path: root/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_uz.ts
diff options
authorHennadii Stepanov <32963518+hebasto@users.noreply.github.com>2022-09-20 14:35:11 +0100
committerHennadii Stepanov <32963518+hebasto@users.noreply.github.com>2022-10-10 10:41:27 +0100
commitc1860341a72e7d813bfaa0f2c829850fd6738c90 (patch)
treec8437b9e3fe7c3ffc96256be37fa5e4838bb4b0c /src/qt/locale/bitcoin_uz.ts
parent5964b8339ac5cfb727f33fe86c57b1764caf7857 (diff)
qt: 24.0rc2 translations update
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qt/locale/bitcoin_uz.ts')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_uz.ts b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_uz.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31614bbdea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qt/locale/bitcoin_uz.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+<TS version="2.1" language="uz">
+ <name>AddressBookPage</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>Right-click to edit address or label</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Manzil yoki yorliqni o'zgartirish uchun o'ng tugmani bosing</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Create a new address</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Yangi manzil yaratish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>&amp;New</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Yangi</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Belgilangan manzilni tizim hotirasiga saqlash</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>&amp;Copy</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">&amp;Ko'chirmoq</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>C&amp;lose</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Yo&amp;pish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Tanlangan manzilni ro'yhatdan o'chiring</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Enter address or label to search</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Qidirish uchun manzil yoki yorliqni kiriting</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Joriy ichki oynaning ichidagi malumotlarni faylga yuklab olish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>&amp;Delete</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">o'chirish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Choose the address to send coins to</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Tangalarni jo'natish uchun addressni tanlash</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Choose the address to receive coins with</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Tangalarni qabul qilib olish uchun manzilni tanlang</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>C&amp;hoose</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">tanlamoq</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Sending addresses</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Yuboriladigan manzillar</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Receiving addresses</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Qabul qilinadigan manzillar</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Quyidagilar to'lovlarni yuborish uchun Bitcoin manzillaringizdir. Har doim yuborishdan oldin yuborilayotgan tangalar sonini va qabul qiluvchi manzilni tekshirib ko'ring.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses.
+Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Bular to'lovlarni qabul qilishingiz uchun sizning Bitcoin manzillaringizdir. Yangi qabul qiluvchi manzil yaratish uchun qabul qilish varag'idagi ''Yangi qabul qilish manzilini yaratish'' ustiga bosing. Faqat 'legacy' turdagi manzillar bilan xisobga kirish mumkin.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>&amp;Copy Address</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">&amp;manzildan nusxa olish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Copy &amp;Label</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Yorliqni ko'chirish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>&amp;Edit</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">O'zgartirmoq</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Export Address List</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Manzil ro'yhatini yuklab olish</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Comma separated file</source>
+ <extracomment>Expanded name of the CSV file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.</extracomment>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Vergul bilan ajratilgan fayl</translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>QObject</name>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n second(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n minute(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n hour(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n day(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n week(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n year(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>BitcoinGUI</name>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.</source>
+ <extracomment>A substring of the tooltip.</extracomment>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>Intro</name>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>%n GB of space available</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>(of %n GB needed)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>(%n GB needed for full chain)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)</source>
+ <extracomment>Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.</extracomment>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>SendCoinsDialog</name>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>TransactionDesc</name>
+ <message numerus="yes">
+ <source>matures in %n more block(s)</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">
+ <numerusform />
+ <numerusform />
+ </translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>TransactionView</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>Comma separated file</source>
+ <extracomment>Expanded name of the CSV file format. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.</extracomment>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Vergul bilan ajratilgan fayl</translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+ <name>WalletView</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Joriy ichki oynaning ichidagi malumotlarni faylga yuklab olish</translation>
+ </message>
+ </context>
+</TS> \ No newline at end of file