ASAP - Another Slight Atari Player ================================== // This file is in AsciiDoc format. It is converted to README.html. :Compact-Option: ifdef::asapwww[][Download] |[Browse source code (CVS)] |[Get latest source code (CVS)] |[SourceForge project page] endif::asapwww[] ASAP is a player of[8-bit Atari] music for modern computers. It emulates the[POKEY sound chip] and the[6502 processor]. The project was initially based on the routines from the[Atari800 emulator], but the current version has a completely new original emulation core. ASAP includes the following programs: - ASAP2WAV - portable command-line converter to WAV files {asapwin=} - WASAP - tiny player for Windows {asapwin=} - plugin for[Apollo] {asapwin=} - plugin for[foobar2000 0.9] {asapwin=} - plugin for[GSPlayer] {asapwin=}{asapwince=} - plugin for[MOC] - plugin for[Winamp] {asapwin=} - plugin for[Windows Media Player] {asapwin=} - plugin for[XBMC] {asapwin=} - plugin for[XMMS] - POKEY sound emulation DLL for[Raster Music Tracker] {asapwin=} - Java version of ASAP2WAV {asapjava=} - Java applet - for web pages {asapjava=}{asapwww?(see link:applet.html[online demo])} - Java midlet - for mobile devices {asapjava=} - C# version of ASAP2WAV - experimental JScript version of ASAP2WAV running in Windows Script Host {asapjavascript=} - experimental JavaScript version of ASAP2WAV running in Firefox {asapjavascript=} - Flash player - for web pages {asapflash=}{asapwww?(see link:flash.html[online demo])} {asapports}The summary of the differences between the above versions is in link:PORTS.xml[this table]. There are other projects which use ASAP: -[mmSAP 2] - standalone player for GNU/Linux with GTK+ user interface -[Rockbox] - open source firmware for MP3 players Input file formats ------------------ ASAP supports the following file formats (determined by the filename extension): SAP (Slight Atari Player):: The format designed for playing 8-bit Atari music on modern computers. All other formats can be converted to SAP.[Atari SAP Music Archive (ASMA)] is a single big collection of SAP files. CMC (Chaos Music Composer):: Atari music editor from early 1990s. CM3 (CMC "3/4"):: CMC with modified pattern length. CMR (CMC "Rzog"):: CMC with modified bass sounds. CMS (Stereo Double CMC):: Stereo CMC. DMC (DoublePlay CMC):: CMC with 6502 routine executed at double rate of the original CMC. DLT (Delta Music Composer):: Atari music editor from 1990s. MPT (Music ProTracker):: Atari music editor from 1990s. MPD (MPT DoublePlay):: MPT with 6502 routine executed at double rate of the original MPT. RMT ([Raster Music Tracker]):: Modern Atari music editor running on Windows. TMC, TM8 ([Theta Music Composer] 1.x):: Atari music editor from late 1990s. The two file extensions are treated identically and played in stereo. TM8 means it's stereo (8-channel) music while TMC can be either mono or stereo. TM2 ([Theta Music Composer] 2.x):: Modern Atari music editor. ifdef::asapsrc[] include::INSTALL[] endif::asapsrc[] ifdef::asapflash[] include::flash/USAGE[] endif::asapflash[] ifdef::asapjava[] include::java/USAGE[] endif::asapjava[] ifdef::asapjavascript[] include::javascript/USAGE[] endif::asapjavascript[] ifdef::asapwin[] include::win32/USAGE[] endif::asapwin[] ifdef::asapwince[] include::gsplayer/USAGE[] endif::asapwince[] include::NEWS[] include::CREDITS[] Feedback -------- If you are interested in the ASAP project, please subscribe its[mailing list]. This list is for users and developers. Once you subscribe, you can post comments, ideas and questions about ASAP. They will be answered ASAP. ;-) Use[tracker] to submit bug reports, feature requests and small code patches. ifdef::asapwww[] image::["Get ASAP - Another Slight Atari Player at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads",width=120,height=30,link=""] endif::asapwww[]