from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import ( compat_HTTPError, compat_str, compat_urlparse, ) from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, int_or_none, urlencode_postdata, ) class LyndaBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _SIGNIN_URL = '' _PASSWORD_URL = '' _USER_URL = '' _ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS_HINT = 'Use --username and --password options to provide account credentials.' _NETRC_MACHINE = 'lynda' def _real_initialize(self): self._login() @staticmethod def _check_error(json_string, key_or_keys): keys = [key_or_keys] if isinstance(key_or_keys, compat_str) else key_or_keys for key in keys: error = json_string.get(key) if error: raise ExtractorError('Unable to login: %s' % error, expected=True) def _login_step(self, form_html, fallback_action_url, extra_form_data, note, referrer_url): action_url = self._search_regex( r']+action=(["\'])(?P.+?)\1', form_html, 'post url', default=fallback_action_url, group='url') if not action_url.startswith('http'): action_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(self._SIGNIN_URL, action_url) form_data = self._hidden_inputs(form_html) form_data.update(extra_form_data) try: response = self._download_json( action_url, None, note, data=urlencode_postdata(form_data), headers={ 'Referer': referrer_url, 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', }) except ExtractorError as e: if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 500: response = self._parse_json('utf-8'), None) self._check_error(response, ('email', 'password')) raise self._check_error(response, 'ErrorMessage') return response, action_url def _login(self): username, password = self._get_login_info() if username is None: return # Step 1: download signin page signin_page = self._download_webpage( self._SIGNIN_URL, None, 'Downloading signin page') # Already logged in if any(, signin_page) for p in ( r'isLoggedIn\s*:\s*true', r'logout\.aspx', r'>Log out<')): return # Step 2: submit email signin_form = self._search_regex( r'(?s)(]+data-form-name=["\']signin["\'][^>]*>.+?)', signin_page, 'signin form') signin_page, signin_url = self._login_step( signin_form, self._PASSWORD_URL, {'email': username}, 'Submitting email', self._SIGNIN_URL) # Step 3: submit password password_form = signin_page['body'] self._login_step( password_form, self._USER_URL, {'email': username, 'password': password}, 'Submitting password', signin_url) class LyndaIE(LyndaBaseIE): IE_NAME = 'lynda' IE_DESC = ' videos' _VALID_URL = r'''(?x) https?:// (?:www\.)?(?:lynda\.com|educourse\.ga)/ (?: (?:[^/]+/){2,3}(?P\d+)| player/embed )/ (?P\d+) ''' _TIMECODE_REGEX = r'\[(?P\d+:\d+:\d+[\.,]\d+)\]' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', # md5 is unstable 'info_dict': { 'id': '114408', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Using the exercise files', 'duration': 68 } }, { 'url': ';bar=g;fizz=rt&fs=0', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _raise_unavailable(self, video_id): self.raise_login_required( 'Video %s is only available for members' % video_id) def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) video_id ='id') course_id ='course_id') query = { 'videoId': video_id, 'type': 'video', } video = self._download_json( '', video_id, 'Downloading video JSON', fatal=False, query=query) # Fallback scenario if not video: query['courseId'] = course_id play = self._download_json( '' % (course_id, video_id), video_id, 'Downloading play JSON') if not play: self._raise_unavailable(video_id) formats = [] for formats_dict in play: urls = formats_dict.get('urls') if not isinstance(urls, dict): continue cdn = formats_dict.get('name') for format_id, format_url in urls.items(): if not format_url: continue formats.append({ 'url': format_url, 'format_id': '%s-%s' % (cdn, format_id) if cdn else format_id, 'height': int_or_none(format_id), }) self._sort_formats(formats) conviva = self._download_json( '', video_id, 'Downloading conviva JSON', query=query) return { 'id': video_id, 'title': conviva['VideoTitle'], 'description': conviva.get('VideoDescription'), 'release_year': int_or_none(conviva.get('ReleaseYear')), 