/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include "XBTF.h" #include "XBTFWriter.h" #include "SDL_anigif.h" #include "cmdlineargs.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define strncasecmp strnicmp #endif #ifdef _LINUX #include #else #include "../../xbmc/lib/liblzo/LZO1X.H" #endif #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/" #define DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR '/' #define FLAGS_USE_LZO 1 #define FLAGS_ALLOW_YCOCG 2 #undef main extern "C" { #include "md5.h" } using namespace std; const char *GetFormatString(unsigned int format) { switch (format) { case XB_FMT_DXT1: return "DXT1 "; case XB_FMT_DXT3: return "DXT3 "; case XB_FMT_DXT5: return "DXT5 "; case XB_FMT_DXT5_YCoCg: return "YCoCg"; case XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8: return "ARGB "; case XB_FMT_A8: return "A8 "; default: return "?????"; } } // returns true for png, bmp, tga, jpg and dds files, otherwise returns false bool IsGraphicsFile(char *strFileName) { size_t n = strlen(strFileName); if (n < 4) return false; if (strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".png", 4) && strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".bmp", 4) && strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".tga", 4) && strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".gif", 4) && strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".tbn", 4) && strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".jpg", 4)) return false; return true; } // returns true for png, bmp, tga, jpg and dds files, otherwise returns false bool IsGIF(const char *strFileName) { size_t n = strlen(strFileName); if (n < 4) return false; if (strncasecmp(&strFileName[n-4], ".gif", 4)) return false; return true; } void CreateSkeletonHeaderImpl(CXBTF& xbtf, std::string fullPath, std::string relativePath) { struct dirent* dp; struct stat stat_p; DIR *dirp = opendir(fullPath.c_str()); if (dirp) { while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } //stat to check for dir type (reiserfs fix) std::string fileN = fullPath + "/" + dp->d_name; stat(fileN.c_str(), &stat_p); if (dp->d_type == DT_DIR || stat_p.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { std::string tmpPath = relativePath; if (tmpPath.size() > 0) { tmpPath += "/"; } CreateSkeletonHeaderImpl(xbtf, fullPath + DIR_SEPARATOR + dp->d_name, tmpPath + dp->d_name); } else if (IsGraphicsFile(dp->d_name)) { std::string fileName = ""; if (relativePath.size() > 0) { fileName += relativePath; fileName += "/"; } fileName += dp->d_name; CXBTFFile file; file.SetPath(fileName); xbtf.GetFiles().push_back(file); } } closedir(dirp); } else printf("Error opening %s (%s)\n", fullPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } void CreateSkeletonHeader(CXBTF& xbtf, std::string fullPath) { std::string temp; CreateSkeletonHeaderImpl(xbtf, fullPath, temp); } CXBTFFrame appendContent(CXBTFWriter &writer, int width, int height, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, unsigned int format, unsigned int flags) { CXBTFFrame frame; lzo_uint compressedSize = size; if ((flags & FLAGS_USE_LZO) == FLAGS_USE_LZO) { // grab a temporary buffer for unpacking into squish::u8 *compressed = new squish::u8[size + size / 16 + 64 + 3]; // see simple.c in lzo squish::u8 *working = new squish::u8[LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS]; if (compressed && working) { if (lzo1x_999_compress(data, size, compressed, (lzo_uint*)&compressedSize, working) != LZO_E_OK || compressedSize > size) { // compression failed, or compressed size is bigger than uncompressed, so store as uncompressed compressedSize = size; writer.AppendContent(data, size); } else { // success lzo_uint optimSize = size; lzo1x_optimize(compressed, compressedSize, data, &optimSize, NULL); writer.AppendContent(compressed, compressedSize); } delete[] working; delete[] compressed; } } else { writer.AppendContent(data, size); } frame.SetPackedSize(compressedSize); frame.SetUnpackedSize(size); frame.SetWidth(width); frame.SetHeight(height); frame.SetFormat(format); frame.SetDuration(0); return