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+ BIP: 119
+ Layer: Consensus (soft fork)
+ Author: Jeremy Rubin <>
+ James O'Beirne <>
+ Comments-URI:
+ Status: Draft
+ Type: Standards Track
+ Created: 2020-01-06
+ License: BSD-3-Clause
+This BIP proposes a new opcode, OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, to be activated
+as a change to the semantics of OP_NOP4.
+The new opcode has applications for transaction congestion control and payment
+channel instantiation, among others, which are described in the Motivation
+section of this BIP.
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY uses opcode OP_NOP4 (0xb3) as a soft fork upgrade.
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY does the following:
+* There is at least one element on the stack, fail otherwise
+* The element on the stack is 32 bytes long, NOP otherwise
+* The DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash of the transaction at the current input index is equal to the element on the stack, fail otherwise
+The DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash commits to the serialized version, locktime, scriptSigs hash (if any
+non-null scriptSigs), number of inputs, sequences hash, number of outputs, outputs hash, and
+currently executing input index.
+The recommended standardness rules additionally:
+Covenants are restrictions on how a coin may be spent beyond key ownership.
+This is a general definition based on the legal definition which even simple
+scripts using CSV would satisfy. Covenants in Bitcoin transactions usually
+refer to restrictions on where coins can be transferred. Covenants can be
+useful to construct smart contracts. Covenants have historically been widely
+considered to be unfit for Bitcoin because they are too complex to implement
+and risk reducing the fungibility of coins bound by them.
+This BIP introduces a simple covenant called a *template* which enables a
+limited set of highly valuable use cases without significant risk. BIP-119
+templates allow for '''non-recursive''' fully-enumerated covenants with no dynamic
+state. CTV serves as a replacement for a pre-signed transaction oracle, which
+eliminates the trust and interactivity requirements. Examples of uses include
+vaults, non-interactive payment channel creation, congestion controlled
+batching, efficient to construct discreet log contracts, and payment pools,
+among many others. For more details on these applications, please see the
+==Detailed Specification==
+The below code is the main logic for verifying CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, described
+in pythonic pseudocode. The canonical specification for the semantics of
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY as implemented in C++ in the context of Bitcoin Core can
+be seen in the reference implementation.
+The execution of the opcode is as follows:
+<source lang="python">
+def execute_bip_119(self):
+ # Before soft-fork activation / failed activation
+ # continue to treat as NOP4
+ if not self.flags.script_verify_default_check_template_verify_hash:
+ # Potentially set for node-local policy to discourage premature use
+ if self.flags.script_verify_discourage_upgradable_nops:
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_discourage_upgradable_nops)
+ return self.return_as_nop()
+ # CTV always requires at least one stack argument
+ if len(self.stack) < 1:
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_invalid_stack_operation)
+ # CTV only verifies the hash against a 32 byte argument
+ if len(self.stack[-1]) == 32:
+ # Ensure the precomputed data required for anti-DoS is available,
+ # or cache it on first use
+ if self.context.precomputed_ctv_data == None:
+ self.context.precomputed_ctv_data = self.context.tx.get_default_check_template_precomputed_data()
+ # If the hashes do not match, return error
+ if stack[-1] != self.context.tx.get_default_check_template_hash(self.context.nIn, self.context.precomputed_ctv_data):
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_template_mismatch)
+ return self.return_as_nop()
+ # future upgrade can add semantics for this opcode with different length args
+ # so discourage use when applicable
+ if self.flags.script_verify_discourage_upgradable_nops:
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_discourage_upgradable_nops)
+ else:
+ return self.return_as_nop()
+The computation of this hash can be implemented as specified below (where self
+is the transaction type). Care must be taken that in any validation context,
+the precomputed data must be initialized to prevent Denial-of-Service attacks.
