path: root/cryptopp/Readme.txt
diff options
authorJaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>2011-04-23 11:49:47 +0200
committerJaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>2011-04-23 12:10:25 +0200
commit84c3fb07b0b8199c7f85c5de280e7100bad0786f (patch)
treec259ad219b95fb3d55c685062f2ba226ec0dafe7 /cryptopp/Readme.txt
parent64ad448adc67f3c32fe0dfe074c82a8377f67ee7 (diff)
directory re-organization (keeps the old build system)
there is no internal modification of any file in this commit files are moved into directories according to established standards in sourcecode distribution; these directories contain: src - Files that are used in constructing the executable binaries, but are not installed. doc - Files in HTML and text format that document usage, quirks of the implementation, and contributor checklists. locale - Files that contain human language translation of strings used in the program contrib - Files contributed from distributions or other third party implementing scripts and auxiliary programs
Diffstat (limited to 'cryptopp/Readme.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/cryptopp/Readme.txt b/cryptopp/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 861c036c68..0000000000
--- a/cryptopp/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-Crypto++: a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Schemes
-Version 5.6.0 (3/15/2009)
-Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
-Currently the library contains the following algorithms:
- algorithm type name
- authenticated encryption schemes GCM, CCM, EAX
- high speed stream ciphers Panama, Sosemanuk, Salsa20, XSalsa20
- AES and AES candidates AES (Rijndael), RC6, MARS, Twofish, Serpent,
- CAST-256
- IDEA, Triple-DES (DES-EDE2 and DES-EDE3),
- other block ciphers Camellia, SEED, RC5, Blowfish, TEA, XTEA,
- Skipjack, SHACAL-2
- block cipher modes of operation ECB, CBC, CBC ciphertext stealing (CTS),
- CFB, OFB, counter mode (CTR)
- message authentication codes VMAC, HMAC, CMAC, CBC-MAC, DMAC,
- Two-Track-MAC
- SHA-1, SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and
- hash functions SHA-512), Tiger, WHIRLPOOL, RIPEMD-128,
- RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-320
- RSA, DSA, ElGamal, Nyberg-Rueppel (NR),
- public-key cryptography Rabin, Rabin-Williams (RW), LUC, LUCELG,
- DLIES (variants of DHAES), ESIGN
- padding schemes for public-key PKCS#1 v2.0, OAEP, PSS, PSSR, IEEE P1363
- systems EMSA2 and EMSA5
- Diffie-Hellman (DH), Unified Diffie-Hellman
- key agreement schemes (DH2), Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (MQV), LUCDIF,
- elliptic curve cryptography ECDSA, ECNR, ECIES, ECDH, ECMQV
- insecure or obsolescent MD2, MD4, MD5, Panama Hash, DES, ARC4, SEAL
-algorithms retained for backwards 3.0, WAKE, WAKE-OFB, DESX (DES-XEX3), RC2,
- compatibility and historical SAFER, 3-WAY, GOST, SHARK, CAST-128, Square
- value
-Other features include:
- * pseudo random number generators (PRNG): ANSI X9.17 appendix C, RandomPool
- * password based key derivation functions: PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 from PKCS #5,
- PBKDF from PKCS #12 appendix B
- * Shamir's secret sharing scheme and Rabin's information dispersal algorithm
- (IDA)
- * fast multi-precision integer (bignum) and polynomial operations
- * finite field arithmetics, including GF(p) and GF(2^n)
- * prime number generation and verification
- * useful non-cryptographic algorithms
- + DEFLATE (RFC 1951) compression/decompression with gzip (RFC 1952) and
- zlib (RFC 1950) format support
- + hex, base-32, and base-64 coding/decoding
- + 32-bit CRC and Adler32 checksum
- * class wrappers for these operating system features (optional):
- + high resolution timers on Windows, Unix, and Mac OS
- + Berkeley and Windows style sockets
- + Windows named pipes
- + /dev/random, /dev/urandom, /dev/srandom
- + Microsoft's CryptGenRandom on Windows
- * A high level interface for most of the above, using a filter/pipeline
- metaphor
- * benchmarks and validation testing
- * x86, x86-64 (x64), MMX, and SSE2 assembly code for the most commonly used
- algorithms, with run-time CPU feature detection and code selection
- * some versions are available in FIPS 140-2 validated form
-You are welcome to use it for any purpose without paying me, but see
-License.txt for the fine print.
