diff options
authorChun Kuan Lee <ken2812221@gmail.com>2018-07-16 13:01:09 +0000
committerChun Kuan Lee <ken2812221@gmail.com>2018-07-16 13:01:09 +0000
commit78f06e4af76b6e4550b8eed5a521684140a4fc5f (patch)
parent17943f77bda22d515e29662d31c8ac936b85f470 (diff)
Migrate gitian-build.sh to python
2 files changed, 201 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-build.py b/contrib/gitian-build.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6ecb52d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian-build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+def setup():
+ global args, workdir
+ programs = ['ruby', 'git', 'apt-cacher-ng']
+ if args.kvm:
+ programs += ['python-vm-builder', 'qemu-kvm', 'qemu-utils']
+ elif args.docker:
+ programs += ['docker.io']
+ else:
+ programs += ['lxc', 'debootstrap']
+ subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-qq'] + programs)
+ if not os.path.isdir('gitian.sigs'):
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gitian.sigs.git'])
+ if not os.path.isdir('bitcoin-detached-sigs'):
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs.git'])
+ if not os.path.isdir('gitian-builder'):
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git'])
+ os.chdir('gitian-builder')
+ make_image_prog = ['bin/make-base-vm', '--suite', 'bionic', '--arch', 'amd64']
+ if args.docker:
+ make_image_prog += ['--docker']
+ elif not args.kvm:
+ make_image_prog += ['--lxc']
+ subprocess.check_call(make_image_prog)
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+def build():
+ global args, workdir
+ os.makedirs('bitcoin-binaries/' + args.version, exist_ok=True)
+ print('\nBuilding Dependencies\n')
+ os.chdir('gitian-builder')
+ os.makedirs('inputs', exist_ok=True)
+ subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-N', '-P', 'inputs', 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/osslsigncode/osslsigncode/osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['wget', '-N', '-P', 'inputs', 'https://bitcoincore.org/cfields/osslsigncode-Backports-to-1.7.1.patch'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['make', '-C', '../bitcoin/depends', 'download', 'SOURCES_PATH=' + os.getcwd() + '/cache/common'])
+ if args.linux:
+ print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' Linux')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin='+args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin='+args.url, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-linux', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ if args.windows:
+ print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' Windows')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin='+args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin='+args.url, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-win-unsigned', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*-win-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz', shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.zip build/out/bitcoin-*.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ if args.macos:
+ print('\nCompiling ' + args.version + ' MacOS')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-j', args.jobs, '-m', args.memory, '--commit', 'bitcoin='+args.commit, '--url', 'bitcoin='+args.url, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-osx-unsigned', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*-osx-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz', shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/bitcoin-*.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+ if args.commit_files:
+ print('\nCommitting '+args.version+' Unsigned Sigs\n')
+ os.chdir('gitian.sigs')
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-linux/'+args.signer])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-win-unsigned/'+args.signer])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-osx-unsigned/'+args.signer])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Add '+args.version+' unsigned sigs for '+args.signer])
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+def sign():
+ global args, workdir
+ os.chdir('gitian-builder')
+ if args.windows:
+ print('\nSigning ' + args.version + ' Windows')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-i', '--commit', 'signature='+args.commit, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-win-signed', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*win64-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-*win32-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version, shell=True)
+ if args.macos:
+ print('\nSigning ' + args.version + ' MacOS')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gbuild', '-i', '--commit', 'signature='+args.commit, '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gsign', '-p', args.sign_prog, '--signer', args.signer, '--release', args.version+'-osx-signed', '--destination', '../gitian.sigs/', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
+ subprocess.check_call('mv build/out/bitcoin-osx-signed.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/'+args.version+'/bitcoin-'+args.version+'-osx.dmg', shell=True)
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+ if args.commit_files:
+ print('\nCommitting '+args.version+' Signed Sigs\n')
+ os.chdir('gitian.sigs')
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-win-signed/'+args.signer])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-osx-signed/'+args.signer])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Add '+args.version+' signed binary sigs for '+args.signer])
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+def verify():
+ global args, workdir
+ os.chdir('gitian-builder')
+ print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Linux\n')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-linux', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml'])
+ print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Windows\n')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win-unsigned', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml'])
+ print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' MacOS\n')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx-unsigned', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml'])
