diff options
19 files changed, 1287 insertions, 583 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-bitcoin.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-bitcoin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aea4b93a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-bitcoin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+name: "bitcoin"
+- "precise"
+- "i386"
+- "git-core"
+- "automake"
+- "faketime"
+- "bsdmainutils"
+- "pkg-config"
+- "p7zip-full"
+reference_datetime: "2013-06-01 00:00:00"
+- "url": "https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git"
+ "dir": "bitcoin"
+- "osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz"
+- "osx-depends-r2.tar.gz"
+- "osx-depends-qt-5.2.1-r2.tar.gz"
+- "MacOSX10.6.pkg"
+script: |
+ echo "a2ccf2299de4e0bb88bd17a3355f02b747575b97492c7c2f5b789a64ccc4cbd6 MacOSX10.6.pkg" | sha256sum -c
+ HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin11
+ PREFIX=`pwd`/osx-cross-depends/prefix
+ SDK=`pwd`/osx-cross-depends/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+ NATIVEPREFIX=`pwd`/osx-cross-depends/native-prefix
+ export SOURCES_PATH=`pwd`
+ mkdir osx-cross-depends
+ cd osx-cross-depends
+ mkdir -p SDKs
+ 7z -bd -so -y e ${SOURCES_PATH}/MacOSX10.6.pkg Payload | gzip -d -c | cpio -i
+ cd ..
+ tar -C osx-cross-depends -xf osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz
+ tar -C osx-cross-depends -xf osx-depends-r2.tar.gz
+ tar -C osx-cross-depends -xf osx-depends-qt-5.2.1-r2.tar.gz
+ export PATH=`pwd`/osx-cross-depends/native-prefix/bin:$PATH
+ cd bitcoin
+ export ZERO_AR_DATE=1
+ export QT_RCC_TEST=1
+ ./autogen.sh
+ ./configure --host=${HOST} --with-boost=${PREFIX} CC=clang CXX=clang++ OBJC=clang OBJCXX=clang++ CFLAGS="-target ${HOST} -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 --sysroot ${SDK} -msse2 -Qunused-arguments" CXXFLAGS="-target ${HOST} -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 --sysroot ${SDK} -msse2 -Qunused-arguments" LDFLAGS="-B${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin -L${PREFIX}/lib -L${SDK}/usr/lib/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1" CPPFLAGS="-I${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib/clang/3.2/include -I${PREFIX}/include" SSL_LIBS="-lz -lssl -lcrypto" --disable-tests -with-gui=qt5 PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig" --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-maintainer-mode
+ make dist
+ mkdir -p distsrc
+ cd distsrc
+ tar --strip-components=1 -xf ../bitcoin-*.tar*
+ ./configure --host=${HOST} --with-boost=${PREFIX} CC=clang CXX=clang++ OBJC=clang OBJCXX=clang++ CFLAGS="-target ${HOST} -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 --sysroot ${SDK} -msse2 -Qunused-arguments" CXXFLAGS="-target ${HOST} -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 --sysroot ${SDK} -msse2 -Qunused-arguments" LDFLAGS="-B${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin -L${PREFIX}/lib -L${SDK}/usr/lib/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1" CPPFLAGS="-I${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib/clang/3.2/include -I${PREFIX}/include" SSL_LIBS="-lz -lssl -lcrypto" --disable-tests -with-gui=qt5 PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig" --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-maintainer-mode
+ make $MAKEOPTS
+ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/faketime/libfaketime.so.1
+ export TZ=UTC
+ make deploy
+ dmg dmg Bitcoin-Qt.dmg $OUTDIR/Bitcoin-Qt.dmg
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-depends.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-depends.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e91a30ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-depends.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+name: "osx-depends"
+- "precise"
+- "i386"
+- "git-core"
+- "automake"
+- "p7zip-full"
+reference_datetime: "2013-06-01 00:00:00"
+remotes: []
+- "boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2"
+- "db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz"
+- "miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz"
+- "openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz"
+- "protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2"
+- "qrencode-3.4.3.tar.bz2"
+- "MacOSX10.6.pkg"
+- "osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz"
+script: |
+ echo "fff00023dd79486d444c8e29922f4072e1d451fc5a4d2b6075852ead7f2b7b52 boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "2923e453e880bb949e3d4da9f83dd3cb6f08946d35de0b864d0339cf70934464 miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "53cb818c3b90e507a8348f4f5eaedb05d8bfe5358aabb508b7263cc670c3e028 openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "13bfc5ae543cf3aa180ac2485c0bc89495e3ae711fc6fab4f8ffe90dfb4bb677 protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "dfd71487513c871bad485806bfd1fdb304dedc84d2b01a8fb8e0940b50597a98 qrencode-3.4.3.tar.bz2" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "a2ccf2299de4e0bb88bd17a3355f02b747575b97492c7c2f5b789a64ccc4cbd6 MacOSX10.6.pkg" | sha256sum -c
+ export SOURCES_PATH=`pwd`
+ export PATH=$HOME:$PATH
+ export SOURCES_PATH=`pwd`
+ export ZERO_AR_DATE=1
+ mkdir -p osx-cross-depends/build
+ cd osx-cross-depends
+ PREFIX=`pwd`/prefix
+ NATIVEPREFIX=`pwd`/native-prefix
+ BUILD_BASE=`pwd`/build
+ SDK=`pwd`/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+ HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin11
+ INT_CFLAGS="-target ${HOST} -mmacosx-version-min=${MIN_VERSION} --sysroot ${SDK} -msse2 -Qunused-arguments"
+ INT_LDFLAGS="-L${PREFIX}/lib -L${SDK}/usr/lib/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1"
+ INT_CPPFLAGS="-I${PREFIX}/include"
+ INT_CC=clang
+ INT_CXX=clang++
+ INT_OBJC=clang
+ INT_OBJCXX=clang++
+ INT_AR=${HOST}-ar
+ INT_RANLIB=${HOST}-ranlib
+ INT_LIBTOOL=${HOST}-libtool
+ INT_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL=${HOST}-install_name_tool
+ export PATH=${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin:${PATH}
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib
+ mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/bin
+ mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/lib
+ mkdir -p ${BUILD_BASE}
+ mkdir -p ${SDK}
+ 7z -bd -so -y e ${SOURCES_PATH}/MacOSX10.6.pkg Payload | gzip -d -c | cpio -i
+ tar xf /home/ubuntu/build/osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz
+ # bdb
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/db-4.8.30.NC
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' ${BUILD_DIR}/dbinc/atomic.h
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ cd build_unix;
+ ../dist/configure --host=${HOST} --prefix="${PREFIX}" --disable-shared --enable-cxx CC="${INT_CC}" CXX="${INT_CXX}" AR="${INT_AR}" RANLIB="${INT_RANLIB}" OBJC="${INT_OBJC}" OBJCXX="${INT_OBJCXX}" CFLAGS="${INT_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${INT_CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${INT_CLANG_LDFLAGS} ${INT_LDFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="${INT_CPPFLAGS}"
+ make $MAKEOPTS libdb.a libdb_cxx.a
+ make install_lib install_include
+ popd
+ # openssl
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/openssl-1.0.1g
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ sed -ie "s|cc:|${INT_CC}:|" ${BUILD_DIR}/Configure
+ sed -ie "s|\(-arch [_a-zA-Z0-9]*\)|\1 --sysroot ${SDK} -target ${HOST} -msse2|" ${BUILD_DIR}/Configure
+ AR="${INT_AR}" RANLIB="${INT_RANLIB}" ./Configure --prefix=${PREFIX} --openssldir=${PREFIX}/etc/openssl zlib shared no-krb5 darwin64-x86_64-cc ${INT_LDFLAGS} ${INT_CLANG_LDFLAGS} ${INT_CPPFLAGS}
+ sed -i "s|engines apps test|engines|" ${BUILD_DIR}/Makefile
+ sed -i "/define DATE/d" ${BUILD_DIR}/crypto/Makefile
+ make -j1 build_libs libcrypto.pc libssl.pc openssl.pc
+ make -j1 install_sw
+ popd
+ #libminiupnpc
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/miniupnpc-1.9
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ CFLAGS="${INT_CFLAGS} ${INT_CPPFLAGS}" make $MAKEOPTS OS=Darwin CC="${INT_CC}" AR="${INT_AR}" libminiupnpc.a
+ install -d ${PREFIX}/include/miniupnpc
+ install *.h ${PREFIX}/include/miniupnpc
+ install libminiupnpc.a ${PREFIX}/lib
+ popd
+ # qrencode
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/qrencode-3.4.3.tar.bz2
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/qrencode-3.4.3
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ # m4 folder is not included in the stable release, which can confuse aclocal
+ # if its timestamp ends up being earlier than configure.ac when extracted
+ touch aclocal.m4
+ ./configure --host=${HOST} --prefix="${PREFIX}" --disable-shared CC="${INT_CC}" CXX="${INT_CXX}" AR="${INT_AR}" RANLIB="${INT_RANLIB}" OBJC="${INT_OBJC}" OBJCXX="${INT_OBJCXX}" CFLAGS="${INT_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${INT_CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${INT_CLANG_LDFLAGS} ${INT_LDFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="${INT_CPPFLAGS}" --disable-shared -without-tools --disable-sdltest --disable-dependency-tracking
+ make $MAKEOPTS
+ make install
+ popd
+ # libprotobuf
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/protobuf-2.5.0
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xjf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ ./configure --host=${HOST} --prefix="${PREFIX}" --disable-shared --enable-cxx CC="${INT_CC}" CXX="${INT_CXX}" AR="${INT_AR}" RANLIB="${INT_RANLIB}" OBJC="${INT_OBJC}" OBJCXX="${INT_OBJCXX}" CFLAGS="${INT_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${INT_CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${INT_CLANG_LDFLAGS} ${INT_LDFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="${INT_CPPFLAGS}" --enable-shared=no --disable-dependency-tracking --with-protoc=${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin/protoc
+ cd src
+ make $MAKEOPTS libprotobuf.la
+ make install-libLTLIBRARIES install-nobase_includeHEADERS
+ cd ..
+ make install-pkgconfigDATA
+ popd
+ # boost
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/boost_1_55_0
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ ./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=chrono,filesystem,program_options,system,thread,test
+ echo "using darwin : : ${INT_CXX} : <cxxflags>\"${INT_CFLAGS} ${INT_CPPFLAGS}\" <linkflags>\"${INT_LDFLAGS} ${INT_CLANG_LDFLAGS}\" <archiver>\"${INT_LIBTOOL}\" <striper>\"${INT_STRIP}\" : ;" > "user-config.jam"
+ ./b2 -d2 --layout=tagged --build-type=complete --prefix="${PREFIX}" --toolset=darwin-4.2.1 --user-config=user-config.jam variant=release threading=multi link=static install
+ popd
+ export GZIP="-9n"
+ find prefix | sort | tar --no-recursion -czf osx-depends-${REVISION}.tar.gz -T -
+ mv osx-depends-${REVISION}.tar.gz $OUTDIR
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-native.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-native.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6040e5ac5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-native.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+name: "osx-native"
+- "precise"
+- "i386"
+- "git-core"
+- "automake"
+- "faketime"
+- "libssl-dev"
+- "libbz2-dev"
+- "libz-dev"
+- "cmake"
+- "libcap-dev"
+- "p7zip-full"
+- "uuid-dev"
+reference_datetime: "2013-06-01 00:00:00"
+remotes: []
+- "10cc648683617cca8bcbeae507888099b41b530c.tar.gz"
+- "cctools-809.tar.gz"
+- "dyld-195.5.tar.gz"
+- "ld64-127.2.tar.gz"
+- "protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2"
+- "MacOSX10.6.pkg"
+- "cdrkit-1.1.11.tar.gz"
+- "libdmg-hfsplus-v0.1.tar.gz"
+- "clang-llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04.tar.gz"
+- "cdrkit-deterministic.patch"
+script: |
+ echo "18406961fd4a1ec5c7ea35c91d6a80a2f8bb797a2bd243a610bd75e13eff9aca 10cc648683617cca8bcbeae507888099b41b530c.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "03ba62749b843b131c7304a044a98c6ffacd65b1399b921d69add0375f79d8ad cctools-809.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "2cf0484c87cf79b606b351a7055a247dae84093ae92c747a74e0cde2c8c8f83c dyld-195.5.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "97b75547b2bd761306ab3e15ae297f01e7ab9760b922bc657f4ef72e4e052142 ld64-127.2.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "13bfc5ae543cf3aa180ac2485c0bc89495e3ae711fc6fab4f8ffe90dfb4bb677 protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "a2ccf2299de4e0bb88bd17a3355f02b747575b97492c7c2f5b789a64ccc4cbd6 MacOSX10.6.pkg" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "d1c030756ecc182defee9fe885638c1785d35a2c2a297b4604c0e0dcc78e47da cdrkit-1.1.11.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "6569a02eb31c2827080d7d59001869ea14484c281efab0ae7f2b86af5c3120b3 libdmg-hfsplus-v0.1.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "b9d57a88f9514fa1f327a1a703756d0c1c960f4c58494a5bd80313245d13ffff clang-llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "cc12bdbd7a09f71cb2a6a3e6ec3e0abe885ca7111c2b47857f5095e5980caf4f cdrkit-deterministic.patch" | sha256sum -c
+ export TZ=UTC
+ REAL_AR=`which ar`
+ REAL_RANLIB=`which ranlib`
+ REAL_DATE=`which date`
+ echo '#!/bin/bash' > $HOME/ar
+ echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> $HOME/ar
+ echo "$REAL_AR \"\$@\"" >> $HOME/ar
+ echo '#!/bin/bash' > $HOME/ranlib
+ echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> $HOME/ranlib
+ echo "$REAL_RANLIB \"\$@\"" >> $HOME/ranlib
+ echo '#!/bin/bash' > $HOME/date
+ echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> $HOME/date
+ echo "$REAL_DATE \"\$@\"" >> $HOME/date
+ chmod +x $HOME/ar $HOME/ranlib $HOME/date
+ export PATH=$HOME:$PATH
+ export SOURCES_PATH=`pwd`
+ mkdir -p osx-cross-depends/build
+ cd osx-cross-depends
+ NATIVEPREFIX=`pwd`/native-prefix
+ BUILD_BASE=`pwd`/build
+ SDK=`pwd`/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+ HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin11
+ export PATH=${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin:${PATH}
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib
+ mkdir -p ${SDK}
+ 7z -bd -so -y e ${SOURCES_PATH}/MacOSX10.6.pkg Payload | gzip -d -c | cpio -i
+ # Clang
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/clang-llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/clang+llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib/clang/3.2/include
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ cp ${BUILD_DIR}/bin/clang ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin/
+ cp ${BUILD_DIR}/bin/clang++ ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin/
+ cp ${BUILD_DIR}/lib/libLTO.so ${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib/
+ cp ${BUILD_DIR}/lib/clang/3.2/include/* ${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib/clang/3.2/include
+ # cctools
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/10cc648683617cca8bcbeae507888099b41b530c.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/toolchain4-10cc648683617cca8bcbeae507888099b41b530c
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/sdks
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}/sdks;
+ ln -sf ${SDK} MacOSX10.6.sdk
+ ln -sf ${SOURCES_PATH}/cctools-809.tar.gz ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/cctools-809.tar.gz
+ ln -sf ${SOURCES_PATH}/ld64-127.2.tar.gz ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/ld64-127.2.tar.gz
+ ln -sf ${SOURCES_PATH}/dyld-195.5.tar.gz ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/dyld-195.5.tar.gz
+ tar -C ${BUILD_DIR} -xf ${SOURCES_PATH}/clang-llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04.tar.gz
+ # Hack in the use of our llvm headers rather than grabbing the old llvm-gcc.