-The following compilers are supported for this release. Please visit
-http://www.cryptopp.com the most up to date build instructions and porting notes.
- * MSVC 6.0 - 2008
- * GCC 3.3 - 4.3
- * C++Builder 2009
- * Intel C++ Compiler 9 - 11
- * Sun Studio 12 (CC 5.9)
-*** Important Usage Notes ***
-1. If a constructor for A takes a pointer to an object B (except primitive
-types such as int and char), then A owns B and will delete B at A's
-destruction. If a constructor for A takes a reference to an object B,
-then the caller retains ownership of B and should not destroy it until
-A no longer needs it.
-2. Crypto++ is thread safe at the class level. This means you can use
-Crypto++ safely in a multithreaded application, but you must provide
-synchronization when multiple threads access a common Crypto++ object.
-*** MSVC-Specific Information ***
-On Windows, Crypto++ can be compiled into 3 forms: a static library
-including all algorithms, a DLL with only FIPS Approved algorithms, and
-a static library with only algorithms not in the DLL.
-(FIPS Approved means Approved according to the FIPS 140-2 standard.)
-The DLL may be used by itself, or it may be used together with the second
-form of the static library. MSVC project files are included to build
-all three forms, and sample applications using each of the three forms
-are also included.
-To compile Crypto++ with MSVC, open the "cryptest.dsw" (for MSVC 6 and MSVC .NET
-2003) or "cryptest.sln" (for MSVC .NET 2005) workspace file and build one or
-more of the following projects:
-cryptdll - This builds the DLL. Please note that if you wish to use Crypto++
- as a FIPS validated module, you must use a pre-built DLL that has undergone
- the FIPS validation process instead of building your own.
-dlltest - This builds a sample application that only uses the DLL.
-cryptest Non-DLL-Import Configuration - This builds the full static library
- along with a full test driver.
-cryptest DLL-Import Configuration - This builds a static library containing
- only algorithms not in the DLL, along with a full test driver that uses
- both the DLL and the static library.
-To use the Crypto++ DLL in your application, #include "dll.h" before including
-any other Crypto++ header files, and place the DLL in the same directory as
-your .exe file. dll.h includes the line #pragma comment(lib, "cryptopp")
-so you don't have to explicitly list the import library in your project
-settings. To use a static library form of Crypto++, specify it as
-an additional library to link with in your project settings.
-In either case you should check the compiler options to
-make sure that the library and your application are using the same C++
-run-time libraries and calling conventions.
-*** DLL Memory Management ***
-Because it's possible for the Crypto++ DLL to delete objects allocated
-by the calling application, they must use the same C++ memory heap. Three
-methods are provided to achieve this.
-1. The calling application can tell Crypto++ what heap to use. This method
- is required when the calling application uses a non-standard heap.
-2. Crypto++ can tell the calling application what heap to use. This method
- is required when the calling application uses a statically linked C++ Run
- Time Library. (Method 1 does not work in this case because the Crypto++ DLL
- is initialized before the calling application's heap is initialized.)
-3. Crypto++ can automatically use the heap provided by the calling application's
- dynamically linked C++ Run Time Library. The calling application must
- make sure that the dynamically linked C++ Run Time Library is initialized
- before Crypto++ is loaded. (At this time it is not clear if it is possible
- to control the order in which DLLs are initialized on Windows 9x machines,
- so it might be best to avoid using this method.)
-When Crypto++ attaches to a new process, it searches all modules loaded
-into the process space for exported functions "GetNewAndDeleteForCryptoPP"
-and "SetNewAndDeleteFromCryptoPP". If one of these functions is found,
-Crypto++ uses methods 1 or 2, respectively, by calling the function.
-Otherwise, method 3 is used.
-*** GCC-Specific Information ***
-A makefile is included for you to compile Crypto++ with GCC. Make sure
-you are using GNU Make and GNU ld. The make process will produce two files,
-libcryptopp.a and cryptest.exe. Run "cryptest.exe v" for the validation
-*** Documentation and Support ***
-Crypto++ is documented through inline comments in header files, which are
-processed through Doxygen to produce an HTML reference manual. You can find
-a link to the manual from http://www.cryptopp.com. Also at that site is
-the Crypto++ FAQ, which you should browse through before attempting to
-use this library, because it will likely answer many of questions that
-may come up.
-If you run into any problems, please try the Crypto++ mailing list.
