//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: EffectLoad.h // // Direct3D 11 Effects header for the FX file loader // A CEffectLoader is created at load time to facilitate loading // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once namespace D3DX11Effects { // Ranges are used for dependency checking during load enum ERanges { ER_CBuffer = 0, ER_Texture, // Includes TBuffers ER_Sampler, ER_UnorderedAccessView, ER_Interfaces, ER_Count // This should be the size of the enum }; struct SRange { uint32_t start; uint32_t last; CEffectVector vResources; // should be (last - start) in length, resource type depends on the range type }; // Used during load to validate assignments D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(EObjectType ObjectType); // A class to facilitate loading an Effect. This class is a friend of CEffect. class CEffectLoader { friend HRESULT CEffect::CloneEffect(_In_ uint32_t Flags, _Outptr_ ID3DX11Effect** ppClonedEffect ); protected: // Load-time allocations that eventually get moved happen out of the TempHeap. This heap will grow as needed CDataBlockStore m_BulkHeap; uint8_t *m_pData; SBinaryHeader5 *m_pHeader; DWORD m_Version; CEffect *m_pEffect; CEffectReflection *m_pReflection; D3DX11Core::CMemoryStream m_msStructured; D3DX11Core::CMemoryStream m_msUnstructured; // used to avoid repeated hash buffer allocations in LoadTypeAndAddToPool CEffectVector m_HashBuffer; uint32_t m_dwBufferSize; // Size of data buffer in bytes // List of SInterface blocks created to back class instances bound to shaders CEffectVector m_BackgroundInterfaces; // Pointers to pre-reallocation data SGlobalVariable *m_pOldVars; SShaderBlock *m_pOldShaders; SDepthStencilBlock *m_pOldDS; SBlendBlock *m_pOldAB; SRasterizerBlock *m_pOldRS; SConstantBuffer *m_pOldCBs; SSamplerBlock *m_pOldSamplers; uint32_t m_OldInterfaceCount; SInterface *m_pOldInterfaces; SShaderResource *m_pOldShaderResources; SUnorderedAccessView *m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews; SRenderTargetView *m_pOldRenderTargetViews; SDepthStencilView *m_pOldDepthStencilViews; SString *m_pOldStrings; SMemberDataPointer *m_pOldMemberDataBlocks; CEffectVectorOwner *m_pvOldMemberInterfaces; SGroup *m_pOldGroups; uint32_t m_EffectMemory; // Effect private heap uint32_t m_ReflectionMemory; // Reflection private heap // Loader helpers HRESULT LoadCBs(); HRESULT LoadNumericVariable(_In_ SConstantBuffer *pParentCB); HRESULT LoadObjectVariables(); HRESULT LoadInterfaceVariables(); HRESULT LoadTypeAndAddToPool(_Outptr_ SType **ppType, _In_ uint32_t dwOffset); HRESULT LoadStringAndAddToPool(_Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ char **ppString, _In_ uint32_t dwOffset); HRESULT LoadAssignments( _In_ uint32_t Assignments, _Out_writes_(Assignments) SAssignment **pAssignments, _In_ uint8_t *pBackingStore, _Out_opt_ uint32_t *pRTVAssignments, _Out_opt_ uint32_t *pFinalAssignments ); HRESULT LoadGroups(); HRESULT LoadTechnique( STechnique* pTech ); HRESULT LoadAnnotations(uint32_t *pcAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations); HRESULT ExecuteConstantAssignment(_In_ const SBinaryConstant *pConstant, _Out_writes_bytes_(4) void *pLHS, _In_ D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE lhsType); uint32_t UnpackData(uint8_t *pDestData, uint8_t *pSrcData, uint32_t PackedDataSize, SType *pType, uint32_t *pBytesRead); // Build shader blocks HRESULT ConvertRangesToBindings(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock, CEffectVector *pvRanges ); HRESULT GrabShaderData(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock); HRESULT BuildShaderBlock(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock); // Memory compactors HRESULT InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings( uint32_t KnownSize = 0 ); HRESULT ReallocateReflectionData( bool Cloning = false ); HRESULT ReallocateEffectData( bool Cloning = false ); HRESULT ReallocateShaderBlocks(); template HRESULT ReallocateBlockAssignments(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks, T* pOldBlocks = nullptr); HRESULT ReallocateAnnotationData(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations); HRESULT CalculateAnnotationSize(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation *pAnnotations); uint32_t CalculateShaderBlockSize(); template uint32_t CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks); HRESULT FixupCBPointer(_Inout_ SConstantBuffer **ppCB); HRESULT FixupShaderPointer(_Inout_ SShaderBlock **ppShaderBlock); HRESULT FixupDSPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilBlock **ppDSBlock); HRESULT FixupABPointer(_Inout_ SBlendBlock **ppABBlock); HRESULT FixupRSPointer(_Inout_ SRasterizerBlock **ppRSBlock); HRESULT FixupInterfacePointer(_Inout_ SInterface **ppInterface, _In_ bool CheckBackgroundInterfaces); HRESULT FixupShaderResourcePointer(_Inout_ SShaderResource **ppResource); HRESULT FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(_Inout_ SUnorderedAccessView **ppResource); HRESULT FixupRenderTargetViewPointer(_Inout_ SRenderTargetView **ppRenderTargetView); HRESULT FixupDepthStencilViewPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilView **ppDepthStencilView); HRESULT FixupSamplerPointer(_Inout_ SSamplerBlock **ppSampler); HRESULT FixupVariablePointer(_Inout_ SGlobalVariable **ppVar); HRESULT FixupStringPointer(_Inout_ SString **ppString); HRESULT FixupMemberDataPointer(_Inout_ SMemberDataPointer **ppMemberData); HRESULT FixupGroupPointer(_Inout_ SGroup **ppGroup); // Methods to retrieve data from the unstructured block // (these do not make copies; they simply return pointers into the block) HRESULT GetStringAndAddToReflection(_In_ uint32_t offset, _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ char **ppPointer); // Returns a string from the file string block, updates m_EffectMemory HRESULT GetUnstructuredDataBlock(_In_ uint32_t offset, _Out_ uint32_t *pdwSize, _Outptr_result_buffer_(*pdwSize) void **ppData); // This function makes a copy of the array of SInterfaceParameters, but not a copy of the strings HRESULT GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( _In_ uint32_t InterfaceCount, _In_ uint32_t offset, _Outptr_result_buffer_all_maybenull_(InterfaceCount) SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces ); public: HRESULT LoadEffect(_In_ CEffect *pEffect, _In_reads_bytes_(cbEffectBuffer) const void *pEffectBuffer, _In_ uint32_t cbEffectBuffer); }; }