/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_jpeg.c,v 1.5 2001/07/20 15:00:35 warmerda Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "tiffiop.h" #ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT /* * TIFF Library * * JPEG Compression support per TIFF Technical Note #2 * (*not* per the original TIFF 6.0 spec). * * This file is simply an interface to the libjpeg library written by * the Independent JPEG Group. You need release 5 or later of the IJG * code, which you can find on the Internet at ftp.uu.net:/graphics/jpeg/. * * Contributed by Tom Lane . */ #include #include #include /* We undefine FAR to avoid conflict with JPEG definition */ #ifdef FAR #undef FAR #endif /* The windows RPCNDR.H file defines boolean. */ #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #ifdef __RPCNDR_H__ #define HAVE_BOOLEAN #endif #endif #ifdef _LINUX #include #include #else #include "../jpeg/jpeglib.h" #include "../jpeg/jerror.h" #endif /* * On some machines it may be worthwhile to use _setjmp or sigsetjmp * in place of plain setjmp. These macros will make it easier. */ #define SETJMP(jbuf) setjmp(jbuf) #define LONGJMP(jbuf,code) longjmp(jbuf,code) #define JMP_BUF jmp_buf typedef struct jpeg_destination_mgr jpeg_destination_mgr; typedef struct jpeg_source_mgr jpeg_source_mgr; typedef struct jpeg_error_mgr jpeg_error_mgr; /* * State block for each open TIFF file using * libjpeg to do JPEG compression/decompression. * * libjpeg's visible state is either a jpeg_compress_struct * or jpeg_decompress_struct depending on which way we * are going. comm can be used to refer to the fields * which are common to both. * * NB: cinfo is required to be the first member of JPEGState, * so we can safely cast JPEGState* -> jpeg_xxx_struct* * and vice versa! */ typedef struct { union { struct jpeg_compress_struct c; struct jpeg_decompress_struct d; struct jpeg_common_struct comm; } cinfo; /* NB: must be first */ jpeg_error_mgr err; /* libjpeg error manager */ JMP_BUF exit_jmpbuf; /* for catching libjpeg failures */ /* * The following two members could be a union, but * they're small enough that it's not worth the effort. */ jpeg_destination_mgr dest; /* data dest for compression */ jpeg_source_mgr src; /* data source for decompression */ /* private state */ TIFF* tif; /* back link needed by some code */ uint16 photometric; /* copy of PhotometricInterpretation */ uint16 h_sampling; /* luminance sampling factors */ uint16 v_sampling; tsize_t bytesperline; /* decompressed bytes per scanline */ /* pointers to intermediate buffers when processing downsampled data */ JSAMPARRAY ds_buffer[MAX_COMPONENTS]; int scancount; /* number of "scanlines" accumulated */ int samplesperclump; TIFFVGetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ TIFFStripMethod defsparent; /* super-class method */ TIFFTileMethod deftparent; /* super-class method */ /* pseudo-tag fields */ void* jpegtables; /* JPEGTables tag value, or NULL */ uint32 jpegtables_length; /* number of bytes in same */ int jpegquality; /* Compression quality level */ int jpegcolormode; /* Auto RGB<=>YCbCr convert? */ int jpegtablesmode; /* What to put in JPEGTables */ } JPEGState; #define JState(tif) ((JPEGState*)(tif)->tif_data) static int JPEGDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); static int JPEGDecodeRaw(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); static int JPEGEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); static int JPEGEncodeRaw(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); #define FIELD_JPEGTABLES (FIELD_CODEC+0) static const TIFFFieldInfo jpegFieldInfo[] = { { TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES, -1,-1, TIFF_UNDEFINED, FIELD_JPEGTABLES, FALSE, TRUE, "JPEGTables" }, { TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, TRUE, FALSE, "" }, { TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, FALSE, FALSE, "" }, { TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, FALSE, FALSE, "" }, }; #define N(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])) /* * libjpeg interface layer. * * We use setjmp/longjmp to return control to libtiff * when a fatal error is encountered within the JPEG * library. We also direct libjpeg error and warning * messages through the appropriate libtiff handlers. */ /* * Error handling routines (these replace corresponding * IJG routines from jerror.c). These are used for both * compression and decompression. */ static void TIFFjpeg_error_exit(j_common_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState *sp = (JPEGState *) cinfo; /* NB: cinfo assumed first */ char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; (*cinfo->err->format_message) (cinfo, buffer); TIFFError("JPEGLib", buffer); /* display the error message */ jpeg_abort(cinfo); /* clean up libjpeg state */ LONGJMP(sp->exit_jmpbuf, 1); /* return to libtiff caller */ } /* * This routine is invoked only for warning messages, * since error_exit does its own thing and trace_level * is never set > 0. */ static void TIFFjpeg_output_message(j_common_ptr cinfo) { char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; (*cinfo->err->format_message) (cinfo, buffer); TIFFWarning("JPEGLib", buffer); } /* * Interface routines. This layer of routines exists * primarily to