+Any implementation *must* cache these parts of the hash computation to avoid
+quadratic hashing DoS. All variable length computations must be precomputed
+including hashes of the scriptsigs, sequences, and outputs. See the section
+"Denial of Service and Validation Costs" below. This is not a performance
+<source lang="python">
+def ser_compact_size(l):
+ r = b""
+ if l < 253:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char
+ r = struct.pack("B", l)
+ elif l < 0x10000:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char 253 followed by unsigned 2 byte integer (little endian)
+ r = struct.pack("<BH", 253, l)
+ elif l < 0x100000000:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char 254 followed by unsigned 4 byte integer (little endian)
+ r = struct.pack("<BI", 254, l)
+ else:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char 255 followed by unsigned 8 byte integer (little endian)
+ r = struct.pack("<BQ", 255, l)
+ return r
+def ser_string(s):
+ return ser_compact_size(len(s)) + s
+class CTxOut:
+ def serialize(self):
+ r = b""
+ # serialize as signed 8 byte integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<q", self.nValue)
+ r += ser_string(self.scriptPubKey)
+ return r
+def get_default_check_template_precomputed_data(self):
+ result = {}
+ # If there are no scriptSigs we do not need to precompute a hash
+ if any(inp.scriptSig for inp in
+ result["scriptSigs"] = sha256(b"".join(ser_string(inp.scriptSig) for inp in
+ # The same value is also pre-computed for and defined in BIP-341 and can be shared.
+ # each nSequence is packed as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ result["sequences"] = sha256(b"".join(struct.pack("<I", inp.nSequence) for inp in
+ # The same value is also pre-computed for and defined in BIP-341 and can be shared
+ # See class CTxOut above for details.
+ result["outputs"] = sha256(b"".join(out.serialize() for out in self.vout))
+ return result
+# parameter precomputed must be passed in for DoS resistance
+def get_default_check_template_hash(self, nIn, precomputed = None):
+ if precomputed == None:
+ precomputed = self.get_default_check_template_precomputed_data()
+ r = b""
+ # Serialize as 4 byte signed integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
+ # we do not include the hash in the case where there is no
+ # scriptSigs
+ if "scriptSigs" in precomputed:
+ r += precomputed["scriptSigs"]
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", len(
+ r += precomputed["sequences"]
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", len(self.vout))
+ r += precomputed["outputs"]
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", nIn)
+ return sha256(r)
+A PayToBareDefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash output matches the following template:
+<source lang="python">
+# Extra-fast test for pay-to-basic-standard-template CScripts:
+def is_pay_to_bare_default_check_template_verify_hash(self):
+ return len(self) == 34 and self[0] == 0x20 and self[-1] == OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY
+Deployment could be done via BIP 9 VersionBits deployed through Speedy Trial.
+The Bitcoin Core reference implementation includes the below parameters,
+configured to match Speedy Trial, as that is the current activation mechanism
+implemented in Bitcoin Core. Should another method become favored by the wider
+Bitcoin comminity, that might be used instead.
+The start time and bit in the implementation are currently set to bit 5 and
+NEVER_ACTIVE/NO_TIMEOUT, but this is subject to change while the BIP is a draft.
+For the avoidance of unclarity, the parameters to be determined are:
+ // Deployment of CTV (BIP 119)
+ consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY].bit = 5;
+ consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY].nStartTime = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NEVER_ACTIVE;
+ consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY].nTimeout = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NO_TIMEOUT;
+ consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY].min_activation_height = 0;
+Until BIP-119 reaches ACTIVE state and the
+SCRIPT_VERIFY_DEFAULT_CHECK_TEMPLATE_VERIFY_HASH flag is enforced, node implementations should (are recommended to)
+execute a NOP4 as SCRIPT_ERR_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS (to deny entry to the mempool) for policy and must evaluate as
+a NOP for consensus (during block validation).
+In order to facilitate using CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, the common case of a
+with no scriptSig data may (is recommended to) be made standard to permit relaying. Future template types may be
+standardized later as policy changes at the preference of the implementor.
+==Reference Implementation==
+A reference implementation and tests are available here in the PR to Bitcoin Core
+It is not ideal to link to a PR, as it may be rebased and changed, but it is the best place to find
+the current implementation and review comments of others.
+A recent commit hash in that PR including tests and vectors can be found here
+Once the PR is merged, this BIP should be updated to point to the specific code released.
