path: root/test/functional/bumpfee.py
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authorAnthony Towns <aj@erisian.com.au>2018-01-25 09:44:29 +1000
committerAnthony Towns <aj@erisian.com.au>2018-01-25 09:44:29 +1000
commit90600bc7db2a8047c93bc10d403e862141ada770 (patch)
treea73505cc79fc5eff1bfae22994fb7a8a04168f7f /test/functional/bumpfee.py
parentca6523d0c8a44e0b9193367d1250a7d428d61be3 (diff)
[tests] Rename wallet_* functional tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/functional/bumpfee.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/test/functional/bumpfee.py b/test/functional/bumpfee.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2cd4127854..0000000000
--- a/test/functional/bumpfee.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-"""Test the bumpfee RPC.
-Verifies that the bumpfee RPC creates replacement transactions successfully when
-its preconditions are met, and returns appropriate errors in other cases.
-This module consists of around a dozen individual test cases implemented in the
-top-level functions named as test_<test_case_description>. The test functions
-can be disabled or reordered if needed for debugging. If new test cases are
-added in the future, they should try to follow the same convention and not
-make assumptions about execution order.
-from test_framework.blocktools import send_to_witness
-from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
-from test_framework import blocktools
-from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction
-from test_framework.util import *
-import io
-# Sequence number that is BIP 125 opt-in and BIP 68-compliant
-BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0xfffffffd
-class BumpFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
- def set_test_params(self):
- self.num_nodes = 2
- self.setup_clean_chain = True
- self.extra_args = [["-prematurewitness", "-walletprematurewitness", "-deprecatedrpc=addwitnessaddress", "-walletrbf={}".format(i)]
- for i in range(self.num_nodes)]
- def run_test(self):
- # Encrypt wallet for test_locked_wallet_fails test
- self.nodes[1].node_encrypt_wallet(WALLET_PASSPHRASE)
- self.start_node(1)
- self.nodes[1].walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT)
- connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1)
- self.sync_all()
- peer_node, rbf_node = self.nodes
- rbf_node_address = rbf_node.getnewaddress()
- # fund rbf node with 10 coins of 0.001 btc (100,000 satoshis)
- self.log.info("Mining blocks...")
- peer_node.generate(110)
- self.sync_all()
- for i in range(25):
- peer_node.sendtoaddress(rbf_node_address, 0.001)
- self.sync_all()
- peer_node.generate(1)
- self.sync_all()
- assert_equal(rbf_node.getbalance(), Decimal("0.025"))
- self.log.info("Running tests")
- dest_address = peer_node.getnewaddress()
- test_simple_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address)
- test_segwit_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_nonrbf_bumpfee_fails(peer_node, dest_address)
- test_notmine_bumpfee_fails(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address)
- test_bumpfee_with_descendant_fails(rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address)
- test_small_output_fails(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_dust_to_fee(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_settxfee(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_rebumping(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_rebumping_not_replaceable(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_unconfirmed_not_spendable(rbf_node, rbf_node_address)
- test_bumpfee_metadata(rbf_node, dest_address)
- test_locked_wallet_fails(rbf_node, dest_address)
- self.log.info("Success")
-def test_simple_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address):
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid)
- sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node))
- assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() and rbfid in peer_node.getrawmempool()
- bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)
- assert_equal(bumped_tx["errors"], [])
- assert bumped_tx["fee"] - abs(rbftx["fee"]) > 0
- # check that bumped_tx propagates, original tx was evicted and has a wallet conflict
- sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node))
- assert bumped_tx["txid"] in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- assert bumped_tx["txid"] in peer_node.getrawmempool()
- assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- assert rbfid not in peer_node.getrawmempool()
- oldwtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid)
- assert len(oldwtx["walletconflicts"]) > 0
- # check wallet transaction replaces and replaced_by values
- bumpedwtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(bumped_tx["txid"])
- assert_equal(oldwtx["replaced_by_txid"], bumped_tx["txid"])
- assert_equal(bumpedwtx["replaces_txid"], rbfid)
-def test_segwit_bumpfee_succeeds(rbf_node, dest_address):
- # Create a transaction with segwit output, then create an RBF transaction
- # which spends it, and make sure bumpfee can be called on it.
