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diff --git a/bip-0340.mediawiki b/bip-0340.mediawiki
index 9e0a73e..9fcc113 100644
--- a/bip-0340.mediawiki
+++ b/bip-0340.mediawiki
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ encodings and operations.
=== Design ===
'''Schnorr signature variant''' Elliptic Curve Schnorr signatures for message ''m'' and public key ''P'' generally involve a point ''R'', integers ''e'' and ''s'' picked by the signer, and the base point ''G'' which satisfy ''e = hash(R || m)'' and ''s⋅G = R + e⋅P''. Two formulations exist, depending on whether the signer reveals ''e'' or ''R'':
-# Signatures are pairs ''(e, s)'' that satisfy ''e = hash(s⋅G - e⋅P || m)''. This variant avoids minor complexity introduced by the encoding of the point ''R'' in the signature (see paragraphs "Encoding R and public key point P" and "Implicit Y coordinates" further below in this subsection). Moreover, revealing ''e'' instead of ''R'' allows for potentially shorter signatures: Whereas an encoding of ''R'' inherently needs about 32 bytes, the hash ''e'' can be tuned to be shorter than 32 bytes, and [ a short hash of only 16 bytes suffices to provide SUF-CMA security at the target security level of 128 bits]. However, a major drawback of this optimization is that finding collisions in a short hash function is easy. This complicates the implementation of secure signing protocols in scenarios in which a group of mutually distrusting signers work together to produce a single joint signature (see Applications below). In these scenarios, which are not captured by the SUF-CMA model due its assumption of a single honest signer, a promising attack strategy for malicious co-signers is to find a collision in the hash function in order to obtain a valid signature on a message that an honest co-signer did not intent to sign.
+# Signatures are pairs ''(e, s)'' that satisfy ''e = hash(s⋅G - e⋅P || m)''. This variant avoids minor complexity introduced by the encoding of the point ''R'' in the signature (see paragraphs "Encoding R and public key point P" and "Implicit Y coordinates" further below in this subsection). Moreover, revealing ''e'' instead of ''R'' allows for potentially shorter signatures: Whereas an encoding of ''R'' inherently needs about 32 bytes, the hash ''e'' can be tuned to be shorter than 32 bytes, and [ a short hash of only 16 bytes suffices to provide SUF-CMA security at the target security level of 128 bits]. However, a major drawback of this optimization is that finding collisions in a short hash function is easy. This complicates the implementation of secure signing protocols in scenarios in which a group of mutually distrusting signers work together to produce a single joint signature (see Applications below). In these scenarios, which are not captured by the SUF-CMA model due its assumption of a single honest signer, a promising attack strategy for malicious co-signers is to find a collision in the hash function in order to obtain a valid signature on a message that an honest co-signer did not intend to sign.
# Signatures are pairs ''(R, s)'' that satisfy ''s⋅G = R + hash(R || m)⋅P''. This supports batch verification, as there are no elliptic curve operations inside the hashes. Batch verification enables significant speedups.
[[File:bip-0340/speedup-batch.png|center|frame|This graph shows the ratio between the time it takes to verify ''n'' signatures individually and to verify a batch of ''n'' signatures. This ratio goes up logarithmically with the number of signatures, or in other words: the total time to verify ''n'' signatures grows with ''O(n / log n)''.]]
@@ -166,7 +166,9 @@ The algorithm ''Sign(sk, m)'' is defined as:
It should be noted that various alternative signing algorithms can be used to produce equally valid signatures. The algorithm in the previous section is deterministic, i.e., it will always produce the same signature for a given message and secret key. This method does not need a random number generator (RNG) at signing time and is thus trivially robust against failures of RNGs. Alternatively the 32-byte ''rand'' value may be generated in other ways, producing a different but still valid signature (in other words, this is not a ''unique'' signature scheme). '''No matter which method is used to generate the ''rand'' value, the value must be a fresh uniformly random 32-byte string which is not even partially predictable for the attacker.'''
-'''Synthetic nonces''' For instance when a RNG is available, 32 bytes of RNG output can be appended to the input to ''hash<sub>BIPSchnorrDerive</sub>''. This will change the corresponding line in the signing algorithm to ''rand = hash<sub>BIPSchnorrDerive</sub>(bytes(d) || m || get_32_bytes_from_rng())'', where ''get_32_bytes_from_rng()'' is the call to the RNG. Adding RNG output may improve protection against [ fault injection attacks and side-channel attacks], and it is safe to add the output of a low-entropy RNG.
+'''Synthetic nonces''' For instance when a RNG is available, 32 bytes of RNG output can be appended to the input to ''hash<sub>BIPSchnorrDerive</sub>''. This will change the corresponding line in the signing algorithm to ''rand = hash<sub>BIPSchnorrDerive</sub>(bytes(d) || m || get_32_bytes_from_rng())'', where ''get_32_bytes_from_rng()'' is the call to the RNG. It is safe to add the output of a low-entropy RNG. Adding high-entropy RNG output may improve protection against [ fault injection attacks and side-channel attacks]. Therefore, '''synthetic nonces are recommended in settings where these attacks are a concern''' - in particular on offline signing devices.