+Test vectors are available in [/bip-0119/vectors the bip-0119/vectors
+directory] for checking compatibility with the reference implementation and BIP.
+The goal of CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY is to be minimal impact on the existing codebase -- in the
+future, as we become aware of more complex but shown to be safe use cases, new template types can be added.
+Below we'll discuss the rules one-by-one:
+====The DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash of the transaction at the current input index matches the top of the stack====
+The set of data committed to is a superset of data which can impact the TXID of the transaction,
+other than the inputs. This ensures that for a given known input, the TXIDs can also be known ahead
+of time. Otherwise, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY would not be usable for Batched Channel Creation constructions
+as the redemption TXID could be malleated and pre-signed transactions invalidated, unless the channels
+are built using an Eltoo-like protocol. Note that there may be other types of pre-signed contracts that
+may or may not be able to use Eltoo-like constructs, therefore making TXIDs predictable makes CTV more
+composable with arbitrary sub-protocols.
+=====Committing to the version and locktime=====
+Were these values not committed, it would be possible to delay the spending of
+an output arbitrarily as well as possible to change the TXID.
+Committing these values, rather than restricting them to specific values, is
+more flexible as it permits users of CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY to set the version and
+locktime as they please.
+=====Committing to the ScriptSigs Hash=====
+The scriptsig in a segwit transaction must be exactly empty, unless it is a P2SH
+segwit transaction in which case it must be only the exact redeemscript. P2SH is incompatible
+(unless the P2SH hash is broken) with CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY because the template hash must commit
+to the ScriptSig, which must contain the redeemscript, which is a hash cycle.
+To prevent malleability when not using a segwit input, we also commit to the
+scriptsig. This makes it possible to use a 2 input CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY with a legacy pre-signed
+spend, as long as the exact scriptsig for the legacy output is committed. This is more robust than
+simply disallowing any scriptSig to be set with CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY.
+If no scriptSigs are set in the transaction, there is no purpose in hashing the data or including it
+in the DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash, so we elide it. It is expected to be common that no scriptSigs will be
+set as segwit mandates that the scriptSig must be empty (to avoid malleability).
+We commit to the hash rather than the values themselves as this is already
+precomputed for each transaction to optimize SIGHASH_ALL signatures.
+Committing to the hash additionally makes it simpler to construct DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash safely and unambiguously from
+=====Committing to the number of inputs=====
+If we allow more than one input to be spent in the transaction then it would be
+possible for two outputs to request payment to the same set of outputs,
+resulting in half the intended payments being discarded, the "half-spend" problem.
+Furthermore, the restriction on which inputs can be co-spent is critical for
+payments-channel constructs where a stable TXID is a requirement (updates would
+need to be signed on all combinations of inputs).
+However, there are legitimate use cases for allowing multiple inputs. For
+Script paths:
+ Path A: <+24 hours> OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY <Pay Alice 1 Bitcoin (1 input) nLockTime for +24 hours>
+ Path B: OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY <Pay Bob 2 Bitcoin (2 inputs)>
+In this case, there are 24 hours for the output to, with the addition of a
+second output, pay Bob 2 BTC. If 24 hours lapses, then Alice may redeem her 1
+BTC from the contract. Both input UTXOs may have the exact same Path B, or only one.
+The issue with these constructs is that there are N! orders that the inputs can
+be ordered in and it's not generally possible to restrict the ordering.
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY allows for users to guarantee the exact number of inputs being
+spent. In general, using CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY with more than one input is difficult
+and exposes subtle issues, so multiple inputs should not be used except in
+specific applications.
+In principle, committing to the Sequences Hash (below) implicitly commits to the number of inputs,
+making this field strictly redundant. However, separately committing to this number makes it easier
+to construct DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash from script.
+We treat the number of inputs as a `uint32_t` because Bitcoin's consensus decoding logic limits vectors
+to `MAX_SIZE=33554432` and that is larger than `uint16_t` and smaller than `uint32_t`. 32 bits is also
+friendly for manipulation using Bitcoin's current math opcodes, should `OP_CAT` be added. Note that
+the max inputs in a block is further restricted by the block size to around 25,000, which would fit
+into a `uint16_t`, but that is an uneccessary abstraction leak.