-The subscription information and the list archive are available on
-http://www.cryptopp.com. You can also email me directly by visiting
-http://www.weidai.com, but you will probably get a faster response through
-the mailing list.
-*** History ***
-1.0 - First public release. Withdrawn at the request of RSA DSI.
- - included Blowfish, BBS, DES, DH, Diamond, DSA, ElGamal, IDEA,
- MD5, RC4, RC5, RSA, SHA, WAKE, secret sharing, DEFLATE compression
- - had a serious bug in the RSA key generation code.
-1.1 - Removed RSA, RC4, RC5
- - Disabled calls to RSAREF's non-public functions
- - Minor bugs fixed
-2.0 - a completely new, faster multiprecision integer class
- - added MD5-MAC, HAVAL, 3-WAY, TEA, SAFER, LUC, Rabin, BlumGoldwasser,
- elliptic curve algorithms
- - added the Lucas strong probable primality test
- - ElGamal encryption and signature schemes modified to avoid weaknesses
- - Diamond changed to Diamond2 because of key schedule weakness
- - fixed bug in WAKE key setup
- - SHS class renamed to SHA
- - lots of miscellaneous optimizations
-2.1 - added Tiger, HMAC, GOST, RIPE-MD160, LUCELG, LUCDIF, XOR-MAC,
- - added precomputation to DH, ElGamal, DSA, and elliptic curve algorithms
- - added back RC5 and a new RSA
- - optimizations in elliptic curves over GF(p)
- - changed Rabin to use OAEP and PSSR
- - changed many classes to allow copy constructors to work correctly
- - improved exception generation and handling
-2.2 - added SEAL, CAST-128, Square
- - fixed bug in HAVAL (padding problem)
- - fixed bug in triple-DES (decryption order was reversed)
- - fixed bug in RC5 (couldn't handle key length not a multiple of 4)
- - changed HMAC to conform to RFC-2104 (which is not compatible
- with the original HMAC)
- - changed secret sharing and information dispersal to use GF(2^32)
- instead of GF(65521)
- - removed zero knowledge prover/verifier for graph isomorphism
- - removed several utility classes in favor of the C++ standard library
-2.3 - ported to EGCS
- - fixed incomplete workaround of min/max conflict in MSVC
-3.0 - placed all names into the "CryptoPP" namespace
- - added MD2, RC2, RC6, MARS, RW, DH2, MQV, ECDHC, CBC-CTS
- - added abstract base classes PK_SimpleKeyAgreementDomain and
- PK_AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain
- - changed DH and LUCDIF to implement the PK_SimpleKeyAgreementDomain
- interface and to perform domain parameter and key validation
- - changed interfaces of PK_Signer and PK_Verifier to sign and verify
- messages instead of message digests
- - changed OAEP to conform to PKCS#1 v2.0
- - changed benchmark code to produce HTML tables as output
- - changed PSSR to track IEEE P1363a
- - renamed ElGamalSignature to NR and changed it to track IEEE P1363
- - renamed ECKEP to ECMQVC and changed it to track IEEE P1363
- - renamed several other classes for clarity
- - removed support for calling RSAREF
- - removed option to compile old SHA (SHA-0)
- - removed option not to throw exceptions
-3.1 - added ARC4, Rijndael, Twofish, Serpent, CBC-MAC, DMAC
- - added interface for querying supported key lengths of symmetric ciphers
- and MACs
- - added sample code for RSA signature and verification
- - changed CBC-CTS to be compatible with RFC 2040
- - updated SEAL to version 3.0 of the cipher specification
- - optimized multiprecision squaring and elliptic curves over GF(p)
- - fixed bug in MARS key setup
- - fixed bug with attaching objects to Deflator
-3.2 - added DES-XEX3, ECDSA, DefaultEncryptorWithMAC
- - renamed DES-EDE to DES-EDE2 and TripleDES to DES-EDE3
- - optimized ARC4
- - generalized DSA to allow keys longer than 1024 bits
- - fixed bugs in GF2N and ModularArithmetic that can cause calculation errors
- - fixed crashing bug in Inflator when given invalid inputs
- - fixed endian bug in Serpent
- - fixed padding bug in Tiger
-4.0 - added Skipjack, CAST-256, Panama, SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512),
- and XTR-DH
- - added a faster variant of Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA)
- - added class wrappers for these operating system features:
- - high resolution timers on Windows, Unix, and MacOS
- - Berkeley and Windows style sockets
- - Windows named pipes
- - /dev/random and /dev/urandom on Linux and FreeBSD
- - Microsoft's CryptGenRandom on Windows
- - added support for SEC 1 elliptic curve key format and compressed points
- - added support for X.509 public key format (subjectPublicKeyInfo) for
- RSA, DSA, and elliptic curve schemes
- - added support for DER and OpenPGP signature format for DSA
- - added support for ZLIB compressed data format (RFC 1950)
- - changed elliptic curve encryption to use ECIES (as defined in SEC 1)
