//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: EffectLoad.cpp // // Direct3D Effects file loading code // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=271568 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pchfx.h" #include "EffectStates11.h" #define PRIVATENEW new(m_BulkHeap) namespace D3DX11Effects { static LPCSTR g_szEffectLoadArea = "D3D11EffectLoader"; SRasterizerBlock g_NullRasterizer; SDepthStencilBlock g_NullDepthStencil; SBlendBlock g_NullBlend; SShaderResource g_NullTexture; SInterface g_NullInterface; SUnorderedAccessView g_NullUnorderedAccessView; SRenderTargetView g_NullRenderTargetView; SDepthStencilView g_NullDepthStencilView; // these VTables must be setup in the proper order: // 1) SetShader // 2) SetConstantBuffers // 3) SetSamplers // 4) SetShaderResources // 5) CreateShader SD3DShaderVTable g_vtPS = { (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetShader, &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetConstantBuffers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetSamplers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetShaderResources, (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreatePixelShader }; SD3DShaderVTable g_vtVS = { (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetShader, &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetConstantBuffers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetSamplers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::VSSetShaderResources, (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateVertexShader }; SD3DShaderVTable g_vtGS = { (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetShader, &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetConstantBuffers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetSamplers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::GSSetShaderResources, (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateGeometryShader }; SD3DShaderVTable g_vtHS = { (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetShader, &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetConstantBuffers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetSamplers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetShaderResources, (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateHullShader }; SD3DShaderVTable g_vtDS = { (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetShader, &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetConstantBuffers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetSamplers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::DSSetShaderResources, (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateDomainShader }; SD3DShaderVTable g_vtCS = { (void (__stdcall ID3D11DeviceContext::*)(ID3D11DeviceChild*, ID3D11ClassInstance*const*, uint32_t)) &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetShader, &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetConstantBuffers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetSamplers, &ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetShaderResources, (HRESULT (__stdcall ID3D11Device::*)(const void *, size_t, ID3D11ClassLinkage*, ID3D11DeviceChild **)) &ID3D11Device::CreateComputeShader }; SShaderBlock g_NullVS(&g_vtVS); SShaderBlock g_NullGS(&g_vtGS); SShaderBlock g_NullPS(&g_vtPS); SShaderBlock g_NullHS(&g_vtHS); SShaderBlock g_NullDS(&g_vtDS); SShaderBlock g_NullCS(&g_vtCS); D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(EObjectType ObjectType) { switch (ObjectType) { case EOT_String: return D3D_SVT_STRING; case EOT_Blend: return D3D_SVT_BLEND; case EOT_DepthStencil: return D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCIL; case EOT_Rasterizer: return D3D_SVT_RASTERIZER; case EOT_PixelShader: case EOT_PixelShader5: return D3D_SVT_PIXELSHADER; case EOT_VertexShader: case EOT_VertexShader5: return D3D_SVT_VERTEXSHADER; case EOT_GeometryShader: case EOT_GeometryShaderSO: case EOT_GeometryShader5: return D3D_SVT_GEOMETRYSHADER; case EOT_HullShader5: return D3D_SVT_HULLSHADER; case EOT_DomainShader5: return D3D_SVT_DOMAINSHADER; case EOT_ComputeShader5: return D3D_SVT_COMPUTESHADER; case EOT_RenderTargetView: return D3D_SVT_RENDERTARGETVIEW; case EOT_DepthStencilView: return D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW; case EOT_Texture: case EOT_Texture1D: case EOT_Texture1DArray: case EOT_Texture2D: case EOT_Texture2DArray: case EOT_Texture2DMS: case EOT_Texture2DMSArray: case EOT_Texture3D: case EOT_TextureCube: case EOT_TextureCubeArray: return D3D_SVT_TEXTURE; case EOT_Buffer: return D3D_SVT_BUFFER; case EOT_Sampler: return D3D_SVT_SAMPLER; case EOT_ByteAddressBuffer: return D3D_SVT_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER; case EOT_StructuredBuffer: return D3D_SVT_STRUCTURED_BUFFER; case EOT_RWTexture1D: return D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1D; case EOT_RWTexture1DArray: return D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1DARRAY; case EOT_RWTexture2D: return D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2D; case EOT_RWTexture2DArray: return D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2DARRAY; case EOT_RWTexture3D: return D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE3D; case EOT_RWBuffer: return D3D_SVT_RWBUFFER; case EOT_RWByteAddressBuffer: return D3D_SVT_RWBYTEADDRESS_BUFFER; case EOT_RWStructuredBuffer: case EOT_RWStructuredBufferAlloc: case EOT_RWStructuredBufferConsume: return D3D_SVT_RWSTRUCTURED_BUFFER; case EOT_AppendStructuredBuffer: return D3D_SVT_APPEND_STRUCTURED_BUFFER; case EOT_ConsumeStructuredBuffer: return D3D_SVT_CONSUME_STRUCTURED_BUFFER; default: assert(0); } return D3D_SVT_VOID; } inline HRESULT VerifyPointer(uint32_t oBase, uint32_t dwSize, uint32_t dwMaxSize) { uint32_t dwAdd = oBase + dwSize; if (dwAdd < oBase || dwAdd > dwMaxSize) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EffectHeap // A simple class which assists in adding data to a block of memory ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEffectHeap::CEffectHeap() : m_pData(nullptr), m_dwSize(0), m_dwBufferSize(0) { } CEffectHeap::~CEffectHeap() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pData); } uint32_t CEffectHeap::GetSize() { return m_dwSize; } HRESULT CEffectHeap::ReserveMemory(uint32_t dwSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; assert(!m_pData); assert(dwSize == AlignToPowerOf2(dwSize, c_DataAlignment)); m_dwBufferSize = dwSize; VN( m_pData = new uint8_t[m_dwBufferSize] ); // make sure that we have machine word alignment assert(m_pData == AlignToPowerOf2(m_pData, c_DataAlignment)); lExit: return hr; } _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectHeap::AddString(const char *pString, char **ppPointer) { size_t size = strlen(pString) + 1; assert( size <= 0xffffffff ); return AddData(pString, (uint32_t)size, (void**) ppPointer); } // This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size template HRESULT CEffectHeap::AddDataInternal(_In_reads_bytes_(dwSize) const void *pData, _In_ uint32_t dwSize, _Outptr_ void **ppPointer) { CCheckedDword chkFinalSize( m_dwSize ); uint32_t finalSize; HRESULT hr = S_OK; chkFinalSize += dwSize; chkFinalSize += c_DataAlignment; // account for alignment VHD( chkFinalSize.GetValue(&finalSize), "Overflow while adding data to Effect heap." ); // align original value finalSize = AlignToPowerOf2(finalSize - c_DataAlignment, c_DataAlignment); VBD( finalSize <= m_dwBufferSize, "Overflow adding data to Effect heap." ); *ppPointer = m_pData + m_dwSize; assert(*ppPointer == AlignToPowerOf2(*ppPointer, c_DataAlignment)); if( bCopyData ) { memcpy(*ppPointer, pData, dwSize); } m_dwSize = finalSize; lExit: if (FAILED(hr)) *ppPointer = nullptr; return hr; } _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectHeap::AddData(const void *pData, uint32_t dwSize, void **ppPointer) { return AddDataInternal( pData, dwSize, ppPointer ); } // Moves a string from the general heap to the private heap and modifies the pointer to // point to the new memory block. // The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given string pointer. // This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveString(char **ppString) { HRESULT hr; char *pNewPointer; if (*ppString == nullptr) return S_OK; hr = AddString(*ppString, &pNewPointer); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) *ppString = pNewPointer; return hr; } // Allocates space but does not move data // The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given string pointer. // This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveEmptyDataBlock(void **ppData, uint32_t size) { HRESULT hr; void *pNewPointer; hr = AddDataInternal(*ppData, size, &pNewPointer); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppData = pNewPointer; if (size == 0) { // To help catch bugs, set zero-byte blocks to null. There's no real reason to do this *ppData = nullptr; } } return hr; } // Moves an array of SInterfaceParameters from the general heap to the private heap and modifies the pointer to // point to the new memory block. // The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given string pointer. // This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveInterfaceParameters(uint32_t InterfaceCount, SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces) { HRESULT hr; SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter *pNewPointer; if (*ppInterfaces == nullptr) return S_OK; VBD( InterfaceCount <= D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES, "Internal loading error: InterfaceCount > D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES." ); VH( AddData(*ppInterfaces, InterfaceCount * sizeof(SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter), (void**)&pNewPointer) ); for( size_t i=0; i < InterfaceCount; i++ ) { VH( MoveString( &pNewPointer[i].pName ) ); } *ppInterfaces = pNewPointer; lExit: return hr; } // Moves data from the general heap to the private heap and modifies the pointer to // point to the new memory block // The general heap is freed as a whole, so we don't worry about leaking the given pointer. // This data is forcibly aligned, so make sure you account for that in calculating heap size _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectHeap::MoveData(void **ppData, uint32_t size) { HRESULT hr; void *pNewPointer; hr = AddData(*ppData, size, &pNewPointer); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { *ppData = pNewPointer; if (size == 0) { // To help catch bugs, set zero-byte blocks to null. There's no real reason to do this *ppData = nullptr; } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load API ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffect::LoadEffect(const void *pEffectBuffer, uint32_t cbEffectBuffer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CEffectLoader loader; if (!pEffectBuffer) { DPF(0, "%s: pEffectBuffer is nullptr.", g_szEffectLoadArea); VH( E_INVALIDARG ); } VH( loader.LoadEffect(this, pEffectBuffer, cbEffectBuffer) ); lExit: if( FAILED( hr ) ) { // Release here because m_pShaderBlocks may still be in loader.m_BulkHeap if loading failed before we reallocated the memory ReleaseShaderRefection(); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CEffectLoader // A helper class which loads an effect ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::GetUnstructuredDataBlock(uint32_t offset, uint32_t *pdwSize, void **ppData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t *pBlockSize; VH( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(offset, sizeof(*pBlockSize), (void**) &pBlockSize ) ); *pdwSize = *pBlockSize; VH( m_msUnstructured.Read(ppData, *pdwSize) ); lExit: return hr; } // position in buffer is lost on error // // This function should be used in 1:1 conjunction with CEffectHeap::MoveString; // that is, any string added to the reflection heap with this function // must be relocated with MoveString at some point later on. _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::GetStringAndAddToReflection(uint32_t offset, char **ppString) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCSTR pName; size_t oldPos; if (offset == 0) { *ppString = nullptr; goto lExit; } oldPos = m_msUnstructured.GetPosition(); VH( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(offset, &pName) ); m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2( (uint32_t)strlen(pName) + 1, c_DataAlignment); *ppString = const_cast(pName); m_msUnstructured.Seek(oldPos); lExit: return hr; } // position in buffer is lost on error // // This function should be used in 1:1 conjunction with CEffectHeap::MoveInterfaceParameters; // that is, any array of parameters added to the reflection heap with this function // must be relocated with MoveInterfaceParameters at some point later on. _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( uint32_t InterfaceCount, uint32_t offset, SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter **ppInterfaces ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SBinaryInterfaceInitializer* pInterfaceInitializer; size_t oldPos; if (offset == 0) { *ppInterfaces = nullptr; goto lExit; } oldPos = m_msUnstructured.GetPosition(); VBD( InterfaceCount <= D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES, "Internal loading error: InterfaceCount > D3D11_SHADER_MAX_INTERFACES." ); m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(InterfaceCount * sizeof(SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter), c_DataAlignment); assert( ppInterfaces != 0 ); _Analysis_assume_( ppInterfaces != 0 ); (*ppInterfaces) = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter[InterfaceCount]; VN( *ppInterfaces ); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(offset, sizeof(SBinaryInterfaceInitializer) * InterfaceCount, (void**)&pInterfaceInitializer), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer." ); for( size_t i=0; i < InterfaceCount; i++ ) { (*ppInterfaces)[i].Index = pInterfaceInitializer[i].ArrayIndex; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(pInterfaceInitializer[i].oInstanceName, const_cast(&(*ppInterfaces)[i].pName)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer." ); m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2( (uint32_t)strlen((*ppInterfaces)[i].pName) + 1, c_DataAlignment); } m_msUnstructured.Seek(oldPos); lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupCBPointer(_Inout_ SConstantBuffer **ppCB) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t index = (SConstantBuffer*)*ppCB - m_pOldCBs; assert( index * sizeof(SConstantBuffer) == ((size_t)(SConstantBuffer*)*ppCB - (size_t)m_pOldCBs) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_CBCount, "Internal loading error: invalid constant buffer index." ); *ppCB = (SConstantBuffer*)(m_pEffect->m_pCBs + index); lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupShaderPointer(_Inout_ SShaderBlock **ppShaderBlock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppShaderBlock != &g_NullVS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullGS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullPS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullHS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullDS && *ppShaderBlock != &g_NullCS && *ppShaderBlock != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppShaderBlock - m_pOldShaders; assert( index * sizeof(SShaderBlock) == ((size_t)*ppShaderBlock - (size_t)m_pOldShaders) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid shader index." ); *ppShaderBlock = m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupDSPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilBlock **ppDSBlock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppDSBlock != &g_NullDepthStencil && *ppDSBlock != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppDSBlock - m_pOldDS; assert( index * sizeof(SDepthStencilBlock) == ((size_t)*ppDSBlock - (size_t)m_pOldDS) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid depth-stencil state index." ); *ppDSBlock = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupABPointer(_Inout_ SBlendBlock **ppABBlock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppABBlock != &g_NullBlend && *ppABBlock != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppABBlock - m_pOldAB; assert( index * sizeof(SBlendBlock) == ((size_t)*ppABBlock - (size_t)m_pOldAB) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid blend state index." ); *ppABBlock = m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupRSPointer(_Inout_ SRasterizerBlock **ppRSBlock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppRSBlock != &g_NullRasterizer && *ppRSBlock != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppRSBlock - m_pOldRS; assert( index * sizeof(SRasterizerBlock) == ((size_t)*ppRSBlock - (size_t)m_pOldRS) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid rasterizer state index." ); *ppRSBlock = m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupSamplerPointer(_Inout_ SSamplerBlock **ppSampler) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t index = *ppSampler - m_pOldSamplers; assert( index * sizeof(SSamplerBlock) == ((size_t)*ppSampler - (size_t)m_pOldSamplers) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount, "Internal loading error: invalid sampler index." ); *ppSampler = m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks + index; lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupInterfacePointer(_Inout_ SInterface **ppInterface, _In_ bool CheckBackgroundInterfaces) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppInterface != &g_NullInterface && *ppInterface != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppInterface - m_pOldInterfaces; if(index < m_OldInterfaceCount) { assert( index * sizeof(SInterface) == ((size_t)*ppInterface - (size_t)m_pOldInterfaces) ); *ppInterface = m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces + index; } else { VBD( CheckBackgroundInterfaces, "Internal loading error: invalid interface pointer." ); for( index=0; index < m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(); index++ ) { if( *ppInterface == m_BackgroundInterfaces[ (uint32_t)index ] ) { // The interfaces m_BackgroundInterfaces were concatenated to the original ones in m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces *ppInterface = m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces + (m_OldInterfaceCount + index); break; } } VBD( index < m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(), "Internal loading error: invalid interface pointer." ); } } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupShaderResourcePointer(_Inout_ SShaderResource **ppResource) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppResource != &g_NullTexture && *ppResource != