dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl Copyright 2007 Johannes Lehtinen dnl This configure.ac script is free software; Johannes Lehtinen gives dnl unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. dnl Version information dnl ------------------- dnl Version information define(CP_M4_VERSION_MAJOR, [0]) define(CP_M4_VERSION_MINOR, [1]) define(CP_M4_VERSION_REV, [4]) define(CP_M4_RELEASE_VERSION, CP_M4_VERSION_MAJOR.CP_M4_VERSION_MINOR.CP_M4_VERSION_REV) dnl Backwards compatibility information define(CP_M4_ABI_COMPATIBILITY, [0.1]) dnl Library version information define(CP_M4_C_LIB_VERSION, [1:0:1]) define(CP_M4_CXX_LIB_VERSION, [0:0:0]) # Autoconf initialization # ----------------------- AC_INIT([C-Pluff], CP_M4_RELEASE_VERSION, [johannes.lehtinen@iki.fi], [cpluff]) AC_COPYRIGHT([Copyright 2007 Johannes Lehtinen This configure script is free software; Johannes Lehtinen gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([libcpluff/cpluff.h]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([auxliary]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) # Version information # ------------------- CP_VERSION_MAJOR=CP_M4_VERSION_MAJOR CP_VERSION_MINOR=CP_M4_VERSION_MINOR AC_DEFINE([CP_ABI_COMPATIBILITY], "CP_M4_ABI_COMPATIBILITY", [The earliest ABI compatible version or undefined]) CP_C_LIB_VERSION=CP_M4_C_LIB_VERSION CP_CXX_LIB_VERSION=CP_M4_CXX_LIB_VERSION AC_SUBST([CP_VERSION_MAJOR]) AC_SUBST([CP_VERSION_MINOR]) AC_SUBST([CP_C_LIB_VERSION]) AC_SUBST([CP_CXX_LIB_VERSION]) # Automake initialization # ----------------------- AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign subdir-objects]) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([0.16.1]) # C/C++ compiler settings # ------------------- AC_LANG([C]) AC_PROG_CC if test -z "$CC"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([C compiler was not found (required)]) fi AC_PROG_CC_C_O AC_C_CONST case "$ac_cv_c_const" in no) DEFINE_EMPTY_CONST=1 ;; *) DEFINE_EMPTY_CONST=0 ;; esac AC_SUBST([DEFINE_EMPTY_CONST]) AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL AC_PROG_LIBTOOL # Other programs # -------------- AC_PROG_LN_S # For config.h CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I\$(top_builddir)" # For cpluff.h and cpluffdef.h CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I\$(top_builddir)/libcpluff -I\$(top_srcdir)/libcpluff" # Substitute variables for libcpluff and non-libcpluff components AC_SUBST([LIBS_LIBCPLUFF]) AC_SUBST([LIBS_TESTSUITE]) AC_SUBST([LIBS_OTHER]) # Define shared library extension # ------------------------------- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([CP_SHREXT], ["$shrext_cmds"], [Shared library extension]) # Thread support checks # --------------------- # Check the options AC_ARG_ENABLE([threads], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-threads@<:@=TYPE@:>@], [enable multi-threading support (supported TYPEs are "Posix" and "Windows", default is to check support in this order)])) case "$enable_threads" in yes) # Use the default auto detection enable_threads='' ;; ''|no|Posix|Windows) # Ok, legal value, no action needed ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([$enable_threads threads not supported]) ;; esac # Only check for different thread types if threading not disabled cp_threads='' if test "$enable_threads" != no; then # Check for Posix thread support if test -z "$cp_threads" && \ ( test -z "$enable_threads" || test "$enable_threads" = Posix ); then AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Posix threads], [cp_cv_sys_pthread], [AC_LINK_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_SOURCE([#include int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); return 0; } ])], [cp_cv_sys_pthread=yes], [cp_cv_sys_pthread=no])]) if test "$cp_cv_sys_pthread" = yes; then cp_threads=Posix fi fi # Check for Windows thread suppport if test -z "$cp_threads" && \ ( test -z "$enable_threads" || test "$enable_threads" = Windows ); then AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Windows threads], [cp_cv_sys_wthread], [AC_LINK_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_SOURCE([#include int main(int argc, char **argv) { CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); return 0; } ])], [cp_cv_sys_wthread=yes], [cp_cv_sys_wthread=no])]) if test "$cp_cv_sys_wthread" = yes; then cp_threads=Windows fi fi # Check if we got the desired thread support if test -n "$enable_threads" && test "$enable_threads" != "$cp_threads"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([$enable_threads threads not detected]) fi fi if test -z "$cp_threads" && test "$enable_threads" != no; then AC_MSG_WARN([multi-threading support not detected]) fi if test -n "$cp_threads"; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([CP_THREADS], ["$cp_threads"], [Multi-threading support type]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([POSIX_THREADS], test "$cp_threads" = Posix) AM_CONDITIONAL([WINDOWS_THREADS], test "$cp_threads" = Windows) # Check for the dlopen mechanism (Posix dlopen or GNU Libtool libltdl) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- AC_ARG_WITH([dlopen], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dlopen], [use the Posix dlopen facility])) AC_ARG_WITH([libltdl], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libltdl], [use the GNU Libtool libltdl])) if test "$with_dlopen" = yes && test "$with_libltdl" = yes; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Can not use both Posix dlopen and GNU Libtool libltdl]) fi dlmechanism=none if test "$with_dlopen" != no && test "$with_libltdl" != yes; then AC_CHECK_HEADER([dlfcn.h], AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [dlopen], [LIBS_DL="-ldl $LIBS_DL"; dlmechanism=dlopen], AC_CHECK_LIB([c], [dlopen], [dlmechanism=dlopen]))) fi if test "$dlmechanism" = none && test "$with_libltdl" != no && test "$with_dlopen" != yes; then AC_CHECK_HEADER([ltdl.h], AC_CHECK_LIB([ltdl], [lt_dlopen], [LIBS_DL="-lltdl $LIBS_DL"; dlmechanism=libltdl])) fi case "$dlmechanism" in dlopen) AC_DEFINE([DLOPEN_POSIX], [], [Define to use Posix dlopen]) ;; libltdl) AC_DEFINE([DLOPEN_LIBTOOL], [], [Define to use GNU Libtool libltdl]) ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Either the Posix dlopen facility or GNU Libtool libltdl is required]) ;; esac LIBS_LIBCPLUFF="$LIBS_DL $LIBS_LIBCPLUFF" LIBS_TESTSUITE="$LIBS_DL $LIBS_TESTSUITE" # Check for Expat XML parsing library # ----------------------------------- AC_CHECK_HEADER([expat.