path: root/src
diff options
authorJames O'Beirne <james.obeirne@pm.me>2021-10-28 16:07:46 -0400
committerJames O'Beirne <james.obeirne@pm.me>2021-12-13 13:45:27 -0500
commit0fd599a51a700c028d6f7ed8067d2d9f6e6a04a5 (patch)
treeb3f7e049a45d00dc3e849aea9c0f5fe7c53862ed /src
parentd0c6e61f5dd3b6af818459d9d03b7ba316c5a3f7 (diff)
validation: have LoadBlockIndex account for snapshot use
Ensure that blocks past the snapshot base block (i.e. the end of the assumed-valid region of the chain) are not included in setBlockIndexCandidates for the background validation chainstate. These blocks, while fully validated and lacking the BLOCK_ASSUMED_VALID flag, *rely* on blocks which are assumed-valid, and so shouldn't be added to the IBD chainstate. Co-authored-by: Russ Yanofsky <russ@yanofsky.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 67 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp
index 110218de36..bfa7f4bbf1 100644
--- a/src/validation.cpp
+++ b/src/validation.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include <validationinterface.h>
#include <warnings.h>
+#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
@@ -3607,7 +3608,7 @@ CBlockIndex * BlockManager::InsertBlockIndex(const uint256& hash)
bool BlockManager::LoadBlockIndex(
const Consensus::Params& consensus_params,
- std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>& block_index_candidates)
+ ChainstateManager& chainman)
if (!m_block_tree_db->LoadBlockIndexGuts(consensus_params, [this](const uint256& hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { return this->InsertBlockIndex(hash); })) {
return false;
@@ -3622,17 +3623,41 @@ bool BlockManager::LoadBlockIndex(
vSortedByHeight.push_back(std::make_pair(pindex->nHeight, pindex));
sort(vSortedByHeight.begin(), vSortedByHeight.end());
+ // Find start of assumed-valid region.
+ int first_assumed_valid_height = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+ for (const auto& [height, block] : vSortedByHeight) {
+ if (block->IsAssumedValid()) {
+ auto chainstates = chainman.GetAll();
+ // If we encounter an assumed-valid block index entry, ensure that we have
+ // one chainstate that tolerates assumed-valid entries and another that does
+ // not (i.e. the background validation chainstate), since assumed-valid
+ // entries should always be pending validation by a fully-validated chainstate.
+ auto any_chain = [&](auto fnc) { return std::any_of(chainstates.cbegin(), chainstates.cend(), fnc); };
+ assert(any_chain([](auto chainstate) { return chainstate->reliesOnAssumedValid(); }));
+ assert(any_chain([](auto chainstate) { return !chainstate->reliesOnAssumedValid(); }));
+ first_assumed_valid_height = height;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
for (const std::pair<int, CBlockIndex*>& item : vSortedByHeight)
if (ShutdownRequested()) return false;
CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
pindex->nChainWork = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindex);
pindex->nTimeMax = (pindex->pprev ? std::max(pindex->pprev->nTimeMax, pindex->nTime) : pindex->nTime);
- // We can link the chain of blocks for which we've received transactions at some point.
+ // We can link the chain of blocks for which we've received transactions at some point, or
+ // blocks that are assumed-valid on the basis of snapshot load (see
+ // PopulateAndValidateSnapshot()).
// Pruned nodes may have deleted the block.
if (pindex->nTx > 0) {
if (pindex->pprev) {
- if (pindex->pprev->HaveTxsDownloaded()) {
+ if (pindex->pprev->nChainTx > 0) {
pindex->nChainTx = pindex->pprev->nChainTx + pindex->nTx;
} else {
pindex->nChainTx = 0;
@@ -3649,7 +3674,36 @@ bool BlockManager::LoadBlockIndex(
if (pindex->IsAssumedValid() ||
(pindex->HaveTxsDownloaded() || pindex->pprev == nullptr))) {
- block_index_candidates.insert(pindex);
+ // Fill each chainstate's block candidate set. Only add assumed-valid
+ // blocks to the tip candidate set if the chainstate is allowed to rely on
+ // assumed-valid blocks.
