path: root/src
diff options
authorEric Lombrozo <elombrozo@gmail.com>2013-01-08 08:45:47 -0800
committerEric Lombrozo <elombrozo@gmail.com>2013-06-05 23:15:20 -0700
commit65e7bbef74f7077a5b46943b1556d66d84955f61 (patch)
treedd6eb2391be2ef271e4f8e7d508bee34378d5323 /src
parent05df3fc68d68e87415ed9e534db3ea3160dc3092 (diff)
Moved CCoins, CTxOutCompressor, CTxInUndo, and CTxUndo to core.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 332 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/src/core.h b/src/core.h
index 21ca6618a2..c86e1f499d 100644
--- a/src/core.h
+++ b/src/core.h
@@ -340,4 +340,336 @@ public:
+/** wrapper for CTxOut that provides a more compact serialization */
+class CTxOutCompressor
+ CTxOut &txout;
+ static uint64 CompressAmount(uint64 nAmount);
+ static uint64 DecompressAmount(uint64 nAmount);
+ CTxOutCompressor(CTxOut &txoutIn) : txout(txoutIn) { }
+ if (!fRead) {
+ uint64 nVal = CompressAmount(txout.nValue);
+ } else {
+ uint64 nVal = 0;
+ txout.nValue = DecompressAmount(nVal);
+ }
+ CScriptCompressor cscript(REF(txout.scriptPubKey));
+ READWRITE(cscript);
+ });)
+/** Undo information for a CTxIn
+ *
+ * Contains the prevout's CTxOut being spent, and if this was the
+ * last output of the affected transaction, its metadata as well
+ * (coinbase or not, height, transaction version)
+ */
+class CTxInUndo
+ CTxOut txout; // the txout data before being spent
+ bool fCoinBase; // if the outpoint was the last unspent: whether it belonged to a coinbase
+ unsigned int nHeight; // if the outpoint was the last unspent: its height
+ int nVersion; // if the outpoint was the last unspent: its version
+ CTxInUndo() : txout(), fCoinBase(false), nHeight(0), nVersion(0) {}
+ CTxInUndo(const CTxOut &txoutIn, bool fCoinBaseIn = false, unsigned int nHeightIn = 0, int nVersionIn = 0) : txout(txoutIn), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn), nHeight(nHeightIn), nVersion(nVersionIn) { }
+ unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType, int nVersion) const {
+ return ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(nHeight*2+(fCoinBase ? 1 : 0)), nType, nVersion) +
+ (nHeight > 0 ? ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion) : 0) +
+ ::GetSerializeSize(CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout)), nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ template<typename Stream>
+ void Serialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) const {
+ ::Serialize(s, VARINT(nHeight*2+(fCoinBase ? 1 : 0)), nType, nVersion);
+ if (nHeight > 0)
+ ::Serialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
+ ::Serialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout)), nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ template<typename Stream>
+ void Unserialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) {
+ unsigned int nCode = 0;
+ ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
+ nHeight = nCode / 2;
+ fCoinBase = nCode & 1;
+ if (nHeight > 0)
+ ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
+ ::Unserialize(s, REF(CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout))), nType, nVersion);
+ }
+/** Undo information for a CTransaction */
+class CTxUndo
+ // undo information for all txins
+ std::vector<CTxInUndo> vprevout;
+ READWRITE(vprevout);
+ )
+/** pruned version of CTransaction: only retains metadata and unspent transaction outputs
+ *
+ * Serialized format:
+ * - VARINT(nVersion)
+ * - VARINT(nCode)
+ * - unspentness bitvector, for vout[2] and further; least significant byte first
+ * - the non-spent CTxOuts (via CTxOutCompressor)
+ * - VARINT(nHeight)
+ *
+ * The nCode value consists of:
+ * - bit 1: IsCoinBase()
+ * - bit 2: vout[0] is not spent
+ * - bit 4: vout[1] is not spent
+ * - The higher bits encode N, the number of non-zero bytes in the following bitvector.
+ * - In case both bit 2 and bit 4 are unset, they encode N-1, as there must be at
+ * least one non-spent output).