+ sed -i "s|GCC_DIR|LLVM_CLANG_DIR|g" ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/extract.sh
+ sed -i "s|llvmgcc42-2336.1|clang+llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04|g" ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/extract.sh
+ sed -i "s|\${LLVM_CLANG_DIR}/llvmCore/include/llvm-c|\${LLVM_CLANG_DIR}/include/llvm-c \${LLVM_CLANG_DIR}/include/llvm |" ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/extract.sh
+ sed -i "s|fAC_INIT|AC_INIT|" ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/files/configure.ac
+ sed -i 's/\# Dynamically linked LTO/\t ;\&\n\t linux*)\n# Dynamically linked LTO/' ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/files/configure.ac
+ cd ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools
+ ./extract.sh --osxver 10.6
+ cd odcctools-809
+ ./configure --prefix=${NATIVEPREFIX} --target=${HOST} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${NATIVEPREFIX}/include -D__DARWIN_UNIX03 -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-rpath=\\\$\$ORIGIN/../lib" --with-sysroot=${SDK}
+ # The 'PC' define in sparc/reg.h conflicts but doesn't get used anyway. Just rename it.
+ sed -i "s|define\tPC|define\tPC_|" ${BUILD_DIR}/cctools2odcctools/odcctools-809/include/architecture/sparc/reg.h
+ make $MAKEOPTS
+ make install
+ popd
+ # protoc
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/protobuf-2.5.0
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xjf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR};
+ ./configure --enable-shared=no --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=${NATIVEPREFIX}
+ make $MAKEOPTS
+ cp ${BUILD_DIR}/src/protoc ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin/
+ popd
+ # cdrkit
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/cdrkit-1.1.11.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/cdrkit-1.1.11
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ patch -p1 < ${SOURCES_PATH}/cdrkit-deterministic.patch
+ make $MAKEOPTS genisoimage
+ make -C genisoimage install
+ popd
+ # libdmg-hfsplus
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/libdmg-hfsplus-v0.1.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/libdmg-hfsplus-libdmg-hfsplus-v0.1
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/build
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}/build
+ make $MAKEOPTS
+ make install
+ popd
+ rm -rf native-prefix/docs
+ export GZIP="-9n"
+ find native-prefix | sort | tar --no-recursion -czf osx-native-depends-$REVISION.tar.gz -T -
+ mv osx-native-depends-$REVISION.tar.gz $OUTDIR
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-qt.yml b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-qt.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0be016e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-qt.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+name: "osx-qt"
+- "precise"
+- "i386"
+- "git-core"
+- "automake"
+- "p7zip-full"
+reference_datetime: "2013-06-01 00:00:00"
+remotes: []
+- "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1.tar.gz"
+- "osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz"
+- "osx-depends-r2.tar.gz"
+- "MacOSX10.6.pkg"
+script: |
+ echo "84e924181d4ad6db00239d87250cc89868484a14841f77fb85ab1f1dbdcd7da1 qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
+ echo "a2ccf2299de4e0bb88bd17a3355f02b747575b97492c7c2f5b789a64ccc4cbd6 MacOSX10.6.pkg" | sha256sum -c
+ export SOURCES_PATH=`pwd`
+ export ZERO_AR_DATE=1
+ export TZ=UTC
+ REAL_DATE=`which date`
+ echo '#!/bin/bash' > $HOME/date
+ echo "$REAL_DATE -d \"${REFERENCE_DATETIME}\" \"\$@\"" >> $HOME/date
+ chmod +x $HOME/date
+ export PATH=$HOME:$PATH
+ mkdir -p osx-cross-depends/build
+ cd osx-cross-depends
+ PREFIX=`pwd`/prefix
+ NATIVEPREFIX=`pwd`/native-prefix
+ BUILD_BASE=`pwd`/build
+ SDK=`pwd`/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+ HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin11
+ INT_CFLAGS="-target ${HOST} -mmacosx-version-min=${MIN_VERSION} --sysroot ${SDK} -msse2 -Qunused-arguments"
+ INT_LDFLAGS="-L${PREFIX}/lib -L${SDK}/usr/lib/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1"
+ INT_CPPFLAGS="-I${PREFIX}/include"
+ INT_CC=clang
+ INT_CXX=clang++
+ INT_OBJC=clang
+ INT_OBJCXX=clang++
+ INT_AR=${HOST}-ar
+ INT_RANLIB=${HOST}-ranlib
+ INT_LIBTOOL=${HOST}-libtool
+ INT_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL=${HOST}-install_name_tool
+ export PATH=${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin:${PATH}
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin
+ mkdir -p ${NATIVEPREFIX}/lib
+ mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/bin
+ mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/lib
+ mkdir -p ${BUILD_BASE}
+ mkdir -p ${SDK}
+ 7z -bd -so -y e ${SOURCES_PATH}/MacOSX10.6.pkg Payload | gzip -d -c | cpio -i
+ tar xf /home/ubuntu/build/osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz
+ mkdir -p SDKs
+ 7z -bd -so -y e ${SOURCES_PATH}/MacOSX10.6.pkg Payload | gzip -d -c | cpio -i
+ tar xf /home/ubuntu/build/osx-native-depends-r2.tar.gz
+ export PATH=`pwd`/native-prefix/bin:$PATH
+ tar xf /home/ubuntu/build/osx-depends-r2.tar.gz
+ SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCES_PATH}/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1.tar.gz
+ BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_BASE}/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1
+ tar -C ${BUILD_BASE} -xf ${SOURCE_FILE}
+ # Install our mkspec. All files are pulled from the macx-clang spec, except for
+ # our custom qmake.conf
+ SPECFILE=${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/qmake.conf
+ mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux
+ cp -f ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/Info.plist.lib ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/
+ cp -f ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/Info.plist.app ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/
+ cp -f ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/qplatformdefs.h ${BUILD_DIR}/qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/
+ CONFIG += app_bundle incremental global_init_link_order lib_version_first plugin_no_soname absolute_library_soname
+ include(../common/macx.conf)
+ include(../common/gcc-base-mac.conf)
+ include(../common/clang.conf)
+ include(../common/clang-mac.conf)
+ QMAKE_MAC_SDK=macosx
+ QMAKE_MAC_SDK.macosx.path = ${SDK}
+ QMAKE_MAC_SDK.macosx.platform_name = macosx
+ QMAKE_CFLAGS += -target ${HOST}
+ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -target ${HOST}
+ QMAKE_LFLAGS += -target ${HOST}
+ QMAKE_AR = ${HOST}-ar cq
+ QMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL=${HOST}-install_name_tool
+ load(qt_config)
+ pushd ${BUILD_DIR}
+ ./configure -release -opensource -openssl-linked \
+ -no-audio-backend -no-javascript-jit -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-tds \
+ -no-cups -no-iconv -no-dbus -no-gif -no-audio-backend -no-freetype \
+ -no-javascript-jit -no-sql-sqlite -no-nis -no-cups -no-iconv -no-pch \
+ -no-dbus -no-gif -no-sm -nomake examples -no-feature-style-plastique \
+ -no-xcb -no-qml-debug -no-pch -no-nis \
+ -no-feature-style-cde -no-feature-style-s60 -no-feature-style-motif \
+ -no-feature-style-windowsmobile -no-feature-style-windowsce \
+ -no-feature-style-cleanlooks \
+ -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-oci -no-sql-tds -no-sql-mysql \
+ -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 \
+ -skip qtsvg -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebkit-examples -skip qtserialport \
+ -skip qtdeclarative -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtimageformats \
+ -skip qtlocation -skip qtsensors -skip qtquick1 -skip qtxmlpatterns \
+ -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtconnectivity \
+ -skip qtwinextras -skip qtscript \
+ -prefix ${PREFIX} -bindir ${NATIVEPREFIX}/bin \
+ -confirm-license -xplatform macx-clang-linux -v ${INT_LDFLAGS}
+ # RCC's output is sorted using each file entry's hash as the key. Unfortunately,
+ # the hash function uses a random seed for each run so the results aren't
+ # deterministic. This leads to static resources being defined in a random order,
+ # which in-turn means that object files are not predictable.
+ # Fortunately, this upsets Qt's unit tests as well, so they've added the
+ # QT_RCC_TEST environment variable to set a pre-defined seed. Here, do the same
+ # thing for the same reason.
+ QT_RCC_TEST=1 make $MAKEOPTS module-qtbase-make_first
+ make $MAKEOPTS module-qttranslations-make_first
+ make $MAKEOPTS module-qttools-make_first
+ make $MAKEOPTS -C qtbase
+ make -C qtbase install
+ make -C qttranslations install
+ make -C qttools/src/linguist install
+ popd
+ # This file should not be installed to the destination. It's native and
+ # non-deterministic. Remove it.
+ # See: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31393
+ rm -f ${PREFIX}/lib/libQt5Bootstrap.a
+ rm -f ${PREFIX}/lib/Qt*.framework/Qt*.prl
+ pushd ${PREFIX}/include
+ ln -sf ../lib/QtNetwork.framework/Headers/ QtNetwork
+ ln -sf ../lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/ QtWidgets
+ ln -sf ../lib/QtGui.framework/Headers/ QtGui
+ ln -sf ../lib/QtCore.framework/Headers/ QtCore
+ ln -sf ../lib/QtTest.framework/Headers/ QtTest
+ popd
+ rm -f ${PREFIX}/lib/*.la
+ find ${PREFIX}/lib -name "*.prl" -delete
+ export GZIP="-9n"
+ find native-prefix prefix | sort | tar --no-recursion -czf osx-depends-qt-5.2.1-${REVISION}.tar.gz -T -
+ mv osx-depends-qt-5.2.1-${REVISION}.tar.gz $OUTDIR
diff --git a/doc/README_osx.txt b/doc/README_osx.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eae4f5cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README_osx.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Deterministic OSX Dmg Notes.
+Working OSX DMG's are created in Linux by combining a recent clang,
+the Apple's binutils (ld, ar, etc), and DMG authoring tools.
+Apple uses clang extensively for development and has upstreamed the necessary
+functionality so that a vanilla clang can take advantage. It supports the use
+of -F, -target, -mmacosx-version-min, and --sysroot, which are all necessary
+when building for OSX. A pre-compiled version of 3.2 is used because it was not
+available in the Precise repositories at the time this work was started. In the
+future, it can be switched to use system packages instead.
+Apple's version of binutils (called cctools) contains lots of functionality
+missing in the FSF's binutils. In addition to extra linker options for
+frameworks and sysroots, several other tools are needed as well such as
+install_name_tool, lipo, and nmedit. These do not build under linux, so they
+have been patched to do so. The work here was used as a starting point:
+In order to build a working toolchain, the following source packages are needed
+from Apple: cctools, dyld, and ld64.
+Beware. This part is ugly. Very very very ugly. In the future, this should be
+broken out into a new repository and cleaned up. Additionally, the binaries
+only work when built as x86 and not x86_64. This is an especially nasty
+limitation because it must be linked with the toolchain's libLTO.so, meaning
+that the entire toolchain must be x86. Gitian x86_64 should not be used until
+this has been fixed, because it would mean that several native dependencies
+(openssl, libuuid, etc) would need to be built as x86 first.
+These tools inject timestamps by default, which produce non-deterministic
+binaries. The ZERO_AR_DATE environment variable is used to disable that.
+This version of cctools has been patched to use the current version of clang's
+headers and and its libLTO.so rather than those from llvmgcc, as it was
+originally done in toolchain4.
+To complicate things further, all builds must target an Apple SDK. These SDKs
+are free to download, but not redistributable.
+To obtain it, register for a developer account, then download xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg:
+This file is several gigabytes in size, but only a single .pkg file inside is
+needed (MacOSX10.6.pkg). From Linux, 7-zip can be used to extract this file.
+The DMG can then be discarded.
+The gitian descriptors build 2 sets of files: Linux tools, then Apple binaries
+which are created using these tools. The build process has been designed to
+avoid including the SDK's files in Gitian's outputs. All interim tarballs are
+fully deterministic and may be freely redistributed.
+genisoimage is used to create the initial DMG. It is not deterministic as-is,
+so it has been patched. A system genisoimage will work fine, but it will not
+be deterministic because the file-order will change between invocations.
+The patch can be seen here:
+No effort was made to fix this cleanly, so it likely leaks memory badly. But
+it's only used for a single invocation, so that's no real concern.
+genisoimage cannot compress DMGs, so afterwards, the 'dmg' tool from the
+libdmg-hfsplus project is used to compress it. There are several bugs in this
+tool and its maintainer has seemingly abandoned the project. It has been forked
+and is available (with fixes) here: https://github.com/theuni/libdmg-hfsplus .
+The 'dmg' tool has the ability to create DMG's from scratch as well, but this
+functionality is broken. Only the compression feature is currently used.
+Ideally, the creation could be fixed and genisoimage would no longer be necessary.
