/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Team XBMC * http://xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, see * . * */ import groovy.xml.XmlUtil import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine import java.util.regex.Pattern /** * This class contains a series of helper methods for parsing a xbmc addon spec xml file. It is intended to be * used from a bindings template. * * @author jim * */ public class Helper { private static List classes private static Map outTypemap = [:] private static def defaultOutTypeConversion = null private static Map inTypemap = [:] private static def defaultInTypeConversion = null private static def doxygenXmlDir = null public static String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public static File curTemplateFile = null; public static void setTemplateFile(File templateFile) { curTemplateFile = templateFile } /** * In order to use any of the typemap helper features, the Helper class needs to be initialized with * this information. * @param pclasses is the list of all class nodes from the module * @param poutTypemap is the typemap table for output return values to the scripting language * @param defaultOutTypemap is the default typemap to use when the type conversion is unknown * @param pinTypemap is the typemap table for input parameters from the scripting language * @param defaultInTypemap is the default typemap for the input parameters from the scripting language */ public static void setup(def template,List pclasses, Map poutTypemap, def defaultOutTypemap, Map pinTypemap, def defaultInTypemap) { setTemplateFile(template.binding.templateFile) classes = pclasses ? pclasses : [] if (poutTypemap) outTypemap.putAll(poutTypemap) if (defaultOutTypemap) defaultOutTypeConversion = defaultOutTypemap if (pinTypemap) inTypemap.putAll(pinTypemap) if (defaultInTypemap) defaultInTypeConversion = defaultInTypemap } public static class Sequence { private long cur = 0; public long increment() { return ++cur } } private static ThreadLocal curSequence = new ThreadLocal(); public static void setDoxygenXmlDir(File dir) { doxygenXmlDir = dir } private static String retrieveDocStringFromDoxygen(Node methodOrClass) { if (doxygenXmlDir == null) return null Node doc = null def ret = '' // make the class name or namespace String doxygenId = findFullClassName(methodOrClass,'_1_1',true) boolean isInClass = doxygenId != null if (!doxygenId) doxygenId = findNamespace(methodOrClass,'_1_1',false,true) doxygenId = (isInClass ? 'class' : 'namespace') + doxygenId String doxygenFilename = doxygenId + '.xml' File doxygenXmlFile = new File(doxygenXmlDir,doxygenFilename) if (! doxygenXmlFile.exists()) { System.out.println("WARNING: Cannot find doxygen file for ${methodOrClass.toString()} which should be \"${doxygenXmlFile}\"") return null } Node docspec = (new XmlParser().parse(doxygenXmlFile)) if (methodOrClass.name() == 'class') doc = docspec.compounddef[0].detaileddescription[0] else // it's a method of some sort ... or it better be { Node memberdef = docspec.depthFirst().find { return (it instanceof String) ? false : ((it.name() == 'memberdef' && (it.@kind == 'function' || it.@kind == 'variable') && it.@id.startsWith(doxygenId)) && (it.name != null && it.name.text().trim() == methodOrClass.@sym_name)) } doc = memberdef != null ? memberdef.detaileddescription[0] : null } if (doc != null) { def indent = ' ' def curIndent = '' def prevIndent = '' def handleDoc handleDoc = { if (it instanceof String) ret += it else // it's a Node { if (it.name() == 'detaileddescription') it.children().each handleDoc else if (it.name() == 'para') { it.children().each handleDoc ret += (it.parent()?.name() == 'listitem') ? newline : (newline + newline) } else if (it.name() == 'ref' || it.name() == "ulink") ret += (it.text() + ' ') else if (it.name() == 'verbatim') ret += it.text().denormalize() else if (it.name() == 'itemizedlist') { ret += newline prevIndent = curIndent curIndent += indent it.children().each handleDoc curIndent = prevIndent } else if (it.name() == 'listitem') { ret += (curIndent + '- ') it.children().each handleDoc } else if (it.name() == 'linebreak') ret += newline else if (it.name() == 'ndash') ret += "--" else if (it.name() == 'emphasis') { ret += '*' it.children().each handleDoc } else System.out.println("WARNING: Cannot parse the following as part of the doxygen processing:" + XmlUtil.serialize(it)) } } doc.children().each handleDoc } return ret.denormalize() } /** *

This method uses the previously set outTypemap and defaultOutTypemap to produce the chunk of code * that will be used to return the method invocation result to the scripting language. For example, in * python, if the return type from the method is a long, then the OutConversion could look something like:

