path: root/src/streams.h
diff options
authorCory Fields <cory-nospam-@coryfields.com>2014-10-22 15:08:30 -0400
committerCory Fields <cory-nospam-@coryfields.com>2014-10-22 15:21:06 -0400
commitfa7361907a0a5d6698bb7e8e45fa5ac034b81066 (patch)
treeab9b6037f55bde2a5f6b9a9bb695fc512d055543 /src/streams.h
parent25cc1cf8dc03b9ba0ae886d354855adc207b5b6e (diff)
boost: split stream classes out of serialize.h
serialization now has no dependencies.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/streams.h')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/streams.h b/src/streams.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b07b11eb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/streams.h
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The Bitcoin developers
+// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include "allocators.h"
+#include "serialize.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ios>
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+/** Double ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces.
+ *
+ * >> and << read and write unformatted data using the above serialization templates.
+ * Fills with data in linear time; some stringstream implementations take N^2 time.
+ */
+class CDataStream
+ typedef CSerializeData vector_type;
+ vector_type vch;
+ unsigned int nReadPos;
+ int nType;
+ int nVersion;
+ typedef vector_type::allocator_type allocator_type;
+ typedef vector_type::size_type size_type;
+ typedef vector_type::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef vector_type::reference reference;
+ typedef vector_type::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef vector_type::value_type value_type;
+ typedef vector_type::iterator iterator;
+ typedef vector_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef vector_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
+ explicit CDataStream(int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn)
+ {
+ Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
+ }
+ CDataStream(const_iterator pbegin, const_iterator pend, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : vch(pbegin, pend)
+ {
+ Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
+ }
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300
+ CDataStream(const char* pbegin, const char* pend, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : vch(pbegin, pend)
+ {
+ Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
+ }
+ CDataStream(const vector_type& vchIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : vch(vchIn.begin(), vchIn.end())
+ {
+ Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
+ }
+ CDataStream(const std::vector<char>& vchIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : vch(vchIn.begin(), vchIn.end())
+ {
+ Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
+ }
+ CDataStream(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) : vch(vchIn.begin(), vchIn.end())
+ {
+ Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
+ }
+ void Init(int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn)
+ {
+ nReadPos = 0;
+ nType = nTypeIn;
+ nVersion = nVersionIn;
+ }
+ CDataStream& operator+=(const CDataStream& b)
+ {
+ vch.insert(vch.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ friend CDataStream operator+(const CDataStream& a, const CDataStream& b)
+ {
+ CDataStream ret = a;
+ ret += b;
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ std::string str() const
+ {
+ return (std::string(begin(), end()));
+ }
+ //
+ // Vector subset
+ //
+ const_iterator begin() const { return vch.begin() + nReadPos; }
+ iterator begin() { return vch.begin() + nReadPos; }
+ const_iterator end() const { return vch.end(); }
+ iterator end() { return vch.end(); }
+ size_type size() const { return vch.size() - nReadPos; }
+ bool empty() const { return vch.size() == nReadPos; }
+ void resize(size_type n, value_type c=0) { vch.resize(n + nReadPos, c); }
+ void reserve(size_type n) { vch.reserve(n + nReadPos); }
+ const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const { return vch[pos + nReadPos]; }
+ reference operator[](size_type pos) { return vch[pos + nReadPos]; }
+ void clear() { vch.clear(); nReadPos = 0; }
+ iterator insert(iterator it, const char& x=char()) { return vch.insert(it, x); }
+ void insert(iterator it, size_type n, const char& x) { vch.insert(it, n, x); }
+ void insert(iterator it, std::vector<char>::const_iterator first, std::vector<char>::const_iterator last)
+ {
+ assert(last - first >= 0);
+ if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos && (unsigned int)(last - first) <= nReadPos)
+ {
+ // special case for inserting at the front when there's room
+ nReadPos -= (last - first);
+ memcpy(&vch[nReadPos], &first[0], last - first);
+ }
+ else
+ vch.insert(it, first, last);
+ }
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300
+ void insert(iterator it, const char* first, const char* last)
+ {
+ assert(last - first >= 0);
+ if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos && (unsigned int)(last - first) <= nReadPos)
+ {
+ // special case for inserting at the front when there's room
+ nReadPos -= (last - first);
+ memcpy(&vch[nReadPos], &first[0], last - first);
+ }
+ else
+ vch.insert(it, first, last);
+ }
+ iterator erase(iterator it)
+ {
+ if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos)
+ {
+ // special case for erasing from the front
+ if (++nReadPos >= vch.size())
+ {
+ // whenever we reach the end, we take the opportunity to clear the buffer
+ nReadPos = 0;
+ return vch.erase(vch.begin(), vch.end());
+ }
+ return vch.begin() + nReadPos;
+ }
+ else
+ return vch.erase(it);
+ }
+ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
+ {
+ if (first == vch.begin() + nReadPos)
+ {
+ // special case for erasing from the front
+ if (last == vch.end())
+ {
+ nReadPos = 0;
+ return vch.erase(vch.begin(), vch.end());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nReadPos = (last - vch.begin());
