path: root/src/net.cpp
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authorJon Atack <jon@atack.com>2021-04-20 13:22:20 +0200
committerJon Atack <jon@atack.com>2021-06-14 13:57:49 +0200
commit1e15acf478ae071234350c9b38dc823dfe2e3419 (patch)
tree4eb1366de749464a4cb614e4c72099d184331270 /src/net.cpp
parent3f8105c4d251e0e81bdd31f0999004e36f8990b2 (diff)
p2p: make ProtectEvictionCandidatesByRatio() fully ratio-based
with a more abstract framework to allow easily extending inbound eviction protection to peers connected through new higher-latency networks that are disadvantaged by our inbound eviction criteria, such as I2P and perhaps other BIP155 networks in the future like CJDNS. This is a change in behavior. The algorithm is a basically a multi-pass knapsack: - Count the number of eviction candidates in each of the disadvantaged privacy networks. - Sort the networks from lower to higher candidate counts, so that a network with fewer candidates will have the first opportunity for any unused slots remaining from the previous iteration. In the case of a tie in candidate counts, priority is given by array member order from first to last, guesstimated to favor more unusual networks. - Iterate through the networks in this order. On each iteration, allocate each network an equal number of protected slots targeting a total number of candidates to protect, provided any slots remain in the knapsack. - Protect the candidates in that network having the longest uptime, if any in that network are present. - Continue iterating as long as we have non-allocated slots remaining and candidates available to protect. Localhost peers are treated as a network like Tor or I2P by aliasing them to an unused Network enumerator: Network::NET_MAX. The goal is to favorise diversity of our inbound connections. Credit to Vasil Dimov for improving the algorithm from single-pass to multi-pass to better allocate unused protection slots. Co-authored-by: Vasil Dimov <vd@FreeBSD.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/net.cpp')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/net.cpp b/src/net.cpp
index 9318d25359..b69a59fc1d 100644
--- a/src/net.cpp
+++ b/src/net.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
@@ -918,35 +919,66 @@ void ProtectEvictionCandidatesByRatio(std::vector<NodeEvictionCandidate>& evicti
// Protect the half of the remaining nodes which have been connected the longest.
// This replicates the non-eviction implicit behavior, and precludes attacks that start later.
- // To favorise the diversity of our peer connections, reserve up to (half + 2) of
- // these protected spots for onion and localhost peers, if any, even if they're not
- // longest uptime overall. This helps protect tor peers, which tend to be otherwise
+ // To favorise the diversity of our peer connections, reserve up to half of these protected
+ // spots for Tor/onion and localhost peers, even if they're not longest uptime overall.
+ // This helps protect these higher-latency peers that tend to be otherwise
// disadvantaged under our eviction criteria.
const size_t initial_size = eviction_candidates.size();
const size_t total_protect_size{initial_size / 2};
- const size_t onion_protect_size = total_protect_size / 2;
- if (onion_protect_size) {
- // Pick out up to 1/4 peers connected via our onion service, sorted by longest uptime.
- EraseLastKElements(eviction_candidates, CompareOnionTimeConnected, onion_protect_size,
- [](const NodeEvictionCandidate& n) { return n.m_is_onion; });
- }
- const size_t localhost_min_protect_size{2};
- if (onion_protect_size >= localhost_min_protect_size) {
- // Allocate any remaining slots of the 1/4, or minimum 2 additional slots,
- // to localhost peers, sorted by longest uptime, as manually configured
- // hidden services not using `-bind=addr[:port]=onion` will not be detected
- // as inbound onion connections.
- const size_t remaining_tor_slots{onion_protect_size - (initial_size - eviction_candidates.size())};
- const size_t localhost_protect_size{std::max(remaining_tor_slots, localhost_min_protect_size)};
- EraseLastKElements(eviction_candidates, CompareLocalHostTimeConnected, localhost_protect_size,
- [](const NodeEvictionCandidate& n) { return n.m_is_local; });
+ // Disadvantaged networks to protect: localhost and Tor/onion. In case of equal counts, earlier
+ // array members have first opportunity to recover unused slots from the previous iteration.
+ struct Net { bool is_local; Network id; size_t count; };
+ std::array<Net, 3> networks{{{/* localhost */ true, NET_MAX, 0}, {false, NET_ONION, 0}}};
+ // Count and store the number of eviction candidates per network.
+ for (Net& n : networks) {
+ n.count = std::count_if(eviction_candidates.cbegin(), eviction_candidates.cend(),
+ [&n](const NodeEvictionCandidate& c) {
+ return n.is_local ? c.m_is_local : c.m_network == n.id;
+ });
+ }
+ // Sort `networks` by ascending candidate count, to give networks having fewer candidates
+ // the first opportunity to recover unused protected slots from the previous iteration.
+ std::stable_sort(networks.begin(), networks.end(), [](Net a, Net b) { return a.count < b.count; });
+ // Protect up to 25% of the eviction candidates by disadvantaged network.
+ const size_t max_protect_by_network{total_protect_size / 2};
+ size_t num_protected{0};
+ while (num_protected < max_protect_by_network) {
+ const size_t disadvantaged_to_protect{max_protect_by_network - num_protected};
+ const size_t protect_per_network{
+ std::max(disadvantaged_to_protect / networks.size(), static_cast<size_t>(1))};
+ // Early exit flag if there are no remaining candidates by disadvantaged network.
+ bool protected_at_least_one{false};
+ for (const Net& n : networks) {
+ if (n.count == 0) continue;
+ const size_t before = eviction_candidates.size();
+ EraseLastKElements(eviction_candidates, CompareNodeNetworkTime(n.is_local, n.id),
+ protect_per_network, [&n](const NodeEvictionCandidate& c) {
+ return n.is_local ? c.m_is_local : c.m_network == n.id;
+ });
+ const size_t after = eviction_candidates.size();
+ if (before > after) {
+ protected_at_least_one = true;
+ num_protected += before - after;
+ if (num_protected >= max_protect_by_network) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!protected_at_least_one) {
+ break;
+ }
// Calculate how many we removed, and update our total number of peers that
// we want to protect based on uptime accordingly.
- const size_t remaining_to_protect{total_protect_size - (initial_size - eviction_candidates.size())};
+ assert(num_protected == initial_size - eviction_candidates.size());
+ const size_t remaining_to_protect{total_protect_size - num_protected};
EraseLastKElements(eviction_candidates, ReverseCompareNodeTimeConnected, remaining_to_protect);