* * result = PyInt_FromLong(thingReturnedFromMethod); * *

This could have resulted from a mini-template stored as the way to handle 'long's in the outTypemap:

* * ${result} = PyInt_FromLong(${api}); * * @param apiType - is the Swig typecode that describes the return type from the native method * @param method - is the node from the module xml that contains the method description * @return the code chunk as a string ready to be placed into the generated code. */ public static String getOutConversion(String apiType, String apiName, Node method, Map overrideBindings = null, boolean recurse = true) { def convertTemplate = outTypemap[apiType] // String apiLType = SwigTypeParser.convertTypeToLType(apiType) // if (convertTemplate == null) convertTemplate = outTypemap[apiLType] // is the returns a pointer to a known class String className = null if (convertTemplate == null && apiType.startsWith('p.')) { Node classNode = findClassNodeByName(parents(method)[0], SwigTypeParser.getRootType(apiType),method) if (classNode) { className = findFullClassName(classNode) convertTemplate = defaultOutTypeConversion } } if (convertTemplate == null) { // Look for Pattern for keys that might fit convertTemplate = outTypemap.find({ key, value -> (key instanceof Pattern && key.matcher(apiType).matches()) })?.value } if (!convertTemplate) { String knownApiType = isKnownApiType(apiType,method) if (knownApiType) { convertTemplate = defaultOutTypeConversion className = knownApiType } } if (!convertTemplate) { // check the typedef resolution String apiTypeResolved = SwigTypeParser.SwigType_resolve_all_typedefs(apiType) if (!apiTypeResolved.equals(apiType)) return getOutConversion(apiTypeResolved, apiName, method, overrideBindings, recurse) if (recurse) return getOutConversion(SwigTypeParser.SwigType_ltype(apiType),apiName,method,overrideBindings,false) else if (!isKnownApiType(apiType,method)) throw new RuntimeException("WARNING: Cannot convert the return value of swig type ${apiType} for the call ${Helper.findFullClassName(method) + '::' + Helper.callingName(method)}") } boolean seqSetHere = false Sequence seq = curSequence.get() if (seq == null) { seqSetHere = true seq = new Sequence() curSequence.set(seq) } Map bindings = ['result' : apiName, 'api' : 'apiResult', 'type' : "${apiType}", 'method' : method, 'helper' : Helper.class, 'swigTypeParser' : SwigTypeParser.class, 'sequence' : seq ] if (className) bindings['classname'] = className if (overrideBindings) bindings.putAll(overrideBindings) if (convertTemplate instanceof List) /// then we expect the template string/file to be the first entry { Map additionalBindings = convertTemplate.size() > 1 ? convertTemplate[1] : [:] bindings.putAll(additionalBindings) convertTemplate = convertTemplate[0] } if (File.class.isAssignableFrom(convertTemplate.getClass())) { File cur = (File)convertTemplate if (!cur.exists()) // see if the file is relative to the template file { File parent = curTemplateFile.getParentFile() // find the relative path to the convertTemplate File cwd = new File('.').getCanonicalFile() String relative = cwd.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().relativize(convertTemplate.getAbsoluteFile().toURI()).getPath() convertTemplate = new File(parent,relative) // This is a fallback case which is hit occasionally on OSX as a result // of case mismatches between the two paths in the relativize call above. if (!convertTemplate.exists()) convertTemplate = new File(parent,cur.toString()) } } if (seqSetHere) curSequence.set(null) return new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(convertTemplate).make(bindings).toString() } /** *

This method uses the previously set inTypemap and defaultInTypemap to produce the chunk of code * that will be used to convert input parameters from the scripting language to the native method invocation * parameters. For example, if the native call takes a 'String' then the InConversion could look something like:

* * if (pythonStringArgument) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(cArgument,pythonStringArgument,"cArgumentName"); * *

This could have resulted from a mini-template stored as the way to handle 'long's in the outTypemap:

* * if (${slarg}) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(${api},${slarg},"${api}"); * * @param apiType - is the Swig typecode that describes the parameter type from the native method * @param apiName - is the name of the parameter from the method parameter list in the api * @param slName - is the name of the variable that holds the parameter from the scripting language * @param method - is the node from the module xml that contains the method description * @return the code chunk as a string ready to be placed into the generated code. */ public static String getInConversion(String apiType, String apiName, String slName, Node method, Map overrideBindings = null) { return getInConversion(apiType, apiName, apiName, slName, method, overrideBindings); } /** *