- - changed MARS key schedule to reflect the latest specification
- - changed BufferedTransformation interface to support multiple channels
- and messages
- - changed CAST and SHA-1 implementations to use public domain source code
- - fixed bug in StringSource
- - optmized multi-precision integer code for better performance
-4.1 - added more support for the recommended elliptic curve parameters in SEC 2
- - added Panama MAC, MARC4
- - added IV stealing feature to CTS mode
- - added support for PKCS #8 private key format for RSA, DSA, and elliptic
- curve schemes
- - changed Deflate, MD5, Rijndael, and Twofish to use public domain code
- - fixed a bug with flushing compressed streams
- - fixed a bug with decompressing stored blocks
- - fixed a bug with EC point decompression using non-trinomial basis
- - fixed a bug in NetworkSource::GeneralPump()
- - fixed a performance issue with EC over GF(p) decryption
- - fixed syntax to allow GCC to compile without -fpermissive
- - relaxed some restrictions in the license
-4.2 - added support for longer HMAC keys
- - added MD4 (which is not secure so use for compatibility purposes only)
- - added compatibility fixes/workarounds for STLport 4.5, GCC 3.0.2,
- and MSVC 7.0
- - changed MD2 to use public domain code
- - fixed a bug with decompressing multiple messages with the same object
- - fixed a bug in CBC-MAC with MACing multiple messages with the same object
- - fixed a bug in RC5 and RC6 with zero-length keys
- - fixed a bug in Adler32 where incorrect checksum may be generated
-5.0 - added ESIGN, DLIES, WAKE-OFB, PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 from PKCS #5
- - added key validation for encryption and signature public/private keys
- - renamed StreamCipher interface to SymmetricCipher, which is now implemented
- by both stream ciphers and block cipher modes including ECB and CBC
- - added keying interfaces to support resetting of keys and IVs without
- having to destroy and recreate objects
- - changed filter interface to support non-blocking input/output
- - changed SocketSource and SocketSink to use overlapped I/O on Microsoft Windows
- - grouped related classes inside structs to help templates, for example
- AESEncryption and AESDecryption are now AES::Encryption and AES::Decryption
- - where possible, typedefs have been added to improve backwards
- compatibility when the CRYPTOPP_MAINTAIN_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY macro is defined
- - changed Serpent, HAVAL and IDEA to use public domain code
- - implemented SSE2 optimizations for Integer operations
- - fixed a bug in HMAC::TruncatedFinal()
- - fixed SKIPJACK byte ordering following NIST clarification dated 5/9/02
-5.01 - added known answer test for X9.17 RNG in FIPS 140 power-up self test
- - submitted to NIST/CSE, but not publicly released
-5.02 - changed EDC test to MAC integrity check using HMAC/SHA1
- - improved performance of integrity check
- - added blinding to defend against RSA timing attack
-5.03 - created DLL version of Crypto++ for FIPS 140-2 validation
- - fixed vulnerabilities in GetNextIV for CTR and OFB modes
-5.0.4 - Removed DES, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 from DLL
-5.1 - added PSS padding and changed PSSR to track IEEE P1363a draft standard
- - added blinding for RSA and Rabin to defend against timing attacks
- on decryption operations
- - changed signing and decryption APIs to support the above
- - changed WaitObjectContainer to allow waiting for more than 64
- objects at a time on Win32 platforms
- - fixed a bug in CBC and ECB modes with processing non-aligned data
- - fixed standard conformance bugs in DLIES (DHAES mode) and RW/EMSA2
- signature scheme (these fixes are not backwards compatible)
- - fixed a number of compiler warnings, minor bugs, and portability problems
- - removed Sapphire
-5.2 - merged in changes for 5.01 - 5.0.4
- - added support for using encoding parameters and key derivation parameters
- with public key encryption (implemented by OAEP and DL/ECIES)
- - added Camellia, SHACAL-2, Two-Track-MAC, Whirlpool, RIPEMD-320,
- RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-256, Base-32 coding, FIPS variant of CFB mode
- - added ThreadUserTimer for timing thread CPU usage
- - added option for password-based key derivation functions
- to iterate until a mimimum elapsed thread CPU time is reached
- - added option (on by default) for DEFLATE compression to detect
- uncompressible files and process them more quickly
- - improved compatibility and performance on 64-bit platforms,
- including Alpha, IA-64, x86-64, PPC64, Sparc64, and MIPS64
- - fixed ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING to use 0x80 instead 0x01 as padding.
