path: root/test/functional
diff options
authorAndrew Chow <github@achow101.com>2023-07-03 19:28:58 -0400
committerAndrew Chow <github@achow101.com>2023-08-23 16:49:41 -0400
commit538939ec39e146bedffb80cf84849a450ea8fead (patch)
tree599a51815eda9530343ec1dafd28edfee2170f53 /test/functional
parent6d4699028b17cb33953f7d11764e06069dd58915 (diff)
test: Run upgrade test on all nodes
Diffstat (limited to 'test/functional')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/test/functional/wallet_backwards_compatibility.py b/test/functional/wallet_backwards_compatibility.py
index e114e05867..03da63f9ec 100755
--- a/test/functional/wallet_backwards_compatibility.py
+++ b/test/functional/wallet_backwards_compatibility.py
@@ -192,8 +192,6 @@ class BackwardsCompatibilityTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# Unload wallets and copy to older nodes:
node_master_wallets_dir = node_master.wallets_path
- node_v17_wallets_dir = node_v17.wallets_path
- node_v16_wallets_dir = node_v16.wallets_path
@@ -293,79 +291,81 @@ class BackwardsCompatibilityTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
self.log.info("Test that 0.21 cannot open wallet containing tr() descriptors")
assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "map::at", node_v21.loadwallet, "w1")
- # Create upgrade wallet in v0.16
- self.restart_node(node_v16.index, extra_args=["-wallet=u1_v16"])
- wallet = node_v16.get_wallet_rpc("u1_v16")
- v16_addr = wallet.getnewaddress('', "bech32")
- v16_info = wallet.validateaddress(v16_addr)
- v16_pubkey = v16_info['pubkey']
- self.stop_node(node_v16.index)
+ self.log.info("Test that a wallet can upgrade to and downgrade from master, from:")
+ for node in descriptors_nodes if self.options.descriptors else legacy_nodes:
+ self.log.info(f"- {node.version}")
+ wallet_name = f"up_{node.version}"
+ if self.major_version_less_than(node, 17):
+ # createwallet is only available in 0.17+
+ self.restart_node(node.index, extra_args=[f"-wallet={wallet_name}"])
+ wallet_prev = node.get_wallet_rpc(wallet_name)
+ address = wallet_prev.getnewaddress('', "bech32")
+ addr_info = wallet_prev.validateaddress(address)
+ else:
+ if self.major_version_at_least(node, 21):
+ node.rpc.createwallet(wallet_name=wallet_name, descriptors=self.options.descriptors)
+ else:
+ node.rpc.createwallet(wallet_name=wallet_name)
+ wallet_prev = node.get_wallet_rpc(wallet_name)
+ address = wallet_prev.getnewaddress('', "bech32")
+ addr_info = wallet_prev.getaddressinfo(address)
+ hdkeypath = addr_info["hdkeypath"].replace("'", "h")
+ pubkey = addr_info["pubkey"]
+ # Make a backup of the wallet file
+ backup_path = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, f"{wallet_name}.dat")
+ wallet_prev.backupwallet(backup_path)
+ # Remove the wallet from old node
+ if self.major_version_at_least(node, 17):
+ wallet_prev.unloadwallet()
+ else:
+ self.stop_node(node.index)
+ # Restore the wallet to master
+ load_res = node_master.restorewallet(wallet_name, backup_path)
- self.log.info("Test wallet upgrade path...")
- # u1: regular wallet, created with v0.17
- node_v17.rpc.createwallet(wallet_name="u1_v17")
- wallet = node_v17.get_wallet_rpc("u1_v17")
- address = wallet.getnewaddress("bech32")
- v17_info = wallet.getaddressinfo(address)
- hdkeypath = v17_info["hdkeypath"].replace("'", "h")
- pubkey = v17_info["pubkey"]
- if self.is_bdb_compiled():
- # Old wallets are BDB and will only work if BDB is compiled
- # Copy the 0.16 wallet to the last Bitcoin Core version and open it:
- shutil.copyfile(
- os.path.join(node_v16_wallets_dir, "u1_v16"),
- os.path.join(node_master_wallets_dir, "u1_v16")
- )
- load_res = node_master.loadwallet("u1_v16")
# Make sure this wallet opens with only the migration warning. See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/19054
- if int(node_master.getnetworkinfo()["version"]) >= 249900:
- # loadwallet#warnings (added in v25) -- only present if there is a warning
+ if not self.options.descriptors:
# Legacy wallets will have only a deprecation warning
assert_equal(load_res["warnings"], ["Wallet loaded successfully. The legacy wallet type is being deprecated and support for creating and opening legacy wallets will be removed in the future. Legacy wallets can be migrated to a descriptor wallet with migratewallet."])
