path: root/init.cpp
diff options
authorJaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>2011-04-23 11:49:47 +0200
committerJaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>2011-04-23 12:10:25 +0200
commit84c3fb07b0b8199c7f85c5de280e7100bad0786f (patch)
treec259ad219b95fb3d55c685062f2ba226ec0dafe7 /init.cpp
parent64ad448adc67f3c32fe0dfe074c82a8377f67ee7 (diff)
directory re-organization (keeps the old build system)
there is no internal modification of any file in this commit files are moved into directories according to established standards in sourcecode distribution; these directories contain: src - Files that are used in constructing the executable binaries, but are not installed. doc - Files in HTML and text format that document usage, quirks of the implementation, and contributor checklists. locale - Files that contain human language translation of strings used in the program contrib - Files contributed from distributions or other third party implementing scripts and auxiliary programs
Diffstat (limited to 'init.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 523 deletions
diff --git a/init.cpp b/init.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f72181225..0000000000
--- a/init.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
-// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
-// file license.txt or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-#include "headers.h"
-// Shutdown
-void ExitTimeout(void* parg)
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- Sleep(5000);
- ExitProcess(0);
-void Shutdown(void* parg)
- static CCriticalSection cs_Shutdown;
- static bool fTaken;
- bool fFirstThread;
- CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_Shutdown)
- {
- fFirstThread = !fTaken;
- fTaken = true;
- }
- static bool fExit;
- if (fFirstThread)
- {
- fShutdown = true;
- nTransactionsUpdated++;
- DBFlush(false);
- StopNode();
- DBFlush(true);
- boost::filesystem::remove(GetPidFile());
- CreateThread(ExitTimeout, NULL);
- Sleep(50);
- printf("Bitcoin exiting\n\n");
- fExit = true;
- exit(0);
- }
- else
- {
- while (!fExit)
- Sleep(500);
- Sleep(100);
- ExitThread(0);
- }
-void HandleSIGTERM(int)
- fRequestShutdown = true;
-// Start
-#ifndef GUI
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- bool fRet = false;
- fRet = AppInit(argc, argv);
- if (fRet && fDaemon)
- return 0;
- return 1;
-bool AppInit(int argc, char* argv[])
- bool fRet = false;
- try
- {
- fRet = AppInit2(argc, argv);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e) {
- PrintException(&e, "AppInit()");
- } catch (...) {
- PrintException(NULL, "AppInit()");
- }
- if (!fRet)
- Shutdown(NULL);
- return fRet;
-bool AppInit2(int argc, char* argv[])
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- // Turn off microsoft heap dump noise
- _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE);
- _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, CreateFileA("NUL", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0));
-#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
- // Disable confusing "helpful" text message on abort, ctrl-c
- _set_abort_behavior(0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT);
-#ifndef __WXMSW__
- umask(077);
-#ifndef __WXMSW__
- // Clean shutdown on SIGTERM
- struct sigaction sa;
- sa.sa_handler = HandleSIGTERM;
- sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
- sa.sa_flags = 0;
- sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
- sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
- //
- // Parameters
- //