- segwit_in = next(u for u in rbf_node.listunspent() if u["amount"] == Decimal("0.001"))
- segwit_out = rbf_node.validateaddress(rbf_node.getnewaddress())
- rbf_node.addwitnessaddress(segwit_out["address"])
- segwitid = send_to_witness(
- use_p2wsh=False,
- node=rbf_node,
- utxo=segwit_in,
- pubkey=segwit_out["pubkey"],
- encode_p2sh=False,
- amount=Decimal("0.0009"),
- sign=True)
- rbfraw = rbf_node.createrawtransaction([{
- 'txid': segwitid,
- 'vout': 0,
- "sequence": BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER
- }], {dest_address: Decimal("0.0005"),
- rbf_node.getrawchangeaddress(): Decimal("0.0003")})
- rbfsigned = rbf_node.signrawtransaction(rbfraw)
- rbfid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(rbfsigned["hex"])
- assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)
- assert bumped_tx["txid"] in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
-def test_nonrbf_bumpfee_fails(peer_node, dest_address):
- # cannot replace a non RBF transaction (from node which did not enable RBF)
- not_rbfid = peer_node.sendtoaddress(dest_address, Decimal("0.00090000"))
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "not BIP 125 replaceable", peer_node.bumpfee, not_rbfid)
-def test_notmine_bumpfee_fails(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address):
- # cannot bump fee unless the tx has only inputs that we own.
- # here, the rbftx has a peer_node coin and then adds a rbf_node input
- # Note that this test depends upon the RPC code checking input ownership prior to change outputs
- # (since it can't use fundrawtransaction, it lacks a proper change output)
- utxos = [node.listunspent()[-1] for node in (rbf_node, peer_node)]
- inputs = [{
- "txid": utxo["txid"],
- "vout": utxo["vout"],
- "address": utxo["address"],
- "sequence": BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER
- } for utxo in utxos]
- output_val = sum(utxo["amount"] for utxo in utxos) - Decimal("0.001")
- rawtx = rbf_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, {dest_address: output_val})
- signedtx = rbf_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
- signedtx = peer_node.signrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"])
- rbfid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"])
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Transaction contains inputs that don't belong to this wallet",
- rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid)
-def test_bumpfee_with_descendant_fails(rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address):
- # cannot bump fee if the transaction has a descendant
- # parent is send-to-self, so we don't have to check which output is change when creating the child tx
- parent_id = spend_one_input(rbf_node, rbf_node_address)
- tx = rbf_node.createrawtransaction([{"txid": parent_id, "vout": 0}], {dest_address: 0.00020000})
- tx = rbf_node.signrawtransaction(tx)
- rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(tx["hex"])
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Transaction has descendants in the wallet", rbf_node.bumpfee, parent_id)
-def test_small_output_fails(rbf_node, dest_address):
- # cannot bump fee with a too-small output
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 50000})
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Change output is too small", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"totalFee": 50001})
-def test_dust_to_fee(rbf_node, dest_address):
- # check that if output is reduced to dust, it will be converted to fee
- # the bumped tx sets fee=49,900, but it converts to 50,000
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- fulltx = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(rbfid, 1)
- bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 49900})
- full_bumped_tx = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(bumped_tx["txid"], 1)
- assert_equal(bumped_tx["fee"], Decimal("0.00050000"))
- assert_equal(len(fulltx["vout"]), 2)
- assert_equal(len(full_bumped_tx["vout"]), 1) #change output is eliminated
-def test_settxfee(rbf_node, dest_address):
- # check that bumpfee reacts correctly to the use of settxfee (paytxfee)
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- requested_feerate = Decimal("0.00025000")
- rbf_node.settxfee(requested_feerate)
- bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)
- actual_feerate = bumped_tx["fee"] * 1000 / rbf_node.getrawtransaction(bumped_tx["txid"], True)["vsize"]
- # Assert that the difference between the requested feerate and the actual
- # feerate of the bumped transaction is small.