+'''Verifying the signing output''' To prevent random or attacker provoked computation errors, the signature can be verified with the verification algorithm defined below before leaving the signer. This prevents pubslishing invalid signatures which may leak information about the secret key. '''If the additional computational cost is not a concern, it is recommended to verify newly created signatures and reject them in case of failure.'''
'''Nonce exfiltration protection''' It is possible to strengthen the nonce generation algorithm using a second device. In this case, the second device contributes randomness which the actual signer provably incorporates into its nonce. This prevents certain attacks where the signer device is compromised and intentionally tries to leak the secret key through its nonce selection.
diff --git a/bip-0341.mediawiki b/bip-0341.mediawiki
index 8f27c35..ec11f6a 100644
--- a/bip-0341.mediawiki
+++ b/bip-0341.mediawiki
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ This proposal aims to improve privacy, efficiency, and flexibility of Bitcoin's
-A number of related ideas for improving Bitcoin's scripting capabilities have been previously proposed: Schnorr signatures ([[bip-0340|BIP340]]), Merkle branches ("MAST", [[bip-0114|BIP114]], [[bip-0117|BIP117]]), new sighash modes ([[bip-0118|BIP118]]), new opcodes like CHECKSIGFROMSTACK, [ Taproot], [ Graftroot], [ G'root], and [ cross-input aggregation].
+A number of related ideas for improving Bitcoin's scripting capabilities have been previously proposed: Schnorr signatures ([[bip-0340.mediawiki|BIP340]]), Merkle branches ("MAST", [[bip-0114.mediawiki|BIP114]], [[bip-0117.mediawiki|BIP117]]), new sighash modes ([[bip-0118.mediawiki|BIP118]]), new opcodes like CHECKSIGFROMSTACK, [ Taproot], [ Graftroot], [ G'root], and [ cross-input aggregation].
Combining all these ideas in a single proposal would be an extensive change, be hard to review, and likely miss new discoveries that otherwise could have been made along the way. Not all are equally mature as well. For example, cross-input aggregation [ interacts] in complex ways with upgrade mechanisms, and solutions to that are still [ in flux]. On the other hand, separating them all into independent upgrades would reduce the efficiency and privacy gains to be had, and wallet and service providers may not be inclined to go through many incremental updates. Therefore, we're faced with a tradeoff between functionality and scope creep. In this design we strike a balance by focusing on the structural script improvements offered by Taproot and Merkle branches, as well as changes necessary to make them usable and efficient. For things like sighashes and opcodes we include fixes for known problems, but exclude new features that can be added independently with no downsides.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ The following rules only apply when such an output is being spent. Any other out
* If there are at least two witness elements left, script path spending is used:
** Call the second-to-last stack element ''s'', the script.
** The last stack element is called the control block ''c'', and must have length ''33 + 32m'', for a value of ''m'' that is an integer between 0 and 128<ref>'''Why is the Merkle path length limited to 128?''' The optimally space-efficient Merkle tree can be constructed based on the probabilities of the scripts in the leaves, using the Huffman algorithm. This algorithm will construct branches with lengths approximately equal to ''log<sub>2</sub>(1/probability)'', but to have branches longer than 128 you would need to have scripts with an execution chance below 1 in ''2<sup>128</sup>''. As that is our security bound, scripts that truly have such a low chance can probably be removed entirely.</ref>, inclusive. Fail if it does not have such a length.
-** Let ''p = c[1:33]'' and let ''P = point(p)'' where ''point'' and ''[:]'' are defined as in [bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]. Fail if this point is not on the curve.
+** Let ''p = c[1:33]'' and let ''P = point(p)'' where ''point'' and ''[:]'' are defined as in [[bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]]. Fail if this point is not on the curve.
** Let ''v = c[0] & 0xfe'' and call it the ''leaf version''<ref>'''What constraints are there on the leaf version?''' First, the leaf version cannot be odd as ''c[0] & 0xfe'' will always be even, and cannot be ''0x50'' as that would result in ambiguity with the annex. In addition, in order to support some forms of static analysis that rely on being able to identify script spends without access to the output being spent, it is recommended to avoid using any leaf versions that would conflict with a valid first byte of either a valid P2WPKH pubkey or a valid P2WSH script (that is, both ''v'' and ''v | 1'' should be an undefined, invalid or disabled opcode or an opcode that is not valid as the first opcode). The values that comply to this rule are the 32 even values between ''0xc0'' and ''0xfe'' and also ''0x66'', ''0x7e'', ''0x80'', ''0x84'', ''0x96'', ''0x98'', ''0xba'', ''0xbc'', ''0xbe''. Note also that this constraint implies that leaf versions should be shared amongst different witness versions, as knowing the witness version requires access to the output being spent.</ref>.
** Let ''k<sub>0</sub> = hash<sub>TapLeaf</sub>(v || compact_size(size of s) || s)''; also call it the ''tapleaf hash''.
** For ''j'' in ''[0,1,...,m-1]'':