:
CScript scriptSig;
uint32_t nSequence;
+ /* Setting nSequence to this value for every input in a transaction
+ * disables nLockTime. */
+ static const uint32_t SEQUENCE_FINAL = 0xffffffff;
+ /* Below flags apply in the context of BIP 68*/
+ /* If this flag set, CTxIn::nSequence is NOT interpreted as a
+ * relative lock-time. */
+ static const uint32_t SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG = (1 << 31);
+ /* If CTxIn::nSequence encodes a relative lock-time and this flag
+ * is set, the relative lock-time has units of 512 seconds,
+ * otherwise it specifies blocks with a granularity of 1. */
+ static const uint32_t SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG = (1 << 22);
+ /* If CTxIn::nSequence encodes a relative lock-time, this mask is
+ * applied to extract that lock-time from the sequence field. */
+ static const uint32_t SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK = 0x0000ffff;
+ /* In order to use the same number of bits to encode roughly the
+ * same wall-clock duration, and because blocks are naturally
+ * limited to occur every 600s on average, the minimum granularity
+ * for time-based relative lock-time is fixed at 512 seconds.
+ * Converting from CTxIn::nSequence to seconds is performed by
+ * multiplying by 512 = 2^9, or equivalently shifting up by
+ * 9 bits. */
- nSequence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ nSequence = SEQUENCE_FINAL;
- explicit CTxIn(COutPoint prevoutIn, CScript scriptSigIn=CScript(), uint32_t nSequenceIn=std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
- CTxIn(uint256 hashPrevTx, uint32_t nOut, CScript scriptSigIn=CScript(), uint32_t nSequenceIn=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+ explicit CTxIn(COutPoint prevoutIn, CScript scriptSigIn=CScript(), uint32_t nSequenceIn=SEQUENCE_FINAL);
+ CTxIn(uint256 hashPrevTx, uint32_t nOut, CScript scriptSigIn=CScript(), uint32_t nSequenceIn=SEQUENCE_FINAL);
@@ -78,11 +105,6 @@ public:
- bool IsFinal() const
- {
- return (nSequence == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
- }
friend bool operator==(const CTxIn& a, const CTxIn& b)
return (a.prevout == b.prevout &&
diff --git a/src/script/interpreter.cpp b/src/script/interpreter.cpp
index 265131ae0d..901f901f01 100644
--- a/src/script/interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/script/interpreter.cpp
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ bool TransactionSignatureChecker::CheckLockTime(const CScriptNum& nLockTime) con
// prevent this condition. Alternatively we could test all
// inputs, but testing just this input minimizes the data
// required to prove correct CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY execution.
- if (txTo->vin[nIn].IsFinal())
+ if (CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL == txTo->vin[nIn].nSequence)
return false;
return true;
diff --git a/src/test/miner_tests.cpp b/src/test/miner_tests.cpp
index 71b52409b3..f3297e074d 100644
--- a/src/test/miner_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/miner_tests.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,20 @@ struct {
{2, 0xbbbeb305}, {2, 0xfe1c810a},
+CBlockIndex CreateBlockIndex(int nHeight)
+ CBlockIndex index;
+ index.nHeight = nHeight;
+ index.pprev = chainActive.Tip();
+ return index;
+bool TestSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags)
+ LOCK(mempool.cs);
+ return CheckSequenceLocks(tx, flags);
// NOTE: These tests rely on CreateNewBlock doing its own self-validation!
@@ -79,6 +93,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
// We can't make transactions until we have inputs
// Therefore, load 100 blocks :)
+ int baseheight = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(blockinfo)/sizeof(*blockinfo); ++i)
@@ -92,7 +107,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
txCoinbase.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript();
pblock->vtx[0] = CTransaction(txCoinbase);
- if (txFirst.size() < 2)
+ if (txFirst.size() == 0)
+ baseheight = chainActive.Height();
+ if (txFirst.size() < 4)
txFirst.push_back(new CTransaction(pblock->vtx[0]));
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(*pblock);
pblock->nNonce = blockinfo[i].nonce;
@@ -240,49 +257,96 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
// non-final txs in mempool
+ // height map
+ std::vector<int> prevheights;
- // height locked
- tx.vin[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[0]->GetHash();
+ // relative height locked
+ tx.nVersion = 2;
+ tx.vin.resize(1);
+ prevheights.resize(1);
+ tx.vin[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[0]->GetHash(); // only 1 transaction
+ tx.vin[0].prevout.n = 0;
tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << OP_1;
- tx.vin[0].nSequence = 0;
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1; // txFirst[0] is the 2nd block
+ prevheights[0] = baseheight + 1;
+ tx.vout.resize(1);
tx.vout[0].nValue = 4900000000LL;
tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_1;
- tx.nLockTime = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight+1;
+ tx.nLockTime = 0;
hash = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(100000000L).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(true).FromTx(tx));
- // time locked
- tx2.vin.resize(1);
- tx2.vin[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[1]->GetHash();
- tx2.vin[0].prevout.n = 0;
- tx2.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << OP_1;
- tx2.vin[0].nSequence = 0;
- tx2.vout.resize(1);
- tx2.vout[0].nValue = 4900000000LL;
- tx2.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_1;
- tx2.nLockTime = chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast()+1;
- hash = tx2.GetHash();
- mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(100000000L).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(true).FromTx(tx2));
+ BOOST_CHECK(CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)); // Locktime passes
+ BOOST_CHECK(!TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks fail
+ BOOST_CHECK(SequenceLocks(tx, flags, &prevheights, CreateBlockIndex(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 2))); // Sequence locks pass on 2nd block
+ // relative time locked
+ tx.vin[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[1]->GetHash();
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG | (((chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast()+1-chainActive[1]->GetMedianTimePast()) >> CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) + 1); // txFirst[1] is the 3rd block
+ prevheights[0] = baseheight + 2;
+ hash = tx.GetHash();
+ mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Time(GetTime()).FromTx(tx));
+ BOOST_CHECK(CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)); // Locktime passes
+ BOOST_CHECK(!TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks fail
+ for (int i = 0; i < CBlockIndex::nMedianTimeSpan; i++)
+ chainActive.Tip()->GetAncestor(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - i)->nTime += 512; //Trick the MedianTimePast
+ BOOST_CHECK(SequenceLocks(tx, flags, &prevheights, CreateBlockIndex(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1))); // Sequence locks pass 512 seconds later
+ for (int i = 0; i < CBlockIndex::nMedianTimeSpan; i++)
+ chainActive.Tip()->GetAncestor(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - i)->nTime -= 512; //undo tricked MTP
+ // absolute height locked
+ tx.vin[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[2]->GetHash();
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL - 1;
+ prevheights[0] = baseheight + 3;
+ tx.nLockTime = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1;
+ hash = tx.GetHash();
+ mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Time(GetTime()).FromTx(tx));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)); // Locktime fails
+ BOOST_CHECK(TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks pass
+ BOOST_CHECK(IsFinalTx(tx, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 2, chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast())); // Locktime passes on 2nd block
+ // absolute time locked
+ tx.vin[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[3]->GetHash();
+ tx.nLockTime = chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast();
+ prevheights.resize(1);
+ prevheights[0] = baseheight + 4;
+ hash = tx.GetHash();
+ mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Time(GetTime()).FromTx(tx));
+ BOOST_CHECK(!CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)); // Locktime fails
+ BOOST_CHECK(TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks pass
+ BOOST_CHECK(IsFinalTx(tx, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 2, chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast() + 1)); // Locktime passes 1 second later
+ // mempool-dependent transactions (not added)
+ tx.vin[0].prevout.hash = hash;
+ prevheights[0] = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1;
+ tx.nLockTime = 0;
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = 0;
+ BOOST_CHECK(CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)); // Locktime passes
+ BOOST_CHECK(TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks pass
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = 1;
+ BOOST_CHECK(!TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks fail
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG;
+ BOOST_CHECK(TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks pass
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = CTxIn::SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG | 1;
+ BOOST_CHECK(!TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks fail
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate = CreateNewBlock(chainparams, scriptPubKey));
- // Neither tx should have make it into the template.
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pblocktemplate->block.vtx.size(), 1);
+ // None of the of the absolute height/time locked tx should have made
+ // it into the template because we still check IsFinalTx in CreateNewBlock,
+ // but relative locked txs will if inconsistently added to mempool.
+ // For now these will still generate a valid template until BIP68 soft fork
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pblocktemplate->block.vtx.size(), 3);
delete pblocktemplate;
- // However if we advance height and time by one, both will.
+ // However if we advance height by 1 and time by 512, all of them should be mined
+ for (int i = 0; i < CBlockIndex::nMedianTimeSpan; i++)
+ chainActive.Tip()->GetAncestor(chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - i)->nTime += 512; //Trick the MedianTimePast
- SetMockTime(chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast()+2);
- // FIXME: we should *actually* create a new block so the following test
- // works; CheckFinalTx() isn't fooled by monkey-patching nHeight.
- //BOOST_CHECK(CheckFinalTx(tx));
- //BOOST_CHECK(CheckFinalTx(tx2));
+ SetMockTime(chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast() + 1);
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate = CreateNewBlock(chainparams, scriptPubKey));
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pblocktemplate->block.vtx.size(), 2);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pblocktemplate->block.vtx.size(), 5);
delete pblocktemplate;
diff --git a/src/test/script_tests.cpp b/src/test/script_tests.cpp
index 10175ebe8e..f370a4aa2a 100644
--- a/src/test/script_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/script_tests.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ CMutableTransaction BuildCreditingTransaction(const CScript& scriptPubKey)
txCredit.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << CScriptNum(0) << CScriptNum(0);
- txCredit.vin[0].nSequence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ txCredit.vin[0].nSequence = CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL;
txCredit.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;
txCredit.vout[0].nValue = 0;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ CMutableTransaction BuildSpendingTransaction(const CScript& scriptSig, const CMu
txSpend.vin[0].prevout.hash = txCredit.GetHash();
txSpend.vin[0].prevout.n = 0;
txSpend.vin[0].scriptSig = scriptSig;
- txSpend.vin[0].nSequence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ txSpend.vin[0].nSequence = CTxIn::SEQUENCE_FINAL;
txSpend.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript();
txSpend.vout[0].nValue = 0;
diff --git a/src/txmempool.cpp b/src/txmempool.cpp
index f8e03c2533..0b0f32e406 100644
--- a/src/txmempool.cpp
+++ b/src/txmempool.cpp
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ void CTxMemPool::removeForReorg(const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins, unsigned int nMem
list<CTransaction> transactionsToRemove;
for (indexed_transaction_set::const_iterator it = mapTx.begin(); it != mapTx.end(); it++) {
const CTransaction& tx = it->GetTx();
- if (!CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)) {
+ if (!CheckFinalTx(tx, flags) || !CheckSequenceLocks(tx, flags)) {
} else if (it->GetSpendsCoinbase()) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, tx.vin) {