path: root/ui.cpp
diff options
authorSatoshi Nakamoto <satoshin@gmx.com>2010-07-26 17:44:51 +0000
committerGavin Andresen <gavinandresen@gmail.com>2010-07-26 17:44:51 +0000
commitb6dc3b517b74ef2baa0e707f837a65b4ff5a6f2e (patch)
tree757fa9f209b9cb6a42c6b6e6df9e58cad074cd03 /ui.cpp
parentf0c11b1917009f1648eb42f1d17f35196fb7c539 (diff)
bitcoind now compiles without wxWidgets or wxBase
Diffstat (limited to 'ui.cpp')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ui.cpp b/ui.cpp
index 2002dd660a..3b63a936e3 100644
--- a/ui.cpp
+++ b/ui.cpp
CMainFrame* pframeMain = NULL;
CMyTaskBarIcon* ptaskbaricon = NULL;
bool fClosedToTray = false;
+wxLocale g_locale;
@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ CMainFrame::CMainFrame(wxWindow* parent) : CMainFrameBase(parent)
m_staticTextBalance->SetLabel(FormatMoney(GetBalance()) + " ");
ptaskbaricon = new CMyTaskBarIcon();
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
// Mac automatically moves wxID_EXIT, wxID_PREFERENCES and wxID_ABOUT
// to their standard places, leaving these menus empty.
GetMenuBar()->Remove(2); // remove Help menu
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ CMainFrame::CMainFrame(wxWindow* parent) : CMainFrameBase(parent)
int nDateWidth = DateTimeStr(1229413914).size() * 6 + 8;
if (!strstr(DateTimeStr(1229413914).c_str(), "2008"))
nDateWidth += 12;
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
nDateWidth += 5;
dResize -= 0.01;
@@ -1437,6 +1438,154 @@ void CTxDetailsDialog::OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event)
+// Startup folder
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+string StartupShortcutPath()
+ return MyGetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_STARTUP, true) + "\\Bitcoin.lnk";
+bool GetStartOnSystemStartup()
+ return filesystem::exists(StartupShortcutPath().c_str());
+void SetStartOnSystemStartup(bool fAutoStart)
+ // If the shortcut exists already, remove it for updating
+ remove(StartupShortcutPath().c_str());
+ if (fAutoStart)
+ {
+ CoInitialize(NULL);
+ // Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface.
+ IShellLink* psl = NULL;
+ HRESULT hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL,
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(&psl));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hres))
+ {
+ // Get the current executable path
+ TCHAR pszExePath[MAX_PATH];
+ GetModuleFileName(NULL, pszExePath, sizeof(pszExePath));
+ // Set the path to the shortcut target
+ psl->SetPath(pszExePath);
+ PathRemoveFileSpec(pszExePath);
+ psl->SetWorkingDirectory(pszExePath);
+ // Query IShellLink for the IPersistFile interface for
+ // saving the shortcut in persistent storage.
+ IPersistFile* ppf = NULL;
+ hres = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile,
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ppf));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hres))
+ {
+ // Ensure that the string is ANSI.
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, StartupShortcutPath().c_str(), -1, pwsz, MAX_PATH);
+ // Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save.
+ hres = ppf->Save(pwsz, TRUE);
+ ppf->Release();
+ }
+ psl->Release();
+ }
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
+// Follow the Desktop Application Autostart Spec:
+// http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html
+boost::filesystem::path GetAutostartDir()
+ namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+ char* pszConfigHome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
+ if (pszConfigHome) return fs::path(pszConfigHome) / fs::path("autostart");
+ char* pszHome = getenv("HOME");
+ if (pszHome) return fs::path(pszHome) / fs::path(".config/autostart");
+ return fs::path();
+boost::filesystem::path GetAutostartFilePath()
+ return GetAutostartDir() / boost::filesystem::path("bitcoin.desktop");
+bool GetStartOnSystemStartup()
+ boost::filesystem::ifstream optionFile(GetAutostartFilePath());
+ if (!optionFile.good())
+ return false;
+ // Scan through file for "Hidden=true":
+ string line;
+ while (!optionFile.eof())
+ {
+ getline(optionFile, line);
+ if (line.find("Hidden") != string::npos &&
+ line.find("true") != string::npos)
+ return false;
+ }
+ optionFile.close();
+ return true;
+void SetStartOnSystemStartup(bool fAutoStart)
+ if (!fAutoStart)
+ {
+ unlink(GetAutostartFilePath().native_file_string().c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ boost::filesystem::create_directories(GetAutostartDir());
+ boost::filesystem::ofstream optionFile(GetAutostartFilePath(), ios_base::out|ios_base::trunc);
+ if (!optionFile.good())
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("Cannot write autostart/bitcoin.desktop file"), "Bitcoin");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Write a bitcoin.desktop file to the autostart directory:
+ char pszExePath[MAX_PATH+1];
+ memset(pszExePath, 0, sizeof(pszExePath));
+ readlink("/proc/self/exe", pszExePath, sizeof(pszExePath)-1);
+ optionFile << "[Desktop Entry]\n";
+ optionFile << "Type=Application\n";
+ optionFile << "Name=Bitcoin\n";
+ optionFile << "Exec=" << pszExePath << "\n";
+ optionFile << "Terminal=false\n";
+ optionFile << "Hidden=false\n";
+ optionFile.close();
+ }
+// TODO: OSX startup stuff; see:
+// http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPSystemStartup/Articles/CustomLogin.html
+bool GetStartOnSystemStartup() { return false; }
+void SetStartOnSystemStartup(bool fAutoStart) { }
// COptionsDialog
@@ -1606,6 +1755,7 @@ void COptionsDialog::OnButtonApply(wxCommandEvent& event)
// CAboutDialog
@@ -2538,12 +2688,10 @@ wxMenu* CMyTaskBarIcon::CreatePopupMenu()
+// CMyApp
void CreateMainWindow()
@@ -2561,3 +2709,189 @@ void CreateMainWindow()
ptaskbaricon->Show(fMinimizeToTray || fClosedToTray);
CreateThread(ThreadDelayedRepaint, NULL);
+// Define a new application
+class CMyApp : public wxApp
+ CMyApp(){};
+ ~CMyApp(){};
+ bool OnInit();
+ bool OnInit2();
+ int OnExit();
+ // Hook Initialize so we can start without GUI
+ virtual bool Initialize(int& argc, wxChar** argv);
+ // 2nd-level exception handling: we get all the exceptions occurring in any
+ // event handler here
+ virtual bool OnExceptionInMainLoop();
+ // 3rd, and final, level exception handling: whenever an unhandled
+ // exception is caught, this function is called
+ virtual void OnUnhandledException();
+ // and now for something different: this function is called in case of a
+ // crash (e.g. dereferencing null pointer, division by 0, ...)
