/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * C-Pluff, a plug-in framework for C * Copyright 2007 Johannes Lehtinen * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @file * Internal data structures and declarations */ #ifndef INTERNAL_H_ #define INTERNAL_H_ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Inclusions * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "defines.h" #include #if defined(DLOPEN_POSIX) #include #elif defined(DLOPEN_LIBTOOL) #include #endif #include "../kazlib/list.h" #include "../kazlib/hash.h" #include "cpluff.h" #ifdef CP_THREADS #include "thread.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Constants * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /// Preliminarily OK #define CP_OK_PRELIMINARY (-1) /// Callback function logger function #define CPI_CF_LOGGER 1 /// Callback function plug-in listener function #define CPI_CF_LISTENER 2 /// Callback function start function #define CPI_CF_START 4 /// Callback function stop function #define CPI_CF_STOP 8 /// Bitmask corresponding to any callback function #define CPI_CF_ANY (~0) /// Logging limit for no logging #define CP_LOG_NONE 1000 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Macros * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(_WIN32) #define DLHANDLE void * #if defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) && (WINAPI_FAMILY != WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP) #define DLOPEN(name) LoadPackagedLibrary(name, 0) #else #define DLOPEN(name) LoadLibraryA(name) #endif #define DLSYM(handle, symbol) GetProcAddress(handle, symbol) #define DLCLOSE(handle) CloseHandle(handle) #define DLERROR() "WIN32 - TODO" #elif defined(DLOPEN_POSIX) #define DLHANDLE void * #define DLOPEN(name) dlopen((name), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL) #define DLSYM(handle, symbol) dlsym((handle), (symbol)) #define DLCLOSE(handle) dlclose(handle) #define DLERROR() dlerror() #elif defined(DLOPEN_LIBTOOL) #define DLHANDLE lt_dlhandle #define DLOPEN(name) lt_dlopen(name) #define DLSYM(handle, symbol) lt_dlsym((handle), (symbol)) #define DLCLOSE(handle) lt_dlclose(handle) #define DLERROR() lt_dlerror() #endif /** * Checks that the specified function argument is not NULL. * Otherwise, reports a fatal error. * * @param arg the argument */ #define CHECK_NOT_NULL(arg) do { if ((arg) == NULL) cpi_fatal_null_arg(#arg, __func__); } while (0) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Data types * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct cp_plugin_t cp_plugin_t; typedef struct cp_plugin_env_t cp_plugin_env_t; // Plug-in context struct cp_context_t { /// The associated plug-in instance or NULL for the main program cp_plugin_t *plugin; /// The associated plug-in environment cp_plugin_env_t *env; /// Information about resolved symbols or NULL if not initialized hash_t *resolved_symbols; /// Information about symbol providing plugins or NULL if not initialized hash_t *symbol_providers; }; // Plug-in environment struct cp_plugin_env_t { #if defined(CP_THREADS) /// Mutex for accessing this plug-in environment. /// This mutex is signaled when a run function returns. cpi_mutex_t *mutex; #elif !defined(NDEBUG) int locked; #endif /// Number of startup arguments int argc; /// An array of startup arguments char **argv; /// Installed plug-in listeners list_t *plugin_listeners; /// Registered loggers list_t *loggers; /// Minimum logger selection severity int log_min_severity; /// List of registered plug-in directories list_t *plugin_dirs; /// Map of in-use reference counter information object hash_t *infos; /// Maps plug-in identifiers to plug-in state structures hash_t *plugins; /// List of started plug-ins in the order they were started list_t *started_plugins; /// Maps extension point names to installed extension points hash_t *ext_points; /// Maps extension point names to installed extensions hash_t *extensions; /// FIFO queue of run functions, currently running functions at front list_t *run_funcs; /// First waiting run function, or NULL if none lnode_t *run_wait; /// Is logger currently being invoked int in_logger_invocation; /// Whether currently in event listener invocation int in_event_listener_invocation; // Whether currently in start function invocation int in_start_func_invocation; // Whether currently in stop function invocation int in_stop_func_invocation; // Whether currently in create function invocation int in_create_func_invocation; // Whether currently in destroy function invocation int in_destroy_func_invocation; }; // Plug-in instance struct cp_plugin_t { /// The enclosing context or NULL if none exists cp_context_t *context; /// Plug-in information cp_plugin_info_t *plugin; /// The current state of the plug-in cp_plugin_state_t state; /// The set of imported plug-ins, or NULL if not resolved list_t *imported; /// The set of plug-ins importing this plug-in list_t *importing; /// The runtime library handle, or NULL if not resolved DLHANDLE runtime_lib; /// Plug-in runtime function information, or NULL if not resolved cp_plugin_runtime_t *runtime_funcs; /// Plug-in instance data or NULL if instance does not exist void *plugin_data; /// Context specific symbols defined by the plug-in hash_t *defined_symbols; /// Used by recursive operations: has this plug-in been processed already int processed; }; /** * Deallocates a reference counted resource when the reference count drops * to zero. The plug-in context is locked on call to the function. * * @param ctx the associated plug-in context * @param resource the resource */ typedef void (*cpi_dealloc_func_t)(cp_context_t *ctx, void *resource); typedef struct cpi_plugin_event_t cpi_plugin_event_t; /// Plug-in event information struct cpi_plugin_event_t { /// The affect plug-in const char *plugin_id; /// Old state cp_plugin_state_t