/* ** Nofrendo (c) 1998-2000 Matthew Conte (matt@conte.com) ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Library General ** Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Library General Public License for more details. To obtain a ** copy of the GNU Library General Public License, write to the Free ** Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ** ** Any permitted reproduction of these routines, in whole or in part, ** must bear this legend. ** ** ** memguard.c ** ** memory allocation wrapper routines ** ** NOTE: based on code (c) 1998 the Retrocade group ** $Id: memguard.c,v 1.8 2000/06/26 04:54:48 matt Exp $ */ #include "types.h" /* undefine macro definitions, so we get real calls */ #undef malloc #undef free #include #include #include #include "memguard.h" #include "log.h" /* Maximum number of allocated blocks at any one time */ #define MAX_BLOCKS 16384 /* Memory block structure */ typedef struct memblock_s { void *block_addr; int block_size; char *file_name; int line_num; } memblock_t; boolean mem_debug = TRUE; /* debugging flag */ #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG static int mem_blockcount = 0; /* allocated block count */ static memblock_t *mem_record = NULL; #define GUARD_STRING "GgUuAaRrDdSsTtRrIiNnGgBbLlOoCcKk" #define GUARD_LENGTH 64 /* before and after allocated block */ /* ** Check the memory guard to make sure out of bounds writes have not ** occurred. */ static boolean mem_checkguardblock(void *data, int guard_size) { uint8 *orig, *chk, *blk; int i, alloc_size; /* get the original pointer */ orig = (((uint8 *) data) - guard_size); /* get the size */ alloc_size = *((uint32 *) orig); /* now skip past the size */ blk = orig + sizeof(uint32); /* check leading guard string */ chk = GUARD_STRING; for (i = sizeof(uint32); i < guard_size; i++) { if (0 == *chk) chk = GUARD_STRING; if (*blk != *chk) return FALSE; chk++; blk++; } /* check end of block */ chk = GUARD_STRING; blk = ((uint8 *) data) + alloc_size; for (i = 0; i < guard_size; i++) { if (0 == *chk) chk = GUARD_STRING; if (*blk != *chk) return FALSE; chk++; blk++; } /* we're okay! */ return TRUE; } /* free a guard block */ static void mem_freeguardblock(void *data, int guard_size) { uint8 *orig = (((uint8 *) data) - guard_size); free(orig); } /* fill in the memory guard, advance the pointer to the 'real' memory */ static void *mem_guardblock(int alloc_size, int guard_size) { void *orig; uint8 *blk, *chk; int i; /* allocate memory */ orig = calloc(alloc_size + (guard_size * 2), 1); if (NULL == orig) return NULL; blk = ((uint8 *) orig); /* store the size of the newly allocated block*/ *((uint32 *) blk) = alloc_size; /* skip past the size */ blk += sizeof(uint32); /* put guard string at beginning of block */ chk = GUARD_STRING; for (i = sizeof(uint32); i < guard_size; i++) { if (0 == *chk) chk = GUARD_STRING; *blk++ = *chk++; } /* check end of block */ chk = GUARD_STRING; blk = guard_size + (uint8 *) orig + alloc_size; for (i = 0; i < guard_size; i++) { if (0 == *chk) chk = GUARD_STRING; *blk++ = *chk++; } return (void *) (guard_size + (uint8 *) orig); } /* Allocate a bunch of memory to keep track of all memory blocks */ static void mem_init(void) { if (mem_record) { free(mem_record); mem_record = NULL; } mem_record = calloc(MAX_BLOCKS * sizeof(memblock_t), 1); ASSERT(mem_record); } /* add a block of memory to the master record */ static void mem_addblock(void *data, int block_size, char *file, int line) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) { if (NULL == mem_record[i].block_addr) { mem_record[i].block_addr = data; mem_record[i].block_size = block_size; mem_record[i].file_name = file; mem_record[i].line_num = line; return; } } ASSERT_MSG("out of memory blocks."); } /* find an entry in the block record and delete it */ static void mem_deleteblock(void *data, char *file, int