/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "system.h" #include #include "StdString.h" #include "VideoReferenceClock.h" #include "MathUtils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/TimeUtils.h" #include "utils/SingleLock.h" #if defined(HAS_GLX) && defined(HAS_XRANDR) #include #include #define NVSETTINGSCMD "nvidia-settings -nt -q RefreshRate3" #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include #include "CocoaInterface.h" #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) #pragma comment (lib,"d3d9.lib") #if (D3DX_SDK_VERSION >= 42) //aug 2009 sdk and up there is no dxerr9 anymore #include #pragma comment (lib,"DxErr.lib") #else #include #define DXGetErrorString(hr) DXGetErrorString9(hr) #define DXGetErrorDescription(hr) DXGetErrorDescription9(hr) #pragma comment (lib,"Dxerr9.lib") #endif #include "WindowingFactory.h" #include "AdvancedSettings.h" #endif using namespace std; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) void CD3DCallback::Reset() { m_devicevalid = true; m_deviceused = false; } void CD3DCallback::OnDestroyDevice() { CSingleLock lock(m_critsection); m_devicevalid = false; while (m_deviceused) { lock.Leave(); m_releaseevent.Wait(); lock.Enter(); } } void CD3DCallback::OnCreateDevice() { CSingleLock lock(m_critsection); m_devicevalid = true; m_createevent.Set(); } void CD3DCallback::Aquire() { CSingleLock lock(m_critsection); while(!m_devicevalid) { lock.Leave(); m_createevent.Wait(); lock.Enter(); } m_deviceused = true; } void CD3DCallback::Release() { CSingleLock lock(m_critsection); m_deviceused = false; m_releaseevent.Set(); } bool CD3DCallback::IsValid() { return m_devicevalid; } #endif CVideoReferenceClock::CVideoReferenceClock() { m_SystemFrequency = CurrentHostFrequency(); m_AdjustedFrequency = m_SystemFrequency; m_ClockOffset = 0; m_TotalMissedVblanks = 0; m_UseVblank = false; m_Started.Reset(); } void CVideoReferenceClock::Process() { bool SetupSuccess = false; int64_t Now; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) //register callback m_D3dCallback.Reset(); g_Windowing.Register(&m_D3dCallback); #endif while(!m_bStop) { //set up the vblank clock #if defined(HAS_GLX) && defined(HAS_XRANDR) SetupSuccess = SetupGLX(); #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) SetupSuccess = SetupD3D(); #elif defined(__APPLE__) SetupSuccess = SetupCocoa(); #elif defined(HAS_GLX) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: compiled without RandR support"); #elif defined(_WIN32) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: only available on directx build"); #else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: no implementation available"); #endif CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); Now = CurrentHostCounter(); m_CurrTime = Now + m_ClockOffset; //add the clock offset from the previous time we stopped m_AdjustedFrequency = m_SystemFrequency; m_TotalMissedVblanks = 0; m_fineadjust = 1.0; m_Started.Set(); if (SetupSuccess) { m_UseVblank = true; //tell other threads we're using vblank as clock m_VblankTime = Now; //initialize the timestamp of the last vblank SingleLock.Leave(); //run the clock #if defined(HAS_GLX) && defined(HAS_XRANDR) RunGLX(); #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) RunD3D(); #elif defined(__APPLE__) RunCocoa(); #endif } else { SingleLock.Leave(); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Setup failed, falling back to CurrentHostCounter()"); } SingleLock.Enter(); m_UseVblank = false; //we're back to using the systemclock Now = CurrentHostCounter(); //set the clockoffset between the vblank clock and systemclock m_ClockOffset = m_CurrTime - Now; SingleLock.Leave(); //clean up the vblank clock #if defined(HAS_GLX) && defined(HAS_XRANDR) CleanupGLX(); #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) CleanupD3D(); #elif defined(__APPLE__) CleanupCocoa(); #endif if (!SetupSuccess) break; } #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) g_Windowing.Unregister(&m_D3dCallback); #endif } bool CVideoReferenceClock::WaitStarted(int MSecs) { //not waiting here can cause issues with alsa