#pragma once /* * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "utils/Archive.h" /*! \brief TIME_FORMAT enum/bitmask used for formatting time strings Note the use of bitmasking, e.g. TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM_SS = TIME_FORMAT_HH | TIME_FORMAT_MM | TIME_FORMAT_SS \sa StringUtils::SecondsToTimeString */ enum TIME_FORMAT { TIME_FORMAT_GUESS = 0, TIME_FORMAT_SS = 1, TIME_FORMAT_MM = 2, TIME_FORMAT_MM_SS = 3, TIME_FORMAT_HH = 4, TIME_FORMAT_HH_SS = 5, // not particularly useful TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM = 6, TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM_SS = 7, TIME_FORMAT_XX = 8, // AM/PM TIME_FORMAT_HH_MM_XX = 14}; class CDateTime; class CDateTimeSpan { public: CDateTimeSpan(); CDateTimeSpan(const CDateTimeSpan& span); CDateTimeSpan(int day, int hour, int minute, int second); bool operator >(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; bool operator >=(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; bool operator <(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; bool operator <=(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; bool operator ==(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; bool operator !=(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; CDateTimeSpan operator +(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; CDateTimeSpan operator -(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; const CDateTimeSpan& operator +=(const CDateTimeSpan& right); const CDateTimeSpan& operator -=(const CDateTimeSpan& right); void SetDateTimeSpan(int day, int hour, int minute, int second); void SetFromPeriod(const CStdString &period); void SetFromTimeString(const CStdString& time); int GetDays() const; int GetHours() const; int GetMinutes() const; int GetSeconds() const; private: void ToULargeInt(ULARGE_INTEGER& time) const; void FromULargeInt(const ULARGE_INTEGER& time); private: FILETIME m_timeSpan; friend class CDateTime; }; /// \brief DateTime class, which uses FILETIME as it's base. class CDateTime : public ISerializable { public: CDateTime(); CDateTime(const CDateTime& time); CDateTime(const SYSTEMTIME& time); CDateTime(const FILETIME& time); CDateTime(const time_t& time); CDateTime(const tm& time); CDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); virtual ~CDateTime() {} void SetFromDateString(const CStdString &date); static CDateTime GetCurrentDateTime(); static CDateTime GetUTCDateTime(); const CDateTime& operator =(const SYSTEMTIME& right); const CDateTime& operator =(const FILETIME& right); const CDateTime& operator =(const time_t& right); const CDateTime& operator =(const tm& right); bool operator >(const CDateTime& right) const; bool operator >=(const CDateTime& right) const; bool operator <(const CDateTime& right) const; bool operator <=(const CDateTime& right) const; bool operator ==(const CDateTime& right) const; bool operator !=(const CDateTime& right) const; bool operator >(const FILETIME& right) const; bool operator >=(const FILETIME& right) const; bool operator <(const FILETIME& right) const; bool operator <=(const FILETIME& right) const; bool operator ==(const FILETIME& right) const; bool operator !=(const FILETIME& right) const; bool operator >(const SYSTEMTIME& right) const; bool operator >=(const SYSTEMTIME& right) const; bool operator <(const SYSTEMTIME& right) const; bool operator <=(const SYSTEMTIME& right) const; bool operator ==(const SYSTEMTIME& right) const; bool operator !=(const SYSTEMTIME& right) const; bool operator >(const time_t& right) const; bool operator >=(const time_t& right) const; bool operator <(const time_t& right) const; bool operator <=(const time_t& right) const; bool operator ==(const time_t& right) const; bool operator !=(const time_t& right) const; bool operator >(const tm& right) const; bool operator >=(const tm& right) const; bool operator <(const tm& right) const; bool operator <=(const tm& right) const; bool operator ==(const tm& right) const; bool operator !=(const tm& right) const; CDateTime operator +(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; CDateTime operator -(const CDateTimeSpan& right) const; const CDateTime& operator +=(const CDateTimeSpan& right); const CDateTime& operator -=(const CDateTimeSpan& right); CDateTimeSpan operator -(const CDateTime& right) const; operator FILETIME() const; virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); void Reset(); int GetDay() const; int GetMonth() const; int GetYear() const; int GetHour() const; int GetMinute() const; int GetSecond() const; int GetDayOfWeek() const; int GetMinuteOfDay() const; void SetDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); void SetDate(int year, int month, int day); void SetTime(int hour, int minute, int second); void SetFromDBDate(const CStdString &date); void GetAsSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME& time) const; void GetAsTime(time_t& time) const; void GetAsTm(tm& time) const; void GetAsTimeStamp(FILETIME& time) const; CStdString GetAsDBDateTime() const; CStdString GetAsDBDate() const; CStdString GetAsLocalizedDate(bool longDate=false) const; CStdString GetAsLocalizedTime(const CStdString &format, bool withSeconds=true) const; CStdString GetAsLocalizedDateTime(bool longDate=false, bool withSeconds=true) const; void SetValid(bool yesNo); bool IsValid() const; private: bool ToFileTime(const SYSTEMTIME& time, FILETIME& fileTime) const; bool ToFileTime(const time_t& time, FILETIME& fileTime) const; bool ToFileTime(const tm& time, FILETIME& fileTime) const; void ToULargeInt(ULARGE_INTEGER& time) const; void FromULargeInt(const ULARGE_INTEGER& time); private: FILETIME m_time; typedef enum _STATE { invalid=0, valid } STATE; STATE m_state; };