- ParseParameters(argc, argv);
- if (mapArgs.count("-datadir"))
- {
- filesystem::path pathDataDir = filesystem::system_complete(mapArgs["-datadir"]);
- strlcpy(pszSetDataDir, pathDataDir.string().c_str(), sizeof(pszSetDataDir));
- }
- ReadConfigFile(mapArgs, mapMultiArgs); // Must be done after processing datadir
- if (mapArgs.count("-?") || mapArgs.count("--help"))
- {
- string beta = VERSION_IS_BETA ? _(" beta") : "";
- string strUsage = string() +
- _("Bitcoin version") + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n\n" +
- _("Usage:") + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" +
- " bitcoin [options] \t " + "\n" +
- " bitcoin [options] <command> [params]\t " + _("Send command to -server or bitcoind\n") +
- " bitcoin [options] help \t\t " + _("List commands\n") +
- " bitcoin [options] help <command> \t\t " + _("Get help for a command\n") +
- _("Options:\n") +
- " -conf=<file> \t\t " + _("Specify configuration file (default: bitcoin.conf)\n") +
- " -pid=<file> \t\t " + _("Specify pid file (default: bitcoind.pid)\n") +
- " -gen \t\t " + _("Generate coins\n") +
- " -gen=0 \t\t " + _("Don't generate coins\n") +
- " -min \t\t " + _("Start minimized\n") +
- " -datadir=<dir> \t\t " + _("Specify data directory\n") +
- " -proxy=<ip:port> \t " + _("Connect through socks4 proxy\n") +
- " -addnode=<ip> \t " + _("Add a node to connect to\n") +
- " -connect=<ip> \t\t " + _("Connect only to the specified node\n") +
- " -nolisten \t " + _("Don't accept connections from outside\n") +
-#ifdef USE_UPNP
- " -noupnp \t " + _("Don't attempt to use UPnP to map the listening port\n") +
- " -upnp \t " + _("Attempt to use UPnP to map the listening port\n") +
- " -paytxfee=<amt> \t " + _("Fee per KB to add to transactions you send\n") +
-#ifdef GUI
- " -server \t\t " + _("Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands\n") +
-#ifndef __WXMSW__
- " -daemon \t\t " + _("Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands\n") +
- " -testnet \t\t " + _("Use the test network\n") +
- " -rpcuser=<user> \t " + _("Username for JSON-RPC connections\n") +
- " -rpcpassword=<pw>\t " + _("Password for JSON-RPC connections\n") +
- " -rpcport=<port> \t\t " + _("Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 8332)\n") +
- " -rpcallowip=<ip> \t\t " + _("Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP address\n") +
- " -rpcconnect=<ip> \t " + _("Send commands to node running on <ip> (default:\n") +
- " -keypool=<n> \t " + _("Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)\n") +
- " -rescan \t " + _("Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions\n");
-#ifdef USE_SSL
- strUsage += string() +
- _("\nSSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions)\n") +
- " -rpcssl \t " + _("Use OpenSSL (https) for JSON-RPC connections\n") +
- " -rpcsslcertificatechainfile=<file.cert>\t " + _("Server certificate file (default: server.cert)\n") +
- " -rpcsslprivatekeyfile=<file.pem> \t " + _("Server private key (default: server.pem)\n") +
- " -rpcsslciphers=<ciphers> \t " + _("Acceptable ciphers (default: TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!AH:!3DES:@STRENGTH)\n");
- strUsage += string() +
- " -? \t\t " + _("This help message\n");
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(GUI)
- // Tabs make the columns line up in the message box
- wxMessageBox(strUsage, "Bitcoin", wxOK);
- // Remove tabs
- strUsage.erase(std::remove(strUsage.begin(), strUsage.end(), '\t'), strUsage.end());
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- fDebug = GetBoolArg("-debug");
-#ifndef __WXMSW__
