* Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Team XBMC
* http://xbmc.org
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, see
* .
#include "RegExp.h"
#include "StdString.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "utils/Utf8Utils.h"
using namespace PCRE;
#ifndef PCRE_UCP
#define PCRE_UCP 0
#endif // PCRE_UCP
// some unused number
#define PCRE_INFO_JIT 2048
#define pcre_free_study(x) pcre_free((x))
int CRegExp::m_Utf8Supported = -1;
int CRegExp::m_UcpSupported = -1;
int CRegExp::m_JitSupported = -1;
CRegExp::CRegExp(bool caseless /*= false*/, CRegExp::utf8Mode utf8 /*= asciiOnly*/)
InitValues(caseless, utf8);
void CRegExp::InitValues(bool caseless /*= false*/, CRegExp::utf8Mode utf8 /*= asciiOnly*/)
m_utf8Mode = utf8;
m_re = NULL;
m_sd = NULL;
m_iOptions |= PCRE_CASELESS;
if (m_utf8Mode == forceUtf8)
if (IsUtf8Supported())
m_iOptions |= PCRE_UTF8;
if (AreUnicodePropertiesSupported())
m_iOptions |= PCRE_UCP;
m_offset = 0;
m_jitCompiled = false;
m_bMatched = false;
m_iMatchCount = 0;
m_jitStack = NULL;
memset(m_iOvector, 0, sizeof(m_iOvector));
CRegExp::CRegExp(bool caseless, CRegExp::utf8Mode utf8, const char *re, studyMode study /*= NoStudy*/)
if (utf8 == autoUtf8)
utf8 = requireUtf8(re) ? forceUtf8 : asciiOnly;
InitValues(caseless, utf8);
RegComp(re, study);
bool CRegExp::requireUtf8(const std::string& regexp)
// enable UTF-8 mode if regexp string has UTF-8 multibyte sequences
if (CUtf8Utils::checkStrForUtf8(regexp) == CUtf8Utils::utf8string)
return true;
// check for explicit Unicode Properties (\p, \P, \X) and for Unicode character codes (greater than 0xFF) in form \x{hhh..}
// note: PCRE change meaning of \w, \s, \d (and \W, \S, \D) when Unicode Properties are enabled,
// but in auto mode we enable UNP for US-ASCII regexp only if regexp contains explicit \p, \P, \X or Unicode character code
const char* const regexpC = regexp.c_str();
const size_t len = regexp.length();
size_t pos = 0;
while (pos < len)
const char chr = regexpC[pos];
if (chr == '\\')
const char nextChr = regexpC[pos + 1];
if (nextChr == 'p' || nextChr == 'P' || nextChr == 'X')
return true; // found Unicode Properties
else if (nextChr == 'Q')
pos = regexp.find("\\E", pos + 2); // skip all literals in "\Q...\E"
else if (nextChr == 'x' && regexpC[pos + 2] == '{')
{ // Unicode character with hex code
if (readCharXCode(regexp, pos) >= 0x100)
return true; // found Unicode character code
else if (nextChr == '\\' || nextChr == '(' || nextChr == ')'
|| nextChr == '[' || nextChr == ']')
pos++; // exclude next character from analyze
} // chr != '\\'
else if (chr == '(' && regexpC[pos + 1] == '?' && regexpC[pos + 2] == '#') // comment in regexp
pos = regexp.find(')', pos); // skip comment
else if (chr == '[')
if (isCharClassWithUnicode(regexp, pos))
return true;
if (pos == std::string::npos) // check results of regexp.find() and isCharClassWithUnicode
return false;
// no Unicode Properties was found
return false;
inline int CRegExp::readCharXCode(const std::string& regexp, size_t& pos)
// read hex character code in form "\x{hh..}"
// 'pos' must point to '\'
if (pos >= regexp.length())
return -1;
const char* const regexpC = regexp.c_str();
if (regexpC[pos] != '\\' || regexpC[pos + 1] != 'x' || regexpC[pos + 2] != '{')
return -1;
const size_t startPos = pos; // 'startPos' points to 'x'
const size_t closingBracketPos = regexp.find('}', startPos + 2);
if (closingBracketPos == std::string::npos)
return 0; // return character zero code, leave 'pos' at 'x'
pos++; // 'pos' points to '{'
int chCode = 0;
while (++pos < closingBracketPos)
const int xdigitVal = StringUtils::asciixdigitvalue(regexpC[pos]);
if (xdigitVal >= 0)
chCode = chCode * 16 + xdigitVal;
{ // found non-hexdigit
