@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM setup all paths SET cur_dir=%CD% SET base_dir=%cur_dir%\..\.. SET builddeps_dir=%cur_dir%\..\..\project\BuildDependencies SET bin_dir=%builddeps_dir%\bin SET msys_bin_dir=%builddeps_dir%\msys\bin REM read the version values from version.txt FOR /f %%i IN ('%msys_bin_dir%\awk.exe "/APP_NAME/ {print $2}" %base_dir%\version.txt') DO SET APP_NAME=%%i FOR /f %%i IN ('%msys_bin_dir%\awk.exe "/COMPANY_NAME/ {print $2}" %base_dir%\version.txt') DO SET COMPANY=%%i FOR /f %%i IN ('%msys_bin_dir%\awk.exe "/WEBSITE/ {print $2}" %base_dir%\version.txt') DO SET WEBSITE=%%i rem ----Usage---- rem BuildSetup [clean|noclean] rem clean to force a full rebuild rem noclean to force a build without clean rem noprompt to avoid all prompts rem nomingwlibs to skip building all libs built with mingw CLS COLOR 1B TITLE %APP_NAME% for Windows Build Script rem ----PURPOSE---- rem - Create a working application build with a single click rem ------------------------------------------------------------- rem Config rem If you get an error that Visual studio was not found, SET your path for VSNET main executable. rem ------------------------------------------------------------- rem CONFIG START SET buildmode=ask SET promptlevel=prompt SET buildmingwlibs=true SET buildbinaryaddons=true SET exitcode=0 SET useshell=rxvt SET BRANCH=na FOR %%b in (%1, %2, %3, %4, %5) DO ( IF %%b==clean SET buildmode=clean IF %%b==noclean SET buildmode=noclean IF %%b==noprompt SET promptlevel=noprompt IF %%b==nomingwlibs SET buildmingwlibs=false IF %%b==nobinaryaddons SET buildbinaryaddons=false IF %%b==sh SET useshell=sh ) SET buildconfig=Release set WORKSPACE=%CD%\..\.. REM look for MSBuild.exe delivered with Visual Studio 2013 FOR /F "tokens=2,* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\12.0 /v MSBuildToolsRoot') DO SET MSBUILDROOT=%%B SET NET="%MSBUILDROOT%12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe" IF EXIST "!NET!" ( set msbuildemitsolution=1 set OPTS_EXE="..\VS2010Express\XBMC for Windows.sln" /t:Build /p:Configuration="%buildconfig%" /property:VCTargetsPath="%MSBUILDROOT%Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120" /m set CLEAN_EXE="..\VS2010Express\XBMC for Windows.sln" /t:Clean /p:Configuration="%buildconfig%" /property:VCTargetsPath="%MSBUILDROOT%Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120" ) IF NOT EXIST %NET% ( set DIETEXT=MSBuild was not found. goto DIE ) set EXE= "..\VS2010Express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\%APP_NAME%.exe" set PDB= "..\VS2010Express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\%APP_NAME%.pdb" :: sets the BRANCH env var call getbranch.bat rem CONFIG END rem ------------------------------------------------------------- goto EXE_COMPILE :EXE_COMPILE IF EXIST buildlog.html del buildlog.html /q IF NOT %buildmode%==ask goto COMPILE_MINGW IF %promptlevel%==noprompt goto COMPILE_MINGW rem --------------------------------------------- rem check for existing exe rem --------------------------------------------- set buildmode=clean IF NOT EXIST %EXE% goto COMPILE_MINGW ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Found a previous Compiled WIN32 EXE! ECHO [1] a NEW EXE will be compiled for the BUILD_WIN32 ECHO [2] existing EXE will be updated (quick mode compile) for the BUILD_WIN32 ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ set /P APP_COMPILE_ANSWER=Compile a new EXE? [1/2]: if /I %APP_COMPILE_ANSWER% EQU 1 set buildmode=clean if /I %APP_COMPILE_ANSWER% EQU 2 set buildmode=noclean goto COMPILE_MINGW :COMPILE_MINGW ECHO Buildmode = %buildmode% IF %buildmingwlibs%==true ( ECHO Compiling mingw libs ECHO bla>noprompt IF EXIST errormingw del errormingw > NUL IF %buildmode%==clean ( ECHO bla>makeclean ) rem only use sh to please jenkins IF %useshell%==sh ( call ..\..\tools\buildsteps\win32\make-mingwlibs.bat sh noprompt ) ELSE ( call ..\..\tools\buildsteps\win32\make-mingwlibs.bat noprompt ) IF EXIST errormingw ( set DIETEXT="failed to build mingw libs" goto DIE ) ) IF %buildmode%==clean goto COMPILE_EXE goto COMPILE_NO_CLEAN_EXE :COMPILE_EXE ECHO Wait while preparing the build. ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Cleaning Solution... %NET% %CLEAN_EXE% ECHO Compiling %APP_NAME% branch %BRANCH%... %NET% %OPTS_EXE% IF %errorlevel%==1 ( set DIETEXT="%APP_NAME%.EXE failed to build! See %CD%\..\vs2010express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\objs\XBMC.log" IF %promptlevel%==noprompt ( type "%CD%\..\vs2010express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\objs\XBMC.log" ) goto DIE ) ECHO Done! ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ set buildmode=clean GOTO MAKE_BUILD_EXE :COMPILE_NO_CLEAN_EXE ECHO Wait while preparing the build. ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Compiling %APP_NAME% branch %BRANCH%... %NET% %OPTS_EXE% IF %errorlevel%==1 ( set DIETEXT="%APP_NAME%.EXE failed to build! See %CD%\..\vs2010express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\objs\XBMC.log" IF %promptlevel%==noprompt ( type "%CD%\..\vs2010express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\objs\XBMC.log" ) goto DIE ) ECHO Done! ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ GOTO MAKE_BUILD_EXE :MAKE_BUILD_EXE ECHO Copying files... IF EXIST BUILD_WIN32 rmdir BUILD_WIN32 /S /Q rem Add files to exclude.txt that should not be included in the installer Echo Thumbs.db>>exclude.txt Echo Desktop.ini>>exclude.txt Echo dsstdfx.bin>>exclude.txt Echo exclude.txt>>exclude.txt Echo xbmc.log>>exclude.txt Echo xbmc.old.log>>exclude.txt Echo kodi.log>>exclude.txt Echo kodi.old.log>>exclude.txt rem Exclude userdata files Echo userdata\advancedsettings.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\guisettings.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\mediasources.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\ModeLines_template.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\passwords.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\profiles.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\sources.xml>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\upnpserver.xml>>exclude.txt rem Exclude userdata folders Echo userdata\addon_data\>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\cache\>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\database\>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\playlists\>>exclude.txt Echo userdata\thumbnails\>>exclude.txt rem Exclude non Windows addons Echo addons\repository.pvr-android.xbmc.org\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\repository.pvr-ios.xbmc.org\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\repository.pvr-osx32.xbmc.org\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\repository.pvr-osx64.xbmc.org\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\screensaver.rsxs.euphoria\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\screensaver.rsxs.plasma\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\screensaver.rsxs.solarwinds\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\visualization.fishbmc\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\visualization.projectm\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\visualization.glspectrum\>>exclude.txt rem Exclude skins as they're copied by their own script Echo addons\skin.re-touched\>>exclude.txt Echo addons\skin.confluence\>>exclude.txt md BUILD_WIN32\application xcopy %EXE% BUILD_WIN32\application > NUL xcopy ..\..\userdata BUILD_WIN32\application\userdata /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL copy ..\..\copying.txt BUILD_WIN32\application > NUL copy ..\..\LICENSE.GPL BUILD_WIN32\application > NUL copy ..\..\known_issues.txt BUILD_WIN32\application > NUL xcopy dependencies\*.* BUILD_WIN32\application /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL xcopy ..\..\addons BUILD_WIN32\application\addons /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL xcopy ..\..\system BUILD_WIN32\application\system /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL xcopy ..