/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Team Kodi * http://kodi.tv * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Kodi; see the file COPYING. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <winsock.h> #else #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #endif #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <time.h> #define STD_PORT 9777 #define MS_ABSOLUTE 0x01 //#define MS_RELATIVE 0x02 #define BTN_USE_NAME 0x01 #define BTN_DOWN 0x02 #define BTN_UP 0x04 #define BTN_USE_AMOUNT 0x08 #define BTN_QUEUE 0x10 #define BTN_NO_REPEAT 0x20 #define BTN_VKEY 0x40 #define BTN_AXIS 0x80 #define PT_HELO 0x01 #define PT_BYE 0x02 #define PT_BUTTON 0x03 #define PT_MOUSE 0x04 #define PT_PING 0x05 #define PT_BROADCAST 0x06 #define PT_NOTIFICATION 0x07 #define PT_BLOB 0x08 #define PT_LOG 0x09 #define PT_ACTION 0x0A #define PT_DEBUG 0xFF #define ICON_NONE 0x00 #define ICON_JPEG 0x01 #define ICON_PNG 0x02 #define ICON_GIF 0x03 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1024 #define HEADER_SIZE 32 #define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE (MAX_PACKET_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE) #define MAJOR_VERSION 2 #define MINOR_VERSION 0 #define LOGDEBUG 0 #define LOGINFO 1 #define LOGNOTICE 2 #define LOGWARNING 3 #define LOGERROR 4 #define LOGSEVERE 5 #define LOGFATAL 6 #define LOGNONE 7 #define ACTION_EXECBUILTIN 0x01 #define ACTION_BUTTON 0x02 class CAddress { private: struct sockaddr_in m_Addr; public: CAddress(int Port = STD_PORT) { m_Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; m_Addr.sin_port = htons(Port); m_Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; memset(m_Addr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof m_Addr.sin_zero); } CAddress(const char *Address, int Port = STD_PORT) { m_Addr.sin_port = htons(Port); struct hostent *h; if (Address == NULL || (h=gethostbyname(Address)) == NULL) { if (Address != NULL) printf("Error: Get host by name\n"); m_Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; m_Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; } else { m_Addr.sin_family = h->h_addrtype; m_Addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr); } memset(m_Addr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof m_Addr.sin_zero); } void SetPort(int port) { m_Addr.sin_port = htons(port); } const sockaddr *GetAddress() { return ((struct sockaddr *)&m_Addr); } bool Bind(int Sockfd) { return (bind(Sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&m_Addr, sizeof m_Addr) == 0); } }; class XBMCClientUtils { public: XBMCClientUtils() = default; ~XBMCClientUtils() = default; static unsigned int GetUniqueIdentifier() { static time_t id = time(NULL); return id; } static void Clean() { #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif } static bool Initialize() { #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData)) return false; #endif return true; } }; class CPacket { /* Base class that implements a single event packet. - Generic packet structure (maximum 1024 bytes per packet) - Header is 32 bytes long, so 992 bytes available for payload - large payloads can be split into multiple packets using H4 and H5 H5 should contain total no. of packets in such a case - H6 contains length of P1, which is limited to 992 bytes - if H5 is 0 or 1, then H4 will be ignored (single packet msg) - H7 must be set to zeros for now ----------------------------- | -H1 Signature ("XBMC") | - 4 x CHAR 4B | -H2 Version (eg. 2.0) | - 2 x UNSIGNED CHAR 2B | -H3 PacketType | - 1 x UNSIGNED SHORT 2B | -H4 Sequence number | - 1 x UNSIGNED LONG 4B | -H5 No. of packets in msg | - 1 x UNSIGNED LONG 4B | -H6 Payload size | - 1 x UNSIGNED SHORT 2B | -H7 Client's unique token | - 1 x UNSIGNED LONG 4B | -H8 Reserved | - 10 x UNSIGNED CHAR 10B |---------------------------| | -P1 payload | - ----------------------------- */ public: CPacket() { m_PacketType = 0; } virtual ~CPacket() = default; bool Send(int Socket, CAddress &Addr, unsigned int UID = XBMCClientUtils::GetUniqueIdentifier()) { if (m_Payload.empty()) ConstructPayload(); bool SendSuccessful = true; int NbrOfPackages = (m_Payload.size() / MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE) + 1; int Send = 0; int Sent = 0; int Left = m_Payload.size(); for (int Package = 1; Package <= NbrOfPackages; Package++) { if (Left > MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { Send = MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE; Left -= Send; } else { Send = Left; Left = 0; } ConstructHeader(m_PacketType, NbrOfPackages, Package, Send, UID, m_Header); char t[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) t[i] = m_Header[i]; for (j = 0; j < Send; j++) t[(32 + j)] = m_Payload[j + Sent]; int rtn = sendto(Socket, t, (32 + Send), 0, Addr.GetAddress(), sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (rtn != (32 + Send)) SendSuccessful = false; Sent += Send; } return SendSuccessful; } protected: char m_Header[HEADER_SIZE]; unsigned short m_PacketType; std::vector<char> m_Payload; static void ConstructHeader(int PacketType, int NumberOfPackets, int CurrentPacket, unsigned short PayloadSize, unsigned int UniqueToken, char *Header) { sprintf(Header, "XBMC"); for (int i = 4; i < HEADER_SIZE; i++) Header[i] = 0; Header[4] = MAJOR_VERSION; Header[5] = MINOR_VERSION; if (CurrentPacket == 1) { Header[6] = ((PacketType & 0xff00) >> 8); Header[7] = (PacketType & 0x00ff); } else { Header[6] = ((PT_BLOB & 0xff00) >> 8); Header[7] = (PT_BLOB & 0x00ff); } Header[8] = ((CurrentPacket & 0xff000000) >> 24); Header[9] = ((CurrentPacket & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); Header[10] = ((CurrentPacket & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); Header[11] = (CurrentPacket & 0x000000ff); Header[12] = ((NumberOfPackets & 0xff000000) >> 24); Header[13] = ((NumberOfPackets & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); Header[14] = ((NumberOfPackets & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); Header[15] = (NumberOfPackets & 0x000000ff); Header[16] = ((PayloadSize & 0xff00) >> 8); Header[17] = (PayloadSize & 0x00ff); Header[18] = ((UniqueToken & 0xff000000) >> 24); Header[19] = ((UniqueToken & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); Header[20] = ((UniqueToken & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); Header[21] = (UniqueToken & 0x000000ff); } virtual void ConstructPayload() { } }; class CPacketHELO : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* Payload format */ /* %s - device name (max 128 chars) */ /* %c - icontype ( 0=>NOICON, 1=>JPEG , 2=>PNG , 3=>GIF ) */ /* %s - my port ( 0=>not listening ) */ /* %d - reserved1 ( 0 ) */ /* %d - reserved2 ( 0 ) */ /* XX - imagedata ( can span multiple packets ) */ /************************************************************************/ private: std::vector<char> m_DeviceName; unsigned short m_IconType; char *m_IconData; unsigned short m_IconSize; public: void ConstructPayload() override { m_Payload.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_DeviceName.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_DeviceName[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); m_Payload.push_back(m_IconType); m_Payload.push_back(0); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) m_Payload.push_back(0); for (int ico = 0; ico < m_IconSize; ico++) m_Payload.push_back(m_IconData[ico]); } CPacketHELO(const char *DevName, unsigned short IconType, const char *IconFile = NULL) : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_HELO; unsigned int len = strlen(DevName); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_DeviceName.push_back(DevName[i]); m_IconType = IconType; if (IconType == ICON_NONE || IconFile == NULL) { m_IconData = NULL; m_IconSize = 0; return; } std::ifstream::pos_type size; std::ifstream file (IconFile, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate); if (file.is_open()) { size = file.tellg(); m_IconData = new char [size]; file.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); file.read (m_IconData, size); file.close(); m_IconSize = size; } else { m_IconType = ICON_NONE; m_IconSize = 0; } } ~CPacketHELO() override { m_DeviceName.clear(); delete[] m_IconData; } }; class CPacketNOTIFICATION : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* Payload format: */ /* %s - caption */ /* %s - message */ /* %c - icontype ( 0=>NOICON, 1=>JPEG , 2=>PNG , 3=>GIF ) */ /* %d - reserved ( 0 ) */ /* XX - imagedata ( can span multiple packets ) */ /************************************************************************/ private: std::vector<char> m_Title; std::vector<char> m_Message; unsigned short m_IconType; char *m_IconData; unsigned short m_IconSize; public: void ConstructPayload() override { m_Payload.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Title.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_Title[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Message.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_Message[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); m_Payload.push_back(m_IconType); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_Payload.push_back(0); for (int ico = 0; ico < m_IconSize; ico++) m_Payload.push_back(m_IconData[ico]); } CPacketNOTIFICATION(const char *Title, const char *Message, unsigned short IconType, const char *IconFile = NULL) : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_NOTIFICATION; m_IconData = NULL; m_IconSize = 0; unsigned int len = 0; if (Title != NULL) { len = strlen(Title); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_Title.push_back(Title[i]); } if (Message != NULL) { len = strlen(Message); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_Message.push_back(Message[i]); } m_IconType = IconType; if (IconType == ICON_NONE || IconFile == NULL) return; std::ifstream::pos_type size; std::ifstream file (IconFile, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate); if (file.is_open()) { size = file.tellg(); m_IconData = new char [size]; file.