return m_Started.WaitMSec(MSecs); } #if defined(HAS_GLX) && defined(HAS_XRANDR) bool CVideoReferenceClock::SetupGLX() { int singleBufferAttributes[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_RED_SIZE, 0, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 0, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 0, None }; int ReturnV, SwaMask; unsigned int GlxTest; XSetWindowAttributes Swa; m_Dpy = NULL; m_vInfo = NULL; m_Context = NULL; m_Window = NULL; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Setting up GLX"); m_Dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!m_Dpy) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Unable to open display"); return false; } if (!glXQueryExtension(m_Dpy, NULL, NULL)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: X server does not support GLX"); return false; } bool ExtensionFound = false; istringstream Extensions(glXQueryExtensionsString(m_Dpy, DefaultScreen(m_Dpy))); string ExtensionStr; while (!ExtensionFound) { Extensions >> ExtensionStr; if (Extensions.fail()) break; if (ExtensionStr == "GLX_SGI_video_sync") ExtensionFound = true; } if (!ExtensionFound) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: X server does not support GLX_SGI_video_sync"); return false; } m_vInfo = glXChooseVisual(m_Dpy, DefaultScreen(m_Dpy), singleBufferAttributes); if (!m_vInfo) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXChooseVisual returned NULL"); return false; } Swa.border_pixel = 0; Swa.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask; Swa.colormap = XCreateColormap(m_Dpy, RootWindow(m_Dpy, m_vInfo->screen), m_vInfo->visual, AllocNone ); SwaMask = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask; m_Window = XCreateWindow(m_Dpy, RootWindow(m_Dpy, m_vInfo->screen), 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, m_vInfo->depth, InputOutput, m_vInfo->visual, SwaMask, &Swa); m_Context = glXCreateContext(m_Dpy, m_vInfo, NULL, True); if (!m_Context) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXCreateContext returned NULL"); return false; } ReturnV = glXMakeCurrent(m_Dpy, m_Window, m_Context); if (ReturnV != True) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXMakeCurrent returned %i", ReturnV); return false; } m_glXWaitVideoSyncSGI = (int (*)(int, int, unsigned int*))glXGetProcAddress((const GLubyte*)"glXWaitVideoSyncSGI"); if (!m_glXWaitVideoSyncSGI) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXWaitVideoSyncSGI not found"); return false; } ReturnV = m_glXWaitVideoSyncSGI(2, 0, &GlxTest); if (ReturnV) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXWaitVideoSyncSGI returned %i", ReturnV); return false; } m_glXGetVideoSyncSGI = (int (*)(unsigned int*))glXGetProcAddress((const GLubyte*)"glXGetVideoSyncSGI"); if (!m_glXGetVideoSyncSGI) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXGetVideoSyncSGI not found"); return false; } ReturnV = m_glXGetVideoSyncSGI(&GlxTest); if (ReturnV) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXGetVideoSyncSGI returned %i", ReturnV); return false; } XRRSizes(m_Dpy, m_vInfo->screen, &ReturnV); if (ReturnV == 0) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: RandR not supported"); return false; } //set up receiving of RandR events, we'll get one when the refreshrate changes XRRQueryExtension(m_Dpy, &m_RREventBase, &ReturnV); XRRSelectInput(m_Dpy, RootWindow(m_Dpy, m_vInfo->screen), RRScreenChangeNotifyMask); UpdateRefreshrate(true); //forced refreshrate update m_MissedVblanks = 0; return true; } bool CVideoReferenceClock::ParseNvSettings(int& RefreshRate) { double fRefreshRate; char Buff[255]; int ReturnV; struct lconv *Locale = localeconv(); FILE* NvSettings; const char* VendorPtr = (const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR); if (!VendorPtr) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glGetString(GL_VENDOR) returned NULL, not using nvidia-settings"); return false; } CStdString Vendor = VendorPtr; Vendor.ToLower(); if (Vendor.find("nvidia") == std::string::npos) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: GL_VENDOR:%s, not using