import json import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, ) class BandcampIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'http://.*?\.bandcamp\.com/track/(?P<title>.*)' def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) title ='title') webpage = self._download_webpage(url, title) # We get the link to the free download page m_download ='freeDownloadPage: "(.*?)"', webpage) if m_download is None: raise ExtractorError(u'No free songs found') download_link = id ='var TralbumData = {(.*?)id: (?P<id>\d*?)$', webpage, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL).group('id') download_webpage = self._download_webpage(download_link, id, 'Downloading free downloads page') # We get the dictionary of the track from some javascrip code info ='items: (.*?),$', download_webpage, re.MULTILINE).group(1) info = json.loads(info)[0] # We pick mp3-320 for now, until format selection can be easily implemented. mp3_info = info[u'downloads'][u'mp3-320'] # If we try to use this url it says the link has expired initial_url = mp3_info[u'url'] re_url = r'(?P<server>http://(.*?)\.bandcamp\.com)/download/track\?enc=mp3-320&fsig=(?P<fsig>.*?)&id=(?P<id>.*?)&ts=(?P<ts>.*)$' m_url = re.match(re_url, initial_url) #We build the url we will use to get the final track url # This url is build in Bandcamp in the script download_bunde_*.js request_url = '%s/statdownload/track?enc=mp3-320&fsig=%s&id=%s&ts=%s&.rand=665028774616&.vrs=1' % ('server'),'fsig'), id,'ts')) final_url_webpage = self._download_webpage(request_url, id, 'Requesting download url') # If we could correctly generate the .rand field the url would be #in the "download_url" key final_url ='"retry_url":"(.*?)"', final_url_webpage).group(1) track_info = {'id':id, 'title' : info[u'title'], 'ext' : 'mp3', 'url' : final_url, 'thumbnail' : info[u'thumb_url'], 'uploader' : info[u'artist'] } return [track_info]