path: root/src/headerssync.h
diff options
authorSuhas Daftuar <sdaftuar@gmail.com>2022-02-09 09:38:52 -0500
committerSuhas Daftuar <sdaftuar@gmail.com>2022-08-29 08:10:35 -0400
commit551a8d957c4c44afbd0d608fcdf7c6a4352babce (patch)
tree774014202e3ad8560a3be4d59f94b8443e672a67 /src/headerssync.h
parented470940cddbeb40425960d51cefeec4948febe4 (diff)
Utilize anti-DoS headers download strategy
Avoid permanently storing headers from a peer, unless the headers are part of a chain with sufficiently high work. This prevents memory attacks using low-work headers. Designed and co-authored with Pieter Wuille.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/headerssync.h')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/headerssync.h b/src/headerssync.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b694407792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/headerssync.h
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
+// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <arith_uint256.h>
+#include <chain.h>
+#include <consensus/params.h>
+#include <net.h> // For NodeId
+#include <primitives/block.h>
+#include <uint256.h>
+#include <util/bitdeque.h>
+#include <util/hasher.h>
+#include <deque>
+#include <vector>
+// A compressed CBlockHeader, which leaves out the prevhash
+struct CompressedHeader {
+ // header
+ int32_t nVersion{0};
+ uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
+ uint32_t nTime{0};
+ uint32_t nBits{0};
+ uint32_t nNonce{0};
+ CompressedHeader()
+ {
+ hashMerkleRoot.SetNull();
+ }
+ CompressedHeader(const CBlockHeader& header)
+ {
+ nVersion = header.nVersion;
+ hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot;
+ nTime = header.nTime;
+ nBits = header.nBits;
+ nNonce = header.nNonce;
+ }
+ CBlockHeader GetFullHeader(const uint256& hash_prev_block) {
+ CBlockHeader ret;
+ ret.nVersion = nVersion;
+ ret.hashPrevBlock = hash_prev_block;
+ ret.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
+ ret.nTime = nTime;
+ ret.nBits = nBits;
+ ret.nNonce = nNonce;
+ return ret;
+ };
+/** HeadersSyncState:
+ *
+ * We wish to download a peer's headers chain in a DoS-resistant way.
+ *
+ * The Bitcoin protocol does not offer an easy way to determine the work on a
+ * peer's chain. Currently, we can query a peer's headers by using a GETHEADERS
+ * message, and our peer can return a set of up to 2000 headers that connect to
+ * something we know. If a peer's chain has more than 2000 blocks, then we need
+ * a way to verify that the chain actually has enough work on it to be useful to
+ * us -- by being above our anti-DoS minimum-chain-work threshold -- before we
+ * commit to storing those headers in memory. Otherwise, it would be cheap for
+ * an attacker to waste all our memory by serving us low-work headers
+ * (particularly for a new node coming online for the first time).
+ *
+ * To prevent memory-DoS with low-work headers, while still always being
+ * able to reorg to whatever the most-work chain is, we require that a chain
+ * meet a work threshold before committing it to memory. We can do this by
+ * downloading a peer's headers twice, whenever we are not sure that the chain
+ * has sufficient work:
+ *
+ * - In the first download phase, called pre-synchronization, we can calculate
+ * the work on the chain as we go (just by checking the nBits value on each
+ * header, and validating the proof-of-work).
+ *
+ * - Once we have reached a header where the cumulative chain work is
+ * sufficient, we switch to downloading the headers a second time, this time
+ * processing them fully, and possibly storing them in memory.
+ *
+ * To prevent an attacker from using (eg) the honest chain to convince us that
+ * they have a high-work chain, but then feeding us an alternate set of
+ * low-difficulty headers in the second phase, we store commitments to the
+ * chain we see in the first download phase that we check in the second phase,
+ * as follows:
+ *
+ * - In phase 1 (presync), store 1 bit (using a salted hash function) for every
+ * N headers that we see. With a reasonable choice of N, this uses relatively
+ * little memory even for a very long chain.
+ *
+ * - In phase 2 (redownload), keep a lookahead buffer and only accept headers
+ * from that buffer into the block index (permanent memory usage) once they
+ * have some target number of verified commitments on top of them. With this
+ * parametrization, we can achieve a given security target for potential
+ * permanent memory usage, while choosing N to minimize memory use during the
+ * sync (temporary, per-peer storage).
+ */
+class HeadersSyncState {
+ ~HeadersSyncState() {}
+ enum class State {
+ /** PRESYNC means the peer has not yet demonstrated their chain has
+ * sufficient work and we're only building commitments to the chain they
+ * serve us. */
+ /** REDOWNLOAD means the peer has given us a high-enough-work chain,
+ * and now we're redownloading the headers we saw before and trying to
+ * accept them */
+ /** We're done syncing with this peer and can discard any remaining state */
+ };
+ /** Return the current state of our download */
+ State GetState() const { return m_download_state; }
+ /** Construct a HeadersSyncState object representing a headers sync via this
+ * download-twice mechanism).
