path: root/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk
diff options
authorCarl Dong <contact@carldong.me>2019-10-15 19:28:49 -0400
committerCarl Dong <contact@carldong.me>2020-06-19 14:35:48 -0400
commitb3394ab235b93937321ffd08b8924e57855aac38 (patch)
tree128da05d8670701e89f2de6e242bfd3a8f7b2ed4 /contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk
parentfebe5823b4ae0de5cd0e6da3f69555acd0724267 (diff)
contrib: macdeploy: Correctly generate macOS SDK
Previously, we did not include the macOS SDK libc++ headers in our SDK creation process and instead used whichever libc++ headers shipped with the clang package we downloaded in depends. This change adds a script (which works on both GNU/Linux and macOS) to correctly generate the macOS SDK including the libc++ headers. This can be thought of as a simplified rewrite of tpoechtrager's script: https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross/blob/d3392f4eae78f3fa3f1fd065fa423f2712825102/tools/gen_sdk_package.sh The location within the SDK where we place the libc++ headers is chosen such that clang's search path detection logic for sysroots would pick up the headers properly. We also document this change.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk b/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..457d8f5e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/macdeploy/gen-sdk
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import plistlib
+import pathlib
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import gzip
+import os
+import contextlib
+def cd(path):
+ """Context manager that restores PWD even if an exception was raised."""
+ old_pwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(str(path))
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old_pwd)
+def run():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('xcode_app', metavar='XCODEAPP', nargs=1)
+ parser.add_argument("-o", metavar='OUTSDKTGZ', nargs=1, dest='out_sdktgz', required=False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ xcode_app = pathlib.Path(args.xcode_app[0]).resolve()
+ assert xcode_app.is_dir(), "The supplied Xcode.app path '{}' either does not exist or is not a directory".format(xcode_app)
+ xcode_app_plist = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/version.plist")
+ with xcode_app_plist.open('rb') as fp:
+ pl = plistlib.load(fp)
+ xcode_version = pl['CFBundleShortVersionString']
+ xcode_build_id = pl['ProductBuildVersion']
+ print("Found Xcode (version: {xcode_version}, build id: {xcode_build_id})".format(xcode_version=xcode_version, xcode_build_id=xcode_build_id))
+ sdk_dir = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk")
+ sdk_plist = sdk_dir.joinpath("System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist")
+ with sdk_plist.open('rb') as fp:
+ pl = plistlib.load(fp)
+ sdk_version = pl['ProductVersion']
+ sdk_build_id = pl['ProductBuildVersion']
+ print("Found MacOSX SDK (version: {sdk_version}, build id: {sdk_build_id})".format(sdk_version=sdk_version, sdk_build_id=sdk_build_id))
+ out_name = "Xcode-{xcode_version}-{xcode_build_id}-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers".format(xcode_version=xcode_version, xcode_build_id=xcode_build_id)
+ xcode_libcxx_dir = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/c++/v1")
+ assert xcode_libcxx_dir.is_dir()
+ if args.out_sdktgz:
+ out_sdktgz_path = pathlib.Path(args.out_sdktgz_path)
+ else:
+ # Construct our own out_sdktgz if not specified on the command line
+ out_sdktgz_path = pathlib.Path("./{}.tar.gz".format(out_name))
+ def tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, dir_to_add, alt_base_dir):
+ """Add all files in dir_to_add to tarfp, but prepent MEMBERPREFIX to the files'
+ names
+ e.g. if the only file under /root/bazdir is /root/bazdir/qux, invoking:
+ tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, "foo/bar", "/root/bazdir")
+ would result in the following members being added to tarfp:
+ foo/bar/ -> corresponding to /root/bazdir
+ foo/bar/qux -> corresponding to /root/bazdir/qux
+ """
+ def change_tarinfo_base(tarinfo):
+ if tarinfo.name and tarinfo.name.startswith("./"):
+ tarinfo.name = str(pathlib.Path(alt_base_dir, tarinfo.name))
+ if tarinfo.linkname and tarinfo.linkname.startswith("./"):
+ tarinfo.linkname = str(pathlib.Path(alt_base_dir, tarinfo.linkname))
+ return tarinfo
+ with cd(dir_to_add):
+ tarfp.add(".", recursive=True, filter=change_tarinfo_base)
+ print("Creating output .tar.gz file...")
+ with out_sdktgz_path.open("wb") as fp:
+ with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fp, compresslevel=9, mtime=0) as gzf:
+ with tarfile.open(mode="w", fileobj=gzf) as tarfp:
+ print("Adding MacOSX SDK {} files...".format(sdk_version))
+ tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, sdk_dir, out_name)
+ print("Adding libc++ headers...")
+ tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, xcode_libcxx_dir, "{}/usr/include/c++/v1".format(out_name))
+ print("Done! Find the resulting gzipped tarball at:")
+ print(out_sdktgz_path.resolve())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run()