This method uses the previously set inTypemap and defaultInTypemap to produce the chunk of code * that will be used to convert input parameters from the scripting language to the native method invocation * parameters. For example, if the native call takes a 'String' then the InConversion could look something like:

* * if (pythonStringArgument) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(cArgument,pythonStringArgument,"cArgumentName"); * *

This could have resulted from a mini-template stored as the way to handle 'long's in the outTypemap:

* * if (${slarg}) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(${api},${slarg},"${api}"); * * @param apiType - is the Swig typecode that describes the parameter type from the native method * @param apiName - is the name of the variable that holds the api parameter * @param paramName - is the name of the parameter from the method parameter list in the api * @param slName - is the name of the variable that holds the parameter from the scripting language * @param method - is the node from the module xml that contains the method description * @return the code chunk as a string ready to be placed into the generated code. */ public static String getInConversion(String apiType, String apiName, String paramName, String slName, Node method, Map overrideBindings = null) { def convertTemplate = inTypemap[apiType] String apiLType = SwigTypeParser.convertTypeToLTypeForParam(apiType) if (convertTemplate == null) convertTemplate = inTypemap[apiLType] // is the returns a pointer to a known class if (convertTemplate == null && apiType.startsWith('p.')) { // strip off rval qualifiers String thisNamespace = Helper.findNamespace(method) Node clazz = classes.find { Helper.findFullClassName(it) == apiLType.substring(2) || (it.@sym_name == apiLType.substring(2) && thisNamespace == Helper.findNamespace(it)) } if (clazz != null) convertTemplate = defaultInTypeConversion } // Look for Pattern for keys that might fit if (convertTemplate == null) convertTemplate = inTypemap.find({ key, value -> (key instanceof Pattern && key.matcher(apiType).matches()) })?.value // Try the LType if (convertTemplate == null) convertTemplate = inTypemap.find({ key, value -> (key instanceof Pattern && key.matcher(apiLType).matches()) })?.value if (!convertTemplate) { // check the typedef resolution String apiTypeResolved = SwigTypeParser.SwigType_resolve_all_typedefs(apiType) if (!apiTypeResolved.equals(apiType)) return getInConversion(apiTypeResolved, apiName, paramName, slName, method, overrideBindings) // it's ok if this is a known type if (!isKnownApiType(apiType,method) && !isKnownApiType(apiLType,method)) System.out.println("WARNING: Unknown parameter type: ${apiType} (or ${apiLType}) for the call ${Helper.findFullClassName(method) + '::' + Helper.callingName(method)}") convertTemplate = defaultInTypeConversion } if (convertTemplate) { boolean seqSetHere = false Sequence seq = curSequence.get() if (seq == null) { seqSetHere = true seq = new Sequence() curSequence.set(seq) } Map bindings = [ 'type': "${apiType}", 'ltype': "${apiLType}", 'slarg' : "${slName}", 'api' : "${apiName}", 'param' : "${paramName}", 'method' : method, 'helper' : Helper.class, 'swigTypeParser' : SwigTypeParser.class, 'sequence' : seq ] if (overrideBindings) bindings.putAll(overrideBindings) if (convertTemplate instanceof List) /// then we expect the template string/file to be the first entry { Map additionalBindings = convertTemplate.size() > 1 ? convertTemplate[1] : [:] bindings.putAll(additionalBindings) convertTemplate = convertTemplate[0] } if (File.class.isAssignableFrom(convertTemplate.getClass())) { File cur = (File)convertTemplate if (!cur.exists()) // see if the file is relative to the template file { File parent = curTemplateFile.getParentFile() // find the relative path to the convertTemplate File cwd = new File('.').getCanonicalFile() String relative = cwd.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().relativize(convertTemplate.getAbsoluteFile().toURI()).getPath() convertTemplate = new File(parent,relative) // This is a fallback case which is hit occasionally on OSX as a result // of case mismatches between the two paths in the relativize call above. if (!convertTemplate.exists()) convertTemplate = new File(parent,cur.toString()) } } if (seqSetHere) curSequence.set(null); return new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(convertTemplate).make(bindings).toString() } return '' } static def ignoreAttributes = ['classes', 'symtab', 'sym_symtab', 'sym_overname', 'options', 'sym_nextSibling', 'csym_nextSibling', 'sym_previousSibling' ] /** *

Transform a Swig generated xml file into something more manageable. For the most part this method will:

* *
  • 1) Make all pertinent 'attributelist' elements actually be attributes of the parent element while * an attribute with the name 'name' will become that parent element name.
  • *
  • 2) Filter out unused attributes
  • *
  • 3) Filter out the automatically included 'swig'swg'
  • *
  • 4) Flatten out the remaining 'include' elements
  • *
  • 5) Removes extraneous default argument function/method Node
  • *
  • 6) Converts all type tables to a single entry under the main module node removing all 1-1 mappings.
  • *
  • 7) Removes all non-public non-constructor methods.
  • * @param swigxml is the raw swig output xml document * @return the transformed document */ public static Node transformSwigXml(Node swigxml) { Node node = transform(swigxml, { // do not include the 'include' entry that references the default swig.swg file. !(it.name() == 'include' && // needs to also contain an attribute list with an attribute 'name' that matches the swig.swg file it.find { it.name() == 'attributelist' && it.find { it.name() == 'attribute' && it.@name == 'name' && it.@value =~ /swig\.swg$/ } } || // also don't include any typescope entries it.name() == 'typescopesitem' || it.name() == 'typetabsitem' ) },{ key, value -> !ignoreAttributes.contains(key) }) // now make sure the outer most node is an include and there's only one assert node.include?.size() == 1 && node.include[0].module?.size() == 1 && node.include[0].module[0]?.@name != null, "Invalid xml doc result. Expected a single child node of the root node call 'include' with a single 'module' child node but got " + XmlUtil.serialize(node) // create an outermost 'module' node with the correct name Node ret = new Node(null, 'module', [ 'name':node.include[0].module[0].@name] ) node.include[0].children().each { if (it.name() != 'module') ret.append(it) } // flatten out all other 'include' elements, parmlists, and typescopes flatten(ret,['include', 'parmlist', 'typescope' ]) // remove any function nodes with default arguments List tmpl = [] tmpl.addAll(ret.depthFirst()) for (Node cur : tmpl) { if ((cur.name() == 'function' || cur.name() == 'constructor') && cur.@defaultargs != null) cur.parent().remove(cur) } // now validate that no other methods are overloaded since we can't handle those right now. functionNodesByOverloads(ret).each { key, value -> assert value.size() == 1, "Cannot handle overloaded methods unless simply using defaulting: " + value } // now gather up all of the typetabs and add a nice single // typetab entry with a better format in the main module List allTypetabs = ret.depthFirst().findAll { it.name() == 'typetab' } Node typenode = new Node(ret,'typetab') allTypetabs.each { it.attributes().each { key, value -> if (key != 'id' && key != value) { Node typeentry = new Node(null,'entry') String namespace = findNamespace(it) typeentry.@namespace = namespace != null ? namespace.trim() : '' typeentry.@type = key typeentry.@basetype = value if (typenode.find({ it.@basetype == typeentry.@basetype && it.@namespace == typeentry.@namespace }) == null) typenode.append(typeentry) } } it.parent().remove(it) } // now remove all non-public methods, but leave constructors List allMethods = ret.depthFirst().findAll({ it.name() == 'function' || it.name() == 'destructor' || it.name() == 'constructor'}) allMethods.each { if (it.@access != null && it.@access != 'public' && it.name() != 'constructor') it.parent().remove(it) else { def doc = retrieveDocStringFromDoxygen(it) if (doc != null && doc != '' && doc.trim() != ' ') new Node(it,'doc',['value' : doc]) } } // now remove all non-public variables List allVariables = ret.depthFirst().findAll({ it.name() == 'variable' }) allVariables.each { if (it.@access != null && it.@access != 'public') it.parent().remove(it) else { def doc = retrieveDocStringFromDoxygen(it) if (doc != null && doc != '' && doc.trim() != ' ') new Node(it,'doc',['value' : doc]) } } // add the doc string to the classes List allClasses = ret.depthFirst().findAll({ it.name() == 'class'}) allClasses.each { def doc = retrieveDocStringFromDoxygen(it) if (doc != null && doc != '' && doc.trim() != ' ') new Node(it,'doc',['value' : doc]) } return ret } /** * @return true if the class node has a defined constructor. false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasDefinedConstructor(Node clazz) { return (clazz.constructor != null && clazz.constructor.size() > 0) } /** * @return true id this Node has a docstring associated with it. */ public static boolean hasDoc(Node methodOrClass) { return methodOrClass.doc != null && methodOrClass.doc[0] != null && methodOrClass.doc[0].@value != null } /** * @return true of the class node has a constructor but it's hidden (not 'public'). false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasHiddenConstructor(Node clazz) { return (hasDefinedConstructor(clazz) && clazz.constructor[0].@access != null && clazz.constructor[0].@access != 'public') } /** *