pos = startPos; // reset 'pos' to 'startPos', process "{hh..}" as non-code
return 0; // return character zero code
return chCode;
bool CRegExp::isCharClassWithUnicode(const std::string& regexp, size_t& pos)
const char* const regexpC = regexp.c_str();
const size_t len = regexp.length();
if (pos > len || regexpC[pos] != '[')
return false;
// look for Unicode character code "\x{hhh..}" and Unicode properties "\P", "\p" and "\X"
// find end (terminating ']') of character class (like "[a-h45]")
// detect nested POSIX classes like "[[:lower:]]" and escaped brackets like "[\]]"
bool needUnicode = false;
while (++pos < len)
if (regexpC[pos] == '[' && regexpC[pos + 1] == ':')
{ // possible POSIX character class, like "[:alpha:]"
const size_t nextClosingBracketPos = regexp.find(']', pos + 2); // don't care about "\]", as it produce error if used inside POSIX char class
if (nextClosingBracketPos == std::string::npos)
{ // error in regexp: no closing ']' for character class
pos = std::string::npos;
return needUnicode;
else if (regexpC[nextClosingBracketPos - 1] == ':')
pos = nextClosingBracketPos; // skip POSIX character class
// if ":]" is not found, process "[:..." as part of normal character class
else if (regexpC[pos] == ']')
return needUnicode; // end of character class
else if (regexpC[pos] == '\\')
const char nextChar = regexpC[pos + 1];
if (nextChar == ']' || nextChar == '[')
pos++; // skip next character
else if (nextChar == 'Q')
pos = regexp.find("\\E", pos + 2);
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return needUnicode; // error in regexp: no closing "\E" after "\Q" in character class
pos++; // skip "\E"
else if (nextChar == 'p' || nextChar == 'P' || nextChar == 'X')
needUnicode = true; // don't care about property name as it can contain only ASCII chars
else if (nextChar == 'x')
if (readCharXCode(regexp, pos) >= 0x100)
needUnicode = true;
pos = std::string::npos; // closing square bracket was not found
return needUnicode;
CRegExp::CRegExp(const CRegExp& re)
m_re = NULL;
m_sd = NULL;
m_jitStack = NULL;
m_utf8Mode = re.m_utf8Mode;
m_iOptions = re.m_iOptions;
*this = re;
CRegExp& CRegExp::operator=(const CRegExp& re)
size_t size;
m_jitCompiled = false;
m_pattern = re.m_pattern;
if (re.m_re)
if (pcre_fullinfo(re.m_re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_SIZE, &size) >= 0)
if ((m_re = (pcre*)malloc(size)))
memcpy(m_re, re.m_re, size);
memcpy(m_iOvector, re.m_iOvector, OVECCOUNT*sizeof(int));
m_offset = re.m_offset;
m_iMatchCount = re.m_iMatchCount;
m_bMatched = re.m_bMatched;
m_subject = re.m_subject;
m_iOptions = re.m_iOptions;
CLog::Log(LOGSEVERE, "%s: Failed to allocate memory", __FUNCTION__);
return *this;
bool CRegExp::RegComp(const char *re, studyMode study /*= NoStudy*/)
if (!re)
return false;
m_offset = 0;
m_jitCompiled = false;
m_bMatched = false;
m_iMatchCount = 0;
const char *errMsg = NULL;
int errOffset = 0;
int options = m_iOptions;
if (m_utf8Mode == autoUtf8 && requireUtf8(re))
options |= (IsUtf8Supported() ? PCRE_UTF8 : 0) | (AreUnicodePropertiesSupported() ? PCRE_UCP : 0);
m_re = pcre_compile(re, options, &errMsg, &errOffset, NULL);
if (!m_re)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: %s. Compilation failed at offset %d in expression '%s'",
errMsg, errOffset, re);
return false;
m_pattern = re;
if (study)
const bool jitCompile = (study == StudyWithJitComp) && IsJitSupported();
const int studyOptions = jitCompile ? PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE : 0;
m_sd = pcre_study(m_re, studyOptions, &errMsg);
if (errMsg != NULL)
CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s: PCRE error \"%s\" while studying expression", __FUNCTION__, errMsg);
if (m_sd != NULL)
m_sd = NULL;
else if (jitCompile)
int jitPresent = 0;