- fDaemon = GetBoolArg("-daemon");
- fDaemon = false;
- if (fDaemon)
- fServer = true;
- else
- fServer = GetBoolArg("-server");
- /* force fServer when running without GUI */
-#ifndef GUI
- fServer = true;
- fPrintToConsole = GetBoolArg("-printtoconsole");
- fPrintToDebugger = GetBoolArg("-printtodebugger");
- fTestNet = GetBoolArg("-testnet");
- fNoListen = GetBoolArg("-nolisten");
- fLogTimestamps = GetBoolArg("-logtimestamps");
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0]))
- fCommandLine = true;
- if (fCommandLine)
- {
- int ret = CommandLineRPC(argc, argv);
- exit(ret);
- }
-#ifndef __WXMSW__
- if (fDaemon)
- {
- // Daemonize
- pid_t pid = fork();
- if (pid < 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: fork() returned %d errno %d\n", pid, errno);
- return false;
- }
- if (pid > 0)
- {
- CreatePidFile(GetPidFile(), pid);
- return true;
- }
- pid_t sid = setsid();
- if (sid < 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: setsid() returned %d errno %d\n", sid, errno);
- }
- if (!fDebug && !pszSetDataDir[0])
- ShrinkDebugFile();
- printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
- printf("Bitcoin version %s\n", FormatFullVersion().c_str());
-#ifdef GUI
- printf("OS version %s\n", ((string)wxGetOsDescription()).c_str());
- printf("System default language is %d %s\n", g_locale.GetSystemLanguage(), ((string)g_locale.GetSysName()).c_str());
- printf("Language file %s (%s)\n", (string("locale/") + (string)g_locale.GetCanonicalName() + "/LC_MESSAGES/bitcoin.mo").c_str(), ((string)g_locale.GetLocale()).c_str());
- printf("Default data directory %s\n", GetDefaultDataDir().c_str());
- if (GetBoolArg("-loadblockindextest"))
- {
- CTxDB txdb("r");
- txdb.LoadBlockIndex();
- PrintBlockTree();
- return false;
- }
- //
- // Limit to single instance per user
- // Required to protect the database files if we're going to keep deleting log.*
- //
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(GUI)
- // wxSingleInstanceChecker doesn't work on Linux
- wxString strMutexName = wxString("bitcoin_running.") + getenv("HOMEPATH");
- for (int i = 0; i < strMutexName.size(); i++)
- if (!isalnum(strMutexName[i]))
- strMutexName[i] = '.';
- wxSingleInstanceChecker* psingleinstancechecker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker(strMutexName);
- if (psingleinstancechecker->IsAnotherRunning())
- {
- printf("Existing instance found\n");
- unsigned int nStart = GetTime();
- loop
- {
- // Show the previous instance and exit
- HWND hwndPrev = FindWindowA("wxWindowClassNR", "Bitcoin");
- if (hwndPrev)
- {
- if (IsIconic(hwndPrev))
- ShowWindow(hwndPrev, SW_RESTORE);
- SetForegroundWindow(hwndPrev);
- return false;
- }
- if (GetTime() > nStart + 60)
- return false;
- // Resume this instance if the other exits
- delete psingleinstancechecker;
- Sleep(1000);
- psingleinstancechecker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker(strMutexName);
- if (!psingleinstancechecker->IsAnotherRunning())
- break;
- }
- }
- // Make sure only a single bitcoin process is using the data directory.
- string strLockFile = GetDataDir() + "/.lock";
- FILE* file = fopen(strLockFile.c_str(), "a"); // empty lock file; created if it doesn't exist.
- fclose(file);
- static boost::interprocess::file_lock lock(strLockFile.c_str());
- if (!lock.try_lock())
- {
- wxMessageBox(strprintf(_("Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin is probably already running."), GetDataDir().c_str()), "Bitcoin");
- return false;
- }
- // Bind to the port early so we can tell if another instance is already running.