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppResource - m_pOldShaderResources; assert( index * sizeof(SShaderResource) == ((size_t)*ppResource - (size_t)m_pOldShaderResources) ); // could be a TBuffer or a texture; better check first if (index < m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount) { *ppResource = m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources + index; } else { // if this is a TBuffer, then the shader resource pointer // actually points into a SConstantBuffer's TBuffer field index = (SConstantBuffer*)*ppResource - (SConstantBuffer*)&m_pOldCBs->TBuffer; assert( index * sizeof(SConstantBuffer) == ((size_t)(SConstantBuffer*)*ppResource - (size_t)(SConstantBuffer*)&m_pOldCBs->TBuffer) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_CBCount, "Internal loading error: invalid SRV index." ); *ppResource = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[index].TBuffer; } } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(_Inout_ SUnorderedAccessView **ppUnorderedAccessView) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppUnorderedAccessView != &g_NullUnorderedAccessView && *ppUnorderedAccessView != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppUnorderedAccessView - m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews; assert( index * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView) == ((size_t)*ppUnorderedAccessView - (size_t)m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount, "Internal loading error: invalid UAV index." ); *ppUnorderedAccessView = m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupRenderTargetViewPointer(_Inout_ SRenderTargetView **ppRenderTargetView) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppRenderTargetView != &g_NullRenderTargetView && *ppRenderTargetView != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppRenderTargetView - m_pOldRenderTargetViews; assert( index * sizeof(SRenderTargetView) == ((size_t)*ppRenderTargetView - (size_t)m_pOldRenderTargetViews) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount, "Internal loading error: invalid RTV index." ); *ppRenderTargetView = m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupDepthStencilViewPointer(_Inout_ SDepthStencilView **ppDepthStencilView) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (*ppDepthStencilView != &g_NullDepthStencilView && *ppDepthStencilView != nullptr) { size_t index = *ppDepthStencilView - m_pOldDepthStencilViews; assert( index * sizeof(SDepthStencilView) == ((size_t)*ppDepthStencilView - (size_t)m_pOldDepthStencilViews) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount, "Internal loading error: invalid DSV index." ); *ppDepthStencilView = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews + index; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupStringPointer(_Inout_ SString **ppString) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t index = *ppString - m_pOldStrings; assert( index * sizeof(SString) == ((size_t)*ppString - (size_t)m_pOldStrings) ); VBD(index < m_pEffect->m_StringCount, "Internal loading error: invalid string index." ); *ppString = m_pEffect->m_pStrings + index; lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupMemberDataPointer(_Inout_ SMemberDataPointer **ppMemberData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t index = *ppMemberData - m_pOldMemberDataBlocks; assert( index * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) == ((size_t)*ppMemberData - (size_t)m_pOldMemberDataBlocks) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount, "Internal loading error: invalid member block index." ); *ppMemberData = m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + index; lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupVariablePointer(_Inout_ SGlobalVariable **ppVar) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t index = *ppVar - m_pOldVars; if( index < m_pEffect->m_VariableCount ) { assert( index * sizeof(SGlobalVariable) == ((size_t)*ppVar - (size_t)m_pOldVars) ); *ppVar = m_pEffect->m_pVariables + index; } else if( m_pvOldMemberInterfaces ) { // When cloning, m_pvOldMemberInterfaces may be non-nullptr, and *ppVar may point to a variable in it. const size_t Members = m_pvOldMemberInterfaces->GetSize(); for( index=0; index < Members; index++ ) { if( (ID3DX11EffectVariable*)(*m_pvOldMemberInterfaces)[ (uint32_t)index] == (ID3DX11EffectVariable*)*ppVar ) { break; } } VBD( index < Members, "Internal loading error: invalid member pointer." ); *ppVar = (SGlobalVariable*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[ (uint32_t)index]; } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::FixupGroupPointer(_Inout_ SGroup **ppGroup) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( *ppGroup != nullptr ) { size_t index = *ppGroup - m_pOldGroups; assert( index * sizeof(SGroup) == ((size_t)*ppGroup - (size_t)m_pOldGroups) ); VBD( index < m_pEffect->m_GroupCount, "Internal loading error: invalid group index." ); *ppGroup = m_pEffect->m_pGroups + index; } lExit: return hr; } static HRESULT GetEffectVersion( _In_ uint32_t effectFileTag, _Out_ DWORD* pVersion ) { assert( pVersion != nullptr ); if( !pVersion ) return E_FAIL; for( size_t i = 0; i < _countof(g_EffectVersions); i++ ) { if( g_EffectVersions[i].m_Tag == effectFileTag ) { *pVersion = g_EffectVersions[i].m_Version; return S_OK; } } return E_FAIL; } _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadEffect(CEffect *pEffect, const void *pEffectBuffer, uint32_t cbEffectBuffer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t i, varSize, cMemberDataBlocks; CCheckedDword chkVariables = 0; // Used for cloning m_pvOldMemberInterfaces = nullptr; m_BulkHeap.EnableAlignment(); assert(pEffect && pEffectBuffer); m_pEffect = pEffect; m_EffectMemory = m_ReflectionMemory = 0; VN( m_pEffect->m_pReflection = new CEffectReflection() ); m_pReflection = m_pEffect->m_pReflection; // Begin effect load VN( m_pEffect->m_pTypePool = new CEffect::CTypeHashTable ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pStringPool = new CEffect::CStringHashTable ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap = new CDataBlockStore ); m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap->EnableAlignment(); m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->SetPrivateHeap(m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap); m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->SetPrivateHeap(m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap); VH( m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->AutoGrow() ); VH( m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->AutoGrow() ); // Load from blob m_pData = (uint8_t*)pEffectBuffer; m_dwBufferSize = cbEffectBuffer; VH( m_msStructured.SetData(m_pData, m_dwBufferSize) ); // At this point, we assume that the blob is valid VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &m_pHeader, sizeof(*m_pHeader)), "pEffectBuffer is too small." ); // Verify the version if( FAILED( hr = GetEffectVersion( m_pHeader->Tag, &m_Version ) ) ) { DPF(0, "Effect version is unrecognized. This runtime supports fx_5_0 to %s.", g_EffectVersions[_countof(g_EffectVersions)-1].m_pName ); VH( hr ); } if( m_pHeader->RequiresPool() || m_pHeader->Pool.cObjectVariables > 0 || m_pHeader->Pool.cNumericVariables > 0 ) { DPF(0, "Effect11 does not support EffectPools." ); VH( E_FAIL ); } // Get shader block count VBD( m_pHeader->cInlineShaders <= m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Invalid Effect header: cInlineShaders > cTotalShaders." ); // Make sure the counts for the Effect don't overflow chkVariables = m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables; chkVariables += m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables; chkVariables += m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables; chkVariables *= sizeof(SGlobalVariable); VH( chkVariables.GetValue(&varSize) ); // Make sure the counts for the SMemberDataPointers don't overflow chkVariables = m_pHeader->cClassInstanceElements; chkVariables += m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks; chkVariables += m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks; chkVariables += m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks; chkVariables += m_pHeader->cSamplers; chkVariables += m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs; // Buffer (for CBuffers and TBuffers) chkVariables += m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs; // SRV (for TBuffers) VHD( chkVariables.GetValue(&cMemberDataBlocks), "Overflow: too many Effect variables." ); // Allocate effect resources VN( m_pEffect->m_pCBs = PRIVATENEW SConstantBuffer[m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks = PRIVATENEW SDepthStencilBlock[m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks = PRIVATENEW SRasterizerBlock[m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks = PRIVATENEW SBlendBlock[m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks = PRIVATENEW SSamplerBlock[m_pHeader->cSamplers] ); // we allocate raw bytes for variables because they are polymorphic types that need to be placement new'ed VN( m_pEffect->m_pVariables = (SGlobalVariable *)PRIVATENEW uint8_t[varSize] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders = PRIVATENEW SAnonymousShader[m_pHeader->cInlineShaders] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pGroups = PRIVATENEW SGroup[m_pHeader->cGroups] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock[m_pHeader->cTotalShaders] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pStrings = PRIVATENEW SString[m_pHeader->cStrings] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources = PRIVATENEW SShaderResource[m_pHeader->cShaderResources] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews = PRIVATENEW SUnorderedAccessView[m_pHeader->cUnorderedAccessViews] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces = PRIVATENEW SInterface[m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariableElements] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks = PRIVATENEW SMemberDataPointer[cMemberDataBlocks] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews = PRIVATENEW SRenderTargetView[m_pHeader->cRenderTargetViews] ); VN( m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews = PRIVATENEW SDepthStencilView[m_pHeader->cDepthStencilViews] ); uint32_t oStructured = m_pHeader->cbUnstructured + sizeof(SBinaryHeader5); VHD( m_msStructured.Seek(oStructured), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: Missing structured data block." ); VH( m_msUnstructured.SetData(m_pData + sizeof(SBinaryHeader5), oStructured - sizeof(SBinaryHeader5)) ); VH( LoadCBs() ); VH( LoadObjectVariables() ); VH( LoadInterfaceVariables() ); VH( LoadGroups() ); // Build shader dependencies for (i=0; im_ShaderBlockCount; i++) { VH( BuildShaderBlock(&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i]) ); } for( size_t iGroup=0; iGroupcGroups; iGroup++ ) { SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[iGroup]; pGroup->HasDependencies = false; for( size_t iTechnique=0; iTechnique < pGroup->TechniqueCount; iTechnique++ ) { STechnique* pTech = &pGroup->pTechniques[iTechnique]; pTech->HasDependencies = false; for( size_t iPass=0; iPass < pTech->PassCount; iPass++ ) { SPassBlock *pPass = &pTech->pPasses[iPass]; pTech->HasDependencies |= pPass->CheckDependencies(); } pGroup->HasDependencies |= pTech->HasDependencies; } } VH( InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings() ); VH( ReallocateReflectionData() ); VH( ReallocateEffectData() ); VB( m_pReflection->m_Heap.GetSize() == m_ReflectionMemory ); // Verify that all of the various block/variable types were loaded VBD( m_pEffect->m_VariableCount == (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables), "Internal loading error: mismatched variable count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount == m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Internal loading error: mismatched shader block count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount == m_pHeader->cInlineShaders, "Internal loading error: mismatched anonymous variable count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount == m_pHeader->cShaderResources, "Internal loading error: mismatched SRV count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount == m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariableElements + m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(), "Internal loading error: mismatched interface count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount == m_pHeader->cUnorderedAccessViews, "Internal loading error: mismatched UAV count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount == cMemberDataBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched member data block count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount == m_pHeader->cRenderTargetViews, "Internal loading error: mismatched RTV count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount == m_pHeader->cDepthStencilViews, "Internal loading error: mismatched DSV count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount == m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched depth-stencil state count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount == m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched blend state count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount == m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks, "Internal loading error: mismatched rasterizer state count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount == m_pHeader->cSamplers, "Internal loading error: mismatched sampler count." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_StringCount == m_pHeader->cStrings, "Internal loading error: mismatched string count." ); // Uncomment if you really need this information // DPF(0, "Effect heap size: %d, reflection heap size: %d, allocations avoided: %d", m_EffectMemory, m_ReflectionMemory, m_BulkHeap.m_cAllocations); lExit: return hr; } // position in buffer is lost on error _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadStringAndAddToPool(char **ppString, uint32_t dwOffset) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char *pName; uint32_t hash; size_t oldPos; CEffect::CStringHashTable::CIterator iter; uint32_t len; if (dwOffset == 0) { *ppString = nullptr; goto lExit; } oldPos = m_msUnstructured.GetPosition(); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(dwOffset, (LPCSTR *) &pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string." ); len = (uint32_t)strlen(pName); hash = ComputeHash((uint8_t *)pName, len); if (FAILED(m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->FindValueWithHash(pName, hash, &iter))) { assert( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap != 0 ); _Analysis_assume_( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap != 0 ); VN( (*ppString) = new(*m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap) char[len + 1] ); memcpy(*ppString, pName, len + 1); VHD( m_pEffect->m_pStringPool->AddValueWithHash(*ppString, hash), "Internal loading error: failed to add string to pool." ); } else { *ppString = const_cast(iter.GetData()); } m_msUnstructured.Seek(oldPos); lExit: return hr; } _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadTypeAndAddToPool(SType **ppType, uint32_t dwOffset) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SBinaryType *psType; SBinaryNumericType *pNumericType; EObjectType *pObjectType; uint32_t cMembers, iMember, cInterfaces; uint32_t oBaseClassType; SType temporaryType; CEffect::CTypeHashTable::CIterator iter; uint8_t *pHashBuffer; uint32_t hash; SVariable *pTempMembers = nullptr; m_HashBuffer.Empty(); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(dwOffset, sizeof(SBinaryType), (void**) &psType), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read type." ); VHD( LoadStringAndAddToPool(&temporaryType.pTypeName, psType->oTypeName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read type name." ); temporaryType.VarType = psType->VarType; temporaryType.Elements = psType->Elements; temporaryType.TotalSize = psType->TotalSize; temporaryType.Stride = psType->Stride; temporaryType.PackedSize = psType->PackedSize; // sanity check elements, size, stride, etc. uint32_t cElements = std::max(1, temporaryType.Elements); VBD( cElements * temporaryType.Stride == AlignToPowerOf2(temporaryType.TotalSize, SType::c_RegisterSize), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type size." ); VBD( temporaryType.Stride % SType::c_RegisterSize == 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type stride." ); VBD( temporaryType.PackedSize <= temporaryType.TotalSize && temporaryType.PackedSize % cElements == 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type packed size." ); switch(temporaryType.VarType) { case EVT_Object: VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &pObjectType, sizeof(uint32_t)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object type." ); temporaryType.ObjectType = *pObjectType; VBD( temporaryType.VarType > EOT_Invalid && temporaryType.VarType < EOT_Count, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid object type." ); VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) + sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType)) ); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.ObjectType, sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType)); break; case EVT_Interface: temporaryType.InterfaceType = nullptr; VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) + sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType)) ); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.ObjectType, sizeof(temporaryType.ObjectType)); break; case EVT_Numeric: VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &pNumericType, sizeof(SBinaryNumericType)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read numeric type." ); temporaryType.NumericType = *pNumericType; VBD( temporaryType.NumericType.Rows >= 1 && temporaryType.NumericType.Rows <= 4 && temporaryType.NumericType.Columns >= 1 && temporaryType.NumericType.Columns <= 4 && temporaryType.NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Invalid && temporaryType.NumericType.NumericLayout < ENL_Count && temporaryType.NumericType.ScalarType > EST_Invalid && temporaryType.NumericType.ScalarType < EST_Count, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid numeric type."); if (temporaryType.NumericType.NumericLayout != ENL_Matrix) { VBD( temporaryType.NumericType.IsColumnMajor == false, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: only matricies can be column major." ); } VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) + sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.NumericType)) ); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.NumericType, sizeof(temporaryType.NumericType)); break; case EVT_Struct: VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read(&cMembers), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read struct." ); temporaryType.StructType.Members = cMembers; VN( pTempMembers = new SVariable[cMembers] ); temporaryType.StructType.pMembers = pTempMembers; // read up all of the member descriptors at once SBinaryType::SBinaryMember *psMember; VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &psMember, cMembers * sizeof(*psMember)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read struct members." ); { // Determine if this type implements an interface VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read(&oBaseClassType), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read base class type." ); VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read(&cInterfaces), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interfaces." ); if( cInterfaces > 0 ) { temporaryType.StructType.ImplementsInterface = 1; temporaryType.StructType.HasSuperClass = ( oBaseClassType > 0 ) ? 