+ print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Signed Windows\n')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win-signed', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml'])
+ print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Signed MacOS\n')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../gitian.sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx-signed', '../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml'])
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+def main():
+ global args, workdir
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options] signer version')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--commit', action='store_true', dest='commit', help='Indicate that the version argument is for a commit or branch')
+ parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='url', default='https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin', help='Specify the URL of the repository. Default is %(default)s')
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verify', action='store_true', dest='verify', help='Verify the Gitian build')
+ parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', action='store_true', dest='build', help='Do a Gitian build')
+ parser.add_argument('-s', '--sign', action='store_true', dest='sign', help='Make signed binaries for Windows and MacOS')
+ parser.add_argument('-B', '--buildsign', action='store_true', dest='buildsign', help='Build both signed and unsigned binaries')
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--os', dest='os', default='lwm', help='Specify which Operating Systems the build is for. Default is %(default)s. l for Linux, w for Windows, m for MacOS')
+ parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', default='2', help='Number of processes to use. Default %(default)s')
+ parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', dest='memory', default='2000', help='Memory to allocate in MiB. Default %(default)s')
+ parser.add_argument('-k', '--kvm', action='store_true', dest='kvm', help='Use KVM instead of LXC')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--docker', action='store_true', dest='docker', help='Use Docker instead of LXC')
+ parser.add_argument('-S', '--setup', action='store_true', dest='setup', help='Set up the Gitian building environment. Uses LXC. If you want to use KVM, use the --kvm option. Only works on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Debian)')
+ parser.add_argument('-D', '--detach-sign', action='store_true', dest='detach_sign', help='Create the assert file for detached signing. Will not commit anything.')
+ parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-commit', action='store_false', dest='commit_files', help='Do not commit anything to git')
+ parser.add_argument('signer', help='GPG signer to sign each build assert file')
+ parser.add_argument('version', help='Version number, commit, or branch to build. If building a commit or branch, the -c option must be specified')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ workdir = os.getcwd()
+ args.linux = 'l' in args.os
+ args.windows = 'w' in args.os
+ args.macos = 'm' in args.os
+ if args.buildsign:
+ args.build=True
+ args.sign=True
+ if args.kvm and args.docker:
+ raise Exception('Error: cannot have both kvm and docker')
+ args.sign_prog = 'true' if args.detach_sign else 'gpg --detach-sign'
+ # Set enviroment variable USE_LXC or USE_DOCKER, let gitian-builder know that we use lxc or docker
+ if args.docker:
+ os.environ['USE_DOCKER'] = '1'
+ elif not args.kvm:
+ os.environ['USE_LXC'] = '1'
+ # Disable for MacOS if no SDK found
+ if args.macos and not os.path.isfile('gitian-builder/inputs/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz'):
+ print('Cannot build for MacOS, SDK does not exist. Will build for other OSes')
+ args.macos = False
+ script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ # Signer and version shouldn't be empty
+ if args.signer == '':
+ print(script_name+': Missing signer.')
+ print('Try '+script_name+' --help for more information')
+ exit(1)
+ if args.version == '':
+ print(script_name+': Missing version.')
+ print('Try '+script_name+' --help for more information')
+ exit(1)
+ # Add leading 'v' for tags
+ args.commit = ('' if args.commit else 'v') + args.version
+ print(args.commit)
+ if args.setup:
+ setup()
+ os.chdir('bitcoin')
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch'])
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', args.commit])
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+ if args.build:
+ build()
+ if args.sign:
+ sign()
+ if args.verify:
+ verify()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/contrib/gitian-build.sh b/contrib/gitian-build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d873580711..0000000000
--- a/contrib/gitian-build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
-# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
-# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
-export LC_ALL=C
-# What to do
-# Systems to build
-# Other Basic variables
-scriptName=$(basename -- "$0")
-signProg="gpg --detach-sign"
-# Help Message
-read -d '' usage <<- EOF
-Usage: $scriptName [-c|u|v|b|s|B|o|h|j|m|] signer version
-Run this script from the directory containing the bitcoin, gitian-builder, gitian.sigs, and bitcoin-detached-sigs.
-signer GPG signer to sign each build assert file
-version Version number, commit, or branch to build. If building a commit or branch, the -c option must be specified
--c|--commit Indicate that the version argument is for a commit or branch
--u|--url Specify the URL of the repository. Default is https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
--v|--verify Verify the Gitian build
--b|--build Do a Gitian build
--s|--sign Make signed binaries for Windows and Mac OSX
--B|--buildsign Build both signed and unsigned binaries
--o|--os Specify which Operating Systems the build is for. Default is lwx. l for linux, w for windows, x for osx
--j Number of processes to use. Default 2
--m Memory to allocate in MiB. Default 2000
---kvm Use KVM instead of LXC
---docker Use Docker instead of LXC
---setup Set up the Gitian building environment. Uses LXC. If you want to use KVM, use the --kvm option. Only works on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Debian)
---detach-sign Create the assert file for detached signing. Will not commit anything.