frame; } void CompressImage(const squish::u8 *brga, int width, int height, squish::u8 *compressed, unsigned int flags, double &colorMSE, double &alphaMSE) { squish::CompressImage(brga, width, height, compressed, flags | squish::kSourceBGRA); squish::ComputeMSE(brga, width, height, compressed, flags | squish::kSourceBGRA, colorMSE, alphaMSE); } CXBTFFrame createXBTFFrame(SDL_Surface* image, CXBTFWriter& writer, double maxMSE, unsigned int flags) { // Convert to ARGB SDL_PixelFormat argbFormat; memset(&argbFormat, 0, sizeof(SDL_PixelFormat)); argbFormat.BitsPerPixel = 32; argbFormat.BytesPerPixel = 4; // For DXT5 we need RGBA #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_LIL_ENDIAN argbFormat.Amask = 0xff000000; argbFormat.Ashift = 24; argbFormat.Rmask = 0x00ff0000; argbFormat.Rshift = 16; argbFormat.Gmask = 0x0000ff00; argbFormat.Gshift = 8; argbFormat.Bmask = 0x000000ff; argbFormat.Bshift = 0; #else argbFormat.Amask = 0x000000ff; argbFormat.Ashift = 0; argbFormat.Rmask = 0x0000ff00; argbFormat.Rshift = 8; argbFormat.Gmask = 0x00ff0000; argbFormat.Gshift = 16; argbFormat.Bmask = 0xff000000; argbFormat.Bshift = 24; #endif SDL_Surface *argbImage = SDL_ConvertSurface(image, &argbFormat, 0); unsigned int format = 0; double colorMSE, alphaMSE; squish::u8* argb = (squish::u8 *)argbImage->pixels; #ifndef __arm__ unsigned int compressedSize = squish::GetStorageRequirements(image->w, image->h, squish::kDxt5); squish::u8* compressed = new squish::u8[compressedSize]; // first try DXT1, which is only 4bits/pixel CompressImage(argb, image->w, image->h, compressed, squish::kDxt1, colorMSE, alphaMSE); if (colorMSE < maxMSE && alphaMSE < maxMSE) { // success - use it compressedSize = squish::GetStorageRequirements(image->w, image->h, squish::kDxt1); format = XB_FMT_DXT1; } if (!format && alphaMSE == 0 && (flags & FLAGS_ALLOW_YCOCG) == FLAGS_ALLOW_YCOCG) { // no alpha channel, so DXT5YCoCg is going to be the best DXT5 format /* CompressImage(argb, image->w, image->h, compressed, squish::kDxt5 | squish::kUseYCoCg, colorMSE, alphaMSE); if (colorMSE < maxMSE && alphaMSE < maxMSE) { // success - use it compressedSize = squish::GetStorageRequirements(image->w, image->h, squish::kDxt5); format = XB_FMT_DXT5_YCoCg; } */ } if (!format) { // try DXT3 and DXT5 - use whichever is better (color is the same, but alpha will be different) CompressImage(argb, image->w, image->h, compressed, squish::kDxt3, colorMSE, alphaMSE); if (colorMSE < maxMSE) { // color is fine, test DXT5 as well double dxt5MSE; squish::u8* compressed2 = new squish::u8[squish::GetStorageRequirements(image->w, image->h, squish::kDxt5)]; CompressImage(argb, image->w, image->h, compressed2, squish::kDxt5, colorMSE, dxt5MSE); if (alphaMSE < maxMSE && alphaMSE < dxt5MSE) { // DXT3 passes and is best compressedSize = squish::GetStorageRequirements(image->w, image->h, squish::kDxt3); format = XB_FMT_DXT3; } else if (dxt5MSE < maxMSE) { // DXT5 passes compressedSize = squish::GetStorageRequirements(image->w, image->h, squish::kDxt5); memcpy(compressed, compressed2, compressedSize); format = XB_FMT_DXT5; } delete[] compressed2; } } CXBTFFrame frame; if (!format) { // none of the compressed stuff works for us, so we use 32bit texture format = XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8; frame = appendContent(writer, image->w, image->h, argb, image->w * image->h * 4, format, flags); } else { frame = appendContent(writer, image->w, image->h, compressed, compressedSize, format, flags); } delete[] compressed; SDL_FreeSurface(argbImage); return frame; #else // For ARM, dont use DXT compression!!! CXBTFFrame frame = appendContent(writer, image->w, image->h, argb, image->w * image->h * 4, XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8, flags); SDL_FreeSurface(argbImage); return frame; #endif } void Usage() { puts("Usage:"); puts(" -help Show this screen."); puts(" -input Input directory. Default: current dir"); puts(" -output Output directory/filename. Default: Textures.xpr"); } static bool checkDupe(struct