- # loadwallet#warning (deprecated in v25) -- always present, but empty string if no warning
- assert_equal(load_res["warning"], '')
- wallet = node_master.get_wallet_rpc("u1_v16")
- info = wallet.getaddressinfo(v16_addr)
- descriptor = f"wpkh([{info['hdmasterfingerprint']}{hdkeypath[1:]}]{v16_pubkey})"
- assert_equal(info["desc"], descsum_create(descriptor))
+ assert "warnings" not in load_res
- # Now copy that same wallet back to 0.16 to make sure no automatic upgrade breaks it
- node_master.unloadwallet("u1_v16")
- os.remove(os.path.join(node_v16_wallets_dir, "u1_v16"))
- shutil.copyfile(
- os.path.join(node_master_wallets_dir, "u1_v16"),
- os.path.join(node_v16_wallets_dir, "u1_v16")
- )
- self.start_node(node_v16.index, extra_args=["-wallet=u1_v16"])
- wallet = node_v16.get_wallet_rpc("u1_v16")
- info = wallet.validateaddress(v16_addr)
- assert_equal(info, v16_info)
- # Copy the 0.17 wallet to the last Bitcoin Core version and open it:
- node_v17.unloadwallet("u1_v17")
- shutil.copytree(
- os.path.join(node_v17_wallets_dir, "u1_v17"),
- os.path.join(node_master_wallets_dir, "u1_v17")
- )
- node_master.loadwallet("u1_v17")
- wallet = node_master.get_wallet_rpc("u1_v17")
+ wallet = node_master.get_wallet_rpc(wallet_name)
info = wallet.getaddressinfo(address)
descriptor = f"wpkh([{info['hdmasterfingerprint']}{hdkeypath[1:]}]{pubkey})"
assert_equal(info["desc"], descsum_create(descriptor))
- # Now copy that same wallet back to 0.17 to make sure no automatic upgrade breaks it
- node_master.unloadwallet("u1_v17")
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(node_v17_wallets_dir, "u1_v17"))
- shutil.copytree(
- os.path.join(node_master_wallets_dir, "u1_v17"),
- os.path.join(node_v17_wallets_dir, "u1_v17")
- )
- node_v17.loadwallet("u1_v17")
- wallet = node_v17.get_wallet_rpc("u1_v17")
- info = wallet.getaddressinfo(address)
- assert_equal(info, v17_info)
+ # Make backup so the wallet can be copied back to old node
+ down_wallet_name = f"re_down_{node.version}"
+ down_backup_path = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, f"{down_wallet_name}.dat")
+ wallet.backupwallet(down_backup_path)
+ wallet.unloadwallet()
+ # Check that no automatic upgrade broke the downgrading the wallet
+ if self.major_version_less_than(node, 17):
+ # loadwallet is only available in 0.17+
+ shutil.copyfile(
+ down_backup_path,
+ node.wallets_path / down_wallet_name
+ )
+ self.start_node(node.index, extra_args=[f"-wallet={down_wallet_name}"])
+ wallet_res = node.get_wallet_rpc(down_wallet_name)
+ info = wallet_res.validateaddress(address)
+ assert_equal(info, addr_info)
+ else:
+ target_dir = node.wallets_path / down_wallet_name
+ os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copyfile(
+ down_backup_path,
+ target_dir / "wallet.dat"
+ )
+ node.loadwallet(down_wallet_name)
+ wallet_res = node.get_wallet_rpc(down_wallet_name)
+ info = wallet_res.getaddressinfo(address)
+ assert_equal(info, addr_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':