m_jitCompiled = (pcre_fullinfo(m_re, m_sd, PCRE_INFO_JIT, &jitPresent) == 0 && jitPresent == 1);
return true;
int CRegExp::RegFind(const char *str, unsigned int startoffset /*= 0*/, int maxNumberOfCharsToTest /*= -1*/)
return PrivateRegFind(strlen(str), str, startoffset, maxNumberOfCharsToTest);
int CRegExp::PrivateRegFind(size_t bufferLen, const char *str, unsigned int startoffset /* = 0*/, int maxNumberOfCharsToTest /*= -1*/)
m_offset = 0;
m_bMatched = false;
m_iMatchCount = 0;
if (!m_re)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Called before compilation");
return -1;
if (!str)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Called without a string to match");
return -1;
if (startoffset > bufferLen)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: startoffset is beyond end of string to match", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
if (m_jitCompiled && !m_jitStack)
m_jitStack = pcre_jit_stack_alloc(32*1024, 512*1024);
if (m_jitStack == NULL)
CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s: can't allocate address space for JIT stack", __FUNCTION__);
pcre_assign_jit_stack(m_sd, NULL, m_jitStack);
if (maxNumberOfCharsToTest >= 0)
bufferLen = std::min(bufferLen, startoffset + maxNumberOfCharsToTest);
m_subject.assign(str + startoffset, bufferLen - startoffset);
int rc = pcre_exec(m_re, NULL, m_subject.c_str(), m_subject.length(), 0, 0, m_iOvector, OVECCOUNT);
if (rc<1)
static const int fragmentLen = 80; // length of excerpt before erroneous char for log
return -1;
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Match limit reached");
return -1;
const size_t startPos = (m_subject.length() > fragmentLen) ? CUtf8Utils::RFindValidUtf8Char(m_subject, m_subject.length() - fragmentLen) : 0;
if (startPos != std::string::npos)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Bad UTF-8 character at the end of string. Text before bad character: \"%s\"", m_subject.substr(startPos).c_str());
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Bad UTF-8 character at the end of string");
return -1;
const size_t startPos = (m_iOvector[0] > fragmentLen) ? CUtf8Utils::RFindValidUtf8Char(m_subject, m_iOvector[0] - fragmentLen) : 0;
if (m_iOvector[0] >= 0 && startPos != std::string::npos)
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Bad UTF-8 character, error code: %d, position: %d. Text before bad char: \"%s\"", m_iOvector[1], m_iOvector[0], m_subject.substr(startPos, m_iOvector[0] - startPos + 1).c_str());
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Bad UTF-8 character, error code: %d, position: %d", m_iOvector[1], m_iOvector[0]);
return -1;
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Offset is pointing to the middle of UTF-8 character");
return -1;
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PCRE: Unknown error: %d", rc);
return -1;
m_offset = startoffset;
m_bMatched = true;
m_iMatchCount = rc;
return m_iOvector[0] + m_offset;
int CRegExp::GetCaptureTotal() const
int c = -1;
if (m_re)
pcre_fullinfo(m_re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &c);
return c;
std::string CRegExp::GetReplaceString(const std::string& sReplaceExp) const
if (!m_bMatched || sReplaceExp.empty())
return "";
const char* const expr = sReplaceExp.c_str();
size_t pos = sReplaceExp.find_first_of("\\&");
std::string result(sReplaceExp, 0, pos);
result.reserve(sReplaceExp.size()); // very rough estimate
while(pos != std::string::npos)
if (expr[pos] == '\\')
// string is null-terminated and current char isn't null, so it's safe to advance to next char
pos++; // advance to next char
const char nextChar = expr[pos];
if (nextChar == '&' || nextChar == '\\')
{ // this is "\&" or "\\" combination
result.push_back(nextChar); // add '&' or '\' to result
else if (isdigit(nextChar))