+Background images and other features can be added to DMG files by inserting a
+.DS_Store before creation. The easiest way to create this file is to build a
+DMG without one, move it to a device running OSX, customize the layout, then
+grab the .DS_Store file for later use. That is the approach taken here.
diff --git a/doc/release-process.md b/doc/release-process.md
index b93c163748..be00cb8092 100644
--- a/doc/release-process.md
+++ b/doc/release-process.md
@@ -33,10 +33,18 @@ Release Process
git checkout v${VERSION}
pushd ./gitian-builder
+ mkdir -p inputs; cd inputs/
+ Register and download the Apple SDK (see OSX Readme for details)
+ visit https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/download.action?path=/Developer_Tools/xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3__final/xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg
+ Extract MacOSX10.6.pkg using 7zip
+ 7z e -y xcode_3.2.6_and_ios_sdk_4.3.dmg 5.hfs
+ 7z -y e 5.hfs "Xcode and iOS SDK/Packages/MacOSX10.6.pkg"
+ rm 5.hfs
Fetch and build inputs: (first time, or when dependency versions change)
- mkdir -p inputs; cd inputs/
wget 'http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/download.php?file=miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz' -O miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz
wget 'https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz'
wget 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
@@ -49,6 +57,16 @@ Release Process
wget 'https://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.2/5.2.0/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.0.tar.gz'
wget 'https://download.qt-project.org/archive/qt/4.6/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.4.tar.gz'
wget 'https://protobuf.googlecode.com/files/protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2'
+ wget 'https://github.com/mingwandroid/toolchain4/archive/10cc648683617cca8bcbeae507888099b41b530c.tar.gz'
+ wget 'http://www.opensource.apple.com/tarballs/cctools/cctools-809.tar.gz'
+ wget 'http://www.opensource.apple.com/tarballs/dyld/dyld-195.5.tar.gz'
+ wget 'http://www.opensource.apple.com/tarballs/ld64/ld64-127.2.tar.gz'
+ wget 'http://cdrkit.org/releases/cdrkit-1.1.11.tar.gz'
+ wget 'https://github.com/theuni/libdmg-hfsplus/archive/libdmg-hfsplus-v0.1.tar.gz'
+ wget 'http://llvm.org/releases/3.2/clang+llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04.tar.gz' -O \
+ clang-llvm-3.2-x86-linux-ubuntu-12.04.tar.gz
+ wget 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theuni/osx-cross-depends/master/patches/cdrtools/genisoimage.diff' -O \
+ cdrkit-deterministic.patch
cd ..
./bin/gbuild ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/boost-linux.yml
mv build/out/boost-*.zip inputs/
@@ -64,6 +82,12 @@ Release Process
mv build/out/qt-*.zip inputs/
./bin/gbuild ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/protobuf-win.yml
mv build/out/protobuf-*.zip inputs/
+ ./bin/gbuild ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-native.yml
+ mv build/out/osx-*.tar.gz inputs/
+ ./bin/gbuild ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-depends.yml
+ mv build/out/osx-*.tar.gz inputs/
+ ./bin/gbuild ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-qt.yml
+ mv build/out/osx-*.tar.gz inputs/
The expected SHA256 hashes of the intermediate inputs are:
@@ -96,13 +120,19 @@ Release Process
zip -r bitcoin-${VERSION}-win-gitian.zip *
mv bitcoin-${VERSION}-win-gitian.zip ../../../
+ ./bin/gbuild --commit bitcoin=v${VERSION} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-bitcoin.yml
+ ./bin/gsign --signer $SIGNER --release ${VERSION}-osx --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-bitcoin.yml
+ pushd build/out
+ mv Bitcoin-Qt.dmg ../../../
+ popd
Build output expected:
1. linux 32-bit and 64-bit binaries + source (bitcoin-${VERSION}-linux-gitian.zip)
2. windows 32-bit and 64-bit binaries + installer + source (bitcoin-${VERSION}-win-gitian.zip)
- 3. Gitian signatures (in gitian.sigs/${VERSION}[-win]/(your gitian key)/
+ 3. OSX installer (Bitcoin-Qt.dmg)
+ 4. Gitian signatures (in gitian.sigs/${VERSION}[-win|-osx]/(your gitian key)/
repackage gitian builds for release as stand-alone zip/tar/installer exe
@@ -119,21 +149,6 @@ repackage gitian builds for release as stand-alone zip/tar/installer exe
zip -r bitcoin-${VERSION}-win.zip bitcoin-${VERSION}-win
rm -rf bitcoin-${VERSION}-win
-**Perform Mac build:**
- OSX binaries are created by Gavin Andresen on a 64-bit, OSX 10.6 machine.
- ./autogen.sh
- SDK=$(xcode-select --print-path)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
- CXXFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -isysroot $SDK" ./configure --enable-upnp-default
- make
- export QTDIR=/opt/local/share/qt4 # needed to find translations/qt_*.qm files
- T=$(contrib/qt_translations.py $QTDIR/translations src/qt/locale)
- export CODESIGNARGS='--keychain ...path_to_keychain --sign "Developer ID Application: BITCOIN FOUNDATION, INC., THE"'
- python2.7 contrib/macdeploy/macdeployqtplus Bitcoin-Qt.app -sign -add-qt-tr $T -dmg -fancy contrib/macdeploy/fancy.plist
- Build output expected: Bitcoin-Qt.dmg
###Next steps:
* Code-sign Windows -setup.exe (in a Windows virtual machine using signtool)
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_af_ZA.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_af_ZA.ts
index 80e4de010f..6e8395e589 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_af_ZA.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_af_ZA.ts
@@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>The address to send the payment to (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
- <translation>Die adres waarheen die betaling gestuur moet word (b.v. 1H7wyVL5HCNoVFyyBJSDojwyxcCChU7TPA)</translation>
+ <translation>Die adres waarheen die betaling gestuur moet word (b.v. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</translation>
<source>Enter a label for this address to add it to your address book</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ar.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ar.ts
index 32b0d4b0fc..5877cc35d9 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ar.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ar.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>الحقوق محفوظة</translation>
<source>The Bitcoin Core developers</source>
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Double-click to edit address or label</source>
- <translation>أنقر على الماوس مرتين لتعديل العنوان</translation>
+ <translation>أنقر بالماوس مرتين لتعديل العنوان او الوصف</translation>
<source>Create a new address</source>
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;جديد</translation>
<source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;نسخ</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;اغلاق</translation>
<source>&amp;Copy Address</source>
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>حذف العنوان المحدد من القائمة</translation>
<source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;تصدير</translation>
@@ -79,23 +79,23 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Choose the address to send coins to</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>اختر العنوان الذي سترسل له العملات</translation>
<source>Choose the address to receive coins with</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>اختر العنوان الذي تستقبل عليه العملات</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;اختر</translation>
<source>Sending addresses</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>ارسال العناوين</translation>
<source>Receiving addresses</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>استقبال العناوين</translation>
<source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.</source>
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Copy &amp;Label</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ &amp;الوصف</translation>
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Export Address List</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تصدير قائمة العناوين</translation>
<source>Comma separated file (*.csv)</source>
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Exporting Failed</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>فشل التصدير</translation>
<source>There was an error trying to save the address list to %1.</source>
@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>New passphrase</source>
- <translation>عبارة مرور جديدة</translation>
+ <translation>كلمة مرور جديدة</translation>
<source>Repeat new passphrase</source>
- <translation>ادخل الجملة السرية مرة أخرى</translation>
+ <translation>ادخل كلمة المرور الجديدة مرة أخرى</translation>
<source>Enter the new passphrase to the wallet.&lt;br/&gt;Please use a passphrase of &lt;b&gt;10 or more random characters&lt;/b&gt;, or &lt;b&gt;eight or more words&lt;/b&gt;.</source>
- <translation>أدخل عبارة مرور جديدة إلى المحفظة. الرجاء استخدام عبارة مرور تتكون من10 حروف عشوائية على الاقل, أو أكثر من 7 كلمات </translation>
+ <translation>أدخل كلمة مرور جديدة للمحفظة. &lt;br/&gt;الرجاء استخدام كلمة مرور تتكون &lt;b&gt;من 10 حروف عشوائية على الاقل&lt;/b&gt;, أو &lt;b&gt;أكثر من 7 كلمات&lt;/b&gt;. </translation>
<source>Encrypt wallet</source>
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.</source>
- <translation>هذه العملية تحتاج عبارة المرور محفظتك لفتحها</translation>
+ <translation>هذه العملية تحتاج كلمة مرور محفظتك لفتحها</translation>
<source>Unlock wallet</source>
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet.</source>
- <translation>هذه العملية تحتاج عبارة المرور محفظتك فك تشفيرها</translation>
+ <translation>هذه العملية تحتاج كلمة مرور محفظتك لفك تشفيرها </translation>
<source>Decrypt wallet</source>
@@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Change passphrase</source>
- <translation>تغيير عبارة المرور</translation>
+ <translation>تغيير كلمة المرور</translation>
<source>Enter the old and new passphrase to the wallet.</source>
- <translation>أدخل عبارة المرور القديمة والجديدة إلى المحفظة.</translation>
+ <translation>أدخل كلمة المرور القديمة والجديدة للمحفظة.</translation>
<source>Confirm wallet encryption</source>
- <translation>تأكيد التشفير المحفظة</translation>
+ <translation>تأكيد تشفير المحفظة</translation>
<source>Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will &lt;b&gt;LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS&lt;/b&gt;!</source>
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحذير: مفتاح الحروف الكبيرة مفعل</translation>
<source>Wallet encrypted</source>
@@ -229,12 +229,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.</source>
- <translation>شل تشفير المحفظة بسبب خطأ داخلي. لم يتم تشفير محفظتك.</translation>
+ <translation>فشل تشفير المحفظة بسبب خطأ داخلي. لم يتم تشفير محفظتك.</translation>
<source>The supplied passphrases do not match.</source>
- <translation>عبارتي المرور ليستا متطابقتان
+ <translation>كلمتي المرور ليستا متطابقتان</translation>
<source>Wallet unlock failed</source>
@@ -242,8 +241,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.</source>
- <translation>عبارة المرور التي تم إدخالها لفك شفرة المحفظة غير صحيحة.
+ <translation>كلمة المرور التي تم إدخالها لفك تشفير المحفظة غير صحيحة.</translation>
<source>Wallet decryption failed</source>
@@ -262,11 +260,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Synchronizing with network...</source>
- <translation>مزامنة مع شبكة ...</translation>
+ <translation>مزامنة مع الشبكة ...</translation>
- <translation>نظرة عامة</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;نظرة عامة</translation>
@@ -278,11 +276,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation>المعاملات</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;المعاملات</translation>
<source>Browse transaction history</source>
- <translation>تصفح التاريخ المعاملات</translation>
+ <translation>تصفح سجل المعاملات</translation>
@@ -294,7 +292,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Show information about Bitcoin</source>
- <translation> إظهار المزيد معلومات حول Bitcoin</translation>
+ <translation> إظهار معلومات حول بت كوين</translation>
<source>About &amp;Qt</source>
@@ -306,19 +304,19 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation>خيارات ...</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;خيارات ...</translation>
<source>&amp;Encrypt Wallet...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;تشفير المحفظة</translation>
<source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;نسخ احتياط للمحفظة</translation>
<source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;تغيير كلمة المرور</translation>
<source>&amp;Sending addresses...</source>
@@ -330,7 +328,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Open &amp;URI...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>افتح &amp;URI...</translation>
<source>Importing blocks from disk...</source>
@@ -354,11 +352,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption</source>
- <translation>تغيير عبارة المرور المستخدمة لتشفير المحفظة</translation>
+ <translation>تغيير كلمة المرور المستخدمة لتشفير المحفظة</translation>
<source>&amp;Debug window</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;نافذة المعالجة</translation>
<source>Open debugging and diagnostic console</source>
@@ -366,7 +364,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>&amp;Verify message...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;التحقق من الرسالة...</translation>
@@ -378,19 +376,19 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>%ارسل</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;استقبل</translation>
<source>&amp;Show / Hide</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;عرض / اخفاء</translation>
<source>Show or hide the main Window</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عرض او اخفاء النافذة الرئيسية</translation>
<source>Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet</source>
@@ -406,15 +404,15 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation>ملف</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;ملف</translation>
- <translation>الاعدادات</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;الاعدادات</translation>
- <translation>مساعدة</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;مساعدة</translation>
<source>Tabs toolbar</source>
@@ -458,7 +456,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Bitcoin client</source>
- <translation>عميل بتكوين</translation>
+ <translation>عميل بت كوين</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network</source>
@@ -478,15 +476,15 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<message numerus="yes">
<source>%n hour(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n ساعة</numerusform><numerusform>%n ساعة</numerusform><numerusform>%n ساعة</numerusform><numerusform>%n ساعات</numerusform><numerusform>%n ساعات</numerusform><numerusform>%n ساعات</numerusform></translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>%n day(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n يوم</numerusform><numerusform>%n يوم</numerusform><numerusform>%n يوم</numerusform><numerusform>%n أيام</numerusform><numerusform>%n أيام</numerusform><numerusform>%n ايام</numerusform></translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>%n week(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n اسبوع</numerusform><numerusform>%n اسبوع</numerusform><numerusform>%n اسبوع</numerusform><numerusform>%n اسابيع</numerusform><numerusform>%n اسابيع</numerusform><numerusform>%n اسابيع</numerusform></translation>
<source>%1 and %2</source>
@@ -514,15 +512,15 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحذير</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>معلومات</translation>
<source>Up to date</source>
- <translation>محين</translation>
+ <translation>محدث</translation>
<source>Catching up...</source>
@@ -534,7 +532,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Incoming transaction</source>
- <translation>المعاملات واردة</translation>
+ <translation>المعاملات الواردة</translation>
<source>Date: %1
@@ -542,15 +540,19 @@ Amount: %2
Type: %3
Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>التاريخ : 1%
+القيمة: 2%
+النوع: 3%
+العنوان: 4%
<source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;unlocked&lt;/b&gt;</source>
- <translation>المحفظة مشفرة و مفتوحة حاليا</translation>
+ <translation>المحفظة &lt;b&gt;مشفرة&lt;/b&gt; و &lt;b&gt;مفتوحة&lt;/b&gt; حاليا</translation>
<source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;locked&lt;/b&gt;</source>
- <translation>المحفظة مشفرة و مقفلة حاليا</translation>
+ <translation>المحفظة &lt;b&gt;مشفرة&lt;/b&gt; و &lt;b&gt;مقفلة&lt;/b&gt; حاليا</translation>
<source>A fatal error occurred. Bitcoin can no longer continue safely and will quit.</source>
@@ -561,7 +563,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Network Alert</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تنبيه من الشبكة</translation>
@@ -572,7 +574,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>الكمية:</translation>
@@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>القيمة</translation>
@@ -588,7 +590,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رسوم :</translation>
<source>Low Output:</source>
@@ -628,7 +630,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تأكيد</translation>
@@ -636,11 +638,11 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>أفضلية</translation>
<source>Copy address</source>
- <translation> انسخ عنوان</translation>
+ <translation> انسخ العنوان</translation>
<source>Copy label</source>
@@ -648,11 +650,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy amount</source>
- <translation>نسخ الكمية</translation>
+ <translation>نسخ القيمة</translation>
<source>Copy transaction ID</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ رقم المعاملة</translation>
<source>Lock unspent</source>
@@ -664,15 +666,15 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy quantity</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ الكمية</translation>
<source>Copy fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ الرسوم</translation>
<source>Copy after fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ بعد الرسوم</translation>
<source>Copy bytes</source>
@@ -680,7 +682,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy priority</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ الافضلية</translation>
<source>Copy low output</source>
@@ -688,19 +690,19 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy change</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ التغييرات</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>الاعلى</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>اعلى</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عالي</translation>