old_state; /// New state cp_plugin_state_t new_state; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Function declarations * ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Locking data structures for exclusive access #if defined(CP_THREADS) || !defined(NDEBUG) /** * Acquires exclusive access to the framework. Thread having the framework * lock must not acquire plug-in context lock (it is ok to retain a previously * acquired plug-in context lock). */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_lock_framework(void); /** * Releases exclusive access to the framework. */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_unlock_framework(void); /** * Acquires exclusive access to a plug-in context and the associated * plug-in environment. * * @param context the plug-in context */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_lock_context(cp_context_t *context) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Releases exclusive access to a plug-in context. * * @param context the plug-in context */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_unlock_context(cp_context_t *context) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Waits until the specified plug-in context is signalled. * * @param context the plug-in context */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_wait_context(cp_context_t *context) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Signals the specified plug-in context. * * @param context the plug-in context */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_signal_context(cp_context_t *context) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); #else #define cpi_lock_context(dummy) do {} while (0) #define cpi_unlock_context(dummy) do {} while (0) #define cpi_wait_context(dummy) do {} while (0) #define cpi_signal_context(dummy) do {} while (0) #define cpi_lock_framework() do {} while(0) #define cpi_unlock_framework() do {} while(0) #endif /** * @def cpi_is_context_locked * * Returns whether the context is locked. This is intended to be used in * assertions only and it is not defined if debugging is not enabled. */ #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef CP_THREADS #define cpi_is_context_locked(ctx) cpi_is_mutex_locked((ctx)->env->mutex) #else #define cpi_is_context_locked(ctx) ((ctx)->env->locked) #endif #endif // Logging /** * Logs a message. Calls dgettext for @a msg to localize it before delivering * it to loggers. The caller must have locked the context. This * function logs the message unconditionally. Use convenience macros * @ref cpi_error, @ref cpi_warn, @ref cpi_info and @ref cpi_debug * to log based on the minimum severity level logged. * * @param ctx the related plug-in context * @param severity the severity of the message * @param msg the localized message */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_log(cp_context_t *ctx, cp_log_severity_t severity, const char *msg) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 3); /** * Formats and logs a message. Calls dgettext for @a msg to localize it before * formatting the message. The caller must have locked the context. This * function logs the message unconditionally. Use convenience macros * @ref cpi_errorf, @ref cpi_warnf, @ref cpi_infof and @ref cpi_debugf * to log based on the minimum severity level logged. * * @param ctx the related plug-in context * @param severity the severity of the message * @param msg the localized message format * @param ... the message parameters */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_logf(cp_context_t *ctx, cp_log_severity_t severity, const char *msg, ...) CP_GCC_PRINTF(3, 4) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 3); /** * Returns whether the messages of the specified severity level are * being logged for the specified context. The caller must have locked the context. * * @param ctx the plug-in context * @param severity the severity * @return whether the messages of the specified severity level are logged */ #define cpi_is_logged(context, severity) (assert(cpi_is_context_locked(context)), (severity) >= (context)->env->log_min_severity) // Convenience macros for logging #define cpi_log_cond(ctx, level, msg) do { if (cpi_is_logged((ctx), (level))) cpi_log((ctx), (level), (msg)); } while (0) #define cpi_logf_cond(ctx, level, msg, ...) do { if (cpi_is_logged((ctx), (level))) cpi_logf((ctx), (level), (msg), __VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define cpi_error(ctx, msg) cpi_log_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_ERROR, (msg)) #define cpi_errorf(ctx, msg, ...) cpi_logf_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_ERROR, (msg), __VA_ARGS__) #define cpi_warn(ctx, msg) cpi_log_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_WARNING, (msg)) #define cpi_warnf(ctx, msg, ...) cpi_logf_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_WARNING, (msg), __VA_ARGS__) #define cpi_info(ctx, msg) cpi_log_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_INFO, (msg)) #define cpi_infof(ctx, msg, ...) cpi_logf_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_INFO, (msg), __VA_ARGS__) #define cpi_debug(ctx, msg) cpi_log_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_DEBUG, (msg)) #define cpi_debugf(ctx, msg, ...) cpi_logf_cond((ctx), CP_LOG_DEBUG, (msg), __VA_ARGS__) /** * Unregisters loggers in the specified logger list. Either unregisters all * loggers or only loggers installed by the specified plug-in. * * @param loggers the logger list * @param plugin the plug-in whose loggers to unregister or NULL for all */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_unregister_loggers(list_t *loggers, cp_plugin_t *plugin) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Unregisters plug-in listeners in the specified list. Either unregisters all * listeners or only listeners