---no-commit Do not commit anything to git
--h|--help Print this help message
-# Get options and arguments
-while :; do
- case $1 in
- # Verify
- -v|--verify)
- verify=true
- ;;
- # Build
- -b|--build)
- build=true
- ;;
- # Sign binaries
- -s|--sign)
- sign=true
- ;;
- # Build then Sign
- -B|--buildsign)
- sign=true
- build=true
- ;;
- # PGP Signer
- -S|--signer)
- if [ -n "$2" ]
- then
- SIGNER="$2"
- shift
- else
- echo 'Error: "--signer" requires a non-empty argument.'
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- # Operating Systems
- -o|--os)
- if [ -n "$2" ]
- then
- linux=false
- windows=false
- osx=false
- if [[ "$2" = *"l"* ]]
- then
- linux=true
- fi
- if [[ "$2" = *"w"* ]]
- then
- windows=true
- fi
- if [[ "$2" = *"x"* ]]
- then
- osx=true
- fi
- shift
- else
- echo 'Error: "--os" requires an argument containing an l (for linux), w (for windows), or x (for Mac OSX)'
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- # Help message
- -h|--help)
- echo "$usage"
- exit 0
- ;;
- # Commit or branch
- -c|--commit)
- commit=true
- ;;
- # Number of Processes
- -j)
- if [ -n "$2" ]
- then
- proc=$2
- shift
- else
- echo 'Error: "-j" requires an argument'
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- # Memory to allocate
- -m)
- if [ -n "$2" ]
- then
- mem=$2
- shift
- else
- echo 'Error: "-m" requires an argument'
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- # URL
- -u)
- if [ -n "$2" ]
- then
- url=$2
- shift
- else
- echo 'Error: "-u" requires an argument'
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- # kvm
- --kvm)
- lxc=false
- ;;
- # docker
- --docker)
- if [[ $lxc = false ]]
- then
- echo 'Error: cannot have both kvm and docker'
- exit 1
- fi
- lxc=false
- docker=true
- ;;
- # Detach sign
- --detach-sign)
- signProg="true"
- commitFiles=false
- ;;
- # Commit files
- --no-commit)
- commitFiles=false
- ;;
- # Setup
- --setup)
- setup=true
- ;;
- *) # Default case: If no more options then break out of the loop.
- break
- esac
- shift
-# Set up LXC
-if [[ $lxc = true ]]
- export USE_LXC=1
-# Setup docker
-if [[ $docker = true ]]
- export USE_DOCKER=1
-# Check for OSX SDK
-if [[ ! -e "gitian-builder/inputs/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz" && $osx == true ]]
- echo "Cannot build for OSX, SDK does not exist. Will build for other OSes"
- osx=false
-# Get signer
-if [[ -n "$1" ]]
- SIGNER="$1"
- shift
-# Get version
-if [[ -n "$1" ]]
- shift
-# Check that a signer is specified
-if [[ "$SIGNER" == "" ]]
- echo "$scriptName: Missing signer."
- echo "Try $scriptName --help for more information"
- exit 1
-# Check that a version is specified
-if [[ $VERSION == "" ]]
- echo "$scriptName: Missing version."