@@ -716,7 +718,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>منخفض</translation>
@@ -732,7 +734,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>لا شيء</translation>
@@ -803,7 +805,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;وصف</translation>
<source>The label associated with this address list entry</source>
@@ -815,11 +817,11 @@ Address: %4
- <translation>العنوان</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;العنوان</translation>
<source>New receiving address</source>
- <translation>عنوان تلقي جديد</translation>
+ <translation>عنوان أستلام جديد</translation>
<source>New sending address</source>
@@ -827,8 +829,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Edit receiving address</source>
- <translation>تعديل عنوان التلقي
+ <translation>تعديل عنوان الأستلام</translation>
<source>Edit sending address</source>
@@ -855,11 +856,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>A new data directory will be created.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>سيتم انشاء دليل بيانات جديد</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>الاسم</translation>
<source>Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here.</source>
@@ -871,7 +872,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Cannot create data directory here.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>لا يمكن انشاء دليل بيانات هنا .</translation>
@@ -925,7 +926,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>أهلا</translation>
<source>Welcome to Bitcoin Core.</source>
@@ -941,11 +942,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>Use the default data directory</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>استخدام دليل البانات الافتراضي</translation>
<source>Use a custom data directory:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>استخدام دليل بيانات مخصص:</translation>
@@ -961,11 +962,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>GB of free space available</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>قيقا بايت مساحة متاحة</translation>
<source>(of %1GB needed)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>( بحاجة الى 1%قيقا بايت )</translation>
@@ -984,11 +985,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>Select payment request file</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>حدد ملف طلب الدفع</translation>
<source>Select payment request file to open</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>حدد ملف طلب الدفع لفتحه</translation>
@@ -999,7 +1000,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation>الرئيسي</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;الرئيسي</translation>
<source>Optional transaction fee per kB that helps make sure your transactions are processed quickly. Most transactions are 1 kB.</source>
@@ -1007,7 +1008,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Pay transaction &amp;fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>ادفع &amp;رسوم المعاملة</translation>
<source>Automatically start Bitcoin after logging in to the system.</source>
@@ -1023,7 +1024,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>م ب</translation>
<source>Number of script &amp;verification threads</source>
@@ -1047,7 +1048,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Third party transaction URLs</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عنوان النطاق للطرف الثالث</translation>
<source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source>
@@ -1059,11 +1060,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>&amp;Reset Options</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;استعادة الخيارات</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;الشبكة</translation>
<source>(0 = auto, &lt;0 = leave that many cores free)</source>
@@ -1071,11 +1072,11 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;محفظة</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تصدير</translation>
<source>Enable coin &amp;control features</source>
@@ -1099,15 +1100,15 @@ Address: %4
<source>Proxy &amp;IP:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>بروكسي &amp;اي بي:</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;المنفذ:</translation>
<source>Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>منفذ البروكسي (مثلا 9050)</translation>
<source>SOCKS &amp;Version:</source>
@@ -1139,11 +1140,11 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;عرض</translation>
<source>User Interface &amp;language:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>واجهة المستخدم &amp;اللغة:</translation>
<source>The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting Bitcoin.</source>
@@ -1183,11 +1184,11 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>لا شيء</translation>
<source>Confirm options reset</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تأكيد استعادة الخيارات</translation>
<source>Client restart required to activate changes.</source>
@@ -1230,7 +1231,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>معلق:</translation>
<source>Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance</source>
@@ -1246,11 +1247,11 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>المجموع:</translation>
<source>Your current total balance</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رصيدك الكلي الحالي</translation>
<source>&lt;b&gt;Recent transactions&lt;/b&gt;</source>
@@ -1321,7 +1322,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Bad response from server %1</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>استجابة سيئة من الملقم٪ 1</translation>
<source>Payment acknowledged</source>
@@ -1363,15 +1364,15 @@ Address: %4
<source>&amp;Save Image...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;حفظ الصورة</translation>
<source>&amp;Copy Image</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;نسخ الصورة</translation>
<source>Save QR Code</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>حفظ رمز الاستجابة السريعة QR</translation>
<source>PNG Image (*.png)</source>
@@ -1402,7 +1403,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عام</translation>
<source>Using OpenSSL version</source>
@@ -1410,7 +1411,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Startup time</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>وقت البدء</translation>
@@ -1450,23 +1451,23 @@ Address: %4
<source>&amp;Network Traffic</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;حركة مرور الشبكة</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;مسح</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>المجاميع</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>داخل:</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>خارج:</translation>
<source>Build date</source>
@@ -1490,7 +1491,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; to clear screen.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>استخدم اسهم الاعلى و الاسفل للتنقل بين السجلات و &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; لمسح الشاشة</translation>
<source>Type &lt;b&gt;help&lt;/b&gt; for an overview of available commands.</source>
@@ -1498,46 +1499,46 @@ Address: %4
<source>%1 B</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% بايت</translation>
<source>%1 KB</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% كيلو بايت</translation>
<source>%1 MB</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% ميقا بايت</translation>
<source>%1 GB</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% قيقا بايت</translation>
<source>%1 m</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% دقيقة</translation>
<source>%1 h</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% ساعة</translation>
<source>%1 h %2 m</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% ساعة 2% دقيقة</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;القيمة</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;الوصف:</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;رسالة:</translation>
<source>Reuse one of the previously used receiving addresses. Reusing addresses has security and privacy issues. Do not use this unless re-generating a payment request made before.</source>
@@ -1565,15 +1566,15 @@ Address: %4
<source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>مسح كل حقول النموذج المطلوبة</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>مسح</translation>
<source>Requested payments history</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>سجل طلبات الدفع</translation>
<source>&amp;Request payment</source>
@@ -1585,7 +1586,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عرض</translation>
<source>Remove the selected entries from the list</source>
@@ -1593,7 +1594,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>ازل</translation>
<source>Copy label</source>
@@ -1605,26 +1606,26 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy amount</source>
- <translation>نسخ الكمية</translation>
+ <translation>نسخ القيمة</translation>
<source>QR Code</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رمز كيو ار</translation>
<source>Copy &amp;URI</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ &amp;URI</translation>
<source>Copy &amp;Address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ &amp;العنوان</translation>
<source>&amp;Save Image...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;حفظ الصورة</translation>
<source>Request payment to %1</source>
@@ -1636,7 +1637,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation> URI</translation>
@@ -1652,7 +1653,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رسالة</translation>
<source>Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message.</source>
@@ -1675,7 +1676,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رسالة</translation>
@@ -1687,7 +1688,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>(no message)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>( لا رسائل )</translation>
<source>(no amount)</source>
@@ -1710,7 +1711,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>automatically selected</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>اختيار تلقائيا</translation>
<source>Insufficient funds!</source>
@@ -1718,7 +1719,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>الكمية :</translation>
@@ -1726,15 +1727,15 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>القيمة :</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>افضلية :</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رسوم :</translation>
<source>Low Output:</source>
@@ -1742,11 +1743,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>After Fee:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>بعد الرسوم :</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تعديل :</translation>
<source>If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address.</source>
@@ -1762,7 +1763,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Add &amp;Recipient</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>أضافة &amp;مستلم</translation>
<source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
@@ -1782,7 +1783,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;ارسال</translation>
<source>Confirm send coins</source>
@@ -1790,23 +1791,23 @@ Address: %4
<source>%1 to %2</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>1% الى 2%</translation>
<source>Copy quantity</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ الكمية </translation>
<source>Copy amount</source>
- <translation>نسخ الكمية</translation>
+ <translation>نسخ القيمة</translation>
<source>Copy fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ الرسوم</translation>
<source>Copy after fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ بعد الرسوم</translation>
<source>Copy bytes</source>
@@ -1814,7 +1815,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy priority</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ الافضلية</translation>
<source>Copy low output</source>
@@ -1822,15 +1823,15 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy change</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ التعديل</translation>
<source>Total Amount %1 (= %2)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>مجموع المبلغ %1 (= %2)</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>أو</translation>
<source>The recipient address is not valid, please recheck.</source>
@@ -1842,11 +1843,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>The amount exceeds your balance.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>القيمة تتجاوز رصيدك</translation>
<source>The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>المجموع يتجاوز رصيدك عندما يتم اضافة 1% رسوم العملية</translation>
<source>Duplicate address found, can only send to each address once per send operation.</source>
@@ -1897,7 +1898,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Pay &amp;To:</source>
- <translation>ادفع الى </translation>
+ <translation>ادفع &amp;الى :</translation>
<source>The address to send the payment to (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
@@ -1909,7 +1910,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;وصف :</translation>
<source>Choose previously used address</source>
@@ -1925,7 +1926,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Paste address from clipboard</source>
- <translation>انسخ العنوان من لوحة المفاتيح</translation>
+ <translation>الصق العنوان من لوحة المفاتيح</translation>
@@ -1972,7 +1973,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>لا توقف عمل الكمبيوتر حتى تختفي هذه النافذة</translation>
@@ -1983,7 +1984,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>&amp;Sign Message</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;توقيع الرسالة</translation>
<source>You can sign messages with your addresses to prove you own them. Be careful not to sign anything vague, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to.</source>
@@ -2011,11 +2012,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>Enter the message you want to sign here</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>ادخل الرسالة التي تريد توقيعها هنا</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>التوقيع</translation>
<source>Copy the current signature to the system clipboard</source>
@@ -2023,11 +2024,11 @@ Address: %4
<source>Sign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>وقع الرسالة لتثبت انك تمتلك عنوان البت كوين هذا</translation>
<source>Sign &amp;Message</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>توقيع $الرسالة</translation>
<source>Reset all sign message fields</source>
@@ -2039,7 +2040,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>&amp;Verify Message</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;تحقق رسالة</translation>
<source>Enter the signing address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack.</source>
@@ -2055,7 +2056,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Verify &amp;Message</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحقق &amp;الرسالة</translation>
<source>Reset all verify message fields</source>
@@ -2067,7 +2068,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Click &quot;Sign Message&quot; to generate signature</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>اضغط &quot;توقيع الرسالة&quot; لتوليد التوقيع</translation>
<source>The entered address is invalid.</source>
@@ -2083,7 +2084,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Wallet unlock was cancelled.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تم الغاء عملية فتح المحفظة</translation>
<source>Private key for the entered address is not available.</source>
@@ -2103,7 +2104,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Please check the signature and try again.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>فضلا تاكد من التوقيع وحاول مرة اخرى</translation>
<source>The signature did not match the message digest.</source>
@@ -2148,7 +2149,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>يتعارض</translation>
@@ -2196,7 +2197,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>علامة</translation>
@@ -2216,7 +2217,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Transaction fee</source>
- <translation>رسوم التحويل</translation>
+ <translation>رسوم المعاملة</translation>
<source>Net amount</source>
@@ -2224,7 +2225,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>رسالة </translation>
@@ -2236,7 +2237,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تاجر</translation>
<source>Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to &quot;not accepted&quot; and it won&apos;t be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.</source>
@@ -2268,7 +2269,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>, has not been successfully broadcast yet</source>
- <translation>لم يتم حتى الآن البث بنجاح</translation>
+ <translation>, لم يتم حتى الآن البث بنجاح</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
@@ -2421,7 +2422,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation>v</translation>
+ <translation>المدى...</translation>
<source>Received with</source>
@@ -2449,7 +2450,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Min amount</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>الحد الأدنى</translation>
<source>Copy address</source>
@@ -2465,7 +2466,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Copy transaction ID</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ رقم العملية</translation>
<source>Edit label</source>
@@ -2473,7 +2474,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Show transaction details</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عرض تفاصيل المعاملة</translation>
<source>Export Transaction History</source>
@@ -2481,7 +2482,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Exporting Failed</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>فشل التصدير</translation>
<source>There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1.</source>
@@ -2489,7 +2490,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Exporting Successful</source>
- <translation>نجح الاستخراج</translation>
+ <translation>نجح التصدير</translation>
<source>The transaction history was successfully saved to %1.</source>
@@ -2529,7 +2530,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>المدى:</translation>
@@ -2554,7 +2555,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;تصدير</translation>
<source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
@@ -2562,7 +2563,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Backup Wallet</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نسخ احتياط للمحفظة</translation>
<source>Wallet Data (*.dat)</source>
@@ -2570,7 +2571,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Backup Failed</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>فشل النسخ الاحتياطي</translation>
