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index 304f228..aa226d0 100644
--- a/bip-0119.mediawiki
+++ b/bip-0119.mediawiki
@@ -39,125 +39,24 @@ The recommended standardness rules additionally:
-Covenants are restrictions on how a coin may be spent beyond key ownership. This is a general
-definition based on the legal definition which even simple scripts using CSV would satisfy.
-Covenants in Bitcoin transactions usually refer to restrictions on where coins can be transferred.
-Covenants can be useful to construct smart contracts. As covenants are complex to implement
-and risk of introducing fungibility discriminants they have not been seriously considered for
-inclusion in Bitcoin.
-This BIP introduces a simple covenant called a *template* which enables a limited set of highly
-valuable use cases without significant risk.
-A few examples are described below, which should be the subject of future non-consensus
-standardization efforts.
-===Congestion Controlled Transactions===
-When there is a high demand for blockspace it becomes very expensive to make transactions. A large
-volume payment processor may aggregate all their payments into a single O(1) transaction commitment
-for purposes of confirmation using CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. Then, some time later, the payments can
-be expanded out of that UTXO when the demand for blockspace is decreased. These payments can be
-structured in a tree-like fashion to reduce individual costs of redemption.
-The below chart showcases the structure of these transactions in comparison to
-normal transactions and batched transactions.
-<img src="bip-0119/states.svg" align="middle"></img>
-A simulation is shown below of what impact this could have on mempool backlog
-given 5% network adoption, and 50% network adoption. The code for the simulation
-is provided in this BIP's subdirectory.
-<img src="bip-0119/five.png" align="middle"></img>
-<img src="bip-0119/fifty.png" align="middle"></img>
-===Payment Channels===
-There are numerous payment channel related uses.
-====Batched Channel Creation====
-Using CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY for Batched Channel Creation is similar to the use for Congestion Control,
-except the leaf node transactions are channels instead of plain payments. The channel can be between
-the sender and recipient or a target of recipient's choice. Using an CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, the
-recipient may give the sender an address which makes a tree of channels unbeknownst to them.
-These channels are time insensitive for setup, as all punishments are relative timelocked to the
-penultimate transaction node.
-Thus, coins sent using a congestion controlled transaction can still enjoy instant liquidity.
-====Non-Interactive Channels====
-When opening a traditional payment channel, both parties to the channel must participate. This is
-because the channel uses pre-signed multi-sig transactions to ensure that a channel can always be
-exited by either party, before entering.
-With CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, it’s possible for a single party to construct a channel which either
-party can exit from without requiring signatures from both parties.
-These payment channels can operate in one direction, paying to the channel "listener" without need
-for their private key to be online.
-<img src="bip-0119/nic.svg" align="middle"></img>
-====Increased Channel Routes====
-In the Lightning Network protocol, Hashed Time Locked Contracts (HTLCS) are used in the construction
-of channels. A new HTLC is required per route that the channel is serving in.
-In BOLT #2, this maximum number of HTLCs in a channel is hard limited to 483 as the maximum safe
-size to prevent the transaction from being too large to be valid. In common software implementations
-such as LND, this limit is set much lower to 12 HTLCS. This is because accepting a larger number of
-HTLCS makes it more difficult for transactions to confirm during congested periods as they must pay
-higher fees.
-Therefore, similarly to how congestion control is handled for normal transaction, lightning channel
-updates can be done across an CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY tree, allowing nodes to safely use many more
-Because each HTLC can have its own relative time lock in the tree, this also improves the latency
-sensitivity of the lightning protocol on contested channel close.
-===Wallet Vaults===
-This section will detail two variants of wallet vault that can be built using
-CTV. Wallet vaults are a useful tool when greater security is required for
-cold storage solutions, providing default transactional paths that move funds
-from one's cold storage to a hot wallet.
-One type of cold wallet can be set up such that a customer support desk can,
-without further authorization, move a portion of the funds (using multiple
-pre-set amounts) into a lukewarm wallet operated by an isolated support desk.
-The support desk can then issue some funds to a hot wallet, and send the
-remainder back to cold storage with a similar withdrawal mechanism in place.
-eliminates the need for coordination and online signers, as well as reducing
-the ability for a support desk to improperly move funds. Furthermore, all such
-designs can be combined with relative time locks to give time for compliance
-and risk desks to intervene. This is a 'Coins at Rest' or 'Optically Isolated'
-vault, and is shown below.
