path: root/src/test
diff options
authorMartin Leitner-Ankerl <martin.ankerl@gmail.com>2022-06-11 09:23:51 +0200
committerMartin Leitner-Ankerl <martin.ankerl@gmail.com>2023-03-23 19:38:38 +0100
commitb8401c3281978beed6198b2f9782b6a8dd35cbd7 (patch)
treefb740536de54eb5bc056b52da7430c9137b0edd2 /src/test
parent23056436461a8b3af1a504b9638c48e8c8170652 (diff)
Add pool based memory resource & allocator
A memory resource similar to std::pmr::unsynchronized_pool_resource, but optimized for node-based containers. Co-Authored-By: Pieter Wuille <pieter@wuille.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test')
2 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/pool_tests.cpp b/src/test/pool_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfe857d05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/pool_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <support/allocators/pool.h>
+#include <test/util/poolresourcetester.h>
+#include <test/util/random.h>
+#include <test/util/setup_common.h>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(pool_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
+ auto resource = PoolResource<8, 8>();
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ // first chunk is already allocated
+ size_t expected_bytes_available = resource.ChunkSizeBytes();
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ // chunk is used, no more allocation
+ void* block = resource.Allocate(8, 8);
+ expected_bytes_available -= 8;
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ BOOST_TEST(0 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ resource.Deallocate(block, 8, 8);
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ // alignment is too small, but the best fitting freelist is used. Nothing is allocated.
+ void* b = resource.Allocate(8, 1);
+ BOOST_TEST(b == block); // we got the same block of memory as before
+ BOOST_TEST(0 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ resource.Deallocate(block, 8, 1);
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ // can't use resource because alignment is too big, allocate system memory
+ b = resource.Allocate(8, 16);
+ BOOST_TEST(b != block);
+ block = b;
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ resource.Deallocate(block, 8, 16);
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ // can't use chunk because size is too big
+ block = resource.Allocate(16, 8);
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ resource.Deallocate(block, 16, 8);
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ // it's possible that 0 bytes are allocated, make sure this works. In that case the call is forwarded to operator new
+ // 0 bytes takes one entry from the first freelist
+ void* p = resource.Allocate(0, 1);
+ BOOST_TEST(0 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+ resource.Deallocate(p, 0, 1);
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ BOOST_TEST(1 == PoolResourceTester::FreeListSizes(resource)[1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(expected_bytes_available == PoolResourceTester::AvailableMemoryFromChunk(resource));
+// Allocates from 0 to n bytes were n > the PoolResource's data, and each should work
+ auto resource = PoolResource<128, 8>(1024);
+ uint8_t num_allocs = 200;
+ auto data = std::vector<Span<uint8_t>>();
+ // allocate an increasing number of bytes
+ for (uint8_t num_bytes = 0; num_bytes < num_allocs; ++num_bytes) {
+ uint8_t* bytes = new (resource.Allocate(num_bytes, 1)) uint8_t[num_bytes];
+ BOOST_TEST(bytes != nullptr);
+ data.emplace_back(bytes, num_bytes);
+ // set each byte to num_bytes
+ std::fill(bytes, bytes + num_bytes, num_bytes);
+ }
+ // now that we got all allocated, test if all still have the correct values, and give everything back to the allocator
+ uint8_t val = 0;
+ for (auto const& span : data) {
+ for (auto x : span) {
+ BOOST_TEST(val == x);
+ }
+ std::destroy(span.data(), span.data() + span.size());
+ resource.Deallocate(span.data(), span.size(), 1);
+ ++val;
+ }
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
+ struct PtrSizeAlignment {
+ void* ptr;
+ size_t bytes;
+ size_t alignment;
+ };
+ // makes a bunch of random allocations and gives all of them back in random order.