<source>There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1.</source>
@@ -2582,7 +2583,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Backup Successful</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>نجاح النسخ الاحتياطي</translation>
@@ -2613,7 +2614,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Specify data directory</source>
- <translation>حدد موقع مجلد المعلومات او data directory</translation>
+ <translation>حدد مجلد المعلومات</translation>
<source>Listen for connections on &lt;port&gt; (default: 8333 or testnet: 18333)</source>
@@ -2867,15 +2868,15 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Error: Disk space is low!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحذير: مساحة القرص منخفضة</translation>
<source>Error: Wallet locked, unable to create transaction!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحذير: المحفظة مغلقة , لا تستطيع تنفيذ المعاملة</translation>
<source>Error: system error: </source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>خطأ: خطأ في النظام:</translation>
<source>Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.</source>
@@ -2959,7 +2960,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Invalid -onion address: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عنوان اونيون غير صحيح : &apos;%s&apos;</translation>
<source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source>
@@ -3015,7 +3016,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Verifying wallet...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>التحقق من المحفظة ...</translation>
<source>Wait for RPC server to start</source>
@@ -3027,7 +3028,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Wallet options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>خيارات المحفظة :</translation>
<source>Warning: Deprecated argument -debugnet ignored, use -debug=net</source>
@@ -3059,7 +3060,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>معلومات</translation>
<source>Invalid amount for -minrelaytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
@@ -3159,7 +3160,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Signing transaction failed</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>فشل توقيع المعاملة</translation>
<source>Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)</source>
@@ -3171,19 +3172,19 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>System error: </source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>خطأ في النظام :</translation>
<source>Transaction amount too small</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>قيمة العملية صغيره جدا</translation>
<source>Transaction amounts must be positive</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>يجب ان يكون قيمة العملية بالموجب</translation>
<source>Transaction too large</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>المعاملة طويلة جدا</translation>
<source>Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 0)</source>
@@ -3199,11 +3200,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحذير</translation>
<source>Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحذير : هذا الاصدار قديم , يتطلب التحديث</translation>
<source>Zapping all transactions from wallet...</source>
@@ -3239,7 +3240,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Upgrade wallet to latest format</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>تحديث المحفظة للنسخة الاخيرة</translation>
<source>Set key pool size to &lt;n&gt; (default: 100)</source>
@@ -3259,7 +3260,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Server private key (default: server.pem)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>المفتاح الخاص بالسيرفر (default: server.pem)</translation>
<source>This help message</source>
@@ -3295,7 +3296,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Invalid -proxy address: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>عنوان البروكسي غير صحيح : &apos;%s&apos;</translation>
<source>Unknown network specified in -onlynet: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
@@ -3319,11 +3320,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Invalid amount</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>قيمة غير صحيحة</translation>
<source>Insufficient funds</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>اموال غير كافية</translation>
<source>Loading block index...</source>
@@ -3343,7 +3344,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Cannot write default address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>لايمكن كتابة العنوان الافتراضي</translation>
@@ -3355,7 +3356,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>To use the %s option</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>لاستخدام %s الخيار</translation>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_cs.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_cs.ts
index ba4d2def35..6cc783b59e 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_cs.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_cs.ts
@@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ Adresa: %4
<source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Smaže všechny pole formuláře.</translation>
@@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ Adresa: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Odstranit</translation>
<source>Copy label</source>
@@ -1712,11 +1712,11 @@ Adresa: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vstupy...</translation>
<source>automatically selected</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>automaticky vybrané</translation>
<source>Insufficient funds!</source>
@@ -1772,7 +1772,7 @@ Adresa: %4
<source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Smaže všechny pole formuláře.</translation>
<source>Clear &amp;All</source>
@@ -1880,7 +1880,7 @@ Adresa: %4
<source>Are you sure you want to send?</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Opravdu chcete odeslat %1?</translation>
<source>added as transaction fee</source>
@@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ Adresa: %4
<source>This is a verified payment request.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Toto je ověřený požadavek k platbě.</translation>
<source>Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses</source>
@@ -1959,7 +1959,7 @@ Adresa: %4
<source>This is an unverified payment request.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Toto je neověřený požadavek k platbě.</translation>
<source>Pay To:</source>
@@ -3127,7 +3127,7 @@ například: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>RPC server options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Možnosti RPC serveru:</translation>
<source>Randomly drop 1 of every &lt;n&gt; network messages</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_da.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_da.ts
index 442a86b7c0..5795701497 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_da.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_da.ts
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
- <translation>Kopier den valgte adresse til systemets udklipsholder</translation>
+ <translation>Kopiér den valgte adresse til systemets udklipsholder</translation>
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>&amp;Copy Address</source>
- <translation>Kopier adresse</translation>
+ <translation>Kopiér adresse</translation>
<source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Copy &amp;Label</source>
- <translation>Kopier mærkat</translation>
+ <translation>Kopiér mærkat</translation>
- <translation>Rediger</translation>
+ <translation>Redigér</translation>
<source>Export Address List</source>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Encrypt wallet</source>
- <translation>Krypter tegnebog</translation>
+ <translation>Kryptér tegnebog</translation>
<source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.</source>
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Decrypt wallet</source>
- <translation>Dekrypter tegnebog</translation>
+ <translation>Dekryptér tegnebog</translation>
<source>Change passphrase</source>
@@ -261,11 +261,11 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Sign &amp;message...</source>
- <translation>Underskriv besked...</translation>
+ <translation>Underskriv besked …</translation>
<source>Synchronizing with network...</source>
- <translation>Synkroniserer med netværk...</translation>
+ <translation>Synkroniserer med netværk …</translation>
@@ -309,19 +309,19 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
- <translation>Indstillinger...</translation>
+ <translation>Indstillinger …</translation>
<source>&amp;Encrypt Wallet...</source>
- <translation>Krypter tegnebog...</translation>
+ <translation>Kryptér tegnebog …</translation>
<source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source>
- <translation>Sikkerhedskopier tegnebog...</translation>
+ <translation>Sikkerhedskopiér tegnebog …</translation>
<source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source>
- <translation>Skift adgangskode...</translation>
+ <translation>Skift adgangskode …</translation>
<source>&amp;Sending addresses...</source>
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Modify configuration options for Bitcoin</source>
- <translation>Rediger konfigurationsindstillinger af Bitcoin</translation>
+ <translation>Redigér konfigurationsindstillinger for Bitcoin</translation>
<source>Backup wallet to another location</source>
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>&amp;Verify message...</source>
- <translation>Verificér besked...</translation>
+ <translation>Verificér besked …</translation>
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
- <translation>Indstillinger</translation>
+ <translation>Opsætning</translation>
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<message numerus="yes">
<source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network</source>
- <translation><numerusform>%n aktiv(e) forbindelse(r) til Bitcoin-netværket</numerusform><numerusform>%n aktiv(e) forbindelse(r) til Bitcoin-netværket</numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n aktiv forbindelse til Bitcoin-netværket</numerusform><numerusform>%n aktive forbindelser til Bitcoin-netværket</numerusform></translation>
<source>No block source available...</source>
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ Produktet indeholder software som er udviklet af OpenSSL Project til brug i Open
<source>Catching up...</source>
- <translation>Indhenter...</translation>
+ <translation>Indhenter …</translation>
<source>Sent transaction</source>
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Edit Address</source>
- <translation>Rediger adresse</translation>
+ <translation>Redigér adresse</translation>
@@ -834,11 +834,11 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Edit receiving address</source>
- <translation>Rediger modtagelsesadresse</translation>
+ <translation>Redigér modtagelsesadresse</translation>
<source>Edit sending address</source>
- <translation>Rediger afsendelsesadresse</translation>
+ <translation>Redigér afsendelsesadresse</translation>
<source>The entered address &quot;%1&quot; is already in the address book.</source>
@@ -1017,11 +1017,11 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Automatically start Bitcoin after logging in to the system.</source>
- <translation>Start Bitcoin automatisk, når der logges ind på systemet</translation>
+ <translation>Start Bitcoin automatisk, når der logges ind på systemet.</translation>
<source>&amp;Start Bitcoin on system login</source>
- <translation>Start Bitcoin, når systemet startes</translation>
+ <translation>Start Bitcoin ved systemlogin</translation>
<source>Size of &amp;database cache</source>
@@ -1097,11 +1097,11 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.</source>
- <translation>Åbn Bitcoin-klientens port på routeren automatisk. Dette virker kun, når din router understøtter UPnP og UPnP er aktiveret.</translation>
+ <translation>Åbn automatisk Bitcoin-klientens port på routeren. Dette virker kun, når din router understøtter UPnP, og UPnP er aktiveret.</translation>
<source>Map port using &amp;UPnP</source>
- <translation>Konfigurer port vha. UPnP</translation>
+ <translation>Konfigurér port vha. UPnP</translation>
<source>Proxy &amp;IP:</source>
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)</source>
- <translation>Porten på proxyen (f.eks. 9050)</translation>
+ <translation>Port for proxyen (fx 9050)</translation>
<source>SOCKS &amp;Version:</source>
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>SOCKS version of the proxy (e.g. 5)</source>
- <translation>SOCKS-version af proxyen (f.eks. 5)</translation>
+ <translation>SOCKS-version for proxyen (fx 5)</translation>
@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Startup time</source>
- <translation>Opstartstid</translation>
+ <translation>Opstartstidspunkt</translation>
@@ -1492,11 +1492,11 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Welcome to the Bitcoin RPC console.</source>
- <translation>Velkommen til Bitcoin RPC-konsollen</translation>
+ <translation>Velkommen til Bitcoin RPC-konsollen.</translation>
<source>Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; to clear screen.</source>
- <translation>Brug op og ned-piletasterne til at navigere historikken og &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; til at rydde skærmen.</translation>
+ <translation>Brug op- og ned-piletasterne til at navigere i historikken og &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; til at rydde skærmen.</translation>
<source>Type &lt;b&gt;help&lt;/b&gt; for an overview of available commands.</source>
@@ -1852,11 +1852,11 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included.</source>
- <translation>Totalen overstiger din saldo, når %1 transaktionsgebyr er inkluderet.</translation>
+ <translation>Totalen overstiger din saldo, når transaktionsgebyret på %1 er inkluderet.</translation>
<source>Duplicate address found, can only send to each address once per send operation.</source>
- <translation>Duplikeret adresse fundet. Du kan kun sende til hver adresse en gang pr. afsendelse.</translation>
+ <translation>Duplikeret adresse fundet. Du kan kun sende til hver adresse én gang pr. afsendelse.</translation>
<source>Transaction creation failed!</source>
@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Amount removed from or added to balance.</source>
- <translation>Beløb fjernet eller tilføjet balance.</translation>
+ <translation>Beløb trukket fra eller tilføjet balance.</translation>
@@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@ Adresse: %4
- <translation>Interval...</translation>
+ <translation>Interval …</translation>
<source>Received with</source>
@@ -2459,15 +2459,15 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Copy address</source>
- <translation>Kopier adresse</translation>
+ <translation>Kopiér adresse</translation>
<source>Copy label</source>
- <translation>Kopier mærkat</translation>
+ <translation>Kopiér mærkat</translation>
<source>Copy amount</source>
- <translation>Kopier beløb</translation>
+ <translation>Kopiér beløb</translation>
<source>Copy transaction ID</source>
@@ -2475,7 +2475,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Edit label</source>
- <translation>Rediger mærkat</translation>
+ <translation>Redigér mærkat</translation>
<source>Show transaction details</source>
@@ -2631,7 +2631,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect</source>
- <translation>Forbind til en knude for at modtage adresse, og afbryd</translation>
+ <translation>Forbind til en knude for at modtage adresser på andre knuder, og afbryd derefter</translation>
<source>Specify your own public address</source>
@@ -2655,7 +2655,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands</source>
- <translation>Accepter kommandolinje- og JSON-RPC-kommandoer</translation>
+ <translation>Acceptér kommandolinje- og JSON-RPC-kommandoer</translation>
<source>Bitcoin Core RPC client version</source>
@@ -2663,7 +2663,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands</source>
- <translation>Kør i baggrunden som en service, og accepter kommandoer</translation>
+ <translation>Kør i baggrunden som en service, og acceptér kommandoer</translation>
<source>Use the test network</source>
@@ -3291,7 +3291,7 @@ f.eks.: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.com
<source>Loading addresses...</source>
- <translation>Indlæser adresser...</translation>
+ <translation>Indlæser adresser …</translation>
<source>Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corrupted</source>
@@ -3343,7 +3343,7 @@ f.eks.: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.com
<source>Loading block index...</source>
- <translation>Indlæser blokindeks...</translation>
+ <translation>Indlæser blokindeks …</translation>
<source>Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open</source>
@@ -3351,7 +3351,7 @@ f.eks.: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.com
<source>Loading wallet...</source>
- <translation>Indlæser tegnebog...</translation>
+ <translation>Indlæser tegnebog …</translation>
<source>Cannot downgrade wallet</source>
@@ -3363,7 +3363,7 @@ f.eks.: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.com
- <translation>Genindlæser...</translation>
+ <translation>Genindlæser …</translation>
<source>Done loading</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_es.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_es.ts
index 8ca8360ef6..1ed40a77c2 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_es.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_es.ts
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) y el software UPnP escrito por Thomas Bernard.</t
<source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source>
- <translation>%Guardar copia del monedero...</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Guardar copia del monedero...</translation>
<source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source>
@@ -1052,11 +1052,11 @@ Dirección: %4
<source>Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>URLs de terceros (por ejemplo, un explorador de bloques) que aparecen en la pestaña de transacciones como items del menú contextual. El %s en la URL es reemplazado por el hash de la transacción. Se pueden separar múltiples URLs por una barra vertical |.</translation>
<source>Third party transaction URLs</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>URLs de transacciones de terceros</translation>
<source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source>
@@ -1977,8 +1977,7 @@ Dirección: %4
<source>Bitcoin Core is shutting down...</source>
- <translation>Bitcoin Core se está cerrando...
