/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIDialogSeekBar.h" #include "GUISliderControl.h" #include "GUIUserMessages.h" #include "Application.h" #include "utils/GUIInfoManager.h" #include "utils/TimeUtils.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #define SEEK_BAR_DISPLAY_TIME 2000L #define SEEK_BAR_SEEK_TIME 500L #define POPUP_SEEK_SLIDER 401 #define POPUP_SEEK_LABEL 402 CGUIDialogSeekBar::CGUIDialogSeekBar(void) : CGUIDialog(WINDOW_DIALOG_SEEK_BAR, "DialogSeekBar.xml") { m_fSeekPercentage = 0.0f; m_bRequireSeek = false; m_loadOnDemand = false; // the application class handles our resources } CGUIDialogSeekBar::~CGUIDialogSeekBar(void) { } bool CGUIDialogSeekBar::OnAction(const CAction &action) { if (action.GetID() == ACTION_ANALOG_SEEK_FORWARD || action.GetID() == ACTION_ANALOG_SEEK_BACK) { if (!m_bRequireSeek) { // start of seeking if (g_infoManager.GetTotalPlayTime()) m_fSeekPercentage = (float)g_infoManager.GetPlayTime() / g_infoManager.GetTotalPlayTime() * 0.1f; else m_fSeekPercentage = 0.0f; // tell info manager that we have started a seekbar operation m_bRequireSeek = true; g_infoManager.SetSeeking(true); } // calculate our seek amount if (g_application.m_pPlayer && !g_infoManager.m_performingSeek) { //100% over 1 second. float speed = 100.0f; if( action.GetRepeat() ) speed *= action.GetRepeat(); else speed /= g_infoManager.GetFPS(); if (action.GetID() == ACTION_ANALOG_SEEK_FORWARD) m_fSeekPercentage += action.GetAmount() * action.GetAmount() * speed; else m_fSeekPercentage -= action.GetAmount() * action.GetAmount() * speed; if (m_fSeekPercentage > 100.0f) m_fSeekPercentage = 100.0f; if (m_fSeekPercentage < 0.0f) m_fSeekPercentage = 0.0f; CGUISliderControl *pSlider = (CGUISliderControl*)GetControl(POPUP_SEEK_SLIDER); if (pSlider) pSlider->SetPercentage((int)m_fSeekPercentage); // Update our seek bar accordingly } ResetTimer(); return true; } return CGUIDialog::OnAction(action); } bool CGUIDialogSeekBar::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { switch ( message.GetMessage() ) { case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: return CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); case GUI_MSG_LABEL_SET: { if (message.GetSenderId() == GetID() && message.GetControlId() == POPUP_SEEK_LABEL) CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); } break; case GUI_MSG_PLAYBACK_STARTED: { // new song started while our window is up - update our details m_bRequireSeek = false; m_fSeekPercentage = 0.0f; } break; } return false; // don't process anything other than what we need! } void CGUIDialogSeekBar::ResetTimer() { m_timer = CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime(); } void CGUIDialogSeekBar::FrameMove() { if (!g_application.m_pPlayer) { Close(true); return; } // check if we should seek or exit if (!g_infoManager.m_performingSeek && CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime() - m_timer > SEEK_BAR_DISPLAY_TIME) g_infoManager.SetSeeking(false); // render our controls if (!m_bRequireSeek && !g_infoManager.m_performingSeek) { // position the bar at our current time CGUISliderControl *pSlider = (CGUISliderControl*)GetControl(POPUP_SEEK_SLIDER); if (pSlider && g_infoManager.GetTotalPlayTime()) pSlider->SetPercentage((int)((float)g_infoManager.GetPlayTime()/g_infoManager.GetTotalPlayTime() * 0.1f)); CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_SET, GetID(), POPUP_SEEK_LABEL); msg.SetLabel(g_infoManager.GetCurrentPlayTime()); OnMessage(msg); } else { CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_SET, GetID(), POPUP_SEEK_LABEL); msg.SetLabel(GetSeekTimeLabel()); OnMessage(msg); } // Check for seek timeout, and perform the seek if (m_bRequireSeek && CTimeUtils::GetFrameTime() - m_timer > SEEK_BAR_SEEK_TIME) { g_infoManager.m_performingSeek = true; double time = g_infoManager.GetTotalPlayTime() * m_fSeekPercentage * 0.01; g_application.SeekTime(time); m_bRequireSeek = false; } CGUIDialog::FrameMove(); } CStdString CGUIDialogSeekBar::GetSeekTimeLabel(TIME_FORMAT format) { int time = (int)(g_infoManager.GetTotalPlayTime() * m_fSeekPercentage * 0.01f); return StringUtils::SecondsToTimeString(time, format); }