nvidia-settings", Vendor.c_str()); return false; } NvSettings = popen(NVSETTINGSCMD, "r"); if (!NvSettings) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: %s: %s", NVSETTINGSCMD, strerror(errno)); return false; } ReturnV = fscanf(NvSettings, "%254[^\n]", Buff); pclose(NvSettings); if (ReturnV != 1) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: %s produced no output", NVSETTINGSCMD); return false; } CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: output of %s: %s", NVSETTINGSCMD, Buff); for (int i = 0; i < 255 && Buff[i]; i++) { //workaround for locale mismatch if (Buff[i] == '.' || Buff[i] == ',') Buff[i] = *Locale->decimal_point; } ReturnV = sscanf(Buff, "%lf", &fRefreshRate); if (ReturnV != 1 || fRefreshRate <= 0.0) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: can't make sense of that"); return false; } RefreshRate = MathUtils::round_int(fRefreshRate); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate by nvidia-settings: %f hertz, rounding to %i hertz", fRefreshRate, RefreshRate); return true; } int CVideoReferenceClock::GetRandRRate() { int RefreshRate; XRRScreenConfiguration *CurrInfo; CurrInfo = XRRGetScreenInfo(m_Dpy, RootWindow(m_Dpy, m_vInfo->screen)); RefreshRate = XRRConfigCurrentRate(CurrInfo); XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo(CurrInfo); return RefreshRate; } void CVideoReferenceClock::CleanupGLX() { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Cleaning up GLX"); if (m_vInfo) { XFree(m_vInfo); m_vInfo = NULL; } if (m_Context) { glXMakeCurrent(m_Dpy, None, NULL); glXDestroyContext(m_Dpy, m_Context); m_Context = NULL; } if (m_Window) { XDestroyWindow(m_Dpy, m_Window); m_Window = NULL; } if (m_Dpy) { XCloseDisplay(m_Dpy); m_Dpy = NULL; } } void CVideoReferenceClock::RunGLX() { unsigned int PrevVblankCount; unsigned int VblankCount; int ReturnV; bool IsReset = false; int64_t Now; CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); SingleLock.Leave(); //get the current vblank counter m_glXGetVideoSyncSGI(&VblankCount); PrevVblankCount = VblankCount; while(!m_bStop) { //wait for the next vblank ReturnV = m_glXWaitVideoSyncSGI(2, (VblankCount + 1) % 2, &VblankCount); m_glXGetVideoSyncSGI(&VblankCount); //the vblank count returned by glXWaitVideoSyncSGI is not always correct Now = CurrentHostCounter(); //get the timestamp of this vblank if(ReturnV) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXWaitVideoSyncSGI returned %i", ReturnV); return; } if (VblankCount > PrevVblankCount) { //update the vblank timestamp, update the clock and send a signal that we got a vblank SingleLock.Enter(); m_VblankTime = Now; UpdateClock((int)(VblankCount - PrevVblankCount), true); SingleLock.Leave(); SendVblankSignal(); UpdateRefreshrate(); IsReset = false; } else { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Vblank counter has reset"); //only try reattaching once if (IsReset) return; //because of a bug in the nvidia driver, glXWaitVideoSyncSGI breaks when the vblank counter resets CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Detaching glX context"); ReturnV = glXMakeCurrent(m_Dpy, None, NULL); if (ReturnV != True) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXMakeCurrent returned %i", ReturnV); return; } CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Attaching glX context"); ReturnV = glXMakeCurrent(m_Dpy, m_Window, m_Context); if (ReturnV != True) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: glXMakeCurrent returned %i", ReturnV); return; } m_glXGetVideoSyncSGI(&VblankCount); IsReset = true; } PrevVblankCount = VblankCount; } } #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) void CVideoReferenceClock::RunD3D() { D3DRASTER_STATUS RasterStatus; int64_t Now; int64_t LastVBlankTime; unsigned int LastLine; int NrVBlanks; double VBlankTime; int ReturnV; CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); SingleLock.Leave(); //get the scanline we're currently at m_D3dDev->GetRasterStatus(0, &RasterStatus); if (RasterStatus.InVBlank) LastLine = 0; else LastLine = RasterStatus.ScanLine; //init the vblanktime Now = CurrentHostCounter(); LastVBlankTime = Now; while(!m_bStop && m_D3dCallback.IsValid()) { //get the scanline we're currently at ReturnV = m_D3dDev->GetRasterStatus(0, &RasterStatus); if (ReturnV != D3D_OK) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: GetRasterStatus returned returned %s: %s", DXGetErrorString(ReturnV), DXGetErrorDescription(ReturnV)); return; } //if InVBlank is set, or the current scanline is lower than the previous scanline, a vblank happened if ((RasterStatus.InVBlank && LastLine > 0) || (RasterStatus.ScanLine < LastLine)) { //calculate how many vblanks happened Now = CurrentHostCounter(); VBlankTime = (double)(Now - LastVBlankTime) / (double)m_SystemFrequency; NrVBlanks = MathUtils::round_int(VBlankTime * (double)m_RefreshRate); //update the vblank timestamp, update the clock and send a signal that we got a vblank SingleLock.Enter(); m_VblankTime = Now; UpdateClock(NrVBlanks, true); SingleLock.Leave(); SendVblankSignal(); if (UpdateRefreshrate()) { //we have to measure the refreshrate again CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Displaymode changed"); return; } //save the timestamp of this vblank so we can calculate how many vblanks happened next time LastVBlankTime = Now; //because we had a vblank, sleep until half the refreshrate period Now = CurrentHostCounter(); int SleepTime = (int)((LastVBlankTime + (m_SystemFrequency / m_RefreshRate / 2) - Now) * 1000 / m_SystemFrequency); if (SleepTime > 100) SleepTime = 100; //failsafe if (SleepTime > 0) ::Sleep(SleepTime); } else { ::Sleep(1); } if (RasterStatus.InVBlank) LastLine = 0; else LastLine = RasterStatus.ScanLine; } } //how many times we measure the refreshrate #define NRMEASURES 6 //how long to measure in milliseconds #define MEASURETIME 250 bool CVideoReferenceClock::SetupD3D() { int ReturnV; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Setting up Direct3d"); m_D3dCallback.Aquire(); //get d3d device m_D3dDev = g_Windowing.Get3DDevice(); //we need a high priority thread to get accurate timing if (!SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL)) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: SetThreadPriority failed"); D3DCAPS9 DevCaps; ReturnV = m_D3dDev->GetDeviceCaps(&DevCaps); if (ReturnV != D3D_OK) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: GetDeviceCaps returned %s: %s", DXGetErrorString(ReturnV), DXGetErrorDescription(ReturnV)); return false; } if ((DevCaps.Caps & D3DCAPS_READ_SCANLINE) != D3DCAPS_READ_SCANLINE) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Hardware does not support GetRasterStatus"); return false; } D3DRASTER_STATUS RasterStatus; ReturnV = m_D3dDev->GetRasterStatus(0, &RasterStatus); if (ReturnV != D3D_OK) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: GetRasterStatus returned returned %s: %s", DXGetErrorString(ReturnV), DXGetErrorDescription(ReturnV)); return false; } D3DDISPLAYMODE DisplayMode; ReturnV = m_D3dDev->GetDisplayMode(0, &DisplayMode); if (ReturnV != D3D_OK) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: GetDisplayMode returned returned %s: %s", DXGetErrorString(ReturnV), DXGetErrorDescription(ReturnV)); return false; } //forced update of windows refreshrate UpdateRefreshrate(true); if (g_advancedSettings.m_measureRefreshrate) { //measure the refreshrate a couple times list Measures; for (int i = 0; i < NRMEASURES; i++) Measures.push_back(MeasureRefreshrate(MEASURETIME)); //build up a string of measured rates CStdString StrRates; for (list::iterator it = Measures.begin(); it != Measures.end(); it++) StrRates.AppendFormat("%.2f ", *it); //get the top half of the measured rates Measures.sort(); double RefreshRate = 0.0; int NrMeasurements = 0; while (NrMeasurements < NRMEASURES / 2 && !Measures.empty()) { if (Measures.back() > 0.0) { RefreshRate += Measures.back(); NrMeasurements++; } Measures.pop_back(); } if (NrMeasurements < NRMEASURES / 2) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: refreshrate measurements: %s, unable to get a good measurement", StrRates.c_str(), m_RefreshRate); return false; } RefreshRate /= NrMeasurements; m_RefreshRate = MathUtils::round_int(RefreshRate); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: refreshrate measurements: %s, assuming %i hertz", StrRates.c_str(), m_RefreshRate); } else { m_RefreshRate = m_PrevRefreshRate; if (m_RefreshRate == 23 || m_RefreshRate == 29 || m_RefreshRate == 59) m_RefreshRate++; if (m_Interlaced) { m_RefreshRate *= 2; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: display is interlaced"); } CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: detected refreshrate: %i hertz, assuming %i hertz", m_PrevRefreshRate, (int)m_RefreshRate); } m_MissedVblanks = 0; return true; } double CVideoReferenceClock::MeasureRefreshrate(int MSecs) { D3DRASTER_STATUS RasterStatus; int64_t Now; int64_t Target; int64_t Prev; int64_t AvgInterval; int64_t MeasureCount; unsigned int LastLine; int ReturnV; Now = CurrentHostCounter(); Target = Now + (m_SystemFrequency * MSecs / 1000); Prev = -1; AvgInterval = 0; MeasureCount = 0; //start measuring vblanks LastLine = 0; while(Now <= Target) { ReturnV = m_D3dDev->GetRasterStatus(0, &RasterStatus); Now = CurrentHostCounter(); if (ReturnV != D3D_OK) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: GetRasterStatus returned returned %s: %s", DXGetErrorString(ReturnV), DXGetErrorDescription(ReturnV)); return -1.0; } if ((RasterStatus.InVBlank && LastLine != 0) || (!RasterStatus.InVBlank && RasterStatus.ScanLine < LastLine)) { //we got a vblank if (Prev != -1) //need two for a measurement { AvgInterval += Now - Prev; //save how long this vblank lasted MeasureCount++; } Prev = Now; //save this time for the next measurement } //save the current scanline if (RasterStatus.InVBlank) LastLine = 0; else LastLine = RasterStatus.ScanLine; ::Sleep(1); } if (MeasureCount < 1) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Didn't measure any vblanks"); return -1.0; } double fRefreshRate = 1.0 / ((double)AvgInterval / (double)MeasureCount / (double)m_SystemFrequency); return fRefreshRate; } void CVideoReferenceClock::CleanupD3D() { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Cleaning up Direct3d"); m_D3dCallback.Release(); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) // Called by the Core Video Display Link whenever it's appropriate to render a frame. static CVReturn DisplayLinkCallBack(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTimeStamp* inNow, const CVTimeStamp* inOutputTime, CVOptionFlags flagsIn, CVOptionFlags* flagsOut, void* displayLinkContext) { double fps = 60.0; if (inNow->videoRefreshPeriod > 0) fps = (double)inOutputTime->videoTimeScale / (double)inOutputTime->videoRefreshPeriod; // Create an autorelease pool (necessary to call into non-Obj-C code from Obj-C code) void* pool = Cocoa_Create_AutoReleasePool(); CVideoReferenceClock *VideoReferenceClock = reinterpret_cast(displayLinkContext); VideoReferenceClock->VblankHandler(inNow->hostTime, fps); // Destroy the autorelease pool Cocoa_Destroy_AutoReleasePool(pool); return kCVReturnSuccess; } bool CVideoReferenceClock::SetupCocoa() { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: setting up Cocoa"); //init the vblank timestamp m_LastVBlankTime = CurrentHostCounter(); m_MissedVblanks = 0; m_RefreshRate = 60; //init the refreshrate so we don't get any division by 0 errors if (!Cocoa_CVDisplayLinkCreate((void*)DisplayLinkCallBack, reinterpret_cast(this))) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Cocoa_CVDisplayLinkCreate failed"); return false; } else { UpdateRefreshrate(true); return true; } } void CVideoReferenceClock::RunCocoa() { //because cocoa has a vblank callback, we just keep sleeping until we're asked to stop the thread while(!m_bStop) { Sleep(1000); } } void CVideoReferenceClock::CleanupCocoa() { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: cleaning up Cocoa"); Cocoa_CVDisplayLinkRelease(); } void CVideoReferenceClock::VblankHandler(int64_t nowtime, double fps) { int NrVBlanks; double VBlankTime; int RefreshRate = MathUtils::round_int(fps); CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); if (RefreshRate != m_RefreshRate) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: %f hertz, rounding to %i