\..\media BUILD_WIN32\application\media /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt > NUL SET build_path=%CD% IF %buildbinaryaddons%==true ( ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Building addons... cd ..\..\tools\buildsteps\win32 IF %buildmode%==clean ( call make-addons.bat clean ) call make-addons.bat IF %errorlevel%==1 ( set DIETEXT="failed to build addons" cd %build_path% goto DIE ) cd %build_path% IF EXIST error.log del error.log > NUL ) ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Building Confluence Skin... cd ..\..\addons\skin.confluence call build.bat > NUL cd %build_path% IF EXIST ..\..\addons\skin.re-touched\build.bat ( ECHO Building Touch Skin... cd ..\..\addons\skin.re-touched call build.bat > NUL cd %build_path% ) rem restore color and title, some scripts mess these up COLOR 1B TITLE %APP_NAME% for Windows Build Script IF EXIST exclude.txt del exclude.txt > NUL del /s /q /f BUILD_WIN32\application\*.so > NUL del /s /q /f BUILD_WIN32\application\*.h > NUL del /s /q /f BUILD_WIN32\application\*.cpp > NUL del /s /q /f BUILD_WIN32\application\*.exp > NUL del /s /q /f BUILD_WIN32\application\*.lib > NUL ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Build Succeeded! GOTO NSIS_EXE :NSIS_EXE ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Generating installer includes... call genNsisIncludes.bat ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ call getdeploydependencies.bat CALL extract_git_rev.bat > NUL SET APP_SETUPFILE=%APP_NAME%Setup-%GIT_REV%-%BRANCH%.exe SET APP_PDBFILE=%APP_NAME%Setup-%GIT_REV%-%BRANCH%.pdb ECHO Creating installer %APP_SETUPFILE%... IF EXIST %APP_SETUPFILE% del %APP_SETUPFILE% > NUL rem get path to makensis.exe from registry, first try tab delim FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( rem try with space delim instead of tab FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( rem fails on localized windows (Default) becomes (Par D�faut) FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) rem proper x64 registry checks IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( ECHO using x64 registry entries FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( rem try with space delim instead of tab FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( rem on win 7 x64, the previous fails FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) IF NOT EXIST "%NSISExePath%" ( rem try with space delim instead of tab FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\NSIS" /ve') DO SET NSISExePath=%%B ) SET NSISExe=%NSISExePath%\makensis.exe "%NSISExe%" /V1 /X"SetCompressor /FINAL lzma" /Dapp_root="%CD%\BUILD_WIN32" /DAPP_NAME="%APP_NAME%" /DCOMPANY="%COMPANY%" /DWEBSITE="%WEBSITE%" /Dapp_revision="%GIT_REV%" /Dapp_target="%target%" /Dapp_branch="%BRANCH%" "genNsisInstaller.nsi" IF NOT EXIST "%APP_SETUPFILE%" ( set DIETEXT=Failed to create %APP_SETUPFILE%. NSIS installed? goto DIE ) copy %PDB% %APP_PDBFILE% > nul ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO Done! ECHO Setup is located at %CD%\%APP_SETUPFILE% ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ GOTO VIEWLOG_EXE :DIE ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ ECHO !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- ECHO ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ECHO !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- set DIETEXT=ERROR: %DIETEXT% echo %DIETEXT% SET exitcode=1 ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------ GOTO END :VIEWLOG_EXE SET log="%CD%\..\vs2010express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\objs\XBMC.log" IF NOT EXIST %log% goto END copy %log% ./buildlog.html > NUL IF %promptlevel%==noprompt ( goto END ) set /P APP_BUILD_ANSWER=View the build log in your HTML browser? [y/n] if /I %APP_BUILD_ANSWER% NEQ y goto END SET log="%CD%\..\vs2010express\XBMC\%buildconfig%\objs\" XBMC.log start /D%log% goto END :END IF %promptlevel% NEQ noprompt ( ECHO Press any key to exit... pause > NUL ) EXIT /B %exitcode%