include ../Makefile.include ifneq ($(shell test -f $(NATIVEPREFIX)/share/ && echo 1),1) $(error Error: $(NATIVEPREFIX)/share/ is missing. Please reconfigure depends to generate it) endif NATIVE= m4 gettext autoconf automake \ libtool pkg-config yasm cmake \ gas-preprocessor python27 zlib \ pcre swig \ libpng libjpeg-turbo liblzo2 giflib \ distribute distutilscross JsonSchemaBuilder TexturePacker \ flatbuffers ifeq ($(OS),ios) NATIVE += dpkg xz tar gen_entitlements ldid endif ifeq ($(OS),osx) NATIVE += xz tar endif ifeq ($(OS),linux) ifeq ($(TARGET_PLATFORM),$(filter $(TARGET_PLATFORM),raspberry-pi gbm)) NATIVE += libffi meson ninja python3 setuptools endif endif ifeq ($(TARGET_PLATFORM),wayland) NATIVE += expat wayland-scanner waylandpp-scanner EXPAT = expat endif .PHONY: $(NATIVE) native all: native @echo "Dependencies built successfully." # Dependency layout for parallel builds autoconf: m4 automake: autoconf dpkg: automake gettext libtool pkg-config tar flatbuffers: cmake libtool: automake libpng: zlib meson: python3 setuptools ninja: python3 swig: pcre distribute: python27 distutilscross: python27 distribute tar: xz automake python27: zlib python3: $(EXPAT) libffi pkg-config zlib setuptools: python3 wayland-scanner: expat waylandpp-scanner: cmake #liblzo2 has stale packaged automake files that cause borked host/build detection liblzo2: automake JsonSchemaBuilder: automake TexturePacker: automake pkg-config libpng liblzo2 giflib libjpeg-turbo native: $(NATIVE) $(NATIVE): $(MAKE) -C $@ clean: for d in $(NATIVE); do $(MAKE) -C $$d clean; done # Debug target, this will DELETE all data in staging! test-dependencies: ( for d in $(NATIVE); do \ rm -rf $(NATIVEPREFIX); \ mkdir -p $(NATIVEPREFIX)/include $(NATIVEPREFIX)/share $(NATIVEPREFIX)/bin; \ cp -f $(NATIVEPREFIX)/share/; \ $(MAKE) distclean; \ $(MAKE) $$d; done ) && echo "$@ built successfully" distclean:: for d in $(NATIVE); do $(MAKE) -C $$d distclean; done