hertz", fps, RefreshRate); m_RefreshRate = RefreshRate; } m_LastRefreshTime = m_CurrTime; //calculate how many vblanks happened VBlankTime = (double)(nowtime - m_LastVBlankTime) / (double)m_SystemFrequency; NrVBlanks = MathUtils::round_int(VBlankTime * (double)m_RefreshRate); //save the timestamp of this vblank so we can calculate how many happened next time m_LastVBlankTime = nowtime; //update the vblank timestamp, update the clock and send a signal that we got a vblank m_VblankTime = nowtime; UpdateClock(NrVBlanks, true); SingleLock.Leave(); SendVblankSignal(); } #endif //this is called from the vblank run function and from CVideoReferenceClock::Wait in case of a late update void CVideoReferenceClock::UpdateClock(int NrVBlanks, bool CheckMissed) { if (CheckMissed) //set to true from the vblank run function, set to false from Wait and GetTime { if (NrVBlanks < m_MissedVblanks) //if this is true the vblank detection in the run function is wrong CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: detected %i vblanks, missed %i, refreshrate might have changed", NrVBlanks, m_MissedVblanks); NrVBlanks -= m_MissedVblanks; //subtract the vblanks we missed m_MissedVblanks = 0; } else { m_MissedVblanks += NrVBlanks; //tell the vblank clock how many vblanks it missed m_TotalMissedVblanks += NrVBlanks; //for the codec information screen m_VblankTime += m_SystemFrequency * (int64_t)NrVBlanks / m_RefreshRate; //set the vblank time forward } if (NrVBlanks > 0) //update the clock with the adjusted frequency if we have any vblanks m_CurrTime += (int64_t)NrVBlanks * (int64_t)((double)m_AdjustedFrequency * m_fineadjust) / m_RefreshRate; } //called from dvdclock to get the time int64_t CVideoReferenceClock::GetTime() { CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); //when using vblank, get the time from that, otherwise use the systemclock if (m_UseVblank) { int64_t NextVblank; int64_t Now; Now = CurrentHostCounter(); //get current system time NextVblank = TimeOfNextVblank(); //get time when the next vblank should happen while(Now >= NextVblank) //keep looping until the next vblank is in the future { UpdateClock(1, false); //update clock when next vblank should have happened already NextVblank = TimeOfNextVblank(); //get time when the next vblank should happen } return m_CurrTime; } else { return CurrentHostCounter() + m_ClockOffset; } } //called from dvdclock to get the clock frequency int64_t CVideoReferenceClock::GetFrequency() { return m_SystemFrequency; } void CVideoReferenceClock::SetSpeed(double Speed) { CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); //dvdplayer can change the speed to fit the rereshrate if (m_UseVblank) { int64_t Frequency = (int64_t)((double)m_SystemFrequency * Speed); if (Frequency != m_AdjustedFrequency) { m_AdjustedFrequency = Frequency; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Clock speed %f%%", GetSpeed() * 100); } } } double CVideoReferenceClock::GetSpeed() { double Speed = 1.0; CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); //dvdplayer needs to know the speed for the resampler if (m_UseVblank) Speed = (double)m_AdjustedFrequency / (double)m_SystemFrequency; return Speed; } bool CVideoReferenceClock::UpdateRefreshrate(bool Forced /*= false*/) { //update the refreshrate about once a second, or update immediately if a forced update is required if (m_CurrTime - m_LastRefreshTime < m_SystemFrequency && !Forced) return false; if (Forced) m_LastRefreshTime = 0; else m_LastRefreshTime = m_CurrTime; #if defined(HAS_GLX) && defined(HAS_XRANDR) bool GotEvent = Forced; XEvent Event; //check for RandR events while (XCheckTypedEvent(m_Dpy, m_RREventBase + RRScreenChangeNotify, &Event)) { if (Event.type == m_RREventBase + RRScreenChangeNotify) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Received RandR event %i", Event.type); GotEvent = true; } XRRUpdateConfiguration(&Event); } if (!GotEvent) //refreshrate did not change return false; //the refreshrate can be wrong on nvidia drivers, so read it from nvidia-settings when it's available if (m_UseNvSettings || Forced) { int NvRefreshRate; //if this fails we