+ return last;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return vch.erase(first, last);
+ }
+ inline void Compact()
+ {
+ vch.erase(vch.begin(), vch.begin() + nReadPos);
+ nReadPos = 0;
+ }
+ bool Rewind(size_type n)
+ {
+ // Rewind by n characters if the buffer hasn't been compacted yet
+ if (n > nReadPos)
+ return false;
+ nReadPos -= n;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //
+ // Stream subset
+ //
+ bool eof() const { return size() == 0; }
+ CDataStream* rdbuf() { return this; }
+ int in_avail() { return size(); }
+ void SetType(int n) { nType = n; }
+ int GetType() { return nType; }
+ void SetVersion(int n) { nVersion = n; }
+ int GetVersion() { return nVersion; }
+ void ReadVersion() { *this >> nVersion; }
+ void WriteVersion() { *this << nVersion; }
+ CDataStream& read(char* pch, size_t nSize)
+ {
+ // Read from the beginning of the buffer
+ unsigned int nReadPosNext = nReadPos + nSize;
+ if (nReadPosNext >= vch.size())
+ {
+ if (nReadPosNext > vch.size())
+ {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CDataStream::read() : end of data");
+ }
+ memcpy(pch, &vch[nReadPos], nSize);
+ nReadPos = 0;
+ vch.clear();
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ memcpy(pch, &vch[nReadPos], nSize);
+ nReadPos = nReadPosNext;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ CDataStream& ignore(int nSize)
+ {
+ // Ignore from the beginning of the buffer
+ assert(nSize >= 0);
+ unsigned int nReadPosNext = nReadPos + nSize;
+ if (nReadPosNext >= vch.size())
+ {
+ if (nReadPosNext > vch.size())
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CDataStream::ignore() : end of data");
+ nReadPos = 0;
+ vch.clear();
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ nReadPos = nReadPosNext;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ CDataStream& write(const char* pch, size_t nSize)
+ {
+ // Write to the end of the buffer
+ vch.insert(vch.end(), pch, pch + nSize);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ template<typename Stream>
+ void Serialize(Stream& s, int nType, int nVersion) const
+ {
+ // Special case: stream << stream concatenates like stream += stream
+ if (!vch.empty())
+ s.write((char*)&vch[0], vch.size() * sizeof(vch[0]));
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const T& obj)
+ {
+ // Tells the size of the object if serialized to this stream
+ return ::GetSerializeSize(obj, nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ CDataStream& operator<<(const T& obj)
+ {
+ // Serialize to this stream
+ ::Serialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ CDataStream& operator>>(T& obj)
+ {
+ // Unserialize from this stream
+ ::Unserialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ void GetAndClear(CSerializeData &data) {
+ data.insert(data.end(), begin(), end());
+ clear();
+ }
+/** Non-refcounted RAII wrapper for FILE*
+ *
+ * Will automatically close the file when it goes out of scope if not null.
+ * If you're returning the file pointer, return file.release().
+ * If you need to close the file early, use file.fclose() instead of fclose(file).
+ */
+class CAutoFile
+ // Disallow copies
+ CAutoFile(const CAutoFile&);
+ CAutoFile& operator=(const CAutoFile&);
+ int nType;
+ int nVersion;
+ FILE* file;
+ CAutoFile(FILE* filenew, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn)
+ {
+ file = filenew;
+ nType = nTypeIn;
+ nVersion = nVersionIn;
+ }
+ ~CAutoFile()
+ {
+ fclose();
+ }
+ void fclose()
+ {
+ if (file) {
+ ::fclose(file);
+ file = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Get wrapped FILE* with transfer of ownership.
+ * @note This will invalidate the CAutoFile object, and makes it the responsibility of the caller
+ * of this function to clean up the returned FILE*.
+ */
+ FILE* release() { FILE* ret = file; file = NULL; return ret; }
+ /** Get wrapped FILE* without transfer of ownership.
+ * @note Ownership of the FILE* will remain with this class. Use this only if the scope of the
+ * CAutoFile outlives use of the passed pointer.
+ */
+ FILE* Get() const { return file; }
+ /** Return true if the wrapped FILE* is NULL, false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool IsNull() const { return (file == NULL); }
+ //
+ // Stream subset
+ //
+ void SetType(int n) { nType = n; }
+ int GetType() { return nType; }
+ void SetVersion(int n) { nVersion = n; }
+ int GetVersion() { return nVersion; }
+ void ReadVersion() { *this >> nVersion; }
+ void WriteVersion() { *this << nVersion; }
+ CAutoFile& read(char* pch, size_t nSize)
+ {
+ if (!file)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::read : file handle is NULL");
+ if (fread(pch, 1, nSize, file) != nSize)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure(feof(file) ? "CAutoFile::read : end of file" : "CAutoFile::read : fread failed");
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ CAutoFile& write(const char* pch, size_t nSize)
+ {
+ if (!file)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::write : file handle is NULL");
+ if (fwrite(pch, 1, nSize, file) != nSize)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::write : write failed");
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const T& obj)
+ {
+ // Tells the size of the object if serialized to this stream
+ return ::GetSerializeSize(obj, nType, nVersion);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ CAutoFile& operator<<(const T& obj)
+ {
+ // Serialize to this stream
+ if (!file)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::operator<< : file handle is NULL");
+ ::Serialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ CAutoFile& operator>>(T& obj)
+ {
+ // Unserialize from this stream
+ if (!file)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::operator>> : file handle is NULL");
+ ::Unserialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+/** Non-refcounted RAII wrapper around a FILE* that implements a ring buffer to
+ * deserialize from. It guarantees the ability to rewind a given number of bytes.