+=====Committing to the Sequences Hash=====
+If we don't commit to the sequences, then the TXID can be malleated. This also allows us to enforce
+a relative sequence lock without an OP_CSV. It is insufficient to just pair CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY
+with OP_CSV because OP_CSV enforces a minimum nSequence value, not a literal value.
+We commit to the hash rather than the values themselves as this is already
+precomputed for each transaction to optimize SIGHASH_ALL signatures.
+Committing to the hash additionally makes it simpler to construct DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash safely and unambiguously from
+=====Committing to the Number of Outputs=====
+In principle, committing to the Outputs Hash (below) implicitly commits to the number of outputs,
+making this field strictly redundant. However, separately committing to this number makes it easier
+to construct DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash from script.
+We treat the number of outputs as a `uint32_t` because a `COutpoint` index is a `uint32_t`.
+Further, Bitcoin's consensus decoding logic limits vectors to `MAX_SIZE=33554432` and that is
+larger than `uint16_t` and smaller than `uint32_t`. 32 bits is also friendly for manipulation using
+Bitcoin's current math opcodes, should `OP_CAT` be added.
+=====Committing to the outputs hash=====
+This ensures that spending the UTXO is guaranteed to create the exact outputs
+We commit to the hash rather than the values themselves as this is already
+precomputed for each transaction to optimize SIGHASH_ALL signatures.
+Committing to the hash additionally makes it simpler to construct DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash safely and unambiguously from
+=====Committing to the current input's index=====
+Committing to the currently executing input's index is not strictly needed for anti-malleability,
+however it does restrict the input orderings eliminating a source of malleability for protocol
+However, committing to the index eliminates key-reuse vulnerability to the half-spend problem.
+As CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY scripts commit to being spent at particular index, reused instances of these
+scripts cannot be spent at the same index, which implies that they cannot be spent in the same transaction.
+This makes it safer to design wallet vault contracts without half-spend vulnerabilities.
+Committing to the current index doesn't prevent one from expressing a CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY which can
+be spent at multiple indicies. In current script, the CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY operation can be wrapped
+in an OP_IF for each index (or Tapscript branches in the future). If OP_CAT or OP_SHA256STREAM are
+added to Bitcoin, the index may simply be passed in by the witness before hashing.
+=====Committing to Values by Hash=====
+Committing to values by hash makes it easier and more efficient to construct a
+from script. Fields which are not intended to be set may be committed to by hash without incurring
+O(n) overhead to re-hash.
+Furthermore, if OP_SHA256STREAM is added in the future, it may be possible to write a script which
+allows adding a single output to a list of outputs without incurring O(n) overhead by committing to
+a hash midstate in the script.
+=====Using SHA256=====
+SHA256 is a 32 byte hash which meets Bitcoin's security standards and is
+available already inside of Bitcoin Script for programmatic creation of template
+RIPEMD160, a 20 byte hash, might also be a viable hash in some contexts and has some benefits. For fee efficiency,
+RIPEMD160 saves 12 bytes. However, RIPEMD160 was not chosen for BIP-119 because it introduces
+risks around the verification of programs created by third parties to be subject to a
+[birthday-attack] on
+transaction preimages.
+=====Using Non-Tagged Hashes=====
+The Taproot/Schnorr BIPs use Tagged Hashes
+(`SHA256(SHA256(tag)||SHA256(tag)||msg)`) to prevent taproot leafs, branches,
+tweaks, and signatures from overlapping in a way that might introduce a security
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY is not subject to this sort of vulnerability as the
+hashes are effectively tagged externally, that is, by OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY
+itself and therefore cannot be confused for another hash.
+It would be a conservative design decisison to make it a tagged hash even if
+there was no obvious benefit and no cost. However, in the future, if OP_CAT were
+to be introduced to Bitcoin, it would make programs which dynamically build
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY hashes less space-efficient. Therefore, bare untagged hashes
+are used in BIP-119.