'duration': int_or_none(conviva.get('Duration')), 'creator': conviva.get('Author'), 'formats': formats, } if 'Status' in video: raise ExtractorError( 'lynda returned error: %s' % video['Message'], expected=True) if video.get('HasAccess') is False: self._raise_unavailable(video_id) video_id = compat_str(video.get('ID') or video_id) duration = int_or_none(video.get('DurationInSeconds')) title = video['Title'] formats = [] fmts = video.get('Formats') if fmts: formats.extend([{ 'url': f['Url'], 'ext': f.get('Extension'), 'width': int_or_none(f.get('Width')), 'height': int_or_none(f.get('Height')), 'filesize': int_or_none(f.get('FileSize')), 'format_id': compat_str(f.get('Resolution')) if f.get('Resolution') else None, } for f in fmts if f.get('Url')]) prioritized_streams = video.get('PrioritizedStreams') if prioritized_streams: for prioritized_stream_id, prioritized_stream in prioritized_streams.items(): formats.extend([{ 'url': video_url, 'height': int_or_none(format_id), 'format_id': '%s-%s' % (prioritized_stream_id, format_id), } for format_id, video_url in prioritized_stream.items()]) self._check_formats(formats, video_id) self._sort_formats(formats) subtitles = self.extract_subtitles(video_id) return { 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'duration': duration, 'subtitles': subtitles, 'formats': formats } def _fix_subtitles(self, subs): srt = '' seq_counter = 0 for pos in range(0, len(subs) - 1): seq_current = subs[pos] m_current = re.match(self._TIMECODE_REGEX, seq_current['Timecode']) if m_current is None: continue seq_next = subs[pos + 1] m_next = re.match(self._TIMECODE_REGEX, seq_next['Timecode']) if m_next is None: continue appear_time ='timecode') disappear_time ='timecode') text = seq_current['Caption'].strip() if text: seq_counter += 1 srt += '%s\r\n%s --> %s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n' % (seq_counter, appear_time, disappear_time, text) if srt: return srt def _get_subtitles(self, video_id): url = '' % video_id subs = self._download_json(url, None, False) fixed_subs = self._fix_subtitles(subs) if fixed_subs: return {'en': [{'ext': 'srt', 'data': fixed_subs}]} else: return {} class LyndaCourseIE(LyndaBaseIE): IE_NAME = 'lynda:course' IE_DESC = ' online courses' # Course link equals to welcome/introduction video link of same course # We will recognize it as course link _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www|m)\.(?:lynda\.com|educourse\.ga)/(?P(?:[^/]+/){2,3}(?P\d+))-2\.html' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) course_path ='coursepath') course_id ='courseid') item_template = '' % course_path course = self._download_json( '' % course_id, course_id, 'Downloading course JSON', fatal=False) if not course: webpage = self._download_webpage(url, course_id) entries = [ self.url_result( item_template % video_id, ie=LyndaIE.ie_key(), video_id=video_id) for video_id in re.findall( r'data-video-id=["\'](\d+)', webpage)] return self.playlist_result( entries, course_id, self._og_search_title(webpage, fatal=False), self._og_search_description(webpage)) if course.get('Status') == 'NotFound': raise ExtractorError( 'Course %s does not exist' % course_id, expected=True) unaccessible_videos = 0 entries = [] # Might want to extract videos right here from video['Formats'] as it seems 'Formats' is not provided # by single video API anymore for chapter in course['Chapters']: for video in chapter.get('Videos', []): if video.get('HasAccess') is False: unaccessible_videos += 1 continue video_id = video.get('ID') if video_id: entries.append({ '_type': 'url_transparent', 'url': item_template % video_id, 'ie_key': LyndaIE.ie_key(), 'chapter': chapter.get('Title'), 'chapter_number': int_or_none(chapter.get('ChapterIndex')), 'chapter_id': compat_str(chapter.get('ID')), }) if unaccessible_videos > 0: self._downloader.report_warning( '%s videos are only available for members (or paid members) and will not be downloaded. ' % unaccessible_videos + self._ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS_HINT) course_title = course.get('Title') course_description = course.get('Description') return self.playlist_result(entries, course_id, course_title, course_description)