- assert_greater_than(Decimal("0.00001000"), abs(requested_feerate - actual_feerate))
- rbf_node.settxfee(Decimal("0.00000000")) # unset paytxfee
-def test_rebumping(rbf_node, dest_address):
- # check that re-bumping the original tx fails, but bumping the bumper succeeds
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- bumped = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 2000})
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "already bumped", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"totalFee": 3000})
- rbf_node.bumpfee(bumped["txid"], {"totalFee": 3000})
-def test_rebumping_not_replaceable(rbf_node, dest_address):
- # check that re-bumping a non-replaceable bump tx fails
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- bumped = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"totalFee": 10000, "replaceable": False})
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Transaction is not BIP 125 replaceable", rbf_node.bumpfee, bumped["txid"],
- {"totalFee": 20000})
-def test_unconfirmed_not_spendable(rbf_node, rbf_node_address):
- # check that unconfirmed outputs from bumped transactions are not spendable
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, rbf_node_address)
- rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid)["hex"]
- assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- bumpid = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)["txid"]
- assert bumpid in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- # check that outputs from the bump transaction are not spendable
- # due to the replaces_txid check in CWallet::AvailableCoins
- assert_equal([t for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == bumpid], [])
- # submit a block with the rbf tx to clear the bump tx out of the mempool,
- # then call abandon to make sure the wallet doesn't attempt to resubmit the
- # bump tx, then invalidate the block so the rbf tx will be put back in the
- # mempool. this makes it possible to check whether the rbf tx outputs are
- # spendable before the rbf tx is confirmed.
- block = submit_block_with_tx(rbf_node, rbftx)
- rbf_node.abandontransaction(bumpid)
- rbf_node.invalidateblock(block.hash)
- assert bumpid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool()
- # check that outputs from the rbf tx are not spendable before the
- # transaction is confirmed, due to the replaced_by_txid check in
- # CWallet::AvailableCoins
- assert_equal([t for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == rbfid], [])
- # check that the main output from the rbf tx is spendable after confirmed
- rbf_node.generate(1)
- assert_equal(
- sum(1 for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False)
- if t["txid"] == rbfid and t["address"] == rbf_node_address and t["spendable"]), 1)
-def test_bumpfee_metadata(rbf_node, dest_address):
- rbfid = rbf_node.sendtoaddress(dest_address, Decimal("0.00100000"), "comment value", "to value")
- bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)
- bumped_wtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(bumped_tx["txid"])
- assert_equal(bumped_wtx["comment"], "comment value")
- assert_equal(bumped_wtx["to"], "to value")
-def test_locked_wallet_fails(rbf_node, dest_address):
- rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address)
- rbf_node.walletlock()
- assert_raises_rpc_error(-13, "Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.",
- rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid)
-def spend_one_input(node, dest_address):
- tx_input = dict(
- sequence=BIP125_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, **next(u for u in node.listunspent() if u["amount"] == Decimal("0.00100000")))
- rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(
- [tx_input], {dest_address: Decimal("0.00050000"),
- node.getrawchangeaddress(): Decimal("0.00049000")})
- signedtx = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
- txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"])
- return txid
-def submit_block_with_tx(node, tx):
- ctx = CTransaction()
- ctx.deserialize(io.BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(tx)))
- tip = node.getbestblockhash()
- height = node.getblockcount() + 1
- block_time = node.getblockheader(tip)["mediantime"] + 1
- block = blocktools.create_block(int(tip, 16), blocktools.create_coinbase(height), block_time)
- block.vtx.append(ctx)
- block.rehash()
- block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
- blocktools.add_witness_commitment(block)
- block.solve()
- node.submitblock(bytes_to_hex_str(block.serialize(True)))
- return block
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- BumpFeeTest().main()