@echo off REM If KODI_MIRROR is not set externally to this script, set it to the default mirror URL IF "%KODI_MIRROR%" == "" SET KODI_MIRROR=http://mirrors.kodi.tv echo Downloading from mirror %KODI_MIRROR% :: Following commands expect this script's parent directory to be the current directory, so make sure that's so PUSHD %~dp0 if not exist dependencies\vcredist\2010 mkdir dependencies\vcredist\2010 if not exist dependencies\vcredist\2013 mkdir dependencies\vcredist\2013 if not exist dependencies\vcredist\2015 mkdir dependencies\vcredist\2015 if not exist dependencies\vcredist\2010\vcredist_x86.exe ( echo Downloading vc100 redist... ..\BuildDependencies\bin\wget -nv -O dependencies\vcredist\2010\vcredist_x86.exe %KODI_MIRROR%/build-deps/win32/vcredist/2010/vcredist_x86.exe ) if not exist dependencies\vcredist\2013\vcredist_x86.exe ( echo Downloading vc120 redist... ..\BuildDependencies\bin\wget -nv -O dependencies\vcredist\2013\vcredist_x86.exe %KODI_MIRROR%/build-deps/win32/vcredist/2013/vcredist_x86.exe ) if not exist dependencies\vcredist\2015\vcredist_x86.exe ( echo Downloading vc140 redist... ..\BuildDependencies\bin\wget -nv -O dependencies\vcredist\2015\vcredist_x86.exe %KODI_MIRROR%/build-deps/win32/vcredist/2015/vcredist_x86.exe ) :: Restore the previous current directory POPD