/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "GUIDialogMediaSource.h" #include "GUIDialogKeyboard.h" #include "GUIDialogFileBrowser.h" #include "GUIDialogContentSettings.h" #include "GUIWindowVideoFiles.h" #include "GUIWindowManager.h" #include "Util.h" #include "FileSystem/PluginDirectory.h" #include "GUIDialogYesNo.h" #include "FileSystem/File.h" #include "FileSystem/ShoutcastDirectory.h" #include "FileItem.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "GUISettings.h" #include "LocalizeStrings.h" using namespace std; using namespace XFILE; #define CONTROL_HEADING 2 #define CONTROL_PATH 10 #define CONTROL_PATH_BROWSE 11 #define CONTROL_NAME 12 #define CONTROL_PATH_ADD 13 #define CONTROL_PATH_REMOVE 14 #define CONTROL_OK 18 #define CONTROL_CANCEL 19 #define CONTROL_CONTENT 20 CGUIDialogMediaSource::CGUIDialogMediaSource(void) : CGUIDialog(WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_SOURCE, "DialogMediaSource.xml") { m_paths = new CFileItemList; } CGUIDialogMediaSource::~CGUIDialogMediaSource() { delete m_paths; } bool CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnAction(const CAction &action) { if (action.GetID() == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU) { m_confirmed = false; } return CGUIDialog::OnAction(action); } bool CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { switch ( message.GetMessage() ) { case GUI_MSG_CLICKED: { int iControl = message.GetSenderId(); int iAction = message.GetParam1(); if (iControl == CONTROL_PATH && (iAction == ACTION_SELECT_ITEM || iAction == ACTION_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK)) OnPath(GetSelectedItem()); else if (iControl == CONTROL_PATH_BROWSE) OnPathBrowse(GetSelectedItem()); else if (iControl == CONTROL_PATH_ADD) OnPathAdd(); else if (iControl == CONTROL_PATH_REMOVE) OnPathRemove(GetSelectedItem()); else if (iControl == CONTROL_NAME) { OnEditChanged(iControl, m_name); UpdateButtons(); } else if (iControl == CONTROL_OK) OnOK(); else if (iControl == CONTROL_CANCEL) OnCancel(); else if (iControl == CONTROL_CONTENT) { CMediaSource share; share.FromNameAndPaths("video", m_name, GetPaths()); CGUIDialogContentSettings::ShowForDirectory(share.strPath,m_info,m_settings,m_bRunScan); } return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: { m_confirmed = false; m_bRunScan = false; m_bNameChanged=false; UpdateButtons(); } break; case GUI_MSG_SETFOCUS: if (message.GetControlId() == CONTROL_PATH_BROWSE || message.GetControlId() == CONTROL_PATH_ADD || message.GetControlId() == CONTROL_PATH_REMOVE) { HighlightItem(GetSelectedItem()); } else HighlightItem(-1); break; } return CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); } // \brief Show CGUIDialogMediaSource dialog and prompt for a new media source. // \return True if the media source is added, false otherwise. bool CGUIDialogMediaSource::ShowAndAddMediaSource(const CStdString &type) { CGUIDialogMediaSource *dialog = (CGUIDialogMediaSource *)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_SOURCE); if (!dialog) return false; dialog->Initialize(); dialog->SetShare(CMediaSource()); dialog->SetTypeOfMedia(type); dialog->DoModal(); bool confirmed(dialog->IsConfirmed()); if (confirmed) { // yay, add this share CMediaSource share; unsigned int i,j=2; bool bConfirmed=false; VECSOURCES* pShares = g_settings.GetSourcesFromType(type); CStdString strName = dialog->m_name; while (!bConfirmed) { for (i=0;isize();++i) { if ((*pShares)[i].strName.Equals(strName)) break; } if (i < pShares->size()) // found a match - try next strName.Format("%s (%i)",dialog->m_name,j++); else bConfirmed = true; } share.FromNameAndPaths(type, strName, dialog->GetPaths()); if (dialog->m_paths->Size() > 0) { share.m_strThumbnailImage = dialog->m_paths->Get(0)->GetThumbnailImage(); } g_settings.AddShare(type, share); if (type == "video") { if (dialog->m_bRunScan) CGUIWindowVideoBase::OnScan(share.strPath); } } dialog->m_paths->Clear(); return confirmed; } bool CGUIDialogMediaSource::ShowAndEditMediaSource(const CStdString &type, const CStdString&share) { VECSOURCES* pShares=NULL; if (pShares) { for (unsigned int i=0;isize();++i) { if ((*pShares)[i].strName.Equals(share)) return ShowAndEditMediaSource(type,(*pShares)[i]); } } return false; } bool CGUIDialogMediaSource::ShowAndEditMediaSource(const CStdString &type, const CMediaSource &share) { CStdString strOldName = share.strName; CGUIDialogMediaSource *dialog = (CGUIDialogMediaSource *)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_MEDIA_SOURCE); if (!dialog) return false; dialog->Initialize(); dialog->SetShare(share); dialog->SetTypeOfMedia(type, true); dialog->DoModal(); bool confirmed(dialog->IsConfirmed()); if (confirmed) { // yay, add this share unsigned int i,j=2; bool bConfirmed=false; VECSOURCES* pShares = g_settings.GetSourcesFromType(type); CStdString strName = dialog->m_name; while (!bConfirmed) { for (i=0;isize();++i) { if ((*pShares)[i].strName.Equals(strName)) break; } if (i < pShares->size() && (*pShares)[i].strName != strOldName) // found a match - try next strName.Format("%s (%i)",dialog->m_name,j++); else bConfirmed = true; } CMediaSource newShare; newShare.FromNameAndPaths(type, strName, dialog->GetPaths()); g_settings.UpdateShare(type, strOldName, newShare); } dialog->m_paths->Clear(); return confirmed; } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnPathBrowse(int item) { if (item < 0 || item > m_paths->Size()) return; // Browse is called. Open the filebrowser dialog. // Ignore current path is best at this stage?? CStdString path; bool allowNetworkShares(m_type != "programs"); VECSOURCES extraShares; if (m_name != CUtil::GetTitleFromPath(m_paths->Get(item)->m_strPath)) m_bNameChanged=true; if (m_type == "music") { // add the music playlist location CMediaSource share1; share1.strPath = "special://musicplaylists/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(20011); share1.m_ignore = true; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "smb://"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(20171); extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "upnp://"; share1.strName = "UPnP Devices"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "sap://"; share1.strName = "SAP Streams"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "zeroconf://"; share1.strName = "Zeroconf Browser"; extraShares.push_back(share1); if (g_guiSettings.GetString("audiocds.recordingpath",false) != "") { share1.strPath = "special://recordings/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(21883); extraShares.push_back(share1); } share1.strName = "Shoutcast"; share1.strPath = SHOUTCAST_MASTER_LINK; extraShares.push_back(share1); if (g_guiSettings.GetString("scrobbler.lastfmusername") != "") { share1.strName = "Last.FM"; share1.strPath = "lastfm://"; extraShares.push_back(share1); } // add the plugins dir as needed if (ADDON::CAddonMgr::Get().HasAddons(ADDON::ADDON_PLUGIN, CONTENT_AUDIO)) { share1.strPath = "plugin://music/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(1038); // Music Plugins extraShares.push_back(share1); } } else if (m_type == "video") { // add the music playlist location CMediaSource share1; share1.m_ignore = true; share1.strPath = "special://videoplaylists/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(20012); extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "rtv://*/"; share1.strName = "ReplayTV Devices"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "smb://"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(20171); extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "hdhomerun://"; share1.strName = "HDHomerun Devices"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "sap://"; share1.strName = "SAP Streams"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "upnp://"; share1.strName = "UPnP Devices"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "zeroconf://"; share1.strName = "Zeroconf Browser"; extraShares.push_back(share1); // add the plugins dir as needed if (ADDON::CAddonMgr::Get().HasAddons(ADDON::ADDON_PLUGIN, CONTENT_VIDEO)) { share1.strPath = "plugin://video/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(1037); // Video Plugins extraShares.push_back(share1); } } else if (m_type == "pictures") { CMediaSource share1; share1.m_ignore = true; if (g_guiSettings.GetString("debug.screenshotpath",false)!= "") { share1.strPath = "special://screenshots/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(20008); extraShares.push_back(share1); } share1.strPath = "smb://"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(20171); extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "upnp://"; share1.strName = "UPnP Devices"; extraShares.push_back(share1); share1.strPath = "zeroconf://"; share1.strName = "Zeroconf Browser"; extraShares.push_back(share1); // add the plugins dir as needed if (ADDON::CAddonMgr::Get().HasAddons(ADDON::ADDON_PLUGIN, CONTENT_IMAGE)) { share1.strPath = "plugin://pictures/"; share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(1039); // Picture Plugins extraShares.push_back(share1); } } else if (m_type == "programs") { if (ADDON::CAddonMgr::Get().HasAddons(ADDON::ADDON_PLUGIN, CONTENT_PROGRAM)) { CMediaSource share2; share2.strPath = "plugin://programs/"; share2.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(1043); // Program Plugins share2.m_ignore = true; extraShares.push_back(share2); } } if (CGUIDialogFileBrowser::ShowAndGetSource(path, allowNetworkShares, extraShares.size()==0?NULL:&extraShares)) { if (item < m_paths->Size()) // if the skin does funky things, m_paths may have been cleared m_paths->Get(item)->m_strPath = path; if (!m_bNameChanged || m_name.IsEmpty()) { CURL url(path); m_name = url.GetWithoutUserDetails(); CUtil::RemoveSlashAtEnd(m_name); m_name = CUtil::GetTitleFromPath(m_name); } UpdateButtons(); } } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnPath(int item) { if (item < 0 || item > m_paths->Size()) return; if (m_name != CUtil::GetTitleFromPath(m_paths->Get(item)->m_strPath)) m_bNameChanged=true; CGUIDialogKeyboard::ShowAndGetInput(m_paths->Get(item)->m_strPath, g_localizeStrings.Get(1021), false); CUtil::AddSlashAtEnd(m_paths->Get(item)->m_strPath); if (!m_bNameChanged || m_name.IsEmpty()) { CURL url(m_paths->Get(item)->m_strPath); m_name = url.GetWithoutUserDetails(); CUtil::RemoveSlashAtEnd(m_name); m_name = CUtil::GetTitleFromPath(m_name); } UpdateButtons(); } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnOK() { // verify the path by doing a GetDirectory. CFileItemList items; CMediaSource share; share.FromNameAndPaths(m_type, m_name, GetPaths()); // hack: Need to temporarily add the share, then get path, then remove share VECSOURCES *shares = g_settings.GetSourcesFromType(m_type); if (shares) shares->push_back(share); if (share.strPath.Left(9).Equals("plugin://") || CDirectory::GetDirectory(share.strPath, items, "", false, true) || CGUIDialogYesNo::ShowAndGetInput(1001,1025,1003,1004)) { m_confirmed = true; Close(); } // Special handling of multipath:// shares. // * GetScraperForPath takes the first path of the multipath:// element to fetch needed scraper and scan settings. // * SetScraperForPath loops through all elements and adds the appropriate settings for each path. if (CUtil::IsMultiPath(share.strPath)) { CVideoDatabase database; database.Open(); m_info = database.GetScraperForPath(share.strPath, m_settings); database.SetScraperForPath(share.strPath, m_info, m_settings); database.Close(); } // and remove the share again if (shares) shares->erase(--shares->end()); } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnCancel() { m_confirmed = false; Close(); } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::UpdateButtons() { if (!m_paths->Size()) // sanity return; CONTROL_ENABLE_ON_CONDITION(CONTROL_OK, !m_paths->Get(0)->m_strPath.IsEmpty() && !m_name.IsEmpty()); CONTROL_ENABLE_ON_CONDITION(CONTROL_PATH_REMOVE, m_paths->Size() > 1); // name SET_CONTROL_LABEL2(CONTROL_NAME, m_name); SendMessage(GUI_MSG_SET_TYPE, CONTROL_NAME, 0, 1022); int currentItem = GetSelectedItem(); SendMessage(GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET, CONTROL_PATH); for (int i = 0; i < m_paths->Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr item = m_paths->Get(i); CStdString path; CURL url(item->m_strPath); path = url.GetWithoutUserDetails(); if (path.IsEmpty()) path = "<"+g_localizeStrings.Get(231)+">"; // item->SetLabel(path); } CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_BIND, GetID(), CONTROL_PATH, 0, 0, m_paths); OnMessage(msg); SendMessage(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, CONTROL_PATH, currentItem); if (m_type.Equals("video")) { SET_CONTROL_VISIBLE(CONTROL_CONTENT); CONTROL_ENABLE_ON_CONDITION(CONTROL_CONTENT, !m_paths->Get(0)->m_strPath.IsEmpty() && !m_name.IsEmpty()); } else { SET_CONTROL_HIDDEN(CONTROL_CONTENT); } } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::SetShare(const CMediaSource &share) { m_paths->Clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < share.vecPaths.size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(share.vecPaths[i], true)); m_paths->Add(item); } if (0 == share.vecPaths.size()) { CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem("", true)); m_paths->Add(item); } m_name = share.strName; UpdateButtons(); } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::SetTypeOfMedia(const CStdString &type, bool editNotAdd) { m_type = type; int typeStringID = -1; if (type == "music") typeStringID = 249; // "Music" else if (type == "video") typeStringID = 291; // "Video" else if (type == "programs") typeStringID = 350; // "Programs" else if (type == "pictures") typeStringID = 1213; // "Pictures" else // if (type == "files"); typeStringID = 744; // "Files" CStdString format; format.Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(editNotAdd ? 1028 : 1020).c_str(), g_localizeStrings.Get(typeStringID).c_str()); SET_CONTROL_LABEL(CONTROL_HEADING, format); } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnWindowLoaded() { CGUIDialog::OnWindowLoaded(); ChangeButtonToEdit(CONTROL_NAME, true); // true for single label } int CGUIDialogMediaSource::GetSelectedItem() { CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED, GetID(), CONTROL_PATH); OnMessage(message); int value = message.GetParam1(); if (value < 0 || value > m_paths->Size()) return 0; return value; } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::HighlightItem(int item) { for (int i = 0; i < m_paths->Size(); i++) m_paths->Get(i)->Select(false); if (item >= 0 && item < m_paths->Size()) m_paths->Get(item)->Select(true); CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, GetID(), CONTROL_PATH, item); OnMessage(msg); } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnPathRemove(int item) { m_paths->Remove(item); UpdateButtons(); if (item >= m_paths->Size()) HighlightItem(m_paths->Size() - 1); else HighlightItem(item); if (m_paths->Size() <= 1) { SET_CONTROL_FOCUS(CONTROL_PATH_ADD, 0); } } void CGUIDialogMediaSource::OnPathAdd() { // add a new item and select it as well CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem("", true)); m_paths->Add(item); UpdateButtons(); HighlightItem(m_paths->Size() - 1); } vector CGUIDialogMediaSource::GetPaths() { vector paths; for (int i = 0; i < m_paths->Size(); i++) if (!m_paths->Get(i)->m_strPath.IsEmpty()) paths.push_back(m_paths->Get(i)->m_strPath); return paths; }