+=====The Ordering of Fields=====
+Strictly speaking, the ordering of fields is insignificant. However, with a
+carefully selected order, the efficiency of future scripts (e.g., those using a
+OP_CAT or OP_SHA256STREAM) may be improved (as described in the Future Upgrades
+In particular, the order is selected in order of least likely to change to most.
+#scriptSig hash (maybe!)
+#input count
+#sequences hash
+#output count
+#outputs hash
+#input index
+Several fields are infrequently modified. nVersion should change infrequently. nLockTime should
+generally be fixed to 0 (in the case of a payment tree, only the *first* lock time is needed to
+prevent fee-sniping the root). scriptSig hash should generally not be set at all.
+Since there are many possible sequences hash for a given input count, the input count comes before
+the sequences hash.
+Since there are many possible outputs hashes for a given out count, the output count comes before
+the outputs hash.
+Since we're generally using a single input to many output design, we're more likely to modify the
+outputs hash than the inputs hash.
+We usually have just a single input on a CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY script, which would suggest that it
+does not make sense for input index to be the last field. However, given the desirability of being
+able to express a "don't care" index easily (e.g., for decentralized kickstarter-type transactions),
+this value is placed last.
+===Design Tradeoffs and Risks===
+Covenants have historically been controversial given their potential for fungibility risks -- coins
+could be minted which have a permanent restriction on how they may or may not be spent or required
+to propagate metadata.
+In the CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY approach, the covenants are severely restricted to simple templates. The
+structure of CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY template is such that the outputs must be known exactly at the
+time of construction. Based on a destructuring argument, it is only possible to create templates
+which expand in a finite number of steps. Thus templated transactions are in theory as safe as
+transactions which create all the inputs directly in this regard.
+Furthermore, templates are restricted to be spendable as a known number of inputs only, preventing
+unintentional introduction of the 'half spend' problem.
+Templates, as restricted as they are, bear some risks.
+====Denial of Service and Validation Costs====
+CTV is designed to be able to be validated very cheaply without introducing DoS, either by checking a
+precomputed hash or computing a hash of fixed length arguments (some of which may be cached from more
+expensive computations).
+In particular, CTV requires that clients cache the computation of a hash over all the scriptSigs, sequences,
+and outputs. Before CTV, the hash of the scriptSigs was not required. CTV also requires that the presence of
+any non-empty scriptSig be hashed, but this can be handled as a part of the scriptSigs hash.
+As such, evaluating a CTV hash during consensus is always O(1) computation when the caches are available.
+These caches usually must be available due to similar issues in CHECKSIG behavior. Computing the caches
+is O(T) (the size of the transaction).
+An example of a script that could experience an DoS issue without caching is:
+Such a script would cause the intepreter to compute hashes (supposing N CTV's) over O(N*T) data.
+If the scriptSigs non-nullity is not cached, then the O(T) transaction could be scanned over O(N)
+times as well (although cheaper than hashing, still a DoS). As such, CTV caches hashes and computations
+over all variable length fields in a transaction.
+For CTV, the Denial-of-Service exposure and validation costs are relatively clear. Implementors must be careful
+to correctly code CTV to make use of existing caches and cache the (new for CTV) computations over scriptSigs.
+Other more flexible covenant proposals may have a more difficult time solving DoS issues as more complex computations may
+be less cacheable and expose issues around quadratic hashing, it is a tradeoff CTV makes in favor of cheap and secure
+validation at the expense of flexibility. For example, if CTV allowed the hashing only select outputs by a bitmask,
+caching of all combinations of outputs would not be possible and would cause a quadratic hashing DoS vulnerability.
+====Permanently Unspendable Outputs====
+The preimage argument passed to CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY may be unknown or otherwise unsatisfiable.
+However, requiring knowledge that an address is spendable from is incompatible with sender's ability
+to spend to any address (especially, OP_RETURN). If a sender needs to know the template can be spent
+from before sending, they may request a signature of an provably non-transaction challenge string
+from the leafs of the CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY tree.
+====Forwarding Addresses====
+Key-reuse with CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY may be used as a form of "forwarding address contract".
+A forwarding address is an address which can automatically execute in a predefined way.