+ *
+ * Example: 0104835800816115944e077fe7c803cfa57f29b36bf87c1d358bb85e
+ * <><><--------------------------------------------><---->
+ * | \ | /
+ * version code vout[1] height
+ *
+ * - version = 1
+ * - code = 4 (vout[1] is not spent, and 0 non-zero bytes of bitvector follow)
+ * - unspentness bitvector: as 0 non-zero bytes follow, it has length 0
+ * - vout[1]: 835800816115944e077fe7c803cfa57f29b36bf87c1d35
+ * * 8358: compact amount representation for 60000000000 (600 BTC)
+ * * 00: special txout type pay-to-pubkey-hash
+ * * 816115944e077fe7c803cfa57f29b36bf87c1d35: address uint160
+ * - height = 203998
+ *
+ *
+ * Example: 0109044086ef97d5790061b01caab50f1b8e9c50a5057eb43c2d9563a4eebbd123008c988f1a4a4de2161e0f50aac7f17e7f9555caa486af3b
+ * <><><--><--------------------------------------------------><----------------------------------------------><---->
+ * / \ \ | | /
+ * version code unspentness vout[4] vout[16] height
+ *
+ * - version = 1
+ * - code = 9 (coinbase, neither vout[0] or vout[1] are unspent,
+ * 2 (1, +1 because both bit 2 and bit 4 are unset) non-zero bitvector bytes follow)
+ * - unspentness bitvector: bits 2 (0x04) and 14 (0x4000) are set, so vout[2+2] and vout[14+2] are unspent
+ * - vout[4]: 86ef97d5790061b01caab50f1b8e9c50a5057eb43c2d9563a4ee
+ * * 86ef97d579: compact amount representation for 234925952 (2.35 BTC)
+ * * 00: special txout type pay-to-pubkey-hash
+ * * 61b01caab50f1b8e9c50a5057eb43c2d9563a4ee: address uint160
+ * - vout[16]: bbd123008c988f1a4a4de2161e0f50aac7f17e7f9555caa4
+ * * bbd123: compact amount representation for 110397 (0.001 BTC)
+ * * 00: special txout type pay-to-pubkey-hash
+ * * 8c988f1a4a4de2161e0f50aac7f17e7f9555caa4: address uint160
+ * - height = 120891
+ */
+class CCoins
+ // whether transaction is a coinbase
+ bool fCoinBase;
+ // unspent transaction outputs; spent outputs are .IsNull(); spent outputs at the end of the array are dropped
+ std::vector<CTxOut> vout;
+ // at which height this transaction was included in the active block chain
+ int nHeight;
+ // version of the CTransaction; accesses to this value should probably check for nHeight as well,
+ // as new tx version will probably only be introduced at certain heights
+ int nVersion;
+ // construct a CCoins from a CTransaction, at a given height
+ CCoins(const CTransaction &tx, int nHeightIn) : fCoinBase(tx.IsCoinBase()), vout(tx.vout), nHeight(nHeightIn), nVersion(tx.nVersion) { }
+ // empty constructor
+ CCoins() : fCoinBase(false), vout(0), nHeight(0), nVersion(0) { }
+ // remove spent outputs at the end of vout
+ void Cleanup() {
+ while (vout.size() > 0 && vout.back().IsNull())
+ vout.pop_back();
+ if (vout.empty())
+ std::vector<CTxOut>().swap(vout);
+ }
+ void swap(CCoins &to) {
+ std::swap(to.fCoinBase, fCoinBase);
+ to.vout.swap(vout);
+ std::swap(to.nHeight, nHeight);
+ std::swap(to.nVersion, nVersion);
+ }
+ // equality test
+ friend bool operator==(const CCoins &a, const CCoins &b) {
+ return a.fCoinBase == b.fCoinBase &&
+ a.nHeight == b.nHeight &&
+ a.nVersion == b.nVersion &&
+ a.vout == b.vout;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const CCoins &a, const CCoins &b) {
+ return !(a == b);
+ }
+ // calculate number of bytes for the bitmask, and its number of non-zero bytes
+ // each bit in the bitmask represents the availability of one output, but the
+ // availabilities of the first two outputs are encoded separately
+ void CalcMaskSize(unsigned int &nBytes, unsigned int &nNonzeroBytes) const {
+ unsigned int nLastUsedByte = 0;
+ for (unsigned int b = 0; 2+b*8 < vout.size(); b++) {
+ bool fZero = true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8 && 2+b*8+i < vout.size(); i++) {
+ if (!vout[2+b*8+i].IsNull()) {
+ fZero = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fZero) {
+ nLastUsedByte = b + 1;
+ nNonzeroBytes++;
+ }
+ }
+ nBytes += nLastUsedByte;
+ }
+ bool IsCoinBase() const {
+ return fCoinBase;
+ }
+ unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType, int nVersion) const {
+ unsigned int nSize = 0;
+ unsigned int nMaskSize = 0, nMaskCode = 0;
+ CalcMaskSize(nMaskSize, nMaskCode);
+ bool fFirst = vout.size() > 0 && !vout[0].IsNull();
+ bool fSecond = vout.size() > 1 && !vout[1].IsNull();
+ assert(fFirst || fSecond || nMaskCode);
+ unsigned int nCode = 8*(nMaskCode - (fFirst || fSecond ? 0 : 1)) + (fCoinBase ? 1 : 0) + (fFirst ? 2 : 0) + (fSecond ? 4 : 0);
+ // version
+ nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
+ // size of header code
+ nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
+ // spentness bitmask
+ nSize += nMaskSize;
+ // txouts themself
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vout.size(); i++)
+ if (!vout[i].IsNull())
+ nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(CTxOutCompressor(REF(vout[i])), nType, nVersion);
+ // height
+ nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(nHeight), nType, nVersion);
+ return nSize;
+ }
+ template<typename Stream>
+ void Serialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) const {
+ unsigned int nMaskSize = 0, nMaskCode = 0;
+ CalcMaskSize(nMaskSize, nMaskCode);
+ bool fFirst = vout.size() > 0 && !vout[0].IsNull();
+ bool fSecond = vout.size() > 1 && !vout[1].IsNull();
+ assert(fFirst || fSecond || nMaskCode);
+ unsigned int nCode = 8*(nMaskCode - (fFirst || fSecond ? 0 : 1)) + (fCoinBase ? 1 : 0) + (fFirst ? 2 : 0) + (fSecond ? 4 : 0);
+ // version
+ ::Serialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
+ // header code
+ ::Serialize(s, VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
+ // spentness bitmask
+ for (unsigned int b = 0; b<nMaskSize; b++) {
+ unsigned char chAvail = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8 && 2+b*8+i < vout.size(); i++)
+ if (!vout[2+b*8+i].IsNull())
+ chAvail |= (1 << i);
+ ::Serialize(s, chAvail, nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ // txouts themself
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vout.size(); i++) {
+ if (!vout[i].IsNull())
+ ::Serialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(vout[i])), nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ // coinbase height
+ ::Serialize(s, VARINT(nHeight), nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ template<typename Stream>
+ void Unserialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) {
+ unsigned int nCode = 0;
+ // version
+ ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
+ // header code
+ ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
+ fCoinBase = nCode & 1;
+ std::vector<bool> vAvail(2, false);
+ vAvail[0] = nCode & 2;
+ vAvail[1] = nCode & 4;
+ unsigned int nMaskCode = (nCode / 8) + ((nCode & 6) != 0 ? 0 : 1);
+ // spentness bitmask
+ while (nMaskCode > 0) {
+ unsigned char chAvail = 0;
+ ::Unserialize(s, chAvail, nType, nVersion);
+ for (unsigned int p = 0; p < 8; p++) {
+ bool f = (chAvail & (1 << p)) != 0;
+ vAvail.push_back(f);
+ }
+ if (chAvail != 0)
+ nMaskCode--;
+ }
+ // txouts themself
+ vout.assign(vAvail.size(), CTxOut());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vAvail.size(); i++) {
+ if (vAvail[i])
+ ::Unserialize(s, REF(CTxOutCompressor(vout[i])), nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ // coinbase height
+ ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nHeight), nType, nVersion);
+ Cleanup();
+ }
+ // mark an outpoint spent, and construct undo information
+ bool Spend(const COutPoint &out, CTxInUndo &undo) {
+ if (out.n >= vout.size())
+ return false;
+ if (vout[out.n].IsNull())
+ return false;
+ undo = CTxInUndo(vout[out.n]);
+ vout[out.n].SetNull();
+ Cleanup();
+ if (vout.size() == 0) {
+ undo.nHeight = nHeight;
+ undo.fCoinBase = fCoinBase;
+ undo.nVersion = this->nVersion;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // mark a vout spent
+ bool Spend(int nPos) {
+ CTxInUndo undo;
+ COutPoint out(0, nPos);
+ return Spend(out, undo);
+ }
+ // check whether a particular output is still available