+ *
+ * Will automatically close the file when it goes out of scope if not null.
+ * If you need to close the file early, use file.fclose() instead of fclose(file).
+ */
+class CBufferedFile
+ // Disallow copies
+ CBufferedFile(const CBufferedFile&);
+ CBufferedFile& operator=(const CBufferedFile&);
+ int nType;
+ int nVersion;
+ FILE *src; // source file
+ uint64_t nSrcPos; // how many bytes have been read from source
+ uint64_t nReadPos; // how many bytes have been read from this
+ uint64_t nReadLimit; // up to which position we're allowed to read
+ uint64_t nRewind; // how many bytes we guarantee to rewind
+ std::vector<char> vchBuf; // the buffer
+ // read data from the source to fill the buffer
+ bool Fill() {
+ unsigned int pos = nSrcPos % vchBuf.size();
+ unsigned int readNow = vchBuf.size() - pos;
+ unsigned int nAvail = vchBuf.size() - (nSrcPos - nReadPos) - nRewind;
+ if (nAvail < readNow)
+ readNow = nAvail;
+ if (readNow == 0)
+ return false;
+ size_t read = fread((void*)&vchBuf[pos], 1, readNow, src);
+ if (read == 0) {
+ throw std::ios_base::failure(feof(src) ? "CBufferedFile::Fill : end of file" : "CBufferedFile::Fill : fread failed");
+ } else {
+ nSrcPos += read;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ CBufferedFile(FILE *fileIn, uint64_t nBufSize, uint64_t nRewindIn, int nTypeIn, int nVersionIn) :
+ nSrcPos(0), nReadPos(0), nReadLimit((uint64_t)(-1)), nRewind(nRewindIn), vchBuf(nBufSize, 0)
+ {
+ src = fileIn;
+ nType = nTypeIn;
+ nVersion = nVersionIn;
+ }
+ ~CBufferedFile()
+ {
+ fclose();
+ }
+ void fclose()
+ {
+ if (src) {
+ ::fclose(src);
+ src = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // check whether we're at the end of the source file
+ bool eof() const {
+ return nReadPos == nSrcPos && feof(src);
+ }
+ // read a number of bytes
+ CBufferedFile& read(char *pch, size_t nSize) {
+ if (nSize + nReadPos > nReadLimit)
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Read attempted past buffer limit");
+ if (nSize + nRewind > vchBuf.size())
+ throw std::ios_base::failure("Read larger than buffer size");
+ while (nSize > 0) {
+ if (nReadPos == nSrcPos)
+ Fill();
+ unsigned int pos = nReadPos % vchBuf.size();
+ size_t nNow = nSize;
+ if (nNow + pos > vchBuf.size())
+ nNow = vchBuf.size() - pos;
+ if (nNow + nReadPos > nSrcPos)
+ nNow = nSrcPos - nReadPos;
+ memcpy(pch, &vchBuf[pos], nNow);
+ nReadPos += nNow;
+ pch += nNow;
+ nSize -= nNow;
+ }
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ // return the current reading position
+ uint64_t GetPos() {
+ return nReadPos;
+ }
+ // rewind to a given reading position
+ bool SetPos(uint64_t nPos) {
+ nReadPos = nPos;
+ if (nReadPos + nRewind < nSrcPos) {
+ nReadPos = nSrcPos - nRewind;
+ return false;
+ } else if (nReadPos > nSrcPos) {
+ nReadPos = nSrcPos;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool Seek(uint64_t nPos) {
+ long nLongPos = nPos;
+ if (nPos != (uint64_t)nLongPos)
+ return false;
+ if (fseek(src, nLongPos, SEEK_SET))
+ return false;
+ nLongPos = ftell(src);
+ nSrcPos = nLongPos;
+ nReadPos = nLongPos;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // prevent reading beyond a certain position
+ // no argument removes the limit
+ bool SetLimit(uint64_t nPos = (uint64_t)(-1)) {
+ if (nPos < nReadPos)
+ return false;
+ nReadLimit = nPos;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ CBufferedFile& operator>>(T& obj) {
+ // Unserialize from this stream
+ ::Unserialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ // search for a given byte in the stream, and remain positioned on it
+ void FindByte(char ch) {
+ while (true) {
+ if (nReadPos == nSrcPos)
+ Fill();
+ if (vchBuf[nReadPos % vchBuf.size()] == ch)
+ break;
+ nReadPos++;
+ }
+ }