+ <translation>Bitcoin Core se está cerrando...</translation>
<source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_fi.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_fi.ts
index ece70f6075..dc72359590 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_fi.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_fi.ts
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Osoite: %4</translation>
<source>Third party transaction URLs</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kolmannen osapuolen rahansiirto URL:t</translation>
<source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ja.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ja.ts
index 5edfc0746a..d3a6cece87 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ja.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ja.ts
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>(un)select all</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>すべて選択/選択解除</translation>
<source>Tree mode</source>
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>なし</translation>
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>なし</translation>
<source>Confirm options reset</source>
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>名前</translation>
<source>Number of connections</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ko_KR.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ko_KR.ts
index f5d2dddbe4..fb013f4c1d 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ko_KR.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_ko_KR.ts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>새 항목(N)</translation>
<source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>닫기 (L)</translation>
<source>&amp;Copy Address</source>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;내보내기</translation>
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>선택하기 (H)</translation>
<source>Sending addresses</source>
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
<source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. It is recommended to use a new receiving address for each transaction.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>비트코인을 받을 수 있는 계좌 주소입니다. 매 거래마다 새로운 주소 사용을 권장합니다. </translation>
<source>Copy &amp;Label</source>
@@ -401,11 +401,11 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
<source>Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>지갑 주소가 자신 소유의 것인지 증명하기 위해 비트코인 주소에 서명할 수 있습니다.</translation>
<source>Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>비트코인 주소의 전자 서명 확인을 위해 첨부된 메시지가 있을 경우 이를 검증할 수 있습니다.</translation>
@@ -441,11 +441,11 @@ MIT/X11 프로그램 라이선스에 따라 배포합니다. COPYING 또는 http
<source>Show the list of used sending addresses and labels</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>한번 이상 사용된 보내는 주소와 주소 제목의 목록을 보여줍니다.</translation>
<source>Show the list of used receiving addresses and labels</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>한번 이상 사용된 받는 주소와 주소 제목의 목록을 보여줍니다.</translation>
<source>Open a bitcoin: URI or payment request</source>
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>The label associated with this address list entry</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>현재 선택된 주소 필드의 제목입니다. </translation>
<source>The address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses.</source>
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>폴더가 이미 존재합니다. 새로운 폴더 생성을 원한다면 %1 명령어를 추가하세요. </translation>
<source>Path already exists, and is not a directory.</source>
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>URI can not be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>URI의 파싱에 문제가 발생했습니다. 잘못된 비트코인 주소나 URI 파라미터 구성에 오류가 존재할 수 있습니다.</translation>
<source>Requested payment amount of %1 is too small (considered dust).</source>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Bitcoin Core didn&apos;t yet exit safely...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>비트코인 코어가 아직 안전하게 종료되지 않았습니다.</translation>
<source>Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
@@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Use this form to request payments. All fields are &lt;b&gt;optional&lt;/b&gt;.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>지급을 요청하기 위해 아래 형식을 사용하세요. 입력값은 &lt;b&gt;선택 사항&lt;/b&gt; 입니다.</translation>
<source>An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount.</source>
@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>The address to send the payment to (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>비트코인을 송금할 지갑 주소 입력하기 (예 : 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</translation>
<source>Enter a label for this address to add it to your address book</source>
@@ -2049,7 +2049,7 @@ Address: %4
<source>Enter the signing address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>메시지를 검증하기 위해 아래 칸에 각각 지갑 주소와 메시지, 전자서명을 입력하세요. (메시지 원본의 띄어쓰기, 들여쓰기, 행 나눔 등이 정확하게 입력되어야 하므로 원본을 복사해서 입력하세요) 이 기능은 메시지 검증이 주 목적이며, 네트워크 침입자에 의해 변조되지 않도록 전자서명 해독에 불필요한 시간을 소모하지 마세요. </translation>
<source>The address the message was signed with (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
@@ -2174,7 +2174,7 @@ Address: %4
<message numerus="yes">
<source>, broadcast through %n node(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n 노드를 거쳐 전파합니다.</numerusform></translation>
@@ -2278,7 +2278,7 @@ Address: %4
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n 개의 추가 블럭을 읽습니다.</numerusform></translation>
@@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ Address: %4
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>%n 개의 추가 블럭을 읽습니다.</numerusform></translation>
<source>Open until %1</source>
@@ -2560,7 +2560,7 @@ Address: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;내보내기</translation>
<source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
@@ -2721,7 +2721,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Error: This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>오류 : 해당 거래는 송금액, 다중 거래, 최근 수령한 금액의 사용 등의 이유로 최소 %s 이상의 송금 수수료가 필요합니다.</translation>
<source>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)</source>
@@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>이 빌드 버전은 정식 출시 전 테스트의 목적이며, 예기치 않은 위험과 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 채굴과 상점용 소프트웨어로 사용하는 것을 권하지 않습니다.</translation>
<source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.</source>
@@ -2773,7 +2773,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>경고 : 모든 네트워크가 동의해야 하나, 일부 채굴자들에게 문제가 있는 것으로 보입니다. </translation>
<source>Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.</source>
@@ -2781,11 +2781,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: error reading wallet.dat! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>경고 : wallet.dat 파일을 읽는 중 에러가 발생했습니다. 주소 키는 모두 정확하게 로딩되었으나 거래 데이터와 주소록 필드에서 누락이나 오류가 존재할 수 있습니다. </translation>
<source>Warning: wallet.dat corrupt, data salvaged! Original wallet.dat saved as wallet.{timestamp}.bak in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>경고 : wallet.dat가 손상되어 데이터가 복구되었습니다. 원래의 wallet.dat 파일은 %s 후에 wallet.{timestamp}.bak 이름으로 저장됩니다. 잔액과 거래 내역이 정확하지 않다면 백업 파일로 부터 복원해야 합니다. </translation>
<source>(default: 1)</source>
@@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>들여오기 중...</translation>
<source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source>
@@ -2969,7 +2969,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>사용 가능한 파일 디스크립터-File Descriptor-가 부족합니다. </translation>
<source>Prepend debug output with timestamp (default: 1)</source>
@@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>현재의 blk000??.dat 파일들로부터 블록체인 색인을 재구성합니다.</translation>
<source>Select SOCKS version for -proxy (4 or 5, default: 5)</source>
@@ -2997,7 +2997,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>원격 프로시져 호출 서비스를 위한 쓰레드 개수를 설정합니다 (기본값 : 4)</translation>
<source>Specify wallet file (within data directory)</source>
@@ -3041,11 +3041,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to change -txindex</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>-txindex를 바꾸기 위해서는 -reindex를 사용해서 데이터베이스를 재구성해야 합니다. </translation>
<source>Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file</source>
- <translation>외부 blk000??.dat 파일에서 블록 가져오기</translation>
+ <translation>외부 blk000??.dat 파일에서 블록을 가져옵니다.</translation>
<source>Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.</source>
@@ -3069,11 +3069,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Invalid amount for -minrelaytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>노드로 전달하기 위한 최저 거래 수수료가 부족합니다. - minrelaytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: &apos;%s&apos; -</translation>
<source>Invalid amount for -mintxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>최저 거래 수수료가 부족합니다. -mintxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: &apos;%s&apos;</translation>
<source>Limit size of signature cache to &lt;n&gt; entries (default: 50000)</source>
@@ -3173,7 +3173,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Start Bitcoin Core Daemon</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>비트코인 코어의 데몬 프로그램을 실행합니다.</translation>
<source>System error: </source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lt.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lt.ts
index a9898adb2b..c74fd8ab3b 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lt.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lt.ts
@@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ Adresas: %4</translation>
<source>Welcome to the Bitcoin RPC console.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Sveiki atvykę į Bitcoin RPC konsolę.</translation>
<source>Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; to clear screen.</source>
@@ -2633,7 +2633,7 @@ Adresas: %4</translation>
<source>Specify your own public address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nurodykite savo nuosavą viešą adresą</translation>
<source>Threshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: 100)</source>
@@ -3347,7 +3347,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Cannot write default address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Negalima parašyti įprasto adreso</translation>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lv_LV.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lv_LV.ts
index c17f65e125..299e4d55e0 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lv_LV.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_lv_LV.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ This is experimental software.
Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>
+Šī ir eksperimentālā programmatūra.
+Izplatīta saskaņā ar MIT/X11 programmatūras licenci, skatīt pievienoto datni COPYING vai http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+Šis produkts ietver programmatūru, ko izstrādājis OpenSSL Project izmantošanai OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) un šifrēšanas programmatūru no Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) un UPnP programmatūru no Thomas Bernard.</translation>
@@ -28,7 +33,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>(%1-biti)</translation>
@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izdzēst iezīmētās adreses no saraksta</translation>
<source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
@@ -79,11 +84,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Choose the address to send coins to</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izvēlies adresi uz kuru sūtīt bitcoins</translation>
<source>Choose the address to receive coins with</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izvēlies adresi ar kuru saņemt bitcoins</translation>
@@ -201,11 +206,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will &lt;b&gt;LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS&lt;/b&gt;!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Brīdinājums: Ja tu nošifrē savu maciņu un pazaudē paroli, tu &lt;b&gt;PAZAUDĒSI VISAS SAVAS BITCOINS&lt;/b&gt;!</translation>
<source>Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vai tu tiešām vēlies šifrēt savu maciņu?</translation>
<source>IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.</source>
@@ -249,7 +254,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Maciņa parole tika veiksmīgi nomainīta.</translation>
@@ -268,7 +273,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Node</translation>
<source>Show general overview of wallet</source>
@@ -304,31 +309,31 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation>&amp;Iespējas</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Iespējas...</translation>
<source>&amp;Encrypt Wallet...</source>
- <translation>Š&amp;ifrēt maciņu...</translation>
+ <translation>Šifrēt &amp;maciņu...</translation>
<source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source>
- <translation>&amp;Izveidot maciņa rezerves kopiju</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Maciņa Rezerves Kopija...</translation>
<source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source>
- <translation>&amp;Mainīt paroli</translation>
+ <translation>Mainīt &amp;Paroli...</translation>
<source>&amp;Sending addresses...</source>
- <translation>&amp;Adrešu sūtīšana...</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Sūtīšanas adreses...</translation>
<source>&amp;Receiving addresses...</source>
- <translation>Adrešu &amp;saņemšana...</translation>
+ <translation>Saņemšanas &amp;adreses...</translation>
<source>Open &amp;URI...</source>
- <translation>Atvērt &amp;URI</translation>
+ <translation>Atvērt &amp;URI...</translation>
<source>Importing blocks from disk...</source>
@@ -356,7 +361,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>&amp;Debug window</source>
- <translation>&amp;Debug logs</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Atkļūdošanas logs</translation>
<source>Open debugging and diagnostic console</source>
@@ -388,7 +393,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Show or hide the main Window</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Parādīt vai paslēpt galveno Logu</translation>
<source>Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet</source>
@@ -428,7 +433,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Pieprasīt maksājumus (izveido QR kodu un bitcoin: URIs)</translation>
<source>&amp;About Bitcoin Core</source>
@@ -496,7 +501,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>%1 behind</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>%1 aizmugurē</translation>
<source>Last received block was generated %1 ago.</source>
@@ -556,7 +561,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>A fatal error occurred. Bitcoin can no longer continue safely and will quit.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Radās fatāla kļūda. Bitcoin Core nevar vairs droši turpināt un tiks izslēgta.</translation>
@@ -594,7 +599,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Low Output:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zema Izeja:</translation>
<source>After Fee:</source>
@@ -606,7 +611,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>(un)select all</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>iezīmēt visus</translation>
<source>Tree mode</source>
@@ -658,11 +663,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Lock unspent</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Aizslēgt neiztērēto</translation>
<source>Unlock unspent</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atslēgt neiztērēto</translation>
<source>Copy quantity</source>
@@ -686,7 +691,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Copy low output</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopēt zemo izeju</translation>
<source>Copy change</source>
@@ -730,7 +735,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>(%1 locked)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>(%1 aizslēgts)</translation>
@@ -738,7 +743,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Putekļi</translation>
@@ -856,7 +861,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>A new data directory will be created.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tiks izveidota jauna datu mape.</translation>
@@ -868,11 +873,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Path already exists, and is not a directory.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Šāds ceļš jau pastāv un tā nav mape.</translation>
<source>Cannot create data directory here.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Šeit nevar izveidot datu mapi.</translation>
@@ -942,11 +947,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Use the default data directory</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izmantot noklusēto datu mapi</translation>
<source>Use a custom data directory:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izmantot pielāgotu datu mapi:</translation>
@@ -1020,7 +1025,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Size of &amp;database cache</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;Datubāzes kešatmiņas izmērs</translation>
@@ -1028,19 +1033,19 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Number of script &amp;verification threads</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Skriptu &amp;pārbaudes pavedienu skaits</translation>
<source>Connect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS proxy.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Savienoties ar Bitcoin tīklu caur SOCKS starpniekserveri.</translation>
<source>&amp;Connect through SOCKS proxy (default proxy):</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;Savienoties caur SOCKS starpniekserveri (noklusējuma starpniekserveris)</translation>
<source>IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Starpniekservera IP adrese (piem. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)</translation>
<source>Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |.</source>
@@ -1048,19 +1053,19 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Third party transaction URLs</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Trešo personu transakciju URLs</translation>
<source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Aktīvās komandrindas opcijas, kuras pārspēko šos iestatījumus:</translation>
<source>Reset all client options to default.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atiestatīt visus klienta iestatījumus uz noklusējumu.</translation>
<source>&amp;Reset Options</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;Atiestatīt Iestatījumus.</translation>
@@ -1100,7 +1105,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Proxy &amp;IP:</source>
- <translation>Proxy &amp;IP:</translation>
+ <translation>Starpniekservera &amp;IP:</translation>
@@ -1108,7 +1113,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)</source>
- <translation>Proxy ports (piem. 9050)</translation>
+ <translation>Starpniekservera ports (piem. 9050)</translation>
<source>SOCKS &amp;Version:</source>
@@ -1116,7 +1121,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>SOCKS version of the proxy (e.g. 5)</source>
- <translation>proxy SOCKS versija (piem. 5)</translation>
+ <translation>Starpniekservera SOCKS versija (piem. 5)</translation>
@@ -1172,7 +1177,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation>&amp;OK</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Labi</translation>
@@ -1184,11 +1189,11 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation>neviens</translation>
+ <translation>neviena</translation>
<source>Confirm options reset</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Apstiprināt iestatījumu atiestatīšanu</translation>
<source>Client restart required to activate changes.</source>
@@ -1196,7 +1201,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Client will be shutdown, do you want to proceed?</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Klients tiks izslēgts, vai vēlaties turpināt?</translation>
<source>This change would require a client restart.</source>
@@ -1204,7 +1209,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>The supplied proxy address is invalid.</source>
- <translation>Norādītā proxy adrese nav derīga.</translation>
+ <translation>Norādītā starpniekservera adrese nav derīga.</translation>
@@ -1231,11 +1236,11 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Neizšķirts:</translation>
<source>Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopējā apstiprināmo transakciju vērtība, vēl nav ieskaitīta tērējamajā bilancē</translation>
@@ -1247,7 +1252,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation>Kopā:</translation>
+ <translation>Kopsumma:</translation>
<source>Your current total balance</source>
@@ -1266,7 +1271,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>URI handling</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>URI apstrāde</translation>
<source>URI can not be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters.</source>
@@ -1278,11 +1283,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Payment request error</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Maksājumu pieprasījuma kļūda</translation>
<source>Cannot start bitcoin: click-to-pay handler</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nevar palaist Bitcoin: nospied-lai-maksātu apstrādātāju</translation>
<source>Net manager warning</source>
@@ -1310,7 +1315,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Refund from %1</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atmaksa no %1</translation>
<source>Error communicating with %1: %2</source>
@@ -1326,11 +1331,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Payment acknowledged</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Maksājums atzīts</translation>
<source>Network request error</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tīkla pieprasījuma kļūda</translation>
@@ -1353,7 +1358,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Bitcoin Core didn&apos;t yet exit safely...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Bitcoin Core vel neizgāja droši...</translation>
<source>Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
@@ -1399,11 +1404,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Debug window</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atkļūdošanas logs</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vispārējs</translation>
<source>Using OpenSSL version</source>
@@ -1463,11 +1468,11 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ie.:</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Iz.:</translation>