limit side-effects from using setjmp. * Also, normal/error returns are converted into return * values per libtiff practice. */ #define CALLJPEG(sp, fail, op) (SETJMP((sp)->exit_jmpbuf) ? (fail) : (op)) #define CALLVJPEG(sp, op) CALLJPEG(sp, 0, ((op),1)) static int TIFFjpeg_create_compress(JPEGState* sp) { /* initialize JPEG error handling */ sp->cinfo.c.err = jpeg_std_error(&sp->err); sp->err.error_exit = TIFFjpeg_error_exit; sp->err.output_message = TIFFjpeg_output_message; return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_create_compress(&sp->cinfo.c)); } static int TIFFjpeg_create_decompress(JPEGState* sp) { /* initialize JPEG error handling */ sp->cinfo.d.err = jpeg_std_error(&sp->err); sp->err.error_exit = TIFFjpeg_error_exit; sp->err.output_message = TIFFjpeg_output_message; return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_create_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); } static int TIFFjpeg_set_defaults(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_set_defaults(&sp->cinfo.c)); } static int TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(JPEGState* sp, J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_set_colorspace(&sp->cinfo.c, colorspace)); } static int TIFFjpeg_set_quality(JPEGState* sp, int quality, boolean force_baseline) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_set_quality(&sp->cinfo.c, quality, force_baseline)); } static int TIFFjpeg_suppress_tables(JPEGState* sp, boolean suppress) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_suppress_tables(&sp->cinfo.c, suppress)); } static int TIFFjpeg_start_compress(JPEGState* sp, boolean write_all_tables) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_start_compress(&sp->cinfo.c, write_all_tables)); } static int TIFFjpeg_write_scanlines(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, int num_lines) { return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_write_scanlines(&sp->cinfo.c, scanlines, (JDIMENSION) num_lines)); } static int TIFFjpeg_write_raw_data(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPIMAGE data, int num_lines) { return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_write_raw_data(&sp->cinfo.c, data, (JDIMENSION) num_lines)); } static int TIFFjpeg_finish_compress(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_finish_compress(&sp->cinfo.c)); } static int TIFFjpeg_write_tables(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_write_tables(&sp->cinfo.c)); } static int TIFFjpeg_read_header(JPEGState* sp, boolean require_image) { return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, jpeg_read_header(&sp->cinfo.d, require_image)); } static int TIFFjpeg_start_decompress(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_start_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); } static int TIFFjpeg_read_scanlines(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, int max_lines) { return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_read_scanlines(&sp->cinfo.d, scanlines, (JDIMENSION) max_lines)); } static int TIFFjpeg_read_raw_data(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPIMAGE data, int max_lines) { return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_read_raw_data(&sp->cinfo.d, data, (JDIMENSION) max_lines)); } static int TIFFjpeg_finish_decompress(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_finish_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); } static int TIFFjpeg_abort(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_abort(&sp->cinfo.comm)); } static int TIFFjpeg_destroy(JPEGState* sp) { return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_destroy(&sp->cinfo.comm)); } static JSAMPARRAY TIFFjpeg_alloc_sarray(JPEGState* sp, int pool_id, JDIMENSION samplesperrow, JDIMENSION numrows) { return CALLJPEG(sp, (JSAMPARRAY) NULL, (*sp->cinfo.comm.mem->alloc_sarray) (&sp->cinfo.comm, pool_id, samplesperrow, numrows)); } /* * JPEG library destination data manager. * These routines direct compressed data from libjpeg into the * libtiff output buffer. */ static void std_init_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; TIFF* tif = sp->tif; sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) tif->tif_rawdata; sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) tif->tif_rawdatasize; } static boolean std_empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; TIFF* tif = sp->tif; /* the entire buffer has been filled */ tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize; TIFFFlushData1(tif); sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) tif->tif_rawdata; sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) tif->tif_rawdatasize; return (TRUE); } static void std_term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; TIFF* tif = sp->tif; tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) sp->dest.next_output_byte; tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - (tsize_t) sp->dest.free_in_buffer; /* NB: libtiff does the final buffer flush */ } static void TIFFjpeg_data_dest(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) { (void) tif; sp->cinfo.c.dest = &sp->dest; sp->dest.init_destination = std_init_destination; sp->dest.empty_output_buffer = std_empty_output_buffer; sp->dest.term_destination = std_term_destination; } /* * Alternate destination manager for outputting to JPEGTables field. */ static void tables_init_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; /* while building, jpegtables_length is allocated buffer size */ sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) sp->jpegtables; sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) sp->jpegtables_length; } static boolean tables_empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; void* newbuf; /* the entire buffer has been filled; enlarge it by 1000 bytes */ newbuf = _TIFFrealloc((tdata_t) sp->jpegtables, (tsize_t) (sp->jpegtables_length + 1000)); if (newbuf == NULL) ERREXIT1(cinfo, JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 100); sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) newbuf + sp->jpegtables_length; sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) 1000; sp->jpegtables = newbuf; sp->jpegtables_length += 1000; return (TRUE); } static void tables_term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; /* set tables length to number of bytes actually emitted */ sp->jpegtables_length -= sp->dest.free_in_buffer; } static int TIFFjpeg_tables_dest(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) { (void) tif; /* * Allocate a working buffer for building tables. * Initial size is 1000 bytes, which is usually adequate. */ if (sp->jpegtables) _TIFFfree(sp->jpegtables); sp->jpegtables_length = 1000; sp->jpegtables = (void*) _TIFFmalloc((tsize_t) sp->jpegtables_length); if (sp->jpegtables == NULL) { sp->jpegtables_length = 0; TIFFError("TIFFjpeg_tables_dest", "No space for JPEGTables"); return (0); } sp->cinfo.c.dest = &sp->dest; sp->dest.init_destination = tables_init_destination; sp->dest.empty_output_buffer = tables_empty_output_buffer; sp->dest.term_destination = tables_term_destination; return (1); } /* * JPEG library source data manager. * These routines supply compressed data to libjpeg. */ static void std_init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; TIFF* tif = sp->tif; sp->src.next_input_byte = (const JOCTET*) tif->tif_rawdata; sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = (size_t) tif->tif_rawcc; } static boolean std_fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState* ) cinfo; static const JOCTET dummy_EOI[2] = { 0xFF, JPEG_EOI }; /* * Should never get here since entire strip/tile is * read into memory before the decompressor is called, * and thus was supplied by init_source. */ WARNMS(cinfo, JWRN_JPEG_EOF); /* insert a fake EOI marker */ sp->src.next_input_byte = dummy_EOI; sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = 2; return (TRUE); } static void std_skip_input_data(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; if (num_bytes > 0) { if (num_bytes > (long) sp->src.bytes_in_buffer) { /* oops, buffer overrun */ (void) std_fill_input_buffer(cinfo); } else { sp->src.next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes; sp->src.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes; } } } static void std_term_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { /* No work necessary here */ /* Or must we update tif->tif_rawcp, tif->tif_rawcc ??? */ /* (if so, need empty tables_term_source!) */ (void) cinfo; } static void TIFFjpeg_data_src(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) { (void) tif; sp->cinfo.d.src = &sp->src; sp->src.init_source = std_init_source; sp->src.fill_input_buffer = std_fill_input_buffer; sp->src.skip_input_data = std_skip_input_data; sp->src.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; sp->src.term_source = std_term_source; sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = 0; /* for safety */ sp->src.next_input_byte = NULL; } /* * Alternate source manager for reading from JPEGTables. * We can share all the code except for the init routine. */ static void tables_init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; sp->src.next_input_byte = (const JOCTET*) sp->jpegtables; sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = (size_t) sp->jpegtables_length; } static void TIFFjpeg_tables_src(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) { TIFFjpeg_data_src(sp, tif); sp->src.init_source = tables_init_source; } /* * Allocate downsampled-data buffers needed for downsampled I/O. * We use values computed in jpeg_start_compress or jpeg_start_decompress. * We use libjpeg's allocator so that buffers will be released automatically * when done with strip/tile. * This is also a handy place to compute samplesperclump, bytesperline. */ static int alloc_downsampled_buffers(TIFF* tif, jpeg_component_info* comp_info, int num_components) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); int ci; jpeg_component_info* compptr; JSAMPARRAY buf; int samples_per_clump = 0; for (ci = 0, compptr = comp_info; ci < num_components; ci++, compptr++) { samples_per_clump += compptr->h_samp_factor * compptr->v_samp_factor; buf = TIFFjpeg_alloc_sarray(sp, JPOOL_IMAGE, compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE, (JDIMENSION) (compptr->v_samp_factor*DCTSIZE)); if (buf == NULL) return (0); sp->ds_buffer[ci] = buf; } sp->samplesperclump = samples_per_clump; return (1); } /* * JPEG Decoding. */ static int JPEGSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; assert(sp != NULL); assert(sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); /* Read JPEGTables if it is present */ if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES)) { TIFFjpeg_tables_src(sp, tif); if(TIFFjpeg_read_header(sp,FALSE) != JPEG_HEADER_TABLES_ONLY) { TIFFError("JPEGSetupDecode", "Bogus JPEGTables field"); return (0); } } /* Grab parameters that are same for all strips/tiles */ sp->photometric = td->td_photometric; switch (sp->photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: sp->h_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; sp->v_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; break; default: /* TIFF 6.0 forbids subsampling of all other color spaces */ sp->h_sampling = 1; sp->v_sampling = 1; break; } /* Set up for reading normal data */ TIFFjpeg_data_src(sp, tif); tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; /* override byte swapping */ return (1); } /* * Set up for decoding a strip or tile. */ static int JPEGPreDecode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; static const char module[] = "JPEGPreDecode"; uint32 segment_width, segment_height; int downsampled_output; //int ci; assert(sp != NULL); assert(sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); /* * Reset decoder state from any previous strip/tile, * in case application didn't read the whole strip. */ if (!TIFFjpeg_abort(sp)) return (0); /* * Read the header for this strip/tile. */ if (TIFFjpeg_read_header(sp, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) return (0); /* * Check image parameters and set decompression parameters. */ segment_width = td->td_imagewidth; segment_height = td->td_imagelength - tif->tif_row; if (isTiled(tif)) { if (segment_height > td->td_tilelength) segment_height = td->td_tilelength; sp->bytesperline = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); } else { if (segment_height > td->td_rowsperstrip) segment_height = td->td_rowsperstrip; sp->bytesperline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); } if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && s > 0) { /* * For PC 2, scale down the expected strip/tile size * to match a downsampled component */ segment_width = TIFFhowmany(segment_width, sp->h_sampling); segment_height = TIFFhowmany(segment_height, sp->v_sampling); } if (sp->cinfo.d.image_width != segment_width || sp->cinfo.d.image_height != segment_height) { TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG strip/tile size"); return (0); } if (sp->cinfo.d.num_components != (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ? td->td_samplesperpixel : 1)) { TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG component count"); return (0); } if (sp->cinfo.d.data_precision != td->td_bitspersample) { TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG data precision"); return (0); } /* avoid sampling factors check if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { // Component 0 should have expected sampling factors if (sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor != sp->h_sampling || sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor != sp->v_sampling) { TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG sampling factors"); return (0); } // Rest should have sampling factors 1,1 for (ci = 1; ci < sp->cinfo.d.num_components; ci++) { if (sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[ci].h_samp_factor != 1 || sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[ci].v_samp_factor != 1) { TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG sampling factors"); return (0); } } } else { // PC 2's single component should have sampling factors 1,1 if (sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor != 1 || sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor != 1) { TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG sampling factors"); return (0); } } */ downsampled_output = FALSE; if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) { /* Convert YCbCr to RGB */ sp->cinfo.d.jpeg_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; sp->cinfo.d.out_color_space = JCS_RGB; } else { /* Suppress colorspace handling */ sp->cinfo.d.jpeg_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; sp->cinfo.d.out_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && (sp->h_sampling != 1 || sp->v_sampling != 1)) downsampled_output = TRUE; /* XXX what about up-sampling? */ } if (downsampled_output) { /* Need to use raw-data interface to libjpeg */ sp->cinfo.d.raw_data_out = TRUE; tif->tif_decoderow = JPEGDecodeRaw; tif->tif_decodestrip = JPEGDecodeRaw; tif->tif_decodetile = JPEGDecodeRaw; } else { /* Use normal interface to libjpeg */ sp->cinfo.d.raw_data_out = FALSE; tif->tif_decoderow = JPEGDecode; tif->tif_decodestrip = JPEGDecode; tif->tif_decodetile = JPEGDecode; } /* Start JPEG decompressor */ if (!TIFFjpeg_start_decompress(sp)) return (0); /* Allocate downsampled-data buffers if needed */ if (downsampled_output) { if (!alloc_downsampled_buffers(tif, sp->cinfo.d.comp_info, sp->cinfo.d.num_components)) return (0); sp->scancount = DCTSIZE; /* mark buffer empty */ } return (1); } /* * Decode a chunk of pixels. * "Standard" case: returned data is not downsampled. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int JPEGDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); tsize_t nrows; /* data is expected to be read in multiples of a scanline */ if (nrows = sp->cinfo.d.image_height) do { JSAMPROW bufptr = (JSAMPROW)buf; if (TIFFjpeg_read_scanlines(sp, &bufptr, 1) != 1) return (0); ++tif->tif_row; buf += sp->bytesperline; cc -= sp->bytesperline; } while (--nrows > 0); /* Close down the decompressor if we've finished the strip or tile. */ return sp->cinfo.d.output_scanline < sp->cinfo.d.output_height || TIFFjpeg_finish_decompress(sp); } /* * Decode a chunk of pixels. * Returned data is downsampled per sampling factors. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static int JPEGDecodeRaw(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); tsize_t nrows; /* data is expected to be read in multiples of a scanline */ if (nrows = sp->cinfo.d.image_height) { /* Cb,Cr both have sampling factors 1, so this is correct */ JDIMENSION clumps_per_line = sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[1].downsampled_width; int samples_per_clump = sp->samplesperclump; do { jpeg_component_info *compptr; int ci, clumpoffset; /* Reload downsampled-data buffer if needed */ if (sp->scancount >= DCTSIZE) { int n = sp->cinfo.d.max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE; if (TIFFjpeg_read_raw_data(sp, sp->ds_buffer, n) != n) return (0); sp->scancount = 0; } /* * Fastest way to unseparate data is to make one pass * over the scanline for each row of each component. */ clumpoffset = 0; /* first sample in clump */ for (ci = 0, compptr = sp->cinfo.d.comp_info; ci < sp->cinfo.d.num_components; ci++, compptr++) { int hsamp = compptr->h_samp_factor; int vsamp = compptr->v_samp_factor; int ypos; for (ypos = 0; ypos < vsamp; ypos++) { JSAMPLE *inptr = sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*vsamp + ypos]; JSAMPLE *outptr = (JSAMPLE*)buf + clumpoffset; JDIMENSION nclump; if (hsamp == 1) { /* fast path for at least Cb and Cr */ for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { outptr[0] = *inptr++; outptr += samples_per_clump; } } else { int xpos; /* general case */ for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { for (xpos = 0; xpos < hsamp; xpos++) outptr[xpos] = *inptr++; outptr += samples_per_clump; } } clumpoffset += hsamp; } } ++sp->scancount; ++tif->tif_row; buf += sp->bytesperline; cc -= sp->bytesperline; } while (--nrows > 0); } /* Close down the decompressor if done. */ return sp->cinfo.d.output_scanline < sp->cinfo.d.output_height || TIFFjpeg_finish_decompress(sp); } /* * JPEG Encoding. */ static void unsuppress_quant_table (JPEGState* sp, int tblno) { JQUANT_TBL* qtbl; if ((qtbl = sp->cinfo.c.quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) != NULL) qtbl->sent_table = FALSE; } static void unsuppress_huff_table (JPEGState* sp, int tblno) { JHUFF_TBL* htbl; if ((htbl = sp->cinfo.c.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) != NULL) htbl->sent_table = FALSE; if ((htbl = sp->cinfo.c.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) != NULL) htbl->sent_table = FALSE; } static int prepare_JPEGTables(TIFF* tif) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); /* Initialize quant tables for current quality setting */ if (!TIFFjpeg_set_quality(sp, sp->jpegquality, FALSE)) return (0); /* Mark only the tables we want for output */ /* NB: chrominance tables are currently used only with YCbCr */ if (!TIFFjpeg_suppress_tables(sp, TRUE)) return (0); if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT) { unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 0); if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 1); } if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF) { unsuppress_huff_table(sp, 0); if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) unsuppress_huff_table(sp, 1); } /* Direct libjpeg output into jpegtables */ if (!TIFFjpeg_tables_dest(sp, tif)) return (0); /* Emit tables-only datastream */ if (!TIFFjpeg_write_tables(sp)) return (0); return (1); } static int JPEGSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; static const char module[] = "JPEGSetupEncode"; assert(sp != NULL); assert(!sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); /* * Initialize all JPEG parameters to default values. * Note that jpeg_set_defaults needs legal values for * in_color_space and input_components. */ sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; sp->cinfo.c.input_components = 1; if (!TIFFjpeg_set_defaults(sp)) return (0); /* Set per-file parameters */ sp->photometric = td->td_photometric; switch (sp->photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: sp->h_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; sp->v_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; /* * A ReferenceBlackWhite field *must* be present since the * default value is inappropriate for YCbCr. Fill in the * proper value if application didn't set it. */ #ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE)) { float refbw[6]; long top = 1L << td->td_bitspersample; refbw[0] = 0; refbw[1] = (float)(top-1L); refbw[2] = (float)(top>>1); refbw[3] = refbw[1]; refbw[4] = refbw[2]; refbw[5] = refbw[1]; TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE, refbw); } #endif