{ // this is "\0" - "\9" combination
int subNum = nextChar - '0';
pos++; // advance to second next char
const char secondNextChar = expr[pos];
if (isdigit(secondNextChar))
{ // this is "\00" - "\99" combination
subNum = subNum * 10 + (secondNextChar - '0');
{ // '&' char
const size_t nextPos = sReplaceExp.find_first_of("\\&", pos);
result.append(sReplaceExp, pos, nextPos - pos);
pos = nextPos;
return result;
int CRegExp::GetSubStart(int iSub) const
if (!IsValidSubNumber(iSub))
return -1;
return m_iOvector[iSub*2] + m_offset;
int CRegExp::GetSubStart(const std::string& subName) const
return GetSubStart(GetNamedSubPatternNumber(subName.c_str()));
int CRegExp::GetSubLength(int iSub) const
if (!IsValidSubNumber(iSub))
return -1;
return m_iOvector[(iSub*2)+1] - m_iOvector[(iSub*2)];
int CRegExp::GetSubLength(const std::string& subName) const
return GetSubLength(GetNamedSubPatternNumber(subName.c_str()));
std::string CRegExp::GetMatch(int iSub /* = 0 */) const
if (!IsValidSubNumber(iSub))
return "";
int pos = m_iOvector[(iSub*2)];
int len = m_iOvector[(iSub*2)+1] - pos;
if (pos < 0 || len <= 0)
return "";
return m_subject.substr(pos, len);
std::string CRegExp::GetMatch(const std::string& subName) const
return GetMatch(GetNamedSubPatternNumber(subName.c_str()));
bool CRegExp::GetNamedSubPattern(const char* strName, std::string& strMatch) const
int iSub = pcre_get_stringnumber(m_re, strName);
if (!IsValidSubNumber(iSub))
return false;
strMatch = GetMatch(iSub);
return true;
int CRegExp::GetNamedSubPatternNumber(const char* strName) const
return pcre_get_stringnumber(m_re, strName);
void CRegExp::DumpOvector(int iLog /* = LOGDEBUG */)
if (iLog < LOGDEBUG || iLog > LOGNONE)
CStdString str = "{";
int size = GetSubCount(); // past the subpatterns is junk
for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++)
CStdString t = StringUtils::Format("[%i,%i]", m_iOvector[(i*2)], m_iOvector[(i*2)+1]);
if (i != size)
t += ",";
str += t;
str += "}";
CLog::Log(iLog, "regexp ovector=%s", str.c_str());
void CRegExp::Cleanup()
if (m_re)
m_re = NULL;
if (m_sd)
m_sd = NULL;
if (m_jitStack)
m_jitStack = NULL;
inline bool CRegExp::IsValidSubNumber(int iSub) const
return iSub >= 0 && iSub <= m_iMatchCount && iSub <= m_MaxNumOfBackrefrences;
bool CRegExp::IsUtf8Supported(void)
if (m_Utf8Supported == -1)
if (pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_UTF8, &m_Utf8Supported) != 0)
m_Utf8Supported = 0;
return m_Utf8Supported == 1;
bool CRegExp::AreUnicodePropertiesSupported(void)
if (m_UcpSupported == -1)
if (pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_UNICODE_PROPERTIES, &m_UcpSupported) != 0)
m_UcpSupported = 0;
return m_UcpSupported == 1;
bool CRegExp::LogCheckUtf8Support(void)
bool utf8FullSupport = true;
if (!CRegExp::IsUtf8Supported())
utf8FullSupport = false;
CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "UTF-8 is not supported in PCRE lib, support for national symbols is limited!");
if (!CRegExp::AreUnicodePropertiesSupported())
utf8FullSupport = false;
CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "Unicode properties are not enabled in PCRE lib, support for national symbols may be limited!");
if (!utf8FullSupport)
CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "Consider installing PCRE lib version 8.10 or later with enabled Unicode properties and UTF-8 support. Your PCRE lib version: %s", PCRE::pcre_version());
#if PCRE_UCP == 0
CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "You will need to rebuild XBMC after PCRE lib update.");
return utf8FullSupport;
bool CRegExp::IsJitSupported(void)
if (m_JitSupported == -1)
if (pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_JIT, &m_JitSupported) != 0)
m_JitSupported = 0;
return m_JitSupported == 1;