<source>Build date</source>
@@ -1475,7 +1480,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Debug log file</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atkļūdošanas žurnāla datne</translation>
<source>Open the Bitcoin debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.</source>
@@ -1546,7 +1551,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>R&amp;euse an existing receiving address (not recommended)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>&amp;Atkārtoti izmantot esošo saņemšanas adresi (nav ieteicams)</translation>
<source>An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Bitcoin network.</source>
@@ -1582,7 +1587,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Parādīt atlasītos pieprasījumus (tas pats, kas dubultklikšķis uz ieraksta)</translation>
@@ -1590,7 +1595,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Remove the selected entries from the list</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Noņemt atlasītos ierakstus no saraksta.</translation>
@@ -1625,7 +1630,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>&amp;Save Image...</source>
- <translation>&amp;Saglabāt Attēlu</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Saglabāt Attēlu...</translation>
<source>Request payment to %1</source>
@@ -1707,15 +1712,15 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ieejas...</translation>
<source>automatically selected</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>automātiski atlasīts</translation>
<source>Insufficient funds!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nepietiekami līdzekļi!</translation>
@@ -1739,7 +1744,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Low Output:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zema Izeja:</translation>
<source>After Fee:</source>
@@ -1819,7 +1824,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Copy low output</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopēt zemās izejas</translation>
<source>Copy change</source>
@@ -1835,7 +1840,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>The recipient address is not valid, please recheck.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Saņēmēja adrese ir nepareiza, lūdzu pārbaudi.</translation>
<source>The amount to pay must be larger than 0.</source>
@@ -1863,7 +1868,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Brīdinājums: Nederīga Bitcoin adrese</translation>
<source>(no label)</source>
@@ -1871,7 +1876,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Warning: Unknown change address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Brīdinājums: Nezināma atlikuma adrese</translation>
<source>Are you sure you want to send?</source>
@@ -1887,7 +1892,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Invalid payment address %1</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nederīga maksājuma adrese %1</translation>
@@ -1914,7 +1919,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Choose previously used address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izvēlies iepriekš izmantoto adresi</translation>
<source>This is a normal payment.</source>
@@ -1962,7 +1967,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Memo:</translation>
@@ -1973,7 +1978,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Neizslēdziet datoru kamēr šis logs nepazūd.</translation>
@@ -1992,11 +1997,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>The address to sign the message with (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Adrese ar kuru parakstīt ziņojumu (piem. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</translation>
<source>Choose previously used address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Izvēlies iepriekš izmantoto adresi</translation>
@@ -2012,7 +2017,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Enter the message you want to sign here</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Šeit ievadi ziņojumu kuru vēlies parakstīt</translation>
@@ -2020,11 +2025,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Copy the current signature to the system clipboard</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopēt parakstu uz sistēmas starpliktuvi</translation>
<source>Sign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Parakstīt ziņojumu lai pierādītu, ka esi šīs Bitcoin adreses īpašnieks.</translation>
<source>Sign &amp;Message</source>
@@ -2032,7 +2037,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Reset all sign message fields</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atiestatīt visus laukus</translation>
<source>Clear &amp;All</source>
@@ -2048,7 +2053,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>The address the message was signed with (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Adrese ar kādu ziņojums tika parakstīts (piem. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</translation>
<source>Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin address</source>
@@ -2060,7 +2065,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Reset all verify message fields</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atiestatīt visus laukus</translation>
<source>Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
@@ -2072,23 +2077,23 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>The entered address is invalid.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ievadītā adrese ir nederīga.</translation>
<source>Please check the address and try again.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Lūdzu pārbaudi adresi un mēģini vēlreiz.</translation>
<source>The entered address does not refer to a key.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ievadītā adrese neattiecas uz atslēgu.</translation>
<source>Wallet unlock was cancelled.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Maciņa atslēgšana tika atcelta.</translation>
<source>Private key for the entered address is not available.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Privātā atslēga priekš ievadītās adreses nav pieejama.</translation>
<source>Message signing failed.</source>
@@ -2104,11 +2109,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Please check the signature and try again.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Lūdzu pārbaudi parakstu un mēģini vēlreiz.</translation>
<source>The signature did not match the message digest.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Paraksts neatbilda ziņojuma apkopojumam.</translation>
<source>Message verification failed.</source>
@@ -2149,7 +2154,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>pretrunā</translation>
@@ -2181,7 +2186,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ģenerēts</translation>
@@ -2193,15 +2198,15 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>own address</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>paša adrese</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>etiķete</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kredīts</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>matures in %n more block(s)</source>
@@ -2209,11 +2214,11 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>not accepted</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>nav pieņemts</translation>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Debets</translation>
<source>Transaction fee</source>
@@ -2237,7 +2242,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tirgotājs</translation>
<source>Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to &quot;not accepted&quot; and it won&apos;t be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.</source>
@@ -2245,7 +2250,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Debug information</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atkļūdošanas informācija</translation>
@@ -2253,7 +2258,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ieejas</translation>
@@ -2273,7 +2278,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>Atvērts vel %n blokus</numerusform><numerusform>Atvērts vel %n bloku</numerusform><numerusform>Atvērts vel %n blokus</numerusform></translation>
@@ -2315,7 +2320,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>Atvērts vel %n blokus</numerusform><numerusform>Atvērts vel %n bloku</numerusform><numerusform>Atvērts vel %n blokus</numerusform></translation>
<source>Open until %1</source>
@@ -2347,7 +2352,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Pretrunā</translation>
<source>Received with</source>
@@ -2494,7 +2499,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>The transaction history was successfully saved to %1.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakciju vēsture tika veiksmīgi saglabāta uz %1.</translation>
<source>Comma separated file (*.csv)</source>
@@ -2555,7 +2560,7 @@ Adrese: %4
- <translation>&amp;Eksportēt...</translation>
+ <translation>&amp;Eksportēt</translation>
<source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
@@ -2654,7 +2659,7 @@ Adrese: %4
<source>Bitcoin Core RPC client version</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Bitcoin Core RPC klienta versija</translation>
<source>Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands</source>
@@ -2764,7 +2769,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: Please check that your computer&apos;s date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong Bitcoin will not work properly.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Brīdinājums: Lūdzu pārbaudi vai tava datora datums un laiks ir pareizs! Ja pulkstenis ir nepareizs, Bitcoin Core nestrādās pareizi.</translation>
<source>Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.</source>
@@ -2784,11 +2789,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>(default: 1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>(noklusējums: 1)</translation>
<source>(default: wallet.dat)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>(noklusējums: wallet.dat)</translation>
<source>&lt;category&gt; can be:</source>
@@ -2796,7 +2801,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Mēģināt atgūt privātās atslēgas no bojāta wallet.dat</translation>
<source>Bitcoin Core Daemon</source>
@@ -2812,11 +2817,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Connect only to the specified node(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Savienoties tikai ar norādītajām nodēm.</translation>
<source>Connect through SOCKS proxy</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Savienoties caur SOCKS starpniekserveri</translation>
<source>Connect to JSON-RPC on &lt;port&gt; (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)</source>
@@ -2824,7 +2829,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Connection options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Savienojuma iestatījumi:</translation>
<source>Corrupted block database detected</source>
@@ -2832,7 +2837,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Debugging/Testing options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atkļūdošanas/Testēšanas iestatījumi:</translation>
<source>Disable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0)</source>
@@ -2860,7 +2865,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Error loading block database</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kļūda ielādējot bloku datubāzi</translation>
<source>Error opening block database</source>
@@ -2868,15 +2873,15 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Error: Disk space is low!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kļūda: Zema diska vieta!</translation>
<source>Error: Wallet locked, unable to create transaction!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kļūda: Maciņš ir aizslēgts, nevar izveidot transakciju!</translation>
<source>Error: system error: </source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kļūda: sistēmas kļūda:</translation>
<source>Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.</source>
@@ -2932,11 +2937,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Find peers using DNS lookup (default: 1 unless -connect)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Atrast pīrus izmantojot DNS uzmeklēšanu (noklusējums: 1 ja nav -connect)</translation>
<source>Force safe mode (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Piespiest drošo režīmu (noklusējums: 0)</translation>
<source>Generate coins (default: 0)</source>
@@ -2952,7 +2957,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Importē...</translation>
<source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source>
@@ -3000,7 +3005,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Spend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: 1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tērēt neapstiprinātu atlikumu kad sūta transakcijas (noklusējums: 1)</translation>
<source>This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.</source>
@@ -3020,7 +3025,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Wait for RPC server to start</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Uzgaidi līdz RPC serveris palaižas</translation>
<source>Wallet %s resides outside data directory %s</source>
@@ -3040,7 +3045,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Importēt blokus no ārējās blk000??.dat datnes</translation>
<source>Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.</source>
@@ -3112,7 +3117,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>RPC server options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>RPC servera iestatījumi:</translation>
<source>Randomly drop 1 of every &lt;n&gt; network messages</source>
@@ -3132,7 +3137,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Send command to Bitcoin Core</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Sūtīt komandu uz Bitcoin Core</translation>
<source>Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file</source>
@@ -3152,7 +3157,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Show benchmark information (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Rādīt etalonuzdevuma informāciju (noklusējums: 0)</translation>
<source>Shrink debug.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug)</source>
@@ -3160,7 +3165,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Signing transaction failed</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakcijas parakstīšana neizdevās</translation>
<source>Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)</source>
@@ -3168,19 +3173,19 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Start Bitcoin Core Daemon</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Sākt Bitcoin Core Procesu</translation>
<source>System error: </source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Sistēmas kļūda:</translation>
<source>Transaction amount too small</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakcijas summa ir pārāk maza</translation>
<source>Transaction amounts must be positive</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakcijas summai ir jābūt pozitīvai</translation>
<source>Transaction too large</source>
@@ -3204,7 +3209,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Brīdinājums: Šī versija ir novecojusi, nepieciešams atjauninājums!</translation>
<source>Zapping all transactions from wallet...</source>
@@ -3212,7 +3217,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>on startup</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>startēšanas laikā</translation>
@@ -3220,7 +3225,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failed</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>wallet.dat ir bojāts, glābšana neizdevās</translation>
<source>Password for JSON-RPC connections</source>
@@ -3304,7 +3309,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Unknown -socks proxy version requested: %i</source>
- <translation>Pieprasīta nezināma -socks proxy versija: %i</translation>
+ <translation>Pieprasīta nezināma -socks starpniekservera versija: %i</translation>
<source>Cannot resolve -bind address: &apos;%s&apos;</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_nb.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_nb.ts
index 09ef29d871..1267ad65b9 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_nb.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_nb.ts
@@ -1049,11 +1049,11 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tredjepart URLer (f. eks. en blokkutforsker) som dukker opp i transaksjonsfanen som kontekst meny elementer. %s i URLen er erstattet med transaksjonen sin hash. Flere URLer er separert av en vertikal linje |.</translation>
<source>Third party transaction URLs</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tredjepart transaksjon URLer</translation>
<source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Adresse: %4
<source>Bitcoin Core didn&apos;t yet exit safely...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Bitcoin Core har ennå ikke avsluttet på en sikker måte...</translation>
<source>Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)</source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_pl.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_pl.ts
index cbc08dd25d..6bc177076b 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_pl.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_pl.ts
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ Adres: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>żaden</translation>
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ Adres: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>żaden</translation>
<source>Confirm options reset</source>
@@ -2340,7 +2340,7 @@ Adres: %4
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Offline</translation>
@@ -3182,7 +3182,7 @@ na przykład: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Alarm Bitcoin&quot; admin@foo
<source>Start Bitcoin Core Daemon</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Uruchom serwer Bitcoin Core</translation>
<source>System error: </source>
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_sk.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_sk.ts
index d96e9d9366..bce535fad7 100644
--- a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_sk.ts
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_sk.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ This is experimental software.
Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>
+Toto je experimentálny softvér.
+Distribuovaný pod MIT/X11 softvérovou licenciou, viď sprevádzajúci súbor COPYING alebo http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+Tento výrobok obsahuje sofvér, ktorý vyvynul OpenSSL Project pre použitie v OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) a kryptografický softvér napísaný Ericom Youngom (eay@cryptsoft.com) a UPnP softvér napísaný Thomasom Bernardom.</translation>
@@ -28,7 +33,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>(%1-bit)</translation>
@@ -209,7 +214,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>DÔLEŽITÉ: Všetky doterajšie záložné kópie peňaženky ktoré ste zhotovili by mali byť nahradené novým zašifrovaným súborom s peňaženkou. Z bezpečnostných dôvodov sa predchádzajúce kópie nezašifrovanej peňaženky stanú neužitočné keď začnete používať novú zašifrovanú peňaženku.</translation>
<source>Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!</source>
@@ -320,11 +325,11 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>&amp;Sending addresses...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Posielajúca adresa ...</translation>
<source>&amp;Receiving addresses...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Prijímajúca adresa...</translation>
<source>Open &amp;URI...</source>
@@ -444,7 +449,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Open a bitcoin: URI or payment request</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Otvoriť bitcoin URI alebo výzvu k platbe</translation>
<source>&amp;Command-line options</source>
@@ -452,7 +457,7 @@ This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the O
<source>Show the Bitcoin Core help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line options</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zobraziť pomocnú správu od Bitcoin Jadra pre získanie zoznamu dostupných možností príkazového riadku</translation>
<source>Bitcoin client</source>
@@ -673,7 +678,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Copy after fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopírovať za poplatok</translation>
<source>Copy bytes</source>
@@ -685,7 +690,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Copy low output</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopírovať malý výstup.</translation>
<source>Copy change</source>
@@ -749,31 +754,31 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>This label turns red, if the transaction size is greater than 1000 bytes.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tento popis zčervená ak veľkosť transakcie presiahne 1000 bytov.</translation>
<source>This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>To znamená že požadovaný poplatok je aspoň %1 za kB.</translation>
<source>Can vary +/- 1 byte per input.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Môže sa pohybovať +/- 1 bajt pre vstup.</translation>
<source>Transactions with higher priority are more likely to get included into a block.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakcie s vysokou prioritou sa pravdepodobnejsie dostanú do bloku.</translation>
<source>This label turns red, if the priority is smaller than &quot;medium&quot;.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tento popis zčervenie ak je priorita nižčia ako &quot;medium&quot;.</translation>
<source>This label turns red, if any recipient receives an amount smaller than %1.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tento popis zčervenie ak ktorýkoľvek príjemca dostane sumu menšiu ako %1.</translation>
<source>This means a fee of at least %1 is required.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>To znamená že je požadovaný poplatok aspoň %1.</translation>
<source>Amounts below 0.546 times the minimum relay fee are shown as dust.</source>
@@ -781,7 +786,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>This label turns red, if the change is smaller than %1.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Tento popis zžervenie ak výdavok je menší než %1.</translation>
<source>(no label)</source>