1 : 0; } else if( oBaseClassType > 0 ) { // Get parent type and copy its ImplementsInterface SType* pBaseClassType; VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pBaseClassType, oBaseClassType) ); temporaryType.StructType.ImplementsInterface = pBaseClassType->StructType.ImplementsInterface; temporaryType.StructType.HasSuperClass = 1; } // Read (and ignore) the interface types uint32_t *poInterface; VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void**) &poInterface, cInterfaces * sizeof(poInterface)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface types." ); } uint32_t totalSize; totalSize = 0; for (iMember=0; iMemberData.Offset = psMember[iMember].Offset; VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pMember->pType, psMember[iMember].oType) ); VH( LoadStringAndAddToPool(&pMember->pName, psMember[iMember].oName) ); VH( LoadStringAndAddToPool(&pMember->pSemantic, psMember[iMember].oSemantic) ); totalSize = psMember[iMember].Offset + pMember->pType->TotalSize; } VBD( AlignToPowerOf2(totalSize, SType::c_RegisterSize) == temporaryType.Stride, "Internal loading error: invlid type size." ); VN( pHashBuffer = m_HashBuffer.AddRange(sizeof(temporaryType.VarType) + sizeof(temporaryType.Elements) + sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName) + sizeof(temporaryType.StructType.Members) + cMembers * sizeof(SVariable)) ); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.VarType, sizeof(temporaryType.VarType)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.VarType); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.Elements, sizeof(temporaryType.Elements)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.Elements); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.pTypeName, sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.pTypeName); memcpy(pHashBuffer, &temporaryType.StructType.Members, sizeof(temporaryType.StructType.Members)); pHashBuffer += sizeof(temporaryType.StructType.Members); memcpy(pHashBuffer, temporaryType.StructType.pMembers, cMembers * sizeof(SVariable)); break; default: assert(0); VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid variable type." ); } hash = ComputeHash(&m_HashBuffer[0], m_HashBuffer.GetSize()); if (FAILED(m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->FindValueWithHash(&temporaryType, hash, &iter))) { assert( m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap != nullptr ); // allocate real member array, if necessary if (temporaryType.VarType == EVT_Struct) { VN( temporaryType.StructType.pMembers = new(*m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap) SVariable[temporaryType.StructType.Members] ); memcpy(temporaryType.StructType.pMembers, pTempMembers, temporaryType.StructType.Members * sizeof(SVariable)); } // allocate real type VN( (*ppType) = new(*m_pEffect->m_pPooledHeap) SType ); memcpy(*ppType, &temporaryType, sizeof(temporaryType)); ZeroMemory(&temporaryType, sizeof(temporaryType)); VH( m_pEffect->m_pTypePool->AddValueWithHash(*ppType, hash) ); } else { *ppType = iter.GetData(); } lExit: SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pTempMembers); return hr; } // Numeric data in annotations are tightly packed (unlike in CBs which follow D3D11 packing rules). This unpacks them. uint32_t CEffectLoader::UnpackData(uint8_t *pDestData, uint8_t *pSrcData, uint32_t PackedDataSize, SType *pType, uint32_t *pBytesRead) { uint32_t bytesRead = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t elementsToCopy = std::max(pType->Elements, 1); switch (pType->VarType) { case EVT_Struct: for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++ i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < pType->StructType.Members; ++ j) { uint32_t br; assert(PackedDataSize > bytesRead); VH( UnpackData(pDestData + pType->StructType.pMembers[j].Data.Offset, pSrcData + bytesRead, PackedDataSize - bytesRead, pType->StructType.pMembers[j].pType, &br) ); bytesRead += br; } pDestData += pType->Stride; } break; case EVT_Numeric: if (pType->NumericType.IsPackedArray) { // No support for packed arrays assert(0); VHD(E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: packed arrays are not supported." ); } else { uint32_t bytesToCopy; if (pType->NumericType.IsColumnMajor) { uint32_t registers = pType->NumericType.Columns; uint32_t entries = pType->NumericType.Rows; bytesToCopy = entries * registers * SType::c_ScalarSize; for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++ i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < registers; ++ j) { for (size_t k = 0; k < entries; ++ k) { // type cast to an arbitrary scalar ((uint32_t*)pDestData)[k] = ((uint32_t*)pSrcData)[k * registers + j]; } pDestData += SType::c_RegisterSize; // advance to next register } pSrcData += bytesToCopy; bytesRead += bytesToCopy; } } else { uint32_t registers = pType->NumericType.Rows; uint32_t entries = pType->NumericType.Columns; bytesToCopy = entries * SType::c_ScalarSize; for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsToCopy; ++ i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < registers; ++ j) { memcpy(pDestData, pSrcData, bytesToCopy); pDestData += SType::c_RegisterSize; // advance to next register pSrcData += bytesToCopy; bytesRead += bytesToCopy; } } } } break; default: // shouldn't be called on non-struct/numeric types assert(0); VHD(E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: UnpackData should not be called on non-struct, non-numeric types." ); } lExit: *pBytesRead = bytesRead; return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a numeric variable HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadNumericVariable(_In_ SConstantBuffer *pParentCB) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SBinaryNumericVariable *psVar; SGlobalVariable *pVar; SType *pType; void *pDefaultValue; // Read variable info VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psVar, sizeof(*psVar)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read numeric variable." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_VariableCount < (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables), "Internal loading error: invalid variable counts."); pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount]; // Get type VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psVar->oType) ); // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created VH( PlacementNewVariable(pVar, pType, false) ); if (psVar->Flags & D3DX11_EFFECT_VARIABLE_EXPLICIT_BIND_POINT) { pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = psVar->Offset; } else { pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = uint32_t(-1); } pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect; pVar->pType = pType; pVar->pCB = pParentCB; pVar->Data.pGeneric = pParentCB->pBackingStore + psVar->Offset; VBD( psVar->Offset + pVar->pType->TotalSize <= pVar->pCB->Size, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid variable offset." ); if (pType->VarType == EVT_Struct && pType->StructType.ImplementsInterface && !pParentCB->IsTBuffer) { pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) + 4; m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount += std::max(pType->Elements,1); } // Get name & semantic VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psVar->oName, &pVar->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable name." ); VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psVar->oSemantic, &pVar->pSemantic), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable semantic." ); // Ensure the variable fits in the CBuffer and doesn't overflow VBD( pType->TotalSize + psVar->Offset <= pParentCB->Size && pType->TotalSize + psVar->Offset >= pType->TotalSize, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: variable does not fit in CB." ); ZeroMemory(pVar->Data.pGeneric, pType->TotalSize); // Get default value if (0 != psVar->oDefaultValue) { uint32_t bytesUnpacked; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psVar->oDefaultValue, pType->PackedSize, &pDefaultValue), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read default value." ); VH( UnpackData((uint8_t*) pVar->Data.pGeneric, (uint8_t*) pDefaultValue, pType->PackedSize, pType, &bytesUnpacked) ); VBD( bytesUnpacked == pType->PackedSize, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid type packed size."); } // We need to use offsets until we fixup pVar->Data.Offset = psVar->Offset; // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pVar->AnnotationCount, &pVar->pAnnotations) ); m_pEffect->m_VariableCount++; lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a constant buffer HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadCBs() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t iCB, iVar; for (iCB=0; iCBEffect.cCBs; iCB++) { SBinaryConstantBuffer *psCB; SConstantBuffer *pCB; VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psCB, sizeof(*psCB)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read CB." ); pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[iCB]; VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psCB->oName, &pCB->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read CB name." ); pCB->IsTBuffer = (psCB->Flags & SBinaryConstantBuffer::c_IsTBuffer) != 0 ? true : false; pCB->IsSingle = (psCB->Flags & SBinaryConstantBuffer::c_IsSingle) != 0 ? true : false; pCB->Size = psCB->Size; pCB->ExplicitBindPoint = psCB->ExplicitBindPoint; VBD( pCB->Size == AlignToPowerOf2(pCB->Size, SType::c_RegisterSize), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: CB size not a power of 2." ); VN( pCB->pBackingStore = PRIVATENEW uint8_t[pCB->Size] ); pCB->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) + 4; m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount += 2; // point this CB to variables that it owns pCB->VariableCount = psCB->cVariables; if (pCB->VariableCount > 0) { pCB->pVariables = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount]; } else { pCB->pVariables = nullptr; } // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pCB->AnnotationCount, &pCB->pAnnotations) ); for (iVar=0; iVarcVariables; iVar++) { VH( LoadNumericVariable(pCB) ); } } m_pEffect->m_CBCount = m_pHeader->Effect.cCBs; lExit: return hr; } // Used by LoadAssignment to initialize members on load _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::ExecuteConstantAssignment(const SBinaryConstant *pConstant, void *pLHS, D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE lhsType) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; switch(pConstant->Type) { case EST_UInt: case EST_Int: case EST_Bool: switch(lhsType) { case D3D_SVT_BOOL: case D3D_SVT_INT: case D3D_SVT_UINT: *(uint32_t*) pLHS = pConstant->iValue; break; case D3D_SVT_UINT8: *(uint8_t*) pLHS = (uint8_t) pConstant->iValue; break; case D3D_SVT_FLOAT: *(float*) pLHS = (float) pConstant->iValue; break; default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid left-hand assignment type." ); } break; case EST_Float: switch(lhsType) { case D3D_SVT_BOOL: case D3D_SVT_INT: case D3D_SVT_UINT: *(uint32_t*) pLHS = (uint32_t) pConstant->fValue; break; case D3D_SVT_UINT8: *(uint8_t*) pLHS = (uint8_t) pConstant->fValue; break; case D3D_SVT_FLOAT: *(float*) pLHS = pConstant->fValue; break; default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid left-hand assignment type." ); } break; default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid left-hand assignment type." ); } lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a set of assignments _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadAssignments( uint32_t Assignments, SAssignment **ppAssignments, uint8_t *pBackingStore, uint32_t *pRTVAssignments, uint32_t *pFinalAssignments ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t i, j; SBinaryAssignment *psAssignments; uint32_t finalAssignments = 0; // the number of assignments worth keeping uint32_t renderTargetViewAssns = 0; // Number of render target view assns, used by passes since SetRTV is a vararg call *pFinalAssignments = 0; if (pRTVAssignments) *pRTVAssignments = 0; VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psAssignments, sizeof(*psAssignments) * Assignments), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read assignments." ); // allocate enough room to store all of the assignments (even though some may go unused) VN( (*ppAssignments) = PRIVATENEW SAssignment[Assignments] ) // // In this loop, we read assignments 1-by-1, keeping some and discarding others. // We write to the "next" assignment which is given by &(*ppAssignments)[finalAssignments]; // if an assignment is worth keeping, we increment finalAssignments. // This means that if you want to keep an assignment, you must be careful to initialize // all members of SAssignment because old values from preceding discarded assignments might remain. // for (i = 0; i < Assignments; ++ i) { SGlobalVariable *pVarArray, *pVarIndex, *pVar; const char *pGlobalVarName; SAssignment *pAssignment = &(*ppAssignments)[finalAssignments]; uint8_t *pLHS; VBD( psAssignments[i].iState < NUM_STATES, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid assignment state." ); VBD( psAssignments[i].Index < g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Indices, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid assignment index." ); pAssignment->LhsType = g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_LhsType; // Count RenderTargetView assignments if (pAssignment->LhsType == ELHS_RenderTargetView) renderTargetViewAssns++; switch (g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type) { case D3D_SVT_UINT8: assert(g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Cols == 1); // uint8_t arrays not supported pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(uint8_t); // Store an offset for destination instead of a pointer so that it's easy to relocate it later break; case D3D_SVT_BOOL: case D3D_SVT_INT: case D3D_SVT_UINT: case D3D_SVT_FLOAT: pAssignment->DataSize = SType::c_ScalarSize * g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Cols; break; case D3D_SVT_RASTERIZER: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SRasterizerBlock); break; case D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCIL: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SDepthStencilBlock); break; case D3D_SVT_BLEND: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SBlendBlock); break; case D3D_SVT_VERTEXSHADER: case D3D_SVT_GEOMETRYSHADER: case D3D_SVT_PIXELSHADER: case D3D_SVT_HULLSHADER: case D3D_SVT_DOMAINSHADER: case D3D_SVT_COMPUTESHADER: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SShaderBlock); break; case D3D_SVT_TEXTURE: case D3D_SVT_TEXTURE1D: case D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2D: case D3D_SVT_TEXTURE2DMS: case D3D_SVT_TEXTURE3D: case D3D_SVT_TEXTURECUBE: case D3D_SVT_TEXTURECUBEARRAY: case D3D_SVT_BYTEADDRESS_BUFFER: case D3D_SVT_STRUCTURED_BUFFER: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SShaderResource); break; case D3D_SVT_RENDERTARGETVIEW: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SRenderTargetView); break; case D3D_SVT_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SDepthStencilView); break; case D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1D: case D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE1DARRAY: case D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2D: case D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE2DARRAY: case D3D_SVT_RWTEXTURE3D: case D3D_SVT_RWBUFFER: case D3D_SVT_RWBYTEADDRESS_BUFFER: case D3D_SVT_RWSTRUCTURED_BUFFER: case D3D_SVT_APPEND_STRUCTURED_BUFFER: case D3D_SVT_CONSUME_STRUCTURED_BUFFER: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView); break; case D3D_SVT_INTERFACE_POINTER: pAssignment->DataSize = sizeof(SInterface); break; default: assert(0); VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid assignment type."); } uint32_t lhsStride; if( g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Stride > 0 ) lhsStride = g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Stride; else lhsStride = pAssignment->DataSize; // Store only the destination offset so that the backing store pointers can be easily fixed up later pAssignment->Destination.Offset = g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Offset + lhsStride * psAssignments[i].Index; // As a result, you