+For example, a exchange's hot wallet might use an address which can automatically be moved to a cold
+storage address after a relative timeout.
+The issue is that reusing addresses in this way can lead to loss of funds.
+Suppose one creates an template address which forwards 1 BTC to cold storage.
+Creating an output to this address with less than 1 BTC will be frozen permanently.
+Paying more than 1 BTC will lead to the funds in excess of 1BTC to be paid as a large miner fee.
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY could commit to the exact amount of bitcoin provided by the inputs/amount of fee
+paid, but as this is a user error and not a malleability issue this is not done.
+Future soft-forks could introduce opcodes which allow conditionalizing which template or script
+branches may be used based on inspecting the amount of funds available in a transaction
+As a general best practice, it is incumbent on Bitcoin users to not reuse any address unless you are
+certain that the address is acceptable for the payment attempted. This limitation and risk is not
+unique to CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. For example, atomic swap scripts are single use once the hash is
+revealed. Future Taproot scripts may contain many logical branches that would be unsafe for being
+spent to multiple times (e.g., a Hash Time Lock branch should be instantiated with unique hashes
+each time it is used). Keys which have signed a SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT transaction can similarly become
+Because CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY commits to the input index currently being spent, reused-keys are
+guaranteed to execute in separate transactions which reduces the risk of "half-spend" type issues.
+====NOP-Default and Recommended Standardness Rules====
+If the argument length is not exactly 32, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY treats it as a NOP during
+consensus validation. Implementations are recommended to fail in such circumstances during non-consensus
+relaying and mempool validation. In particular, making an invalid-length argument a failure aids future
+soft-forks upgrades to be able to rely on the tighter standard restrictions to safely loosen
+the restrictions for standardness while tightening them for consensus with the upgrade's rules.
+The standardness rules may lead an unscrupulous script developer to accidentally rely on the
+stricter standardness rules to be enforced during consensus. Should that developer submit a
+transaction directly to the network relying on standardness rejection, an standardness-invalid but
+consensus-valid transaction may be caused, leading to a potential loss of funds.
+====Feature Redundancy====
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY templates are substantially less risky than other covenant systems. If
+implemented, other covenant systems could make the CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY's functionality redundant.
+However, given CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY's simple semantics and low on chain cost it's likely that it
+would continue to be favored even if redundant with other capabilities.
+More powerful covenants like those proposed by MES16, would also bring some benefits in terms of
+improving the ability to adjust for things like fees rather than relying on child-pays-for-parent or
+other mechanisms. However, these features come at substantially increased complexity and room for
+unintended behavior.
+Alternatively, SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT based covenant designs can implement
+something similar to templates, via a scriptPubKey like:
+ <sig of desired TX with PK and fixed nonce R || SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT <PK with public SK> OP_CHECKSIG
+SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT bears additional technical and implementation risks
+that may preclude its viability for inclusion in Bitcoin, but the capabilities
+above are similar to what CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY offers. The key functional
+that OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY restricts the number of additional inputs and
+precludes dynamically determined change outputs while
+commits to the scriptsig and sequence, which allows for specifying specific P2SH
+scripts (or segwit v0 P2SH) which have some use cases. Furthermore,
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY has benefits in terms of script size (depending on choice of
+PK, SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT may use about 2x-3x the bytes) and verification
+speed, as OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY requires only hash computation rather than
+signature operations. This can be significant when constructing large payment
+trees or programmatic compilations. CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY also has a feature-wise
+benefit in that it provides a robust pathway for future template upgrades.
+OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY along with OP_CAT may also be used to emulate
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. However such constructions are more complicated to use
+than CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, and encumbers additional verification overhead absent
+from CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. These types of covenants also bear similar potential
+recursion issues to OP_COV which make it unlikely for inclusion in Bitcoin.
+Given the simplicity of this approach to implement and analyze, and the benefits realizable by user
+applications, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY's template based approach is proposed in lieu of more complete
+covenants system.
+====Future Upgrades====
+This section describes updates to OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY that are possible in
+the future as well as synergies with other possible upgrades.
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY currently only verifies properties of 32 byte arguments.
