# Kodi CMake based buildsystem This files describes Kodi's CMake based buildsystem. CMake is a cross-platform tool for generating makefiles as well as project files used by IDEs. The current version of the buildsystem is capable of building and packaging Kodi for the following platforms: - Linux (GNU Makefiles, Ninja) - Windows (NMake Makefiles, Visual Studio 14 (2015), Ninja) - macOS and iOS (GNU Makefiles, Xcode, Ninja) - Android (GNU Makefiles) - FreeBSD (GNU Makefiles) Before building Kodi with CMake, please ensure that you have the platform specific dependencies installed. While the legacy build systems typically used in-source builds it's recommended to use out-of-source builds with CMake. The necessary runtime dependencies such as dlls, skins and configuration files are copied over to the build directory automatically. ## Dependency installation ### Linux The dependencies required to build on Linux can be found in [docs/README.xxx](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/docs). ### Raspberry Pi The cross compilation environment for the Raspberry Pi as well as the dependencies have to be installed as explained in [docs/README.raspberrypi](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/docs/README.raspberrypi). ### Windows For Windows the dependencies can be found in the [Wiki](http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Compile_Kodi_for_Windows) (Step 1-4). If not already available on your pc, you should install the [Windows Software Development Kit (SDK)](https://dev.windows.com/en-us/downloads/sdk-archive) for your Windows version. This is required for HLSL shader offline compiling with the [Effect-Compiler Tool](https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/bb232919(v=vs.85).aspx) (fxc.exe). On Windows, the CMake based buildsystem requires that the binary dependencies are downloaded using `DownloadBuildDeps.bat` and `DownloadMingwBuildEnv.bat` and that the mingw libs (ffmpeg, libdvd and others) are built using `make-mingwlibs.bat`. ### macOS For macOS the required dependencies can be found in [docs/README.osx](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/docs/README.osx). On macOS it is necessary to build the dependencies in `tools/depends` using `./bootstrap && ./configure --host= && make`. The other steps such as `make -C tools/depends/target/xbmc` and `make xcode_depends` are not needed as these steps are covered already by the CMake project. ### Android The dependencies needed to compile for Android can be found in [docs/README.android](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/docs/README.android) . All described steps have to be executed (except 5.2 which is replaced by the respective CMake command below). ## Building Kodi This section lists the necessary commands for building Kodi with CMake. CMake supports different generators that can be classified into two categories: single- and multiconfiguration generators. A single configuration generator (GNU/NMake Makefiles) generates project files for a single build type (e.g. Debug, Release) specified at configure time. Multi configuration generators (Visual Studio, Xcode) allow to specify the build type at compile time. All examples below are for out-of-source builds with Kodi checked out to ``: ``` mkdir kodi-build && cd kodi-build ``` ### Linux with GNU Makefiles ``` cmake /project/cmake/ cmake --build . -- VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) # or: make VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) ./kodi.bin ``` `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` defaults to `Release`. #### Debian package generation The buildsystem is capable of generating Debian packages using CPack. To generate them, `CPACK_GENERATOR` has to be set to *DEB*, i.e. executing CMake's configure step with `-DCPACK_GENERATOR=DEB`. You should use CMake/CPack 3.6.0 or higher. Lower versions can generate the packages but package names will be mangled. The following optional variables (which can be passed to buildsystem when executing cmake with the -D`=` format) can be used to manipulate package type, name and version: - `DEBIAN_PACKAGE_TYPE` controls the name and version of generated packages. Accepted values are `stable`, `unstable` and `nightly` (default is `nightly`). - `DEBIAN_PACKAGE_EPOCH` controls package epoch (default is `2`) - `DEBIAN_PACKAGE_VERSION` controls package version (default is `0`) - `DEBIAN_PACKAGE_REVISION` controls package revision (no default is set) Packages metadata can be changed simply by editing files present in the `cpack/deb` folder A lot more variables are available (see cpack/CPackDebian.cmake file) but you shouldn't mess with them unless you know what you're doing. Generated packages can be found in /packages. ### Raspberry Pi with GNU Makefiles ``` cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/tools/depends/target/Toolchain.cmake /project/cmake/ cmake --build . -- VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) # or: make VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) ``` ### Windows with Visual Studio project files ``` cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" /project/cmake/ cmake --build . --config "Debug" # or: Build solution with Visual Studio Debug\kodi.exe ``` #### Windows installer generation The script [project/Win32BuildSetup](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/project/Win32BuildSetup/BuildSetup.bat) builds an installable package for Windows. ### Windows with NMake Makefiles ``` cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release /project/cmake/ cmake --build . # or: nmake kodi.exe ``` ### macOS with GNU Makefiles ``` cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/tools/depends/target/Toolchain.cmake /project/cmake/ cmake --build . -- VERBOSE=1 -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) # or: make VERBOSE=1 -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) ./kodi.bin ``` ### macOS with Xcode project files ``` cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/tools/depends/target/Toolchain.cmake -G "Xcode" /project/cmake/ cmake --build . --config "Release" -- -verbose -jobs $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) # or: Build solution with Xcode ./Release/kodi.bin ``` #### macOS installer generation Afterwards an installable DMG for macOS can be built with the following command: ``` cmake --build . --config "Release" --target "dmg" # or: make dmg ``` #### iOS package generation Consequently an installable DEB for iOS can be built with the following command: ``` make deb ``` ### Android with GNU Makefiles ``` cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/tools/depends/target/Toolchain.cmake /project/cmake/ cmake --build . -- VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) # or: make VERBOSE=1 -j$(nproc) ``` #### Android package generation An installable APK for Android can be built with the following command: ``` make apk ``` ## Options Kodi supports a number of build options that can enable or disable certain functionality.i These options must be set when running CMake with `-DENABLE_