- echo "Try $scriptName --help for more information"
- exit 1
-# Add a "v" if no -c
-if [[ $commit = false ]]
-echo ${COMMIT}
-# Setup build environment
-if [[ $setup = true ]]
- sudo apt-get install ruby apache2 git apt-cacher-ng python-vm-builder qemu-kvm qemu-utils
- git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gitian.sigs.git
- git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs.git
- git clone https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git
- pushd ./gitian-builder
- if [[ -n "$USE_LXC" ]]
- then
- sudo apt-get install lxc
- bin/make-base-vm --suite bionic --arch amd64 --lxc
- elif [[ -n "$USE_DOCKER" ]]
- then
- sudo apt-get install docker-ce
- bin/make-base-vm --suite bionic --arch amd64 --docker
- else
- bin/make-base-vm --suite bionic --arch amd64
- fi
- popd
-# Set up build
-pushd ./bitcoin
-git fetch
-git checkout ${COMMIT}
-# Build
-if [[ $build = true ]]
- # Make output folder
- mkdir -p ./bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}
- # Build Dependencies
- echo ""
- echo "Building Dependencies"
- echo ""
- pushd ./gitian-builder
- mkdir -p inputs
- wget -N -P inputs $osslPatchUrl
- wget -N -P inputs $osslTarUrl
- make -C ../bitcoin/depends download SOURCES_PATH=`pwd`/cache/common
- # Linux
- if [[ $linux = true ]]
- then
- echo ""
- echo "Compiling ${VERSION} Linux"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gbuild -j ${proc} -m ${mem} --commit bitcoin=${COMMIT} --url bitcoin=${url} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
- ./bin/gsign -p "$signProg" --signer "$SIGNER" --release ${VERSION}-linux --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/src/bitcoin-*.tar.gz ../bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}
- fi
- # Windows
- if [[ $windows = true ]]
- then
- echo ""
- echo "Compiling ${VERSION} Windows"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gbuild -j ${proc} -m ${mem} --commit bitcoin=${COMMIT} --url bitcoin=${url} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
- ./bin/gsign -p "$signProg" --signer "$SIGNER" --release ${VERSION}-win-unsigned --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*-win-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-win-unsigned.tar.gz
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*.zip build/out/bitcoin-*.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}
- fi
- # Mac OSX
- if [[ $osx = true ]]
- then
- echo ""
- echo "Compiling ${VERSION} Mac OSX"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gbuild -j ${proc} -m ${mem} --commit bitcoin=${COMMIT} --url bitcoin=${url} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml
- ./bin/gsign -p "$signProg" --signer "$SIGNER" --release ${VERSION}-osx-unsigned --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*-osx-unsigned.tar.gz inputs/bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*.tar.gz build/out/bitcoin-*.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}
- fi
- popd
- if [[ $commitFiles = true ]]
- then
- # Commit to gitian.sigs repo
- echo ""
- echo "Committing ${VERSION} Unsigned Sigs"
- echo ""
- pushd gitian.sigs
- git add ${VERSION}-linux/"${SIGNER}"
- git add ${VERSION}-win-unsigned/"${SIGNER}"
- git add ${VERSION}-osx-unsigned/"${SIGNER}"
- git commit -a -m "Add ${VERSION} unsigned sigs for ${SIGNER}"
- popd
- fi
-# Verify the build
-if [[ $verify = true ]]
- # Linux
- pushd ./gitian-builder
- echo ""
- echo "Verifying v${VERSION} Linux"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-linux ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
- # Windows
- echo ""
- echo "Verifying v${VERSION} Windows"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-win-unsigned ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
- # Mac OSX
- echo ""
- echo "Verifying v${VERSION} Mac OSX"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-osx-unsigned ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml
- # Signed Windows
- echo ""
- echo "Verifying v${VERSION} Signed Windows"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-osx-signed ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
- # Signed Mac OSX
- echo ""
- echo "Verifying v${VERSION} Signed Mac OSX"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-osx-signed ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
- popd
-# Sign binaries
-if [[ $sign = true ]]
- pushd ./gitian-builder
- # Sign Windows
- if [[ $windows = true ]]
- then
- echo ""
- echo "Signing ${VERSION} Windows"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gbuild -i --commit signature=${COMMIT} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml
- ./bin/gsign -p "$signProg" --signer "$SIGNER" --release ${VERSION}-win-signed --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win-signer.yml
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*win64-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}
- mv build/out/bitcoin-*win32-setup.exe ../bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}
- fi
- # Sign Mac OSX
- if [[ $osx = true ]]
- then
- echo ""
- echo "Signing ${VERSION} Mac OSX"
- echo ""
- ./bin/gbuild -i --commit signature=${COMMIT} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
- ./bin/gsign -p "$signProg" --signer "$SIGNER" --release ${VERSION}-osx-signed --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx-signer.yml
- mv build/out/bitcoin-osx-signed.dmg ../bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}/bitcoin-${VERSION}-osx.dmg
- fi
- popd
- if [[ $commitFiles = true ]]
- then
- # Commit Sigs
- pushd gitian.sigs
- echo ""
- echo "Committing ${VERSION} Signed Sigs"
- echo ""
- git add ${VERSION}-win-signed/"${SIGNER}"
- git add ${VERSION}-osx-signed/"${SIGNER}"
- git commit -a -m "Add ${VERSION} signed binary sigs for ${SIGNER}"
- popd
- fi