+ auto resource = PoolResource<128, 8>(65536);
+ std::vector<PtrSizeAlignment> ptr_size_alignment{};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+ // make it a bit more likely to allocate than deallocate
+ if (ptr_size_alignment.empty() || 0 != InsecureRandRange(4)) {
+ // allocate a random item
+ std::size_t alignment = std::size_t{1} << InsecureRandRange(8); // 1, 2, ..., 128
+ std::size_t size = (InsecureRandRange(200) / alignment + 1) * alignment; // multiple of alignment
+ void* ptr = resource.Allocate(size, alignment);
+ BOOST_TEST(ptr != nullptr);
+ BOOST_TEST((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) & (alignment - 1)) == 0);
+ ptr_size_alignment.push_back({ptr, size, alignment});
+ } else {
+ // deallocate a random item
+ auto& x = ptr_size_alignment[InsecureRandRange(ptr_size_alignment.size())];
+ resource.Deallocate(x.ptr, x.bytes, x.alignment);
+ x = ptr_size_alignment.back();
+ ptr_size_alignment.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ // deallocate all the rest
+ for (auto const& x : ptr_size_alignment) {
+ resource.Deallocate(x.ptr, x.bytes, x.alignment);
+ }
+ PoolResourceTester::CheckAllDataAccountedFor(resource);
diff --git a/src/test/util/poolresourcetester.h b/src/test/util/poolresourcetester.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93f62eb2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/util/poolresourcetester.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <support/allocators/pool.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <vector>
+ * Helper to get access to private parts of PoolResource. Used in unit tests and in the fuzzer
+ */
+class PoolResourceTester
+ struct PtrAndBytes {
+ uintptr_t ptr;
+ std::size_t size;
+ PtrAndBytes(const void* p, std::size_t s)
+ : ptr(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p)), size(s)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * defines a sort ordering by the pointer value
+ */
+ friend bool operator<(PtrAndBytes const& a, PtrAndBytes const& b)
+ {
+ return a.ptr < b.ptr;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Extracts the number of elements per freelist
+ */
+ template <std::size_t MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, std::size_t ALIGN_BYTES>
+ static std::vector<std::size_t> FreeListSizes(const PoolResource<MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES>& resource)
+ {
+ auto sizes = std::vector<std::size_t>();
+ for (const auto* ptr : resource.m_free_lists) {
+ size_t size = 0;
+ while (ptr != nullptr) {
+ ++size;
+ ptr = ptr->m_next;
+ }
+ sizes.push_back(size);
+ }
+ return sizes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * How many bytes are still available from the last allocated chunk
+ */
+ template <std::size_t MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, std::size_t ALIGN_BYTES>
+ static std::size_t AvailableMemoryFromChunk(const PoolResource<MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES>& resource)
+ {
+ return resource.m_available_memory_end - resource.m_available_memory_it;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Once all blocks are given back to the resource, tests that the freelists are consistent:
+ *
+ * * All data in the freelists must come from the chunks
+ * * Memory doesn't overlap
+ * * Each byte in the chunks can be accounted for in either the freelist or as available bytes.
+ */
+ template <std::size_t MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, std::size_t ALIGN_BYTES>
+ static void CheckAllDataAccountedFor(const PoolResource<MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, ALIGN_BYTES>& resource)
+ {
+ // collect all free blocks by iterating all freelists
+ std::vector<PtrAndBytes> free_blocks;
+ for (std::size_t freelist_idx = 0; freelist_idx < resource.m_free_lists.size(); ++freelist_idx) {
+ std::size_t bytes = freelist_idx * resource.ELEM_ALIGN_BYTES;
+ auto* ptr = resource.m_free_lists[freelist_idx];
+ while (ptr != nullptr) {
+ free_blocks.emplace_back(ptr, bytes);
+ ptr = ptr->m_next;
+ }
+ }
+ // also add whatever has not yet been used for blocks
+ auto num_available_bytes = resource.m_available_memory_end - resource.m_available_memory_it;
+ if (num_available_bytes > 0) {
+ free_blocks.emplace_back(resource.m_available_memory_it, num_available_bytes);
+ }
+ // collect all chunks
+ std::vector<PtrAndBytes> chunks;
+ for (const std::byte* ptr : resource.m_allocated_chunks) {
+ chunks.emplace_back(ptr, resource.ChunkSizeBytes());
+ }
+ // now we have all the data from all freelists on the one hand side, and all chunks on the other hand side.
+ // To check if all of them match, sort by address and iterate.
+ std::sort(free_blocks.begin(), free_blocks.end());
+ std::sort(chunks.begin(), chunks.end());
+ auto chunk_it = chunks.begin();
+ auto chunk_ptr_remaining = chunk_it->ptr;
+ auto chunk_size_remaining = chunk_it->size;
+ for (const auto& free_block : free_blocks) {
+ if (chunk_size_remaining == 0) {
+ assert(chunk_it != chunks.end());
+ ++chunk_it;
+ assert(chunk_it != chunks.end());
+ chunk_ptr_remaining = chunk_it->ptr;
+ chunk_size_remaining = chunk_it->size;
+ }
+ assert(free_block.ptr == chunk_ptr_remaining); // ensure addresses match
+ assert(free_block.size <= chunk_size_remaining); // ensure no overflow
+ assert((free_block.ptr & (resource.ELEM_ALIGN_BYTES - 1)) == 0); // ensure correct alignment
+ chunk_ptr_remaining += free_block.size;
+ chunk_size_remaining -= free_block.size;
+ }
+ // ensure we are at the end of the chunks
+ assert(chunk_ptr_remaining == chunk_it->ptr + chunk_it->size);
+ ++chunk_it;
+ assert(chunk_it == chunks.end());
+ assert(chunk_size_remaining == 0);
+ }