break; case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: /* disallowed by Tech Note */ case PHOTOMETRIC_MASK: TIFFError(module, "PhotometricInterpretation %d not allowed for JPEG", (int) sp->photometric); return (0); default: /* TIFF 6.0 forbids subsampling of all other color spaces */ sp->h_sampling = 1; sp->v_sampling = 1; break; } /* Verify miscellaneous parameters */ /* * This would need work if libtiff ever supports different * depths for different components, or if libjpeg ever supports * run-time selection of depth. Neither is imminent. */ if (td->td_bitspersample != BITS_IN_JSAMPLE) { TIFFError(module, "BitsPerSample %d not allowed for JPEG", (int) td->td_bitspersample); return (0); } sp->cinfo.c.data_precision = td->td_bitspersample; if (isTiled(tif)) { if ((td->td_tilelength % (sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE)) != 0) { TIFFError(module, "JPEG tile height must be multiple of %d", sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE); return (0); } if ((td->td_tilewidth % (sp->h_sampling * DCTSIZE)) != 0) { TIFFError(module, "JPEG tile width must be multiple of %d", sp->h_sampling * DCTSIZE); return (0); } } else { if (td->td_rowsperstrip < td->td_imagelength && (td->td_rowsperstrip % (sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE)) != 0) { TIFFError(module, "RowsPerStrip must be multiple of %d for JPEG", sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE); return (0); } } /* Create a JPEGTables field if appropriate */ if (sp->jpegtablesmode & (JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT|JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF)) { if (!prepare_JPEGTables(tif)) return (0); /* Mark the field present */ /* Can't use TIFFSetField since BEENWRITING is already set! */ TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_JPEGTABLES); tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; } else { /* We do not support application-supplied JPEGTables, */ /* so mark the field not present */ TIFFClrFieldBit(tif, FIELD_JPEGTABLES); } /* Direct libjpeg output to libtiff's output buffer */ TIFFjpeg_data_dest(sp, tif); return (1); } /* * Set encoding state at the start of a strip or tile. */ static int JPEGPreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; static const char module[] = "JPEGPreEncode"; uint32 segment_width, segment_height; int downsampled_input; assert(sp != NULL); assert(!sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); /* * Set encoding parameters for this strip/tile. */ if (isTiled(tif)) { segment_width = td->td_tilewidth; segment_height = td->td_tilelength; sp->bytesperline = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); } else { segment_width = td->td_imagewidth; segment_height = td->td_imagelength - tif->tif_row; if (segment_height > td->td_rowsperstrip) segment_height = td->td_rowsperstrip; sp->bytesperline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); } if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && s > 0) { /* for PC 2, scale down the strip/tile size * to match a downsampled component */ segment_width = TIFFhowmany(segment_width, sp->h_sampling); segment_height = TIFFhowmany(segment_height, sp->v_sampling); } if (segment_width > 65535 || segment_height > 65535) { TIFFError(module, "Strip/tile too large for JPEG"); return (0); } sp->cinfo.c.image_width = segment_width; sp->cinfo.c.image_height = segment_height; downsampled_input = FALSE; if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { sp->cinfo.c.input_components = td->td_samplesperpixel; if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) { if (sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) { sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; } else { sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; if (sp->h_sampling != 1 || sp->v_sampling != 1) downsampled_input = TRUE; } if (!TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(sp, JCS_YCbCr)) return (0); /* * Set Y sampling factors; * we assume jpeg_set_colorspace() set the rest to 1 */ sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = sp->h_sampling; sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = sp->v_sampling; } else { sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; if (!TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(sp, JCS_UNKNOWN)) return (0); /* jpeg_set_colorspace set all sampling factors to 1 */ } } else { sp->cinfo.c.input_components = 1; sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; if (!TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(sp, JCS_UNKNOWN)) return (0); sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].component_id = s; /* jpeg_set_colorspace() set sampling factors to 1 */ if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && s > 0) { sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no = 1; sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no = 1; sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no = 1; } } /* ensure libjpeg won't write any extraneous markers */ sp->cinfo.c.write_JFIF_header = FALSE; sp->cinfo.c.write_Adobe_marker = FALSE; /* set up table handling correctly */ if (! (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT)) { if (!TIFFjpeg_set_quality(sp, sp->jpegquality, FALSE)) return (0); unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 0); unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 1); } if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF) sp->cinfo.c.optimize_coding = FALSE; else sp->cinfo.c.optimize_coding = TRUE; if (downsampled_input) { /* Need to use raw-data interface to libjpeg */ sp->cinfo.c.raw_data_in = TRUE; tif->tif_encoderow = JPEGEncodeRaw; tif->tif_encodestrip = JPEGEncodeRaw; tif->tif_encodetile = JPEGEncodeRaw; } else { /* Use normal interface to libjpeg */ sp->cinfo.c.raw_data_in = FALSE; tif->tif_encoderow = JPEGEncode; tif->tif_encodestrip = JPEGEncode; tif->tif_encodetile = JPEGEncode; } /* Start JPEG compressor */ if (!TIFFjpeg_start_compress(sp, FALSE)) return (0); /* Allocate downsampled-data buffers if needed */ if (downsampled_input) { if (!alloc_downsampled_buffers(tif, sp->cinfo.c.comp_info, sp->cinfo.c.num_components)) return (0); } sp->scancount = 0; return (1); } /* * Encode a chunk of pixels. * "Standard" case: incoming data is not downsampled. */ static int JPEGEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); tsize_t nrows; JSAMPROW bufptr[1]; (void) s; assert(sp != NULL); /* data is expected to be supplied in multiples of a scanline */ nrows = cc / sp->bytesperline; if (cc % sp->bytesperline) TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, "fractional scanline discarded"); while (nrows-- > 0) { bufptr[0] = (JSAMPROW) buf; if (TIFFjpeg_write_scanlines(sp, bufptr, 1) != 1) return (0); if (nrows > 0) tif->tif_row++; buf += sp->bytesperline; } return (1); } /* * Encode a chunk of pixels. * Incoming data is expected to be downsampled per sampling factors. */ static int JPEGEncodeRaw(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); JSAMPLE* inptr; JSAMPLE* outptr; tsize_t nrows; JDIMENSION clumps_per_line, nclump; int clumpoffset, ci, xpos, ypos; jpeg_component_info* compptr; int samples_per_clump = sp->samplesperclump; (void) s; assert(sp != NULL); /* data is expected to be supplied in multiples of a scanline */ nrows = cc / sp->bytesperline; if (cc % sp->bytesperline) TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, "fractional scanline discarded"); /* Cb,Cr both have sampling factors 1, so this is correct */ clumps_per_line = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[1].downsampled_width; while (nrows-- > 0) { /* * Fastest way to separate the data is to make one pass * over the scanline for each row of each component. */ clumpoffset = 0; /* first sample in clump */ for (ci = 0, compptr = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info; ci < sp->cinfo.c.num_components; ci++, compptr++) { int hsamp = compptr->h_samp_factor; int vsamp = compptr->v_samp_factor; int padding = (int) (compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE - clumps_per_line * hsamp); for (ypos = 0; ypos < vsamp; ypos++) { inptr = ((JSAMPLE*) buf) + clumpoffset; outptr = sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*vsamp + ypos]; if (hsamp == 1) { /* fast path for at least Cb and Cr */ for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { *outptr++ = inptr[0]; inptr += samples_per_clump; } } else { /* general case */ for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { for (xpos = 0; xpos < hsamp; xpos++) *outptr++ = inptr[xpos]; inptr += samples_per_clump; } } /* pad each scanline as needed */ for (xpos = 0; xpos < padding; xpos++) { *outptr = outptr[-1]; outptr++; } clumpoffset += hsamp; } } sp->scancount++; if (sp->scancount >= DCTSIZE) { int n = sp->cinfo.c.max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE; if (TIFFjpeg_write_raw_data(sp, sp->ds_buffer, n) != n) return (0); sp->scancount = 0; } if (nrows > 0) tif->tif_row++; buf += sp->bytesperline; } return (1); } /* * Finish up at the end of a strip or tile. */ static int JPEGPostEncode(TIFF* tif) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); if (sp->scancount > 0) { /* * Need to emit a partial bufferload of downsampled data. * Pad the data vertically. */ int ci, ypos, n; jpeg_component_info* compptr; for (ci = 0, compptr = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info; ci < sp->cinfo.c.num_components; ci++, compptr++) { int vsamp = compptr->v_samp_factor; tsize_t row_width = compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE * sizeof(JSAMPLE); for (ypos = sp->scancount * vsamp; ypos < DCTSIZE * vsamp; ypos++) { _TIFFmemcpy((tdata_t)sp->ds_buffer[ci][ypos], (tdata_t)sp->ds_buffer[ci][ypos-1], row_width); } } n = sp->cinfo.c.max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE; if (TIFFjpeg_write_raw_data(sp, sp->ds_buffer, n) != n) return (0); } return (TIFFjpeg_finish_compress(JState(tif))); } static void JPEGCleanup(TIFF* tif) { if (tif->tif_data) { JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); TIFFjpeg_destroy(sp); /* release libjpeg resources */ if (sp->jpegtables) /* tag value */ _TIFFfree(sp->jpegtables); _TIFFfree(tif->tif_data); /* release local state */ tif->tif_data = NULL; } } static int JPEGVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; uint32 v32; switch (tag) { case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES: v32 = va_arg(ap, uint32); if (v32 == 0) { /* XXX */ return (0); } _TIFFsetByteArray(&sp->jpegtables, va_arg(ap, void*), (long) v32); sp->jpegtables_length = v32; TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_JPEGTABLES); break; case TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY: sp->jpegquality = va_arg(ap, int); return (1); /* pseudo tag */ case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE: sp->jpegcolormode = va_arg(ap, int); /* * Mark whether returned data is up-sampled or not * so TIFFStripSize and TIFFTileSize return values * that reflect the true amount of data. */ tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_UPSAMPLED; if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { if (td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) { tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_UPSAMPLED; } else { if (td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0] != 1 || td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] != 1) ; /* XXX what about up-sampling? */ } } /* * Must recalculate cached tile size * in case sampling state changed. */ tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); return (1); /* pseudo tag */ case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE: sp->jpegtablesmode = va_arg(ap, int); return (1); /* pseudo tag */ default: return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); } tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; return (1); } static int JPEGVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); switch (tag) { case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES: /* u_short is bogus --- should be uint32 ??? */ /* TIFFWriteNormalTag needs fixed XXX */ *va_arg(ap, u_short*) = (u_short) sp->jpegtables_length; *va_arg(ap, void**) = sp->jpegtables; break; case TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY: *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->jpegquality; break; case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE: *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->jpegcolormode; break; case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE: *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->jpegtablesmode; break; default: return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); } return (1); } static void JPEGPrintDir(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd, long flags) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); (void) flags; if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES)) fprintf(fd, " JPEG Tables: (%lu bytes)\n", (u_long) sp->jpegtables_length); } static uint32 JPEGDefaultStripSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 s) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; s = (*sp->defsparent)(tif, s); if (s < td->td_imagelength) s = TIFFroundup(s, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] * DCTSIZE); return (s); } static void JPEGDefaultTileSize(TIFF* tif, uint32* tw, uint32* th) { JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; (*sp->deftparent)(tif, tw, th); *tw = TIFFroundup(*tw, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0] * DCTSIZE); *th = TIFFroundup(*th, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] * DCTSIZE); } int TIFFInitJPEG(TIFF* tif, int scheme) { JPEGState* sp; assert(scheme == COMPRESSION_JPEG); /* * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. */ tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (JPEGState)); if (tif->tif_data == NULL) { TIFFError("TIFFInitJPEG", "No space for JPEG state block"); return (0); } sp = JState(tif); sp->tif = tif; /* back link */ /* * Merge codec-specific tag information and * override parent get/set field methods. */ _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, jpegFieldInfo, N(jpegFieldInfo)); sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; tif->tif_vgetfield = JPEGVGetField; /* hook for codec tags */ sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; tif->tif_vsetfield = JPEGVSetField; /* hook for codec tags */ tif->tif_printdir = JPEGPrintDir; /* hook for codec tags */ /* Default values for codec-specific fields */ sp->jpegtables = NULL; sp->jpegtables_length = 0; sp->jpegquality = 75; /* Default IJG quality */ sp->jpegcolormode = JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW; sp->jpegtablesmode = JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT | JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF; /* * Install codec methods. */ tif->tif_setupdecode = JPEGSetupDecode; tif->tif_predecode = JPEGPreDecode; tif->tif_decoderow = JPEGDecode; tif->tif_decodestrip = JPEGDecode; tif->tif_decodetile = JPEGDecode; tif->tif_setupencode = JPEGSetupEncode; tif->tif_preencode = JPEGPreEncode; tif->tif_postencode = JPEGPostEncode; tif->tif_encoderow = JPEGEncode; tif->tif_encodestrip = JPEGEncode; tif->tif_encodetile = JPEGEncode; tif->tif_cleanup = JPEGCleanup; sp->defsparent = tif->tif_defstripsize; tif->tif_defstripsize = JPEGDefaultStripSize; sp->deftparent = tif->tif_deftilesize; tif->tif_deftilesize = JPEGDefaultTileSize; tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_NOBITREV; /* no bit reversal, please */ /* * Initialize libjpeg. */ if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) { if (!TIFFjpeg_create_decompress(sp)) return (0); } else { if (!TIFFjpeg_create_compress(sp)) return (0); } return (1); } #endif /* JPEG_SUPPORT */