+ //
+ // If all setBlockIndexCandidates contained the assumed-valid blocks, the
+ // background chainstate's ActivateBestChain() call would add assumed-valid
+ // blocks to the chain (based on how FindMostWorkChain() works). Obviously
+ // we don't want this since the purpose of the background validation chain
+ // is to validate assued-valid blocks.
+ //
+ // Note: This is considering all blocks whose height is greater or equal to
+ // the first assumed-valid block to be assumed-valid blocks, and excluding
+ // them from the background chainstate's setBlockIndexCandidates set. This
+ // does mean that some blocks which are not technically assumed-valid
+ // (later blocks on a fork beginning before the first assumed-valid block)
+ // might not get added to the the background chainstate, but this is ok,
+ // because they will still be attached to the active chainstate if they
+ // actually contain more work.
+ //
+ // Instad of this height-based approach, an earlier attempt was made at
+ // detecting "holistically" whether the block index under consideration
+ // relied on an assumed-valid ancestor, but this proved to be too slow to
+ // be practical.
+ for (CChainState* chainstate : chainman.GetAll()) {
+ if (chainstate->reliesOnAssumedValid() ||
+ pindex->nHeight < first_assumed_valid_height) {
+ chainstate->setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(pindex);
+ }
+ }
if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK && (!pindexBestInvalid || pindex->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork))
pindexBestInvalid = pindex;
@@ -3673,11 +3727,9 @@ void BlockManager::Unload() {
-bool BlockManager::LoadBlockIndexDB(std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>& setBlockIndexCandidates)
+bool BlockManager::LoadBlockIndexDB(ChainstateManager& chainman)
- if (!LoadBlockIndex(
- ::Params().GetConsensus(),
- setBlockIndexCandidates)) {
+ if (!LoadBlockIndex(::Params().GetConsensus(), chainman)) {
return false;
@@ -4023,7 +4075,7 @@ bool ChainstateManager::LoadBlockIndex()
// Load block index from databases
bool needs_init = fReindex;
if (!fReindex) {
- bool ret = m_blockman.LoadBlockIndexDB(ActiveChainstate().setBlockIndexCandidates);
+ bool ret = m_blockman.LoadBlockIndexDB(*this);
if (!ret) return false;
needs_init = m_blockman.m_block_index.empty();
diff --git a/src/validation.h b/src/validation.h
index 4da8ec8d24..7c7ad4bbc6 100644
--- a/src/validation.h
+++ b/src/validation.h
@@ -427,20 +427,16 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<CBlockTreeDB> m_block_tree_db GUARDED_BY(::cs_main);
- bool LoadBlockIndexDB(std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>& setBlockIndexCandidates) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
+ bool LoadBlockIndexDB(ChainstateManager& chainman) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main);
* Load the blocktree off disk and into memory. Populate certain metadata
* per index entry (nStatus, nChainWork, nTimeMax, etc.) as well as peripheral
* collections like setDirtyBlockIndex.
- *
- * @param[out] block_index_candidates Fill this set with any valid blocks for
- * which we've downloaded all transactions.
bool LoadBlockIndex(
const Consensus::Params& consensus_params,
- std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>& block_index_candidates)
+ ChainstateManager& chainman) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
/** Clear all data members. */
void Unload() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
@@ -626,6 +622,10 @@ public:
const std::optional<uint256> m_from_snapshot_blockhash;
+ //! Return true if this chainstate relies on blocks that are assumed-valid. In
+ //! practice this means it was created based on a UTXO snapshot.
+ bool reliesOnAssumedValid() { return m_from_snapshot_blockhash.has_value(); }
* The set of all CBlockIndex entries with either BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (for
* itself and all ancestors) *or* BLOCK_ASSUMED_VALID (if using background