+In the future, meaning could be ascribed to other length arguments. For
+example, a 33-byte argument could just the last byte as a control program. In
+that case, DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash could be computed when the flag byte
+is set to CTVHASH_ALL. Other programs could be added similar to SIGHASH_TYPEs.
+For example, CTVHASH_GROUP could read data from the Taproot Annex for
+compatibility with SIGHASH_GROUP type proposals and allow dynamic malleability
+of which indexes get hashed for bundling.
+Bitcoin, it would be possible to implement a variant of Eltoo's floating
+transactions using the following script:
+ witness(S+n): <sig> <H(tx with nLockTime S+n paying to program(S+n))>
+allow something similar to SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY or SIGHASH_SINGLE, protocol
+implementers might elect to sign multiple versions of transactions with CPFP
+Anchor Outputs or Inputs for paying fees or an alternative such as transaction
+sponsors might be considered.
+An opcode which verifies the exact amount that is being spent in the
+transaction, the amount paid as fees, or made available in a given output could
+be used to make safer OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY addressses. For instance, if the
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY program P expects exactly S satoshis, sending S-1
+satoshis would result in a frozen UTXO and sending S+n satoshis would result in
+n satoshis being paid to fee. A range check could restrict the program to only
+apply for expected values and default to a keypath otherwise, e.g.:
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY is (as described in the Ordering of Fields section)
+efficient for building covenants dynamically should Bitcoin get enhanced string
+manipulation opcodes.
+As an example, the following code checks an input index argument and
+concatenates it to the template and checks the template matches the transaction.
+ <nVersion || nLockTime || input count || sequences hash || output count || outputs hash>
+== Backwards Compatibility ==
+OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY replaces a OP_NOP4 with stricter verification semantics. Therefore, scripts
+which previously were valid will cease to be valid with this change. Stricter verification semantics
+for an OP_NOP are a soft fork, so existing software will be fully functional without upgrade except
+for mining and block validation. Similar soft forks for OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY and OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY
+(see BIP-0065 and BIP-0112) have similarly changed OP_NOP semantics without introducing compatibility issues.
+In contrast to previous forks, OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY's reference implementation does not allow transactions with spending
+scripts using it to be accepted to the mempool or relayed under standard policy until the new rule is active. Other implementations
+are recommended to follow this rule as well, but not required.
+Older wallet software will be able to accept spends from OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY outputs, but will
+require an upgrade in order to treat PayToBareDefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash chains with a confirmed ancestor as
+being "trusted" (i.e., eligible for spending before the transaction is confirmed).
+Backports of OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY can be trivially prepared (see the reference implementation)
+for older node versions that can be patched but not upgraded to a newer major release.
+== References ==
+*[ informational site]
+*[ Sapio Bitcoin smart contract language]
+*[ 27 Blog Posts on building smart contracts with Sapio and CTV, including examples described here.]
+*[ Scaling Bitcoin Presentation]
+*[ Optech Newsletter Covering OP_CHECKOUTPUTSHASHVERIFY]
+*[ Structuring Multi Transaction Contracts in Bitcoin]
+*[ Lazuli Notes (ECDSA based N-of-N Signatures for Certified Post-Dated UTXOs)]
+*[ Bitcoin Covenants]
+*[ CoinCovenants using SCIP signatures, an amusingly bad idea.]
+*[ Enhancing Bitcoin Transactions with Covenants]
+*[ Simple CTV Vaults]
+*[ Python Vaults]
+*[ CTV Dramatically Improves DLCs]
+*[ Calculus of Covenants]
+*[ Payment Pools with CTV]
+*[ Channels with CTV]
+*[ Congestion Control with CTV]
+*[ Building Vaults on Bitcoin]
+===Note on Similar Alternatives===
+version or lock time and was thus insecure.
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY could also be implemented as an extension to Taproot, and was
+proposed this way earlier. However, given that CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY has no dependency
+on Taproot, it is preferable to deploy it independently.
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY has also been previously referred to as OP_SECURETHEBAG, which is mentioned here
+to aid in searching and referencing discussion on this BIP.
+This document is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.