-<img src="bip-0119/vaults.svg" align="middle"></img>
-An alternative design for vaults is also highly effective and simpler to
-implement in Sapio, a smart contract programming language. In this design, the
-user commits to a single UTXO that contains a program for an annuity of
-withdrawals from cold storage to a hot wallet. At any time, the remaining
-balance for the annuity can be cancelled and funds locked entirely in cold
-storage. The withdrawals to the hot wallet can be 'cancelled' before a maturity
-date to ensure the action was authorized. These sort of vaults strongly benefit
-from non-interactivity because the withdrawal program can be set up with cold
-keys that are permanently offline, except in case of emergency. The image below
-shows an instance of this type of wallet vault created with Sapio in Sapio
-Studio. These types of wallet vault can also be chained together by taking
-advantage of CTV's scriptSig commitment. This type of vault is a 'Coins in Motion'
-variant where the coins move along the control path.
-<img src="bip-0119/vaultanim.gif" align="middle"></img>
-===CoinJoin / Payment Pools / Join Pools ===
-CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY makes it much easier to set up trustless CoinJoins than
-previously because participants agree on a single output which pays all
-participants, which will be lower fee than before. Further each participant
-doesn't need to know the totality of the outputs committed to by that output,
-they only have to verify their own sub-tree will pay them. These trees can
-then, using a top-level Schnorr key, be interactively updated on a rolling basis
-forming a "Payment Pool".
+Covenants are restrictions on how a coin may be spent beyond key ownership.
+This is a general definition based on the legal definition which even simple
+scripts using CSV would satisfy. Covenants in Bitcoin transactions usually
+refer to restrictions on where coins can be transferred. Covenants can be
+useful to construct smart contracts. Covenants have historically been widely
+considered to be unfit for Bitcoin because they are too complex to implement
+and risk reducing the fungibility of coins bound by them.
+This BIP introduces a simple covenant called a *template* which enables a
+limited set of highly valuable use cases without significant risk. BIP-119
+templates allow for '''non-recursive''' fully-enumerated covenants with no dynamic
+state. CTV serves as a replacement for a pre-signed transaction oracle, which
+eliminates the trust and interactivity requirements. Examples of uses include
+vaults, non-interactive payment channel creation, congestion controlled
+batching, efficient to construct discreet log contracts, and payment pools,
+among many others. For more details on these applications, please see the
==Detailed Specification==
@@ -167,31 +66,40 @@ OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY as implemented in C++ in the context of Bitcoin Core can
be seen in the reference implementation.
The execution of the opcode is as follows:
- def execute_bip_119(self):
- # Before soft-fork activation / failed activation
- if not self.flags.script_verify_default_check_template_verify_hash:
- # Potentially set for node-local policy to discourage premature use
- if self.flags.script_verify_discourage_upgradable_nops:
- return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_discourage_upgradable_nops)
- return self.return_as_nop()
- # CTV always requires at least one stack argument
- if len(self.stack) < 1:
- return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_invalid_stack_operation)
- # CTV only verifies the hash against a 32 byte argument
- if len(self.stack[-1]) == 32:
- # Ensure the precomputed data required for anti-DoS is available,
- # or cache it on first use
- if self.context.precomputed_ctv_data == None:
- self.context.precomputed_ctv_data = self.context.tx.get_default_check_template_precomputed_data()
- if stack[-1] != self.context.tx.get_default_check_template_hash(self.context.nIn, self.context.precomputed_ctv_data)
- return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_template_mismatch)
- return self.return_as_nop()
- # future upgrade can add semantics for this opcode with different length args
- # so discourage use when applicable
+<source lang="python">
+def execute_bip_119(self):
+ # Before soft-fork activation / failed activation
+ # continue to treat as NOP4
+ if not self.flags.script_verify_default_check_template_verify_hash:
+ # Potentially set for node-local policy to discourage premature use
