@ECHO OFF rem XBMC for Windows install plugin rem Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC rem http://xbmc.org rem Script by chadoe rem This plugin builds all plugins in the optinal directory provided and copy the builds to BUILD_WIN32 for further packaging SET PLUGIN_PATH="%1" SET CUR_PATH=%CD% ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Compiling plugins... IF "%PLUGIN_PATH%" == "" GOTO DONE rem optional plugins for %%a IN (music pictures programs video weather) DO ( SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET _BAT="" FOR /F "tokens=*" %%S IN ('dir /B /AD "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a"') DO ( IF "%%S" NEQ ".svn" ( SET _BAT="" CD "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a\%%S" IF EXIST "build.bat" ( ECHO Found build.bat SET _BAT=build.bat ) IF !_BAT! NEQ "" ( IF EXIST _btmp.bat del _btmp.bat > NUL rem create temp bat file without the pause statements in the original bat file. for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('findstr /v /i /c:"pause" "!_BAT!"') do ( echo %%a>> _btmp.bat ) ECHO Building plugin %%S call _btmp.bat del _btmp.bat > NUL CD "%CUR_PATH%" if EXIST "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a\%%S\BUILD\%%a\%%S\default.py" ( ECHO Copying files... xcopy "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a\%%S\BUILD\%%a\%%S" "%CUR_PATH%\BUILD_WIN32\Xbmc\plugins\%%a\%%S" /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL ) ELSE ( ECHO "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a\%%S\BUILD\%%a\%%S\default.py not found, not including in build." >> error.log ) ) ELSE ( CD "%CUR_PATH%" IF EXIST "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a\%%S\default.py" ( xcopy "%PLUGIN_PATH%\%%a\%%S" "%CUR_PATH%\BUILD_WIN32\Xbmc\plugins\%%a\%%S" /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL ) ELSE ( ECHO "No build.bat or default.py found for directory %%S, not including in build." >> error.log ) ) ) ) ENDLOCAL ) :DONE CD "%CUR_PATH%"