+ *
+ * id: node id (for logging)
+ * consensus_params: parameters needed for difficulty adjustment validation
+ * chain_start: best known fork point that the peer's headers branch from
+ * minimum_required_work: amount of chain work required to accept the chain
+ */
+ HeadersSyncState(NodeId id, const Consensus::Params& consensus_params,
+ const CBlockIndex* chain_start, const arith_uint256& minimum_required_work);
+ /** Result data structure for ProcessNextHeaders. */
+ struct ProcessingResult {
+ std::vector<CBlockHeader> pow_validated_headers;
+ bool success{false};
+ bool request_more{false};
+ };
+ /** Process a batch of headers, once a sync via this mechanism has started
+ *
+ * received_headers: headers that were received over the network for processing.
+ * Assumes the caller has already verified the headers
+ * are continuous, and has checked that each header
+ * satisfies the proof-of-work target included in the
+ * header (but not necessarily verified that the
+ * proof-of-work target is correct and passes consensus
+ * rules).
+ * full_headers_message: true if the message was at max capacity,
+ * indicating more headers may be available
+ * ProcessingResult.pow_validated_headers: will be filled in with any
+ * headers that the caller can fully process and
+ * validate now (because these returned headers are
+ * on a chain with sufficient work)
+ * ProcessingResult.success: set to false if an error is detected and the sync is
+ * aborted; true otherwise.
+ * ProcessingResult.request_more: if true, the caller is suggested to call
+ * NextHeadersRequestLocator and send a getheaders message using it.
+ */
+ ProcessingResult ProcessNextHeaders(const std::vector<CBlockHeader>&
+ received_headers, bool full_headers_message);
+ /** Issue the next GETHEADERS message to our peer.
+ *
+ * This will return a locator appropriate for the current sync object, to continue the
+ * synchronization phase it is in.
+ */
+ CBlockLocator NextHeadersRequestLocator() const;
+ /** Clear out all download state that might be in progress (freeing any used
+ * memory), and mark this object as no longer usable.
+ */
+ void Finalize();
+ /**
+ * Only called in PRESYNC.
+ * Validate the work on the headers we received from the network, and
+ * store commitments for later. Update overall state with successfully
+ * processed headers.
+ * On failure, this invokes Finalize() and returns false.
+ */
+ bool ValidateAndStoreHeadersCommitments(const std::vector<CBlockHeader>& headers);
+ /** In PRESYNC, process and update state for a single header */
+ bool ValidateAndProcessSingleHeader(const CBlockHeader& current);
+ /** In REDOWNLOAD, check a header's commitment (if applicable) and add to
+ * buffer for later processing */
+ bool ValidateAndStoreRedownloadedHeader(const CBlockHeader& header);
+ /** Return a set of headers that satisfy our proof-of-work threshold */
+ std::vector<CBlockHeader> PopHeadersReadyForAcceptance();
+ /** NodeId of the peer (used for log messages) **/
+ const NodeId m_id;
+ /** We use the consensus params in our anti-DoS calculations */
+ const Consensus::Params& m_consensus_params;
+ /** Store the last block in our block index that the peer's chain builds from */
+ const CBlockIndex* m_chain_start{nullptr};
+ /** Minimum work that we're looking for on this chain. */
+ const arith_uint256 m_minimum_required_work;
+ /** Work that we've seen so far on the peer's chain */
+ arith_uint256 m_current_chain_work;
+ /** m_hasher is a salted hasher for making our 1-bit commitments to headers we've seen. */
+ const SaltedTxidHasher m_hasher;
+ /** A queue of commitment bits, created during the 1st phase, and verified during the 2nd. */
+ bitdeque<> m_header_commitments;
+ /** The (secret) offset on the heights for which to create commitments.
+ *
+ * m_header_commitments entries are created at any height h for which
+ * (h % HEADER_COMMITMENT_PERIOD) == m_commit_offset. */
+ const unsigned m_commit_offset;
+ /** m_max_commitments is a bound we calculate on how long an honest peer's chain could be,
+ * given the MTP rule.
+ *
+ * Any peer giving us more headers than this will have its sync aborted. This serves as a
+ * memory bound on m_header_commitments. */
+ uint64_t m_max_commitments{0};
+ /** Store the latest header received while in PRESYNC (initialized to m_chain_start) */
+ CBlockHeader m_last_header_received;
+ /** Height of m_last_header_received */
+ int64_t m_current_height{0};
+ /** During phase 2 (REDOWNLOAD), we buffer redownloaded headers in memory
+ * until enough commitments have been verified; those are stored in
+ * m_redownloaded_headers */
+ std::deque<CompressedHeader> m_redownloaded_headers;
+ /** Height of last header in m_redownloaded_headers */
+ int64_t m_redownload_buffer_last_height{0};
+ /** Hash of last header in m_redownloaded_headers (initialized to
+ * m_chain_start). We have to cache it because we don't have hashPrevBlock
+ * available in a CompressedHeader.
+ */
+ uint256 m_redownload_buffer_last_hash;
+ /** The hashPrevBlock entry for the first header in m_redownloaded_headers
+ * We need this to reconstruct the full header when it's time for
+ * processing.
+ */
+ uint256 m_redownload_buffer_first_prev_hash;
+ /** The accumulated work on the redownloaded chain. */
+ arith_uint256 m_redownload_chain_work;
+ /** Set this to true once we encounter the target blockheader during phase
+ * 2 (REDOWNLOAD). At this point, we can process and store all remaining
+ * headers still in m_redownloaded_headers.
+ */
+ bool m_process_all_remaining_headers{false};
+ /** Current state of our headers sync. */
+ State m_download_state{State::PRESYNC};