/* MikMod Sound System By Jake Stine of Divine Entertainment (1996-2000) Support: If you find problems with this code, send mail to: air@divent.org Distribution / Code rights: Use this source code in any fashion you see fit. Giving me credit where credit is due is optional, depending on your own levels of integrity and honesty. ----------------------------------------- Module: LOAD_MID MID module loader. by Peter Grootswagers (2006) Portability: All systems - all compilers (hopefully) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" #ifdef NEWMIKMOD #include "mikmod.h" #include "uniform.h" #include "itshare.h" // for STMEM_PITCHSLIDE typedef UBYTE BYTE; typedef UWORD WORD; #define MAX_POLYPHONY 12 // max notes in one midi channel #define MAX_TRACKS 63 // max mod tracks #define WHEELSHIFT 11 // how many bits the 13bit midi wheel value must shift right #else #include "stdafx.h" #include "sndfile.h" #define PAN_LEFT 0x30 #define PAN_RIGHT 0xD0 #define MAX_POLYPHONY 16 // max notes in one midi channel #define MAX_TRACKS (MAX_BASECHANNELS-6) // max mod tracks #define WHEELSHIFT 10 // how many bits the 13bit midi wheel value must shift right #endif #include "load_pat.h" #define ROWSPERNOTE 16 #define ENV_MMMID_SPEED "MMMID_SPEED" #define ENV_MMMID_DEBUG "MMMID_DEBUG" #define ENV_MMMID_VERBOSE "MMMID_VERBOSE" /************************************************************************** **************************************************************************/ #ifdef NEWMIKMOD static char MID_Version[] = "Musical Instrument Digital Interface"; #endif typedef enum { none, wheeldown, wheelup, fxbrk, tmpo, fxsync, modwheel, mainvol, prog } MIDEVENT_X_EFFECT; typedef struct _MIDEVENT { struct _MIDEVENT *next; ULONG tracktick; BYTE flg; // 1 = note present BYTE note; BYTE volume; BYTE smpno; BYTE fx; BYTE fxparam; } MIDEVENT; typedef struct _MIDTRACK { struct _MIDTRACK *next; MIDEVENT *head; MIDEVENT *tail; MIDEVENT *workevent; // keeps track of events in track int balance; // last balance on this track ULONG vtracktick; // tracktick of last note event (on or off) BYTE chan; BYTE vpos; // 0xff is track is free for use, otherwise it's the note playing on this track BYTE volume; // last note volume on this track BYTE instr; // current instrument for this track } MIDTRACK; #ifdef NEWMIKMOD #define MMFILE MMSTREAM #define mmfseek(f,p,w) _mm_fseek(f,p,w) #define mmftell(x) _mm_ftell(x) #define mmreadUBYTE(f) _mm_read_UBYTE(f) #define mmreadSBYTES(buf,sz,f) _mm_read_SBYTES(buf,sz,f) #define mmreadUBYTES(buf,sz,f) _mm_read_UBYTES(buf,sz,f) #else #define MMSTREAM FILE #define _mm_fseek(f,pos,whence) fseek(f,pos,whence) #define _mm_read_UBYTES(buf,sz,f) fread(buf,sz,1,f) #define _mm_read_SBYTES(buf,sz,f) fread(buf,sz,1,f) #define DupStr(h,buf,sz) strdup(buf) #define _mm_calloc(h,n,sz) calloc(n,sz) #define _mm_recalloc(h,buf,sz,elsz) realloc(buf,sz) #undef _mm_free #define _mm_free(h,p) free(p) typedef struct { char *mm; int sz; int pos; } MMFILE; static void mmfseek(MMFILE *mmfile, long p, int whence) { switch(whence) { case SEEK_SET: mmfile->pos = p; break; case SEEK_CUR: mmfile->pos += p; break; case SEEK_END: mmfile->pos = mmfile->sz + p; break; } } static long mmftell(MMFILE *mmfile) { return mmfile->pos; } static BYTE mmreadUBYTE(MMFILE *mmfile) { BYTE b; b = (BYTE)mmfile->mm[mmfile->pos]; mmfile->pos++; return b; } static void mmreadUBYTES(BYTE *buf, long sz, MMFILE *mmfile) { memcpy(buf, &mmfile->mm[mmfile->pos], sz); mmfile->pos += sz; } static void mmreadSBYTES(char *buf, long sz, MMFILE *mmfile) { memcpy(buf, &mmfile->mm[mmfile->pos], sz); mmfile->pos += sz; } #endif /************************************************************************** **************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MIDHANDLE { #ifdef NEWMIKMOD MM_ALLOC *allochandle; MM_ALLOC *trackhandle; #endif MMFILE *mmf; MIDTRACK *track; MIDTRACK *tp; ULONG tracktime; const char *debug; const char *verbose; int speed; int midispeed; int midiformat; int resolution; int miditracks; int divider; int tempo; int percussion; long deltatime; } MIDHANDLE; static void mid_dump_tracks(MIDHANDLE *h) { MIDTRACK *tr; MIDEVENT *e; int t; printf("tracktime = %ld\n", (long)(h->tracktime)); printf("speed = %d\n", h->speed); printf("midispeed = %d\n", h->midispeed); printf("midiformat = %d\n", h->midiformat); printf("resolution = %d\n", h->resolution); printf("miditracks = %d\n", h->miditracks); printf("divider = %d\n", h->divider); printf("tempo = %d\n", h->tempo); printf("percussion = %d\n", h->percussion); printf("deltatime = %ld\n", h->deltatime); t = 0; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr = tr->next ) { t++; printf("TRACK %2d chan=%d note=0x%02x vol=%d pan=0x%02x instr=%d\n", t, tr->chan + 1, tr->vpos, tr->balance, tr->volume, tr->instr); for( e=tr->head; e; e=e->next ) { printf("%2d %6ld %s %3d %3d %3d ", t, (long)(e->tracktick), e->flg? "NOTE": "CTRL", e->note, e->volume, e->smpno); switch( e->fx ) { case fxbrk: printf("fxbrk\n");break; case fxsync: printf("fxsync\n");break; case prog: printf("prog %d\n", e->fxparam);break; case mainvol: printf("mainvol %d\n", e->fxparam);break; case modwheel: printf("modwheel %d\n", e->fxparam);break; case wheeldown: printf("wheeldown %d\n", e->fxparam);break; case wheelup: printf("wheelup %d\n", e->fxparam);break; case tmpo: printf("tmpo %d\n", e->fxparam);break; default: printf("\n");break; } } } } static void mid_message(const char *s1, const char *s2) { char txt[256]; if( strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) > 255 ) return; sprintf(txt, s1, s2); #ifdef NEWMIKMOD _mmlog(txt); #else fprintf(stderr, "load_mid > %s\n", txt); #endif } static ULONG miditicks(MIDHANDLE *h, ULONG modtick) { return modtick * h->divider / ROWSPERNOTE / h->speed; } static ULONG modticks(MIDHANDLE *h, ULONG miditick) { return miditick * ROWSPERNOTE * h->speed / h->divider; } static void mid_adjust_for_optimal_tempo(MIDHANDLE *h, int maxtempo) { // the tempo is adjusted so