+ virtual void OnFatalException();
+bool CMyApp::Initialize(int& argc, wxChar** argv)
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0]))
+ fCommandLine = true;
+ if (!fCommandLine)
+ {
+ // wxApp::Initialize will remove environment-specific parameters,
+ // so it's too early to call ParseParameters yet
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ wxString str = argv[i];
+ #ifdef __WXMSW__
+ if (str.size() >= 1 && str[0] == '/')
+ str[0] = '-';
+ char pszLower[MAX_PATH];
+ strlcpy(pszLower, str.c_str(), sizeof(pszLower));
+ strlwr(pszLower);
+ str = pszLower;
+ #endif
+ if (str == "-daemon")
+ fDaemon = true;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __WXGTK__
+ if (fDaemon || fCommandLine)
+ {
+ // Call the original Initialize while suppressing error messages
+ // and ignoring failure. If unable to initialize GTK, it fails
+ // near the end so hopefully the last few things don't matter.
+ {
+ wxLogNull logNo;
+ wxApp::Initialize(argc, argv);
+ }
+ if (fDaemon)
+ {
+ // Daemonize
+ pid_t pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: fork() returned %d errno %d\n", pid, errno);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pid > 0)
+ pthread_exit((void*)0);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return wxApp::Initialize(argc, argv);
+bool CMyApp::OnInit()
+#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(__WXDEBUG__) && defined(GUI)
+ // Disable malfunctioning wxWidgets debug assertion
+ extern int g_isPainting;
+ g_isPainting = 10000;
+#ifdef GUI
+ wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
+#if defined(__WXMSW__ ) || defined(__WXMAC_OSX__)
+ SetAppName("Bitcoin");
+ SetAppName("bitcoin");
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ // Hack to set wxConvLibc codepage to UTF-8 on Windows,
+ // may break if wxMBConv_win32 implementation in strconv.cpp changes.
+ class wxMBConv_win32 : public wxMBConv
+ {
+ public:
+ long m_CodePage;
+ size_t m_minMBCharWidth;
+ };
+ if (((wxMBConv_win32*)&wxConvLibc)->m_CodePage == CP_ACP)
+ ((wxMBConv_win32*)&wxConvLibc)->m_CodePage = CP_UTF8;
+ // Load locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/bitcoin.mo language file
+ g_locale.Init(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT, 0);
+ g_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix("locale");
+#ifndef __WXMSW__
+ g_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix("/usr/share/locale");
+ g_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix("/usr/local/share/locale");
+ g_locale.AddCatalog("wxstd"); // wxWidgets standard translations, if any
+ g_locale.AddCatalog("bitcoin");
+ return AppInit(argc, argv);
+int CMyApp::OnExit()
+ Shutdown(NULL);
+ return wxApp::OnExit();
+bool CMyApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop()
+ try
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ PrintException(&e, "CMyApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop()");
+ wxLogWarning("Exception %s %s", typeid(e).name(), e.what());
+ Sleep(1000);
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ PrintException(NULL, "CMyApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop()");
+ wxLogWarning("Unknown exception");
+ Sleep(1000);
+ throw;
+ }
+ return true;
+void CMyApp::OnUnhandledException()
+ // this shows how we may let some exception propagate uncaught
+ try
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ PrintException(&e, "CMyApp::OnUnhandledException()");
+ wxLogWarning("Exception %s %s", typeid(e).name(), e.what());
+ Sleep(1000);
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ PrintException(NULL, "CMyApp::OnUnhandledException()");
+ wxLogWarning("Unknown exception");
+ Sleep(1000);
+ throw;
+ }
+void CMyApp::OnFatalException()
+ wxMessageBox(_("Program has crashed and will terminate. "), "Bitcoin", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);