    This will look through the entire module and look up a class node by name. It will return null if * that class node isn't found. It's meant to be used to look up base classes from a base class list * so it's fairly robust. It goes through the following rules:

    * *
  • Does the FULL classname (considering the namespace) match the name provided.
  • *
  • Does the FULL classname match the reference nodes namespace + '::' + the provided classname.
  • *
  • Does the class node's name (which may contain the full classname) match the classname provided.
  • * *

    Note, this method is not likely to find the classnode if you just pass a simple name and * no referenceNode in the case where namespaces are used extensively.

    */ public static Node findClassNodeByName(Node module, String classname, Node referenceNode = null) { return module.depthFirst().findAll({ it.name() == 'class' }).find { // first check to see if this FULL class name matches if (findFullClassName(it).trim() == classname.trim()) return true // now check to see if it matches the straight name considering the reference node if (referenceNode != null && (findNamespace(referenceNode) + classname) == findFullClassName(it)) return true // now just see if it matches the straight name if (it.@name == classname) return true return false } } /** * Find me the class node that this node either is, or is within. * If this node is not within a class node then it will return null. */ public static Node findClassNode(Node node) { if (node.name() == 'class') return node return node.parent() == null ? null : findClassNode(node.parent()) } /** * If this node is a class node, or a child of a class name (for example, a method) then * the full classname, with the namespace will be returned. Otherwise, null. */ public static String findFullClassName(Node node, String separator = '::', boolean filename = false) { String ret = null List rents = parents(node, { it.name() == 'class' }) if (node.name() == 'class') rents.add(node) rents.each { if (ret == null) ret = it.@sym_name else ret += separator + it.@sym_name } return ret ? findNamespace(node,separator,true,filename) + ret : null } /** * Given the Node this method looks to see if it occurs within namespace and returns * the namespace as a String. It includes the trailing '::' */ public static String findNamespace(Node node, String separator = '::', boolean endingSeparator = true, boolean filename = false) { String ret = null parents(node, { it.name() == 'namespace' }).each { String data = it.@name if (filename) data = data.replaceAll("_", "__") if (ret == null) ret = data else ret += separator + data } return ret == null ? '' : (ret + (endingSeparator ? separator : '')) } /** * Gather up all of the parent nodes in a list ordered from the top node, down to the * node that's passed as a parameter. */ public static List parents(Node node, Closure filter = null, List ret = null) { Node parent = node.parent() if (parent != null) { ret = parents(parent,filter,ret) if (filter == null || filter.call(parent)) ret += parent } else if (ret == null) ret = [] return ret } /** * Group together overloaded methods into a map keyed by the first method's id. Each * entry in this map contains a list of nodes that represent overloaded versions of * the same method. */ public static Map functionNodesByOverloads(Node module) { // find function nodes Map ret = [:] module.depthFirst().each { if (it.name() == 'function' || it.name() == 'constructor' || it.name() == 'destructor') { String id = it.@sym_overloaded != null ? it.@sym_overloaded : it.@id if (ret[id] == null) ret[id] = [it] else ret[id] += it } } return ret } /** * Because the return type of a property is a combination of the function * 'decl' and the function 'type,' this method will construct a valid Swig * typestring from the two. */ public static String getPropertyReturnSwigType(Node method) { // we're going to take a shortcut here because it appears only the pointer indicator // ends up attached to the decl. String prefix = (method.@decl != null && method.@decl == 'p.') ? 'p.' : '' return method.@type != null ? prefix + method.@type : 'void' } /** * Because the return type is a combination of the function 'decl' and the * function 'type,' this method will construct a valid Swig typestring from * the two. */ public static String getReturnSwigType(Node method) { // we're going to take a shortcut here because it appears only the pointer indicator // ends up attached to the decl. String prefix = (method.@decl != null && method.@decl.endsWith('.p.')) ? 'p.' : '' return method.@type != null ? prefix + method.@type : 'void' } /** * Given the method node this will produce the actual name of the method as if * it's being called. In the case of a constructor it will do a 'new.' In the * case of a destructor it will produce a 'delete.' */ public static String callingName(Node method) { // if we're not in a class we need the fully qualified name String clazz = findFullClassName(method) // if we're in a class then we are going to assume we have a 'self' pointer // that we are going to invoke this on. if (clazz == null) return method.