+ bool IsAvailable(unsigned int nPos) const {
+ return (nPos < vout.size() && !vout[nPos].IsNull());
+ }
+ // check whether the entire CCoins is spent
+ // note that only !IsPruned() CCoins can be serialized
+ bool IsPruned() const {
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut &out, vout)
+ if (!out.IsNull())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h
index 7069d4bab3..1279e62ca8 100644
--- a/src/main.h
+++ b/src/main.h
@@ -328,88 +328,6 @@ bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight = 0, int64 nBlockTime =
int64 GetValueOut(const CTransaction& tx);
-/** wrapper for CTxOut that provides a more compact serialization */
-class CTxOutCompressor
- CTxOut &txout;
- static uint64 CompressAmount(uint64 nAmount);
- static uint64 DecompressAmount(uint64 nAmount);
- CTxOutCompressor(CTxOut &txoutIn) : txout(txoutIn) { }
- if (!fRead) {
- uint64 nVal = CompressAmount(txout.nValue);
- } else {
- uint64 nVal = 0;
- txout.nValue = DecompressAmount(nVal);
- }
- CScriptCompressor cscript(REF(txout.scriptPubKey));
- READWRITE(cscript);
- });)
-/** Undo information for a CTxIn
- *
- * Contains the prevout's CTxOut being spent, and if this was the
- * last output of the affected transaction, its metadata as well
- * (coinbase or not, height, transaction version)
- */
-class CTxInUndo
- CTxOut txout; // the txout data before being spent
- bool fCoinBase; // if the outpoint was the last unspent: whether it belonged to a coinbase
- unsigned int nHeight; // if the outpoint was the last unspent: its height
- int nVersion; // if the outpoint was the last unspent: its version
- CTxInUndo() : txout(), fCoinBase(false), nHeight(0), nVersion(0) {}
- CTxInUndo(const CTxOut &txoutIn, bool fCoinBaseIn = false, unsigned int nHeightIn = 0, int nVersionIn = 0) : txout(txoutIn), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn), nHeight(nHeightIn), nVersion(nVersionIn) { }
- unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType, int nVersion) const {
- return ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(nHeight*2+(fCoinBase ? 1 : 0)), nType, nVersion) +
- (nHeight > 0 ? ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion) : 0) +
- ::GetSerializeSize(CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout)), nType, nVersion);
- }
- template<typename Stream>
- void Serialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) const {
- ::Serialize(s, VARINT(nHeight*2+(fCoinBase ? 1 : 0)), nType, nVersion);
- if (nHeight > 0)
- ::Serialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
- ::Serialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout)), nType, nVersion);
- }
- template<typename Stream>
- void Unserialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) {
- unsigned int nCode = 0;
- ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
- nHeight = nCode / 2;
- fCoinBase = nCode & 1;
- if (nHeight > 0)
- ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
- ::Unserialize(s, REF(CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout))), nType, nVersion);
- }
-/** Undo information for a CTransaction */
-class CTxUndo
- // undo information for all txins
- std::vector<CTxInUndo> vprevout;
- READWRITE(vprevout);
- )
/** Undo information for a CBlock */
class CBlockUndo
@@ -480,254 +398,6 @@ public:
-/** pruned version of CTransaction: only retains metadata and unspent transaction outputs
- *
- * Serialized format:
- * - VARINT(nVersion)
- * - VARINT(nCode)
- * - unspentness bitvector, for vout[2] and further; least significant byte first
- * - the non-spent CTxOuts (via CTxOutCompressor)
- * - VARINT(nHeight)
- *
- * The nCode value consists of:
- * - bit 1: IsCoinBase()
- * - bit 2: vout[0] is not spent
- * - bit 4: vout[1] is not spent
- * - The higher bits encode N, the number of non-zero bytes in the following bitvector.
- * - In case both bit 2 and bit 4 are unset, they encode N-1, as there must be at
- * least one non-spent output).