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR([Expat header file is required])) AC_CHECK_LIB([expat], [XML_ParseBuffer], [LIBS_LIBCPLUFF="-lexpat $LIBS_LIBCPLUFF"], AC_MSG_ERROR([Expat library is required])) # Check for the GNU Readline Library # ---------------------------------- AC_ARG_WITH([readline], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-readline], [use the GNU Readline Library])) have_readline=no LIB_READLINE= if test "$with_readline" != no; then AC_CHECK_HEADER([readline/readline.h], AC_CHECK_LIB([readline], [add_history], [LIB_READLINE="-lreadline"; have_readline=yes])) if test "$with_readline" = yes && test "$have_readline" != yes; then AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU readline requested but headers or library not found]) fi fi AC_SUBST([LIB_READLINE]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_READLINE], test "$have_readline" = yes) # Link non-library parts with the C-Pluff library # ----------------------------------------------- LIBS_OTHER="\$(top_builddir)/libcpluff/libcpluff.la $LIBS_OTHER" # Check for stat/lstat functions # ------------------------------ AC_CHECK_FUNCS([stat lstat]) # Check for isatty and fileno functions # ------------------------------------- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for isatty and fileno]) AC_LINK_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_SOURCE([#include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return isatty(fileno(stdin)); } ])], [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_ISATTY_FILENO],[],[Define to use isatty and fileno])], AC_MSG_RESULT([no])) # Debugging support # ----------------- AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-assertions], [enable assertion checks for debugging])) if ! test "$enable_assertions" = yes; then CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DNDEBUG" fi AC_ARG_ENABLE([gcc-warnings], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gcc-warnings], [enable default set of GCC compiler warnings])) if test "$enable_gcc_warnings" = yes; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -pedantic -std=gnu99" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wall -pedantic -std=c++0x" fi # File name separator character # ----------------------------- AC_MSG_CHECKING([which file name separator to use]) case "$host" in *-*-mingw32* | *-*-windows*) cp_fnamesep='\\' ;; *) cp_fnamesep='/' ;; esac AC_MSG_RESULT(['$cp_fnamesep']) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([CP_FNAMESEP_CHAR], ['$cp_fnamesep'], [File name separator character]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([CP_FNAMESEP_STR], ["$cp_fnamesep"], [File name separator string]) # Substitute C-Pluff loader for examples # -------------------------------------- CPLUFF_LOADER="$bindir/cpluff-loader" AC_SUBST(CPLUFF_LOADER) # Output Makefiles # ---------------- AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile libcpluff/Makefile libcpluff/cpluffdef.h libcpluff/docsrc/Makefile libcpluff/docsrc/Doxyfile-ref libcpluff/docsrc/Doxyfile-impl loader/Makefile console/Makefile po/Makefile.in doc/Makefile doc/img/Makefile docsrc/Makefile test/Makefile test/plugins-source/Makefile test/plugins-source/callbackcounter/Makefile test/plugins-source/symuser/Makefile test/plugins-source/symprovider/Makefile examples/Makefile examples/cpfile/Makefile examples/cpfile/cpfile examples/cpfile/plugins/Makefile examples/cpfile/plugins/core/Makefile examples/cpfile/plugins/special/Makefile examples/cpfile/plugins/extension/Makefile examples/cpfile/plugins/cext/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT # Print configuration information # ------------------------------- AC_MSG_NOTICE([-----------------------------------------------------------]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([C-Pluff configuration]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ release version: $PACKAGE_VERSION]) if test -n "$cp_threads"; then val="yes ($cp_threads)" else val=no fi AC_MSG_NOTICE([ multi-threading support: $val]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ dlopening mechanism: $dlmechanism]) val=no test "$USE_NLS" = no || val="yes (gettext)" AC_MSG_NOTICE([ localization support: $val]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ use GNU readline library: $have_readline]) if test "$enable_assertions" = yes; then val=yes else val=no; fi AC_MSG_NOTICE([ assertion checks for debugging: $val]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ file name separator character: '$cp_fnamesep']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ compiler and linker settings:]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ CC='$CC']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ CPPFLAGS='$CPPFLAGS']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ CFLAGS='$CFLAGS']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LDFLAGS='$LDFLAGS']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LIBS='$LIBS']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LIBS_LIBCPLUFF='$LIBS_LIBCPLUFF']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LIBS_TESTSUITE='$LIBS_TESTSUITE']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LIBS_OTHER='$LIBS_OTHER']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LIB_READLINE='$LIB_READLINE']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ LTLIBINTL='$LTLIBINTL']) AC_MSG_NOTICE([-----------------------------------------------------------])