line) { int i; char fail[256]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) { if (data == mem_record[i].block_addr) { if (FALSE == mem_checkguardblock(mem_record[i].block_addr, GUARD_LENGTH)) { sprintf(fail, "mem_deleteblock 0x%08X at line %d of %s -- block corrupt", (uint32) data, line, file); ASSERT_MSG(fail); } memset(&mem_record[i], 0, sizeof(memblock_t)); return; } } sprintf(fail, "mem_deleteblock 0x%08X at line %d of %s -- block not found", (uint32) data, line, file); ASSERT_MSG(fail); } #endif /* NOFRENDO_DEBUG */ /* allocates memory and clears it */ #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG void *_my_malloc(int size, char *file, int line) #else void *_my_malloc(int size) #endif { void *temp; char fail[256]; #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG if (NULL == mem_record && FALSE != mem_debug) mem_init(); if (FALSE != mem_debug) temp = mem_guardblock(size, GUARD_LENGTH); else #endif /* NOFRENDO_DEBUG */ temp = calloc(sizeof(uint8), size); if (NULL == temp) { #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG sprintf(fail, "malloc: out of memory at line %d of %s. block size: %d\n", line, file, size); #else sprintf(fail, "malloc: out of memory. block size: %d\n", size); #endif ASSERT_MSG(fail); } #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG if (FALSE != mem_debug) mem_addblock(temp, size, file, line); mem_blockcount++; #endif return temp; } /* free a pointer allocated with my_malloc */ #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG void _my_free(void **data, char *file, int line) #else void _my_free(void **data) #endif { char fail[256]; if (NULL == data || NULL == *data || (unsigned long)-1 == (unsigned long) *data || (unsigned long)-1 == (unsigned long) data) { #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG sprintf(fail, "free: attempted to free NULL pointer at line %d of %s\n", line, file); #else sprintf(fail, "free: attempted to free NULL pointer.\n"); #endif ASSERT_MSG(fail); } #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG /* if this is true, we are in REAL trouble */ if (0 == mem_blockcount) { ASSERT_MSG("free: attempted to free memory when no blocks available"); } if (FALSE != mem_debug) mem_deleteblock(*data, file, line); mem_blockcount--; /* dec our block count */ if (FALSE != mem_debug) mem_freeguardblock(*data, GUARD_LENGTH); else #endif /* NOFRENDO_DEBUG */ free(*data); *data = NULL; /* NULL our source */ } /* check for orphaned memory handles */ void mem_checkleaks(void) { #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG int i; if (FALSE == mem_debug) return; if (mem_blockcount) { log_printf("memory leak - %d unfreed block%s\n\n", mem_blockcount, mem_blockcount == 1 ? "" : "s"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) { if (mem_record[i].block_addr) { log_printf("addr: 0x%08X, size: %d, line %d of %s%s\n", (uint32) mem_record[i].block_addr, mem_record[i].block_size, mem_record[i].line_num, mem_record[i].file_name, (FALSE == mem_checkguardblock(mem_record[i].block_addr, GUARD_LENGTH)) ? " -- block corrupt" : ""); } } } else log_printf("no memory leaks\n"); #endif } void mem_checkblocks(void) { #ifdef NOFRENDO_DEBUG int i; if (FALSE == mem_debug) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) { if (mem_record[i].block_addr) { if (FALSE == mem_checkguardblock(mem_record[i].block_addr, GUARD_LENGTH)) { log_printf("addr: 0x%08X, size: %d, line %d of %s -- block corrupt\n", (uint32) mem_record[i].block_addr, mem_record[i].block_size, mem_record[i].line_num, mem_record[i].file_name); } } } #endif /* NOFRENDO_DEBUG */ } /* ** $Log: memguard.c,v $ ** Revision 1.8 2000/06/26 04:54:48 matt ** simplified and made more robust ** ** Revision 1.7 2000/06/12 01:11:41 matt ** cleaned up some error output for win32 ** ** Revision 1.6 2000/06/09 15:12:25 matt ** initial revision ** */