@name if (method.name() == 'constructor') return "new ${findNamespace(method)}${method.@sym_name}" if (method.name() == 'destructor') return 'delete' // otherwise it's just a call on a class being invoked on an instance return method.@name } /** * Swig has 'insert' nodes in it's parse tree that contain code chunks that are * meant to be inserted into various positions in the generated code. This method * will extract the nodes that refer to the specific section asked for. See the * Swig documentation for more information. */ public static List getInsertNodes(Node module, String section) { return module.insert.findAll { section == it.@section || (section == 'header' && it.@section == null) } } public static String unescape(Node insertSection) { return unescape(insertSection.@code) } public static String unescape(String insertSection) { return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(insertSection) } public static boolean isDirector(Node method) { Node clazz = findClassNode(method) if (!clazz || !clazz.@feature_director) return false if (method.name() == 'destructor') return false if (method.name() == 'constructor') return false return method.@storage && method.@storage == 'virtual' } /** * This method will search from the 'searchFrom' Node up to the root * looking for a %feature("knownbasetypes") declaration that the given 'type' is * known for 'searchFrom' Node. */ public static boolean isKnownBaseType(String type, Node searchFrom) { return hasFeatureSetting(type,searchFrom,'feature_knownbasetypes',{ it.split(',').find({ it.trim() == type }) != null }) } /** * This method will search from the 'searchFrom' Node up to the root * looking for a %feature("knownapitypes") declaration that the given 'type' is * known for 'searchFrom' Node. */ public static String isKnownApiType(String type, Node searchFrom) { String rootType = SwigTypeParser.getRootType(type) String namespace = findNamespace(searchFrom,'::',false) String lastMatch = null hasFeatureSetting(type,searchFrom,'feature_knownapitypes',{ it.split(',').find( { if (it.trim() == rootType) { lastMatch = rootType return true } // we assume the 'type' is defined within namespace and // so we can walk up the namespace appending the type until // we find a match. while (namespace != '') { // System.out.println('checking ' + (namespace + '::' + rootType)) if ((namespace + '::' + rootType) == it.trim()) { lastMatch = it.trim() return true } // truncate the last namespace int chop = namespace.lastIndexOf('::') namespace = (chop > 0) ? namespace.substring(0,chop) : '' } return false }) != null }) return lastMatch } private static String hasFeatureSetting(String type, Node searchFrom, String feature, Closure test) { if (!searchFrom) return null Object attr = searchFrom.attribute(feature) if (attr && test.call(attr)) return attr.toString() return hasFeatureSetting(type,searchFrom.parent(),feature,test) } private static void flatten(Node node, List elementsToRemove) { for (boolean done = false; !done;) { done = true for (Node child : node.breadthFirst()) { if (elementsToRemove.contains(child.name())) { Node parent = child.parent() parent.remove(child) child.each { parent.append(it) } done = false break } } } } private static Node transform(Node node, Closure nodeFilter, Closure attributeFilter) { // need to create a map and a list of nodes (which will be children) from the // attribute list. Map attributes = [:] List nodes = [] node.each { if (nodeFilter == null || nodeFilter.call(it) == true) { if (it.name() == 'attributelist') { Tuple results = transformSwigAttributeList(it) attributes.putAll(results[0].findAll(attributeFilter)) List childNodes = results[1] childNodes.each { if (nodeFilter != null && nodeFilter.call(it) == true) nodes.add(transform(it,nodeFilter,attributeFilter)) } } else nodes.add(transform(it,nodeFilter,attributeFilter)) } } // transfer the addr attribute from the original node over to the 'id' attribute of the // new node by adding it to the attributes map if (node.@addr) { // copy over the other attributes node.attributes().findAll { key,value -> if (key != 'addr' && key != 'id') attributes[key] = value } attributes['id'] = node.@addr } // In the case when the Node is a cdecl, we really want to replace the node name // with the 'kind' attribute value. Node ret if (node.name() == 'cdecl' && attributes.containsKey('kind')) ret = new Node(null, attributes['kind'], attributes.findAll({key, value -> key != 'kind' } )) else ret = new Node(null, node.name(), attributes) nodes.each { ret.append(it) } return ret } private static Tuple transformSwigAttributeList(Node attributeList) { Map attributes = [:] List nodes = [] attributeList.each { if (it.name() == 'attribute') attributes[it.@name] = it.@value else nodes.add(it) } return [attributes, nodes] } }