can't get the refreshrate from nvidia-settings m_UseNvSettings = ParseNvSettings(NvRefreshRate); if (m_UseNvSettings) { CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); m_RefreshRate = NvRefreshRate; return true; } CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Using RandR for refreshrate detection"); } CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); m_RefreshRate = GetRandRRate(); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: %i hertz", (int)m_RefreshRate); return true; #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAS_DX) D3DDISPLAYMODE DisplayMode; m_D3dDev->GetDisplayMode(0, &DisplayMode); //0 indicates adapter default if (DisplayMode.RefreshRate == 0) DisplayMode.RefreshRate = 60; if (m_PrevRefreshRate != DisplayMode.RefreshRate || m_Width != DisplayMode.Width || m_Height != DisplayMode.Height || m_Interlaced != g_Windowing.Interlaced() || Forced ) { m_PrevRefreshRate = DisplayMode.RefreshRate; m_Width = DisplayMode.Width; m_Height = DisplayMode.Height; m_Interlaced = g_Windowing.Interlaced(); return true; } return false; #elif defined(__APPLE__) int RefreshRate = MathUtils::round_int(Cocoa_GetCVDisplayLinkRefreshPeriod()); if (RefreshRate != m_RefreshRate || Forced) { CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: %i hertz", RefreshRate); m_RefreshRate = RefreshRate; return true; } return false; #endif return false; } //dvdplayer needs to know the refreshrate for matching the fps of the video playing to it int CVideoReferenceClock::GetRefreshRate() { CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); if (m_UseVblank) return (int)m_RefreshRate; else return -1; } //this is called from CDVDClock::WaitAbsoluteClock, which is called from CXBMCRenderManager::WaitPresentTime //it waits until a certain timestamp has passed, used for displaying videoframes at the correct moment int64_t CVideoReferenceClock::Wait(int64_t Target) { int64_t Now; int SleepTime; CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); if (m_UseVblank) //when true the vblank is used as clock source { while (m_CurrTime < Target) { //calculate how long to sleep before we should have gotten a signal that a vblank happened Now = CurrentHostCounter(); int64_t NextVblank = TimeOfNextVblank(); SleepTime = (int)((NextVblank - Now) * 1000 / m_SystemFrequency); int64_t CurrTime = m_CurrTime; //save current value of the clock bool Late = false; if (SleepTime <= 0) //if sleeptime is 0 or lower, the vblank clock is already late in updating { Late = true; } else { m_VblankEvent.Reset(); SingleLock.Leave(); if (!m_VblankEvent.WaitMSec(SleepTime)) //if this returns false, it means the vblank event was not set within Late = true; //the required time SingleLock.Enter(); } //if the vblank clock was late with its update, we update the clock ourselves if (Late && CurrTime == m_CurrTime) UpdateClock(1, false); //update the clock by 1 vblank } return m_CurrTime; } else { int64_t ClockOffset = m_ClockOffset; SingleLock.Leave(); Now = CurrentHostCounter(); //sleep until the timestamp has passed SleepTime = (int)((Target - (Now + ClockOffset)) * 1000 / m_SystemFrequency); if (SleepTime > 0) ::Sleep(SleepTime); Now = CurrentHostCounter(); return Now + ClockOffset; } } void CVideoReferenceClock::SendVblankSignal() { m_VblankEvent.Set(); } #define MAXVBLANKDELAY 13LL //guess when the next vblank should happen, //based on the refreshrate and when the previous one happened //increase that by 30% to allow for errors int64_t CVideoReferenceClock::TimeOfNextVblank() { return m_VblankTime + (m_SystemFrequency / m_RefreshRate * MAXVBLANKDELAY / 10LL); } //for the codec information screen bool CVideoReferenceClock::GetClockInfo(int& MissedVblanks, double& ClockSpeed, int& RefreshRate) { if (m_UseVblank) { MissedVblanks = m_TotalMissedVblanks; ClockSpeed = (double)m_AdjustedFrequency / (double)m_SystemFrequency * 100.0; RefreshRate = (int)m_RefreshRate; return true; } return false; } void CVideoReferenceClock::SetFineAdjust(double fineadjust) { CSingleLock SingleLock(m_CritSection); m_fineadjust = fineadjust; } CVideoReferenceClock g_VideoReferenceClock;