that the maximum tempo is 255 // this way we have the biggest change that very short notes get played // and we make sure the tempo doesn't become too large or too small // if the piece in hand isn't so weird it changes tempo from 20 to 255, that is. // tempo is only registered in first track (h->track) because it is a global event MIDEVENT *e; int d, t; if( maxtempo < 1 ) return; d = h->divider; t = maxtempo; h->divider = (t * d) / 255; while( (h->midispeed = miditicks(h, h->speed)) < h->speed ) { ++t; h->divider = (t * d) / 255; } if( h->verbose && t > maxtempo ) printf("Adjusted maximum tempo from %d to %d to get %d miditicks per patternrow\n", maxtempo, 2 * maxtempo - t, h->midispeed); if( h->track ) { for( e=h->track->head; e; e=e->next ) { if( e->fx == tmpo ) e->fxparam = (255 * e->fxparam ) / t; } } } // ===================================================================================== static MIDEVENT *mid_new_event(MIDHANDLE *h) // ===================================================================================== { MIDEVENT *retval; retval = (MIDEVENT *)_mm_calloc(h->trackhandle, 1,sizeof(MIDEVENT)); retval->next = NULL; retval->tracktick = h->tracktime; retval->flg = 0; retval->note = 0; retval->volume = 0; retval->smpno = 0; retval->fx = none; retval->fxparam = 0; return retval; } // ===================================================================================== static MIDTRACK *mid_new_track(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int pos) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *retval; retval = (MIDTRACK *)_mm_calloc(h->trackhandle, 1,sizeof(MIDTRACK)); retval->next = NULL; retval->vpos = pos; retval->instr = 1; retval->chan = mch; retval->head = NULL; retval->tail = NULL; retval->workevent = NULL; retval->vtracktick = 0; retval->volume = h->track? h->track->volume: 120; retval->balance = 64; return retval; } static int mid_numtracks(MIDHANDLE *h) { int n; MIDTRACK *t; n=0; for( t = h->track; t; t=t->next ) n++; return n; } // find out how many midichannel we have static int mid_numchans(MIDHANDLE *h) { int i,c,n; MIDTRACK *t; c = 0; for( t = h->track; t; t=t->next ) c |= (1<chan); n = 0; for( i=0; i<16; i++ ) if( c & (1<track; t; t=t->next ) c |= (1<chan); n = 0; for( i=0; itracktime = 0; for( tr = h->track; tr; tr = tr->next ) { tr->vpos = 0xff; tr->workevent = tr->head; tr->vtracktick = 0; } } static void mid_update_track(MIDTRACK *tr) { MIDEVENT *e; e = tr->workevent; if( e->flg ) { if( e->volume ) tr->vpos = e->note; else tr->vpos = 0xff; tr->volume = e->volume; tr->vtracktick = e->tracktick; } if( e->fx == prog ) tr->instr = e->fxparam; } static void mid_sync_track(MIDTRACK *tr, ULONG tracktime) { MIDEVENT *e; e = tr->workevent; if( e && e->tracktick > tracktime ) e = tr->head; // start again.... for( ; e && e->tracktick <= tracktime; e=e->next ) { tr->workevent = e; mid_update_track(tr); } } // ===================================================================================== static MIDTRACK *mid_find_track(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int pos) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { mid_sync_track(tr, h->tracktime); if( tr->chan == mch && tr->vpos == pos ) return tr; } return NULL; } // ===================================================================================== static MIDTRACK *mid_locate_track(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int pos) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr, *prev, *trunused; MIDEVENT *e; int instrno = 1; int polyphony; int vol = 0, bal = 0; int numtracks; ULONG tmin; prev = NULL; trunused = NULL; polyphony = 0; numtracks = 0; tmin = h->midispeed; // minimal distance between note events in track // look up track with desired channel and pos (note) for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { mid_sync_track(tr, h->tracktime); if( tr->chan == mch ) { if( tr->vpos == pos ) return tr; if( tr->vpos == 0xff ) { // check if track with silence is quiet long enough if( h->tracktime > tr->vtracktick + tmin ) trunused = tr; } else vol = tr->volume; instrno = tr->instr; bal = tr->balance; polyphony++; } numtracks++; prev = tr; } if( trunused ) { trunused->vpos = pos; return trunused; } if( polyphony > MAX_POLYPHONY || (polyphony > 0 && numtracks > MAX_TRACKS) ) { // do not use up too much channels for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { e = tr->workevent; if( h->tracktime > e->tracktick + tmin ) { tmin = h->tracktime - e->tracktick; trunused = tr; } } } if( trunused ) { trunused->vpos = pos; return trunused; } } if( numtracks > MAX_TRACKS ) { // we can not allocate new tracks tmin = 0; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { e = tr->workevent; if( h->tracktime >= e->tracktick + tmin ) { tmin = h->tracktime - e->tracktick; trunused = tr; } } } if( trunused ) { trunused->vpos = pos; return trunused; } tmin = 0; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { e = tr->workevent; if( h->tracktime >= e->tracktick + tmin ) { tmin = h->tracktime - e->tracktick; trunused = tr; } } if( trunused ) { trunused->vpos = pos; trunused->chan = mch; return trunused; } } tr = mid_new_track(h, mch, pos); tr->instr = instrno; tr->volume = vol; tr->balance = bal; if( prev ) prev->next = tr; else h->track = tr; return tr; } static void mid_add_event(MIDHANDLE *h, MIDTRACK *tp, MIDEVENT *e) { MIDEVENT *ew, *ep; ep = NULL; ew = tp->workevent; if( ew && ew->tracktick > e->tracktick ) ew = tp->head; // start again from the beginning... for( ; ew && ew->tracktick <= e->tracktick; ew = ew->next ) { ep = ew; tp->workevent = ew; mid_update_track(tp); } if( ep ) { ep->next = e; e->next = ew; } else { e->next = tp->head; tp->head = e; } if( !e->next ) tp->tail = e; tp->workevent = e; mid_update_track(tp); } static void mid_add_tempo_event(MIDHANDLE *h, int tempo) { MIDEVENT *e; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = tmpo; e->fxparam = tempo; mid_add_event(h, h->track, e); } static void mid_add_partbreak(MIDHANDLE *h) { MIDEVENT *e; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = fxbrk; mid_add_event(h, h->track, e); } static void mid_add_noteoff(MIDHANDLE *h, MIDTRACK *tp) { MIDEVENT *e; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 1; e->note = tp->vpos; e->smpno = tp->instr; mid_add_event(h, tp, e); } static void mid_add_noteon(MIDHANDLE *h, MIDTRACK *tp, int n, int vol) { MIDEVENT *e; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 1; e->note = n; e->smpno = tp->instr; e->volume = vol; mid_add_event(h, tp, e); } static BYTE modtremolo(int midimod) { int m; if( midimod == 0 ) return 0; if( midimod > 63 ) { m = (128 - midimod) / 4; if( m==0 ) m = 1; return m|0xf0; // find slide down } m = midimod / 4; if( m==0 ) m = 1; return (m<<4)|0x0f; // find slide up } // ===================================================================================== static void mid_mod_wheel(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int mod) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr; MIDEVENT *e; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { mid_sync_track(tr, h->tracktime); if( tr->vpos != 0xff ) { // only on tracks with notes on... e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = modwheel; e->fxparam = modtremolo(mod); mid_add_event(h, tr, e); } } } } // ===================================================================================== static void mid_main_volume(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int vol) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr; MIDEVENT *e; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = mainvol; e->fxparam = vol; mid_add_event(h, tr, e); } } } // transform 0..63..127 to left..center..right in 2n+1 areas static int modpan(int midipan, int n) { int npan, area, x; x = 2 * n + 1; area = (midipan * x * (PAN_RIGHT - PAN_LEFT))>>7; npan = (PAN_LEFT * x + area) / x; return npan; } // ===================================================================================== static void mid_pan(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int pan) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr; int hits; hits = 0; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { hits++; tr->balance = pan; } } if( !hits ) { tr = mid_locate_track(h, mch, 0xff); tr->balance = pan; } } // ===================================================================================== static void mid_add_program(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int pr) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr; MIDEVENT *e; int hits; hits = 0; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { hits++; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = prog; e->fxparam = pat_gmtosmp(pr + 1); mid_add_event(h, tr, e); } } if( !hits ) { tr = mid_locate_track(h, mch, 0xff); e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = prog; e->fxparam = pat_gmtosmp(pr + 1); mid_add_event(h, tr, e); } } // ===================================================================================== static void mid_all_notes_off(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch) // ===================================================================================== { MIDTRACK *tr; if( h->debug ) printf("%ld %d all notes off\n",(long)(h->tracktime), mch+1); for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch || mch == -1 ) { mid_sync_track(tr, h->tracktime); if( tr->vpos != 0xff ) mid_add_noteoff(h, tr); } } } #ifndef NEWMIKMOD static void mid_add_sync(MIDHANDLE *h, MIDTRACK *tp) { MIDEVENT *e; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; e->fx = fxsync; mid_add_event(h, tp, e); } #endif static BYTE mid_to_mod_wheel(unsigned int midwheel) { unsigned int i; if( midwheel == 0 ) return 0; i = midwheel >> WHEELSHIFT; return i+1; } static void mid_add_wheel(MIDHANDLE *h, MIDTRACK *tp, int wheel) { MIDEVENT *e; e = mid_new_event(h); e->flg = 0; if( wheel < 0 ) { e->fx = wheeldown; e->fxparam = mid_to_mod_wheel(-wheel); } else { e->fx = wheelup; e->fxparam = mid_to_mod_wheel(wheel); } mid_add_event(h, tp, e); } static void mid_add_pitchwheel(MIDHANDLE *h, int mch, int wheel) { MIDTRACK *tr; int hits; hits = 0; for( tr=h->track; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->chan == mch ) { hits++; mid_sync_track(tr, h->tracktime); if( tr->vpos != 0xff ) // only on tracks with notes on... mid_add_wheel(h, tr, wheel); } } if( !hits ) { // special case in midiformat 1 events in first track... tr = mid_locate_track(h, mch, 0xff); mid_add_wheel(h, tr, wheel); } } static long int mid_read_long(MIDHANDLE *h) { BYTE buf[4]; mmreadUBYTES(buf, 4, h->mmf); return (buf[0]<<24)|(buf[1]<<16)|(buf[2]<<8)|buf[3]; } static short int mid_read_short(MIDHANDLE *h) { BYTE buf[2]; mmreadUBYTES(buf, 2, h->mmf); return (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1]; } static BYTE mid_read_byte(MIDHANDLE *h) { return mmreadUBYTE(h->mmf); } static int mid_read_delta(MIDHANDLE *h) { BYTE bits; int i, d; d = 0; for( i=0; i<4; ) { bits = mid_read_byte(h); i++; d = (d<<7)|(bits&0x7f); if( !(bits & 0x80) ) break; } h->deltatime = d; return i; } // ===================================================================================== #ifdef NEWMIKMOD BOOL MID_Test(MMSTREAM *mmfile) #else BOOL CSoundFile::TestMID(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength) #endif // ===================================================================================== { char id[5]; MIDHANDLE h; #ifdef NEWMIKMOD h.mmf = mmfile; #else MMFILE mm; mm.mm = (char *)lpStream; mm.sz = dwMemLength; h.mmf = &mm; #endif mmfseek(h.mmf,0,SEEK_SET); mmreadSBYTES(id, 4, h.mmf); id[4] = '\0'; return !strcmp(id,"MThd") && mid_read_long(&h) == 6; } // ===================================================================================== static MIDHANDLE *MID_Init(void) { MIDHANDLE *retval; #ifdef NEWMIKMOD MM_ALLOC *allochandle; allochandle = _mmalloc_create("Load_MID", NULL); retval = (MIDHANDLE *)_mm_calloc(allochandle, 