<% import SwigTypeParser import Helper Helper.setup(null, [ 'void': 'Py_INCREF(Py_None); ${result} = Py_None;' ], null, [ 'p.q(const).char':'${api} = convertSlString(${slarg});', 'int':'${api} = convertSlInt(${slarg});'], null) %> Module Name: ${module.@name} <% module.function.each { functionNode -> %> function: ${functionNode.@name} <% functionNode.parm.eachWithIndex { param, index -> %> parameter ${index}= name:${param.@name}, type:${param.@type}<% if (param.@value) { %>, default value: ${param.@value} <% } %> lvalue:${SwigTypeParser.SwigType_lstr(param.@type)} rvalue:${SwigTypeParser.SwigType_str(param.@type)} code to handle parameter ${index} { // declare and set the value that came in from the scripting language ScriptingLanguageType sl_${param.@name} = /* set the value from the scripting language */; // declare and set the variable that will contain the api parameter ${SwigTypeParser.SwigType_lstr(param.@type)} p_${param.@name}; ${Helper.getInConversion(param.@type,'p_' + param.@name,'sl_' + param.@name, functionNode)} } <% } %> code to invoke the api method { ${Helper.callingName(functionNode)}( <% functionNode.parm.eachWithIndex { param, i -> %> p_${param.@name}${i < functionNode.parm.size() - 1 ? "," : ""} <% } %> ); } code to handle return value { // This is an example of how Python handles return values Py_Object* result; ${Helper.getOutConversion(Helper.getReturnSwigType(functionNode),'result',functionNode)} return result; } <% } %>