installed by the specified plug-in. * * @param listeners the listener list * @param plugin the plug-in whose listeners to unregister or NULL for all */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_unregister_plisteners(list_t *listeners, cp_plugin_t *plugin) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Returns the owner name for a context. * * @param ctx the context * @param name the location where the name of the owner is to be stored * @param size maximum size of the owner string, including the terminating zero * @return the pointer passed in as @a name */ CP_HIDDEN char *cpi_context_owner(cp_context_t *ctx, char *name, size_t size) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Reports a fatal error. This method does not return. * * @param msg the formatted error message * @param ... parameters */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_fatalf(const char *msg, ...) CP_GCC_NORETURN CP_GCC_PRINTF(1, 2) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Reports a fatal NULL argument to an API function. * * @param arg the argument name * @param func the API function name */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_fatal_null_arg(const char *arg, const char *func) CP_GCC_NORETURN CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 2); /** * Checks that we are currently not in a specific callback function invocation. * Otherwise, reports a fatal error. The caller must have locked the context * before calling this function. * * @param ctx the associated plug-in context * @param funcmask the bitmask of disallowed callback functions * @param func the current plug-in framework function */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_check_invocation(cp_context_t *ctx, int funcmask, const char *func) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 3); // Context management /** * Allocates a new plug-in context. * * @param plugin the associated plug-in or NULL for the client program * @param env the associated plug-in environment * @param status a pointer to the location where the status code is to be stored * @return the newly allocated context or NULL on failure */ CP_HIDDEN cp_context_t * cpi_new_context(cp_plugin_t *plugin, cp_plugin_env_t *env, cp_status_t *status) CP_GCC_NONNULL(2, 3); /** * Frees the resources associated with a plug-in context. Also frees the * associated plug-in environment if the context is a client program plug-in * context. * * @param context the plug-in context to free */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_free_context(cp_context_t *context) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Destroys all contexts and releases the context list resources. */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_destroy_all_contexts(void); // Delivering plug-in events /** * Delivers a plug-in event to registered event listeners. * * @param context the plug-in context * @param event the plug-in event */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_deliver_event(cp_context_t *context, const cpi_plugin_event_t *event) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 2); // Plug-in management /** * Frees any resources allocated for a plug-in description. * * @param plugin the plug-in to be freed */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_free_plugin(cp_plugin_info_t *plugin) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); /** * Starts the specified plug-in and its dependencies. * * @param context the plug-in context * @param plugin the plug-in * @return @ref CP_OK (zero) on success or an error code on failure */ CP_HIDDEN cp_status_t cpi_start_plugin(cp_context_t *context, cp_plugin_t *plugin) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 2); // Dynamic resource management /** * Registers a new reference counted information object. * Initializes the reference count to 1. The object is released and * deallocated using the specified deallocation function @a df when its * reference count becomes zero. Reference count is incresed by * ::cpi_use_info and decreased by ::cp_release_info. The caller must have * locked the plug-in context. * * @param ctx the associated plug-in context * @param res the resource * @param df the deallocation function * @return @ref CP_OK (zero) on success or an error code on failure */ CP_HIDDEN cp_status_t cpi_register_info(cp_context_t *ctx, void *res, cpi_dealloc_func_t df) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 2, 3); /** * Increases the reference count for the specified information object. * The caller must have locked the plug-in context. * * @param ctx the plug-in context * @param res the resource */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_use_info(cp_context_t *ctx, void *res) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 2); /** * Decreases the reference count for the specified information object. * The caller must have locked the plug-in context. * * @param ctx the plug-in context * @param res the resource */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_release_info(cp_context_t *ctx, void *res) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1, 2); /** * Checks for remaining information objects in the specified plug-in context. * Does not destroy the infos hash. * * @param ctx the plug-in context */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_release_infos(cp_context_t *ctx) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); // Serialized execution /** * Waits for all the run functions registered by the specified plug-in to * return and then unregisters them. The caller must have locked the * associated context. * * @param plugin the plug-in to be stopped */ CP_HIDDEN void cpi_stop_plugin_run(cp_plugin_t *plugin) CP_GCC_NONNULL(1); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif //__cplusplus #endif /*INTERNAL_H_*/