- - fixed encoding/decoding of PKCS #8 privateKeyInfo to properly
- handle optional attributes
-5.2.1 - fixed bug in the "dlltest" DLL testing program
- - fixed compiling with STLport using VC .NET
- - fixed compiling with -fPIC using GCC
- - fixed compiling with -msse2 on systems without memalign()
- - fixed inability to instantiate PanamaMAC
- - fixed problems with inline documentation
-5.2.2 - added SHA-224
- - put SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RSASSA-PSS into DLL
-5.2.3 - fixed issues with FIPS algorithm test vectors
- - put RSASSA-ISO into DLL
-5.3 - ported to MSVC 2005 with support for x86-64
- - added defense against AES timing attacks, and more AES test vectors
- - changed StaticAlgorithmName() of Rijndael to "AES", CTR to "CTR"
-5.4 - added Salsa20
- - updated Whirlpool to version 3.0
- - ported to GCC 4.1, Sun C++ 5.8, and Borland C++Builder 2006
-5.5 - added VMAC and Sosemanuk (with x86-64 and SSE2 assembly)
- - improved speed of integer arithmetic, AES, SHA-512, Tiger, Salsa20,
- Whirlpool, and PANAMA cipher using assembly (x86-64, MMX, SSE2)
- - optimized Camellia and added defense against timing attacks
- - updated benchmarks code to show cycles per byte and to time key/IV setup
- - started using OpenMP for increased multi-core speed
- - enabled GCC optimization flags by default in GNUmakefile
- - added blinding and computational error checking for RW signing
- - changed RandomPool, X917RNG, GetNextIV, DSA/NR/ECDSA/ECNR to reduce
- the risk of reusing random numbers and IVs after virtual machine state
- rollback
- - changed default FIPS mode RNG from AutoSeededX917RNG<DES_EDE3> to
- AutoSeededX917RNG<AES>
- - fixed PANAMA cipher interface to accept 256-bit key and 256-bit IV
- - moved MD2, MD4, MD5, PanamaHash, ARC4, WAKE_CFB into the namespace "Weak"
- - removed HAVAL, MD5-MAC, XMAC
-5.5.1 - fixed VMAC validation failure on 32-bit big-endian machines
-5.5.2 - ported x64 assembly language code for AES, Salsa20, Sosemanuk, and Panama
- to MSVC 2005 (using MASM since MSVC doesn't support inline assembly on x64)
- - fixed Salsa20 initialization crash on non-SSE2 machines
- - fixed Whirlpool crash on Pentium 2 machines
- - fixed possible branch prediction analysis (BPA) vulnerability in
- MontgomeryReduce(), which may affect security of RSA, RW, LUC
- - fixed link error with MSVC 2003 when using "debug DLL" form of runtime library
- - fixed crash in SSE2_Add on P4 machines when compiled with
- MSVC 6.0 SP5 with Processor Pack
- - ported to MSVC 2008, GCC 4.2, Sun CC 5.9, Intel C++ Compiler 10.0,
- and Borland C++Builder 2007
-5.6 - added AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher interface class and Filter wrappers
- - added CCM, GCM (with SSE2 assembly), EAX, CMAC, XSalsa20, and SEED
- - added support for variable length IVs
- - improved AES and SHA-256 speed on x86 and x64
- - fixed incorrect VMAC computation on message lengths
- that are >64 mod 128 (x86 assembly version is not affected)
- - fixed compiler error in vmac.cpp on x86 with GCC -fPIC
- - fixed run-time validation error on x86-64 with GCC 4.3.2 -O2
- - fixed HashFilter bug when putMessage=true
- - removed WORD64_AVAILABLE; compiler support for 64-bit int is now required
- - ported to GCC 4.3, C++Builder 2009, Sun CC 5.10, Intel C++ Compiler 11
-Written by Wei Dai