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); file.read (m_IconData, size); file.close(); m_IconSize = size; } else m_IconType = ICON_NONE; } ~CPacketNOTIFICATION() override { m_Title.clear(); m_Message.clear(); delete[] m_IconData; } }; class CPacketBUTTON : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* Payload format */ /* %i - button code */ /* %i - flags 0x01 => use button map/name instead of code */ /* 0x02 => btn down */ /* 0x04 => btn up */ /* 0x08 => use amount */ /* 0x10 => queue event */ /* 0x20 => do not repeat */ /* 0x40 => virtual key */ /* 0x40 => axis key */ /* %i - amount ( 0 => 65k maps to -1 => 1 ) */ /* %s - device map (case sensitive and required if flags & 0x01) */ /* "KB" - Standard keyboard map */ /* "XG" - Xbox Gamepad */ /* "R1" - Xbox Remote */ /* "R2" - Xbox Universal Remote */ /* "LI:devicename" - valid LIRC device map where 'devicename' */ /* is the actual name of the LIRC device */ /* "JS<num>:joyname" - valid Joystick device map where */ /* 'joyname' is the name specified in */ /* the keymap. JS only supports button code */ /* and not button name currently (!0x01). */ /* %s - button name (required if flags & 0x01) */ /************************************************************************/ private: std::vector<char> m_DeviceMap; std::vector<char> m_Button; unsigned short m_ButtonCode; unsigned short m_Amount; unsigned short m_Flags; public: void ConstructPayload() override { m_Payload.clear(); if (m_Button.size() != 0) { if (!(m_Flags & BTN_USE_NAME)) // If the BTN_USE_NAME isn't flagged for some reason m_Flags |= BTN_USE_NAME; m_ButtonCode = 0; } else m_Button.clear(); if (m_Amount > 0) { if (!(m_Flags & BTN_USE_AMOUNT)) m_Flags |= BTN_USE_AMOUNT; } if (!((m_Flags & BTN_DOWN) || (m_Flags & BTN_UP))) //If none of them are tagged. m_Flags |= BTN_DOWN; m_Payload.push_back(((m_ButtonCode & 0xff00) >> 8)); m_Payload.push_back( (m_ButtonCode & 0x00ff)); m_Payload.push_back(((m_Flags & 0xff00) >> 8) ); m_Payload.push_back( (m_Flags & 0x00ff)); m_Payload.push_back(((m_Amount & 0xff00) >> 8) ); m_Payload.push_back( (m_Amount & 0x00ff)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_DeviceMap.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_DeviceMap[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Button.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_Button[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); } CPacketBUTTON(const char *Button, const char *DeviceMap, unsigned short Flags, unsigned short Amount = 0) : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_BUTTON; m_Flags = Flags; m_ButtonCode = 0; m_Amount = Amount; unsigned int len = strlen(DeviceMap); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_DeviceMap.push_back(DeviceMap[i]); len = strlen(Button); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_Button.push_back(Button[i]); } CPacketBUTTON(unsigned short ButtonCode, const char *DeviceMap, unsigned short Flags, unsigned short Amount = 0) : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_BUTTON; m_Flags = Flags; m_ButtonCode = ButtonCode; m_Amount = Amount; unsigned int len = strlen(DeviceMap); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_DeviceMap.push_back(DeviceMap[i]); } CPacketBUTTON(unsigned short ButtonCode, unsigned short Flags, unsigned short Amount = 0) : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_BUTTON; m_Flags = Flags; m_ButtonCode = ButtonCode; m_Amount = Amount; } // Used to send a release event CPacketBUTTON() : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_BUTTON; m_Flags = BTN_UP; m_Amount = 0; m_ButtonCode = 0; } ~CPacketBUTTON() override { m_DeviceMap.clear(); m_Button.clear(); } inline unsigned short GetFlags() { return m_Flags; } inline unsigned short GetButtonCode() { return m_ButtonCode; } }; class CPacketPING : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* no payload */ /************************************************************************/ public: CPacketPING() : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_PING; } ~CPacketPING() override = default; }; class CPacketBYE : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* no payload */ /************************************************************************/ public: CPacketBYE() : CPacket() { m_PacketType = PT_BYE; } ~CPacketBYE() override = default; }; class CPacketMOUSE : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* Payload format */ /* %c - flags */ /* - 0x01 absolute position */ /* %i - mousex (0-65535 => maps to screen width) */ /* %i - mousey (0-65535 => maps to screen height) */ /************************************************************************/ private: unsigned short m_X; unsigned short m_Y; unsigned char m_Flag; public: CPacketMOUSE(int X, int Y, unsigned char Flag = MS_ABSOLUTE) { m_PacketType = PT_MOUSE; m_Flag = Flag; m_X = X; m_Y = Y; } void ConstructPayload() override { m_Payload.clear(); m_Payload.push_back(m_Flag); m_Payload.push_back(((m_X & 0xff00) >> 8)); m_Payload.push_back( (m_X & 0x00ff)); m_Payload.push_back(((m_Y & 0xff00) >> 8)); m_Payload.push_back( (m_Y & 0x00ff)); } ~CPacketMOUSE() override = default; }; class CPacketLOG : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* Payload format */ /* %c - log type */ /* %s - message */ /************************************************************************/ private: std::vector<char> m_Message; unsigned char m_LogLevel; bool m_AutoPrintf; public: CPacketLOG(int LogLevel, const char *Message, bool AutoPrintf = true) { m_PacketType = PT_LOG; unsigned int len = strlen(Message); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_Message.push_back(Message[i]); m_LogLevel = LogLevel; m_AutoPrintf = AutoPrintf; } void ConstructPayload() override { m_Payload.clear(); m_Payload.push_back( (m_LogLevel & 0x00ff) ); if (m_AutoPrintf) { char* str=&m_Message[0]; printf("%s\n", str); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Message.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_Message[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); } ~CPacketLOG() override = default; }; class CPacketACTION : public CPacket { /************************************************************************/ /* Payload format */ /* %c - action type */ /* %s - action message */ /************************************************************************/ private: unsigned char m_ActionType; std::vector<char> m_Action; public: CPacketACTION(const char *Action, unsigned char ActionType = ACTION_EXECBUILTIN) { m_PacketType = PT_ACTION; m_ActionType = ActionType; unsigned int len = strlen(Action); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_Action.push_back(Action[i]); } void ConstructPayload() override { m_Payload.clear(); m_Payload.push_back(m_ActionType); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Action.size(); i++) m_Payload.push_back(m_Action[i]); m_Payload.push_back('\0'); } ~CPacketACTION() override = default; }; class CXBMCClient { private: CAddress m_Addr; int m_Socket; unsigned int m_UID; public: CXBMCClient(const char *IP = "", int Port = 9777, int Socket = -1, unsigned int UID = 0) { m_Addr = CAddress(IP, Port); if (Socket == -1) m_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); else m_Socket = Socket; if (UID) m_UID = UID; else m_UID = XBMCClientUtils::GetUniqueIdentifier(); } void SendNOTIFICATION(const char *Title, const char *Message, unsigned short IconType, const char *IconFile = NULL) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketNOTIFICATION notification(Title, Message, IconType, IconFile); notification.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendHELO(const char *DevName, unsigned short IconType, const char *IconFile = NULL) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketHELO helo(DevName, IconType, IconFile); helo.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendButton(const char *Button, const char *DeviceMap, unsigned short Flags, unsigned short Amount = 0) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketBUTTON button(Button, DeviceMap, Flags, Amount); button.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendButton(unsigned short ButtonCode, const char *DeviceMap, unsigned short Flags, unsigned short Amount = 0) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketBUTTON button(ButtonCode, DeviceMap, Flags, Amount); button.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendButton(unsigned short ButtonCode, unsigned Flags, unsigned short Amount = 0) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketBUTTON button(ButtonCode, Flags, Amount); button.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendMOUSE(int X, int Y, unsigned char Flag = MS_ABSOLUTE) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketMOUSE mouse(X, Y, Flag); mouse.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendLOG(int LogLevel, const char *Message, bool AutoPrintf = true) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketLOG log(LogLevel, Message, AutoPrintf); log.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } void SendACTION(const char *ActionMessage, int ActionType = ACTION_EXECBUILTIN) { if (m_Socket < 0) return; CPacketACTION action(ActionMessage, ActionType); action.Send(m_Socket, m_Addr, m_UID); } };