1,sizeof(MIDHANDLE)); if( !retval ) return NULL; retval->allochandle = allochandle; allochandle = _mmalloc_create("Load_ABC_tracks", NULL); retval->trackhandle = allochandle; #else retval = (MIDHANDLE *)calloc(1,sizeof(MIDHANDLE)); if( !retval ) return NULL; #endif retval->track = NULL; retval->percussion = 0; retval->debug = NULL; return retval; } #ifndef NEWMIKMOD static void MID_CleanupTrack(MIDTRACK *tp) { MIDEVENT *ep, *en; if( tp ) { for( ep=tp->head; ep; ep = en ) { en=ep->next; free(ep); } tp->head = NULL; } } #endif // ===================================================================================== static void MID_CleanupTracks(MIDHANDLE *handle) // ===================================================================================== { #ifdef NEWMIKMOD if(handle && handle->trackhandle) { _mmalloc_close(handle->trackhandle); handle->trackhandle = 0; } #else MIDTRACK *tp, *tn; if(handle) { for( tp=handle->track; tp; tp = tn ) { tn=tp->next; MID_CleanupTrack(tp); } handle->track = NULL; } #endif } // ===================================================================================== static void MID_Cleanup(MIDHANDLE *handle) // ===================================================================================== { #ifdef NEWMIKMOD if(handle && handle->allochandle) { MID_CleanupTracks(handle); _mmalloc_close(handle->allochandle); handle->allochandle = 0; } #else if(handle) { MID_CleanupTracks(handle); free(handle); handle = 0; } #endif } static int mid_is_global_event(MIDEVENT *e) { return (e->fx == tmpo || e->fx == fxbrk); } static MIDEVENT *mid_next_global(MIDEVENT *e) { for( ; e && !mid_is_global_event(e); e=e->next ) ; return e; } static MIDEVENT *mid_next_fx(MIDEVENT *e) { for( ; e && e->fx == none; e=e->next ) ; return e; } static int mid_is_note_event(MIDEVENT *e) { #ifdef LOOPED_NOTES_OFF return (e->flg == 0); #else if( e->flg == 0 ) return 0; if( e->volume ) return 1; return pat_smplooped(e->smpno); // let non looping samples die out... #endif } static MIDEVENT *mid_next_note(MIDEVENT *e) { for( ; e && !mid_is_note_event(e); e=e->next ) ; return e; } // ===================================================================================== #ifdef NEWMIKMOD static void MID_ReadPatterns(UNIMOD *of, MIDHANDLE *h, int numpat) // ===================================================================================== { int pat,row,i,ch,trkset; BYTE n,ins,vol; MIDTRACK *t; MIDEVENT *e, *en, *ef, *el; ULONG tt1, tt2; UNITRK_EFFECT eff; // initialize start points of event list in tracks for( t = h->track; t; t = t->next ) t->workevent = t->head; for( pat = 0; pat < numpat; pat++ ) { utrk_reset(of->ut); for( row = 0; row < 64; row++ ) { tt1 = miditicks(h, (pat * 64 + row ) * h->speed); tt2 = tt1 + h->midispeed; for( e=mid_next_global(h->track->workevent); e && e->tracktick < tt2; e=mid_next_global(e->next) ) { if( e && e->tracktick >= tt1 ) { // we have a controller event in this row switch( e->fx ) { case tmpo: eff.effect = UNI_GLOB_TEMPO; eff.param.u = e->fxparam; eff.framedly = UFD_RUNONCE; utrk_write_global(of->ut, &eff, PTMEM_TEMPO); break; case fxbrk: eff.effect = UNI_GLOB_PATBREAK; eff.param.u = 0; eff.framedly = UFD_RUNONCE; utrk_write_global(of->ut, &eff, UNIMEM_NONE); break; } } } ch = 0; for( t = h->track; t; t = t->next ) { trkset = 0; e = NULL; for( el=mid_next_fx(t->workevent); el && el->tracktick < tt2; el=mid_next_fx(el->next) ) { if( el && el->tracktick >= tt1 ) { switch( el->fx ) { case modwheel: case wheelup: case wheeldown: e = el; default: break; } } } if( e ) { // we have a controller event in this row switch( e->fx ) { case modwheel: if( !trkset ) { utrk_settrack(of->ut, ch); trkset = 1; } eff.effect = UNI_VOLSLIDE; eff.framedly = UFD_RUNONCE; if( (e->fxparam & 0x0f) == 0x0f ) eff.param.s = (e->fxparam >> 3)&0x1f; else eff.param.s = -((e->fxparam & 0x0f)*2); utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, STMEM_VOLSLIDE); break; case wheelup: if( !trkset ) { utrk_settrack(of->ut, ch); trkset = 1; } eff.effect = UNI_PITCHSLIDE; eff.framedly = UFD_RUNONCE; eff.param.s = e->fxparam; utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, STMEM_PITCHSLIDE); break; case wheeldown: if( !trkset ) { utrk_settrack(of->ut, ch); trkset = 1; } eff.effect = UNI_PITCHSLIDE; eff.framedly = UFD_RUNONCE; eff.param.s = -(int)(e->fxparam); utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, STMEM_PITCHSLIDE); break; } } for( e=mid_next_note(t->workevent); e && e->tracktick < tt1; e=mid_next_note(e->next) ) t->workevent = e; i = 0; ef = NULL; en = e; el = e; for( ; e && e->tracktick < tt2; e=mid_next_note(e->next) ) { // we have a note event in this row t->workevent = e; i++; if( e->volume ) { if( !ef ) ef = e; el = e; } } if( i ) { if( !trkset ) { utrk_settrack(of->ut, ch); trkset = 1; } if( i == 1 || ef == el || !ef ) { // only one event in this row if( ef ) e = ef; else e = en; el = t->workevent; n = pat_modnote(e->note); ins = e->smpno; eff.framedly = modticks(h, e->tracktick - tt1); eff.param.u = 0; eff.param.byte_a = n; eff.param.byte_b = ins; vol = e->volume; if( vol == 0 ) { eff.effect = UNI_NOTEKILL; utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, UNIMEM_NONE); } else { if( el->volume == 0 ) { eff.framedly = modticks(h, el->tracktick - tt1); eff.effect = UNI_NOTEKILL; utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, UNIMEM_NONE); } else { if( eff.framedly ) { eff.effect = UNI_NOTEDELAY; utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, UNIMEM_NONE); } } } utrk_write_inst(of->ut, ins); utrk_write_note(of->ut, n); // <- normal note pt_write_effect(of->ut, 0xc, vol); } else { // two notes in one row, use FINEPITCHSLIDE runonce effect // start first note on first tick and framedly runonce on seconds note tick // use volume and instrument of last note n = pat_modnote(ef->note); i = pat_modnote(el->note); ins = el->smpno; vol = el->volume; eff.effect = UNI_PITCHSLIDE; eff.framedly = modticks(h, el->tracktick - tt1)|UFD_RUNONCE; eff.param.s = ((i > n)?i-n:n-i); utrk_write_inst(of->ut, ins); utrk_write_note(of->ut, n); // <- normal note pt_write_effect(of->ut, 0xc, vol); utrk_write_local(of->ut, &eff, (i > n)? PTMEM_PITCHSLIDEUP: PTMEM_PITCHSLIDEDN); } } ch++; } utrk_newline(of->ut); } if(!utrk_dup_pattern(of->ut,of)) return; } } #else static int MID_ReadPatterns(MODCOMMAND *pattern[], WORD psize[], MIDHANDLE *h, int numpat, int channels) // ===================================================================================== { int pat,row,i,ch; BYTE n,ins,vol; MIDTRACK *t; MIDEVENT *e, *en, *ef, *el; ULONG tt1, tt2; MODCOMMAND *m; int patbrk, tempo; if( numpat > MAX_PATTERNS ) numpat = MAX_PATTERNS; // initialize start points of event list in tracks for( t = h->track; t; t = t->next ) t->workevent = t->head; for( pat = 0; pat < numpat; pat++ ) { pattern[pat] = CSoundFile::AllocatePattern(64, channels); if( !pattern[pat] ) return 0; psize[pat] = 64; for( row = 0; row < 64; row++ ) { tt1 = miditicks(h, (pat * 64 + row ) * h->speed); tt2 = tt1 + h->midispeed; ch = 0; tempo = 0; patbrk = 0; for( e=mid_next_global(h->track->workevent); e && e->tracktick < tt2; e=mid_next_global(e->next) ) { if( e && e->tracktick >= tt1 ) { // we have a controller event in this row switch( e->fx ) { case tmpo: tempo = e->fxparam; break; case fxbrk: patbrk = 1; break; } } } for( t = h->track; t; t = t->next ) { m = &pattern[pat][row * channels + ch]; m->param = 0; m->command = CMD_NONE; for( e=mid_next_fx(t->workevent); e && e->tracktick < tt2; e=mid_next_fx(e->next) ) { if( e && e->tracktick >= tt1 ) { // we have a controller event in this row switch( e->fx ) { case modwheel: m->param = e->fxparam; m->command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; break; case wheelup: m->param = e->fxparam|0x10; m->command = CMD_XFINEPORTAUPDOWN; break; case wheeldown: m->param = e->fxparam|0x20; m->command = CMD_XFINEPORTAUPDOWN; break; } } } for( e=mid_next_note(t->workevent); e && e->tracktick < tt1; e=mid_next_note(e->next) ) t->workevent = e; i = 0; ef = NULL; en = e; el = e; for( ; e && e->tracktick < tt2; e=mid_next_note(e->next) ) { // we have a note event in this row t->workevent = e; i++; if( e->volume ) { if( !ef ) ef = e; el = e; } } if( i ) { if( i == 1 || ef == el || !ef ) { // only one event in this row or a note on with some note off if( ef ) e = ef; else e = en; el = t->workevent; n = pat_modnote(e->note); ins = e->smpno; if( e->volume == 0 ) { m->param = (BYTE)modticks(h, e->tracktick - tt1); if( m->param ) { // note cut m->command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m->param |= 0xC0; } else { m->param = 0; m->command = CMD_KEYOFF; } vol = 0; } else { vol = e->volume/2; if( el->volume == 0 ) { m->param = (BYTE)modticks(h, el->tracktick - tt1); if( m->param ) { // note cut m->command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m->param |= 0xC0; } } else { m->param = (BYTE)modticks(h, e->tracktick - tt1); if( m->param ) { // note delay m->command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; m->param |= 0xD0; } } } m->instr = ins; m->note = n; // <- normal note m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m->vol = vol; } else { // two notes in one row, use FINEPITCHSLIDE runonce effect // start first note on first tick and framedly runonce on seconds note tick // use volume and instrument of last note n = pat_modnote(ef->note); i = pat_modnote(el->note); ins = el->smpno; vol = el->volume/2; if( vol > 64 ) vol = 64; m->instr = ins; m->note = n; // <- normal note m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m->vol = vol; m->param = ((i > n)?i-n:n-i); if( m->param < 16 ) { if( m->param ) { m->command = CMD_XFINEPORTAUPDOWN; m->param |= (i > n)? 0x10: 0x20; } else { // retrigger same note... m->command = CMD_RETRIG; m->param = (BYTE)modticks(h, el->tracktick - tt1); } } else m->command = (i > n)? CMD_PORTAMENTOUP: CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; } } if( m->param == 0 && m->command == CMD_NONE ) { if( tempo ) { m->command = CMD_TEMPO; m->param = tempo; tempo = 0; } else { if( patbrk ) { m->command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; patbrk = 0; } } } ch++; } if( tempo || patbrk ) return 1; } } return 0; } #endif static ULONG mid_next_tracktick(MIDEVENT *e) { MIDEVENT *en; en = e->next; if( en ) return en->tracktick; return 0x7fffffff; // practically indefinite } // cut off alle events that follow the given event static void mid_stripoff(MIDTRACK *tp, MIDEVENT *e) { #ifndef NEWMIKMOD MIDEVENT *ep, *en; for( ep=e->next; ep; ep = en ) { en=ep->next; free(ep); } #endif e->next = NULL; tp->tail = e; tp->workevent = tp->head; mid_sync_track(tp, e->tracktick); } static void mid_notes_to_percussion(MIDTRACK *tp, ULONG adjust, ULONG tmin) { MIDEVENT *e, *lno = 0; int n = 0,v; ULONG ton, toff = 0, tnext; v = 0x7f; // as loud as it gets ton = 0; for( e=tp->head; e; e=e->next ) { if( e->tracktick < adjust ) e->tracktick = 0; else e->tracktick -= adjust; if( e->flg == 1 ) { if( e->volume > 0 ) { n = e->note; e->smpno = pat_gmtosmp(pat_gm_drumnr(n)); e->note = pat_gm_drumnote(n); e->volume = (v * e->volume) / 128; if( v && !e->volume ) e->volume = 1; ton = e->tracktick; } else { toff = ton + tmin; if( toff > e->tracktick ) { tnext = mid_next_tracktick(e); if( toff + tmin < tnext ) e->tracktick = toff; else { if( toff < tnext ) e->tracktick = toff - 1; else e->tracktick = tnext - 1; } } toff = e->tracktick; lno = e; } } else { if( e->fx == mainvol ) { v = e->fxparam; if( !v && ton > toff ) { e->flg = 1; e->volume = 0; e->note = pat_gm_drumnote(n); toff = e->tracktick; lno = e; } } } } if( ton > toff ) { char info[32]; sprintf(info,"%ld > %ld note %d", (long)ton, (long)toff, n); mid_message("drum track ends with note on (%s)", info); } if( lno && lno->next ) mid_stripoff(tp, lno); } static void mid_prog_to_notes(MIDTRACK *tp, ULONG adjust, ULONG tmin) { MIDEVENT *e, *lno = 0; int i = 0, n = 0, v = 0x7f; ULONG ton, toff = 0, tnext; ton = 0; for( e=tp->head; e; e=e->next ) { if( e->tracktick < adjust ) e->tracktick = 0; else e->tracktick -= adjust; if( e->flg == 1 ) { if( !i ) i = pat_gmtosmp(1); // happens in eternal2.mid e->smpno = i; n = e->note; if( e->volume > 0 ) { e->volume = (v * e->volume) / 128; if( v && !e->volume ) e->volume = 1; ton = e->tracktick; } else { toff = ton + tmin; if( toff > e->tracktick ) { tnext = mid_next_tracktick(e); if( toff + tmin < tnext ) e->tracktick = toff; else { if( toff < tnext ) e->tracktick = toff - 1; else e->tracktick = tnext - 1; } } toff = e->tracktick; lno = e; } } else { if( e->fx == prog ) i = e->fxparam; if( e->fx == mainvol ) { v = e->fxparam; if( !v && ton > toff ) { e->flg = 1; e->volume = 0; e->note = n; toff = e->tracktick; lno = e; } } } } if( ton > toff ) { char info[40]; sprintf(info,"channel %d, %ld > %ld note %d", tp->chan + 1, (long)ton, (long)toff, n); mid_message("melody track ends with note on (%s)", info); } if( lno && lno->next ) mid_stripoff(tp, lno); } static int midiword(BYTE *b) { int i; i = (b[0]&0x7f)|((b[1]&0x7f)<<7); return i; } static int midishort(BYTE *b) { return midiword(b) - 0x2000; } ULONG mid_first_noteonevent_tick(MIDEVENT *e) { while( e && (e->flg == 0 || e->volume == 0) ) e=e->next; if( !e ) return 0x7fffffff; return e->tracktick; } // ===================================================================================== #ifdef NEWMIKMOD BOOL MID_Load(MIDHANDLE *h, UNIMOD *of, MMSTREAM *mmfile) #else BOOL CSoundFile::ReadMID(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength) #endif { static int avoid_reentry = 0; #ifdef NEWMIKMOD #define m_nDefaultTempo of->inittempo #else MIDHANDLE *h; MMFILE mm; #endif int ch, dmulti, maxtempo, panlow, panhigh, numchans, numtracks; MIDTRACK *ttp; uint32_t t, numpats; char buf[256]; long miditracklen; BYTE runningstatus; BYTE cmd; BYTE midibyte[2]; long metalen, delta; BYTE *p; while( avoid_reentry ) sleep(1); avoid_reentry = 1; #ifdef NEWMIKMOD h->mmf = mmfile; #else if( !TestMID(lpStream, dwMemLength) ) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } h = MID_Init(); if( !h ) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } h->mmf = &mm; mm.mm = (char *)lpStream; mm.sz = dwMemLength; mm.pos = 0; #endif h->debug = getenv(ENV_MMMID_DEBUG); h->verbose = getenv(ENV_MMMID_VERBOSE); pat_resetsmp(); pat_init_patnames(); mmfseek(h->mmf,8,SEEK_SET); h->midiformat = mid_read_short(h); h->miditracks = mid_read_short(h); h->resolution = mid_read_short(h); // at this point the h->mmf is positioned at first miditrack if( h->midiformat == 0 ) h->miditracks = 1; if( h->resolution & 0x8000 ) h->divider = ((h->resolution & 0x7f00)>>8)*(h->resolution & 0xff); else h->divider = h->resolution; h->divider <<= 2; // ticks per quartnote ==> ticks per note h->tempo = 122; m_nDefaultTempo = 0; h->tracktime = 0; h->speed = 6; p = (BYTE *)getenv(ENV_MMMID_SPEED); if( p && isdigit(*p) && p[0] != '0' && p[1] == '\0' ) { // transform speed t = *p - '0'; h->speed *= t; h->divider *= t; h->speed /= 6; h->divider /= 6; } // calculate optimal delta multiplier dmulti keeping tempo adjustments // from 10 to 255 in mind (hoping there will be no midi's with tempo's // lower than 10, that is sooo sick...) // this is necessary for the tracks to patterns routine dmulti = 1; maxtempo = h->divider; while( (h->midispeed = miditicks(h, h->speed)) * 10 < 255 * h->speed ) { ++dmulti; h->divider = maxtempo * dmulti; } h->tp = NULL; memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); #ifdef NEWMIKMOD of->songname = NULL; #else strcpy(m_szNames[0], ""); #endif maxtempo = 0; panlow = 64; panhigh = 64; if( h->verbose ) { printf("Scanning MIDI with format: %d resolution: %d tracks: %d\n", h->midiformat, h->resolution, h->miditracks); } if( h->verbose && dmulti > 1 ) { printf("Multiplying resolution and deltatimes by %d to get %d miditicks per patternrow\n", dmulti, h->midispeed); } for( t=0; t<(uint32_t)h->miditracks; t++ ) { if( h->verbose ) printf("Parsing track %d\n", t+1); mmreadSBYTES(buf,4,h->mmf); buf[4] = '\0'; if( strcmp(buf,"MTrk") ) { mid_message("invalid track-chunk '%s' is not 'MTrk'",buf); avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } miditracklen = mid_read_long(h); runningstatus = 0; if( t && h->midiformat == 1 ) mid_rewind_tracks(h); // tracks sound simultaneously while( miditracklen > 0 ) { miditracklen -= mid_read_delta(h); midibyte[0] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( midibyte[0] & 0x80 ) { runningstatus = midibyte[0]; switch( runningstatus ) { case 0xf1: case 0xf4: case 0xf5: case 0xf6: case 0xf7: case 0xf8: case 0xf9: case 0xfa: case 0xfb: case 0xfc: case 0xfd: case 0xfe: break; default: midibyte[0] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; break; } } h->tracktime += dmulti * h->deltatime; ch = runningstatus & 0x0f; cmd = runningstatus & 0xf0; switch( cmd ) { case 0x80: // note off midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; ttp = mid_find_track(h, ch, midibyte[0]); if( ttp ) mid_add_noteoff(h, ttp); if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld Note off: ch %d 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0], midibyte[1]); break; case 0x90: // note on midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( midibyte[1] ) { ttp = mid_locate_track(h, ch, midibyte[0]); mid_add_noteon(h, ttp, midibyte[0], midibyte[1]); if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld Note on: ch %d 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0], midibyte[1]); } else { ttp = mid_find_track(h, ch, midibyte[0]); if( ttp ) mid_add_noteoff(h, ttp); if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld note off: ch %d 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0]); } break; case 0xa0: // polyphonic key pressure midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld polyphonic key pressure: ch %d 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0], midibyte[1]); break; case 0xb0: // control change midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; switch(midibyte[0]) { case 