- *
- * Example: 0104835800816115944e077fe7c803cfa57f29b36bf87c1d358bb85e
- * <><><--------------------------------------------><---->
- * | \ | /
- * version code vout[1] height
- *
- * - version = 1
- * - code = 4 (vout[1] is not spent, and 0 non-zero bytes of bitvector follow)
- * - unspentness bitvector: as 0 non-zero bytes follow, it has length 0
- * - vout[1]: 835800816115944e077fe7c803cfa57f29b36bf87c1d35
- * * 8358: compact amount representation for 60000000000 (600 BTC)
- * * 00: special txout type pay-to-pubkey-hash
- * * 816115944e077fe7c803cfa57f29b36bf87c1d35: address uint160
- * - height = 203998
- *
- *
- * Example: 0109044086ef97d5790061b01caab50f1b8e9c50a5057eb43c2d9563a4eebbd123008c988f1a4a4de2161e0f50aac7f17e7f9555caa486af3b
- * <><><--><--------------------------------------------------><----------------------------------------------><---->
- * / \ \ | | /
- * version code unspentness vout[4] vout[16] height
- *
- * - version = 1
- * - code = 9 (coinbase, neither vout[0] or vout[1] are unspent,
- * 2 (1, +1 because both bit 2 and bit 4 are unset) non-zero bitvector bytes follow)
- * - unspentness bitvector: bits 2 (0x04) and 14 (0x4000) are set, so vout[2+2] and vout[14+2] are unspent
- * - vout[4]: 86ef97d5790061b01caab50f1b8e9c50a5057eb43c2d9563a4ee
- * * 86ef97d579: compact amount representation for 234925952 (2.35 BTC)
- * * 00: special txout type pay-to-pubkey-hash
- * * 61b01caab50f1b8e9c50a5057eb43c2d9563a4ee: address uint160
- * - vout[16]: bbd123008c988f1a4a4de2161e0f50aac7f17e7f9555caa4
- * * bbd123: compact amount representation for 110397 (0.001 BTC)
- * * 00: special txout type pay-to-pubkey-hash
- * * 8c988f1a4a4de2161e0f50aac7f17e7f9555caa4: address uint160
- * - height = 120891
- */
-class CCoins
- // whether transaction is a coinbase
- bool fCoinBase;
- // unspent transaction outputs; spent outputs are .IsNull(); spent outputs at the end of the array are dropped
- std::vector<CTxOut> vout;
- // at which height this transaction was included in the active block chain
- int nHeight;
- // version of the CTransaction; accesses to this value should probably check for nHeight as well,
- // as new tx version will probably only be introduced at certain heights
- int nVersion;
- // construct a CCoins from a CTransaction, at a given height
- CCoins(const CTransaction &tx, int nHeightIn) : fCoinBase(tx.IsCoinBase()), vout(tx.vout), nHeight(nHeightIn), nVersion(tx.nVersion) { }
- // empty constructor
- CCoins() : fCoinBase(false), vout(0), nHeight(0), nVersion(0) { }
- // remove spent outputs at the end of vout
- void Cleanup() {
- while (vout.size() > 0 && vout.back().IsNull())
- vout.pop_back();
- if (vout.empty())
- std::vector<CTxOut>().swap(vout);
- }
- void swap(CCoins &to) {
- std::swap(to.fCoinBase, fCoinBase);
- to.vout.swap(vout);
- std::swap(to.nHeight, nHeight);
- std::swap(to.nVersion, nVersion);
- }
- // equality test
- friend bool operator==(const CCoins &a, const CCoins &b) {
- return a.fCoinBase == b.fCoinBase &&
- a.nHeight == b.nHeight &&
- a.nVersion == b.nVersion &&
- a.vout == b.vout;
- }
- friend bool operator!=(const CCoins &a, const CCoins &b) {
- return !(a == b);
- }
- // calculate number of bytes for the bitmask, and its number of non-zero bytes
- // each bit in the bitmask represents the availability of one output, but the
- // availabilities of the first two outputs are encoded separately
- void CalcMaskSize(unsigned int &nBytes, unsigned int &nNonzeroBytes) const {
- unsigned int nLastUsedByte = 0;
- for (unsigned int b = 0; 2+b*8 < vout.size(); b++) {
- bool fZero = true;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8 && 2+b*8+i < vout.size(); i++) {
- if (!vout[2+b*8+i].IsNull()) {
- fZero = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (!fZero) {
- nLastUsedByte = b + 1;
- nNonzeroBytes++;
- }
- }
- nBytes += nLastUsedByte;
- }
- bool IsCoinBase() const {
- return fCoinBase;
- }
- unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType, int nVersion) const {
- unsigned int nSize = 0;
- unsigned int nMaskSize = 0, nMaskCode = 0;
- CalcMaskSize(nMaskSize, nMaskCode);
- bool fFirst = vout.size() > 0 && !vout[0].IsNull();