@@ -910,7 +915,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Set SSL root certificates for payment request (default: -system-)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nastaviť koreňový certifikát pre výzvy na platbu (prednastavené: -system-)</translation>
<source>Show splash screen on startup (default: 1)</source>
@@ -918,7 +923,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Choose data directory on startup (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zvoľte dátový priečinok pri štarte (prednastavené: 0)</translation>
@@ -933,7 +938,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where Bitcoin Core will store its data.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Keďže spúštate program prvý krát, môžte si vybrať kde bude Bitcoin Jadro ukladať svoje dáta.</translation>
<source>Bitcoin Core will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain. At least %1GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. The wallet will also be stored in this directory.</source>
@@ -1027,7 +1032,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Number of script &amp;verification threads</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Počet skript overujucich vlákien</translation>
<source>Connect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS proxy.</source>
@@ -1051,7 +1056,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Aktévne možnosti príkazového riadku ktoré prepíšu možnosti vyššie:</translation>
<source>Reset all client options to default.</source>
@@ -1067,7 +1072,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>(0 = auto, &lt;0 = leave that many cores free)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>(0 = auto, &lt;0 = nechať toľko jadier voľných)</translation>
@@ -1083,11 +1088,11 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ak vypnete míňanie nepotvrdeného výdavku tak výdavok z transakcie bude možné použiť až keď daná transakcia bude mať aspoň jedno potvrdenie. Toto má vplyv aj na výpočet vášho zostatku.</translation>
<source>&amp;Spend unconfirmed change</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Minúť nepotvrdený výdavok</translation>
<source>Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.</source>
@@ -1281,7 +1286,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Cannot start bitcoin: click-to-pay handler</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nedá sa spustiť obslužný program bitcoin: click-to-pay zaplatiť kliknutím</translation>
<source>Net manager warning</source>
@@ -1289,19 +1294,19 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Your active proxy doesn&apos;t support SOCKS5, which is required for payment requests via proxy.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vaše aktívne proxy nepodporuje SOCKS5, ktoré je potrebné pre vyzvu na zaplatenie cez proxy.</translation>
<source>Payment request fetch URL is invalid: %1</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>URL pre stiahnutie výzvy na zaplatenie je neplatné: %1</translation>
<source>Payment request file handling</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Obsluha súboru s požiadavkou na platbu</translation>
<source>Payment request file can not be read or processed! This can be caused by an invalid payment request file.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Súbor s výzvou na zaplatenie sa nedá čítať alebo spracovať! To môže byť spôsobené aj neplatným súborom s výzvou.</translation>
<source>Unverified payment requests to custom payment scripts are unsupported.</source>
@@ -1317,7 +1322,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Payment request can not be parsed or processed!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Požiadavka na platbu nemôže byť analyzovaná alebo spracovaná!</translation>
<source>Bad response from server %1</source>
@@ -1344,7 +1349,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1. Only use key=value syntax.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Chyba: Nedá sa rozlúštit súbor s nastaveniami: %1. Používajte výlučne kľúč=hodnota syntax.</translation>
<source>Error: Invalid combination of -regtest and -testnet.</source>
@@ -1478,7 +1483,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Open the Bitcoin debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Otvoriť Bitcoin log súbor pre ladenie z aktuálneho dátového adresára. Toto môže trvať niekoľko sekúnd pre veľké súbory.</translation>
<source>Clear console</source>
@@ -1541,15 +1546,15 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Reuse one of the previously used receiving addresses. Reusing addresses has security and privacy issues. Do not use this unless re-generating a payment request made before.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Znovu použiť jednu z už použitých adries pre prijímanie. Znovu používanie adries je sporná otázka bezpečnosti aj súkromia. Používajte to len v prípade ak znovu generujete výzvu na zaplatenie ktorú ste už vyrobili v minulosti.</translation>
<source>R&amp;euse an existing receiving address (not recommended)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Znovu použiť jestvujúcu prijímaciu adresu (neodporúča sa)</translation>
<source>An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Bitcoin network.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Pridať voliteľnú správu k výzve na zaplatenie, ktorá sa zobrazí keď bude výzva otvorená. Poznámka: Správa nebude poslaná s platbou cez sieť Bitcoin.</translation>
<source>An optional label to associate with the new receiving address.</source>
@@ -1561,7 +1566,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Voliteľná požadovaná suma. Nechajte prázdne alebo nulu ak nepožadujete určitú sumu.</translation>
<source>Clear all fields of the form.</source>
@@ -1750,7 +1755,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ak aktivované ale adresa pre výdavok je prázdna alebo neplatná, výdavok bude poslaný na novovytvorenú adresu.</translation>
<source>Custom change address</source>
@@ -1806,7 +1811,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Copy after fee</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopírovať za poplatok</translation>
<source>Copy bytes</source>
@@ -1818,7 +1823,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Copy low output</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Kopírovať nízky výstup</translation>
<source>Copy change</source>
@@ -1858,7 +1863,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakcia bola zamietnutá! Toto sa môže stať ak niektoré coins vo vašej peňaženke už boli minuté, ako keď použijete kópiu wallet.dat a coins boli minuté z kópie ale neoznačené ako minuté tu.</translation>
<source>Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address</source>
@@ -1945,11 +1950,11 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vložte popis pre túto adresu aby sa uložila do zoznamu použitých adries</translation>
<source>A message that was attached to the bitcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Bitcoin network.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Správa ktorá bola pripojená k bitcoin: URI a ktorá bude uložená s transakcou pre Vaše potreby. Poznámka: Táto správa nebude poslaná cez sieť Bitcoin.</translation>
<source>This is an unverified payment request.</source>
@@ -2240,7 +2245,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to &quot;not accepted&quot; and it won&apos;t be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vytvorené coins musia dospieť %1 blokov kým môžu byť minuté. Keď vytvoríte tento blok, bude rozoslaný do siete aby bol akceptovaný do reťaze blokov. Ak sa nedostane reťaze, jeho stav sa zmení na &quot;zamietnutý&quot; a nebude sa dať minúť. Toto sa môže občas stať ak iná nóda vytvorí blok približne v tom istom čase.</translation>
<source>Debug information</source>
@@ -2272,7 +2277,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>Otvoriť pre %n viac blok</numerusform><numerusform>Otvoriť pre %n viac blokov </numerusform><numerusform>Otvoriť pre %n viac blokov </numerusform></translation>
@@ -2314,7 +2319,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Open for %n more block(s)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform><numerusform></numerusform></translation>
+ <translation><numerusform>Otvorené pre ešte %1 blok</numerusform><numerusform>Otvorené pre %n viac blokov </numerusform><numerusform>Otvorené pre %n blokov</numerusform></translation>
<source>Open until %1</source>
@@ -2485,7 +2490,7 @@ Adresa: %4</translation>
<source>There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vyskytla sa chyba pri pokuse o uloženie histórie transakcií do %1.</translation>
<source>Exporting Successful</source>
@@ -2679,11 +2684,21 @@ If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems;
for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.com
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>%s, musíte nastaviť rpcpassword heslo v súbore nastavení:
+Odporúča sa používať nasledujúce náhodné heslo:
+(nemusíte si pamätať toto heslo)
+Užívateľské meno a heslo NESMÚ byť rovnaké.
+Ak súbor neexistuje, vytvorte ho s prístupovým právom owner-readable-only čitateľné len pre majiteľa.
+Tiež sa odporúča nastaviť alertnotify aby ste boli upozorňovaní na problémy;
+napríklad: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Výstraha&quot; admin@foo.com
<source>Acceptable ciphers (default: TLSv1.2+HIGH:TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES:@STRENGTH)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Prijateľlné šifry (prednastavené: TLSv1.2+HIGH:TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES:@STRENGTH)</translation>
<source>An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv6, falling back to IPv4: %s</source>
@@ -2695,7 +2710,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Continuously rate-limit free transactions to &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes per minute (default:15)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Priebežne obmedzuj transakcie bez poplatku na &lt;n&gt;*1000 bajtov za minútu (prednastavené: 15)</translation>
<source>Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly. This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.</source>
@@ -2703,19 +2718,19 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vojsť do režimu regresného testovania, ktorý používa špeciálnu reťaz v ktorej môžu byť bloky v okamihu vyriešené.</translation>
<source>Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %d)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Chyba: Zlyhalo počúvanie prichádzajúcich spojení (listen vrátil chybu %d)</translation>
<source>Error: The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Transakcia bola zamietnutá! Toto sa môže stať ak niektoré coins vo vašej peňaženke už boli minuté, ako keď použijete kópiu wallet.dat a coins boli minuté z kópie ale neoznačené ako minuté tu.</translation>
<source>Error: This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds!</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Chyba: Táto transakcia vyžaduje transakčný poplatok aspoň %s kvôli svojej sume, komplexite alebo použitiu nedávno prijatých prostriedkov.</translation>
<source>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)</source>
@@ -2723,39 +2738,39 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Fees smaller than this are considered zero fee (for transaction creation) (default:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Poplatky menšie než toto sa považujú za nulové (pre vytvorenie transakcie) (prednastavené:</translation>
<source>Flush database activity from memory pool to disk log every &lt;n&gt; megabytes (default: 100)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Odložiť aktivitu databázy spoločnej pamäti do logu na disku každých &lt;n&gt; megabajtov (prednastavené: 100)</translation>
<source>How thorough the block verification of -checkblocks is (0-4, default: 3)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ako dôkladne sú overované bloky -checkblocks (0-4, prednastavené: 3)</translation>
<source>In this mode -genproclimit controls how many blocks are generated immediately.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>V tomto režime -getproclimit kontroluje koľko blokov sa vytvorí okamžite.</translation>
<source>Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, &lt;0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nastaviť počeť vlákien overujúcich skripty (%u až %d, 0 = auto, &lt;0 = nechať toľkoto jadier voľných, prednastavené: %d)</translation>
<source>Set the processor limit for when generation is on (-1 = unlimited, default: -1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nastaviť obmedzenie pre procesor keď je zapnuté generovanie (-1 = bez obmedzenia, prednastavené: -1)</translation>
<source>This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Toto je pred-testovacia verzia - použitie je na vlastné riziko - nepoužívajte na tvorbu bitcoin ani obchodovanie.</translation>
<source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nepodarilo sa pripojiť na %s na tomto počítači. Bitcoin Jadro je už pravdepodobne spustené.</translation>
<source>Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services (default: -proxy)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Použite rozdielne SOCKS5 proxy pre dosiahnutie peer-ov cez Tor skryté služby (prednastavené: -proxy)</translation>
<source>Warning: -paytxfee is set very high! This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction.</source>
@@ -2763,15 +2778,17 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: Please check that your computer&apos;s date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong Bitcoin will not work properly.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Varovanie: Skontroluj či je na počítači nastavený správny čas a dátum. Ak sú hodiny nastavené nesprávne, Bitcoin nebude správne pracovať.</translation>
<source>Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Varovanie: Javí sa že sieť sieť úplne nesúhlasí! Niektorí mineri zjavne majú ťažkosti.
+The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.</translation>
<source>Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Varovanie: Zjavne sa úplne nezhodujeme s našimi peer-mi! Možno potrebujete prejsť na novšiu verziu alebo ostatné nódy potrebujú vyššiu verziu.</translation>
<source>Warning: error reading wallet.dat! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.</source>
@@ -2779,7 +2796,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: wallet.dat corrupt, data salvaged! Original wallet.dat saved as wallet.{timestamp}.bak in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Varovanie: wallet.dat je poškodený, údaje úspešne získané! Pôvodný wallet.dat uložený ako wallet.{timestamp}.bak v %s; ak váš zostatok alebo transakcie niesu správne, mali by ste súbor obnoviť zo zálohy.</translation>
<source>(default: 1)</source>
@@ -2799,7 +2816,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Bitcoin Core Daemon</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Démon Jadro Bitcoin</translation>
<source>Block creation options:</source>
@@ -2807,7 +2824,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Clear list of wallet transactions (diagnostic tool; implies -rescan)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vyčistiť zoznam transakcií peňaženky (diagnostický nástroj; zahŕňa -rescan)</translation>
<source>Connect only to the specified node(s)</source>
@@ -2819,7 +2836,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Connect to JSON-RPC on &lt;port&gt; (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Pripojiť ku JSON-RPC na &lt;port&gt; (prednastavené: 8332 alebo testnet: 18332)</translation>
<source>Connection options:</source>
@@ -2835,7 +2852,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Disable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vypnúť bezpečný režim, vypnúť udalosť skutočný bezpečný režim (prednastavené: 0)</translation>
<source>Discover own IP address (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip)</source>
@@ -2843,7 +2860,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nenahrat peňaženku a zablokovať volania RPC.</translation>
<source>Do you want to rebuild the block database now?</source>
@@ -2907,11 +2924,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Failed to write file info</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zlyhalo zapisovanie informácié o súbore</translation>
<source>Failed to write to coin database</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zlyhalo zapisovanie do databázy coins</translation>
<source>Failed to write transaction index</source>
@@ -2927,7 +2944,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Fees smaller than this are considered zero fee (for relaying) (default:</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Poplatky menšie než toto sa považujú za nulové (pre preposielanie) (prednastavené:</translation>
<source>Find peers using DNS lookup (default: 1 unless -connect)</source>
@@ -2935,7 +2952,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Force safe mode (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vnútiť bezpečný režim (prenastavené: 0)</translation>
<source>Generate coins (default: 0)</source>
@@ -2947,7 +2964,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>If &lt;category&gt; is not supplied, output all debugging information.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Ak nie je uvedená &lt;category&gt;, na výstupe zobrazuj všetky informácie pre ladenie.</translation>
@@ -2967,7 +2984,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Prepend debug output with timestamp (default: 1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Na začiatok logu pre ladenie vlož dátum a čas (prednastavené: 1)</translation>
<source>RPC client options:</source>
@@ -2983,7 +3000,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nastaviť veľkosť pomocnej pamäti databázy v megabajtoch (%d na %d, prednatavené: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
@@ -2999,11 +3016,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Spend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: 1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Míňať nepotvrdený výdavok pri odosielaní (prednastavené: 1)</translation>
<source>This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Toto je mienené nástrojom pre regresné testovania a vývoj programu.</translation>
<source>Usage (deprecated, use bitcoin-cli):</source>
@@ -3031,7 +3048,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Warning: Deprecated argument -debugnet ignored, use -debug=net</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Varovanie: Zastaralý parameter -debugnet bol ignorovaný, použite -debug=net</translation>
<source>You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to change -txindex</source>
@@ -3047,15 +3064,15 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Execute command when a relevant alert is received or we see a really long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vykonať príkaz keď po prijatí patričné varovanie alebo vidíme veľmi dlhé rozdvojenie siete (%s v cmd je nahradené správou)</translation>
<source>Output debugging information (default: 0, supplying &lt;category&gt; is optional)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Výstup informácií pre ladenie (prednastavené: 0, uvádzanie &lt;category&gt; je voliteľné)</translation>
<source>Set maximum size of high-priority/low-fee transactions in bytes (default: %d)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Nastaviť najväčšiu veľkosť vysoká-dôležitosť/nízke-poplatky transakcií v bajtoch (prednastavené: %d)</translation>
@@ -3071,15 +3088,15 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Limit size of signature cache to &lt;n&gt; entries (default: 50000)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Obmedziť veľkosť pomocnej pamäti pre podpisy na &lt;n&gt; vstupov (prednastavené: 50000)</translation>
<source>Log transaction priority and fee per kB when mining blocks (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zaznamenávať dôležitosť transakcií a poplatky za kB ak hľadáme bloky (prednastavené: 0)</translation>
<source>Maintain a full transaction index (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Udržiavaj úplný zoznam transakcií (prednastavené: 0)</translation>
<source>Maximum per-connection receive buffer, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes (default: 5000)</source>
@@ -3087,11 +3104,11 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Maximum per-connection send buffer, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes (default: 1000)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Maximálna veľkosť vysielacieho zásobníka pre jedno spojenie, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytov (predvolené: 1000)</translation>
<source>Only accept block chain matching built-in checkpoints (default: 1)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Akceptuj iba kontrolné body zhodné s blockchain (prednastavené: 1)</translation>
<source>Only connect to nodes in network &lt;net&gt; (IPv4, IPv6 or Tor)</source>
@@ -3099,15 +3116,15 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Print block on startup, if found in block index</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vytlač blok pri spustení, ak nájdený v zozname blokov</translation>
<source>Print block tree on startup (default: 0)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Vytlačiť strom blokov pri spustení (prednastavené: 0)</translation>
<source>RPC SSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions)</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Možnosti RPC SSL: (Pozri v Bitcoin Wiki pokyny pre SSL nastavenie)</translation>
<source>RPC server options:</source>
@@ -3119,7 +3136,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Randomly fuzz 1 of every &lt;n&gt; network messages</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Náhodne premiešaj 1 z každých &lt;n&gt; sieťových správ</translation>
<source>Run a thread to flush wallet periodically (default: 1)</source>
@@ -3207,7 +3224,7 @@ for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s &quot;Bitcoin Alert&quot; admin@foo.
<source>Zapping all transactions from wallet...</source>
- <translation type="unfinished"/>
+ <translation>Zmazať všetky transakcie z peňaženky...</translation>
<source>on startup</source>