import os import sys import re AvailableOutputs = [] Output = None try: from qt import * AvailableOutputs.append("--error-output=Qt") except: pass try: import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk AvailableOutputs.append("--error-output=GTK") except: pass try: import pygame import datetime AvailableOutputs.append("--error-output=SDL") except: pass def error(errorLine): if Output == "--error-output=Qt": createQt(errorLine) elif Output == "--error-output=GTK": createGTK(errorLine) elif Output == "--error-output=SDL": createSDL(errorLine) else: try: print(errorLine) except: print(errorLine) exit(1) def createQt(errorLine): app = QApplication(sys.argv) QObject.connect(app, SIGNAL('lastWindowClosed()') , app , SLOT('quit()') ) dialog = QDialog(None, "Error", 0, 0) dialog.setCaption("Error")) layout=QVBoxLayout(dialog) layout.setSpacing(6) layout.setMargin(5) label=QLabel(errorLine, dialog) layout.addWidget(label) bnExit=QPushButton("Quit", dialog, "add") dialog.connect(bnExit, SIGNAL("clicked()"), qApp, SLOT("quit()")) layout.addWidget(bnExit) app.setMainWidget(dialog) app.exec_loop() def createGTK(errorLine): window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) window.set_title("Error") vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 5) window.add(vbox) window.set_border_width(5) frame = gtk.Frame() frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) label = gtk.Label(errorLine) frame.add(label) vbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 0) button = gtk.Button("Quit") button.connect_object("clicked", gtk.Widget.destroy, window) vbox.pack_start(button, False, False, 0) window.show_all () gtk.main() def createSDL(errorLine): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() pygame.display.set_caption("Error") size = width, height = 800, 600 speed = [2, 2] black = 0, 0, 0 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) autoQuit = 10 start = finish = delta = finish - start while delta.seconds < autoQuit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: sys.exit() screen.fill(black) place = [200, 200] for line in errorLine.split('\n'): text = font.render(line, 1, (255,255,255) ) place[1] += font.size(line)[1] screen.blit(text, text.get_rect().move(place)) quitline = "Press any button to continue (" quitline += str(autoQuit - delta.seconds) quitline += ")" text = font.render(quitline, 1, (255,255,255) ) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect().move(200,400)) pygame.display.flip() finish = delta = finish - start def badDirectRendering(): out = os.popen("glxinfo | grep \"direct rendering\"", 'r') line = direct = "Yes" not in line out.close() return direct def badColorDepth(): out = os.popen('xdpyinfo | grep "depth of root"', 'r') p = re.compile("([0-9]*) planes") for line in out.readlines(): match = if (match is not None): if int( > 16: bitDepth = False else: bitDepth = True out.close() return bitDepth def possibleOutput(text): return text in sys.argv and text in AvailableOutputs if __name__=="__main__": if len(AvailableOutputs) > 0: Output = AvailableOutputs[0] else: Output = None for text in sys.argv: if possibleOutput(text): Output = text if "--no-test" in sys.argv: exit(0) if (@USE_X11@ == 1 and @USE_OPENGL@ == 1 and badDirectRendering()): error("@APP_NAME@ needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering.\nInstall an appropriate graphics driver.\n\nPlease consult @APP_NAME@ Wiki for supported hardware\n") if (@USE_X11@ == 1 and badColorDepth()): error("@APP_NAME@ cannot run unless the\nscreen color depth is atleast 24 bit.\n\nPlease reconfigure your screen.")