path: root/test/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py
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authorJohn Newbery <john@johnnewbery.com>2017-03-08 15:56:30 -0500
committerJohn Newbery <john@johnnewbery.com>2017-03-20 10:40:31 -0400
commit00902c48cdc5d6a531abfd279fd8e7779cf0a0b8 (patch)
tree41891484a478a7478937fe4a12b63e6c7f31799a /test/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py
parentd34995a7bac6ed20ce42aa00c6252b900786e649 (diff)
Rename qa directory to test
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py b/test/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0dffd06e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+"""Test BIP 9 soft forks.
+Connect to a single node.
+regtest lock-in with 108/144 block signalling
+activation after a further 144 blocks
+mine 2 block and save coinbases for later use
+mine 141 blocks to transition from DEFINED to STARTED
+mine 100 blocks signalling readiness and 44 not in order to fail to change state this period
+mine 108 blocks signalling readiness and 36 blocks not signalling readiness (STARTED->LOCKED_IN)
+mine a further 143 blocks (LOCKED_IN)
+test that enforcement has not triggered (which triggers ACTIVE)
+test that enforcement has triggered
+from test_framework.blockstore import BlockStore
+from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework
+from test_framework.util import *
+from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread
+from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block
+from test_framework.comptool import TestInstance, TestManager
+from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_1NEGATE, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP
+from io import BytesIO
+import time
+import itertools
+class BIP9SoftForksTest(ComparisonTestFramework):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.num_nodes = 1
+ def setup_network(self):
+ self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir,
+ extra_args=[['-whitelist=']],
+ binary=[self.options.testbinary])
+ def run_test(self):
+ self.test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.test.add_all_connections(self.nodes)
+ NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
+ self.test.run()
+ def create_transaction(self, node, coinbase, to_address, amount):
+ from_txid = node.getblock(coinbase)['tx'][0]
+ inputs = [{ "txid" : from_txid, "vout" : 0}]
+ outputs = { to_address : amount }
+ rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(rawtx))
+ tx.deserialize(f)
+ tx.nVersion = 2
+ return tx
+ def sign_transaction(self, node, tx):
+ signresult = node.signrawtransaction(bytes_to_hex_str(tx.serialize()))
+ tx = CTransaction()
+ f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex']))
+ tx.deserialize(f)
+ return tx
+ def generate_blocks(self, number, version, test_blocks = []):
+ for i in range(number):
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(self.height), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = version
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ test_blocks.append([block, True])
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ self.height += 1
+ return test_blocks
+ def get_bip9_status(self, key):
+ info = self.nodes[0].getblockchaininfo()
+ return info['bip9_softforks'][key]
+ def test_BIP(self, bipName, activated_version, invalidate, invalidatePostSignature, bitno):
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'defined')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 0)
+ # generate some coins for later
+ self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2)
+ self.height = 3 # height of the next block to build
+ self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0)
+ self.nodeaddress = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
+ self.last_block_time = int(time.time())
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'defined')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 0)
+ tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({})
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules'])
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['vbavailable'])
+ assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0)
+ assert_equal(tmpl['version'], 0x20000000)
+ # Test 1
+ # Advance from DEFINED to STARTED
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(141, 4)
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'started')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 144)
+ tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({})
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules'])
+ assert_equal(tmpl['vbavailable'][bipName], bitno)
+ assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0)
+ assert(tmpl['version'] & activated_version)
+ # Test 2
+ # Fail to achieve LOCKED_IN 100 out of 144 signal bit 1
+ # using a variety of bits to simulate multiple parallel softforks
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, activated_version) # 0x20000001 (signalling ready)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(20, 4, test_blocks) # 0x00000004 (signalling not)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, activated_version, test_blocks) # 0x20000101 (signalling ready)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(24, 4, test_blocks) # 0x20010000 (signalling not)
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'started')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 144)
+ tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({})
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules'])
+ assert_equal(tmpl['vbavailable'][bipName], bitno)
+ assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0)
+ assert(tmpl['version'] & activated_version)
+ # Test 3
+ # 108 out of 144 signal bit 1 to achieve LOCKED_IN
+ # using a variety of bits to simulate multiple parallel softforks
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(58, activated_version) # 0x20000001 (signalling ready)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(26, 4, test_blocks) # 0x00000004 (signalling not)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, activated_version, test_blocks) # 0x20000101 (signalling ready)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(10, 4, test_blocks) # 0x20010000 (signalling not)
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'locked_in')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 432)
+ tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({})
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules'])
+ # Test 4
+ # 143 more version 536870913 blocks (waiting period-1)
+ test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(143, 4)
+ yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False)
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'locked_in')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 432)
+ tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({})
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules'])
+ # Test 5
+ # Check that the new rule is enforced
+ spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0],
+ self.coinbase_blocks[0], self.nodeaddress, 1.0)
+ invalidate(spendtx)
+ spendtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], spendtx)
+ spendtx.rehash()
+ invalidatePostSignature(spendtx)
+ spendtx.rehash()
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(self.height), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = activated_version
+ block.vtx.append(spendtx)
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ self.tip = block.sha256
+ self.height += 1
+ yield TestInstance([[block, True]])
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'active')
+ assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 576)
+ tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({})
+ assert(bipName in tmpl['rules'])
+ assert(bipName not in tmpl['vbavailable'])
+ assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0)
+ assert(not (tmpl['version'] & (1 << bitno)))
+ # Test 6
+ # Check that the new sequence lock rules are enforced
+ spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0],
+ self.coinbase_blocks[1], self.nodeaddress, 1.0)
+ invalidate(spendtx)
+ spendtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], spendtx)
+ spendtx.rehash()
+ invalidatePostSignature(spendtx)
+ spendtx.rehash()
+ block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(self.height), self.last_block_time + 1)
+ block.nVersion = 5
+ block.vtx.append(spendtx)
+ block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
+ block.rehash()
+ block.solve()
+ self.last_block_time += 1
+ yield TestInstance([[block, False]])
+ # Restart all
+ self.test.block_store.close()
+ stop_nodes(self.nodes)
+ shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.setup_chain()
+ self.setup_network()
+ self.test.block_store = BlockStore(self.options.tmpdir)
+ self.test.clear_all_connections()
+ self.test.add_all_connections(self.nodes)
+ NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
+ def get_tests(self):
+ for test in itertools.chain(
+ self.test_BIP('csv', 0x20000001, self.sequence_lock_invalidate, self.donothing, 0),
+ self.test_BIP('csv', 0x20000001, self.mtp_invalidate, self.donothing, 0),
+ self.test_BIP('csv', 0x20000001, self.donothing, self.csv_invalidate, 0)
+ ):
+ yield test
+ def donothing(self, tx):
+ return
+ def csv_invalidate(self, tx):
+ """Modify the signature in vin 0 of the tx to fail CSV
+ Prepends -1 CSV DROP in the scriptSig itself.
+ """
+ tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([OP_1NEGATE, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP] +
+ list(CScript(tx.vin[0].scriptSig)))
+ def sequence_lock_invalidate(self, tx):
+ """Modify the nSequence to make it fails once sequence lock rule is
+ activated (high timespan).
+ """
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = 0x00FFFFFF
+ tx.nLockTime = 0
+ def mtp_invalidate(self, tx):
+ """Modify the nLockTime to make it fails once MTP rule is activated."""
+ # Disable Sequence lock, Activate nLockTime
+ tx.vin[0].nSequence = 0x90FFFFFF
+ tx.nLockTime = self.last_block_time
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ BIP9SoftForksTest().main()