- bool fSecond = vout.size() > 1 && !vout[1].IsNull();
- assert(fFirst || fSecond || nMaskCode);
- unsigned int nCode = 8*(nMaskCode - (fFirst || fSecond ? 0 : 1)) + (fCoinBase ? 1 : 0) + (fFirst ? 2 : 0) + (fSecond ? 4 : 0);
- // version
- nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
- // size of header code
- nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
- // spentness bitmask
- nSize += nMaskSize;
- // txouts themself
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vout.size(); i++)
- if (!vout[i].IsNull())
- nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(CTxOutCompressor(REF(vout[i])), nType, nVersion);
- // height
- nSize += ::GetSerializeSize(VARINT(nHeight), nType, nVersion);
- return nSize;
- }
- template<typename Stream>
- void Serialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) const {
- unsigned int nMaskSize = 0, nMaskCode = 0;
- CalcMaskSize(nMaskSize, nMaskCode);
- bool fFirst = vout.size() > 0 && !vout[0].IsNull();
- bool fSecond = vout.size() > 1 && !vout[1].IsNull();
- assert(fFirst || fSecond || nMaskCode);
- unsigned int nCode = 8*(nMaskCode - (fFirst || fSecond ? 0 : 1)) + (fCoinBase ? 1 : 0) + (fFirst ? 2 : 0) + (fSecond ? 4 : 0);
- // version
- ::Serialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
- // header code
- ::Serialize(s, VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
- // spentness bitmask
- for (unsigned int b = 0; b<nMaskSize; b++) {
- unsigned char chAvail = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8 && 2+b*8+i < vout.size(); i++)
- if (!vout[2+b*8+i].IsNull())
- chAvail |= (1 << i);
- ::Serialize(s, chAvail, nType, nVersion);
- }
- // txouts themself
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vout.size(); i++) {
- if (!vout[i].IsNull())
- ::Serialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(vout[i])), nType, nVersion);
- }
- // coinbase height
- ::Serialize(s, VARINT(nHeight), nType, nVersion);
- }
- template<typename Stream>
- void Unserialize(Stream &s, int nType, int nVersion) {
- unsigned int nCode = 0;
- // version
- ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion), nType, nVersion);
- // header code
- ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nCode), nType, nVersion);
- fCoinBase = nCode & 1;
- std::vector<bool> vAvail(2, false);
- vAvail[0] = nCode & 2;
- vAvail[1] = nCode & 4;
- unsigned int nMaskCode = (nCode / 8) + ((nCode & 6) != 0 ? 0 : 1);
- // spentness bitmask
- while (nMaskCode > 0) {
- unsigned char chAvail = 0;
- ::Unserialize(s, chAvail, nType, nVersion);
- for (unsigned int p = 0; p < 8; p++) {
- bool f = (chAvail & (1 << p)) != 0;
- vAvail.push_back(f);
- }
- if (chAvail != 0)
- nMaskCode--;
- }
- // txouts themself
- vout.assign(vAvail.size(), CTxOut());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vAvail.size(); i++) {
- if (vAvail[i])
- ::Unserialize(s, REF(CTxOutCompressor(vout[i])), nType, nVersion);
- }
- // coinbase height
- ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nHeight), nType, nVersion);
- Cleanup();
- }
- // mark an outpoint spent, and construct undo information
- bool Spend(const COutPoint &out, CTxInUndo &undo) {
- if (out.n >= vout.size())
- return false;
- if (vout[out.n].IsNull())
- return false;
- undo = CTxInUndo(vout[out.n]);
- vout[out.n].SetNull();
- Cleanup();
- if (vout.size() == 0) {
- undo.nHeight = nHeight;
- undo.fCoinBase = fCoinBase;
- undo.nVersion = this->nVersion;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // mark a vout spent
- bool Spend(int nPos) {
- CTxInUndo undo;
- COutPoint out(0, nPos);
- return Spend(out, undo);
- }
- // check whether a particular output is still available
- bool IsAvailable(unsigned int nPos) const {
- return (nPos < vout.size() && !vout[nPos].IsNull());
- }
- // check whether the entire CCoins is spent
- // note that only !IsPruned() CCoins can be serialized
- bool IsPruned() const {
- BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut &out, vout)
- if (!out.IsNull())
- return false;
- return true;
- }
/** Closure representing one script verification
* Note that this stores references to the spending transaction */