if self.flags.script_verify_discourage_upgradable_nops:
return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_discourage_upgradable_nops)
- else:
- return self.return_as_nop()
+ return self.return_as_nop()
+ # CTV always requires at least one stack argument
+ if len(self.stack) < 1:
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_invalid_stack_operation)
+ # CTV only verifies the hash against a 32 byte argument
+ if len(self.stack[-1]) == 32:
+ # Ensure the precomputed data required for anti-DoS is available,
+ # or cache it on first use
+ if self.context.precomputed_ctv_data == None:
+ self.context.precomputed_ctv_data = self.context.tx.get_default_check_template_precomputed_data()
+ # If the hashes do not match, return error
+ if stack[-1] != self.context.tx.get_default_check_template_hash(self.context.nIn, self.context.precomputed_ctv_data)
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_template_mismatch)
+ return self.return_as_nop()
+ # future upgrade can add semantics for this opcode with different length args
+ # so discourage use when applicable
+ if self.flags.script_verify_discourage_upgradable_nops:
+ return self.errors_with(errors.script_err_discourage_upgradable_nops)
+ else:
+ return self.return_as_nop()
The computation of this hash can be implemented as specified below (where self
is the transaction type). Care must be taken that in any validation context,
@@ -202,46 +110,80 @@ including hashes of the scriptsigs, sequences, and outputs. See the section
"Denial of Service and Validation Costs" below. This is not a performance
- def get_default_check_template_precomputed_data(self):
- result = {}
- # If there are no scriptSigs we do not need to precompute a hash
- if any(inp.scriptSig for inp in
- result["scriptSigs"] = sha256(b"".join(ser_string(inp.scriptSig) for inp in
- # The same value is also pre-computed for and defined in BIP-341 and can be shared
- result["sequences"] = sha256(b"".join(struct.pack("<I", inp.nSequence) for inp in
- # The same value is also pre-computed for and defined in BIP-341 and can be shared
- result["outputs"] = sha256(b"".join(out.serialize() for out in self.vout))
- return result
- # parameter precomputed must be passed in for DoS resistance
- def get_default_check_template_hash(self, nIn, precomputed = None):
- if precomputed == None:
- precomputed = self.get_default_check_template_precomputed_data()
+<source lang="python">
+def ser_compact_size(l):
+ r = b""
+ if l < 253:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char
+ r = struct.pack("B", l)
+ elif l < 0x10000:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char 253 followed by unsigned 2 byte integer (little endian)
+ r = struct.pack("<BH", 253, l)
+ elif l < 0x100000000:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char 254 followed by unsigned 4 byte integer (little endian)
+ r = struct.pack("<BI", 254, l)
+ else:
+ # Serialize as unsigned char 255 followed by unsigned 8 byte integer (little endian)
+ r = struct.pack("<BQ", 255, l)
+ return r
+def ser_string(s):
+ return ser_compact_size(len(s)) + s
+class CTxOut:
+ def serialize(self):
r = b""
- # pack as 4 byte signed integer
- r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
- # pack as 4 byte unsigned integer
- r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
- # we do not include the hash in the case where there is no
- # scriptSigs
- if "scriptSigs" in precomputed:
- r += precomputed["scriptSigs"]
- # pack as 4 byte unsigned integer
- r += struct.pack("<I", len(
- r += precomputed["sequences"]
- # pack as 4 byte unsigned integer
- r += struct.pack("<I", len(self.vout))
- r += precomputed["outputs"]
- # pack as 4 byte unsigned integer
- r += struct.pack("<I", nIn)
- return sha256(r)
+ # serialize as signed 8 byte integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<q", self.nValue)
+ r += ser_string(self.scriptPubKey)
+ return r
+def get_default_check_template_precomputed_data(self):
+ result = {}
+ # If there are no scriptSigs we do not need to precompute a hash
+ if any(inp.scriptSig for inp in
+ result["scriptSigs"] = sha256(b"".join(ser_string(inp.scriptSig) for inp in
+ # The same value is also pre-computed for and defined in BIP-341 and can be shared.
+ # each nSequence is packed as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ result["sequences"] = sha256(b"".join(struct.pack("<I", inp.nSequence) for inp in
+ # The same value is also pre-computed for and defined in BIP-341 and can be shared
+ # See class CTxOut above for details.