0x01: // mod wheel mid_mod_wheel(h, ch, midibyte[1]); break; case 0x07: // main volume mid_main_volume(h, ch, midibyte[1]); break; case 0x0a: // pan if( midibyte[1] < panlow ) panlow = midibyte[1]; if( midibyte[1] > panhigh ) panhigh = midibyte[1]; mid_pan(h, ch, midibyte[1]); break; case 0x0b: // expression break; case 0x7b: if( midibyte[1] == 0x00 ) // all notes off mid_all_notes_off(h, ch); break; default: break; } if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld control change: ch %d 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0], midibyte[1]); break; case 0xc0: // program change mid_add_program(h, ch, midibyte[0]); if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld program change: ch %d %d\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0]); break; case 0xd0: // channel pressure if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld channel pressure: ch %d 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midibyte[0]); break; case 0xe0: // pitch wheel change midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld pitch wheel change: ch %d %d\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), ch + 1, midishort(midibyte)); mid_add_pitchwheel(h, ch, midishort(midibyte)); break; case 0xf0: // system & realtime switch( runningstatus ) { case 0xf0: // sysex if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld sysex: 0x%02x", t, (long)(h->tracktime), midibyte[0]); while( midibyte[0] != 0xf7 ) { midibyte[0] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( h->debug ) printf(" %02X", midibyte[0]); } if( h->debug ) printf("\n"); break; case 0xf2: // song position pointer midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld song position pointer: %d", t, (long)(h->tracktime), midishort(midibyte)); break; case 0xf7: delta = h->deltatime; miditracklen -= mid_read_delta(h); metalen = h->deltatime; if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld sysex continued: %ld", t, (long)(h->tracktime), metalen); while( metalen > 0 ) { midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); metalen--; miditracklen--; if( h->debug ) printf(" %02X", midibyte[1]); } h->deltatime = delta; break; case 0xff: // meta event delta = h->deltatime; miditracklen -= mid_read_delta(h); metalen = h->deltatime; if( metalen > 31 ) metalen = 31; if( metalen ) { mmreadSBYTES(buf, metalen, h->mmf); miditracklen -= metalen; } buf[metalen] = '\0'; metalen = h->deltatime - metalen; while( metalen > 0 ) { midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); metalen--; miditracklen--; } h->deltatime = delta; switch( midibyte[0] ) { case 0x03: // type: track name if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld META trackname:%s\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), buf); #ifdef NEWMIKMOD if( !of->songname ) of->songname = DupStr(of->allochandle, buf, strlen(buf)); #else if( m_szNames[0][0] == '\0' ) strcpy(m_szNames[0], buf); #endif break; case 0x51: // type: tempo p=(BYTE *)buf; delta = (p[0]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[2]; if( delta ) h->tempo = 60000000 / delta; if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld META tempo:%d\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), h->tempo); if( m_nDefaultTempo == 0 ) m_nDefaultTempo = h->tempo; else { ttp = h->track; if( !ttp ) ttp = mid_locate_track(h, 0, 0xff); mid_add_tempo_event(h,h->tempo); } if( h->tempo > maxtempo ) maxtempo = h->tempo; break; case 0x2f: // type: end of track if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld META end of track\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime)); if( miditracklen > 0 ) { sprintf(buf, "%ld", miditracklen); mid_message("Meta event not at end of track, %s bytes left in track", buf); miditracklen = 0; } break; default: if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld META type 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), midibyte[0]); break; } break; default: if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld System type 0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), midibyte[0]); break; } break; default: // no running status, just skip it... if( h->debug ) printf("%2d %08ld unknown runningstatus: 0x%02x skipped:0x%02x\n", t, (long)(h->tracktime), runningstatus, midibyte[0]); break; } if( miditracklen < 1 && (runningstatus != 0xff || midibyte[0] != 0x2f) ) { delta = mmftell(h->mmf); mmreadSBYTES(buf,4,h->mmf); buf[4] = '\0'; if( strcmp(buf,"MTrk") ) { miditracklen = 0x7fffffff; mid_message("Meta event not at end of track, %s bytes left in track", "superfluous"); } else mid_message("Meta event not at end of track, %s bytes left in track", "no"); mmfseek(h->mmf,delta,SEEK_SET); } } } if( h->verbose ) printf("Determining percussion channel\n"); // get the lowest event time and the used channels delta = 0x7fffffff; metalen = 0; // use as bit bucket for used channels for( ttp=h->track; ttp; ttp=ttp->next ) { metalen |= (1<chan); if( ttp->head ) { ULONG tt; tt = mid_first_noteonevent_tick(ttp->head); if( tt < (ULONG)delta ) delta = tt; } } if( metalen & 0x03ff ) { if( (metalen & 0x0f00) == 0x0400 ) h->percussion = 10; // buggy sng2mid uses channel 10 else h->percussion = 9; } else h->percussion = 15; if( h->verbose ) printf("Percussion channel is %d\nStripping off silences and other optimalisations\n", h->percussion + 1); // last but not least shut off all pending events, transform drumnotes when appropriate // strip off silences at begin and end and get the greatest tracktime h->tracktime = 0; metalen = h->midispeed; for( ttp=h->track; ttp; ttp=ttp->next ) { if( ttp->chan == h->percussion ) mid_notes_to_percussion(ttp, delta, metalen); else mid_prog_to_notes(ttp, delta, metalen); if( ttp->tail && ttp->tail->tracktick > h->tracktime ) h->tracktime = ttp->tail->tracktick; } h->tracktime += h->divider >> 2; // add one quartnote to the song for silence mid_add_partbreak(h); if( h->debug ) mid_dump_tracks(h); numchans = mid_numchans(h); if( panlow > 48 || panhigh < 80 ) { for( ttp=h->track; ttp; ttp=ttp->next ) { ttp->balance = ((0x40*numchans+0x80*mid_ordchan(h, ttp->chan))/numchans)&0x7f; } } // set module variables numtracks = mid_numtracks(h); if( m_nDefaultTempo == 0 ) m_nDefaultTempo = h->tempo; if( maxtempo == 0 ) maxtempo = h->tempo; if( maxtempo != 255 ) { if( h->verbose ) printf("Adjusting tempo %d to 255\n", maxtempo); mid_adjust_for_optimal_tempo(h, maxtempo); } if( maxtempo > 0 ) m_nDefaultTempo = (255 * m_nDefaultTempo) / maxtempo; numpats = 1 + (modticks(h, h->tracktime) / h->speed / 64 ); if( h->verbose ) printf("Generating %d patterns with speed %d\n", numpats, h->speed); #ifdef NEWMIKMOD if( !of->songname ) of->songname = DupStr(of->allochandle, "Untitled", 8); of->memsize = STMEM_LAST; // Number of memory slots to reserve! of->modtype = _mm_strdup(of->allochandle, MID_Version); of->numpat = numpats; of->numpos = of->numpat; of->reppos = 0; of->initspeed = h->speed; of->numchn = numtracks; of->numtrk = of->numpat * of->numchn; of->initvolume = 64; of->pansep = 128; // orderlist if(!AllocPositions(of, of->numpos)) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } for(t=0; tnumpos; t++) of->positions[t] = t; if( !PAT_Load_Instruments(of) ) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } // ============================== // Load the pattern info now! if(!AllocTracks(of)) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } if(!AllocPatterns(of)) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } of->ut = utrk_init(of->numchn, h->allochandle); utrk_memory_reset(of->ut); utrk_local_memflag(of->ut, PTMEM_PORTAMENTO, TRUE, FALSE); MID_ReadPatterns(of, h, numpats); // ============================================================ // set panning positions t = 0; for( ttp=h->track; ttp; ttp=ttp->next ) { of->panning[t] = modpan(ttp->balance, numchans / 2); t++; } #else m_nType = MOD_TYPE_MID; m_nDefaultSpeed = h->speed; m_nChannels = numtracks; m_dwSongFlags = SONG_LINEARSLIDES; m_nMinPeriod = 28 << 2; m_nMaxPeriod = 1712 << 3; // orderlist for(t=0; t < numpats; t++) Order[t] = t; if( !PAT_Load_Instruments(this) ) { avoid_reentry = 0; return FALSE; } // ============================== // Load the pattern info now! if( MID_ReadPatterns(Patterns, PatternSize, h, numpats, m_nChannels) ) { // :^( need one more channel to handle the global events ;^b m_nChannels++; h->tp = mid_new_track(h, h->track->chan, 0xff); for( ttp=h->track; ttp->next; ttp=ttp->next ) ; ttp->next = h->tp; mid_add_sync(h, h->tp); for( t=0; ttrack; ttp; ttp=ttp->next ) { ChnSettings[t].nPan = modpan(ttp->balance, numchans / 2); ChnSettings[t].nVolume = 64; t++; } MID_Cleanup(h); // we dont need it anymore #endif if( h->verbose ) printf("Done\n"); avoid_reentry = 0; // it is safe now, I'm finished return TRUE; } #ifdef NEWMIKMOD // ===================================================================================== CHAR *MID_LoadTitle(MMSTREAM *mmfile) // ===================================================================================== { int t; char buf[24]; long miditracklen; BYTE runningstatus; BYTE cmd; BYTE midibyte[2]; long metalen; MIDHANDLE hh, *h; h = &hh; h->mmf = mmfile; mmfseek(h->mmf,8,SEEK_SET); h->midiformat = mid_read_short(h); h->miditracks = mid_read_short(h); h->resolution = mid_read_short(h); // at this point the h->mmf is positioned at first miditrack if( h->midiformat == 0 ) h->miditracks = 1; h->tracktime = 0; for( t=0; tmiditracks; t++ ) { mmreadSBYTES(buf,4,h->mmf); miditracklen = mid_read_long(h); runningstatus = 0; while( miditracklen > 0 ) { miditracklen -= mid_read_delta(h); midibyte[0] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; if( midibyte[0] & 0x80 ) { runningstatus = midibyte[0]; switch( runningstatus ) { case 0xf1: case 0xf4: case 0xf5: case 0xf6: case 0xf7: case 0xf8: case 0xf9: case 0xfa: case 0xfb: case 0xfc: case 0xfd: case 0xfe: break; default: midibyte[0] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; break; } } cmd = runningstatus & 0xf0; switch( cmd ) { case 0x80: // note off case 0x90: // note on case 0xa0: // polyphonic key pressure case 0xb0: // control change case 0xe0: // pitch wheel change midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; case 0xc0: // program change case 0xd0: // channel pressure break; case 0xf0: // system & realtime switch( runningstatus ) { case 0xf0: // sysex while( midibyte[0] != 0xf7 ) { midibyte[0] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; } break; case 0xf2: // song position pointer midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); miditracklen--; break; case 0xf7: miditracklen -= mid_read_delta(h); metalen = h->deltatime; while( metalen > 0 ) { midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); metalen--; miditracklen--; } break; case 0xff: // meta event miditracklen -= mid_read_delta(h); metalen = h->deltatime; if( metalen > 21 ) metalen = 21; if( metalen ) { mmreadSBYTES(buf, metalen, h->mmf); miditracklen -= metalen; } buf[metalen] = '\0'; metalen = h->deltatime - metalen; while( metalen > 0 ) { midibyte[1] = mid_read_byte(h); metalen--; miditracklen--; } switch( midibyte[0] ) { case 0x03: // type: track name return DupStr(NULL, buf, strlen(buf)); break; case 0x2f: // type: end of track miditracklen = 0; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } break; default: // no running status, just skip it... break; } if( miditracklen < 1 && (runningstatus != 0xff || midibyte[0] != 0x2f) ) { metalen = mmftell(h->mmf); mmreadSBYTES(buf,4,h->mmf); buf[4] = '\0'; if( strcmp(buf,"MTrk") ) miditracklen = 0x7fffffff; mmfseek(h->mmf,metalen,SEEK_SET); } } } return DupStr(NULL, "Untitled" ,8); } MLOADER load_mid = { "MID", "Musical Instrument Digital Interface", 0x30, NULL, MID_Test, (void *(*)(void))MID_Init, (void (*)(ML_HANDLE *))MID_Cleanup, /* Every single loader seems to need one of these! */ (BOOL (*)(ML_HANDLE *, UNIMOD *, MMSTREAM *))MID_Load, MID_LoadTitle }; #endif