- string strErrors;
- if (!fNoListen)
- {
- if (!BindListenPort(strErrors))
- {
- wxMessageBox(strErrors, "Bitcoin");
- return false;
- }
- }
- //
- // Load data files
- //
- if (fDaemon)
- fprintf(stdout, "bitcoin server starting\n");
- strErrors = "";
- int64 nStart;
- printf("Loading addresses...\n");
- nStart = GetTimeMillis();
- if (!LoadAddresses())
- strErrors += _("Error loading addr.dat \n");
- printf(" addresses %15"PRI64d"ms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
- printf("Loading block index...\n");
- nStart = GetTimeMillis();
- if (!LoadBlockIndex())
- strErrors += _("Error loading blkindex.dat \n");
- printf(" block index %15"PRI64d"ms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
- printf("Loading wallet...\n");
- nStart = GetTimeMillis();
- bool fFirstRun;
- if (!LoadWallet(fFirstRun))
- strErrors += _("Error loading wallet.dat \n");
- printf(" wallet %15"PRI64d"ms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
- CBlockIndex *pindexRescan = pindexBest;
- if (GetBoolArg("-rescan"))
- pindexRescan = pindexGenesisBlock;
- else
- {
- CWalletDB walletdb;
- CBlockLocator locator;
- if (walletdb.ReadBestBlock(locator))
- pindexRescan = locator.GetBlockIndex();
- }
- if (pindexBest != pindexRescan)
- {
- printf("Rescanning last %i blocks (from block %i)...\n", pindexBest->nHeight - pindexRescan->nHeight, pindexRescan->nHeight);
- nStart = GetTimeMillis();
- ScanForWalletTransactions(pindexRescan);
- printf(" rescan %15"PRI64d"ms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
- }
- printf("Done loading\n");
- //// debug print
- printf("mapBlockIndex.size() = %d\n", mapBlockIndex.size());
- printf("nBestHeight = %d\n", nBestHeight);
- printf("mapKeys.size() = %d\n", mapKeys.size());
- printf("mapPubKeys.size() = %d\n", mapPubKeys.size());
- printf("mapWallet.size() = %d\n", mapWallet.size());
- printf("mapAddressBook.size() = %d\n", mapAddressBook.size());
- if (!strErrors.empty())
- {
- wxMessageBox(strErrors, "Bitcoin", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- // Add wallet transactions that aren't already in a block to mapTransactions
- ReacceptWalletTransactions();
- //
- // Parameters
- //
- if (GetBoolArg("-printblockindex") || GetBoolArg("-printblocktree"))
- {
- PrintBlockTree();
- return false;
- }
- if (mapArgs.count("-printblock"))
- {
- string strMatch = mapArgs["-printblock"];
- int nFound = 0;
- for (map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.begin(); mi != mapBlockIndex.end(); ++mi)
- {
- uint256 hash = (*mi).first;
- if (strncmp(hash.ToString().c_str(), strMatch.c_str(), strMatch.size()) == 0)
- {
- CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
- CBlock block;
- block.ReadFromDisk(pindex);
- block.BuildMerkleTree();
- block.print();
- printf("\n");
- nFound++;
- }
- }
- if (nFound == 0)
- printf("No blocks matching %s were found\n", strMatch.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- fGenerateBitcoins = GetBoolArg("-gen");
- if (mapArgs.count("-proxy"))
- {
- fUseProxy = true;
- addrProxy = CAddress(mapArgs["-proxy"]);
- if (!addrProxy.IsValid())
- {
- wxMessageBox(_("Invalid -proxy address"), "Bitcoin");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (mapArgs.count("-addnode"))
- {
- foreach(string strAddr, mapMultiArgs["-addnode"])
- {
- CAddress addr(strAddr, NODE_NETWORK);
- addr.nTime = 0; // so it won't relay unless successfully connected
- if (addr.IsValid())
- AddAddress(addr);
- }
- }
- if (mapArgs.count("-dnsseed"))
- DNSAddressSeed();
- if (mapArgs.count("-paytxfee"))
- {
- if (!ParseMoney(mapArgs["-paytxfee"], nTransactionFee))
- {
- wxMessageBox(_("Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>"), "Bitcoin");
- return false;
- }
- if (nTransactionFee > 0.25 * COIN)
- wxMessageBox(_("Warning: -paytxfee is set very high. This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction."), "Bitcoin", wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
- }
- if (fHaveUPnP)
- {
- if (GetBoolArg("-noupnp"))
- fUseUPnP = false;
- if (GetBoolArg("-upnp"))
- fUseUPnP = true;
- }
- //
- // Create the main window and start the node
- //
-#ifdef GUI
- if (!fDaemon)
- CreateMainWindow();
- if (!CheckDiskSpace())
- return false;
- RandAddSeedPerfmon();
- if (!CreateThread(StartNode, NULL))
- wxMessageBox("Error: CreateThread(StartNode) failed", "Bitcoin");
- if (fServer)
- CreateThread(ThreadRPCServer, NULL);
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(GUI)
- if (fFirstRun)
- SetStartOnSystemStartup(true);
-#ifndef GUI
- while (1)
- Sleep(5000);
- return true;