should use pLHS in this function instead of the destination pointer pLHS = pBackingStore + pAssignment->Destination.Offset; switch (psAssignments[i].AssignmentType) { case ECAT_Constant: // e.g. LHS = 1; or LHS = nullptr; uint32_t *pNumConstants; SBinaryConstant *pConstants; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(uint32_t), (void**) &pNumConstants), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read NumConstants." ); VHD( m_msUnstructured.Read((void **)&pConstants, sizeof(SBinaryConstant) * (*pNumConstants)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read constants." ); if(pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment()) { // make sure this is a nullptr assignment VBD( *pNumConstants == 1 && (pConstants[0].Type == EST_Int || pConstants[0].Type == EST_UInt) && pConstants[0].iValue == 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: non-nullptr constant assignment to object."); switch (pAssignment->LhsType) { case ELHS_DepthStencilBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullDepthStencil; break; case ELHS_BlendBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullBlend; break; case ELHS_RasterizerBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullRasterizer; break; case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullVS; break; case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullPS; break; case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullGS; break; case ELHS_HullShaderBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullHS; break; case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullDS; break; case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullCS; break; case ELHS_Texture: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullTexture; break; case ELHS_DepthStencilView: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullDepthStencilView; break; case ELHS_RenderTargetView: *((void **)pLHS) = &g_NullRenderTargetView; break; default: assert(0); } } else { VBD( *pNumConstants == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Cols, "Internal loading error: mismatch constant count." ); for (j = 0; j < *pNumConstants; ++ j) { VH( ExecuteConstantAssignment(pConstants + j, pLHS, g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type) ); pLHS += SType::c_ScalarSize; // arrays of constants will always be regular scalar sized, never byte-sized } } // Can get rid of this assignment break; case ECAT_Variable: // e.g. LHS = myVar; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable name." ); VBD( pVar = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find variable name." ); if (pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment()) { VBD( pVar->pType->VarType == EVT_Object && GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(pVar->pType->ObjectType) == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type, "Loading error: invalid variable type or object type." ); // Write directly into the state block's backing store *((void **)pLHS) = pVar->Data.pGeneric; // Now we can get rid of this assignment } else { VBD( pVar->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer(), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: assignment type mismatch." ); pAssignment->DependencyCount = 1; VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] ); pAssignment->pDependencies->pVariable = pVar; // Store an offset for numeric values instead of a pointer so that it's easy to relocate it later pAssignment->Source.Offset = pVar->Data.Offset; pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_NumericVariable; // Can't get rid of this assignment ++ finalAssignments; } break; case ECAT_ConstIndex: // e.g. LHS = myGS[1] SBinaryAssignment::SConstantIndex *psConstIndex; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psConstIndex), (void**) &psConstIndex), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read assignment initializer." ); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psConstIndex->oArrayName, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read array name." ); VBD( pVarArray = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find array name." ); if (pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment()) { VBD( psConstIndex->Index < pVarArray->pType->Elements, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: out of bounds array index." ); VBD( pVarArray->pType->VarType == EVT_Object && GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(pVarArray->pType->ObjectType) == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type, "Loading error: invalid variable type or object type." ); // Write directly into the state block's backing store *((void **)pLHS) = GetBlockByIndex(pVarArray->pType->VarType, pVarArray->pType->ObjectType, pVarArray->Data.pGeneric, psConstIndex->Index); VBD( nullptr != *((void **)pLHS), "Internal loading error: invalid block." ); // Now we can get rid of this assignment } else { VBD( pVarArray->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer(), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: assignment type mismatch." ); pAssignment->DependencyCount = 1; VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] ); pAssignment->pDependencies->pVariable = pVarArray; CCheckedDword chkDataLen = psConstIndex->Index; uint32_t dataLen; chkDataLen *= SType::c_ScalarSize; chkDataLen += pAssignment->DataSize; VHD( chkDataLen.GetValue(&dataLen), "Overflow: assignment size." ); VBD( dataLen <= pVarArray->pType->TotalSize, "Internal loading error: assignment size mismatch" ); pAssignment->Source.Offset = pVarArray->Data.Offset + psConstIndex->Index * SType::c_ScalarSize; // _NumericConstIndex is not used here because _NumericVariable // does the same stuff in a more general fashion with no perf hit. pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_NumericVariable; // Can't get rid of this assignment ++ finalAssignments; } break; case ECAT_VariableIndex: // e.g. LHS = myVar[numLights]; SBinaryAssignment::SVariableIndex *psVarIndex; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psVarIndex), (void**) &psVarIndex), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read assignment initializer." ); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psVarIndex->oArrayName, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable name." ); VBD( pVarArray = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find variable name." ); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psVarIndex->oIndexVarName, &pGlobalVarName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read index variable name." ); VBD( pVarIndex = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pGlobalVarName), "Loading error: cannot find index variable name." ); // Only support integer indices VBD( pVarIndex->pType->VarType == EVT_Numeric && (pVarIndex->pType->NumericType.ScalarType == EST_Int || pVarIndex->pType->NumericType.ScalarType == EST_UInt), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid index variable type."); VBD( pVarArray->pType->Elements > 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: array variable is not an array." ); pVarIndex->pCB->IsUsedByExpression = true; if (pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment()) { VBD( pVarArray->pType->VarType == EVT_Object && GetSimpleParameterTypeFromObjectType(pVarArray->pType->ObjectType) == g_lvGeneral[psAssignments[i].iState].m_Type, "Loading error: invalid variable type or object type." ); // MaxElements is only 16-bits wide VBD( pVarArray->pType->Elements <= 0xFFFF, "Internal error: array size is too large." ); pAssignment->MaxElements = pVarArray->pType->Elements; pAssignment->DependencyCount = 1; VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] ); pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable = pVarIndex; // Point this assignment to the start of the variable's object array. // When this assignment is dirty, we write the value of this pointer plus // the index given by its one dependency directly into the destination pAssignment->Source = pVarArray->Data; pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_ObjectVariableIndex; } else { VBD( pVarArray->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer(), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: assignment type mismatch." ); pAssignment->DependencyCount = 2; VN( pAssignment->pDependencies = PRIVATENEW SAssignment::SDependency[pAssignment->DependencyCount] ); pAssignment->pDependencies[0].pVariable = pVarIndex; pAssignment->pDependencies[1].pVariable = pVarArray; // When pVarIndex is updated, we update the source pointer. // When pVarArray is updated, we copy data from the source to the destination. pAssignment->Source.pGeneric = nullptr; pAssignment->AssignmentType = ERAT_NumericVariableIndex; } // Can't get rid of this assignment ++ finalAssignments; break; case ECAT_ExpressionIndex:// e.g. LHS = myVar[a + b * c]; case ECAT_Expression: // e.g. LHS = a + b * c; // we do not support FXLVM VHD( E_NOTIMPL, "FXLVM Expressions (complex assignments like myVar[i*2]) are not supported in Effects11." ); break; case ECAT_InlineShader: case ECAT_InlineShader5: uint32_t cbShaderBin; uint8_t *pShaderBin; SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock; SAnonymousShader *pAnonShader; union { SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader *psInlineShader; SBinaryShaderData5 *psInlineShader5; }; // Inline shader assignments must be object types assert(pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment()); C_ASSERT( offsetof(SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader,oShader) == offsetof(SBinaryShaderData5,oShader) ); C_ASSERT( offsetof(SBinaryAssignment::SInlineShader,oSODecl) == offsetof(SBinaryShaderData5,oSODecls) ); if( psAssignments[i].AssignmentType == ECAT_InlineShader ) { VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psInlineShader), (void**) &psInlineShader), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader." ); } else { VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psAssignments[i].oInitializer, sizeof(*psInlineShader5), (void**) &psInlineShader5), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader." ); } VBD( m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount < m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Internal loading error: shader count is out incorrect." ); VBD( m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount < m_pHeader->cInlineShaders, "Internal loading error: anonymous shader count is out incorrect." ); pShaderBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount]; pAnonShader = &m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders[m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount]; pAnonShader->pShaderBlock = pShaderBlock; ++ m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; ++ m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount; // Write directly into the state block's backing store *((void **)pLHS) = pShaderBlock; VHD( GetUnstructuredDataBlock(psInlineShader->oShader, &cbShaderBin, (void **) &pShaderBin), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader block." ); if (cbShaderBin > 0) { VN( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock::SReflectionData ); pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength = cbShaderBin; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode = (uint8_t*) pShaderBin; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0] = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[1] = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[2] = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[3] = nullptr; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = 0; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->IsNullGS = FALSE; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection = nullptr; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = 0; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters = nullptr; } switch (pAssignment->LhsType) { case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtPS; VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: pixel shaders cannot have stream out decls." ); break; case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS; if( psAssignments[i].AssignmentType == ECAT_InlineShader ) { if (psInlineShader->oSODecl) { // This is a GS with SO VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineShader->oSODecl, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0]), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read SO decl." ); } } else { // This is a GS with addressable stream out for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < psInlineShader5->cSODecls; ++iDecl ) { if (psInlineShader5->oSODecls[iDecl]) { VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineShader5->oSODecls[iDecl], &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl]), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read SO decl." ); } } pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = psInlineShader5->RasterizedStream; } break; case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtVS; VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: vertex shaders cannot have stream out decls." ); break; case ELHS_HullShaderBlock: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtHS; VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: hull shaders cannot have stream out decls." ); break; case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtDS; VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: domain shaders cannot have stream out decls." ); break; case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtCS; VBD( psInlineShader->oSODecl == 0, "Internal loading error: compute shaders cannot have stream out decls." ); break; case ELHS_GeometryShaderSO: assert(0); // Should never happen default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: invalid shader type." ); } if( psAssignments[i].AssignmentType == ECAT_InlineShader5 ) { pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings; VH( GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings, psInlineShader5->oInterfaceBindings, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters ) ); } // Now we can get rid of this assignment break; default: assert(0); } } *pFinalAssignments = finalAssignments; if (pRTVAssignments) *pRTVAssignments = renderTargetViewAssns; lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize an object variable HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadObjectVariables() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t cBlocks = m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables; for (size_t iBlock=0; iBlockm_VariableCount < (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables), "Internal loading error: variable count mismatch." ); pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount]; // Get type VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psBlock->oType) ); // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created VH( PlacementNewVariable(pVar, pType, false) ); pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect; pVar->pType = pType; pVar->pCB = nullptr; pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = psBlock->ExplicitBindPoint; if( pType->IsStateBlockObject() ) { pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount * sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) + 4; m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount += std::max(pType->Elements,1); } // Get name VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psBlock->oName, &pVar->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object variable name." ); VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psBlock->oSemantic, &pVar->pSemantic), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read object variable semantic." ); m_pEffect->m_VariableCount++; elementsToRead = std::max(1, pType->Elements); chkElementsTotal = elementsToRead; if (pType->IsStateBlockObject()) { // State blocks EBlockType blockType; uint32_t *maxBlockCount; uint32_t *currentBlockCount; switch (pType->ObjectType) { case EOT_Blend: pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks[m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount]; maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cBlendStateBlocks; currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount; blockType = EBT_Blend; break; case EOT_DepthStencil: pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks[m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount]; maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cDepthStencilBlocks; currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount; blockType = EBT_DepthStencil; break; case EOT_Rasterizer: pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks[m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount]; maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cRasterizerStateBlocks; currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount; blockType = EBT_Rasterizer; break; default: VB(pType->IsSampler()); pVar->Data.pBlock = &m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks[m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount]; maxBlockCount = &m_pHeader->cSamplers; currentBlockCount = &m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount; blockType = EBT_Sampler; } chkElementsTotal += *currentBlockCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: vaiable elements." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= *maxBlockCount, "Internal loading error: element count overflow." ); *currentBlockCount += elementsToRead; for (uint32_t iElement = 0; iElement < elementsToRead; ++ iElement) { SBaseBlock *pCurrentBlock; uint32_t cAssignments; pCurrentBlock = (SBaseBlock *) GetBlockByIndex(pVar->pType->VarType, pVar->pType->ObjectType, pVar->Data.pGeneric, iElement); VBD( nullptr != pCurrentBlock, "Internal loading error: find state block." ); pCurrentBlock->BlockType = blockType; VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&cAssignments), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read state block assignments." ); VH( LoadAssignments( cAssignments, &pCurrentBlock->pAssignments, (uint8_t*)pCurrentBlock, nullptr, &pCurrentBlock->AssignmentCount ) ); } } else if (pType->IsShader()) { // Shaders chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: shader block count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cTotalShaders, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: shader count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pShader = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount]; for (size_t iElement=0; iElementm_pShaderBlocks[m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount]; m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount++; // Get shader binary switch (pType->ObjectType) { case EOT_VertexShader: case EOT_GeometryShader: case EOT_PixelShader: VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**)&pOffset, sizeof(*pOffset)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read shader block." ); break; case EOT_GeometryShaderSO: VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**)&psInlineGSSO4, sizeof(*psInlineGSSO4)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline GS with SO." ); break; case EOT_VertexShader5: case EOT_GeometryShader5: case EOT_HullShader5: case EOT_DomainShader5: case EOT_PixelShader5: case EOT_ComputeShader5: VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**)&psInlineShader5, sizeof(*psInlineShader5)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read inline shader." ); break; default: VH( E_FAIL ); } VHD( GetUnstructuredDataBlock(*pOffset, &cbShaderBin, &pShaderBin), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read shader byte code." ); if (cbShaderBin > 0) { VN( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData = PRIVATENEW SShaderBlock::SReflectionData ); pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength = cbShaderBin; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode = (uint8_t*) pShaderBin; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0] = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[1] = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[2] = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[3] = nullptr; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = 0; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->IsNullGS = FALSE; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection = nullptr; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = 0; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters = nullptr; } switch (pType->ObjectType) { case EOT_PixelShader: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtPS; break; case EOT_GeometryShaderSO: // Get StreamOut decl //VH( m_msStructured.Read(&dwOffset) ); if (cbShaderBin > 0) { VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineGSSO4->oSODecl, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[0]), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read stream out decl." ); } pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS; break; case EOT_VertexShader5: case EOT_GeometryShader5: case EOT_HullShader5: case EOT_DomainShader5: case EOT_PixelShader5: case EOT_ComputeShader5: // Get StreamOut decls if (cbShaderBin > 0) { for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < psInlineShader5->cSODecls; ++iDecl ) { VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psInlineShader5->oSODecls[iDecl], &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl]), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read stream out decls." ); } pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->RasterizedStream = psInlineShader5->RasterizedStream; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount = psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings; VH( GetInterfaceParametersAndAddToReflection( psInlineShader5->cInterfaceBindings, psInlineShader5->oInterfaceBindings, &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters ) ); } switch (pType->ObjectType) { case EOT_VertexShader5: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtVS; break; case EOT_GeometryShader5: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS; break; case EOT_HullShader5: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtHS; break; case EOT_DomainShader5: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtDS; break; case EOT_PixelShader5: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtPS; break; case EOT_ComputeShader5: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtCS; break; default: VH( E_FAIL ); } break; case EOT_GeometryShader: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtGS; break; case EOT_VertexShader: pShaderBlock->pVT = &g_vtVS; break; default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid shader type." ); } } } else if (pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String)) { // Strings chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_StringCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: string object count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cStrings, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: string count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pString = &m_pEffect->m_pStrings[m_pEffect->m_StringCount]; for (size_t iElement=0; iElementm_pStrings[m_pEffect->m_StringCount]; m_pEffect->m_StringCount++; // Get string VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&dwOffset), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string offset." ); VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(dwOffset, &pString->pString), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string." ); } } else if (pType->IsShaderResource()) { // Textures/buffers chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: SRV object count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cShaderResources, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: SRV count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pShaderResource = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources[m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount]; m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount += elementsToRead; } else if (pType->IsUnorderedAccessView()) { // UnorderedAccessViews chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: UAV object count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cUnorderedAccessViews, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: UAV count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pUnorderedAccessView = &m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews[m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount]; m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount += elementsToRead; } else if (pType->IsRenderTargetView()) { // RenderTargets chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: RTV object count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cRenderTargetViews, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: RTV count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pRenderTargetView = &m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews[m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount]; m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount += elementsToRead; } else if (pType->IsDepthStencilView()) { // DepthStencilViews chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: DSV object count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cDepthStencilViews, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: DSV count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pDepthStencilView = &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews[m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount]; m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount += elementsToRead; } else { VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: DSV count mismatch." ); } // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pVar->AnnotationCount, &pVar->pAnnotations) ); } lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize an interface variable HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadInterfaceVariables() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t iBlock; uint32_t cBlocks; cBlocks = m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables; for (iBlock=0; iBlockm_VariableCount < (m_pHeader->Effect.cObjectVariables + m_pHeader->Effect.cNumericVariables + m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariables), "Internal loading error: variable count mismatch." ); pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[m_pEffect->m_VariableCount]; // Get type VH( LoadTypeAndAddToPool(&pType, psBlock->oType) ); // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created VH( PlacementNewVariable(pVar, pType, false) ); pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect; pVar->pType = pType; pVar->pCB = nullptr; pVar->ExplicitBindPoint = (uint32_t)-1; pVar->pSemantic = nullptr; // Get name VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psBlock->oName, &pVar->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface name." ); m_pEffect->m_VariableCount++; elementsToRead = std::max(1, pType->Elements); chkElementsTotal = elementsToRead; VBD( pType->IsInterface(), "Internal loading error: invlaid type for interface." ); chkElementsTotal += m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount; VHD( chkElementsTotal.GetValue(&elementsTotal), "Overflow: interface count." ); VBD( elementsTotal <= m_pHeader->cInterfaceVariableElements, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: interface count mismatch." ); pVar->Data.pInterface = &m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces[m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount]; m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount += elementsToRead; // Get default value if (0 != psBlock->oDefaultValue) { VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(psBlock->oDefaultValue, elementsToRead * sizeof(SBinaryInterfaceInitializer), &pDefaultValue), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer offset." ); for( size_t i=0; i < elementsToRead; i++ ) { SBinaryInterfaceInitializer* pInterfaceInit = &((SBinaryInterfaceInitializer*)pDefaultValue)[i]; LPCSTR pClassInstanceName; VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(pInterfaceInit->oInstanceName, &pClassInstanceName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read interface initializer." ); SGlobalVariable *pCIVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pClassInstanceName); VBD( pCIVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find class instance for interface initializer." ); VBD( pCIVariable->pType->IsClassInstance(), "Loading error: variable type mismatch for interface initializer." ); if( pInterfaceInit->ArrayIndex == (uint32_t)-1 ) { VBD( pCIVariable->pType->Elements == 0, "Loading error: array mismatch for interface initializer." ); pVar->Data.pInterface[i].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pCIVariable; } else { VBD( pCIVariable->pType->Elements > 0, "Loading error: array mismatch for interface initializer." ); VBD( pInterfaceInit->ArrayIndex < pCIVariable->pType->Elements, "Loading error: array index out of range." ); SMember* pMember = (SMember*)pCIVariable->GetElement( pInterfaceInit->ArrayIndex ); VBD( pMember->IsValid(), "Loading error: cannot find member by name." ); VBD( pMember->pType->IsClassInstance(), "Loading error: member type mismatch for interface initializer." ); pVar->Data.pInterface[i].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pMember; } } } // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pVar->AnnotationCount, &pVar->pAnnotations) ); } lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a group (and contained techniques and passes) HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadGroups() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t TechniquesInEffect = 0; for( size_t iGroup=0; iGroupcGroups; iGroup++ ) { SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[iGroup]; SBinaryGroup *psGroup; // Read group info VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psGroup, sizeof(*psGroup)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read group." ); pGroup->TechniqueCount = psGroup->cTechniques; VN( pGroup->pTechniques = PRIVATENEW STechnique[pGroup->TechniqueCount] ); VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psGroup->oName, &pGroup->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read group name." ); if( pGroup->pName == nullptr ) { VBD( m_pEffect->m_pNullGroup == nullptr, "Internal loading error: multiple nullptr groups." ); m_pEffect->m_pNullGroup = pGroup; } // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pGroup->AnnotationCount, &pGroup->pAnnotations) ); for( size_t iTechnique=0; iTechnique < psGroup->cTechniques; iTechnique++ ) { VH( LoadTechnique( &pGroup->pTechniques[iTechnique] ) ); } TechniquesInEffect += psGroup->cTechniques; } VBD( TechniquesInEffect == m_pHeader->cTechniques, "Loading error: technique count mismatch." ); m_pEffect->m_TechniqueCount = m_pHeader->cTechniques; m_pEffect->m_GroupCount = m_pHeader->cGroups; lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a technique (and contained passes) HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadTechnique( STechnique* pTech ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t iPass; SBinaryTechnique *psTech; // Read technique info VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psTech, sizeof(*psTech)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read technique." ); pTech->PassCount = psTech->cPasses; VN( pTech->pPasses = PRIVATENEW SPassBlock[pTech->PassCount] ); VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psTech->oName, &pTech->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read technique name." ); // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pTech->AnnotationCount, &pTech->pAnnotations) ); for (iPass=0; iPasscPasses; iPass++) { SBinaryPass *psPass; SPassBlock *pPass = &pTech->pPasses[iPass]; // Read pass info VHD( m_msStructured.Read((void**) &psPass, sizeof(SBinaryPass)), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read pass." ); VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psPass->oName, &pPass->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read pass name." ); // Read annotations VH( LoadAnnotations(&pPass->AnnotationCount, &pPass->pAnnotations) ); VH( LoadAssignments( psPass->cAssignments, &pPass->pAssignments, (uint8_t*)pPass, &pPass->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount, &pPass->AssignmentCount ) ); VBD( pPass->BackingStore.RenderTargetViewCount <= D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: too many RTVs in pass." ); // Initialize other pass information pPass->pEffect = m_pEffect; pPass->BlockType = EBT_Pass; } lExit: return hr; } // Read info from the compiled blob and initialize a set of annotations HRESULT CEffectLoader::LoadAnnotations(uint32_t *pcAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t cAnnotations, i, oData; SAnnotation *pAnnotations = nullptr; VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&cAnnotations), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read anootation count." ); if (cAnnotations) { uint32_t annotationsSize; CCheckedDword chkAnnotationsSize; chkAnnotationsSize = cAnnotations; chkAnnotationsSize *= sizeof(SAnnotation); VHD( chkAnnotationsSize.GetValue(&annotationsSize), "Overflow in annotations." ); // we allocate raw bytes for annotations because they are polymorphic types that need to be placement new'ed VN( pAnnotations = (SAnnotation *) PRIVATENEW uint8_t[annotationsSize] ); for (i=0; ioType) ); // Make sure the right polymorphic type is created VH( PlacementNewVariable(pAn, pType, true) ); pAn->pEffect = m_pEffect; pAn->pType = pType; VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(psAnnotation->oName, &pAn->pName), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read annotation name." ); if (pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String)) { uint32_t cElements = std::max(1, pType->Elements); uint32_t j; VN( pAn->Data.pString = PRIVATENEW SString[cElements] ); for (j = 0; j < cElements; ++ j) { // Read initializer offset VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&oData), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string." ); #pragma warning( disable : 6011 ) VHD( GetStringAndAddToReflection(oData, &pAn->Data.pString[j].pString), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read string initializer." ); } } else if (pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer()) { void *pDefaultValue; uint32_t bytesUnpacked; // Read initializer offset VHD( m_msStructured.Read(&oData), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read annotation." ); VBD( oData != 0, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid anotation offset." ); VN( pAn->Data.pGeneric = PRIVATENEW uint8_t[pType->TotalSize] ); ZeroMemory(pAn->Data.pGeneric, pType->TotalSize); VHD( m_msUnstructured.ReadAtOffset(oData, pType->PackedSize, &pDefaultValue), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: cannot read variable default value." ); VH( UnpackData((uint8_t*) pAn->Data.pGeneric, (uint8_t*) pDefaultValue, pType->PackedSize, pType, &bytesUnpacked) ); VBD( bytesUnpacked == pType->PackedSize, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: packed sizes to not match." ); } else { VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid annotation type." ); } } } *pcAnnotations = cAnnotations; *ppAnnotations = pAnnotations; lExit: return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build shader block dependencies from shader metadata ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Grabs shader resource dependency information from the bytecode of the shader // (cbuffer, tbuffer, texture, buffer, sampler, and UAV dependencies), // and sets up the given SShaderBlock to point to the dependencies within the effect // HRESULT CEffectLoader::GrabShaderData(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CEffectVector vRanges[ER_Count], *pvRange; SRange *pRange = nullptr; CEffectVector vTBuffers; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Step 1: iterate through the resource binding structures and build // an "optimized" list of all of the dependencies D3D11_SHADER_DESC ShaderDesc; hr = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetDesc( &ShaderDesc ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; // Since we have the shader desc, let's find out if this is a