MD5Context* ctx, map& hashes, vector& dupes, unsigned int pos) { char digest[17]; MD5Final((unsigned char*)digest,ctx); digest[16] = 0; map::iterator it = hashes.find(digest); if (it != hashes.end()) { dupes[pos] = it->second; return true; } hashes.insert(make_pair(digest,pos)); dupes[pos] = pos; return false; } int createBundle(const std::string& InputDir, const std::string& OutputFile, double maxMSE, unsigned int flags, bool dupecheck) { map hashes; vector dupes; CXBTF xbtf; CreateSkeletonHeader(xbtf, InputDir); dupes.resize(xbtf.GetFiles().size()); if (!dupecheck) { for (unsigned int i=0;i& files = xbtf.GetFiles(); for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { struct MD5Context ctx; MD5Init(&ctx); CXBTFFile& file = files[i]; std::string fullPath = InputDir; fullPath += file.GetPath(); std::string output = file.GetPath(); output = output.substr(0, 40); while (output.size() < 46) output += ' '; if (!IsGIF(fullPath.c_str())) { // Load the image SDL_Surface* image = IMG_Load(fullPath.c_str()); if (!image) { printf("...unable to load image %s\n", file.GetPath()); continue; } bool skip=false; printf("%s", output.c_str()); if (dupecheck) { MD5Update(&ctx,(const uint8_t*)image->pixels,image->h*image->pitch); if (checkDupe(&ctx,hashes,dupes,i)) { printf("duplicate, skipping compression\n"); file.GetFrames().insert(file.GetFrames().end(), files[dupes[i]].GetFrames().begin(), files[dupes[i]].GetFrames().end()); skip = true; } } if (!skip) { CXBTFFrame frame = createXBTFFrame(image, writer, maxMSE, flags); printf("%s (%d,%d @ %"PRIu64" bytes)\n", GetFormatString(frame.GetFormat()), frame.GetWidth(), frame.GetHeight(), frame.GetUnpackedSize()); file.SetLoop(0); file.GetFrames().push_back(frame); } SDL_FreeSurface(image); } else { int gnAG = AG_LoadGIF(fullPath.c_str(), NULL, 0); AG_Frame* gpAG = new AG_Frame[gnAG]; AG_LoadGIF(fullPath.c_str(), gpAG, gnAG); printf("%s\n", output.c_str()); bool skip=false; if (dupecheck) { for (int j = 0; j < gnAG; j++) MD5Update(&ctx,(const uint8_t*)gpAG[j].surface->pixels, gpAG[j].surface->h* gpAG[j].surface->pitch); if (checkDupe(&ctx,hashes,dupes,i)) { printf("duplicate, skipping compression\n"); file.GetFrames().insert(file.GetFrames().end(), files[dupes[i]].GetFrames().begin(), files[dupes[i]].GetFrames().end()); skip = true; } } if (!skip) { for (int j = 0; j < gnAG; j++) { printf(" frame %4i ", j); CXBTFFrame frame = createXBTFFrame(gpAG[j].surface, writer, maxMSE, flags); frame.SetDuration(gpAG[j].delay); file.GetFrames().push_back(frame); printf("%s (%d,%d @ %"PRIu64" bytes)\n", GetFormatString(frame.GetFormat()), frame.GetWidth(), frame.GetHeight(), frame.GetUnpackedSize()); } } AG_FreeSurfaces(gpAG, gnAG); delete [] gpAG; file.SetLoop(0); } } if (!writer.UpdateHeader(dupes)) { printf("Error writing header to file\n"); return 1; } if (!writer.Close()) { printf("Error closing file\n"); return 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) return 1; bool valid = false; bool dupecheck = false; CmdLineArgs args(argc, (const char**)argv); if (args.size() == 1) { Usage(); return 1; } std::string InputDir; std::string OutputFilename = "Textures.xbt"; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (!stricmp(args[i], "-help") || !stricmp(args[i], "-h") || !stricmp(args[i], "-?")) { Usage(); return 1; } else if (!stricmp(args[i], "-input") || !stricmp(args[i], "-i")) { InputDir = args[++i]; valid = true; } else if (!strcmp(args[i], "-dupecheck")) dupecheck = true; else if (!stricmp(args[i], "-output") || !stricmp(args[i], "-o")) { OutputFilename = args[++i]; valid = true; #ifdef _LINUX char *c = NULL; while ((c = (char *)strchr(OutputFilename.c_str(), '\\')) != NULL) *c = '/'; #endif } else { printf("Unrecognized command line flag: %s\n", args[i]); } } if (!valid) { Usage(); return 1; } size_t pos = InputDir.find_last_of(DIR_SEPARATOR); if (pos != InputDir.length() - 1) InputDir += DIR_SEPARATOR; double maxMSE = 1.5; // HQ only please unsigned int flags = FLAGS_USE_LZO; // TODO: currently no YCoCg (commandline option?) createBundle(InputDir, OutputFilename, maxMSE, flags, dupecheck); }