+ result["outputs"] = sha256(b"".join(out.serialize() for out in self.vout))
+ return result
+# parameter precomputed must be passed in for DoS resistance
+def get_default_check_template_hash(self, nIn, precomputed = None):
+ if precomputed == None:
+ precomputed = self.get_default_check_template_precomputed_data()
+ r = b""
+ # Serialize as 4 byte signed integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
+ # we do not include the hash in the case where there is no
+ # scriptSigs
+ if "scriptSigs" in precomputed:
+ r += precomputed["scriptSigs"]
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", len(
+ r += precomputed["sequences"]
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", len(self.vout))
+ r += precomputed["outputs"]
+ # Serialize as 4 byte unsigned integer (little endian)
+ r += struct.pack("<I", nIn)
+ return sha256(r)
A PayToBareDefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash output matches the following template:
- # Extra-fast test for pay-to-basic-standard-template CScripts:
- def is_pay_to_bare_default_check_template_verify_hash(self):
- return len(self) == 34 and self[0] == 0x20 and self[-1] == OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY
+<source lang="python">
+# Extra-fast test for pay-to-basic-standard-template CScripts:
+def is_pay_to_bare_default_check_template_verify_hash(self):
+ return len(self) == 34 and self[0] == 0x20 and self[-1] == OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY
@@ -263,7 +205,7 @@ For the avoidance of unclarity, the parameters to be determined are:
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY].nTimeout = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NO_TIMEOUT;
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY].min_activation_height = 0;
-Until BIP-119 reaches ACTIVE state and the
+Until BIP-119 reaches ACTIVE state and the
SCRIPT_VERIFY_DEFAULT_CHECK_TEMPLATE_VERIFY_HASH flag is enforced, node implementations should (are recommended to)
execute a NOP4 as SCRIPT_ERR_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS (to deny entry to the mempool) for policy and must evaluate as
a NOP for consensus (during block validation).
@@ -296,7 +238,7 @@ Below we'll discuss the rules one-by-one:
The set of data committed to is a superset of data which can impact the TXID of the transaction,
other than the inputs. This ensures that for a given known input, the TXIDs can also be known ahead
-of time. Otherwise, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY would not be usable for Batched Channel Creation constructions
+of time. Otherwise, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY would not be usable for Batched Channel Creation constructions
as the redemption TXID could be malleated and pre-signed transactions invalidated, unless the channels
are built using an Eltoo-like protocol. Note that there may be other types of pre-signed contracts that
may or may not be able to use Eltoo-like constructs, therefore making TXIDs predictable makes CTV more
@@ -442,7 +384,7 @@ programs.
RIPEMD160, a 20 byte hash, might also be a viable hash in some contexts and has some benefits. For fee efficiency,
RIPEMD160 saves 12 bytes. However, RIPEMD160 was not chosen for BIP-119 because it introduces
-risks around the verification of programs created by third parties to be subject to a
+risks around the verification of programs created by third parties to be subject to a
[birthday-attack] on
transaction preimages.
@@ -624,11 +566,11 @@ CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY has benefits in terms of script size (depending on choice of
PK, SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT may use about 2x-3x the bytes) and verification
speed, as OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY requires only hash computation rather than
signature operations. This can be significant when constructing large payment
-trees or programmatic compilations. CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY also has a feature-wise
+trees or programmatic compilations. CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY also has a feature-wise
benefit in that it provides a robust pathway for future template upgrades.
OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY along with OP_CAT may also be used to emulate
-CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. However such constructions are more complicated to use
+CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. However such constructions are more complicated to use
than CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, and encumbers additional verification overhead absent
from CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. These types of covenants also bear similar potential
recursion issues to OP_COV which make it unlikely for inclusion in Bitcoin.
@@ -646,7 +588,7 @@ the future as well as synergies with other possible upgrades.
OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY currently only verifies properties of 32 byte arguments.
-In the future, meaning could be ascribed to other length arguments. For
+In the future, meaning could be ascribed to other length arguments. For
example, a 33-byte argument could just the last byte as a control program. In
that case, DefaultCheckTemplateVerifyHash could be computed when the flag byte
is set to CTVHASH_ALL. Other programs could be added similar to SIGHASH_TYPEs.
@@ -725,6 +667,14 @@ for older node versions that can be patched but not upgraded to a newer major re
*[ Bitcoin Covenants]
*[ CoinCovenants using SCIP signatures, an amusingly bad idea.]
*[ Enhancing Bitcoin Transactions with Covenants]
+*[ Simple CTV Vaults]
+*[ Python Vaults]
+*[ CTV Dramatically Improves DLCs]
+*[ Calculus of Covenants]
+*[ Payment Pools with CTV]
+*[ Channels with CTV]
+*[ Congestion Control with CTV]
+*[ Building Vaults on Bitcoin]
===Note on Similar Alternatives===