nullptr GS if( D3D11_SHVER_GET_TYPE( ShaderDesc.Version ) == D3D11_SHVER_VERTEX_SHADER && pShaderBlock->GetShaderType() == EOT_GeometryShader ) { pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->IsNullGS = true; } pShaderBlock->CBDepCount = pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount = pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount = pShaderBlock->SampDepCount = 0; pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount = pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount = 0; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ShaderDesc.BoundResources; i++) { LPCSTR pName; uint32_t bindPoint, size; ERanges eRange = ER_CBuffer; SShaderResource *pShaderResource = nullptr; SUnorderedAccessView *pUnorderedAccessView = nullptr; SSamplerBlock *pSampler = nullptr; SConstantBuffer *pCB = nullptr; SVariable *pVariable = nullptr; bool isFX9TextureLoad = false; D3D11_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC ResourceDesc; pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetResourceBindingDesc( i, &ResourceDesc ); // HUGE ASSUMPTION: the bindpoints we read in the shader metadata are sorted; // i.e. bindpoints are steadily increasing // If this assumption is not met, then we will hit an assert below pName = ResourceDesc.Name; bindPoint = ResourceDesc.BindPoint; size = ResourceDesc.BindCount; switch( ResourceDesc.Type ) { case D3D_SIT_CBUFFER: eRange = ER_CBuffer; pCB = m_pEffect->FindCB(pName); VBD( nullptr != pCB, "Loading error: cannot find cbuffer." ); VBD( size == 1, "Loading error: cbuffer arrays are not supported." ); break; case D3D_SIT_TBUFFER: eRange = ER_Texture; pCB = m_pEffect->FindCB(pName); VBD( nullptr != pCB, "Loading error: cannot find tbuffer." ); VBD( false != pCB->IsTBuffer, "Loading error: cbuffer found where tbuffer is expected." ); VBD( size == 1, "Loading error: tbuffer arrays are not supported." ); pShaderResource = &pCB->TBuffer; break; case D3D_SIT_TEXTURE: case D3D_SIT_STRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_BYTEADDRESS: { eRange = ER_Texture; pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByNameWithParsing(pName); VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find SRV variable." ); uint32_t elements = std::max(1, pVariable->pType->Elements); VBD( size <= elements, "Loading error: SRV array size mismatch." ); if (pVariable->pType->IsShaderResource()) { // this is just a straight texture assignment pShaderResource = pVariable->Data.pShaderResource; } else { // This is a FX9/HLSL9-style texture load instruction that specifies only a sampler VBD( pVariable->pType->IsSampler(), "Loading error: shader dependency is neither an SRV nor sampler."); isFX9TextureLoad = true; pSampler = pVariable->Data.pSampler; // validate that all samplers actually used (i.e. based on size, not elements) in this variable have a valid TEXTURE assignment for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j) { if (nullptr == pSampler[j].BackingStore.pTexture) { // print spew appropriately for samplers vs sampler arrays if (0 == pVariable->pType->Elements) { DPF(0, "%s: Sampler %s does not have a texture bound to it, even though the sampler is used in a DX9-style texture load instruction", g_szEffectLoadArea, pName); } else { DPF(0, "%s: Sampler %s[%u] does not have a texture bound to it, even though the sampler array is used in a DX9-style texture load instruction", g_szEffectLoadArea, pName, j); } VH( E_FAIL ); } } } } break; case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWTYPED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWSTRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWBYTEADDRESS: case D3D_SIT_UAV_APPEND_STRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_CONSUME_STRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWSTRUCTURED_WITH_COUNTER: eRange = ER_UnorderedAccessView; pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByNameWithParsing(pName); VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find UAV variable." ); VBD( size <= std::max(1, pVariable->pType->Elements), "Loading error: UAV array index out of range." ); VBD( pVariable->pType->IsUnorderedAccessView(), "Loading error: UAV variable expected." ); pUnorderedAccessView = pVariable->Data.pUnorderedAccessView; break; case D3D_SIT_SAMPLER: eRange = ER_Sampler; pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByNameWithParsing(pName); VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find sampler variable." ); VBD( size <= std::max(1, pVariable->pType->Elements), "Loading error: sampler array index out of range." ); VBD( pVariable->pType->IsSampler(), "Loading error: sampler variable expected." ); pSampler = pVariable->Data.pSampler; break; default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: unexpected shader dependency type." ); }; // // Here's where the "optimized" part comes in; whenever there's // a resource dependency, see if it's located contiguous to // an existing resource dependency and merge them together // if possible // uint32_t rangeCount; pvRange = &vRanges[eRange]; rangeCount = pvRange->GetSize(); if ( rangeCount > 0 ) { // Can we continue an existing range? pRange = &( (*pvRange)[rangeCount - 1] ); // Make sure that bind points are strictly increasing, // otherwise this algorithm breaks and we'd get worse runtime performance assert(pRange->last <= bindPoint); if ( pRange->last != bindPoint ) { if( eRange != ER_UnorderedAccessView ) { // No we can't. Begin a new range by setting rangeCount to 0 and triggering the next IF rangeCount = 0; } else { // UAVs will always be located in one range, as they are more expensive to set while(pRange->last < bindPoint) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(&g_NullUnorderedAccessView), "Internal loading error: cannot add UAV to range." ); pRange->last++; } } } } if ( rangeCount == 0 ) { VN( pRange = pvRange->Add() ); pRange->start = bindPoint; } pRange->last = bindPoint + size; switch( ResourceDesc.Type ) { case D3D_SIT_CBUFFER: VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pCB), "Internal loading error: cannot add cbuffer to range." ); break; case D3D_SIT_TBUFFER: VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pShaderResource), "Internal loading error: cannot add tbuffer to range." ); VHD( vTBuffers.Add( (SConstantBuffer*)pCB ), "Internal loading error: cannot add tbuffer to vector." ); break; case D3D_SIT_TEXTURE: case D3D_SIT_STRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_BYTEADDRESS: if (isFX9TextureLoad) { // grab all of the textures from each sampler for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pSampler[j].BackingStore.pTexture), "Internal loading error: cannot add SRV to range." ); } } else { // add the whole array for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pShaderResource + j), "Internal loading error: cannot add SRV to range." ); } } break; case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWTYPED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWSTRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWBYTEADDRESS: case D3D_SIT_UAV_APPEND_STRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_CONSUME_STRUCTURED: case D3D_SIT_UAV_RWSTRUCTURED_WITH_COUNTER: // add the whole array for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pUnorderedAccessView + j), "Internal loading error: cannot add UAV to range." ); } break; case D3D_SIT_SAMPLER: // add the whole array for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pSampler + j), "Internal loading error: cannot add sampler to range." ); } break; default: VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: unexpected shader dependency type." ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Step 2: iterate through the interfaces and build // an "optimized" list of all of the dependencies uint32_t NumInterfaces = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetNumInterfaceSlots(); uint32_t CurInterfaceParameter = 0; if( NumInterfaces > 0 ) { assert( ShaderDesc.ConstantBuffers > 0 ); for( uint32_t i=0; i < ShaderDesc.ConstantBuffers; i++ ) { ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* pCB = pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection->GetConstantBufferByIndex(i); VN( pCB ); D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC CBDesc; VHD( pCB->GetDesc( &CBDesc ), "Internal loading error: cannot get CB desc." ); if( CBDesc.Type != D3D11_CT_INTERFACE_POINTERS ) { continue; } for( uint32_t iVar=0; iVar < CBDesc.Variables; iVar++ ) { ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* pInterfaceVar = pCB->GetVariableByIndex( iVar ); VN( pInterfaceVar ); D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC InterfaceDesc; VHD( pInterfaceVar->GetDesc(&InterfaceDesc), "Internal load error: cannot get IV desc."); LPCSTR pName; uint32_t bindPoint, size; SGlobalVariable *pVariable = nullptr; SInterface *pInterface = nullptr; uint32_t VariableElements; pName = InterfaceDesc.Name; bindPoint = InterfaceDesc.StartOffset; size = InterfaceDesc.Size; if( bindPoint == (uint32_t)-1 ) { continue; } assert( InterfaceDesc.uFlags & D3D11_SVF_INTERFACE_POINTER ); if( InterfaceDesc.uFlags & D3D11_SVF_INTERFACE_PARAMETER ) { // This interface pointer is a parameter to the shader if( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount == 0 ) { // There may be no interface parameters in this shader if it was compiled but had no interfaced bound to it. // The shader cannot be set (correctly) in any pass. continue; } else { VBD( CurInterfaceParameter < pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount, "Internal loading error: interface count mismatch."); SShaderBlock::SInterfaceParameter* pInterfaceInfo; pInterfaceInfo = &pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters[CurInterfaceParameter]; ++CurInterfaceParameter; SGlobalVariable *pParent = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pInterfaceInfo->pName); VBD( pParent != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find parent type." ); if( pInterfaceInfo->Index == (uint32_t)-1 ) { pVariable = pParent; VariableElements = pVariable->pType->Elements; } else { // We want a specific index of the variable (ex. "MyVar[2]") VBD( size == 1, "Loading error: interface array type mismatch." ); pVariable = (SGlobalVariable*)pParent->GetElement( pInterfaceInfo->Index ); VBD( pVariable->IsValid(), "Loading error: interface array index out of range." ); VariableElements = 0; } } } else { // This interface pointer is a global interface used in the shader pVariable = m_pEffect->FindVariableByName(pName); VBD( pVariable != nullptr, "Loading error: cannot find interface variable." ); VariableElements = pVariable->pType->Elements; } VBD( size <= std::max(1, VariableElements), "Loading error: interface array size mismatch." ); if( pVariable->pType->IsInterface() ) { pInterface = pVariable->Data.pInterface; } else if( pVariable->pType->IsClassInstance() ) { // For class instances, we create background interfaces which point to the class instance. This is done so // the shader can always expect SInterface dependencies, rather than a mix of SInterfaces and class instances VN( pInterface = PRIVATENEW SInterface[size] ); if( VariableElements == 0 ) { assert( size == 1 ); pInterface[0].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pVariable; m_BackgroundInterfaces.Add( &pInterface[0] ); } else { // Fill each element of the SInstance array individually VBD( size == VariableElements, "Loading error: class instance array size mismatch." ); for( uint32_t iElement=0; iElement < size; iElement++ ) { SGlobalVariable *pElement = (SGlobalVariable*)pVariable->GetElement( iElement ); VBD( pElement->IsValid(), "Internal loading error: class instance array index out of range." ); pInterface[iElement].pClassInstance = (SClassInstanceGlobalVariable*)pElement; m_BackgroundInterfaces.Add( &pInterface[iElement] ); } } } else { VHD( E_FAIL, "Loading error: invalid interface initializer variable type."); } // // Here's where the "optimized" part comes in; whenever there's // a resource dependency, see if it's located contiguous to // an existing resource dependency and merge them together // if possible // uint32_t rangeCount; pvRange = &vRanges[ER_Interfaces]; rangeCount = pvRange->GetSize(); VBD( rangeCount <= 1, "Internal loading error: invalid range count." ); if ( rangeCount == 0 ) { VN( pRange = pvRange->Add() ); pRange->start = pRange->last = 0; } else { pRange = &( (*pvRange)[0] ); } if( bindPoint < pRange->last ) { // add interfaces into the range that already exists VBD( bindPoint + size < pRange->last, "Internal loading error: range overlap." ); for( uint32_t j = 0; j < size; ++ j ) { pRange->vResources[j + bindPoint] = pInterface + j; } } else { // add interfaces to the end of the range // add missing interface slots, if necessary while(pRange->last < bindPoint) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(&g_NullInterface), "Internal loading error: cannot add nullptr interface to range." ); pRange->last++; } assert( bindPoint == pRange->last ); for( size_t j=0; j < size; ++ j ) { VHD( pRange->vResources.Add(pInterface + j), "Internal loading error: cannot at interface to range." ); } pRange->last = bindPoint + size; } } // There is only one interface cbuffer break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Step 3: allocate room in pShaderBlock for all of the dependency // pointers and then hook them up pShaderBlock->SampDepCount = vRanges[ ER_Sampler ].GetSize(); pShaderBlock->CBDepCount = vRanges[ ER_CBuffer ].GetSize(); pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount = vRanges[ ER_Interfaces ].GetSize(); pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount = vRanges[ ER_Texture ].GetSize(); pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount = vRanges[ ER_UnorderedAccessView ].GetSize(); pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount = vTBuffers.GetSize(); VN( pShaderBlock->pSampDeps = PRIVATENEW SShaderSamplerDependency[pShaderBlock->SampDepCount] ); VN( pShaderBlock->pCBDeps = PRIVATENEW SShaderCBDependency[pShaderBlock->CBDepCount] ); VN( pShaderBlock->pInterfaceDeps = PRIVATENEW SInterfaceDependency[pShaderBlock->InterfaceDepCount] ); VN( pShaderBlock->pResourceDeps = PRIVATENEW SShaderResourceDependency[pShaderBlock->ResourceDepCount] ); VN( pShaderBlock->pUAVDeps = PRIVATENEW SUnorderedAccessViewDependency[pShaderBlock->UAVDepCount] ); VN( pShaderBlock->ppTbufDeps = PRIVATENEW SConstantBuffer*[pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount] ); for (size_t i=0; iCBDepCount; ++i) { SShaderCBDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pCBDeps[i]; pRange = &vRanges[ER_CBuffer][i]; pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start; pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex; pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SConstantBuffer*[ pDep->Count ]; pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11Buffer*[ pDep->Count ]; assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize()); for (size_t j=0; jCount; ++j) { pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SConstantBuffer *)pRange->vResources[j]; pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr; } } for (size_t i=0; iSampDepCount; ++i) { SShaderSamplerDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pSampDeps[i]; pRange = &vRanges[ER_Sampler][i]; pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start; pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex; pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SSamplerBlock*[ pDep->Count ]; pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11SamplerState*[ pDep->Count ]; assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize()); for (size_t j=0; jCount; ++j) { pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SSamplerBlock *) pRange->vResources[j]; pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr; } } for (size_t i=0; iInterfaceDepCount; ++i) { SInterfaceDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pInterfaceDeps[i]; pRange = &vRanges[ER_Interfaces][i]; pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start; pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex; pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SInterface*[ pDep->Count ]; pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11ClassInstance*[ pDep->Count ]; assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize()); for (size_t j=0; jCount; ++j) { pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SInterface *) pRange->vResources[j]; pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr; } } for (size_t i=0; iResourceDepCount; ++i) { SShaderResourceDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pResourceDeps[i]; pRange = &vRanges[ER_Texture][i]; pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start; pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex; pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SShaderResource*[ pDep->Count ]; pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11ShaderResourceView*[ pDep->Count ]; assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize()); for (size_t j=0; jCount; ++j) { pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SShaderResource *) pRange->vResources[j]; pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr; } } for (size_t i=0; iUAVDepCount; ++i) { SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pDep = &pShaderBlock->pUAVDeps[i]; pRange = &vRanges[ER_UnorderedAccessView][i]; pDep->StartIndex = pRange->start; pDep->Count = pRange->last - pDep->StartIndex; pDep->ppFXPointers = PRIVATENEW SUnorderedAccessView*[ pDep->Count ]; pDep->ppD3DObjects = PRIVATENEW ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*[ pDep->Count ]; assert(pDep->Count == pRange->vResources.GetSize()); for (size_t j=0; jCount; ++j) { pDep->ppFXPointers[j] = (SUnorderedAccessView *) pRange->vResources[j]; pDep->ppD3DObjects[j] = nullptr; } } if (pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount > 0) { memcpy(pShaderBlock->ppTbufDeps, &vTBuffers[0], pShaderBlock->TBufferDepCount * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*)); } lExit: return hr; } // Create shader reflection interface and grab dependency info HRESULT CEffectLoader::BuildShaderBlock(SShaderBlock *pShaderBlock) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // unused shader block? that's not right VBD( pShaderBlock->pVT != nullptr, "Internal loading error: nullptr shader vtable." ); assert(pShaderBlock->pD3DObject == nullptr); if (nullptr == pShaderBlock->pReflectionData) { // File contains a shader variable without an assigned shader, or this is a null assignment. // Usually, this is called by one of these guys: // SetVertexShader( nullptr ); // or // vertexshader g_VS = nullptr; return S_OK; } // Initialize the reflection interface VHD( D3DReflect( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode, pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength, IID_ID3D11ShaderReflection, (void**)&pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pReflection ), "Internal loading error: cannot create shader reflection object." ); // Get dependencies VH( GrabShaderData( pShaderBlock ) ); // Grab input signatures for VS if( EOT_VertexShader == pShaderBlock->GetShaderType() ) { assert( pShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob == nullptr ); VHD( D3DGetBlobPart( pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->pBytecode, pShaderBlock->pReflectionData->BytecodeLength, D3D_BLOB_INPUT_SIGNATURE_BLOB, 0, &pShaderBlock->pInputSignatureBlob ), "Internal loading error: cannot get input signature." ); } lExit: return hr; } #undef PRIVATENEW ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Code to relocate data to private heaps (reflection & runtime effect) // // Important note about alignment: all reasonable chunks of data are // machine word aligned (that is, any piece of data moved as a whole is // aligned as a whole. This means that when computing m_ReflectionMemory // or m_EffectMemory, each addition is aligned. This also means // that, when later relocating that same memory, you must call MoveData // or MoveString on the same chunks that were aligned. This is // because: Align(a * b) != a * Align(b). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reflection reallocation code ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CEffectLoader::CalculateAnnotationSize(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation *pAnnotations) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t i; m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cAnnotations * sizeof(SAnnotation), c_DataAlignment); for (i=0; iBelongsInConstantBuffer()) { m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pAnnotations[i].pType->TotalSize, c_DataAlignment); } else { VBD( pAnnotations[i].pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String), "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid annotation type." ); uint32_t cElements = std::max(1, pAnnotations[i].pType->Elements); m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cElements * sizeof(SString), c_DataAlignment); } } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateAnnotationData(uint32_t cAnnotations, SAnnotation **ppAnnotations) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t i; SAnnotation *pAnnotations; VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveData((void**) ppAnnotations, cAnnotations * sizeof(SAnnotation)), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation data." ); pAnnotations = *ppAnnotations; for (i=0; ipEffect = m_pEffect; VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveString(&pAn->pName), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation name." ); // Reallocate type later if (pAn->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer()) { VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveData( &pAn->Data.pGeneric, pAn->pType->TotalSize ), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation data." ); } else if (pAnnotations[i].pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String)) { uint32_t cElements = std::max(1, pAn->pType->Elements); VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveData((void**) &pAn->Data.pString, cElements * sizeof(SString)), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation string." ); for (size_t j = 0; j < cElements; ++ j) { VHD( m_pReflection->m_Heap.MoveString(&pAn->Data.pString[j].pString), "Internal loading error: cannot move annotation string element." ); } } else { VHD( E_FAIL, "Invalid pEffectBuffer: invalid annotation type." ); } } lExit: return hr; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::InitializeReflectionDataAndMoveStrings( uint32_t KnownSize ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t cbStrings; CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pReflection->m_Heap; // Get byte counts cbStrings = m_pEffect->m_StringCount * sizeof( SString ); if( KnownSize ) { m_ReflectionMemory = KnownSize; } else { m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbStrings, c_DataAlignment); for (size_t i=0; im_CBCount; i++) { VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].pAnnotations) ); } for (size_t i=0; im_VariableCount; i++) { VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pAnnotations) ); } for (size_t i=0; im_GroupCount; i++) { VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pAnnotations) ); for (size_t j=0; jm_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount; j++) { VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pAnnotations) ); for (size_t k=0; km_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].PassCount; k++) { VH( CalculateAnnotationSize(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].AnnotationCount, m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pAnnotations) ); } } } // Calculate shader reflection data size for (size_t i=0; im_ShaderBlockCount; i++) { if (nullptr != m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData) { m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(sizeof(SShaderBlock::SReflectionData), c_DataAlignment); m_ReflectionMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->BytecodeLength, c_DataAlignment); // stream out decl is handled as a string, and thus its size is already factored because of GetStringAndAddToReflection } } } VHD( pHeap->ReserveMemory(m_ReflectionMemory), "Internal loading error: failed to reserve reflection memory." ); // Strings are handled separately because we are moving them to reflection m_pOldStrings = m_pEffect->m_pStrings; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pStrings, cbStrings), "Internal loading error: cannot move string data." ); for(size_t i=0; im_StringCount; i++) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pStrings[i].pString), "Internal loading error: cannot move string pointer." ); } lExit: return hr; } // Move all reflection data to private heap HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateReflectionData( bool Cloning ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pReflection->m_Heap; for(size_t i=0; im_CBCount; i++) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move CB name." ); VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i].pAnnotations) ); } for(size_t i=0; im_VariableCount; i++) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move variable name." ); VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pSemantic ), "Internal loading error: cannot move variable semantic." ); VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i].pAnnotations) ); } for(size_t i=0; im_GroupCount; i++) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move group name." ); VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pAnnotations) ); for(size_t j=0; jm_pGroups[i].TechniqueCount; j++) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move technique name." ); VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pAnnotations) ); for(size_t k=0; km_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].PassCount; k++) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString( &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pName ), "Internal loading error: cannot move pass name." ); VH( ReallocateAnnotationData(m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].AnnotationCount, &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i].pTechniques[j].pPasses[k].pAnnotations) ); } } } if( !Cloning ) { // When not cloning, every member in m_pMemberInterfaces is from a global variable, so we can take pName and pSemantic // from the parent variable, which were updated above for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i) { SMember* pMember = m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[i]; SGlobalVariable* pTopLevelEntity = (SGlobalVariable*)pMember->pTopLevelEntity; VH( FixupVariablePointer( &pTopLevelEntity ) ); pMember->pName = pTopLevelEntity->pName; pMember->pSemantic = pTopLevelEntity->pSemantic; } } // Move shader bytecode for (size_t i=0; im_ShaderBlockCount; i++) { if (nullptr != m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData) { VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**)&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData, sizeof(SShaderBlock::SReflectionData)), "Internal loading error: cannot move shader reflection block." ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**)&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pBytecode, m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->BytecodeLength), "Internal loading error: cannot move shader bytecode."); for( size_t iDecl=0; iDecl < D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT; ++iDecl ) { VHD( pHeap->MoveString(&m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pStreamOutDecls[iDecl]), "Internal loading error: cannot move SO decl." ); } VH( pHeap->MoveInterfaceParameters(m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->InterfaceParameterCount, &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i].pReflectionData->pInterfaceParameters ) ); } } lExit: return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Runtime effect reallocation code ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateBlockAssignments(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks, T* pOldBlocks) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pEffect->m_Heap; for(size_t i=0; iMoveData((void**) &pBlock->pAssignments, sizeof(SAssignment)*pBlock->AssignmentCount), "Internal loading error: cannot move assignment count." ); for (size_t j=0; jAssignmentCount; j++) { SAssignment *pAssignment = &pBlock->pAssignments[j]; uint32_t cbDeps; // When cloning, convert pointers back into offsets if( pOldBlocks ) { T *pOldBlock = &pOldBlocks[i]; pAssignment->Destination.Offset = (uint32_t)( (UINT_PTR)pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric - (UINT_PTR)pOldBlock ) ; } // Convert destination pointers from offset to real pointer pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric = (uint8_t*) pBlock + pAssignment->Destination.Offset; // Make sure the data pointer points into the backing store VBD( pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric >= &pBlock->BackingStore && pAssignment->Destination.pGeneric < (uint8_t*) &pBlock->BackingStore + sizeof(pBlock->BackingStore), "Internal loading error: assignment destination out of range." ); // Fixup dependencies cbDeps = pAssignment->DependencyCount * sizeof(SAssignment::SDependency); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pAssignment->pDependencies, cbDeps), "Internal loading error: cannot move assignment dependencies." ); SGlobalVariable *pOldVariable = nullptr; for(size_t iDep=0; iDepDependencyCount; iDep++) { SAssignment::SDependency *pDep = &pAssignment->pDependencies[iDep]; // We ignore all but the last variable because below, we only use the last dependency pOldVariable = pDep->pVariable; VH( FixupVariablePointer(&pDep->pVariable) ); } // Fixup source pointers switch(pAssignment->LhsType) { case ELHS_VertexShaderBlock: case ELHS_PixelShaderBlock: case ELHS_GeometryShaderBlock: case ELHS_HullShaderBlock: case ELHS_DomainShaderBlock: case ELHS_ComputeShaderBlock: VH( FixupShaderPointer(&pAssignment->Source.pShader) ); break; case ELHS_DepthStencilBlock: VH( FixupDSPointer((SDepthStencilBlock**)&pAssignment->Source.pBlock) ); break; case ELHS_BlendBlock: VH( FixupABPointer((SBlendBlock**) &pAssignment->Source.pBlock) ); break; case ELHS_RasterizerBlock: VH( FixupRSPointer((SRasterizerBlock**) &pAssignment->Source.pBlock) ); break; case ELHS_Texture: VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer((SShaderResource**) &pAssignment->Source.pShaderResource) ); break; default: // Non-object assignment (must have at least one dependency or it would have been pruned by now) assert( !pAssignment->IsObjectAssignment() && pAssignment->DependencyCount > 0 ); // Numeric variables must be relocated before this function is called switch (pAssignment->AssignmentType) { case ERAT_NumericVariable: case ERAT_NumericVariableIndex: // the variable or variable array is always the last dependency in the chain SGlobalVariable *pVariable; pVariable = pAssignment->pDependencies[pAssignment->DependencyCount - 1].pVariable; assert( pVariable->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer() && nullptr != pVariable->pCB ); // When cloning, convert pointers back into offsets if( pOldBlocks ) { VBD( pOldVariable != nullptr, "Internal loading error: pOldVariable is nullptr." ); pAssignment->Source.Offset = pAssignment->Source.pNumeric - pOldVariable->pCB->pBackingStore; } // Convert from offset to pointer pAssignment->Source.pNumeric = pVariable->pCB->pBackingStore + pAssignment->Source.Offset; break; default: // Shouldn't be able to get here assert(0); VHD( E_FAIL, "Loading error: invalid assignment type." ); } break; case ELHS_Invalid: VHD( E_FAIL, "Loading error: invalid assignment type." ); } assert(m_pEffect->m_LocalTimer > 0); m_pEffect->EvaluateAssignment(pAssignment); } } lExit: return hr; } template uint32_t CEffectLoader::CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(T* &pBlocks, uint32_t cBlocks) { uint32_t dwSize = 0; for(size_t i=0; iAssignmentCount * sizeof(SAssignment), c_DataAlignment); for (size_t j=0; jAssignmentCount; j++) { SAssignment *pAssignment = &pBlock->pAssignments[j]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pAssignment->DependencyCount * sizeof(SAssignment::SDependency), c_DataAlignment); } } return dwSize; } HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateShaderBlocks() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pEffect->m_Heap; const char* pError = "Internal loading error: cannot move shader data."; for (size_t i=0; im_ShaderBlockCount; i++) { SShaderBlock *pShader = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i]; // pShader->pReflection data and all of its members (bytecode, SO decl, etc.) are handled by ReallocateReflectionData() VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pCBDeps, pShader->CBDepCount * sizeof(SShaderCBDependency)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pSampDeps, pShader->SampDepCount * sizeof(SShaderSamplerDependency)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pInterfaceDeps, pShader->InterfaceDepCount * sizeof(SInterfaceDependency)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pResourceDeps, pShader->ResourceDepCount * sizeof(SShaderResourceDependency)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->pUAVDeps, pShader->UAVDepCount * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessViewDependency)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pShader->ppTbufDeps, pShader->TBufferDepCount * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*)), pError ); for (size_t j=0; jCBDepCount; j++) { SShaderCBDependency *pCBDeps = &pShader->pCBDeps[j]; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pCBDeps->ppD3DObjects, pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11Buffer*)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pCBDeps->ppFXPointers, pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*)), pError ); for (size_t k=0; kCount; k++) { VH( FixupCBPointer( &pCBDeps->ppFXPointers[k] ) ); } } for (size_t j=0; jSampDepCount; j++) { SShaderSamplerDependency *pSampDeps = &pShader->pSampDeps[j]; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pSampDeps->ppD3DObjects, pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11SamplerState*)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pSampDeps->ppFXPointers, pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(SSamplerBlock*)), pError ); for (size_t k=0; kCount; k++) { VH( FixupSamplerPointer(&pSampDeps->ppFXPointers[k]) ); } } for (size_t j=0; jInterfaceDepCount; j++) { SInterfaceDependency *pInterfaceDeps = &pShader->pInterfaceDeps[j]; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pInterfaceDeps->ppD3DObjects, pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ClassInstance*)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pInterfaceDeps->ppFXPointers, pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(SInterface*)), pError ); for (size_t k=0; kCount; k++) { VH( FixupInterfacePointer(&pInterfaceDeps->ppFXPointers[k], true) ); } } for (size_t j=0; jResourceDepCount; j++) { SShaderResourceDependency *pResourceDeps = &pShader->pResourceDeps[j]; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pResourceDeps->ppD3DObjects, pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ShaderResourceView*)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pResourceDeps->ppFXPointers, pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(SShaderResource*)), pError ); for (size_t k=0; kCount; k++) { VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer(&pResourceDeps->ppFXPointers[k]) ); } } for (size_t j=0; jUAVDepCount; j++) { SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pUAVDeps = &pShader->pUAVDeps[j]; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pUAVDeps->ppD3DObjects, pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*)), pError ); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pUAVDeps->ppFXPointers, pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView*)), pError ); for (size_t k=0; kCount; k++) { VH( FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(&pUAVDeps->ppFXPointers[k]) ); } } for (size_t j=0; jTBufferDepCount; j++) { VH( FixupCBPointer( &pShader->ppTbufDeps[j] ) ); } } lExit: return hr; } uint32_t CEffectLoader::CalculateShaderBlockSize() { uint32_t dwSize = 0; for (size_t i=0; im_ShaderBlockCount; i++) { SShaderBlock *pShader = &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks[i]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->CBDepCount * sizeof(SShaderCBDependency), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->SampDepCount * sizeof(SShaderSamplerDependency), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->InterfaceDepCount * sizeof(SInterfaceDependency), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->ResourceDepCount * sizeof(SShaderResourceDependency), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->UAVDepCount * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessViewDependency), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pShader->TBufferDepCount * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*), c_DataAlignment); for (size_t j=0; jCBDepCount; j++) { SShaderCBDependency *pCBDeps = &pShader->pCBDeps[j]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11Buffer*), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pCBDeps->Count * sizeof(SConstantBuffer*), c_DataAlignment); } for (size_t j=0; jSampDepCount; j++) { SShaderSamplerDependency *pSampDeps = &pShader->pSampDeps[j]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11SamplerState*), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pSampDeps->Count * sizeof(SSamplerBlock*), c_DataAlignment); } for (size_t j=0; jInterfaceDepCount; j++) { SInterfaceDependency *pInterfaceDeps = &pShader->pInterfaceDeps[j]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ClassInstance*), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pInterfaceDeps->Count * sizeof(SInterface*), c_DataAlignment); } for (size_t j=0; jResourceDepCount; j++) { SShaderResourceDependency *pResourceDeps = &pShader->pResourceDeps[j]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11ShaderResourceView*), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pResourceDeps->Count * sizeof(SShaderResource*), c_DataAlignment); } for (size_t j=0; jUAVDepCount; j++) { SUnorderedAccessViewDependency *pUAVDeps = &pShader->pUAVDeps[j]; dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView*), c_DataAlignment); dwSize += AlignToPowerOf2(pUAVDeps->Count * sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView*), c_DataAlignment); } } return dwSize; } // Move all (non-reflection) effect data to private heap #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4616 6239 ) HRESULT CEffectLoader::ReallocateEffectData( bool Cloning ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CEffectHeap *pHeap = &m_pEffect->m_Heap; uint32_t cbCBs = sizeof(SConstantBuffer) * m_pEffect->m_CBCount; uint32_t cbVariables = sizeof(SGlobalVariable) * m_pEffect->m_VariableCount; uint32_t cbGroups = sizeof(STechnique) * m_pEffect->m_GroupCount; uint32_t cbShaders = sizeof(SShaderBlock) * m_pEffect->m_ShaderBlockCount; uint32_t cbDS = sizeof(SDepthStencilBlock) * m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount; uint32_t cbAB = sizeof(SBlendBlock) * m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount; uint32_t cbRS = sizeof(SRasterizerBlock) * m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount; uint32_t cbSamplers = sizeof(SSamplerBlock) * m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount; uint32_t cbMemberDatas = sizeof(SMemberDataPointer) * m_pEffect->m_MemberDataCount; uint32_t cbInterfaces = sizeof(SInterface) * m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount; uint32_t cbBackgroundInterfaces = sizeof(SInterface) * m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(); uint32_t cbShaderResources = sizeof(SShaderResource) * m_pEffect->m_ShaderResourceCount; uint32_t cbUnorderedAccessViews = sizeof(SUnorderedAccessView) * m_pEffect->m_UnorderedAccessViewCount; uint32_t cbRenderTargetViews = sizeof(SRenderTargetView) * m_pEffect->m_RenderTargetViewCount; uint32_t cbDepthStencilViews = sizeof(SDepthStencilView) * m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilViewCount; uint32_t cbAnonymousShaders = sizeof(SAnonymousShader) * m_pEffect->m_AnonymousShaderCount; // Calculate memory needed m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbCBs, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbVariables, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbGroups, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbShaders, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbMemberDatas, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbInterfaces + cbBackgroundInterfaces, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbShaderResources, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbUnorderedAccessViews, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbRenderTargetViews, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbDepthStencilViews, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbDS, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbAB, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbRS, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbSamplers, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(cbAnonymousShaders, c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += CalculateShaderBlockSize(); for (size_t i=0; im_CBCount; i++) { SConstantBuffer *pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i]; m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pCB->Size, c_DataAlignment); } for (size_t i=0; im_GroupCount; i++) { SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i]; m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pGroup->TechniqueCount * sizeof(STechnique), c_DataAlignment); for (size_t j=0; jTechniqueCount; j++) { STechnique *pTech = &pGroup->pTechniques[j]; m_EffectMemory += AlignToPowerOf2(pTech->PassCount * sizeof(SPassBlock), c_DataAlignment); m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(pTech->pPasses, pTech->PassCount); } }; m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks, m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount); m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks, m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount); m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount); m_EffectMemory += CalculateBlockAssignmentSize(m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount); // Reserve memory VHD( pHeap->ReserveMemory(m_EffectMemory), "Internal loading error: cannot reserve effect memory." ); // Move DataMemberPointer blocks m_pOldMemberDataBlocks = m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks, cbMemberDatas), "Internal loading error: cannot move member data blocks." ); // Move CBs m_pOldCBs = m_pEffect->m_pCBs; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pCBs, cbCBs), "Internal loading error: cannot move CB count." ); for (size_t i=0; im_CBCount; i++) { SConstantBuffer *pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i]; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pCB->pBackingStore, pCB->Size), "Internal loading error: cannot move CB backing store." ); if( !Cloning ) { // When creating the effect, MemberDataOffsetPlus4 is used, not pMemberData if( pCB->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 ) { pCB->pMemberData = (SMemberDataPointer*)( (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + ( pCB->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 - 4 ) ); } } else if (pCB->pMemberData) { // When cloning an effect, pMemberData points to valid data in the original effect VH( FixupMemberDataPointer( &pCB->pMemberData ) ); } } // Move numeric variables; move all variable types m_pOldVars = m_pEffect->m_pVariables; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pVariables, cbVariables), "Internal loading error: cannot move variable count." ); for (size_t i=0; im_VariableCount; i++) { SGlobalVariable *pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i]; pVar->pEffect = m_pEffect; if( Cloning && pVar->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer()) { // Convert pointer back to offset // pVar->pCB refers to the old CB pVar->Data.Offset = (UINT_PTR)pVar->Data.pGeneric - (UINT_PTR)pVar->pCB->pBackingStore; } if (pVar->pCB) { VH( FixupCBPointer( &pVar->pCB ) ); } if( !Cloning ) { // When creating the effect, MemberDataOffsetPlus4 is used, not pMemberData if( pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 ) { pVar->pMemberData = (SMemberDataPointer*)( (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + ( pVar->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 - 4 ) ); } } else if (pVar->pMemberData) { // When cloning an effect, pMemberData points to valid data in the original effect VH( FixupMemberDataPointer( &pVar->pMemberData ) ); } if (pVar->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer()) { // Convert from offsets to pointers pVar->Data.pGeneric = pVar->pCB->pBackingStore + pVar->Data.Offset; } } // Fixup each CB's array of child variable pointers for (size_t i=0; im_CBCount; i++) { SConstantBuffer *pCB = &m_pEffect->m_pCBs[i]; pCB->pEffect = m_pEffect; if (pCB->pVariables != nullptr) { VH( FixupVariablePointer(&pCB->pVariables) ); } } // Move shaders m_pOldShaders = m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pShaderBlocks, cbShaders), "Internal loading error: cannot move shader count." ); // Move interfaces, combining global interfaces and those that were created during shader initialization m_pOldInterfaces = m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces; m_OldInterfaceCount = m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount; VHD( pHeap->MoveEmptyDataBlock((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces, cbInterfaces + cbBackgroundInterfaces), "Internal loading error: cannot move shader." ); memcpy( m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces, m_pOldInterfaces, cbInterfaces ); for( size_t i=0; i < m_BackgroundInterfaces.GetSize(); i++ ) { assert( m_BackgroundInterfaces[i] != nullptr ); uint8_t* pDst = (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces + ( m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount * sizeof(SInterface) ); memcpy( pDst, m_BackgroundInterfaces[i], sizeof(SInterface) ); m_pEffect->m_InterfaceCount++; } m_pOldShaderResources = m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pShaderResources, cbShaderResources), "Internal loading error: cannot move SRVs." ); m_pOldUnorderedAccessViews = m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pUnorderedAccessViews, cbUnorderedAccessViews), "Internal loading error: cannot move UAVS." ); m_pOldRenderTargetViews = m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pRenderTargetViews, cbRenderTargetViews), "Internal loading error: cannot move RTVs." ); m_pOldDepthStencilViews = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilViews, cbDepthStencilViews), "Internal loading error: cannot move DSVs." ); m_pOldDS = m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks, cbDS), "Internal loading error: cannot move depth-stencil state blocks." ); VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pDepthStencilBlocks, m_pEffect->m_DepthStencilBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldDS : nullptr) ); m_pOldAB = m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks, cbAB), "Internal loading error: cannot move blend state blocks." ); VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pBlendBlocks, m_pEffect->m_BlendBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldAB : nullptr) ); m_pOldRS = m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks, cbRS), "Internal loading error: cannot move rasterizer state blocks." ); VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pRasterizerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_RasterizerBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldRS : nullptr) ); m_pOldSamplers = m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks, cbSamplers), "Internal loading error: cannot move samplers." ); VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments(m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks, m_pEffect->m_SamplerBlockCount, Cloning ? m_pOldSamplers : nullptr) ); // Fixup sampler backing stores for (size_t i=0; im_SamplerBlockCount; ++i) { VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer(&m_pEffect->m_pSamplerBlocks[i].BackingStore.pTexture) ); } // Fixup each interface's class instance variable pointer for (size_t i=0; im_InterfaceCount; i++) { SInterface *pInterface = &m_pEffect->m_pInterfaces[i]; if (pInterface->pClassInstance != nullptr) { VH( FixupVariablePointer( (SGlobalVariable**)&pInterface->pClassInstance ) ); } } // Fixup pointers for non-numeric variables for (size_t i=0; im_VariableCount; i++) { SGlobalVariable *pVar = &m_pEffect->m_pVariables[i]; if (pVar->pType->IsShader()) { VH( FixupShaderPointer(&pVar->Data.pShader) ); } else if (pVar->pType->IsShaderResource()) { VH( FixupShaderResourcePointer(&pVar->Data.pShaderResource) ); } else if (pVar->pType->IsUnorderedAccessView()) { VH( FixupUnorderedAccessViewPointer(&pVar->Data.pUnorderedAccessView) ); } else if (pVar->pType->IsInterface()) { VH( FixupInterfacePointer(&pVar->Data.pInterface, false) ); } else if (pVar->pType->IsObjectType(EOT_String)) { if( !m_pEffect->IsOptimized() ) { VH( FixupStringPointer(&pVar->Data.pString) ); } } else if (pVar->pType->IsStateBlockObject()) { switch(pVar->pType->ObjectType) { case EOT_DepthStencil: VH( FixupDSPointer((SDepthStencilBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) ); break; case EOT_Blend: VH( FixupABPointer((SBlendBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) ); break; case EOT_Rasterizer: VH( FixupRSPointer((SRasterizerBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) ); break; case EOT_Sampler: VB(pVar->pType->IsSampler()); VH( FixupSamplerPointer((SSamplerBlock**) &pVar->Data.pBlock) ); break; default: VH( E_FAIL ); } } else if (pVar->pType->VarType == EVT_Struct || pVar->pType->VarType == EVT_Numeric) { if( pVar->pType->IsClassInstance() ) { // do nothing } else { // do nothing } } else if (pVar->pType->IsRenderTargetView()) { VH( FixupRenderTargetViewPointer(&pVar->Data.pRenderTargetView) ); } else if (pVar->pType->IsDepthStencilView()) { VH( FixupDepthStencilViewPointer(&pVar->Data.pDepthStencilView) ); } else { VHD( E_FAIL, "Internal loading error: Invalid variable type." ); } } // Fixup created members for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces.GetSize(); ++ i) { SMember* pMember = m_pEffect->m_pMemberInterfaces[i]; SGlobalVariable** ppTopLevelEntity = (SGlobalVariable**)&pMember->pTopLevelEntity; VN( *ppTopLevelEntity ); // This might be set to false later, for supporting textures inside classes const bool bGlobalMemberDataBlock = true; if( Cloning ) { if( pMember->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer() ) { assert( pMember->Data.pGeneric == nullptr || (*ppTopLevelEntity)->pEffect->m_Heap.IsInHeap(pMember->Data.pGeneric) ); pMember->Data.Offset = (uint32_t)( (uint8_t*)pMember->Data.pGeneric - (uint8_t*)(*ppTopLevelEntity)->pCB->pBackingStore ); } if( bGlobalMemberDataBlock && pMember->pMemberData ) { pMember->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 = (uint32_t)( (uint8_t*)pMember->pMemberData - (uint8_t*)(*ppTopLevelEntity)->pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks ) + 4; } } VH( FixupVariablePointer( ppTopLevelEntity ) ); if (pMember->pType->BelongsInConstantBuffer()) { // Convert from offsets to pointers pMember->Data.pGeneric = (*ppTopLevelEntity)->pCB->pBackingStore + pMember->Data.Offset; } if( bGlobalMemberDataBlock && pMember->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 ) { pMember->pMemberData = (SMemberDataPointer*)( (uint8_t*)m_pEffect->m_pMemberDataBlocks + ( pMember->MemberDataOffsetPlus4 - 4 ) ); } } // Fixup shader data VH( ReallocateShaderBlocks() ); // Move groups, techniques, and passes m_pOldGroups = m_pEffect->m_pGroups; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &m_pEffect->m_pGroups, cbGroups), "Internal loading error: cannot move groups." ); for (size_t i=0; im_GroupCount; i++) { SGroup *pGroup = &m_pEffect->m_pGroups[i]; uint32_t cbTechniques; cbTechniques = pGroup->TechniqueCount * sizeof(STechnique); VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pGroup->pTechniques, cbTechniques), "Internal loading error: cannot move techniques." ); for (size_t j=0; jTechniqueCount; j++) { STechnique *pTech = &pGroup->pTechniques[j]; uint32_t cbPass; cbPass = pTech->PassCount * sizeof(SPassBlock); SPassBlock* pOldPasses = Cloning ? pTech->pPasses : nullptr; VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void**) &pTech->pPasses, cbPass), "Internal loading error: cannot move passes." ); for (size_t iPass = 0; iPass < pTech->PassCount; ++ iPass) { pTech->pPasses[iPass].pEffect = m_pEffect; // Fixup backing store pointers in passes VH( FixupABPointer((SBlendBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pBlendBlock) ); VH( FixupDSPointer((SDepthStencilBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pDepthStencilBlock) ); VH( FixupRSPointer((SRasterizerBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pRasterizerBlock) ); VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pVertexShaderBlock) ); VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pPixelShaderBlock) ); VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pGeometryShaderBlock) ); VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pHullShaderBlock) ); VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pDomainShaderBlock) ); VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pComputeShaderBlock) ); VH( FixupDepthStencilViewPointer( &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pDepthStencilView) ); for (size_t iRT = 0; iRT < D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT; iRT++) { VH( FixupRenderTargetViewPointer( &pTech->pPasses[iPass].BackingStore.pRenderTargetViews[iRT] ) ); } } VH( ReallocateBlockAssignments( pTech->pPasses, pTech->PassCount, pOldPasses ) ); } } VH( FixupGroupPointer( &m_pEffect->m_pNullGroup ) ); // Move anonymous shader variables VHD( pHeap->MoveData((void **) &m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders, cbAnonymousShaders), "Internal loading error: cannot move anonymous shaders." ); for (size_t i=0; im_AnonymousShaderCount; ++i) { SAnonymousShader *pAnonymousShader = m_pEffect->m_pAnonymousShaders + i; VH( FixupShaderPointer((SShaderBlock**) &pAnonymousShader->pShaderBlock) ); } VBD( pHeap->GetSize() == m_EffectMemory, "Loading error: effect size mismatch." ); lExit: return hr; } #pragma warning(pop) }